The document discusses the syllogistic method for answering bar exam questions. It is a three paragraph structure where the first paragraph states the conclusion, the second paragraph cites the applicable law, and the third paragraph applies the law to the facts of the question. Proper formatting is also emphasized, including having 1 inch margins, indenting the second and third paragraphs, using brief and concise language, and ensuring legible handwriting. Presentation is important as it accounts for half the credit, while substance in the answers cannot be neglected.
The document discusses the syllogistic method for answering bar exam questions. It is a three paragraph structure where the first paragraph states the conclusion, the second paragraph cites the applicable law, and the third paragraph applies the law to the facts of the question. Proper formatting is also emphasized, including having 1 inch margins, indenting the second and third paragraphs, using brief and concise language, and ensuring legible handwriting. Presentation is important as it accounts for half the credit, while substance in the answers cannot be neglected.
THE SYLLOGISTIC METHOD ANSWERS 1” 1” While it is true that presentation The syllogistic method, otherwise accounts for half of the credit. called as the “Pyramid” method or The other half, no doubt which the “Three paragraph method.” is substance, cannot be This method has been consciously neglected. Answers must, and unconsciously used by Bar “corto, claro and conciso” Topnotchers all throughout bar (brief, clear and concise) There history. must be no beating around the bush. Your logic must be flawless. What is the syllogistic method ? PICTURE FRAME METHOD
First Paragraph – CONCULUSION Answer must be presented like
Usually a “Yes” or “No” a picture frame. There has to be a one inch margin on the top, Second Paragraph – LAW - bottom, left side and right side. usually starts with “Under the This will make your answers (Applicable law)” more attractive and pleasing to the eye of the examiner Third Paragraph – APPLICATION Usually starts with “In this case” and then ended by a conclusion or CLEAR LEGIBLE for brevity use “Here, . “ and HANDWRITING usually ended by a conclusion “Hence” Hand writing must be readable. Do not come to a conclusion CLEAN, NICE & NEAT that your handwriting is readable just because you can Erasures must be minimized 1” read it yourself. Ask other and if there is a need to erase people’s opinion about your use only one straight line. hand writing.