HW1 1

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ME 651: Fluid Dynamics

Online Autumn 2020
11:59 pm, Sept 6, 2020
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling

Exercise 1.8. Consider the viscous flow in a channel of width 2b. The channel is aligned in the
x-direction, and the velocity u in the x-direction at a distance y from the channel centerline is
[ ]
given by the parabolic distribution u(y) = U 0 1− ( y b) . Calculate the shear stress τ as a
Fluid Mechanics,
function y, µ, b,6 and
Ed. U . What is the shear stress at y = 0? Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling

Exercise 1.9. Hydroplaning occurs on

duwet roadways* $when
y ' - sudden braking

= µ U o ,1− & ) / = –2µU o 2 . At ycauses a moving

€ d y
Solution 1.8. Start from (1.3): τ = µ = 0 (the location of
vehicle’s tires to stop turning when thedy tiresdy
are separated
+ % b ( .from the road
b surface by a thin film of
maximum When hydroplaning
velocity) occurs
τ = 0. At At y the
= ±bvehicle may slide
(the locations of azero
significant distance
velocity), τ = 2before
µ U o bthe
. film
breaks down and the tires again contact the road. For simplicity, consider a hypothetical version
of this scenario where the water film is somehow maintained until the vehicle comes to rest.
a) Develop a formula€for the friction force delivered to a vehicle of mass M and tire-contact area
A that is moving at speed u on a water film with constant thickness € h and viscosity µ.
b) Using Newton’s second law, derive a formula for the hypothetical sliding distance D traveled
by a vehicle that started hydroplaning at speed Uo
c) Evaluate this hypothetical distance for M = 1200 kg, A = 0.1 m2, Uo = 20 m/s, h = 0.1 mm, and
µ = 0.001 kgm–1s–1. Compare this to the dry-pavement stopping distance assuming a tire-road
coefficient of kinetic friction of 0.8.
Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
Solution 1.9. a) Assume that viscous friction from
the water layer transmitted to the tires is the
only force on the sliding vehicle. Here viscous shear stress at any time will be µu(t)/h, where u(t)
is 1.10.speed.
the vehicle's Estimate Thus,thetheheightfriction to which water
force will be atAµ20°Cu(t)/h.will rise in a capillary glass tube 3
mm in diameter that is exposed to the atmosphere. For water in contact with glass du the contact u
b) The friction force will oppose the motion so Newton’s
angle is nearly 0°. At 20°C, the surface tension of a water-air interface is σ = 0.073 second law implies: M = −Aµ .
dt h
Fluid equation
Ed. integrated to find an exponential solution: u(t) = UKundu, o exp (Cohen,
−Aµt and Mh )Dowling

Solution 1.10. Start from the result of Example 1.4.

where the initial condition, u(0) = Uo, has been used to evaluate the constant of integration. The
2σ cos α 2(0.073N / m)cos(0°)
distance traveled ath time = t can be = found 3
from integrating the velocity: = 9.92mm
Exercise 1.14. At cylinder ρ gR contains t (10 kg 2 /kgm 3 of
air at/ s50°C
)(1.5and×10 −3
a m)pressure of 3 bars. The air is
compressed = ∫ its
!)dt! = Uorises ∫ o expto(8−Abars. µt! Mh
What ) dtis! =the
(Uoinitial µ )$%1− expFind
Mh Avolume? (−Athe
µt Mh )&' volume
final . for
The isothermal
sliding compression
distance occurs andfor isentropic
large times compression.
where the exponential term will be negligible so:
D = Uo Mh Aµ
Fluid 1.14.
Mechanics, 6Use
Ed. the perfect 2gas law but explicitly separate the mass MKundu,
c) For M = 1200 kg, A = 0.1 m , Uo = 20 m/s, h = 0.1 mm, and µ = 0.001 kgm of the air andstopping
s Cohen,
–1 –1
, the andtheDowling

volume V it occupies via the substitution ρ = M/V:

distance is: D = (20)(1200)(10–4)/(0.1)(0.001) = 24 km! This is an impressively long distance and
highlights the dangers of driving quickly p =onρRTwater= (M/V)RT.
covered roads.
Solve for 1.17.
V at Assume
the initial that
time: the temperature of the atmosphere varies with height z as T = T0 +
For comparison, the friction force on dry pavement will be –0.8Mg, which leadsg to KR3
2 2
vehicle V = initial
i volume
of: u(t) = Show= MRT/p = (2 kg)(287 m /s K)(273 + 50°)/(300
U − 0.8gt , and a distance traveled of x(t) = U t − 0.4gt 0. The vehicle
i kPa)! = 20.618
T $ m .
Forwhere K is a constant.
an isothermal process: o that the pressure varies with height as po= p0 # T + Kz & where
stops when u = 0, and this occurs at t = Uo/(0.8g), so 2 the2 stopping distance is " 0 % 3
Vf = final volume = MRT/pf = (2 kg)(287 m /s K)(273 + 50°)/(800 kPa) = 0.232 m .
is the acceleration of gravity and R is
! the
Uo gas
$ constant
! Uo for
2 gas.
Fluidan isentropic
Mechanics, 6th Ed.process:
D =1 U # & − 0.4g # & = o
, Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling
γ o
p f ) = "0.618m
( pi hydrostatic 0.8g % 3 (300kPa " 0.8g % 1.6g 1 1.4
) ==0.307m 3
Solution 1.17. StartVwith f = Vi the and perfect gas800kPa laws, dp/dz –ρg, and. p = ρRT,
eliminate is equal
the to 25.5 and
density, m for the conditions
substitute given.temperature
(This is nearly three
to orders of magnitude less
than 1.25.
the estimated Starting from
stopping 295 Kin
distance for
the atmospheric
and given
hydroplaning.) pressure,profile
what find:
is the final pressure of an
isentropic compression dp of air that praises the temperature p dp g dz
= −ρg = − g=− g or1, 10, =and − 100 K. .
dz RT R(T0 + Kz) p R (T0 + Kz)
The final 1.25.
form mayStart be from the firsttoequation
integrated find: of (1.32), and solve for the pressure:
γ −1 g γ 7
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Fluid Mechanics, 6th Ed. Kundu, Cohen, and Dowling

Exercise 1.26. Compute the speed of sound in air at –40°C (very cold winter temperature), at
+45°C (very hot summer temperature), at 400°C (automobile exhaust temperature), and 2000°C
(nominal hydrocarbon adiabatic flame temperature)

Solution 1.26. The speed of sound c of a perfect gas is given by (1.33):

c = γ RT , or c = γ R[273+ (T in °C)] .
Presuming that the R = 287 m2s–2K–1 applies at the four temperatures given, the four sound
speeds are: 306 ms–1, 357 ms–1, 520 ms–1, and 956 ms–1, respectively.

Serial number Question number in textbook

1 1.8

2 1.9a; 1.9b

3 1.9c

4 1.10

5 1.14

6 1.17

7 1.25

8 1.26

9 1.27a

10 1.27b

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