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Experiment 2

To determine the Metacentric height of a floating body

(i.e. a model of ship) and to locate the position f center
of Buoyancy, Matacenter and Center of Gravity.

Metacentric Height Apparatus, Water Tank

It is the tendency of fluid to lift a submerged body.
It is the resultant upward force or thrust exerted by a fluid on submerged body.
According to Archimedes Principle, FB = weight of volume of liquid displace by the
It is the point where is weight of the body is acting.
It is the point to which force of Buoyancy is acting. Center of Buoyancy is center if
gravity of volume of liquid displace by the body. Or in 2D case, we can say that
center if Area if immersed section.
It is the point of intersection of symmetrical axis of floating body and the new line of
action of force of Buoyancy.
It is the distance between center of gravity (c) and Metacenter. It is the measure if
static stability of floating body. Large the metacentric height more is the stability.
Very large Metacentric height means shorter period of rolling that would be
uncomfortable for the passengers in the ship. That is why ship meant for
passengers are designed for relatively small metacentric height, (but sufficiently
metacentric height). So, that both stability and comfort can be provided.


BoM = distance between original point of buoyancy and Metacenter. BoM= IV.
V= volume of liquid displaced by body, I = second moment of waterline area about
longitudinal axis.
Conditions of Stability if Floating Body
FB = W
Metacenter must be above the center of Gravity.
(Resistance couple is form by FB and W only when Second condition is true.)
1. Place the model of ship in the water tank.
2. Shift the jockey weight to zero position and note the corresponding angle of
3. If it is on zero then its correct if not then notes the error and its direction.
4. Now shift the jockey weight to either left or right side by 0.5 inches. Note the
angle against that reading.
5. Similarly shift the jockey weight to 1 inch, 1.5 inches, 2’ inches, 2.5 and 3
inches and note the corresponding value of angle.
6. Similarly, move the jockey weight weight to the other side and take at least 6
readings accordingly.
7. Take mean of left and right angle and make a table of it.


Jockey weight = Wo = 0.75 lbs
Length of ship = L = 20 inches
Breath of ship = b = 10 inches
Radius of semi-circle = r = 5 inches
Volume of liquid displaced by body = V = πr22L = 785.375 in3
Weight of volume of liquid displaced by the body = FB = γwater.V= 62.4123 X
785.375=28.360 lbs (γ=WV)
Second moment of waterline area about longitudinal axis = I = Lb312=1666.67 in4
CM= Wox/W. tanθ

Table 1
No of obs Angle of rotation
of Jokey
inches R L Mean inches
1 0.5 3 3 3
2 1.0 6 6 6
3 1.5 8 8 8
4 2.0 11 11 11
5 2.5 13 12 12.5
6 3.0 15 15 15

W= FB, BoM = IV= 1666.67785.375=2.122 inches

Position of center of Buoyancy = 4r3π=2.122 inches

Position of Metacenter = BoM – Position of center of Buoyancy = 2.122 – 2.122 = 0

Position of center of gravity = CM – position of Metacenter = CM – 0 = CM

1. In figure CM is above fluid but in actual it is on fluid i.e. CM = 0
2. As CM is directly proportional to stability, so in case of ships meant to carry
baggage, the CM may be kept as high as needed.
3. The application of force of Buoyancy is applied on submarines. Water is filled
in containers and weight becomes greater thank force of buoyancy and sub-
marine sinks. Now, whenever there is a need to get upwards the containers
get empty and force of buoyancy become greater than weight.

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