Lecture-4-Fluid Statics

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Fluid Mechanics-1

Lecture -4

Fluid Statics

Dr. Mansoor Ahmad

Buoyancy & Stability
Examples of types of Buoyancy Problems:
 Whenever a body is placed over a liquid, either it sinks down
or floats on the liquid.

 Two forces involve are:

1. Gravitational Force
2. Up-thrust of the liquid

 If Gravitation force is more than Upthrust, body will sink.

 If Upthrust is more than Gravitation force, body will float.
Archimedes Principle:
 “Whenever a body is immersed wholly or partially
in a fluid, it is buoyed up (i.e lifted up) by a force
equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the
 A body in a fluid, whether floating or submerged, is buoyed
up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced.
 “The tendency of a fluid to uplift a submerged body, because
of the up-thrust of the fluid, is known as force of buoyancy or
simply buoyancy.”
 The buoyant force acts vertically upward through the centroid
of the displaced volume and can be defined mathematically by
Archimedes’ principle as follows:
Fb = Buoyant force
Fb =  f Vd  f = Specific weight of fluid
Vd = Displaced volume of fluid
Center of Buoyancy:
 It is defined as:
“The point, through which the force of buoyancy is supposed
to act.”
 As the force of buoyancy is a vertical force and is equal to the
weight of the fluid displaced by the body, the centre of
buoyancy will be the centre of gravity of the fluid displaced.
 In other words, the centre of buoyancy is the centre of area of
the immersed section.

Find the volume of the water displaced and position of

centre of buoyancy for a wooden block of width 2.5 m and
of depth 1.5 m, when it floats horizontally in water. The
density of wooden block is 650 kg/m3 and its length 6.0 m.

A wooden block of 4m x 1m x 0.5m in size and of specific gravity 0.75
is floating in water. Find the weight of concrete of specific weight 24
kN/m3 that may be placed on the block, which will immerse the
wooden block completely.
Let W be the weight of Concrete required to be placed on wooden block.
Volume of wooden block = 4 x 1 x 0.5 = 2m3
and its Weight = 9.81 x 0.75 x 2 = 14.72 kN

 Total weight of the block and concrete = 14.72 + W kN

We know that when the block is completely immersed in water,
volume of water displaced = 2m3
 Upward thrust when the block is completely immersed in water
= 9.81 x 2 = 19.62 kN
Now equating the total weight of block and concrete with upward thrust
14.72 + W = 19.62
W = 4.9 kN
 “Whenever a body, floating in a liquid, is given a small
angular displacement, it starts oscillating about some point.
This point, about which the body starts oscillating, is called
Metacentric Height:
 “The distance between centre of gravity of a floating body and
the metacentre (i.e distance between cg and m in Fig.) is
called metacentric height.”
 Metacentric height of a floating body is a direct measure of its
 More the metacentric height of a floating body, more it will
stable and vice versa.
 Some values of metacentric height:
 Merchant Ships = upto 1.0m
 Sailing Ships = upto 1.5m
 Battle Ships = upto 2.0m
 River Craft = upto 3.5m
Analytical Method for Metacentric Height:

 Considering a ship floating freely in water. Let the ship be

given a clockwise rotation through a small angle q (in
radians) as shown in Fig. The immersed section has now
changed from acde to acd1e1.

Analytical Method for Metacentric Height:

 The original centre of buoyancy B has now changed to a new

position B1. It may be noted that the triangular wedge ocn has
gone under water. Since the volume of water displaced
remains the same, therefore the two triangular wedges must
have equal areas.
 A little consideration will show, that as the triangular wedge
oam has come out of water, thus decreasing the force of
buoyancy on the left, therefore it tends to rotate the vessel in
an anti-clockwise direction.
 Similarly, as the triangular wedge ocn has gone under water,
thus increasing the force of buoyancy on the right, therefore it
again tends to rotate the vessel in an anticlockwise direction.
Analytical Method for Metacentric Height:

 It is thus obvious, that these forces of buoyancy will form a

couple, which will tend to rotate vessel in anticlockwise
direction about O. If the angle (q), through which the body is
given rotation, is extremely small, then the ship may be
assumed to rotate about M (i.e., metacentre).
 Let l =length of ship
b=breadth of ship
q=Very small angle (in radian) through which the ship is
V=Volume of water displaced by the ship
Analytical Method for Metacentric Height:

From the geometry of the figure, we find that

--Volume of wedge of water aom
= ½ (b/2 x am)xl
= ½ (b/2 x bq/2)l (am = bq/2)
= b2ql/8
--Weight of this wedge of water
= b2ql/8 (=sp. Wt. of water)
--And arm L.R. of the couple = 2/3 b
--Moment of the restoring couple
= (b2ql/8) x (2/3 b) = b3ql/12 …(i)
Analytical Method for Metacentric Height:

--And moment of the disturbing force

=  . V x BB1 …(ii)
--Equating these two moments (i & ii),
b3ql/12 =  x V x BB1

--Substituting values of:

lb3/12 = I (i.e. moment of inertia of the plan of the ship) and
BB1 = BM x q in the above equation,
 . I . q =  x V (BM x q)
BM = I/V
BM= Moment of inertia of the plan/ Volume of water displaced
Analytical Method for Metacentric Height:

--Now metacentric height,

GM = BM  BG

Note: +ve sign is to be used if G is lower than B and,

–ve sign is to be used if G is higher than B.
1. A rectangular block of 5m long, 3m wide and
1.2m deep is immersed 0.8m in the sea water. If
the sp. weight of sea water is 10kN/m3, find the
metacentric height of block.
2. A solid cylinder of 2m diameter and 1m height is
made up of a material of Sp. Gravity 0.7and floats
in water. Find its metacentric height.
Conditions of Equilibrium of a Floating
 A body is said to be in equilibrium, when it remains
in steady state, While floating in a liquid following
are the three conditions of equilibrium of a floating
1. Stable Equilibrium
2. Unstable Equilibrium
3. Neutral Equilibrium
1. Stable Equilibrium:
 A body is said to be in a stable equilibrium, if it
returns back to its original position, when given a
small angular displacement.
 This happens when metacentre (M) is higher than
centre of gravity (G) of the floating body.
2. Unstable Equilibrium:
 A body is said to be in a Unstable equilibrium, if it
does not return back to its original position, when
given a small angular displacement.
 This happens when metacentre (M) is lower than
centre of gravity (G) of the floating body.
3. Neutral Equilibrium:
 A body is said to be in a neutral equilibrium, if it
occupies a new position and remains at rest in this
new position, when given a small angular
 This happens when metacentre (M) concides with
centre of gravity (G) of the floating body.

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