Peer Teaching 123

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Lesson Plan for the Elementary Music Class

Teacher Name: Meredith Casey

Standards Being Addressed:

MU: Cr2.1.3a Demonstrate selected musical ideas for a simple improvisation or composition to
express intent, and describe connection to a specific purpose and context.
MU:Cr3.1.2a Interpret and apply personal, peer, and teacher feedback to revise personal music.
MU:Cr1.1.2a Improvise rhythmic and melodic patterns and musical ideas for a specific purpose.
MU:Cr2.1.2a Demonstrate and explain personal reasons for selecting patterns and ideas for
music that represent expressive intent.

Materials of Instruction: “Little Turtle”

Phrase 1: Phrase 2:

Phrase 3: Phrase 4:

Body Percussion:
Lesson Sequence:

Entry Activity/Transition:
1. T: Today we will be learning a new poem called “Little Turtle.”
2. Begin patting a beat and recite the chant for the students to hear for the first time.

Activity #1 Objective: Students in 2nd grade will recite a rhythmic text “Little Turtle” with
accurate beat and rhythm in duple meter.
1. T: “I’m going to recite this poem one more time, and I want you to picture what is
happening in this poem.”
a. Have Ss whisper to their neighbors what they are picturing during the reading.
b. T asks if a few would share their ideas.
2. T: “Let’s all pretend we are the turtle.”
a. Crouch down in a ball and slowly crawl around like a turtle.
3. T: “We’re all turtles now! Repeat after me.”
a. (give non-verbal signals with hands for when students should chant.) If this is
their first time: "When my hands are pointed towards me, then listen; when I point
to you, then chant.”
4. Echo Phrase 1:
a. T: “Little turtle in your shell”
b. Ss: “Little turtle in your shell” (Assess and repeat if necessary so that each student
can recite confidently.)
5. Echo Phrase 2:
a. T: “Slowly you do go”
b. Ss: “Slowly you do go” (Again, correct mistakes and repeat if necessary).
6. Extended Echo Phrase 1+2:
a. T: “Little turtle in your shell, slowly you do go”
b. Ss: “Little turtle in your shell, slowly you do go” (Repeat and correct if needed).
7. Echo Phrase 3:
a. T: “Slowly creeping, slowly crawling”
b. Ss: “Slowly creeping, slowly crawling” (Repeat and correct if needed).
8. Echo Phrase 4:
a. T: “Slow is nice, you know!”
b. Ss: “Slow is nice, you know!” (Repeat and correct if needed).
9. Extended Echo Phrase 3+4:
a. T: “Slowly, creeping, slowly crawling, Slow is nice, you know!”
b. Ss: “Slowly, creeping, slowly crawling, Slow is nice, you know!”
10. T: “Now, let’s fill in the blank.”
a. T recites poem, leaving out certain syllables of each of the 4 phrases
b. Little turtle in your _______, Slowly you do __________, Slowly ___________,
Slowly ____________, Slow is nice, you ________!” (Review any phrases
necessary, based on student success.)
11. T: “Now, recite the whole thing, but only in your head. One, two, ready, go”
a. Ss audiate whole poem. T assesses.
12. “Does anyone want to hear any of the phrases once more?”
13. T: “Now the whole thing out loud”
a. T and Ss speak entire poem together.
14. T corrects errors as necessary.

Assessment: Can all students recite the poem “Little Turtle” with accurate beat and rhythm? If
all students feel confident and have minimal errors with the lyrics and rhythm, the students have
learned the poem proficiently.

Transition/Closure: Wonderful work learning a new poem, everyone! Tomorrow, we will add
body percussion to this poem.

Activity #2 Objective: 2nd grade students will perform body percussion to accompany
"Little Turtle" with steady beat and accurate rhythm in 4/4 meter.
1. T: “Do you remember the poem we learned last time?” Review the rhyme with the Ss,
speaking the rhyme and inviting students to join in.
a. T: “Pat a beat as we review”
b. Review with Activity 1 if needed
2. T: “Today, we are going to add special dances to the lyrics.”
3. T: “Watch me, join when you’re ready.”
a. T performs simplified Phrase 1 BP

4. T: “Watch me, I’m going to add something different.”

a. T demonstrate Phrase 1 BP with eight note pats on beat 3

5. T: “What was different? Can you try it too?”

a. T and Ss demonstrate Phrase 1 BP
6. T: demonstrate Phrase 1 with BP and lyrics
a. Call and Response
7. T: “Do you remember what line comes next?”
a. T demonstrates Phrase 2 with BP, “It’s the same, right?”
b. Call and Response
8. T: “Let’s try both of those lines now!”
a. Review as needed
9. T: “Do you remember the next line of the poem? Is it different from the rest of the lines?”
a. T: “Let’s add something special to this line. Watch me, join when you’re ready.”
b. T demonstrates simplified Phrase 3 BP

10. T: “Watch again, I’m going to add something different.”

a. T: demonstrate eighth note snaps.
b. T: “It’s twice as fast as before, right? Join when you’re ready.”
c. T and Ss perform Phrase 3 BP

11. T: Demonstrates Phrase 3 with BP and lyrics

a. Call and response
12. T: “Only one line left, who can remember it?”
a. T: “We already know the percussion to this part! Watch me, join when you’re
13. T: demonstrate Phrase 4 with BP, then add the lyrics
a. Call and response
14. T: “I’m going to say the rhyme from the beginning while you play the percussion.”
15. T: “Are there any lines we need to review before we try it all together?”
16. T and Ss perform the rhyme completely
a. Review as needed

Assessment: T will watch Ss for mistakes in body percussion parts and continue until they do
not miss things. T will also assess by listening when the rhyme is added.

Transition/Closure: Good job, everyone, we’ve just learned our first complete song! You can
teach it to your friends and family now! The rhythm we added today is called ‘body percussion.’
We will do more of it next time with new songs and rhythms.

Activity #3 Objective: 2nd grade students will improvise 4 measure phrases using body
percussion, keeping in the 4/4 time signature of “Little Turtle.”
1. T: “Do you remember how we danced to the Little Turtle poem last class?”
a. Review the rhyme and BP with the Ss, inviting them to join in.
b. Review Activity #2 as needed.
2. T: “You all tap a steady beat for me on your laps. Watch what I do.”
a. Ss tap steady beat. T recites “Little Turtle” with BP, then improvises with claps
only for 16 beats (length of poem)

3. T: “What did I add? Yes, I made something up. You try making something up this time.
Chant and clap quietly so all can be heard.”
a. T and Ss perform the rhyme with BP, then improvise claps for 16 beats (4-bar
phrase) Ss should clap within the parameters of a steady beat and a 4-bar phrase.
If students clap randomly or do not follow the phrase, address and review the
4. T: “Turn to your shoulder partner. One person will improve the first time through the
poem, then the second person will improve after we repeat the poem.”
a. Partner 1 first, then Partner 2. Repeat this step at least twice so Ss can experiment
with multiple rhythmic combinations.
5. T: “Would anyone like to share their improvisation ideas with the class?”
a. Select volunteer individuals to clap improvisation after the whole class recites
“Little Turtle.”

Assessment: Are students improvising within the context of the steady beat and a 4-bar phrase
of “Little Turtle?”

Transition/Closure: Everyone had so many creative ideas to share! Next class, we are going to
try improvisation with drums. Now you can teach your family and friends how to create their
own rhythms!

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