Modern Band Syllabus

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Electric Jam Band Syllabus

Course title: Electric Jam Band

Meeting time: MW, every other F (fine arts block), 2:00pm-3:00pm
Instructor: Ms. Meredith Casey, band director, [email protected]

Course overview:
Electric Jam Band is a student-centered ensemble that focuses on a repertoire of popular music
such as rock, pop, reggae, and incorporates playing, songwriting, and composing on ukuleles,
guitars, basses, keyboards, drums, vocals, and computers.

The major emphasis of this course is to develop student creative achievement through the
exploration of a modern band-style ensemble. In addition to developing skills necessary to
perform on ukulele, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, electric bass, keyboard, drums, vocals and
computers, students will learn peer collaboration and leadership skills through performance and
rehearsal of many contemporary styles of music. Discussion, demonstration, composition, and
performance of all music styles will give students a lifelong appreciation for music and music
making. Students in Electric Jam Band will also be introduced to the art of songwriting. Electric
Jam Band will have performance and concert opportunities throughout the year that feature
student compositions and arrangements.

There are no required textbooks for this course. It is suggested that students supply their own
instrument for the class, but they may ask Ms. Casey to lend them a school instrument for the
duration of the course. Students will be financially responsible for any damage to school-
owned instruments. In addition, it is recommended that students utilize the recording function on
their phones or other devices to record portions of the class for home review and select
homework assignments. The following will be supplied by the school for this course:

1. Musical charts and other music materials

2. Ukuleles, electric and acoustic guitars, electric basses, drums/percussion, and keyboards
3. Amplifiers, school computers, and other electronic equipment
4. Black folder to hold music

Students are expected to practice the material during the week. Course grades will include
evaluation of a student’s improvement in musicianship and improvisation skills. In addition,
students will be evaluated by the following:
 Attendance- Prompt attendance is expected for all classes. After 2 unexcused absences or
tardies, 5 points will be deducted from your final grade with each additional absence
(unless they are excused absences/tardies).
 Class Participation: Your final grade will include evaluation on the quality, quantity, and
appropriateness of your contributions to the class. This includes performances, projects,
and rehearsals. All performances are mandatory. Failure of the course will result after a
missed performance.

At the end of the course, students will be able to:
1. Understand the key components of a modern band ensemble setting and performance
through student-led rehearsals and arrangements.
2. Demonstrate familiarity with a variety of popular music repertoire including rock, pop,
and reggae through arrangements, playing videos, and group performances.
3. Demonstrate proficiency on a variety of rock band instruments, vocals, computers, and
styles through ensemble playing, performances, and video assignments.
4. Demonstrate proficiency in improvisation, arrangement, and composition through
songwriting projects and performances.
5. Explain reasoning for selecting certain musical styles, pieces, and arrangements from
online resources through oral communication and written reports.

All assignments will be presented in class and downloadable on Canvas with descriptions,
expectations, and rubrics. They are due on the date specified. Late assignments will be lowered
by 10% for each class period they are late. Special circumstances may be discussed with Ms.

Summary of assignments:
Attendance/Participation- 25%
Performances- 30%
Homework/Video Recordings- 20%
Composition/Arrangement/Songwriting Projects- 25%

A- 90-100%
B- 80-89%
C- 70-79%
D- 60-69%
F- 59% or lower

Proposed Course Calendar:

Unit 1 (1 class)- Introduction to Electric Jam Band
 What is a modern band?
 Goals/objectives of the course
 What is popular music?
 Immediate music making
Unit 2 (4 weeks)- Ukulele/Guitar
 Basics of strings
 Tab reading/chord charts
 Comping
Unit 3 (2 weeks)- Bass
 Basics of bass
 Tab reading/chord charts
 Comping
Unit 4 (3 weeks)- Drums/Vocals
 Reading drum charts
 Drumset
 Auxiliary percussion
 Good vocal habits
 Everyone can sing!
Unit 5 (3 weeks)- Keyboards/Computers
 Basics of electronics
 Garage Band, Audacity, and other Technology
Unit 6 (throughout)- Songwriting/Composition/Arrangements
 Finale/MuseScore
 How to write songs
 Little Kids Rock
Final Projects/Performances- December 10th and May 15th
 Student group compositions
 Electric Jam Band Winter and Spring Concerts

Anticipated lessons:
 Group and solo compositions
 How to improvise
 How to play modern band instruments
 Tab reading
 Chord charts
 Vocals reading
 Drum reading
 Technology crash course
 How to make/select arrangements
 Resources for arrangements, compositions, and transcriptions
 Designing a modern band performance
 Selecting music for modern band
 Songwriting
 Music theory through modern band

Reflections of the Process:

To get a better grasp on what typical modern band ensembles look like in secondary schools, I
researched a few other syllabi to reference for ideas. I combined many of these thoughts with
what I had learned in MUSIC 512 thus far and wrote each of these requirements. However, much
of the information in this syllabus is dependent on the school I teach at. Items such as the course
information, assignment weights, and attendance policies may be affected by my school’s values.
As for the proposed course schedule, I would need to know an actual timeline of a school year to
determine dates and timings of each unit. Right now, I plan on organizing curriculum by units
listed, but I also think that mixing these units so students can learn all aspects of modern band
from the beginning. When it does come time to set up a modern band-style ensemble at my
school, I plan to reference all materials used throughout MUSIC 512 for assignment and lesson
ideas, curriculum, and philosophy of music as a second language. Before writing a complete
syllabus, I would definitely need to research more on Little Kids Rock for information on what
to teach, how to teach it, and how to engage students in as much music composition,
improvisation, and arranging as possible.

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