Budget of Lesson Sample and Template

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Schools Division of Samar
Catbalogan, City


Subject – Area: __________ENGLISH________ Grade Level: ____I__________________ Quarter: 3rd & 4th School Year: 2020-2021



Date Code Link (if available

Lesson Exemplar/ Learning resources LR developer online) Assessment (provide a link if online)

Week 1 EN1PA-IIIa- Recognize rhyming words in nursery Power Point Presentation https://www.youtube
e2.2 rhymes, poems, songs heard Activity Sheets .com/watch?
Video Clip Presentation v=rVuWKBFkZcU
Realia,Chart, pictures
Week 2 EN1PA-IIIa- Recognize sentences (telling and asking) Power point Presentation https://www.youtube
e2.2 and non-sentences .com/watch?
Video Clip Presentation v=9a4BNBoQhbE

Use words that are related to self, family, Power point Presentation https://www.youtube
school, and community Pictures .com/watch?
Video Clip Presentation v=FHaObkHEkHQ
Activity Card
Week 3 Listen to short stories/poems Power point Presentation https://www.youtube
1. note important details pertaining to Video Clip presentation .com/watch?
a. character Story Map, Bookworm, v=mSm7LegMMV
b. setting Graphic organizer O
c. events

Week 4 2. Give the correct sequence of three events Video Clip Presentation, https://www.youtube
3. Infer the character feelings and traits Pictures, chart .com/watch?
Week 5 4. Identify cause and effect/or effect of Pictures, Realia
events Video Clip Presentation https://www.youtube
5. Identify the speaker in the story or poem Chart .com/watch?v=jl-
Week 6 6. Predict possible ending of a story read Pictures, Realia TW9vnNEE
7. Relate story events to one’s experience Video Clip Presentation https://www.yuotube
Chart, Illustrations .com/watch?
Week 7 8. Discuss, illustrate, dramatize specific Illustrations/Demonstrations
events Video Clip Presentation https://www.youtube
9. Identify the problem and solution .com/watch?

Week 8 10. Retell a story listened to Graphic Organizer, Bookworm

11. Ask simple questions about the text Story Map https://www.youtube
listened to Pictures .com/watch?v=w33-
Video clip Presentation m8-geuM

Week 9 EN1OL-IIIa- Use/Respond appropriately to polite Power point Presentation https://www.youtube

e-1.5 expressions: greetings, leave takings, Pictures .com/watch?
expressing gratitude and apology, asking Video clip Presentation v=GQBMs5_XzPE
permission, offering help Demonstration

Week 10 Talk about oneself, one’s family and one’s Video Clip Presentation https://www.youtube
personal experiences Pictures .com/watch?
Chart v=ieCwI5yeU_U
Quarter 4
Week EN1G-IVa-e- Recognize common action words in stories Power point Presentation https://www.youtube
1&2 3.4 listened to Demonstration, pictures, .com/watch?
Activity cards v=nxtaLqImKH4
Week EN1G-IVf-j- Recognize describing words for people, Power point Presentation https://www.youtube
3&4 5 objects, things and places (color, shape, DCLR (Division Contextualized .com/watch?
Q4 size, height, weight, length, distance, etc.) Learning Resource) v=m_QkDFf-Hu8
Video clip presentation

Week EN1V-IVa-e- Sort and Classify familiar words into basic Power point Presentation https://www.youtube
5&6 3 categories (colors, shapes, foods, etc) Video Clip presentation .com/watch?
Flashcards, worksheets v=Bfvc_bSu8C4

Week 7 EN1V-IVf-j- Give the meaning of words using clues Power point Presentation
12.1 (TPR, pictures, body movements, etc.) Demonstrations/Illustrations
Video Clip Presentation

Week 8 EN1LC-IVg- Follow one-to-two step directions Power point/Video clip Youtube.com/watch
h-3.6 Presentation ?
Activity Cards vQr9ge4XGUYs&li
Demonstrations st=PLitjtpVoWPzw
Week 9 EN1OL-IVi- Give one-to-two step directions Power Point Presentation https://www.youtube
j1.17.1 Pictures .com/watch?
Demonstration v=fuZktwZKYNE

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