Safety Data Sheet: Sodium Chromate Solution
Safety Data Sheet: Sodium Chromate Solution
Safety Data Sheet: Sodium Chromate Solution
Telephone 803-327-6880
Fax 803-327-3872
Emergency Phone # PERS: 633-8253
International Phone # 011-801-629-0667
Account 10613
Emergency Overview
OSHA Hazards
Carcinogen, Target Organ Effect, Highly toxic by inhalation, Toxic by ingestion, Harmful by skin absorption., Respiratory
sensitiser, Corrosive, Reproductive hazard
Target Organs
Lungs, Kidney
GH3 Label elements, including precautionary statements
Hazard statement(s)
H301 Toxic if swallowed.
H312 Harmful in contact with skin.
H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
H330 Fatal if inhaled.
H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled.
H340 May cause genetic defects.
H350 May cause cancer.
H360 May damage fertility or the unborn child.
H372 Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure if
H400 Very toxic to aquatic life.
Inhalation May be fatal if inhaled. Material is extremely destructive to the tissue of the mucous
membranes and upper respiratory tract.
Skin Harmful if absorbed through skin. Causes skin burns. May be fatal if absorbed through
Eyes Causes eye burns.
Formula : CrNa2O4∙4H2O
Molecular Weight : 161.97 g/mol
See 1910.1026. See Table Z-2 for the exposure limit for any operations or sectors where
the exposure limit in 1910.1026 is stayed or are otherwise not in effect.
Respiratory protection
Where risk assessment shows air-purifying respirators are appropriate use a full-face particle respirator type N100
(US) or type P3 (EN 143) respirator cartridges as a backup to engineering controls. If the respirator is the sole means of
protection, use a full-face supplied air respirator. Use respirators and components tested and approved under
appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or CEN (EU).
Hand protection
Handle with gloves.
Eye protection
Face shield and safety glasses
Skin and body protection
Choose body protection according to the amount and concentration of the dangerous substance at the work place.
Hygiene measures
Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Wash hands before breaks and immediately after handling the product.
Acute toxicity
no data available
Potential health effects
Inhalation May be fatal if inhaled. Material is extremely destructive to the tissue of the mucous
membranes and upper respiratory tract.
Ingestion Toxic if swallowed. Causes burns.
Skin Harmful if absorbed through skin. Causes skin burns. May be fatal if absorbed through skin.
Eyes Causes eye burns.
Additional Information
RTECS: GB2955000
Toxicity to fish LC50 - Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow) - 17.6 mg/l - 96.0 h
Toxicity to daphnia E C 5 0 - D a p h n i a m a g n a (W a t e r f l e a ) – 0 . 0 2 1 m g / l – 4 8 h
and other aquatic
Persistence and degradability
no data available
Bioaccumulative potential
no data available
Mobility in soil
no data available
PBT and vPvB assessment
no data available
Other adverse effects
An environmental hazard cannot be excluded in the event of unprofessional handling or disposal. Very toxic to aquatic
organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.
OSHA Hazards
Carcinogen, Target Organ Effect, Highly toxic by inhalation, Toxic by ingestion, Harmful by skin absorption., Respiratory
sensitiser, Corrosive, Reproductive hazard
DSL Status
All components of this product are on the Canadian DSL list.
SARA 302 Components
SARA 302: No chemicals in this material are subject to the reporting requirements of SARA Title III, Section 302.
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SARA 313 Components
Sodium chromate CAS-No. 7775-11-3 Revision Date
SARA 311/312 Hazards
Acute Health Hazard, Chronic Health Hazard
Massachusetts Right To Know Components
Sodium chromate CAS-No. 7775-11-3 Revision Date
Pennsylvania Right To Know Components
Sodium chromate CAS-No. 7775-11-3 Revision Date
New Jersey Right To Know Components
Sodium chromate CAS-No. 7775-11-3 Revision Date
California Prop. 65 Components
WARNING! This product contains a CAS-No. 7775-11-3 Revision Date
chemical known to the State of 2007-03-01
California to cause cancer.
Sodium chromate