NLM 13

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1. A block of 6 kg is put between two smooth walls.

If F = 50 2 is also applied as shown in figure, then

[5 Marks]

(A*) Interaction force on the block due to walls = 50 î  110 ĵ

(B) Interaction force on the walls due to the block = 50 î  110 ĵ
(C) If F were reversed, now interactron force on the block due to wall =  50 î  110 ĵ

(D*) If F were reversed, now the acceleration of the block = î m/sec 2.


2. A block of mass m is placed on a wedge. The wedge can be accelerated in four manners marked as (1),
(2), (3 ) and ( 4) as s hown. If th e nor m al react ions in s itua tion (1), (2) , (3) and (4) are N1, N2, N3 and N4
res pec tively and ac c eleration wit h whic h the b lock slides on the wedge in situations are b1, b2, b3 and
b4 respectively then : [5 Marks] P&Q_DPP 44_9

(A*) N3 > N1 > N2 > N4 (B) N4 > N3 > N1 > N2 (C*) b2 > b3 > b4 > b1 (D) b2 > b3 > b1 > b4

3. In the figure shown the velocity of different blocks is shown. The velocity of C is :
(A) 6 m/s
(B*) 4 m/s
(C) 0 m/s
(D) none of these

4. Two blocks A and B of equal mass are connected by a light inextensible string passing over two light
smooth pulleys fixed to the blocks. The parts of the string not in contact with the pulleys are horizontal. A
horizontal force F is applied to the block A as shown. Then:

(A) the acceleration of A will be equal to that of B

(B*) the acceleration of A will be greater than that of B
(C) the acceleration of A will be less than that of B
(D) none of the above is correct.
5. A weightless inextensible rope on a stationary wedge forming angle  with the horizontal. One end of
the rope is fixed to the wall at point A. A small load is attached to the rope at point B. The wedge starts
moving to the right with a constant acceleration. Determine the acceleration a1 of the load when it is still
on the wedge.

[ Ans: 2 a sin (/2) ]

6. In the figure shown the blocks A & C are pulled down with constant velocities u . Acceleration of block
B is :

u2 u2
(A) tan2  sec  (B*) tan3 
b b

(C) sec 2  tan  (D) zero

7. In the figure shown, find out the value of  [ assume string to be tight ] [ Made 2004]

3 4 3
(A*) tan1 (B) tan1 (C) tan1 (D)noneof these
4 3 8

8. The system starts from rest and A attains a velocity of 5 m/s after it has moved 5 m towards right. Assuming
the arrangement to be frictionless every where and pulley & strings to be light, the value of the constant force
F applied on A is :

(A) 50 N (B*) 75 N (C) 100 N (D) 96 N

Sol. (B)
9. A 2 kg toy car can move along an x axis. Graph shows force Fx, acting on the car which begins at rest
at time t = 0. The velocity of the particle at t = 10 s is :


4 8 9 10 11


(A) – i m/s (B) – 1.5 i m/s (C*) 6.5 i m/s (D) 13 i m/s

10. In the figure shown, A & B are free to move. All the surfaces are smooth. (0 < < 90º)

(A*) the acceleration of A will be more than g sin 

(B) the acceleration of A will be less than g sin 

(C) normal force on A due to B will be more than mg cos 

(D*) normal force on A due to B will be less than mg cos 

11. System is shown in the figure. Assume that cylinder remains in contact with the two wedges. The velocity of
cylinder is -

u 13 u
(A) 19  4 3 m/s (B) m/s (C) 3 u m/s (D*) 7 u m/s
2 2
Sol. (D)
12. In the figure shown, a person wants to raise a block lying on the ground to a height h. In both the cases
if time required is same then in which case he has to exert more force. Assume pulleys and strings

(A*) (i) =(B) (ii) (C) same

(D) Can not determined
13. In the figure shown all the surface are smooth. All the blocks A, B and C are movable, x-axis is horizontal and
y-axis vertical as shown. Just after the system is released from the position as shown.


B x

Horizontal Surface
(A*) Acceleration of 'A' relative to ground is in negative y-direction
(B*) Acceleration of 'A' relative to B is in positive x-direction
(C*) The horizontal acceleration of 'B' relative to ground is in negative x-direction.
(D*) The acceleration of 'B' relative to ground directed along the inclined surface of 'C' is greater than g sin .

14. Initially the spring is undeformed. Now the force 'F' is applied to 'B' as shown. When the displacement
of 'B' w.r.t. 'A' is 'x' towards right in some time then the relative acceleration of 'B' w.r.t. 'A' at that
moment is:

F F  kx F  2 kx
(A) (B) (C*) (D) none of these

15. System is shown in the figure. Velocity of sphere A is 9 m/s. Then speed of sphere B will be :

(A) 9 m/s (B*) 12 m/s (C) 9  m/s (D)none of these

16. A lift is moving upwards with a constant speed of 5 m/s. The speed of one of the pulleys is 5 m/s as shown.
Then the speed of second pulley is :

(A*) 5m/s =
(B) zero (C)
= 7.5 m/s (D) 10 m/s

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