Aits Pt-2 Jee Adv Paper-2 12.12.2021 Solution+Qp

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JEE (Advanced)-2022
TEST DATE: 12-12-2021
Time Allotted: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 180
General Instructions:
 The test consists of total 57 questions.
 Each subject (PCM) has 19 questions.
 This question paper contains Three Parts.
 Part-I is Physics, Part-II is Chemistry and Part-III is Mathematics.
 Each Part is further divided into Three Sections: Section-A, Section-B & Section-C.
Section – A (01 –06, 20 – 25, 39 – 44): This section contains EIGHTEEN (18) questions. Each question has
FOUR options. ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is(are) correct answer(s).
Section – A (07 –10, 26 – 29, 45 – 48): This section contains SIX (06) paragraphs. Based on each
paragraph, there are TWO (02) questions. Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONLY ONE
of these four options is the correct answer.
Section – B (11 – 13, 30 – 32, 49 – 51): This section contains NINE (09) questions. The answer to each
Section – C (14 – 19, 33 – 38, 52 – 57): This section contains NINE (09) question stems. There are TWO
(02) questions corresponding to each question stem. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL
VALUE. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, truncate/round-off the value to TWO
decimal places.

Section – A (One or More than One Correct): Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following
marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen;
Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen;
Partial marks : +2 if three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen and both of which
are correct;
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered);
Negative Marks : –2 In all other cases.
Section – A (Single Correct): Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the correct option is chosen.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered);
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases.
Section – B: Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If ONLY the correct integer is entered;
Zero Marks : 0 In all other cases.
Section – C: Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +2 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered at the designated place;
Zero Marks : 0 In all other cases.

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Physics PART – I

Section – A (Maximum Marks: 24)

This section contains SIX (06) question. Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR
MOER THAN ONE of these four option(s) is (are) correct answer(s).

1. A partition divides a container having insulated walls into two

compartments 1 and 2. Same gas fills the two compartments and the P, V, T 2P, 2V, T
initial temperature, pressure and volume of gas is shown in the diagram (I) (II)
[in the left chamber pressure, volume and temperature are (P, V, T) and
in the right chamber it is (2P, 2V, T)]. The partition is conducting and
can move freely without friction. Which of the following statements
is/are correct, with reference to final equilibrium position?

(A) The pressure in the two compartments will be equal.

(B) The volume of compartment 1 will be 3V/5.

(C) The volume of compartment 1 will be 2V/5.

(D) The pressure in compartment 1 will be 5P/3

Ans. A, B, D

Sol. At equilibrium temperature and pressure on both sides will be same .

2. An ideal gas is taken from state 1 to state 2 through optional P

path A , B ,C and D as shown on P-V diagram . Let Q , W
and U represent heat supplied to gas , work done by gas Q
and change in internal energy of the gas respectively, then:
1 D

(0, 0) V

(A) QB  WB  QC  WC

(B) Q A  QD  WA  WD

(C) WA  WB  WC  WD

(D) Q A  QB  QC  QD

Ans. B, D

Sol. Change in internal energy of the gas is path independent and use first law of thermodynamics.

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3. The nominal voltage of a light bulb is V0 = 26 V and nominal current I0 = 0.12 A. Cold tungsten
filament of this light bulb has resistance R0 = 24 Ω. L is length of the filament and is the diameter.
T is the temperature at which this filament is supposed to emit light (when working in nominal
regime). The resistivity of tungsten at room temperature is ρ0 = 5.3 × 10−8 Ω · m. For metals, the
resistivity can be taken to be proportional to the temperature in Kelvins. Treat tungsten as a
perfectly grey body which absorbs k = 0.3 of the incident radiation at any wavelength. Stefan-
Boltzmann constant σ = 5.67 × 10−8 W/(m2 · K4 ). Neglect thermal expansion of the filament.T0 is
the room temperature .

V0 T0
(A) T

4V0I0 0
(B) d 3
2R0kT 4

R0 d2 
(C) L

4V0I0 0
(D) d 3

Ans. A, B, C

Sol. Use Ohm’s law for the tungsten resistance. The resistivity of the resistance will change as it is not
being operated at room temperature.

4. An insulated container is filled with ice at 00C, and another Insulators

container is filled with water that is continuously boiling at
1000C. In series of experiments, the container is Water Ice
connected by various , thick metal rods that pass through Metal rod
100C 0C
the walls of the container as shown in the figure .
In experiment I : A copper rod is used and all ice melts in 20 minutes
In experiment II : A steel rod of identical dimensions is used and all ice melts in 80 minutes
In experiment III : Both rods are used in series and all ice melts in t1 minutes.
In experiment III : Both rods are used in parallel and all ice melts in t2 minutes.

(A) t1 = 100

(B) t1 = 50

(C) t2 = 16

(D) t2 = 8

Ans. A, C

dq T
Sol. When the rods are connected alone use 
dt 

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dq T
For series combination use : 
dt 1 2

K1A1 K 2 A 2
dq K A K A 
For parallel use :  T  1 1  2 2 
dt  1 2 

5. Three bodies A, B and C have equal surface area and thermal emissivity in the ratio
1 1
e A : eB : eC = 1: : . All three bodies are radiating heat at the same rate. Their wavelengths
2 4
corresponding to maximum intensity are  A , B , C respectively and their temperatures are TA, TB
and TC on kelvin scale . Select the correct statement/s:

(A) TA TC  TB

(B)  A  C  B

(C) e A eC TA TC  eB TB

(D) e A eB TA TB  A B  eC TC C

Ans. A, B, C

dQe 4
Sol. Rate of emission is given by  AeTbody . Along with this use Wein’s displacement law .

6. Consider a thermodynamic cycle in a PV diagram shown in the figure P B

performed on one mole of a ideal monoatomic gas. The temperature
at A is T0 and volume at A and B are related as VB = VC = 2VA. Choose
the correct option(s) from the following.

(A) The maximum temperature during the cycle is 4T0

(B) Net work done by the gas during the cycle is 0.5 RT0

(C) The heat capacity of the process AB is 2R.

(D) The efficiency of the cycle is 8.33%

Ans. A, B, C, D

Sol. PAVA = RT0

PB = 2PA
VB = VC = 2VA
TB = B B  4T0
 V  VA 
W   C  (PB  PC )  0.5 RT0
 2 

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1 3
WAB  (PA  PB )(VB  VA )  PA VA  1.5RT0
2 2
UAB  R(TB  TA )  4.5 RT0
Q AB  WAB  UAB  6RT0
 Q AB 
C   2R
 TB  TA 
   8.33%
Q AB 12

Section – A (Maximum Marks: 12)

This section contains TWO (02) paragraphs. Based on each paragraph, there are TWO (02) questions.
Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONLY ONE of these four options is the correct

Paragraph for Question Nos. 07 and 08

A dodecahedron is shown to you in the diagram. Each edge of the

dodecahedron has a resistance R=330Ω . Points A , B , C and D
are marked in the diagram : A

7. The value of RAB:RCD is:

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4

Ans. A

Sol. Use symmetry arguments.

8. Find RAB.

(A) 209 Ω
(B) 570Ω
(C) 500Ω
(D) 770Ω

Ans. A

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Sol. Use symmetry arguments to prove that the equivalent resistance is 19R/30

Paragraph for Question Nos. 09 and 10

Consider an electric circuit consisting of a coil of negligibly small

inductance, consisting of N = 10 turns and with the surface area of
a single loop S = 10 cm2), resistors R1= R2= 3Ω, capacitor C = 0.2 C L
F, and an inductance L = 1H, connected as shown in Fig. At the
moment of time t = 0, a magnetic field, parallel to the axis of the coil
R1 R2
is switched on. The induction of the magnetic field starts growing
linearly, starting from B = 0 until the maximal value B = 1T is
achieved at t = 10 ms. Further, the induction of the magnetic field B
remains constant (and equal to 1T).

9. Find the current through the resistors R2at the moment of time t1= 5 ms.

(A) 5mA

(B) 10mA

(C) 20 mA

(D) 40mA

Ans. A

Sol. During the linear growth of B (from 0 ms to 10 ms, the coil serves as an ideal battery of emf.
NS(dB/dt). Estimate the characteristic times for two current loops: first involving the coil and C,
and second, involving the coil and L; compare this with the time-scale of 10 ms.

10. What is the net charge passing through the resistor R2?

(A) 1.5mC

(B) 3.3mC

(C) 7.6mC

(D) 13.3mC

Ans. B

Sol. Apply KVL for the current loop consisting of the coil, L, and R2.

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Section – B (Maximum Marks: 12)

This section contains THREE (03) questions. The answer to each question is a NON-NEGATIVE

11. A metal cylinder of radius R is placed on a A

wooden plank BD. The plank is kept horizontal
suspended with the help of two identical string  
AB and CD each of length L. The temperature L
coefficient of linear expansion of the cylinder R L
and the strings are 1 and 2 respectively.
Angle  shown in the figure is 30°. It was found
that with change in temperature the centre of B D

the cylinder did not move. Find the ratio 1 , if
it is know that L = 4R. Assume that change in
value of is negligible for small temperature

Ans. 8

Sol. Let change in temperature be T A

Length of a string changes by L = L2T

The wooden plank descends by y  L
sin 
 1  B
y  2L  sin   
 2 M
Change in radius of the ball : R = R1 T y
The centre of the ball will not move if y = R L
 8
 2L2T = R1T  8R2 = R1  1  B
2 1

12. Consider a uniformly charged hemispherical shell having charge per unit 
area σ. Find the potential (in Volts) at point P due to the shell. R is the
radius of shell. The distance of point P from the center is R/2 (see R
diagram). given: = 4 SI units. C
0 P


Ans. 2

Sol. The field from P to C will be perpendicular to line PC . Hence , potential at P = Potential at C .

13. An electric bulb of 100 W – 300 V is connected with an A.C. supply of 500 V and 150/ Hz. The
required inductance to save the electric bulb is H. Find the value of .

Ans. 4

V2 V 2 3002
Sol. P R= 2   900 
R P 100

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V 300 1
 current i   = A
R 900 3
Let L be the required inductance, then
500 1 500 1
 or =
z 3 2 2
(900)  x 2 3
XL  1200
1200 1200 1200
L    4H
W 2f 150
2 

Section – C (Maximum Marks: 12)

This section contains THREE (03) question stems. There are TWO (02) questions corresponding to each
question stem. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. If the numerical value has more
than two decimal places, truncate/round-off the value to TWO decimal places.

Question Stem for Question Nos. 14 and 15

Question Stem

The number of turns of a solenoid (straight coil) of length L=0.5 m is N=2000, the area of its cross section
is A=16 cm2, and it has an iron core of relative permittivity of 2500. At a moment the current in the coil
changes at a rate of 100 A/s. What is the induced voltage(in volts) in that long straight wire of length 2l =
20 cm (the wire is next to the centre of the coil)

14. Which is perpendicular to the axis of the coil, if its two ends are I(t)
equidistant from the coil, and its centre is at a distance of l from
the coil?


Ans. 0.50

0 r NAI
Sol. The voltage induced will be:  0.5V

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15. Which has the same direction as the previous one, and one of I(t)
its end is at a distance of l from the axis of the coil?


Ans. 0.35

0 r NAI
Sol. The voltage induced will be :  0.35V

Question Stem for Question Nos. 16 and 17

Question Stem

Consider a uniformly charged hemispherical shell having charge per unit area σ. P1
E1 is the electric field at P1 (which is at a distance R from the centre of the
hemispherical shell and lying on an imaginary sphere having same radius as the
given hemisphere (see adjacent diagram), E2 is the electric field at P2(which is a
point just inside the hemispherical shell) and E3 is the electric field at P3 (which is
a point just outside the hemispherical shell).
P2 


16. The value of E1:E2 is ……………….

Ans. 1.00

Sol. If you consider the whole sphere the net field at P1 will be zero. Now, make use of symmetry

17. The value of E2 : E3 is …………..

Ans. 0.17

2 2
Sol. The ratio of fields will come out to be equal to
2 2

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Question Stem for Question Nos. 18 and 19

Question Stem

A charge particle of charge q and mass m is clamped rigidly at the E

circumference of a ring of mass m and radius R. Initially ring is in
vertical plane resting on a sufficiently rough horizontal surface, with
charge q at the same horizontal level as the center of the ring. There (Q, m)
exists a uniform horizontal electric field E as shown in the figure. At t =
0 the system is set free. (Given that qE= mg)

18. The magnitude of frictional force acting on the ring immediately after the ring is released

Ans. 0.00

Sol. Initial torque about point of contact is zero. Hence the initial angular acceleration of the ring will
be zero. Now, consider torque about the centre of the ring to prove that the initial frictional force
on the ring is zero.

19. The work done (in Joules) by electric field during the time ring rotates by 900 is ………..
(Take mgR= 7Joules and   )

Ans. 7.00

Sol. Electric field will be exerting a constant force on the particle hence work done will be QER = mgR
= 7.

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11 AITS-PT-II (Paper-2)-PCM-JEE(Advanced)/2022

Chemistry PART – II

Section – A (Maximum Marks: 24)

This section contains SIX (06) question. Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR
MOER THAN ONE of these four option(s) is (are) correct answer(s).

20. Identify the correct option(s)

(A) Diastereomers can be separated by fractional distillation

(B) Enantiomers are also called as optical antipodes

(C) ‘Epimers’ and ‘Anomer’s are the type of diastereomers

(D) Geometrical isomers are diastereomers

Ans. A, B, C, D

Sol. Enantiomers are also called as optical antipodes.

21. Correct statement(s) is/are

(A) Benzyl alcohol also gives Lucas test as fast as 3o alcohol

(B) Beilstein test is used to detect the presence of chlorine

|| ||
(C)  CH3 2 CH  C  CH3 has more enol content than CH3  C CH3

(D) RCH2 OH gives reaction with Heinsberg reagent

Ans. A, B, C, D

Sol. Benzyl cation is stable. Enol of  CH3  2 CHCOCH3 is more stable.

22. Which of the following reaction(s) and product(s) are correct?

(A) OTs O
N H /Alc. KOH
2 4
 CH2  CH  CH3
(B) O

2  i Cl /H

 ii NH2 /NH3
 iii Br2 /KOH alc.

(C) Cu
Ph  I   Ph  Ph

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Jone ' s reagent

 

Major product

Ans. A, B, C, D

Sol. O O O

Cl C NH2

Cl2 /H NH2
  2Br

23. Which of the following compounds will respond to the Beilstein test positively?

(A) Cl


(C) Na2 S


Ans. A, B, D

Sol. Urea also gives positive test.

24. Which of the following used to detect protein?

(A) Biuret test

(B) Molisch test

(C) Xanthoprotic test

(D) Ninhydrin test

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Ans. A, C, D

Sol. All are the tests of protein except Molisch test which is for carbohydrate.

25. The Cannizzaro reaction is given by

(A) Benzaldehyde

(B) Formaldehyde

(C) Glyoxal

(D) Furfural

Ans. A, B, C, D

Sol. All can give Cannizzaro reaction.

Section – A (Maximum Marks: 12)

This section contains TWO (02) paragraphs. Based on each paragraph, there are TWO (02) questions.
Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONLY ONE of these four options is the correct

Paragraph for Question Nos. 26 and 27

Aldehydes and Ketones are very reactive towards nucleophilic addition reaction because they have polar

C O group. Polarity arises due to electronegativity difference between carbon and oxygen.

Reactivity of carbonyl compound towards nucleophilic addition increases with the electron deficiency at
carbonyl carbon.

26. CH3  CHO shows nucleophilic addition reaction with

(A) CHCl3 / OH

(B) NaHSO3

(C) N2H4

(D) All of these

Ans. D

Sol. All of these gives nucleophilic addition reaction with CH3  CHO .

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27. Which of the following reaction(s) does not involve in nucleophilic attack on C O group?

(A) Aldol reaction

(B) Cannizzaro reaction

(C) Perkin reaction

(D) Rosenmund’s reduction

Ans. D

Sol. In Rosenmund reduction it’s catalytic reduction of RCOCl into RCHO.

Paragraph for Question Nos. 28 and 29

 i HCN/OH LiAlH HNO /HCl

 ii H O,Weak Acid
 x 
 y 

28. 2  i NH OH
z 
  w, w is
 ii H
 iii H2 O/ 


(B) O

(C) H

(D) Nylon-6

Ans. D

i4 Alkaline KMnO /  C H OH/conc. H SO

29. Z 
  N 
2 5
2 4
 P,
 ii H

(A) P is  CH2  4  COOC2H5 2

(B) P on reaction with C2H5 O Na gives   keto ester  Q 

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(C) Q on heating after hydrolysis gives

(D) All of these

Ans. D

Sol. (for the Q. No. 28 and 29)

i HCN/OH LiAlH
 ii H O,WA
  2HNO /HCl

i NH OH
2 NH (CH2)4 C
 
 ii H
 iii H2O/ 
w Polymer Nylon  6

O  C H OH
  CH2 4  COOH 2 
 2 5
conc. H SO CH2 4  COOC2H5 2 P 
2 4

 N
O RO 

 H3 O 
 

Section – B (Maximum Marks: 12)
This section contains THREE (03) questions. The answer to each question is a NON-NEGATIVE

30. How many of the following are meta directing (Major) groups
CF 3 , C Cl , Cl , CH2NO 2 , C CH3
CN , O C CH3 , H C , N(CH3)3

Ans. 5

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Sol. O
CF 3 , C Cl , CH2NO 2 , C N , N(CH3)3

31. How many of these reaction gives coloured product (s) (not white)
(a) OH

Liberman ' s Nitrous test

 

(b) OH

Neutral FeCl
so ln.

(c) Cerric ammonium nitrate test

RCH2OH  

(d) Victor Meyer test

R3 COH  

(e) O
3 NaHSO test
H3C C CH3 

(f) O
2  4 DNP test
H3C C CH3  

(g) Heinsberg test

RCH2NH2  

(h) Xanthoprotic test

Protein  

Ans. 5

Sol. (d), (e) and (g) are colourless/white.

32. Number of isomers with the formula C7H8 O containing a benzene ring

Ans. 5

Sol. CH3 OH OH



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Section – C (Maximum Marks: 12)

This section contains THREE (03) question stems. There are TWO (02) questions corresponding to each
question stem. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. If the numerical value has more
than two decimal places, truncate/round-off the value to TWO decimal places.

Question Stem for Question Nos. 33 and 34

Question Stem

H3C C 3 CH COCH /C H O Na
3 2 5 2 OH /I
  A  B  C 

C 

If 8.8 gram of CH3 COOC2H5 was taken, then the mass of product D is found to be x gram and mass of
product A is found to be y gram. (Assume 100% efficiency of each reaction).
[Atomic mass of C = 12, H = 1, O = 16]

33. Value of x is_________

Ans. 1.30

Sol. 1 mole of CH3 COOC2H5 gives 1 mole of CHI3

C 
1 mole CHI3 gives mole CH  CH
2  D
8.8 1  8.8 
 mole of CH3 COOC2H5    moles of C2H2
88 2  88 
WC2H2   0.1 26  1.30 gm

34. Value of y is_________

Ans. 10.00

|| ||
Sol. A is CH3  C  CH2  C  CH3
Molar mass = 60 + 8 + 32 = 100
 8.8 gm gives   8.8  10.00 gm

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Question Stem for Question Nos. 35 and 36

Question Stem

Ph C  i CH COO  Na  i  PCl
  CH3 CO 2 O  3
 ii H O/CH COOH  A 
ii  H PdBaSO  B
2 3 2 4
H Quinoline S

NaOH / CaO, 

35. If molar mass of C  M then M / 5 is _____

Ans. 20.80

36. If 0.1 mole of PhCHO is taken then mass of B formed (with 100 efficiency of the reaction)

Ans. 13.20

Sol. 0.1 mole of PhCHO gives 0.1 mole of Ph – CH = CHCHO (B)

 WPhCHCHCHO   13.20 gm
3 CH CO  O 5  i PCl
PhCHO  2
PhCH  CHCOOH 
 ii Rosenmund reduction
 PhCH  CH  CHO

A B 

NaOH / CaO, 

PhCH  CH2
C 

Question Stem for Question Nos. 37 and 38

Question Stem

0.5 gm of an organic compound was Kjeldahlised and the ammonia evolved was absorbed in to 60 ml of
0.1 N sulphuric acid solution. The residual acid solution was diluted with distilled water and the volume
was made up to 150 ml. 50 ml of this solution required 20 ml of N/20 NaOH solution for complete
[Atomic mass of N = 14, H = 1]

37. Calculate the mass percentage of nitrogen in the compound.

Ans. 8.40

 1  150
Sol. Meq. of residual H2 SO4   20   3
 20  50
Meq.of H2 SO 4 taken  60  0.1  6

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19 AITS-PT-II (Paper-2)-PCM-JEE(Advanced)/2022

 Meq. of H2 SO4 consumed  Meq. of NH3  6  3  3

1.4  3
Percentage of nitrogen   100  8.40

38. If we use Duma’s process then the volume of N2 at STP will be V lit. Calculate 100 V.

Ans. 3.36
(Range : 3.35 – 3.37)

1 3 1
Sol. Moles of N2  moles of NH3  
2 1000 2
 1.5  10 3
 vol of N2 at STP  22.4  1.5  10 3  0.0336 lit.
 0.0336  100  3.36

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Mathematics PART – III

Section – A (Maximum Marks: 24)

This section contains SIX (06) question. Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR
MOER THAN ONE of these four option(s) is (are) correct answer(s).

39. If sin1  2x   cos1  x 2  
, then the number of positive solution(s) is/are k1 and total number of
solution(s) of equation is/are k2, then

(A) k2 – k1 = 0

(B) k1 + k2 = 2

(C) k2 + k1 = 1

(D) 3k1 + 2k2 = 2

Ans. C, D

Sol. Sol(s)
–1  2x  1  x  (–, 0]
–1  x2  1  x  [–1, 1]
Domain  [–1, 0] so no positive solution can possible
x 2
No cut for x  R+ so no positive real solution 2 =x

40. Consider the two curves C1 : y2 = 6x and C2 : x2 + y2 – 18x + 36 = 0, then

(A) C1 and C2 touches each other

(B) C1 and C2 intersect each other at four distinct points

(C) equation of common tangent of C1 and C2 is x – 2y + 6 = 0

(D) equation of common chord of C1 and C2 is x + y – 3 = 0

Ans. A, C

Sol. Equation of tangent to parabola at (6, 6) is x – 2y + 6 = (6, 6)

and this is tangent to given circle also

Family of circle (x – 6)2 + (y – 6)2 + (x – 2y + 6) = 0

Put  = –6 we will get desired circle

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21 AITS-PT-II (Paper-2)-PCM-JEE(Advanced)/2022

41. If the equation 7 tan1  3x 2  2x  c   3cot 1  3x 2  2x  c   has two distinct real solutions,
then the range of c is super set of

(A) (–, –1)

 7
(B)  , 
 3

 4
(C)  5, 
 3

4 
(D) 3 , 5
 

Ans. A, C

Sol. 7 tan1  3x 2  2x  c   3cot 1  3x 2  2x  c  

 tan1  3x2  2x  c  
 3x2 + 2x + c = 1
 3x2 + 2x + (c – 1) = 0 equation has two distinct real solution when c 

42. Let ABC be a triangle with sides a, b, c with corresponding angle , ,  respectively. The circum-
radius of triangle is R. If  = 3, then (a2 – b2)(a – b) is equal to

(A) bc2

(B) b2c

(C) 8R3 sin  sin2 

(D) 8R3 sin2  sin 

Ans. A, C

Sol. (a2 – b2)(a – b) = 8R3(sin2  – sin2 )(sin  – sin )

= 8R3{sin2 3 – sin2 } {sin 3 – sin }
= 8R3{sin 4 sin 2 2 cos 2 sin }
= 8R3 sin2 4 sin 
= 8R3 sin2( – 4) sin 
= 8R3 sin2  sin 
= bc2

43. Let p  sin sin sin , where, A, B, C are angles of a triangle such that 2x2 – 8x – 8p + 9 = 0
2 2 2
for some real x, then

(A) sin A + sin B + sin C < cos A + cos B + cos C

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(B) tan2  tan2  tan2  1
2 2 2

(C) sin A + sin B + sin C > 1

(D) cos A  3 sinB 

Ans. C, D

Sol. 64 – 8(–8p + 9)  0  p 
A B C 1
 sin sin sin 
2 2 2 8
A B C 1  A B C 1
 sin sin sin 
2 2 2 8  sin 2 sin 2 sin 2  8 

 A B C 

44. In a given plane, let K and k be circles with radii R and r respectively and suppose that K and k
intersect in precisely two points S and T. Let the tangent to k through S intersect K also in B and
suppose B lies on the common tangent to K and k.

r   2
If  is the interior angle between the tangents of K and k at S, then   1 sin  , then
R  2

(A) 1 = 2

(B) 2 = 2

(C) 1 = 3

(D) 2 = 3

Ans. A, B

Sol. Let common tangent contact k at A. A t B

Let t denotes the length of AB and O and M are
centres of k and K respectively r
Now, MSB = 90 –  = MBS (BSM is isosceles)
k  M K
therefore ABS =  (90 – MBS) O
also since BA and BS are tangents to k from a
common point B S

 BS = BA = t ; ABO = OBS =
r 
In ABO,  tan ….. (1)
t 2
In BSM by cosine rule
R2 = t2 + R2 – 2Rt cos(90 – )
t = 2R sin  ….. (2)
From equation (1) and (2), we get

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23 AITS-PT-II (Paper-2)-PCM-JEE(Advanced)/2022

 2 r  r r r 
tan     4 sin2
2  t 2R sin    R 2
cos 4R sin cos
2 2 2

Section – A (Maximum Marks: 12)

This section contains TWO (02) paragraphs. Based on each paragraph, there are TWO (02) questions.
Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONLY ONE of these four options is the correct

Paragraph for Question Nos. 45 and 46

Let P(, ) be a point in the first quadrant. Circles are drawn through P touching the coordinate axes

45. Radius of one of the circles through P is

(A)    

(B)    

(C)     

(D)     2

Ans. D

46. Relation between  and  for which two circles are orthogonal is

(A) 2 + 2 = 4

(B) 2 + 2 = 6

(C) 2 + 2 = 

(D) 2 + 2 = 2

Ans. A

Sol. (Q.45.-46)
Let circle be (x – r)2 + (y – r)2 = r2
 r2 – 2r(+ ) + 2 + 2 = 0
 r        2
For orthogonal intersection
 r12  r22  4r1r2  2 + 2 = 4

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Paragraph for Question Nos. 47 and 48

8 3 2
Consider the curves C1 : y  x and C2 : y   x  a 

47. The range of “a” for which there exists two common tangents to the curves C1 and C2, other than
x-axis is

(A) (0, )

 1 
(B)   ,   ~ 0
 2 

 3 
(C)   ,   ~ 0
 2 

(D) [1, )

Ans. B

48. If a = 4, then the area bounded by the two tangent lines mentioned in the previous question and
the given parabola C2 is

(A) 100 sq. units

(B) 144 sq. units

(C) 180 sq. units

(D) 200 sq. units

Ans. B

Sol. (Q.47-48)
8 3
Let (x1, y1) is contact point of common tangent on curve C1 : y = x and slope of common
tangent be m
 m  x12 and 2x12  6x1  9a  0
 1 
 a    ,   ~ 0 . If a = 4, then C2 : y = (x + 4)2
 2 
 Common tangents are y = 32x – 128 ad y = 8x + 16
 Required area = 144 sq. units

Section – B (Maximum Marks: 12)

This section contains THREE (03) questions. The answer to each question is a NON-NEGATIVE

49. The number of roots of equation sin x  cos1  cos  x   in (0, 3) is

Ans. 3

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25 AITS-PT-II (Paper-2)-PCM-JEE(Advanced)/2022

Sol. Shown in the given figure

O  2 3
Total 3 solutions by graph

50. If the sum of infinite series

1 + k cos  + k2 cos 2 + k3 cos 3 …..  is L,
then max value of L is equal to (where k  )

Ans. 2

Sol. Let C = 1 + k cos  + k2 cos 2 + k3 cos 3 ….. 

Let consider S = k sin  + k2 sin 2 + k3 sin 3 ….. 
C + iS = 1 + k(ei) + k2(ei)2 + k3(ei)3 ….. 
1 1 1  k cos   ik sin 
=  =
1 k  ei
1  k  cos   isin   1  k 2  2k cos 
1  k cos 
 C  L (given)
1  k 2  2k cos 
Now, if k 
1  cos 
2 5L  4 5L  4
L  cos    1   1
1 4L  2 4L  2
1   cos 
2 
L   , 2
3 

51. For each natural number n  2, the largest possible value of the expression
Vn = sin x1 cos x2 + sin x2 cos x3 + ….. + sin xn cos x1 is f(n), then f(100) is equal to
(where x1, x2, x3, ….. xn are arbitrary real numbers)

Ans. 50

Sol. By the inequality 2ab  a2 + b2, we get

sin2 x1  cos2 x 2 sin2 x2  cos 2 x 3 sin2 x n  cos2 x1 n
Vn   ..... 
2 2 2 2

with inequality for x1 = x2 = ….. xn =

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Section – C (Maximum Marks: 12)

This section contains THREE (03) question stems. There are TWO (02) questions corresponding to each
question stem. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. If the numerical value has more
than two decimal places, truncate/round-off the value to TWO decimal places.

Question Stem for Question Nos. 52 and 53

Question Stem

A circle S = 0 has radius 10 units. Point P is outside the circle and shortest distance of P from circle S = 0
is 6 units. Chord RQ is parallel to OP, where O is centre of circle S = 0 and distance between RQ and OP
is 3 units. If (PR)2 + (PQ)2 is a three digit number , then

52. The value of  +  is equal to _____

Ans. 8.00

53. The value of  –  is equal to _____

Ans. 1.00

Sol. (Q.52-53)
PQ 2  9  16  91
 PR 2  9  16  91
 (PQ)2 + (PR)2 = 712
  = 7,  = 1,  = 2

Question Stem for Question Nos. 54 and 55

Question Stem

In a ABC, the three altitudes from vertices are along the lines 4x = y, x = y, x + 2y = 0 and A  (, ),
where  is a parameter. If centroid of triangle is (1, 1) and circumcentre of triangle is (2, 2), then

54. The value of 1 + 31 + 2 is equal to _____

Ans. 2.00

55. The value of 22 + 62 + 5 is equal to _____

Ans. 5.00

Sol. Locus of centroid and circumcentre is x + 3y = 0

 1 + 31 = 0, 2 + 32 = 0

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27 AITS-PT-II (Paper-2)-PCM-JEE(Advanced)/2022

Question Stem for Question Nos. 56 and 57

Question Stem

Perpendicular is drawn from a fixed point (3, 4) to a variable line which cuts positive x-axis at one unit
distance from origin. Circle S(x, y) = 0 represents the locus of the foot of perpendicular drawn from point
(3, 4) to the variable line. If radius of S(x, y) = 0 is 1 and length of tangent drawn to S(x, y) = 0 from
origin is  2 , then

56. The value of 1 is equal to _____

Ans. 5.00

57. The value of 2 is equal to _____

Ans. 3.00

Sol. (Q.56-57)
Let x + y – 1 = 0 be the variable line and (h, k) be the foot of perpendicular on it from (3, 4)
 (h – 2)2 + (k – 2)2 = 5
 Radius of S(x, y) = 0 is 5
 Length of tangent from origin to S(x, y) = 0 is 3

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