Modern Physics Selected Problem-DC Pandey

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Problem 551. The peak emission from a black body at a certain temperature occurs at a
wavelength of 9000 Å. On increasing its temperature the total radiation emitted is increased 81 times. At
the initial temperature when the peak radiation from the black body is incident on a metal surface, it does
not cause any photoemission from the surface. After the increase of temperature the peak radiation from
the black body caused photoemission. To bring these photoelectrons to rest a potential equivalent to the
excitation energy between the n = 2 to n = 3. Bohr levels of hydrogen atom is required. Find the work
function of the metal.
Problem 552. An electron is orbiting in a circular orbit of radius r under the influence of a constant
magnetic field of strength B. Assuming that Bohr’s postulate regarding the quantisation of angular
momentum holds good for this electron, find:
(a) the allowed values of the radius ‘ r’ of the orbit.
(b) the kinetic energy of the electron in orbit.
(c) the potential energy of interaction between the magnetic moment of the orbital current due to
the electron moving in its orbit and the magnetic field B.
(d) the total energy of the allowed energy levels.
(e) the total magnetic flux due to the magnetic field B passing through the nth orbit.
(Assume that the charge on the electron is −e and the mass of the electron is m).
Problem 553. Two hydrogen like atoms A and B are of different masses and each contains equal
number of neutrons and protons. The energy difference between the first Balmer lines emitted by A and
B is 5.667 eV. When the atoms A and B moving with the same velocity, strike a heavy target, they
rebound back with the same velocity. In this process the atom B imparts twice the momentum to the
target than that A imparts. Identify the atoms.
Problem 554. Find the frequency of a photon of frequency ν after falling through a height H in
earth’s gravitational field. Assume that a photon manifest any increase in its energy by changing its
Problem 555. A neutron moving with speed v makes a head on collision with a hydrogen atom in
ground state. Find the minimum velocity of the neutron for which inelastic (completely or partially)
collision may take place if
(a) the hydrogen atom is initially at rest
(b) the hydrogen atom is also moving with same velocity v towards the neutron.
The mass of neutron ≈ mass of hydrogen = 1.67 × 10 −27 kg.

Problem 556. A photon with an energy of 4.9 eV ejects photoelectrons from tungsten. When the
ejected electron enters a constant magnetic field of strength B = 2.5 mT at an angle of 60° with the field
direction, the maximum pitch of the helix described by the electron is found to be 2.7 mm. Find the work
function of the metal in electron volts. Given that specific charge of electron is 1.76 × 1011 C/kg.
Problems 109
Problem 557. Photons of energy 3 eV fall on a photosensitive metal of work function 1 eV. The
de-Broglie wavelength of the most energetic ejected electron is found to be (1.09) 2 10 times the
wavelength of K α , X-ray coming from a certain element A when it is bombarded by fast moving electron.
Find the atomic number (Z ) of the element A.
Take h (Planck constant) = 6.54 × 10 −34 J-s, mass of the electron = 9 × 10 −31 kg, Rydberg’s
constant = 1.09 × 107 m −1 .

Problem 558. A stable nuclei C is formed from two radioactive nuclei A and B with decay constant
of λ 1 and λ 2 respectively. Initially the number of nuclei of A is N 0 and that of B is zero. Nuclei B are
produced at a constant rate of P. Find the number of nuclei of C after time t.
Problem 559. Demonstrate that the frequency ν of a photon emerging when an electron jumps
between neighbouring circular orbits of a hydrogen like atom satisfies the inequality ν n + 1 < ν < ν n
where ν n and ν n + 1 are the frequencies of revolution of that electron around the nucleus along the
circular orbits. Also show that for large values of n all these three are almost equal.
Problem 560. A particle of mass m moves along a circular orbit in a centrosymmetrical potential
kr 2
field U (r) = . Using the Bohr’s quantization condition, find the permissible orbital radii and energy
levels of that particle.
Problem 561. Taking into account the motion of the nucleus of a hydrogen atom, find the
expressions for the electron’s binding energy in the ground state. How much (in per cent) do the binding
energy obtained without taking into account the motion of the nucleus differ from the more accurate
corresponding value of this quantity. Given = 0.00055, where m and M are the masses of an electron
and a proton.
Problem 562. Consider the β-decay 198 Au → 198 Hg + β − + ν −
where 198 Hg represents a mercury nucleus in an excited state of energy 1.088 MeV above the
ground state. What can be the maximum kinetic energy of the electron emitted. The atomic mass of
Au is 197.968233 u and that of 198 Hg is 197.966760 u. 1 u = 931 MeV/c 2 .

Problem 563. A sample of Uranium is a mixture of two isotopes 92 U 234 and 92 U 238 present in the
ratio 10% and 90% by weight. The half lives of these isotopes are 2.5 × 10 5 years and 4.5 × 10 5 years
respectively. Calculate the contribution to activity in percentage of each isotope in this sample.
Problem 564. A number N 0 of atoms of a radio active element are placed inside a closed volume.
The radioactive decay constant for the nucleus of this element is λ 1 . The daughter nucleus that form as a
result of the decay process are assumed to be radioactive too with a radioactive decay constant λ 2 .
Determine the time variation of the number of such nucleus. Consider two limiting cases λ 1 >> λ 2 and
λ 1 << λ 2 .
Problem 565. A nucleus at rest undergoes α-decay according to the equation.
92 X → Y +α

At time t = 0, the emitted α-particle enters in a region of space where a uniform magnetic field
→ → →
B = B 0 i$ and electric field E = E 0 i$ exist. The α-particle enters in the region with velocity v = v 0 $j from
110 Problems in Physics

x = 0. At time t = 3 × 107 sec, the particle was observed to have speed twice the initial velocity
qα E 0
v 0 then find
(a) the velocity of α-particle at time t.
(b) the initial velocity v 0 of the α-particle.
(c) the binding energy per nucleon of α-particle.
Given that : m (Y) = 221.03 u, m (α) = 4.003 u, m (n) = 1.009 u, m ( p) = 1.0084 u
charge on α-particle qα = 6.4 × 10 − 19 C
and 1 u = 1.67 × 10 − 27 kg = 931 MeV/c 2
Problem 566. A solution contains a mixture of two isotopes A (half life = 10 days) and B (half life = 5
days). Total activity of the mixture is 1010 disintegrations per second at time t = 0, the activity reduces to
20% in 20 days. Find
(a) the initial activities of A and B. (b) the ratio of initial number of their nuclei.
Problem 567. Consider an excited hydrogen atom in state n moving with a velocity v (v << c). It
emits a photon in the direction of its motion and changes its state to a lower state m. Apply momentum
and energy conservation principle to calculate the frequency ν of the emitted radiation. Compare this
with the frequency ν 0 emitted if the atom were at rest.
Problem 568. Polonium ( 84 Po 210 ) emits α-particles and is converted into lead ( 82 Pb 206 ). This
reaction is used for producing electric power. Polonium has half life 138.6 days. Assuming an efficiency
of 10% for the thermoelectric machine. How much polonium is required to produce 1.2 × 107 J of
electric energy per day at the end of 693 days. Also find the initial activity of the material. Masses of
nuclei are
Po 210 = 209.98264 amu
Pb 206 = 205.97440 amu
He 4 = 4.00260 amu
1 amu = 931 MeV/c 2
Avogadro’s number = 6 × 10 23 per mol.

Problem 569. A radio nuclide with half life T = 14.3 days is produced in a reactor at a constant rate
q = 10 9 nuclei per second. How soon after the beginning of production of that radionuclide will, its
activity be equal to A = 10 8 disintegrations per second. Plot a rough graph of its activity with time.

Problem 570. A body of mass m 0 is placed on a smooth horizontal surface. The mass of the body is
decreasing exponentially with disintegration constant λ. Assuming that the mass is ejected backwards
with a relative velocity u. Initially the body was at rest. Find the velocity of it after time t.
Problem 571. A radionuclide with disintegration constant λ is produced in a reactor at a constant
rate α nuclei per second. During each decay energy E 0 is released. 20% of this energy is utilised in
increasing the temperature of water. Find the increase in temperature of m mass of water in time t.
Specific heat of water is s. Assume that there is no loss of energy through water surface.
Problems 111
Problem 572. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance i (amp)
100 µF and a separation of 1 cm is charged with a battery to a
potential difference of 10 V. The battery is then disconnected. 10–12
Electromagnetic wave is now incident on negatively charged
plate which emits electrons with kinetic energies ranging from 0
to 1.5 eV.
The electrons are attracted to the positive plate. The current
which flows between the two plates varies with time t as shown in t(s)
t1 t2
(a) What is the potential difference between the plates at time t1
(b) What is the numerical value of t1
(c) What is the potential difference between the plates for t > t 2
Problem 573. A photon of momentum p1 is absorbed by an electron initially at rest, which instantly
recoils and emits a second photon of momentum p2 in a direction making an angle θ with the direction of
p1 . The electron at rest has an energy of m 0 c 2 where m 0 is its rest mass and an energy of c p 2 + m 02 c 2
when momentum p. Here c is speed of light. Show that
1 1 1
– = (1 – cos θ)
p2 p1 m 0 c

Problem 574. A NPN transistor is connected in common emitter configuration in which collector
supply is 8 V and the voltage drop across the load resistance of 800 Ω connected in collector circuit is 0.8
V. If current amplification factor β = 25/ 26, determine collector emitter voltage and base current. If the
internal resistance of the transistor is 200 Ω, calculate the voltage gain and power gain.
Problem 575. A NPN transistor in a common emitter mode is
used as a simple voltage amplifier with a collector current of 4 mA. The RB RL
terminal of a 8V battery is connected to the collector through a load
resistance R L and to the base through a resistance R B . The collector B

emitter voltage VCE = 4 V, base emitter voltage VBE = 0.6 V and VCE
current amplification factor is β = 100. Calculate the values of R L and VBE
RB .

Vc = +5.5V

R1 = 500kΩ R2 = 1kΩ
Problem 576. In the circuit shown in figure, the base current
i b = 10 µA and the collector current i c = 5.2 mA. Can this transistor
be used as an amplifier ? Explain why or why not ?

112 Problems in Physics
Problem 577. A sample of radioactive material decays simultaneously by two processes A and B
with half lives 1/2 and 1/4 hr respectively. For first half hour it decays with the process A, next one hour
with the process B and for further half an hour with both A and B. If originally there were N 0 nuclei, find
the number of nuclei after 2 hr of such decay.
Problem 578. Natural water contains a small amount of tritium (13 H). This isotope beta decays with
a half life of 20 years. A mountaineer find debris of some earlier unsuccessful attempt. Among other
things he finds a sealed bottle of whisky.
On return he analyses the whisky and finds that it contains only 2.5 per cent of the 13 H radioactivity
as compared to a recently purchased bottle marked 10 years old. Estimate the time of that unsuccessful


Problem 579. A rock is 1.5 × 10 9 years old. The rock contains 238
U, which disintegrates to form
206 206
Pb. Assume that there was no Pb in the rock initially and it is the only stable product formed by
the decay. Calculate the ratio of number of nuclei of 238 U to that of 206 Pb in the rock. Half-life of 238 U
is 4.5 × 10 9 years. ( 21/ 3 = 1.259) (JEE 2004)
Problem 580. Wavelengths belonging to Balmer series lying in the range of 450 nm to 750 nm
were used to eject photoelectrons from a metal surface whose work function is 2.0 eV. Find (in eV)
the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectrons. Take hc = 1242 eV nm. (JEE 2004)
Problem 581. Characteristic X-rays of frequency 4.2 × 1018 Hz are produced when transitions
from L shell to K shell take place in a certain target material. Use Mosley’s law to determine the
atomic number of the target material. Given Rydberg constant R = 1.1 × 107 m −1 . (JEE 2003)

Problem 582. A radioactive element decays by β-emission. A detector records n beta particles in
2 seconds and in next 2 seconds it records 0.75n beta particles. Find mean life correct to nearest
whole number. Given ln |2| = 0.6931, ln |3| = 1.0986. (JEE 2003)
Problem 583. In a photoelectric experiment setup, photons of energy 5 eV falls on the cathode
having work function 3 eV.
(a) If the saturation current is i A = 4 µA for intensity 10 −5 W/m 2 , then plot a graph between
anode potential and current.
(b) Also draw a graph for intensity of incident radiation 2 × 10 −5 W/m 2 . (JEE 2003)
Problem 584. A hydrogen-like atom (described by the Bohr model) is observed to emit six
wavelengths, originating from all possible transitions between a group of levels. These levels have
energies between −0.85 eV and −0.544 eV (including both these values).
(a) Find the atomic number of the atom.
(b) Calculate the smallest wavelength emitted in these transitions.
(Take hc = 1240 eV-nm, ground state energy of hydrogen atom = − 13.6 eV). (JEE 2002)
Problems 113
Problem 585. Two metallic plates A and B, each of area 5 × 10 −4 m 2 , are placed parallel to each
other at a separation of 1 cm. Plate B carries a positive charge of 33.7 × 10 −12 C. A monochromatic
beam of light, with photons of energy 5 eV each, starts falling on plate A at t = 0 so that 10 6 photons
fall on it per square metre per second. Assume that one photoelectron is emitted for every 10 6
incident photons. Also assume that all the emitted photoelectrons are collected by plate B and the
work function of plate A remains constant at the value 2 eV. Determine :
(a) the number of photoelectrons emitted up to t = 10 s.
(b) the magnitude of the electric field between the plates A and B at t = 10 s.
(c) the kinetic energy of the most energetic photo-electron emitted at t = 10 s when it reaches
plate B. Neglect the time taken by the photoelectron to reach plate B.
Take ε 0 = 8.85 × 10 −12 C 2 /N-m 2 (JEE 2002)
Problem 586. A radioactive nucleus X decays to a nucleus Y with a decay constant
λX = 0.1 sec . Y further decays to a stable nucleus Z with a decay constant λ Y = 1 / 30 sec −1 .

Initially, there are only X nuclei and their number is N 0 = 10 20 . Set up the rate equations for the
populations of X , Y and Z. The population of the Y nucleus as a function of time is given by
N Y (t ) = { N 0 λ X / ( λ X – λ Y )} {exp (– λ Y t ) – exp (– λ X t )}. Find the time at which N Y is maximum
and determine the population of X and Z at that instant. (JEE 2001)
Problem 587. In a nuclear reactor 235 U undergoes fission liberating 200 MeV of energy. The
reactor has a 10% efficiency and produces 1000 MW power. If the reactor is to function for 10 years,
find the total mass of uranium required. (JEE 2001)
Problem 588. A nucleus at rest undergoes a decay emitting an α-particle of de-Broglie
wavelength, λ = 5.76 × 10 –15 m. If the mass of the daughter nucleus is 223.610 amu and that of the
α-particle is 4.002 amu, determine the total kinetic energy in the final state. Hence, obtain the mass
of the parent nucleus in amu.
(1 amu = 931.470 MeV/c 2 ) (JEE 2001)
Problem 589. (a) A hydrogen like atom of atomic number Z is in an excited state of quantum
number 2n. It can emit a maximum energy photon of 204 eV. If it makes a transition to
quantum state n, a photon of energy 40.8 eV is emitted. Find n, Z and the ground state
energy (in eV) of this atom. Also calculate the minimum energy (in eV) that can be emitted
by this atom during de-excitation. Ground state energy of hydrogen atom is –13.6 eV.
(b) When a beam of 10.6 eV photons of intensity 2.0 W/m 2 falls on a platinum surface of area
1.0 × 10 –4 m 2 and work function 5.6 eV, 0.53% of the incident photons eject
photoelectrons. Find the number of photoelectrons emitted per second and their minimum
and maximum energies (in eV). Take 1 eV = 1.6 × 10 –19 J. (JEE 2000)

Problem 590. Photoelectrons are emitted when 400 nm radiation is incident on a surface of
work function 1.9 eV. These photoelectrons pass through a region containing α-particle. A maximum
energy electron combines with an α-particle to form a He + ion, emitting a single photon in this
process. He + ions thus formed are in their fourth excited state. Find the energies in eV of the photons
lying in the 2 to 4 eV range, that are likely to be emitted during and after the combination.
[Take h = 4.14 × 10 −15 eV-s] (JEE 1999)
114 Problems in Physics
Problem 591. Nuclei of a radioactive element A are being produced at a constant rate α. The
element has a decay constant λ. At time t = 0, there are N 0 nuclei of the element.
(a) Calculate the number N of nuclei of A at time t
(b) If α = 2N 0 λ , calculate the number of nuclei of A after one half life of A, and also the limiting
value of N as t → ∞. (JEE 1998)
Problem 592. Assume that the de-Broglie wave associated with an electron can form a standing
wave between the atoms arranged in a one dimensional array with nodes at each of the atomic sites.
It is found that one such standing wave is formed if the distance d between the atoms of the array is 2
Å. A similar standing wave is again formed if d is increased to 2.5 Å but not for any intermediate value
of d. Find the energy of the electron in eV and the least value of d for which the standing wave of the
type described above can form. (JEE 1997)
Problem 593. The element Curium 248 96 Cm has a mean life of 10
second. Its primary decay
modes are spontaneous fission and α-decay, the former with a probability of 8% and the latter with a
probability of 92%. Each fission releases 200 MeV of energy. The masses involved in decay are as
follows :
96 Cm = 248.072220 u, 94 Pu =
244.064100 u and 2 He = 4.002603 u.
Calculate the power output from a sample of 10 20 Cm atoms. (1 u = 931 meV/C 2 ) (JEE 1997)

Problem 594. In an ore containing Uranium, the ratio of 238 U to 206 Pb nuclei is 3. Calculate the
age of the ore, assuming that all the lead present in the ore is the final stable product of 238 U. Take
the half life of 238 U to be 4.5 × 10 9 years. (JEE 1997, Cancelled)
Problem 595. (a) An electron in a hydrogen like atom is in an excited state. It has a total energy of
– 3.4 eV. Calculate :
(i) the kinetic energy
(ii) the de-Broglie wavelength of the electron
(b) At a given instant there are 25% undecayed radioactive nuclei in a sample. After 10 second
the number of undecayed nuclei reduces to 12.5%. Calculate :
(i) mean life of the nuclei
(ii) the time in which the number of undecayed nuclei will further reduce to 6.25% of the
reduced number. (JEE 1996)
Problem 596. In a photoelectric effect set-up a point source of light of power 3.2 × 10 –3 W emits
monoenergetic photons of energy 5.0 eV. The source is located at a distance of 0.8 m from the centre
of a stationary metallic sphere of work function 3.0 eV and of radius 8.0 × 10 –3 m. The efficiency of
photoelectron emission is one for every 10 6 incident photons. Assume that the sphere is isolated and
initially neutral and that photoelectrons are instantly swept away after emission.
(a) Calculate the number of photoelectrons emitted per second.
(b) Find the ratio of the wavelength of incident light to the de-Broglie wavelength of the fastest
photoelectrons emitted.
(c) It is observed that the photoelectron emission stops at a certain time t after the light source is
switched on why ?
(d) Evaluate the time t. (JEE 1995)
Problems 115
Problem 597. A hydrogen like atom (atomic number Z) is in a higher excited state of quantum
number n. The excited atom can make a transition to the first excited state by successively emitting
two photons of energy 10.2 and 17.0 eV respectively. Alternately, the atom from the same excited
state can make a transition to the second excited state by successively emitting two photons of
energies 4.25 eV and 5.95 eV respectively. Determine the values of n and Z. (Ionization energy of
H-atom = 13.6 eV) (JEE 1994)
Problem 598. A small quantity of solution containing Na 24 radio nuclide (half life = 15 hour) of
activity 1.0 microcurie is injected into the blood of a person. A sample of the blood of volume 1 cm 3
taken after 5 hour shows an activity of 296 disintegrations per minute. Determine the total volume of
the blood in the body of the person. Assume that the radioactive solution mixes uniformly in the
blood of the person.
(1 curie = 3.7 × 1010 disintegrations per second) (JEE 1994)
Problem 599. A neutron of kinetic energy 65 eV collides inelastically with a singly ionized
helium atom at rest. It is scattered at an angle of 90° with respect of its original direction.
(i) Find the allowed values of the energy of the neutron and that of the atom after the collision
(ii) If the atom gets de-excited subsequently by emitting radiation, find the given frequencies of
the emitted radiation.
[Given : Mass of He atom = 4 × (mass of neutron) Ionization energy of H atom = 13.6 eV]
(JEE 1993)
Problem 600. Light from a discharge tube containing hydrogen atoms falls on the surface of a
piece of sodium. The kinetic energy of the fastest photoelectrons emitted from sodium is 0.73 eV. The
work function for sodium is 1.82 eV. Find :
(a) the energy of the photons causing the photoelectric emission.
(b) the quantum numbers of the two levels involved in the emission of these photons.
(c) the change in the angular momentum of the electron in the hydrogen atom in the above
transition, and
(d) the recoil speed of the emitting atom assuming it to be at rest before the transition.
(Ionization potential of hydrogen is 13.6 eV). (JEE 1992)
Answers 129
g sin θ π 2r 4 B 02 a2 cos 2 θ 2x 2
527. (1 − e− Kt ) where K = 528. Pr
K mR µ 0 i 0 a2
529. (a) 0.65 volt (b) 0.2 t volt 530. 0.32 A 531. (a) (b)
CB 2l 2 + m (m + CB 2l 2 )
FR CFR FR B 2l 2
532. (a) , (b) (1 − e− λt ) where λ =
B 2l 2 Bl 2 2
B l R (m + CB 2l 2 )
1/ 2
 B 2l 2 x 2  F0 x B 2l 2  2x + l 
533. v =  g x −  534. v = v 0 + − ln  
 2 mL  m 2 λm  l 
mgR sin α
535. (i) Rod moved with terminal velocity v T =
B 2l 2
mg sin α
(ii) Rod moves with uniform acceleration a =
m + B 2l 2 C
mgL sin α B 2l 2
(iii) Rod oscillates x (t) = A (1 − cos ω t) where, A = 2 2
and ω 2 =
B l mL
536. (i) vmax = (ii) m = CB 2l 2 for maximum efficiency 537. r = 2R
m + B 2l 2 C
g k 2π 2 r04 B 02 αβ
538. z(t) = (cos ωt − 1) where ω 2 = , k = , imax = 39 A
ω 2
m L
4 π µ aCI 0 ω 2 ln (2 )
539. R = (r1 − r2 ) 540. 20 A, 541. imax = 0
3 4 π
dφ di 1 µ 0 I 0 l  T
542. (a) = iR + L (b) ln (2 ) − Li1 (c)
dt dt R  2π  ln 4
543. 12 e−5 t volt, 6 e−10 t ampere (clockwise) 544. 35.6°C
B 0 av B 02 a2v 2 2
$j (c) (i) v (t) = g (1 − e− Kt ), where K = B 0 a (ii) v = g
545. (a) (counter clockwise) (b) − t
R R K mR K
546. (a) 10 A/s (b) zero (c) 2.0 A (d) 1.732 × 10 C

 −  t 
 R
mgR g Bωr 2 Bωr 2
547. (i) (ii) 548. (a) (b) (i) i = 1 − e  L  
B 2 L2 2 2 2R  
 
B 2ωr 4 mgr
(ii) τ ext = + cos ωt (anticlockwise) 549. 1.0 m/s, 0.47 Ω, 0.3 Ω,
4R 2
550. Current in segment AE is A from E to A
6 1
Current in segment BE is A from B to E and current in segment EF is A from F to E.
22 22
nh Benh Benh
551. 2.225 eV 552. (a) rn = (b) K n = (c) U n =
2πBe 4 πm 2m
 gH 
553. A is 1 H 2 and B is 2 He4 554. ν 1 + 2  555. (a) 6.25 × 10 4 m/s (b) 3.13 × 10 4 m/s
 c 
 e− λ 2t − 1 
556. 4.5 eV 557. Z = 24 558. N c = N 0 (1 − e−λ 1 t ) + P  t + 
 λ2 
130 Problems in Physics

nh h k
560. rn = h ω where −
and E n = n − h= and ω =
mω 2π m

µe4 h mM
561. , 0.055%. Here −
h= and µ = 562. 0.2834 MeV 563. 16.67% and 83.33%
32π ε 0 h
2 2 2
2π m+M
λ1 N 0 −λ t
564. N 0 e− λ 2 t , (1 − e 2 )
q E  q B
565. (a)  α 0 t i$ + v 0 cos θ $j − v 0 sin θ k$ where θ = ωt and ω = α (b) 107 m/s (c) 8.00 MeV
 mα  mα

 v
566. (a) 0.73 × 1010 dps, 0.27 × 1010 dps (b) 5.4 567. ν = ν 0 1 + 
 c

568. 319.984 g, 4.5712 × 10 21 disintegrations per day 569. 2.167 days

 α 
0.2 E 0 [αt − (1 − e− λt )
 λ 
570. uλt 571. 572. (a) 0 V (b) 10 9 s (c) 1.5 V
574. 7.2 V, 1.04 × 10 −3 A, 3.846, 3.698 575. 10 3 Ω, 1.85 × 10 5 Ω
 1
576. The circuit cannot be used as an amplifier. 577. N 0   578. 116.8 years
 2

579. 3.846 580. 0.55 eV 581. Z = 42 582. 6.947 sec 584. (a) Z = 3 (b) 4052.3 nm

585. (a) 5.0 × 10 7

(b) 2 × 10 N/C (c) 23 eV

dN X dN Y dN Z
586. (i) = − λ X NX , = λ X N X − λ Y N Y, = λ Y NY
dt dt dt
(ii) 16.48 s (iii) N X = 1.92 × 1019 , N Y = 5.76 × 1019 , N Z = 2.32 × 1019
587. 3.847 × 10 4 kg 588. 6.25 MeV, 227.62 a.m.u.

589. (a) 2, 4, – 217.6 eV, 10.58 eV (b) 6.25 × 1011 , 0, 5.0 eV

590. 3.376 eV during combination and 3.94 and 2.64 eV after combination.
1 3
591. (a) [α − (α − λN 0 ) e− λt ] (b) N 0 , 2 N 0 592. 150.8 eV, 0.5 Å 593. 3.32 × 10 −5 watt
λ 2
594. 1.88 × 10 9 years 595. (a) (i) 3.4 eV (ii) 6.63 Å (b) (i) 14.43 s (ii) 40 s
596. (a) 10 (b) 285.1 (d) 111 s 597. 6, 3 598. 5.95 litre
599. (i) Allowed values of K.E. of neutron are 6.36 eV and 0.312 eV and that of atom are 17.84 eV and 16.328 eV
(ii) 1.82 × 1015 Hz, 11.67 × 1015 Hz, 9.84 × 1015 Hz
600. (a) 2.55 eV (b) 4 and 2 (c) − (d) 0.814 m/s


551. E ∝T4 Substituting the values we have,

Since E has increased 81 times, the nhe
temperature has become 3 times. From 2m
Wein’s displacement law λ mT = constant new Now potential energy in n th orbit,
wavelength corresponding to maximum
intensity will become 3000 Å. Energy of U n = MB sin 90° =
photons corresponding to 3000 Å is, 2m
12375  1 + 2π  Benh
E0 = eV = 4.125 eV (d) E n = K n + U n =  
3000  4π  m
Maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons, nh
(e) φn = B(πr 2) =
Kmax = E 3 − E 2 2e
(−13.6) (−13.6) 553. First line of Balmer series means that electron
= − = 1.9 eV jumps from n = 3 to n = 2. Hence, the
(3)2 (2)2
excitation energy emitted by two atoms in the
∴ W = E0 − K process is
= (4.125 − 1.9) eV = 2.225 eV 1 1
E A = − 13.6 Z 2A  2 − 2 ,
mv 2 2 3 
552. (a) = Bev …(1)
r where −13.6 eV is the energy of ground state
nh of hydrogen atom and
mvr = …(2)
2π Z A = nuclear charge = Number of protons
Solving equations (1) and (2) we have 5
or E A = − 13.6 × × Z 2A eV
nh Benh 36
r= and v =
2πBe 2π m 2 1 1
Similarly, E B = − 13.6 × Z B2  2 − 2 
nh 2 3 
Thus, rn =
2πBe 5
= − 13.6 × × Z B2
(b) Kinetic energy, 36
1 It is given that
K = mv 2
2 E B − E A = 5.667 eV
1  Benh  Benh 13.6 ×
[Z 2A − Z B2 ] = 5.667
= m  = or
2  2π m 2  4 π m 36
5.667 × 36
Thus, Kn =
Benh or Z 2A − Z B2 = =3 …(i)
4πm 13.6 × 5
(c) M = iA = (e) (2πf ) (πr 2) (Z 2A − Z B2 should be an integer)
 v  Since, the number of neutrons and protons in
= (e) (2π)   (πr ) = πrev
 2π r  each atom is same.
398 Problems in Physics
∴ mass of atoms are Though a photon has no rest mass, it acts as if
m A = 2Z AmP hν
it has a mass of 2 . If the photon falls through
and m B = 2Z B m P c
a height H , its energy E shall increase by mgH .
[where M p = mass of proton
Since, the photon cannot have speed greater
= mass of neurton]
than c, the increase in energy is a consequence
Momentum imparted by A to the target is
of increase in ν. Let the new frequency be ν′.
= change in momentum of A Then
= m Av − (−m Av) = 2m A v hν ′ = hν + mgH
Momentum imparted by B, will similarly be
 gH 
2mBv. Since, B imparts twice the momentum or ν ′ = ν 1 + 2  [from (1)]
 c 
compared to A
2mBv 555. The collision will be inelastic if a part of the
∴ =2
2m Av kinetic energy is used to excite the atom. Let
us assume that an energy ∆ E is used in this
or mB = 2m A way. Also, let the neutron and the hydrogen
or Z B = 2Z A …(ii) atom move at speeds v1 and v 2 after collision.
Since, Z B > Z A, (a) Using conservation of linear momentum
equation (i) can be revised as mv = mv1 + mv 2
Z B2 − Z 2A = 3 …(iii) or v = v1 + v 2 …(1)
Solving (ii) and (iii) From energy conservation, we have
Z A = 1, Z B = 2 1 1 1
mv 2 = mv12 + mv 22 + ∆ E
∴ A is 2
(Deuterium) 2 2 2
2∆ E
and B is 4
2 He (Helium)
or v = v1 + v 2 +
2 2 2
[Remember, it is given that number of Squaring (1) we have
neutrons is same as number of protons.]
554. The photon manifests any increase in its v 2 = v12 + v 22 + 2v1v 2
energy by increase in its frequency because its Comparing this with (2)
speed is already c which cannot increase any 2∆ E
further. This is a fact which students must 2v1v 2 =
know. At times this assumption may not be
Hence, (v1 − v 2)2 = (v1 + v 2)2 − 4v1v 2
written clearly in the problem.
4∆ E
= v2 −
E = hν m
For (v1 − v 2) to be real
4∆ E 4∆ E
v2 − ≥ 0 or v 2 ≥
m m
E = hν + mgH
The minimum energy that can be absorbed by
hν the hydrogen atom in ground state to go to an
Momentum of photon, p = excited state is 10.2 eV. Thus, the minimum
velocity of neutron for the collision to be
p hν
Mass of photon, m = = …(1) inelastic is
c c2
Solutions 399
4 × 10.2 × 1.6 × 10−19 1 1  Bey 
vmin = −27 ∴ KE = mv 2 = m  
1.67 × 10 2 2  πm 
= 39.08 × 108 Using Einstein’s equation
or vmin = 6.25 × 10 m/s 4
mv 2 = hν − φ
(b) From the law of momentum conservation 2
1  Bey 
mv − mv = mv1 + mv 2 φ = hν − m 
2  πm 
or v1 = − v 2 …(3)
 1  m   Bey  
From conservation of energy, we have = 4.9 −      electron-volts
 2  e   πm  
1 1 1 1 
mv 2 + mv 2 = mv12 + mv 22 + ∆ E
2 2 2 2  1 B 2y 2  e  
2∆ E = 4.9 −    electron-volt
or 2v 2 = 2v12 + [using (3)]  2 4 π 2  m 
∆E = (4.9 − 0.4) eV = 4.5 eV
or v12 = v 2 −
m Note: The maximum pitch will be corresponding to the
electrons having maximum speed or maximum
Since v1 is real v ≥
2 kinetic energy.
Minimum value of v is obtained when 557. λ de =
2me (E ph − W )
∆ E = 10.2 eV
10.2 × 1.6 × 10−19 J 4
∴ 2
vmin = λ Kα =
1.67 × 10−27 kg 3R(Z − 1)2

or vmin = 3.13 × 104 m/s Given that

λ de = (1.09)2 10λ Kα
556. Pitch of the helix is given by
vT Substituting the values we have,
y = (v cos θ) . T = v(cos 60° ) T =
2 Z − 1 = 23
Where time period of circular motion ∴ Z = 24
2πm 558. We have for B
T =
eB dN B
= P − λ 2 NB
NB dN t
v cos 60° ⇒ ∫0 P − λ 2BNB = ∫0 dt
 P − λ 2 NB 
⇒ ln   = − λ 2t
 P 
P(1 − e − λ 2 t )
⇒ NB =
v sin 60°
The number of nuclei of A after time t is
 2π m   πmv 
Pitch y =   v cos 60° =   N A = N 0e − λ1 t
 Be   Be 
400 Problems in Physics
dN c dU
Thus = λ 1 N A + λ 2 NB 560. F = – = – kr
dt dr
dN c Negative sign implies that force is acting
⇒ = λ 1 N 0e − λ1 t + P(1 − e − λ 2 t ) towards centre. The necessary centripetal
force to the particle is being provided by this
 e − λ 2 t − 1
⇒ N c = N 0 (1 − e − λ1 t ) + P  t +  force F. Hence
 λ2  mv 2
= kr …(1)
559. (i) Frequency of electron in nth orbit is given by r
K 2mz 2e 4  h 
νn = …(1) and mvr = n h  where h =  …(2)
 2π 
2π n 3 h 3
h 1 solving equations (1) and (2) we get
Here h= and K=
2π 4 πε 0 nh k
r = rn = where ω =
2 2 4 mω m
K mZ e
Similarly ν n + 1 = …(2) and total energy
2π (n + 1)3 h 3
kr 2 1
Energy of electron in nth orbit is E =U + K = + mv 2
2 2
mK 2Z 2e 4
En = – Substituting the values, we get
2n 2h 2
E = nhω = E n
mK 2Z 2e 4
and E n+1 = – 561. Given that M is the mass of the nucleus
2 (n + 1)2 h 2
(proton) and m the mass of electron. Proton
Therefore, frequency of photon ν when it and electron both revolve about their centre of
jumps from (n + 1)th energy state to nth state mass (COM) with same
will be given by angular velocity (ω) but
E n + 1 – E n mK 2Z 2e 4  1 1  different linear speeds. r1 com r2
ν= =  2 –  Let r1 and r2 be the M m
2π h 4 πh 3
n (n + 1)2  distances of COM from
mK 2Z 2e 4 (2n + 1) proton and electron.
= Let r be the distance
2πh 3 2n 2 (n + 1)2
between the proton and the electron. Then
  1  Mr1 = mr2
 2 +  
K mZ e  
2 4
n  r1 + r2 = r
or ν= 3 3 
2π n h 1 
 ∴ r1 =
and r2 =
 2 1 +  
  n  M +m M +m
From equations (1), (2) and (3) we can see Centripetal force to electron is provided by the
that electrostatic force. So,
νn + 1 < ν < νn 1 e2
mr2ω 2 =
(ii) For large values of n 4 πε 0 r 2
1  Mr  2 1 e2
n +1≈n and → 0, or m ω =
n  M + m 4 πε 0 r 2
So, from equations (1) (2) and (3) we see that  Mm  3 2 e2
ν = νn = νn + 1
or  r ω =
 M + m 4 πε 0
Solutions 401
Mm If motion of nucleus is not taken into account,
Substituting =µ
M +m in that case
me 4
(reduced mass of proton and electron) E b′ = ,
e2 32π 2ε 20 h 2
µr 3ω 2 = …(1)
4 πε 0 m > µ ∴ E b′ > E b
Moment of inertia of the atom about COM is : E b′ – E b
∴ percentage increase = × 100
I = Mr12 + mr22 Eb

 Mm  2  mM 
or I=  r =µr
…(2) m – µ  m – 
 M + m M + m
=   × 100 =  × 100
 µ   mM 
According to Bohr’s theory  
 M +m 
 h 
Iω = n h where  h =  m 
 2π  =   × 100 = 0.00055 × 100 = 0.055%
or µr 2ω = nh …(3)
562. The product nucleus 198 Hg is in excited state
solving equations (1) and (3) for r we get
and possesses extra 1.088 MeV energy.
4 πε 0 n 2h 2 If 198 Hg would had been in ground state, the
r= …(4)
µe 2 kinetic energy available to electron and
Electrical potential energy of the system is antineutrino must have
e2 Q = (mAu – mHg ) 931 MeV
4πε 0 r = (197.968233 – 197.966760) 931 MeV
and kinetic energy is = 1.3714 MeV
1 1
K = Iω 2 = µr 2ω 2 Since 198 Hg is in excited state, actual kinetic
2 2 energy available to electron and antineutrino is
But from equation (1) K = (1.3714 – 1.088) MeV
e2 e2 = 0.2834 MeV
ω =
∴ K=
4 πε 0 µr 3 8πε 0 r
As β-ray and antineutrino has continuous
∴ Total energy of the atom is spectrum starting form zero value, therefore,
e2 this is also the maximum kinetic energy of the
E = K +U = – electron emitted.
8πε 0 r
563. Let M be the total mass of Uranium mixture.
Substituting value ofr from equation (4) we get
Then the masses of the isotopes 92 U 234 and
µe 4 238
E=– 92 U in the mixture are
32π 2ε 20 n 2h 2
M 1 = 01
. M and M 2 = 0.9 M
For ground state n = 1
The mass number of isotopes are
µe 4
E1 = – A1 = 234 and A2 = 238
32π 2ε 20 h 2
Number of molecules of these isotopes in the
or binding energy mixture are
µe4 M M
E b = | E1| = N1 = 1 N A and N 2 = 2 N A
32π 2 ε 02 h 2 A1 A2
402 Problems in Physics
Where N A = Avogadro number. This transforms equation (1) into
Activity of a radioactive sample dN 2
= – (λ 2 N 2 – λ 1 N 0)
ln 2 dt
R = λN = ⋅N (t1/ 2 = half life) N2
t1/ 2 t
d N2
R1  N1  (t1/ 2)2
or ∫ λ 1 N0 – λ 2 N2
= ∫ dt
∴ =  0 0
R2  N 2  (t1/ 2)1 which after integration gives
 M   A  (t ) λ
=  1   2  1/ 2 2 N 2 = 1 N 0 (1 – e– λ 2t )
 M 2   A1  (t1/ 2)1 λ2

Substituting the values, we have Note: To find the actual dependence of N 2 on t, we

integrate (1). The solution has the form
R1  01
. M   238   4.5 × 105 
=     = 0.2 λ1N0
N2 = (e – λ1t – e – λ 2t )
R2  0.9 M   234   2.5 × 105  λ 2 – λ1

∴ Percentage activity of N2 ≈ N0 e – λ 2t for λ1 > > λ 2

 0 .2  and N2 ≈
N0 (1 – e – λ 2t ) for λ1 < < λ 2
92 U
=  × 100 = 16.67%
 0 .2 + 1  λ2

and percentage activity of 565. (a) Electric field is parallel to magnetic field
and initial velocity is perpendicular to
92 U
= (100 – 16.67)% = 83.33%
both the fields. Hence the resultant path
564. In time interval dt, number of increase of will be a helix of increasing pitch. Velocity
daughter nuclei are of α- particle at any ztime t, would be
dN 2 = λ 1 N1dt – λ 2 N 2dt
or dN 2 = λ 1 N 0e – λ1 t dt – λ 2 N 2dt
( N1 = N 0 e – λ1 t ) y

dN 2 θ
or + λ 2 N 2 = λ 1 N 0e – λ1 t …(1)
dt v0
Case 1 : When λ 1 >> λ 2
→ q E 
i.e. (t1/ 2)1 < < (t1/ 2)2 (t1/ 2 = half life) v =  α 0 t $i + v 0 cos θ $j – v 0 sin θ k$
 mα 
We can assume that N 20 ≈ N 0 so that q B
where θ = ωt and ω = α
N 2 = N 0e – λ 2 t mα
(N 20 = number of daughter atoms at time t = 0) (b) Speed of α-particle at time t is
Physically this means that parent nuclei →  qα E 0 
practically instantly transform into daughter | v |=  t + v 02
nuclei, which then decay according to the law  mα 
of radioactive decay with decay constant λ 2. →
Case 2 : When λ 1 < < λ 2 i.e. Given| v | = 2v 0 at,

(t1/ 2)1 >> (t1/ 2)2  m 

t = 3 × 10 7  α  sec
 qα E 0 
In this case number of parent nuclei can be
assumed to remain constant over a sizable So, 4v 02 = ( 3 × 107 )2 + v 02
time interval and is equal to N 0. or v 0 = 107 m/s
Solutions 403
(c) When α-particle is emitted with velocity v 0  1

from a stationary nucleus X, daughter R A =   R A0 = 0.25 R A0

 2
nucleus Y recoils with speed v which is
given by Similarly activity of B after t = 20 days (four
half lives of B) is
mY v = mα v 0
m v  1
or v= α 0 RB =   RB 0 = 0.0625 RB 0
mY  2

4.003 Now it is given that

= × 107 m/s
221.03 R A + RB = 20% of 1010
= 1.81 × 105 m/s or 0.25 R A0 + 0.0625 RB 0
∴ Total energy released during α-decay of a = 0.2 × 1010 dps …(2)
nucleus X
Solving equations (1) and (2) we get
1 1
E = mYv 2 + mα v 02 RA 0 = 0.73 × 1010 dps
2 2
 221.03 4.003  and RB0 = 0.27 × 1010 dps
= × (1.81 × 105)2 + × (107 )2
 2 2  R A0 λ A N A0 (t1/ 2)B N A0
(b) = = ⋅
 1.67 × 10–27  RB 0 λ B NB 0 (t1/ 2) A N B 0
 –13 
 1.6 × 10  N A0  RA 0  (t1 / 2 ) A
∴ =  
= 2126
. MeV N B0  RB0  (t1 / 2 ) B
∴ Mass lost during α-decay
 0.73   10 
2126 =    = 5 .4
∆m = u = 0.00228 u  0.27   5 
567. Let E n and E m be the energies of electron in
∴ Mass of nucleus X
nth and mth states. Then
mX = mY + mα + ∆m
E n – E m = hν 0 …(1)
= 221.03 + 4.003 + 0.00228
In the second case when the atom is moving
mX = 225.035 u
with a velocity v. Let v′ be the velocity of
Mass defect in nucleus X. atom after emitting the photon. Applying
or ∆m ′ = [92m p + (225 – 92) mn – mX ] conservation of linear momentum,
m m
= 1.9348 u ν
∴ Binding energy per nucleon of nucleus v

1.9348 × 931
X= MeV hν
225 mv = mv ′ +
= 8.00 MeV
(m = mass of hydrogen atom)
566. (a) Let R A0 and RB 0 be the initial activities of
 hν 
A and B. Then or v ′ = v –  …(2)
 mc 
R A0 + RB 0 = 1010
dps …(1)
Applying conservation of energy
Activity of A after time t = 20 days (two half 1 1
lives of A) is E n + mv 2 = E m + mv ′ 2 + hν
2 2
404 Problems in Physics
1 5
or hν = (E n – E m ) + m (v 2 – v ′ 2 )  1
N = N0   …(1)
2  2
1  2  hν  
= hν 0 + m v – v –   (N 0 = initial number of nuclei)
2   mc   Number of nuclei disintegrated (activity) per
 
day are
1  2 h 2ν 2 2hνv 
= hν 0 + m v – v 2 – 2 2 +   dN  ln (2)
2  m c mc  –  = λN = ×N
 dt  t1/ 2
hνv h 2ν 2
= hν 0 + –
c 2mc 2 So energy released per day
h ν
2 2
 ln (2)
Here the term is very small. So, can be =  N (8.4 × 10 ) J
2mc 2  t1/ 2 
But only 10% of this energy is used as electric
∴ hν = hν 0 + power. So,
 10   ln (2)
 N { 8.4 × 10 } = 1.2 × 10 J
–13 7
 v  
or ν 1 –  = ν 0  100  t1/ 2 
 c
–1 (1.2 × 107 ) (100) (t1/ 2)
 v ∴ N=
or ν = ν 0 1 –  (10)(ln 2)(8.4 × 10–13)
 c
Substituting the values
 v
or ν ≈ ν 0 1 +  (1.2 × 107 ) (100) (138.6)
 c N=
(10)(ln 2)(8.4 × 10–13)
as v << c
568. (i) Nuclear reaction will be as follows N = 2.857 × 1022
Po210 → Pb 206 + He4 + Q ∴ Initial number of nuclei required are
mass defect in this equation is N 0 = (25) N (from equation 1)
∆ m = mPo – mPb – mHe or N 0 = (2 )(2.857 × 1022)

= (209.98264 – 205.97440 = 91424

. × 1023 …(2)
– 4.00260) amu ∴ Mass of polonium required is
= 0.00564  91424
. × 1023 
∴ Energy released by the decay of one m=  (210)
 6 × 1023 
polonium nuclei is
Q = (931)∆ m MeV or m = 319.984 gm
= (931)(0.00564) MeV  ln (2)
(ii) Initial activity = λN 0 =   N0
= 5.25084 MeV  t1/ 2 
= (5.25084 × 1.6 × 10–13) J  0.693
=  (91424
. × 1023)
or Q ≈ (8.4 × 10 –13
)J  138.6 

693 days of polonium are equivalent to 5 half = 4.5712 × 10 21 disintegrations per day
lives of polonium, because =5 569. Let N be the number of nuclei at any time t.
138.6 The net rate of formation of radionucleide will
So, number of nuclei left after 5 half lives are be
Solutions 405
570. Mass of the body left after time t is
N m = m0 e – λt
 dm  – λt
So –  = m0λe
Rate of formation = q at t = t Rate of disintegration = λN  dt 
= q – λN and thrust force on the body is
 dm 
(λ = disintegration constant) Ft = u r  –  (in forward direction)
 dt 
or = dt  dv 
q – λN or m   = u (m0λe – λt ) (u r = u)
 dt 
N dN t
or ∫0 q – λN
= ∫ 0 dt or (m0e – λt )
= m0uλe – λt
or N= (1 – e – λt ) or dv = uλdt
λ v t
∴ Activity at time t is or ∫ 0 dv = uλ ∫ 0 dt
A = λN = q (1 – e – λt ) …(1) or v = uλt
Given that A = 10 disintegrations per second.
571. Let N be the number of radionuclei at any
Substituting the values we get time t. Then
(108) = (109)(1 – e – λt )
So 1 – e – λt = 01
. or e – λt = 0.9 N

 ln 2 Rate of decay = λN
or λt = 0105
. or   t = 0105
. Rate of formation = α
 T 
. )(T )
(0105 ∴ net rate of formation of nuclei at time t is
or t= dN N dN t
ln (2) = α – λN or ∫ = ∫ dt
dt 0 α – λN 0
. )(14.3)
= days α
0.693 or N= (1 – e – λt )
t = 2.167 days
Number of nuclei formed in time t = αt
From equation (1) we can see that activity ( A) and number of nuclei left after time
increases exponentially with time from 0 to q.
So, A – t graph will be as shown in figure. t = (1 – e – λt )
Therefore, number of nuclei disintegrated in
time t = αt – (1 – e – λt )
∴ energy released till time
 α 
t = E 0 αt – (1 – e – λt )
 λ 
t But only 20% of it is used in raising the
temperature of water.
Here q = 109 disintegrations per second which  α 
So 0.2 E 0 αt – (1 – e – λt ) = Q
is also the maximum value of activity of A.  λ 
406 Problems in Physics
where Q = ms∆θ p1 = p2 cos θ + p cos φ
∴ ∆θ = increase in temperature of water = or p cos φ = p1 – p2 cos θ …(1)
Here p is linear momentum of electron at
 α 
0.2 E 0 αt – (1 – e– λt ) angle φ as shown in figure.
 λ 
∴ ∆θ = Also p sin φ = p2 sin θ …(2)
Squaring and adding equation (1) and (2) we
572. (a) Upto time t1 a constant current i = 10–12 A
flows between the two plates. p2 = p12 + p22 – 2 p1 p2 cos θ …(3)
+ + + + + + +
Applying conservation of energy, we get
p1c + m0c 2 = p2c + c p2 + m02c 2 …(4)
Squaring this equation, we find :
– – –
– – – – – – – p2 = p12 + p22 – 2 p1 p2
At time t1, both the plates become neutral i.e., + 2 p1m0c – 2 p2m0c …(5)
potential difference V = 0
From equations (3) and (5) we can show that
t1 t1
(b) Q = CV = ∫0 I ⋅ dt = ∫ (10–12) dt

(1 – cos θ)
p2 p1 m0c
or (10–12)t1 = CV = (100 × 10–6)(10)
574. The circuit is shown in figure
or t1 = 10 9 s
(c) At t = t1, the whole excess negative charge VCE
on lower plate reaches the upper plate B
800Ω RL 0.8v
and both the plates become neutral. For
t > t1. Some more negative charge
reaches the upper plate which repels E
further movement of electrons from lower Ie
plate to upper plate. That is why current is
now decreasing. At time t = t2, the
potential difference between the plates is VBB
VCC = 8V
equal to the stopping potential. Hence
current becomes zero. Therefore,
collector current
potential difference between the plates for
voltage drop across RL 0.8
t > t2 is equal to the stopping potential or Ic = =
1.5 V (corresponding to maximum RL 800
kinetic energy of electrons) or I c = 10–3 A
573. Energy of a photon is given by E = pc
(i) Collector emitter voltage is
Applying conservation of linear momentum,
VCE = 8 – 0.8 = 7.2 V
we get
P2 Ic
(ii) Current gain β =
P1 Ib
φ Ic 10–3
or Ib = = A
photon electron
P β 25/ 26
or I b = 1.04 × 10 –3 A
Initial position Final position
Solutions 407
M N P Vc = +5.5V
(iii) Voltage gain
Routput 25 800 R1 = 500kΩ R2 = 1kΩ
=β⋅ = × = 3.846 ic
Rinput 26 200
(iv) Power gain
= (current gain) (voltage gain)
 25 E
=   (3.846) = 3.698
 26 ie

575. Potential difference across RL is A

I c RL = 8 – VCE = (8 – 4) V = 4 V
Similarly applying Kirchhoff’s law between
4 4
∴ RL = = = 10 3 Ω AEBCNP we get
I c 4 × 10–3 VCE + i c R2 = Vc
or VCE = Vc – i c R2
RB RL = 5.5 – (5.2 × 10–3)(103)
IC = 0.3 V …(2)
Ib C 8V From equation (1)
VBE = VB – VE = 0.5 V
and from equation (2)
VBE VCE = VC – VE = 0.3 V
∴ VBC = VB – VC = (0.5 – 0.3) V = 0.2 V
This is a NPN transistor, and VBE , VBC both are
positive i.e., VB > VE and VB > VC or
emitter-base and collector-base both are
Ic forward biased. Hence the circuit can not
Further β =
Ib be used as an amplifier. The transistor is in
saturation mode.
Ic λ AB = λ A + λ B
∴ Ib = 577.
1 1 1
4 × 10–3 ∴ = + (Here T = half life)
= = 4 × 10–5 A T AB T A TB
100 1
Now potential difference across RB is or = 2+ 4 = 6
I bRB = 8 – VBE = 8 – 0.6 = 7.4 V
7.4 7.4
∴ RB = = Ω A
N0 B
Ib 4 × 10–5 N0 5
1 hr = T 2
1 hr = 4TB
or RB = 1.85 × 10 Ω 5
2 A

576. Applying Kirchhoff’s law between ABMNP we 5

VBE + i bR1 = Vc
1 hr = 3T
or VBE = Vc – i bR1 = 5.5 – (10 × 10–6) 2 AB

(500 × 103) = 0.5 V …(1)

408 Problems in Physics
1 13.6
∴ T AB = hr E4 = − = − 0.85 eV
6 (4)2
 1 E2 = −
= − 3.4 eV
Therefore, after 2 hours N 0   nuclei will be and
 2 (2)2
left. ∴ ∆ E = E 4 − E 2 = 2.55 eV
578. Given, R1 = 2.5% of R2
Kmax = Energy of photon − work function
Here R1 is the activity of old sample and R2 the
= 2.55 − 2.0 = 0.55 eV
activity of 10 years old bottle.
 2.5  1 1
Now, R0e − λt1 =   R e 2
− λt
581. ∆ E = hν = Rhc (Z − b)2  2 − 2 
 100 0  n1 n 2 

∴ e λ( t1
− t2 )
= 40 For K-series b = 1
λ (t1 − t2) = ln (40) = 3.7
or (t1 − t2) = 3.7 n2 = 2 L
∴ t1 − t2 = 106.8
n1 = 1 K
Given t2 = 10 years
1 1
∴ t1 ≈ 116.8 years ν = Rc (Z − 1)2  2 − 2 
 n1 n 2 
579. Let N 0 be the initial number of nuclei of 238 U.
After time t Substituting the values
 1
n 4.2 × 1018 = (1.1 × 107 ) (3 × 108) (Z − 1)2
NU = N0  
 2 1 1
× − 
Here n = number of half lives 1 4
t 1.5 × 109 1 ∴ (Z − 1)2 = 1697
= = =
t1/ 2 4.5 × 109 3 or Z − 1 ≈ 41 or Z = 42
1/ 3
 1 582. Let n 0 the number of radioactive nuclei at time
NU = N0  
 2 t = 0. Number of nuclei decayed in time t are
 1/ 3 given by n 0 (1 − e − λt ), which is also equal to
 1
and N Pb = N 0 − N U = N 0 1 −    the number of beta particles emitted during
  2 
the same interval of time. For the given
1/ 3
 1 condition,
 
NU  2 n = n 0 (1 − e −2λ ) …(1)
∴ = 1/ 3
= 3.846
N Pb  1
1−   (n + 0.75n) = n 0 (1 − e −4 λ ) …(2)
 2
Dividing (2) by (1) we get
580. Wavelengths corresponding to minimum
1 − e −4 λ
wavelength (λ min ) or maximum energy will 1.75 =
emit photoelectrons having maximum kinetic 1 − e −2 λ
energy. or 1.75 − 1.75e −2λ = 1 − e −4 λ
λ min belonging to Balmer series and lying in the 3
given range (450 nm to 750 nm) corresponds ∴ 1.75e −2λ − e −4 λ =
to transition from (n = 4 to n = 2). Here,
Solutions 409
Let us take e −2λ = x 584. (a) Total 6 lines are emitted. Therefore,
n (n − 1)
Then the above equation is, =6
x 2 − 1.75x + 0.75 = 0
or n=4
1.75 ± (1.75)2 − 4 (0.75)
or x= So, transition is taking place between m th
energy state and (m + 3)th energy state.
or x = 1 and ∴ E m = − 0.85 eV
 Z2
∴ From Eq. (3) either or −13.6  2  = − 0.85
3 m 
e −2λ = 1 or e −2λ =
4 Z
or = 0.25 …(1)
but e −2λ = 1 is not accepted because which m
means λ = 0. Hence Similarly E m + 3 = − 0.544 eV
e −2 λ = Z2
4 or −13.6 = − 0.544
(m + 3)2
or −2λ ln (e) = ln (3) − ln (4)
= ln (3) − 2 ln (2) or = 0.2 …(2)
∴ λ = ln (2) − ln (3)
2 Solving Eqs. (1) and (2) for Z and m we get,
Substituting the given values, m = 12 and Z = 3
1 (b) Smallest wavelength corresponds to
λ = 0.6931 − × (1.0986)
2 maximum difference of energies which is
= 0.14395 s−1 obviously E m + 3 − E m
1 ∴ ∆Emax = − 0.544 − (−0.85) = 0.306 eV
∴ Mean life tmean = = 6.947 sec hc
λ ∴ λ min =
583. Maximum kinetic energy of the ∆Emax
photoelectrons would be 1240
i = = 4052.3 nm
(a) 585. Area of plates A = 5 × 10−4 m 2
(b) distance between the plates
4 µA d = 1 cm = 10−2 m
(a) Number of photoelectrons emitted upto
–2V Anode
potential V t = 10 s are
(number of photons falling in unit time)
Kmax = E − W = (5 − 3) eV = 2 eV
× (Area × time)
Therefore, the stopping potential is 2 volt. n=
Saturation current depends on the intensity of
light incident. When the intensity is doubled = 6 [(10)16 × (5 × 10−4 ) × (10)]
the saturation current will also become two 10
fold. The corresponding graphs are shown in = 5.0 × 107
410 Problems in Physics
(b) At time t = 10 s
charge on plate A, X Y Z
q A = + ne
= (5.0 × 107 ) (1.6 × 10−19)
N 0λ X
= 8.0 × 10−12 C (ii) Given N Y (t) = [e – λ Y t − e − λ X t ]
λX – λY
and charge on plate B,
For N Y to be maximum
qB = (33.7 × 10−12 − 8.0 × 10−12)
dN Y (t)
= 25.7 × 10−12 C dt
∴ Electric field between the plates i.e. λ X NX = λ Y NY …(4)
(q − q A) [From equation 2]
E= B
2 Aε 0 N 0λ X
or λ X ( N 0e – λ X t ) = λ Y
(25.7 − 8.0) × 10 −12 λX – λY
or E=
2 × (5 × 10−4 ) (8.85 × 10−12) [e – λ Y t − e − λ X t ]

= 2 × 10 3 N/C λ X – λ Y e– λ Y t
or = –λ t – 1
λY e X
(c) Energy of photoelectrons at plate A
= E − W = (5 − 2) eV = 3 eV or = e( λ X – λY) t
Increase in energy of photoelectrons
λ 
= (eEd) joule = (Ed) eV or (λ X – λ Y ) t ln (e) = ln  X 
λY 
= (2 × 103) 10−2 eV = 20 eV
1 λ 
Energy of photoelectrons at plate B or t= ln  X 
(λ X – λ Y )  λ Y 
= (20 + 3) V = 23 eV
Substituting the values of λ X and λ Y , we have
586. (i) Let at time t = t, number of nuclei of Y
1  01. 
and Z are N Y and N Z . Then t= ln   = 15 ln (3)
. – 1/ 30)  1/ 30

or t = 16.48 s
(iii) The population of X at this moment
t=0 N0 = 10 20 Zero Zero N X = N 0e – λ X t = (1020) e –( 0.1)(16. 48)
t=t NX = N0e–λxt NY NZ
N X = 1.92 × 1019
Rate equation of the populations of X , Y and NX λ X
NY = (From equation 4)
Z are λY
 dN X  (01.)
  = – λXNX …(1) = (1.92 × 1019)
 dt  (1/ 30)

 dN Y  = 5.76 × 1019
  = λXNX – λY NY …(2)
 dt  ∴ NZ = N0 – NX – NY
 dN Z  = 1020 – 1.92 × 1019 – 576
. × 1019
and   = λY NY …(3)
 dt  or N Z = 2.32 × 1019
Solutions 411
2 2 2
587. The reactor produces 1000 MW power or p p p 1 1
K = K1 + K 2 = + =  + 
109 W power or 109 J/s of power. The reactor 2m 2M 2 m M 
is to function for 10 years. Therefore, total p2  M + m 
energy which the reactor will supply in 10 K=  
2  Mm 
years is K2
E = (Power) (time)
p P
= (109 J/s) (10 × 365 × 24 × 3600 s) m
= 31536
. × 1017 J
1 amu = 1.67 × 10–27 kg
But since the efficiency of the reactor is only
Substituting the values, we get
10%, therefore, actual energy needed is 10
× 1018 J. One Uranium (1151
. × 10–19)2
times of it or 31536
. K=
atom liberates 200 MeV of energy or 2
200 × 1.6 × 10–13 J or 3.2 × 10–11 J of energy. (4.002 + 223.610) (1.67 × 10–27 )
So, number of uranium atoms needed are (4.002 × 1.67 × 10–27 )
31536 × 1018 (223.61 × 1.67 × 10–27 )
= 0.9855 × 1029
3.2 × 10–11 K = 10–12 J
or number of kg-moles of uranium needed are 10–12
K= MeV = 6.25 MeV
0.9855 × 10 29
1.6 × 10–13
n= = 1637
6.02 × 1026 or K = 6.25 MeV
Hence total mass of uranium required is (ii) Mass defect,
m = (n)M = (1637
. )(235) kg 6.25
∆m = amu = 0.0067 amu
or m ≈ 38470 kg 931.470
or m = 3.847 × 10 4 kg Therefore, mass of parent nucleus = mass of
α-particle + mass of daughter nucleus
588. (i) Given mass of α-particle, m = 4.002
+ mass defect (∆m)
a.m.u. and mass of daughter nucleus
M = 223.610 a.m.u. de-Broglie = (4.002 + 223.610 + 0.0067) amu
wavelength of α-particle, = 227.62 amu
λ = 576
. × 10 –15
m Hence mass of parent nucleus is 227.62
So, momentum of α-particle would be
589. (a) Let ground state energy (in eV) be E1
h 6.63 × 10–34 Then from the given condition
p= = kg-m/s
λ . × 10–15
576 E 2 n – E1 = 204 eV
or p = 1151
. × 10 –19
kg-m/s …(1) or
– E1 = 204 eV
From law of conservation of linear 4n 2
momentum, this should also be equal to the  1 
or E1  2 – 1 = 204 eV
linear momentum of the daughter nucleus (in  4n 
opposite direction).
and E 2n – E n = 40.8 eV …(1)
Let K1 and K 2 be the kinetic energies of
E1 E
α-particle and daughter nucleus. Then total or – 21 = 40.8 eV
kinetic energy in the final state is : 4n n
412 Problems in Physics
 – 3 But only 0.53% of incident photons emit
or E1  2  = 40.8 eV …(2)
 4n  photoelectrons
From equation number (1) and (2) ∴ Number of photoelectrons emitted per
second (n)
1–  0.53
4n 2 = 5 or 1 = 1 + 15 n= . × 10 14)
 (118
3 4n 2 4n 2  100 
4n 2 or n = 6.25 × 1011
or = 1 or n=2 Kmin = 0
and Kmax = E i – work function
From equation (2)
4 = (10.6 – 5.6) eV = 5.0 eV
E1 = – n 2 (40.8) eV
3 ∴ Kmax = 5.0 eV
4 (i) From the past experience it has been
= – (2)2 (40.8) eV
3 observed that one question in modern
or E1 = – 217.6 eV physics is usually asked from Bohr’s
theory + photoelectric effect. Sometimes
E1 = – (13.6)Z 2
only one question is asked mixing both
E1 –217.6 the theories and otherwise they are asked
∴ Z2 = = = 16
–13.6 –13.6 separately as two parts of the same
∴ Z =4 question.
(ii) In Bohr’s theory questions may be asked
Emin = E 2n – E 2n – 1
in near future based on dependence of
E E1
= 12 – n=2 rn, v n and E n on mass of the electron. For
4n (2n – 1)2 this remember that
E1 E1 7 1
= – =– E1 rn ∝
16 9 144 m
 7  En ∝ m
=–  (–217.6) eV
 144  and v n is independent of mass of electron.
∴ Emin = 10.58 eV Sometimes electron is replaced by some other
particle say µ-meson, which is 210 times
(b) Energy of incident photon
heavier than electron. Now again two cases
E i = 10.6 eV = 10.6 × 1.6 × 10–19 J are possible.
= 16.96 × 10–19 J Case 1 : When mass of nucleus >> mass of
µ-meson or nucleus is assumed to be
Energy incident per unit area per unit time stationary. In that case rn decrease 210 times,
(intensity) = 2 J whereas | E n| increases 210 times and v n
∴ Number of photons incident on unit area in remains the same.
unit time = = 118
. × 1018 Case 2 : When mass of nucleus is comparable
16.96 × 10–19 to mass of µ-meson or any other particle. In
Therefore, number of photons incident per that case m is replaced by reduced mass of
unit time on given area (1.0 × 10–4 m 2) nucleus and µ-meson; which will definitely be
= (118
. × 1018) (1.0 × 10–4 ) less than 210. Let us say it comes out to be
205. Then rn will decrease by 205 times while
= 118
. × 1014 | E n| will increase 205 times.
Solutions 413
590. Given : work function W = 1.9 eV Hence the energy of emitted photons in
Wavelength of incident light the range of 2 eV and 4 eV are 3.376 eV
during combination and 3.94 eV and
λ = 400 nm
2.64 after combination.
∴ Energy of incident light, 591. (a) Let at time ‘t’, number of radioactive
hc nuclei are N.
E= = 31. eV
λ Rate of producton = α
Rate of decay = λN
(Substituting the values of h, c and λ)
Therefore, maximum kinetic energy of
Kmax = E – W = 31
. – 1.9 = 1.2 eV
Now the situation is as shown below : t=t
.. .. .. .. .. .. N=N
.. .. .. ..
E5 = – 2.176 eV

e .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Net rate of formation of nuclei of A.
.. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .
Kmax dN dN
= α – λN or = dt
n = 5,

He+ in fourth
= 1.2 eV
excited state
dt α – λN
(He ions)
or n = 5 N dN t
(Z = 2)
E5 = – 2.176 eV He+
or ∫N 0 α– N
= ∫ dt

+ Solving this equation, we get

Energy of electron in 4th excited state of He
(n = 5) will be 1
N = [α – (α – λN 0 ) e– λt ] …(1)
Z2 λ
E 5 = – 13.6 eV
n2 (b) (i) Substituting α = 2λN 0
2 ln (2)
(2) and t = t1/ 2 =
E 5 = – (13.6) = – 2176
. eV λ
in equation (1), we get
Therefore, energy released during the
combination = 1.2 – (–2176
. ) = 3.376 eV N = N0
Similarly energies in other energy states of
He+ will be (ii) Substituting α = 2λN 0 and t → ∞ in
equation (1), we get
E 4 = – 13.6 = – 3.4 eV α
(4)2 N = = 2 N 0 or N = 2N 0
(2)2 592. From the figure it is clear that
E 3 = – 13.6 = – 6.04 eV
(3)2 2A
E 2 = – 13.6 = – 13.6 eV N N
22 p-loops λ/2
The possible transitions are
∆ E 5 → 4 = E 5 – E 4 = 1.3 eV < 2 eV (p + 1) loops
∆ E 5 → 3 = E 5 – E 3 = 3.94 eV 2.5 A
∆ E 5 → 2 = E 5 – E 2 = 11.5 eV > 4 eV p ⋅ (λ/ 2) = 2 Å
∆ E 4 → 3 = E 4 – E 3 = 2.64 eV ( p + 1) ⋅ λ/ 2 = 2.5 Å
∆ E 4 → 2 = E 4 – E 2 = 10.2 eV > 4 eV ∴ λ/ 2 = (2.5 – 2.0) Å = 0.5 Å
414 Problems in Physics
or λ = 1 Å = 10–10 m Therefore, energy released per second
(i) de Broglie wavelength is given by = (0.08 × 107 × 200 + 0.92 × 107

λ= =
h h × 5136
. ) MeV
p 2 Km = 2.072 × 10 MeV

K = kinetic energy of electron ∴ Power output (in watt) = Energy released

2 per second (J/s)
∴ K=
2mλ 2 = (2.072 × 108) (1.6 × 10–13) (J/s)
= 2.415 × 10–17 J ∴ Power output = 3.32 × 10 – 5 watt
(6.63 × 10–34 )2 594. t1 / 2 = 4.5 × 10 9 years
. × 10–31)(10–10)2
2 (91 0.693
∴ Disintegration constant λ =
 2.415 × 10 –17  t1/ 2
=  eV 0.693
 1.6 × 10–19  or λ= years–1
4.5 × 109
∴ K = 150.8 eV
(ii) N N The least value of d will be = 1.54 × 10–10 years–1

when only one loop is formed Ratio of U 238 to Pb 206 is 3 : 1 i.e. 3 parts of
λ U 238 and 1 part of Pb 206. We may assume that
∴ dmin = or dmin = 0.5 Å at t = 0, all 4 parts were of U 238. Therefore, we
can say that
593. The reaction involved in α-decay is
N0 4
→ 244
+ 42He = (of U 238) …(1)
96 Cm 94 Pu N 3
Mass defect Here N 0 = Number of atoms of U 238 at time
∆m = Mass of 248
96Cm – Mass of 244
94 Pu t=0
– Mass of 42He and N = Number of atoms of U 238 at time t = t

= (248.072220 – 244.064100 – 4.002603) u But from N = N 0 e – λt we have

= 0.005517 u N0
= e λt …(2)
Therefore, energy released in α-decay will be N
E α = (0.005517 × 931) MeV = 5136
. MeV Equating (1) and (2), we have
Similarly, Efission = 200 MeV (given) e λt = 4 / 3
Mean life is given as or λt ln (e) = ln (4 / 3)
1 or λt = 0.29
tmean = 10 13
λ 0.29
∴ t=
∴ Disintegration constant λ = 10–13 s–1 λ
Rate of decay at the moment when number of 0.29
nuclei and N (= 1020) 1.54 × 10–10
= λ N = (10–13) (1020) = 1.88 × 10 9 years
= 107 disintegration per second. Therefore, age of ore is approximately
Of these disintegrations, 8% are in fission and 1.88 × 109 years.
92% are in α-decay. 595. (a) (i) Kinetic energy of electron in the orbits
Solutions 415
of hydrogen and hydrogen like atoms Power of the point source is 3.2 × 10–3 watt or
= |Total energy| 3.2 × 10– 3 J/s
∴ Kinetic energy = 3.4 eV Therefore, energy emitted per second,
(ii) The de Broglie wavelength is given by E 2 = 3.2 × 10–3 J.
h h Hence number of photons emitted per second
λ= =
P 2Km
(K = kinetic energy of electron) E2 3.2 × 10–3
n1 = or n1 =
Substituting the values, we have E1 8.0 × 10–19
(6.6 × 10–34 J - s) n1 = 4.0 × 1015 photons/sec.
2 (3.4 × 1.6 × 1019 J) (91
. × 10–31 kg) Number of photons incident on unit area at a
distance of 0.8 m from the source S will be
λ = 6.63 × 10 –10
n1 4.0 × 1015
or λ = 6.63 Å n2 = =
4 π(0.8) 2
4 π(0.64)
(b) (i) In 10 second, number of nuclei has
been reduced to half (25% to 12.5%). ≈ 5.0 × 1014 photon/sec - m 2
Therefore, its half life is The area of metallic sphere over which
t1/ 2 = 10 s photons will fall is :
Relation between half life and mean life is A = πr 2 = π (8 × 10–3)2 m 2
t 10 ≈ 2.01 × 10–4 m 2
tmean = 1/ 2 = s
ln (2) 0.693
Therefore, number of photons incident on the
tmean = 14.43 s sphere per second are
(ii) From initial 100% to reduction till 6.25%, n3 = n2
it takes four half lives.
A = (5.0 × 1014 × 2.01 × 10–4 )
100% → 50% → 25%
t1 / 2 t1 / 2 ≈ 1011 per second
→ 12.5% → 6.25% But since one photoelectron is emitted for
t1 / 2 t1 / 2
every 106 photons hence number of
∴ t = 4 t1/ 2 = 4(10) s = 40 s photoelectrons emitted per second,
t = 40 s n3 1011
n= 6
= = 105 per second
596. (a) Energy of emitted photons 10 106

E1 = 5.0 eV = 5.0 × 1.6 × 10–19 J or n = 10 5 per second

(b) Maximum kinetic energy of photo-
= 8.0 × 10–19 J
Kmax = Energy of incident photons
– work function
= (5.0 – 3.0) eV = 2.0 eV
0.8 m
S r = 8.0 × 10–3 m = 2.0 × 1.6 × 10–19 J
Kmax = 3.2 × 10–19 J
The de-Broglie wavelength of these
photoelectrons will be
416 Problems in Physics

λ1 =
h = (1.6 × 10–19) × 105 C
p 2Kmax m
= (1.6 × 10–14 ) C
(Here h = Planck’s constant and m = mass of Therefore, time required to acquire the charge
electron) q will be
6.63 × 10–34 × 102
∴ λ1 = t=
sec =
2 × 3.2 × 10 –19
× 91
. × 10 –31
1.6 × 10 –14
= 8.68 × 10 –10
m = 8.68 Å or t ≈ 111 second
Wavelength of incident light λ 2 (in Å) 597. From the given conditions
12375 E n – E 2 = (10.2 + 17) eV = 27.2 eV …(1)
E1 (in eV ) and E n – E 3 = (4.25 + 5.95) eV
12375 = 10.2 eV …(2)
or λ2 = Å = 2475 Å
5 Equation (1) and (2) gives
Therefore, the desired ratio is E 3 – E 2 = 17.0 eV
λ2 2475
= = 285.1 or Z 2 (13.6)(1/ 4 – 1/ 9) = 17.0
λ1 8.68
⇒ Z 2 (13.6)(5/ 36) = 17.0
(c) As soon as electrons are emitted from the
metal sphere, it gets positively charged ⇒ Z2 = 9 ⇒ Z = 3
and acquires positive potential. The From equation (1)
positive potential gradually increases as
Z 2 (13.6)(1/ 4 – 1/n 2) = 27.2
more and more photoelectrons are
emitted from its surface. Emission of or (3)2 (13.6)(1/ 4 – 1/n 2) = 27.2
photoelectrons is stopped when its
or 1/ 4 – 1/n 2 = 0.222
potential is equal to the stopping potential
required for fastest moving electrons. or 1/n 2 = 0.0278
(d) As discussed in part (c), emission of
or n 2 = 36 ∴ n = 6
photoelectrons is stopped when potential
on the metal sphere is equal to the 598. λ = Disintegration constant
stopping potential of fastest moving 0.693 0.693
electrons. = = hrs–1 = 0.0462 hr –1
t1/ 2 15
Since Kmax = 2.0 eV
Let R0 = Initial activity = 1 microcurie
Therefore, stopping potential V0 = 2 volt. Let q
be the charge required for the potential on the = 37
. × 104 disintegrations per second.
sphere to be equal to stopping potential or 2 r = Activity in 1 cm 3 of blood at t = 5 hrs
volt. Then
1 q q = disintegration per second
2= ⋅ = (9.0 × 109) 60
4 πε 0 r 8.0 × 10–3
= 4.93 disintegrations per second,
∴ . × 10–12 C
q = 178 and R = Activity of whole blood at time
t = 5 hrs
Photoelectrons emitted per second = 105 Then, total volume of blood should be
[part a] R R e – λt
V= = 0
or charge emitted per second r r
Solutions 417
Substituting the values, we have ∆ E can have the following values
 37
. × 104  –( 0. 0462)( 5) ∆E1 = – 13.6 – (–54.4) eV = 40.8 eV
V= e cm 3
 4.93  Substituting in (5), we get
V = 5.95 × 10 cm 3 3 K1 + K 2 = 24.2 eV …(6)

or V = 5.95 litre Solving (4) and (6), we get

599. (i) Let K1 and K 2 be the kinetic energies of K1 = 6.36 eV and K 2 = 17.84 eV
neutron and helium atom after collision Similarly, when we put
and ∆E be the excitation energy. ∆E = ∆E 2 = {–6.04 – (–54.4)} eV
= 48.36 eV in equation (5), we get
Y K1 + K 2 = 16.64 eV …(7)
K = 65 eV
Solving (4) and (7), we get
m θ X
4m K1 = 0.312 eV and K 2 = 16.328 eV
K2 Similarly, when we put
From conservation of linear momentum along ∆ E = ∆ E 3 = {– 3.4 – (–54.4)}
= 511
. eV in equation (5), we get
pi = p f
K1 + K 2 = 14 eV …(8)
⇒ 2Km = 2 (4m)K 2 cos θ …(1)
Now solving (4) and (8), we get
( p = 2Km ) K1 = – 1.8 eV and K 2 = 15.8 eV
Similarly, applying conservation of linear But since the kinetic energies can’t have the
momentum in Y-direction, we have negative values, the electron will not jump to
2K1m = 2 (4m) K 2 sin θ …(2) third excited state or n = 4.
Therefore, the allowed values of K1 (K.E.
Squaring and adding (1) and (2), we get
of neutron) are 6.36 eV and 0.312 eV
K + K1 = 4 K 2 …(3)
and of K 2 (K.E. of the atom) are 17.84
or 4 K 2 – K1 = K = 65 eV …(4)
eV and 16.328 eV and the electron can
– 3.4 eV n=4
jump upto second excited state only
– 6.04 eV n=3 ( n = 3).
– 13.6 eV n=2 (ii) Possible emission lines are only three as
shown in figure. The corresponding
frequencies are
∆E1 ∆E2 ∆E3
1 2

– 54.4 eV n=1
He+ (z = 2) 3

Now during collision, electron can be excited

to any higher energy state. Applying n=1
conservation of energy, we get
K = K1 + K 2 + ∆ E ν1 =
(E 3 – E 2)
or 65 = K1 + K 2 + ∆ E …(5) h
418 Problems in Physics
{– 6.04 – (–13.6)} × 1.6 × 10–19 E 2 = – 3.4 eV
= Hz
6.63 × 10–34 E 3 = – 1.5 eV
= 1.82 × 1015 Hz and E 4 = – 0.85 eV
(E 3 – E1) Since E 4 – E 2 = 2.55 eV
ν2 =
h Therefore, quantum numbers of the two
{– 6.04 – (–54.4)} × 1.6 × 10 –19 levels involved in the emission of these
= Hz photons are 4 and 2 ( 4 → 2)
6.63 × 10–34
(c) Change in angular momentum in
= 11.67 × 1015 Hz transition from 4 to 2 will be
(E – E1)  h   h 
and ν 3 = 2 ∆L = L2 – L4 = 2   – 4  
h  2π   2π 
{– 13.6 – (–54.4)} × 1.6 × 10–19 h
= Hz or ∆ L= –
6.63 × 10–34 π
= 9.84 × 1015 Hz (d) From conservation of linear momentum
|Momentum of hydrogen atom|
Hence the frequencies of emitted
P = mv
radiations are .....
1.82 × 1015 Hz, 11.67 × 1015 Hz and ............ .....
9.84 × 1015 Hz E = 2.55 eV

600. (a) From Einstein’s equation of photo- Hydrogen atom

electric effect, =|Momentum of emitted photon|

Energy of photons causing the photoelectric E
or mv = (m = mass of hydrogen atom)
emision c
= Maximum kinetic energy of emitted E
or v =
photons + work function mc
or E = Kmax + W = (073
. + 1.82) eV 2.55 × 1.6 × 10–19 J
or E = 2.55 eV (1.67 × 10–27 kg) (3.0 × 108 m/s)

(b) In case of a hydrogen atom, v = 0.814 m/s

E1 = – 13.6 eV


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