NLM 16

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1. A body of weight w1 is suspended from the ceiling of a (a) Both the scales will read 10 kg.
room through a chain of weight w2 . The ceiling pulls (b) Both the scales will read 5 kg.
the chain by a force (c) The upper scale will read 10 kg and the lower zero.
w1 + w2 (d) The readings may be anything but their sum will be
(a) w1 (b) w2 (c) w1 + w2 (d) ⋅ 10 kg.
2. When a horse pulls a cart, the force that helps the horse 5. A block of mass m is placed on a smooth inclined plane
to move forward is the force exerted by of inclination θ with the horizontal. The force exerted
(a) the cart on the horse (b) the ground on the horse by the plane on the block has a magnitude
(c) the ground on the cart (d) the horse on the ground. (a) mg (b) mg/cosθ (c) mg cosθ (d) mg tanθ.
3. A car accelerates on a horizontal road due to the force 6. A block of mass m is placed on a smooth wedge of
exerted by inclination θ. The whole system is accelerated
(a) the engine of the car (b) the driver of the car horizontally so that the block does not slip on the wedge.
(c) the earth (d) the road. The force exerted by the wedge on the block has a
4. A block of mass 10 kg is suspended through two light
(a) mg (b) mg/cosθ (c) mg cosθ (d) mg tanθ.
spring balances as shown in figure (5-Q2).
7. Neglect the effect of rotation of the earth. Suppose the
earth suddenly stops attracting objects placed near its
surface. A person standing on the surface of the earth
(a) fly up (b) slip along the surface
(c) fly along a tangent to the earth’s surface
(d) remain standing.
8. Three rigid rods are joined to form an equilateral triangle
ABC of side 1 m. Three particles carrying charges
20 µC each are attached to the vertices of the triangle.
The whole system is at rest in an inertial frame. The
10 kg
resultant force on the charged particle at A has the
Figure 5-Q2 (a) zero (b) 3.6 N (c) 3.6√3 N (d) 7.2 N.

9. A force F1 acts on a particle so as to accelerate it from 12. In an imaginary atmosphere, the air exerts a small force
rest to a velocity v. The force F1 is then replaced by F2 F on any particle in the direction of the particle’s motion.
which decelerates it to rest. A particle of mass m projected upward takes a time t1
(a) F1 must be equal to F2 (b) F1 may be equal to F2 in reaching the maximum height and t2 in the return
(c) F1 must be unequal to F2 (d) none of these. journey to the original point. Then
(a) t1 < t2 (b) t1 > t2 (c) t1 = t2 (d) the relation between
10. Two objects A and B are thrown upward simultaneously
t1 and t2 depends on the mass of the particle.
with the same speed. The mass of A is greater than the
mass of B. Suppose the air exerts a constant and equal 13. A person standing on the floor of an elevator drops a
force of resistance on the two bodies. coin. The coin reaches the floor of the elevator in a time
(a) The two bodies will reach the same height. t1 if the elevator is stationary and in time t2 if it is
(b) A will go higher than B. moving uniformly. Then
(c) B will go higher than A. (a) t1 = t2 (b) t1 < t2 (c) t1 > t2 (d) t1 < t2 or t1 > t2 depending
(d) Any of the above three may happen depending on on whether the lift is going up or down.
the speed with which the objects are thrown. 238
14. A free U nucleus kept in a train emits an alpha
11. A smooth wedge A is fitted in a chamber hanging from particle. When the train is stationary, a nucleus decays
a fixed ceiling near the earth’s surface. A block B placed and a passenger measures that the separation between
at the top of the wedge takes a time T to slide down the alpha particle and the recoiling nucleus becomes x
the length of the wedge. If the block is placed at the top at time t after the decay. If the decay takes place while
of the wedge and the cable supporting the chamber is the train is moving at a uniform velocity v, the distance
broken at the same instant, the block will between the alpha particle and the recoiling nucleus at
(a) take a time longer than T to slide down the wedge a time t after the decay as measured by the passenger
(b) take a time shorter than T to slide down the wedge is
(c) remain at the top of the wedge (a) x + v t (b) x − v t (c) x
(d) jump off the wedge. (d) depends on the direction of the train.

1. A reference frame attached to the earth 6. The force exerted by the floor of an elevator on the foot
(a) is an inertial frame by definition of a person standing there is more than the weight of
(b) cannot be an inertial frame because the earth is the person if the elevator is
revolving around the sun (a) going up and slowing down
(c) is an inertial frame because Newton’s laws are (b) going up and speeding up
applicable in this frame (c) going down and slowing down
(d) cannot be an inertial frame because the earth is (d) going down and speeding up.
rotating about its axis. 7. If the tension in the cable supporting an elevator is equal
2. A particle stays at rest as seen in a frame. We can to the weight of the elevator, the elevator may be
conclude that (a) going up with increasing speed
(a) the frame is inertial (b) going down with increasing speed
(b) resultant force on the particle is zero (c) going up with uniform speed
(c) the frame may be inertial but the resultant force on (d) going down with uniform speed.
the particle is zero 8. A particle is observed from two frames S1 and S2 . The
(d) the frame may be noninertial but there is a nonzero frame S2 moves with respect to S1 with an acceleration
resultant force.
3. A particle is found to be at rest when seen from a frame a. Let F1 and F2 be the pseudo forces on the particle
S1 and moving with a constant velocity when seen from when seen from S1 and S2 respectively. Which of the
another frame S2 . Mark out the possible options.
following are not possible ?
(a) Both the frames are inertial.
(b) Both the frames are noninertial. (a) F1  0, F2  0 (b) F1  0, F2  0
(c) S1 is inertial and S2 is noninertial. (c) F1  0, F2  0 (d) F1  0, F2  0.
(d) S1 is noninertial and S2 is inertial. 9. A person says that he measured the acceleration of a
4. Figure (5-Q3) shows the displacement of a particle going particle to be nonzero while no force was acting on the
along the X-axis as a function of time. The force acting particle.
on the particle is zero in the region (a) He is a liar.
(a) AB (b) BC (c) CD (d) DE. (b) His clock might have run slow.
(c) His meter scale might have been longer than the
x standard.
B C E (d) He might have used noninertial frame.


Figure 5-Q3
5. Figure (5-Q4) shows a heavy block kept on a frictionless 1.. ( 2.. ( 3.. ( 4.. ( 5.. ( 6.. (
surface and being pulled by two ropes of equal mass m. 7.. ( 8.. ( 9.. ( 10. (b) 11. (c) 12.
At t = 0, the force on the left rope is withdrawn but the 13.
3. 14.
force on the right end continues to act. Let F1 and F2 be
the magnitudes of the forces by the right rope and the
left rope on the block respectively. OBJECTIVE II

1.. (b), ( 2.. (c), ( 3.. (a), (

4.. (a), ( 5.. ( 6.. (b), (
F m m F
7.. (c), ( 8.. ( 9.. (

Figure 5-Q4

(a) F1 = F2 = F for t < 0

(b) F1 = F2 = F + mg for t < 0
(c) F1 = F, F2 = F for t > 0
(d) F1 < F, F2 = F for t > 0.

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