Domestication of Animals: Different Issues: Chapter-Ii

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Domestication of Animals: Different Issues


One of the most fruitful and fascinating aspects of the evolution in human
culture was the beginning of man’s relationship with plants and animals in the
Mesolithic period that developed into domestication in the Neolithic
(Prehistoric) period. It was through this process of domestication that a
population of animals and plants first became accustomed to human care and
control and then their evolutionary process was influenced by human so as to
ensure secure supply of food and other valuable commodities like wool, hides,
teeth, skin and silk. Other factors such as use of animals in transportation,
protection, warfare, and companionship for enjoyment made the bondage more
secure and strong. Thus the domestication of animals and plants proved
harbinger to cultivation of crops and rearing of cattle and animals.
Simultaneously, with the advent of agriculture and animal husbandry, the
role of hunting and foraging began to decline because now the domestic animals
not only supplanted man’s need for food and clothing but also became source of
energy for him. The ox, horse, buffalo, camel etc. provided not only meat and
milk but also bones for making tools, skin for equipments, teeth for ornaments
and hair for decoration and painting. These animals were also useful in carrying
loads, drawing the ploughs, thrashing the crops, in running the Persian wheel
and could be used as pack animals as well as for riding. This relationship
between man and animals went beyond the utilitarian level even at the hunting
stage as the man became emotionally attached with his domesticated animals. A
dog/wolf head found ceremonially buried in human graves at Burzahom, a
Neolithic site in Kashmir bear evidence to this fact1.
The domestication of animals probably began about 12,000 years ago and
by about 10,000 years ago all human societies had learnt to domesticate plants
and animals. This development proved to be of far reaching importance in
human history as the groups which had learnt agriculture and animal husbandry
were able to settle down permanently in villages. These villages slowly grew in
size and developed into towns and cities, and around 5,000 to 3,000 years ago
the first civilization development in the valleys of the Tigris-Euphrates, the Nile
and the Indus took place.

Meaning of Domestication:
Domestication is a peculiar type of relationship between man and some
species of animals. The use of these animals by man does not mean parasitism.
Here he feels some sort of responsibility towards his herds or flocks under his
control. This actually affords freedom for the development of his brain or mental
faculties. A relationship between two animal species for their mutual benefit is
known as parlance or symbiosis. Thus the domestication can be defined as a
symbiosis between man and the domesticated animals.
A close man-animal relationship bordering on domestication necessitates
the conservation of the herd, the preservation of its breeding members and the
protection from loss by natural agencies. It simultaneously encourages the
spread and proliferation of some animals at the expense of predators and other
competing species. The domestication thus, is a broad and comprehensive term
which though easy to understand is difficult to define.

Nath, B., (1969), The Role of the Animals in Early prehistoric culture of India, Indian Museum Bulletin, No. 4
(2), pp.102-110.

Defining domestication of animal is a complex issue. The oxford
dictionary describes domesticated animals as the ones which tend to remain
under control. This approximately means a close relationship between man and
animal and in general it is enough for conveying the idea. But for close analyses
a precise definition is needed. To say that a domesticated animal is one which
tend to remain under control include in that category tamed animals and zoo
animals? A lion in a large case is under control but it cannot be called a
domesticated animal.

Theories of Domestication:
Domestication began in different part of the world at different times,
because the original species existed in different geographical areas. Any given
wild species could, however, only have become domesticated in natural area of
distribution. It may be assumed from this point that domestication of wild
species is carried out when a certain level of culture is reached. Thus, the idea of
domestication passed from one place to another.
S. Bökönyi2 has however, provided a definition which may be accepted as
representative of a large body of archaeological option. He defines
domestication as “the capture and taming by man of animals of a species with
particular behavioral characteristics, their removal from their natural living area
and breeding community, and their maintenance under controlled breeding
condition for profit”.
S. Payne3 noted that the present zoological techniques are not capable of
recognizing all such relationship and that even if they are at times recognized

Bökönyi, S., (1969), Archaeological problem and methods of recognizing animal domestication, P. J. Ucko and
G.W. Dimbleby, (eds.), The Domestication and Exploitation of Plants and Animals, pp.219-29.
Payne, S., (1972), On the interpretation to bone samples from archaeological sites, E. Higgs (ed.), Papers in
Economic Prehistory, pp. 65-81.
they represent only one aspect of the wide range of close man- animal
E.S. Higgs and M.R. Jarman4 while revealing the inadequacy of this
definition note that to use the criteria of ‘control’ includes in the category tamed
and zoo animals as well. A lion in a cage is under control but is not a
domesticated animal, neither an animal such as badger that is a tamed can be
termed as domestic animal. They believe that the distinctions between wild and
domesticated animals are ill defined because each merges with the other by
imperceptible gradations.
Ducos5 argues that man and animals are not partners. He believes that
domestication is not a natural state; it exists, because humans wished it and not
animal. Man domesticated animal for food purposes and in later period he
realized their importance for agriculture, for traction and for carrying people and
goods. Man also started exploiting animals for their secondary products like
milk, wool, dung etc. According to Ducos6, domestication can be said to exist
when living animals are integrated as objects into the socio-economic
organization of the human group, in the sense that while living, those animals
are object for ownership, inheritance, exchange and trade etc.
While giving his opinion on Ducos’s definition of domestication
Bökönyi7 says that if domestication means integration of living with those
animals as objects in socio-economic groups, one necessarily has to change to
living condition of the animals by isolating them, corralling them, etc.
Inheritance, exchange, trade etc. are consequences of domestication not

Higgs, E. S. and M. R. Jarman, (1969), The origins of agriculture: a reconsideration, Antiquity, Vol. XLIII, No.
169, pp. 31-41.
Ducos, P., (1969), Methodology and results of the study of the earliest domesticated animals in the Near East
(Palestine), P.J. Ucko and G.W. Dimbleby, (eds.), Op. Cit., pp. 265-75.
Ibid, pp.72-73.
Bökönyi, S., (1969), Op. Cit., pp.223-228.
Clutton-Brock’s8 definition of domestication is much closer to
Bökönyi’s definition. According to her a domesticated animal is one that has
been bred in captivity for purposes of economic profit to a human community
that maintains complete mastery over its breeding, organization of territory and
food supply.
Zeuner9 Thinks that social interaction of keeping pet animals by women
and children may have led to the process of domestication. He also calls this as
mothering instinct. Actually this idea was put forth a century ago by Francis
Galton 186310. This may be true for the domestication of dog, but not a lesser
extent in animals likes pig, cattle, etc.
Binford11 and Flannery12 suggest that the stress situation caused by
demographic pressure may have been a stimulus for the process of
domestication. Due to demographic pressure and decline in resources, people
were forced to move out of the ‘optimal zones’ into the ‘marginal zones’, where
situation similar to the former was created by acquiring plants and animal from
the ‘optional zones’. Probably in due course of time this led to the domestication
of plants and animals.
Higgs and Jarman prefer to confine the term domestication to later
agricultural practices where intentional, selective, purposeful breeding could be
demonstrated13. A close man-animal relationship converging on domestication
necessitates the conservation of the herd, the preservation of its breeding
members and the protection from and preservation of loss by natural agencies. It
Clutton, B. J., (1969), Carnivore remains from the excavation of the Jericho Tell, P. J. Ucko and G.W.
Dimbleby, (eds.), Op. Cit., pp. 337-45.
Zeuner, F. E., (1963), A History of Domesticated Animals, pp.12-15.
Francis Galton, (1863), Meteorographica ( Methods of Mapping the Weather), Macmillan,
Binford, L. R., (1986), Archaeological Perspectives, S. R. Binford and L. R. Binford (eds.), New Perspective in
Archaeology, Chicago, pp. 5-32.
Flannery, K. V., (1969), Origin and ecological effects of early domestication in Iran and the Near East, P. J.
Ucko and G. W. Dimbleby (eds.), Op. Cit., pp. 77-100.
Higgs, E. S. and M. R. Jarman, (1972), The origin of animal and plant husbandry, E. Higgs (ed.), Op. Cit.,

simultaneously encourages the spread and proliferation of some animals at the
expense of predators.
W. Herre14 and many others suggest that man preferred the small sized
animals because of their ability to sustain stress conditions better than the big
ones. During scarcity they had a better change of survival, with smaller food
requirement, than the large ones.
As described by Charles Darwin the process of domestication can
involve both unconscious and methodical elements. Routine human- animals
interactions create selection pressures that cause adaptation as a result of which
species adjust to human presence, use and cultivation. Deliberate selective
breeding has also been used to create desired changes, often after initial
domestication. Unconscious natural selection and methodical selective breeding
are the two forces which played significant roles in the processes of
domestication throughout history. Both have been described from man's
perspective as processes of artificial selection15.
Mutation is not the only way in which natural and artificial selections
operate. Darwin describes how natural variations in individual plants and
animals also support the selection of new traits. It is speculated that tamed
wolves are less wary of humans than the average wolves. These wolves were
able to thrive by following humans to scavenge for food near camp fires and
garbage dumps. Eventually a symbiotic relationship developed between people
and these proto-dogs. The dogs fed on human food scraps, and humans found
that dogs could warn them of approaching dangers, help with hunting, and act as
pets, provide warmth, or supplement their food supply. Gradually this

Herre, W., (1963), The Science and History of domestic Animals, D. Brothwell and E.S. Higgs (eds.), Science
in Archaeology, pp. 235-249.
relationship intensified and humans eventually began to keep these self-tamed
wolves and breed from them the types of dogs that we have today16.
In recent times, selective breeding may best explain how continuing
processes of domestication often work. Despite the success, it appears that
selective breeding cannot always achieve domestication. Attempts to
domesticate many kinds of wild animals have been unsuccessful. The zebra is
one example. Despite the fact that four species of zebra can interbreed with and
are part of the same. The factors which influence 'domesticatability' of large
animals are discussed in some detail in Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel
(1999)17. Surprisingly, in human history to date, only a few species of large
animal have been domesticated. In approximate order of their earliest
domestication these are: dog, sheep, goat, pig, cow, horse, donkey, water
buffalo, llama, alpaca, Bactrian camel, Arabian camel, yak, reindeer, and

Stages for the domestication of animals:

P. K. Thomas18 suggests several stages for the domestication of animal.
The first and the foremost are the loose contacts of man with animal with free
breeding. The second stage is the confident with regard to human environment
and breeding in captivity. In the third stage man made the selective breeding to
obtain certain characteristics and occasional crossing with wild forms. In the
fourth stage we can see the economic consideration of man leading to the
planned development to breeds with certain desirable proportion. In the last fifth

Jared, M. Diamond, (1999), Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies. New York and London:
W.W. Norton & Company, 480 pp. (
Thomas, P. K., (1971), Domestication of Animal in Ancient India, Dissertation (Unpublished), to M.S.
University, Baroda, pp.3-4.

and final stage of domestication we can notice the persecution or complete
extermination of wild ancestors.

Conditions for domestication:

According to evolutionary biologist Jared Diamond19, animal species
must meet six criteria in order to be considered for domestication.
1. Flexible diet — Creatures that are willing to consume a wide variety of
food sources and can live on food that is not utilized by humans, such as
grass and forage, are less expensive to keep in captivity. Carnivores feed
primarily or only an on animal tissue, which costs lives of other animals,
can be domesticated if they exploit sources of meat not utilized by
humans, such as scraps and vermin.
2. Reasonably fast growth rate — Fast maturity rate compared to the
human life span allows breeding intervention and makes the animal useful
within an acceptable duration of caretaking. Large animals such as
elephants require many years before they reach a useful size and hence
prove costly to domesticate.
3. Ability to be bred in captivity — Creatures that are reluctant to breed in
captivity are not suitable for domestication. It is better to capture them in
their wild state. Creatures such as the panda, antelope and giant forest hog
are territorial when breeding and cannot be maintained in crowded
enclosures in captivity.
4. Pleasant disposition — Large creatures that are aggressive toward
humans are dangerous in captivity. The African buffalo has an
unpredictable nature and is highly dangerous to. However one must keep

Jared, M. Diamond, (1999), Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies. New York and London:
W.W. Norton & Company, 480 pp. (

in mind that most modern large domestic animals were descendants of
extremely aggressive ancestors as horse, Bactrian camels and yaks, etc;
all of which were extremely dangerous in their wild state.
5. Temperament which makes it unlikely to panic —Creature with a
nervous disposition is difficult to keep in captivity as it may attempt to
flee whenever startled. The gazelle is very flighty and it has a powerful
leap that allows it to escape an enclosed pen. Some animals, such as the
domestic sheep, still have a strong tendency to panic when their flight
zone is encroached upon. However, most sheep also show a flocking
instinct, whereby they stay close together when pressed. Livestock with
such an instinct are herded by people and dogs.
6. Modifiable social hierarchy — Social creatures that recognize a
hierarchy of dominance can be raised to recognize a human as the pack

However, domestication causes profound changes in a species. It is true

that some animals, including parrots, whales, and most members of the
carnivora, retain their wild instincts even if born in captivity; some factors must
be taken into consideration. In particular, wild animals are naturally timid and
flighty because they are constantly faced by predators; domestic animals do not
need such a nervous disposition, because they are protected by their human
owners. The same holds true that aggressive temperament is an adaptation to the
danger from predators. A Cape buffalo can kill even an attacking lion.
Domestication alters a species: Dispersal mechanisms tend to disappear for the
reason stated above and also because people provide transportation for them.
Chickens have practically lost their ability to fly. Similarly, domestic animals
cease to have a definite mating season, and so the need to be territorial when

mating loses its value. The process of domestication can itself make a creature

Domestication of animals in world context:

The beginning of the domestication of animals established a new
relationship between man and animals, which, over a certain period, introduced,
on the one hand changes in domesticated species which took new morphological
characteristics and on the other hand an evolution of human culture in which
new ways of life were adopted as a response to the success in gaining control of
a part of the essential meat supply. In order to assess objectively the beginning
of domestication, it is necessary to concentrate on this very relationship; it is
clear that anatomical features cannot reveal the beginning of domestication
because domesticated species undergo transformation only after a considerable
number of generations. At the same time, indirect archaeological evidence
(equipment, architecture, a sedentary existence) is not sufficient to actually
prove primitive domestication20.
The beginning of cultivation and domestication of plants and animals
started in south western Asia than elsewhere21. The transition from food
gathering to food producing took place in the southern alluvial plain of
Mesopotamia, the low hill at the foot of the Zagros and Taurus mountains, the
valleys of those mountains, the high plateau of Turkey and the coastal area and
the low hills of the eastern Mediterranean22.

Ducos, P., (1969), Op. Cit., pp. 265.
Reed, C. A., (1984), Op. Cit., pp.7-9.
Clason, A T., (1979), Wild and Domestic Animal in Prehistoric and Early Historic India, Lucknow.
Table 2.1 shows the period and area of domestication of animals in world context .

Species When (years in Where Why How

Dog 18,000-10,000 East Africa Pet, companion Wolf or jackal
Goat 9,000-8,000 Iran Food, milk and Wild goat
Pig 9,000-8,000 China Food and sport Wild boar
food, milk and
Sheep 10,000-8,000 Southwest Asia Food, milk, Mouflon and
wool and Asiatic urial
Cattle 8,000-7,500 India, Middle- Agriculture Auroach
east, Sub purpose, meat,
Saharan Africa milk, leather,
and religious
Chickens 5,000-4,500 India, Sumatra Meat, eggs, ?
and Java feathers
Horse 4,000-3,500 Eurasian Transportation, Wild horse
Steppes meat
Ass 4,500-4,000 Egypt Transportation, Onager or Khur
Buffalo 3,500-3,000 India, China Milk, meat Wild Buffalo
Camel 4,000-3,500 Iran and Agriculture Wild Camel
Turkmenistan purpose and
Elephant 2,500-2,200 India Transportation Wild elephant

What is probably the earliest evidence to date of domesticated animals in south

west Asia comes from the site of Mehrgarh24 situated on the north Kachi plain at

23 Guide to the History of Animal Domestication.
the foot of the Bolan Pass in the zone of transition between the Iranian Plateau
and the Indus alluvium. The wild animal remains that dominate the earliest
levels of “aceramic Neolithic” period IA reflects this situation with 12 forms of
“big game” represented: wild sheep (Ovis orientallis) and goat (Capra
aegagrus) from the hills, gazella (Gazella bennetti) from the foothills and plains,
will asses (Equus hemionus) and blackbuck (Antelope cervicapra) from the drier
plains, and nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus), large deer (Cervus(?) duvauceli),
smaller deer (Axis(?) axis), boar (Sus scrofa), water buffalo (Bubalus arnee)
wild cattle (Bos primigenius or Bos namadicus), and possibly elephant (Elaphas
maximus) from better watered areas25.
The wild sheep, goat, cattle and buffalo all comprise potential ancestral
stock for the domestic form. To judge from the occurrence of live kinds in each
of two burials, however, goats are likely to have been domesticated already in
the first level of period IA dating to the early seventh or late eighth millennium.
The domestic status of at least some of the goats is confirmed by the presence of
the remains of relatively small sub-adult or adult animal in contemporary trash
deposits. A decrease in body size of the grown or nearly grown animal is one
characteristics of early domestic bovid26 for sheep and goat, Grigson27 for cattle.
Goats are also the single most common animal after gazelle.
Wild goats (Capra aegagrus) appear to have inhabited the craggy terrain
of the Levant through the late Pleistocene and early Holocene. Bones are known

Meadow, R. H., (1981), Early animal domestication in south Asia: a first report of the faunal remains from
Mehrgarh, Pakistan, H. Härtel (ed.), South Asian Archaeology, 1979, pp. 143-80.
Meadow, R. H., (1996), The origins and spread of agriculture and Pastoralism in northwestern South Asia, D.
R. Harris (ed.), The Origin and Spread of Agriculture and Pastoralism in northwestern Eurasia, pp. 390-412.
Uerpmann, H. P., (1979), Problem der Neolithiserung des Mittelmeerraums [Beiheften zum Tübinger Atlas
des Vordern Orients, Reihe B (Geisteswissens chaften) 281]. Weisbaden: Dr. L Reichert.
Grigson, C., (1989), Size and sex: evidence for the domestication of cattle in the Near East, A. Milles, D.
William, N.Gardner (eds.), The Beginning of Agriculture, pp. 77-109, oxford: British Archaeological Report,
international Series, 496.
from epic Paleolithic and a ceramic Neolithic site in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and
Israel as far south as Beidha near Petra28.
The earliest strong evidence for goat management in southwest Asia
comes from levels dates to 7000 B.C. at Ganj Doreh in western Iran. A dramatic
swing from gazelle to goat in the middle Pre-Pottery Neolithic B at Jericho in
the Jordan Valley (7200-6500 B.C.) and the finding of a high incidence of foot
pathology in goat from the same period at ‘ Ain Ghazal near Amman, does
however hint strongly at herd management29. Further north, at Tell Abu Hureyra
on the Euphrates, there was a dramatic shift from gazelle to goat sheep
exploitation at about 6300 B.C.30, although Legge argues that domestic goats
were present there from early in the Pre Pottery Neolithic Period. They have
also been found at contemporary site in southern Jorden the Negev and as far
north as Hatoula and Jericho in central Israel31.
Explanations for the beginning of animal domestication have been broad
and varied. Appreciating that the earliest domestic animals appeared to have
been kept by agriculturists, Flannery32 noted that domestic animals provided a
“walking larder” and security against crop failure. They were also available for
exchange. It will do good to remember that animal domestication like plant
cultivation is a cultural choice, a choice of adaptation strategy, which was
gradually resorted to and actualized at different time in different regions.

Uerpmann, H.P., (1987), The ancient distribution of ungulate mammals in the Middle East [Beiheften zum
Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, Reihe A (Naturwissenschaften) 27]. Weisbaden: Dr. L Reichert.
Clutton, B. J., (1979), The mammalian remains from the Jericho-Tell., Proceeding of Prehistoric Society, 45,
pp. 135-158.
Legge, A. J., (1972), Prehistoric exploitation of the gazelle in Palestine, E.S. Higgs (ed.), Op. Cit., pp.119-125.
Garrard, A., (1996 ), Crop cultivation and caprine herding in south Levant, D.R. Harris (ed.), The origins and
Spread of Agriculture and Pastoralism in Eurasia, pp. 208-09.
Flannery, K. V., (1969), Origin and ecological effects of early domestication in Iran and Near East, Ucko P. J.
and Dimbleby G. W. (eds.), Op, Cit., pp. 73-100.
The first evidence of a domestic animal, a dog, is dated between 14,000
and 12,000 years ago and the earliest known domestic food animals were sheep
somewhat less than 10,000 years ago33.
Probably taming, and then domestication, occurred without people having
been aware of what was happening. Certainly, gatherers and hunters – the
people who first domesticated animals – could not have fore seen any uses for
those animals other than those they knew already : for meat, bones and skins.
Only later, after long experience and the intensification of a more sedentary life
style, and after the accumulation of random mutations in the domesticates,
would secondary uses of animals – such as for milk, wool, motive power, war,
sport, and prestige – be realized34.
Zeuner’s35 suggestions that domestication came as a relatively sudden
occurrence, limited only to the last few millennia of human history and suggest
that to talk of the origins of domestication would be misleading, if by this one
means a well defined stage or point at which a fully new type of economic
relationship emerged. Man–animal relationships similar to domestication,
Zeuner believe, must have occurred in the Pleistocene, whenever this was ‘the
most profitable economic strategy’ in the existing circumstances36.
Domestication of animals is an ongoing process and many animals have been
domesticated more than once as occasion demanded.
When one considers that hominids had been hunters and consumers of
animals for millions of years, the behavioral change required for them to
become keepers and conservers of animals was a major cultural revolution.

Turnbull, P. F. and Read, C. A., (1974), The fauna from the terminal Pleistocene of Palegawra cave, a
Zarzianoccupation site in north eastern Iraq. Fieldiana Anthropology, 63(3), pp. 81-146.
Reed, C. A., (1984), The Beginning of animal domestication, Ian L. Mason (ed.), Evolution of Domesticated
Animals, pp. 1-6.
Zeuner, F. E., (1963), Op. Cit., pp.12-24.
Higgs, E. S. and M. R. Jarman, (1972), Op. Cit., pp. 1-14.
Some major cultural change must have occurred that the life style of millions of
years would be abandoned.
In the first place, such cultural change did not occur until after the
evolution of anatomically modern (post – Neanderthal) human and even then not
for almost 30,000 years, so the mere emergences of the people like ourselves did
not automatically result in domestication. The second main factor may have
been the world–wide changes in environment that accompanied and followed
the end of the last glacial period. The earth became warmer, and the continental
ice sheets began to melt back, extremely slowly at first, some 14,000 years ago.
Soon after this we find the first evidence of dogs, south western Asia.

The Period of domestication in India:

The history of domestication of animals in India goes as far back as 7000-
6000 years B.C. from the Mesolithic cultural phases at site Bagor, Bhilwara
district in Rajasthan37 and site Adamgarh, Hoshangabad district in central
India38. At Bagor, sheep/goat has been identified as the principal domestic
animals39, while at Adamgarh, cattle (Bos indicus), buffalo (Bublus bublis),
sheep (Ovis aries), goat (Capra hircus), pig (Sus domesticus), and ass (Equus
asinus) are reported as domestic animals40.
Alur’s41 analysis provides convincing evidence of the operation of the law
of natural relation and the adaptation of these species to the changing ecological
conditions leading to the emergence of such wild species (or potential

Mishra, V. N., (1973), Bagor: a late Mesolithic settlement in North-west India, World Archaeology, 5(1): pp.
Joshi, R. V. and Khare, M. D., (1966), Microlithic bearing deposits of Adamgarh rock shelters, Sen, D. and
Ghosh, A. K., (eds.), Studies in Prehistory, pp. 90-95.
Thomas, P. K., (1977), Archaeological aspects to the prehistoric culture of western India, Ph. D. thesis
(unpublished). Poona University.
Joshi, R. V., (1968), Late Mesolithic culture in central India, F. Bordes & D. de Sonnville Bordes, (eds.), La
prehistorise: Problems et Teudences Paris, France. pp. 245-254.
Alur, K. R., (1980), Faunal remains from the Vindhyas and the Ganga valley, G. R. Sharma, V. D. Mishra, D.
Mandal, B.B. Mishra and J.N. Pal, (eds.), Beginnings of Agriculture, pp.201-27.
domesticates) in the Mesolithic as were amenable to domestication in the
succeeding Neolithic. The sheep/goats are found in fully domestication from in
the Neolithic sites at Koldihwa and Mahagara42. Normally animal domestication
in India has been explained by the gradual expansion of the Neolithic system
from west Asian nuclear area. But, in the light of the above mentioned facts it
becomes difficult to accept that animal domestication in India was a product of
foreign influence, especially of west Asiatic origins.
The beginnings of domestication in Indian subcontinent on present
evidence can be traced to the Mesolithic period. However, excavations have
often been too small and bone collections inadequate or the report merely
catalogues with little or no bearing on the history of domestication. In fact since
the work of Sewell & Guha43 and Prashad44 no attempt has been made to study
the problem of domestication of animals in the light of the new faunal evidence
that has accumulated as a result of recent excavations.

Differences between wild and domestic animals:

The early man discovered that there were certain advantages in
conserving certain animals near to his dwelling place and he entered into the
first phase of domesticating them45. At this juncture, the only sign of
domestication available to the archaeologist was ecological46. However, there
were frequently too small amounts of material available to determine if animal
remains found in association with man represented a random sample of a wild
living population or one drawn from a “domesticated” population.

Sharma, G. R., (1985 ), From hunting and food gathering to domestication plants and animals in the Belan and
Ganga Valleys, V. N. Misra, Peter S, (eds.), Recent advances in Indo-Pacific prehistory: proceedings of the
international, pp. 369-71,
Sewell, R.B.S. and B. S. Guha, (1931), Zoological Remains, Marshall (ed.), Mohenjodaro and the Indus
Civilization, Vol. 2, pp.649-73.
Prashad, B., (1936), Animal remains from Harappa, MOASI, No.51.
Bökönyi, S., (1969), Op. Cit., pp.219-230.
The wild animals have undergone considerable changes during the course
of domestication and the man had developed different specialties in them.
Domestic animals occur in more varied form than wild species. The changes that
occurred during domestication may be regarded as morphological development
within the species. As a result of domestication there was a change in the size,
colour, anatomy and even on the soft tissues of the animals47. The changes that
had occurred during the course of domestication are briefly described herein.

Size: - In general the size of the early domesticated animal was smaller than
their wild ancestors. This can be explained by most dogs, cats, cattle, sheep,
goats, pigs and others. In prehistoric times smaller size in the domesticated
species is very well known. But there are some exceptions also. For example the
camel both of the old world (Dromedary, bactrian) and of the New world
(Guanaco, vicuna) are almost the same in body size as their wild relatives. On
the other hand, some mammals have developed a tendency to grow larger in size
under condition of domestication such as the rabbit, and the horse, the sheep and
the goats generally there is comparatively little variation in size that has
developed giant and dwarf species48.

Colour: - The most important characteristic feature of domesticated animals is,

often, their colouration. In the single humped camel and two humped camel,
light white colour is by far the commonest but dark coloured ‘black’ and very
light coloured ‘white’ specimens are found often highly valued. The white
elephants are rare and this colour is hardly due to domestication. Since elephant
are not normally breed under controlled conditions.

Zeuner, F. E., (1963), Op. Cit., pp.36-64.
Thomas, P. K., (1971), Op. Cit., pp. 50-51.

In most of the other domesticated animal wild colouration is the
exception. It is not completely absent in any of them and is usually preserved in
particular breeds. Among horses white colour is very exceptional namely the
yellow-dun of the Mongolian wild horse and the mouse-grey of the tarpon. It
appears that the reddish brown shade has always been popular and hence
selected for preference by man. In cattle the white colour is retained in some
breed of south-west Europe and northwest Africa. The buffs are usually blackish
with a cream coloured stripe on the back and a patch on the forehead. The plain
red or reddish brown is so common among cattle is due to the retention of
juvenile colouration49.

Change in the skull: - Change in the skull the most important mainly and there
can be easily recognizable in fossil material from ancient dwelling sites. The
facial part of the skull tends to be shortened relative to the cranial which is but
little affected. It is virtually absent in horses and asses and also in camels. This
change is very conspicuous in pig, where the shortening of the face is extremely
pronounced and connected with an upward bend of the plane of the palate in
relation to the plane of the occipital. A similar condition is an observed in dog
like the bull dog, the boxer and the Pekinese. The same changes can be noticed
in cattle, sheep and goat and even in cat also. These changes are also co-related
with the changes in size of the brain care for Liam50.
Dentition is also affected by the changes in the proportions of the skull.
Teeth became smaller in the domesticated species than their wild ancestors. For
example in dogs the 4th pre-molar of the upper jaw and the first molar of the
lower jaw which together forms the bone cutting pincers so characteristic of

Ibid, pp. 52-53.
Herre, W., (1963), Op. Cit., pp. 235-249.
carnivores are smaller than in the European wolves from which these are
The Canis familiar that has been found from Mohenjodaro shows
particular differences. The fragments of lower jaw shows clear points of
difference from the wild dog in that the coronoid process of the jaw springs at an
oblique angle from the horizontal ramous instead of being almost at right angles
to it as in the case of wild dog51.
Very considerable changes occur in the skull of the species which have
horns in the wild condition. In general we can say that domestication tends to
reduce the size of horn as exemplified by the small horn of prehistoric cattle of
the brachycome breed and the sheep and goat of Neolithic lake-dwellings.
Domesticated Buffalo also have smaller horns than the wild species. In sheep
and goats the size of the horns varies more. The horn may be rolled up into a
more or less close spiral and even straight twisted horns occur in certain breeds.
That such variation is basically present in the group is amply shown by the wild
races and species such as Markhor goat of India52.

Changes in the skeleton of the body and limbs: - In domesticated cattle

however weak muscle-ridges and poorly defined facets of the joints makes it
comparatively easy to recognize specimens of domesticated origin and also in
the domesticated pig. Where the epiphysis of the limb bones do not fuse with the
diaphyses until long after maturity is reached and the same applies to the sutures
of the skull. The number of caudal vertebrae is almost invariably reduced in
domesticated forms, expect in sheep where an “increase in the number of tail
vertebrae beyond twelve is virtually certain character of domestication53. The

Sewell, R.B.S. and Guha, B. S., (1931), Op. Cit., pp. 649-73.
Thomas, P. K., (1971), Op. Cit., pp.57.
Berry, R. J., (1969), The genetical implications of domestication in animals, P. J. Ucko and G.W. Dimbleby
(eds.), Op. Cit., pp. 208.
bones of the limbs are very considerably in domesticated breeds. They may be
longer but are usually shorter than in the wild form. The limbs of bull and
dachshunds are the most important examples54.

Hair: - Instead of all these changes some modifications occur in the soft part of
the body of these the most striking are those of the length and texture of the hair
and skin.
The great changes can be noticed in the dog as regard to the hair. There is
not much change in the cattle. In the mane and tail of the horse we can notice
the lengthening of hair. In some domesticated breeds hairlessness can be
noticed. The most obvious example of this kind is the pig. The wool producing
sheep and goats are selected by the wool producers55.

Soft Parts: - The skin itself is frequently modified as a result of domestication;

it tends to become flabby. The characteristic feature of dewlaps and skin folds of
the young animal are preserved by the adults. The obvious example is seen in
certain breeds of dogs56.
The brain is also affected by domestication, the size of brain relative to
the rest of the body may be reduced, and some part being affected more than
others; musculature may be increased (as in draught or racing horses) or reduced
(as with chewing muscles of carnivores)57. The length of the digestive track is
also increased considerably in domesticated carnivores. The best example is the
dog and cat.

Thomas, P. K., (1971), Op. Cit., pp. 59.
Berry, R. J., (1969), Op .Cit., pp. 208.
Some general consideration: - In domestication we can see the pathological
characters are often favoured and the withdrawal of animals from natural
selection makes it possible to develop such characters in domesticated breed
especially when the breeding communities are small. The growth sates of
organism are affected by domestication. The growth rate of or ganism are
effected by domestication. The growth is not the same as in the wild species.
The head of the cattle are on the whole smaller in proportion to the body than
they were in the aurochs. Many other modifications are due to changes in
physiological equilibrium of the species. In dealing with these changes inform
we are also in fact looking for differences between domesticated and wild
animals. Such controversies still exist in this problem. Anyhow the more reliable
matter is discussed by Zeuner58.
Climate has played a major role in shaping the human culture and
domestication of plants and animals is also effected by that. When the climate
changed during the Holocene climate there appeared vast Swanna lands. This
led to the changes the changes in the animals and now most of the animals had
to adapt to this. The grass animals’ viz. sheep, goat and cattle population
increased. The man exploited this situation to his favour and there started
domestication of plants and animals. This domestication did not abruptly start.
Firstly man started keeping and protecting these animals near him and similarly
started protecting plants. When he deliberately starting breeding animals this is
called domestication and similarly when man deliberately put the grains in the
soil agriculture started.


Zeuner, F. E., (1963), Op. Cit., pp. 36-40.


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