What Are The Best Financial Tips For 2020?: People Will Judge You No Matter What

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What are the best financial tips for 2020?

• Firstly, be grateful if you’re earning equal to or more than you were in 2019.
• If you’re living with family, uninstall Zomato.
• Covid-19 is an expensive virus. Build / grow your emergency fund.
• Calculate exactly what you’re saving by working from home.
• Invest that money into building skillset - masterclass, certification, courses, yada.
• Start investing time and energy into building upon a second source of income.
• Since you’d be spending less in’20, save at least 10% more than you did in ‘19.
• Do not get carried away by Zara and H&M sales and discounts.
• Invest in your health - exercise equipments, healthy food items, etc.
• Invest in good books.
• Buy a good health insurance for you and your family.
• Do not buy a single thing on credit this year.
• Smoke less. Drink less. Invest the money saved in stock market.
• Do not listen to any stock market guru who comes on CNBC.
• Invest in Sugar.
• Try not to switch companies this year; even if you’re getting a hike.
• Pay all your bills on the same day you get your pay-check.
• Invest in products which can improve your efficiency at home - a good chair, table, mattress,
room lights, bulletin board, Wifi, coffee, journal, etc.
• Buy Gold on every single dip.
• Buy Reliance on every single dip.
• Buy Bitcoin on every single dip.
• Do not put money in an FD. Interest rates are down the toilet this year.
• Do not buy anything immediately on Amazon. Keep it in your cart for a few days. 50% of
your purchases might reduce this way.
• Book profits. Reinvest. Repeat.
• Watch Shark Tank.

 People will judge you no matter what.

I learned this the hard way. I used to get judged many times throughout my life and I still
do. It’s not pretty I have people that judge me on my looks and how I act.

 Everyone isn’t your friend.

Yes, you heard it right. Everyone isn’t your friend they might say they are to get something
that they want from you and after that, they will leave and never turn your way again. I
learned this after I had many of my former friends use me for what I had.

 Everything is temporary.
Friendships, relationships and, all are temporary. Sometimes this isn’t true because I have
seen many relationships and friendships last a long time. But if they don’t enjoy them while
you still can.

 Nobody stays. Everyone leaves.

This statement goes along with the previous one. Everyone will leave at one point in your
life. Cherish them while they are still here with you.

 Friends come and go.

Friends will come and go. You will make new friends at one point in your life.

1. To talk smartly and don't open all your 52 cards in front of everyone.
2. Life is like an ice cream enjoy before it melts .
3. Don't express your opinion in front of person who is arrogant and never listens
other .
4. Stick firmly to one thing at a time, don't mix things as to create mess.
5. Ignore toxic people and try to make friends who have similar goals like you.
6. Everyone suffers in life , so when it's your turn don't panic .
7. Work Hard don't waste time . Time is precious .
8. Help the needy not the greedy .
9. Never let the inner child die inside you.
10. Be social but don't waste time .
11. Forget the past and believe in present and future .
12. Believe in yourself and be a tough person.
13. Eat healthy food . Later you will suffer from different problems if eating habit is
not good.
14. Travel at least to a new place every year.
15. Study whatever you like to study .
16. Be happy , work and believe, Your moon will shine bright.

These are 10 habits that anyone can include in their daily life.

1. DRINK 2–6 LITERS OF WATER: A dehydrated body is in no mood for anything.

Although this sounds simple, most people do not.
2. WALK 3–5KM: This is exercise for your body and brain. It is something like a 2x1.
3. PLAN THE DAY: So you have nothing to do. It is preferable to write down:
"Watch TV all day", than not. This gives you a sense of control that will lead you to
get off the couch.
4. EMPTY YOUR MIND: Write down all the ideas you have about any project. Don't
trust your memory. Scoring is like a personal assistant.
5. DELIVER WHAT YOU PROMISE: Not doing so damages your reputation.
6. DO NOT HOLD ON TO WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT YOU: This will lead you to
collapse when they say something negative.
to ignore the good.
8. READ A MINIMUM OF 10 MINUTES A DAY: Very soon 10 minutes will not be
your brain to stay distracted.
10. EAT LESS: It's hard to be productive with a stomach on the verge of bursting.

1. Never expose more than 75% of yourself.

2. Never think you'll be the exception.
3. Never test human nature.
4. Never gamble or take drugs.
5. Never get angry with people close to you.
6. Never assume that no one will know the secret.
7. Never try to get something for nothing.
8. Never try to impose your values on others.
9. Never try to be a double-dealing person.
10. Never commit a crime for money.
1. Worry about gain and loss. If you are always worried that you have missed
something in some places, you are not alone. Everyone has this feeling from time
to time. But I promise you, even if you're constantly running around trying to do
everything you can, even if you're running around the world, even if you don't
sleep at night, you can't actually do everything well. There will always be things to
miss. So, let it be and know that you have everything right now. The best life is not
elsewhere, but in the present.
2. Scold yourself for not being perfect. Don't be too hard on yourself. Do your
best and listen to the destiny. Tell yourself, "right now, I'm doing my best. To all
people, I can only count on them to do their best, including myself. " Love yourself
and be proud of everything you've done, even your mistakes. Because even
mistakes mean hard work.
3. Obsessed with things that no longer exist. Some people spend a lot of time
recounting the past and letting the past dictate their present lives. If you want to
live in another time and space, it's a waste of time. Don't do it. Let the past drift
away. You have to accept the results of something so that you can start running
something new. So, today, close the old door of some memories. It's not pride, it's
not incompetence, it's not conceit, it's just because you've tasted it in the past and
you know that there's no way out for those things.
4. Do a job you don't like. To do a job you don't like is not only irresponsible to
yourself, but also a waste of the company's resources. Either resign or change your
5. I want to be someone else. Next, be yourself, be who you are. It's going to be
the hardest fight. If we pursue others, or indulge in other people's lives, we will
never find ourselves. In this crazy world, there are always people or things that
want you to be like someone else, so you should have the courage to continue to
be independent. Now, in a way that only you know, bloom your unique beauty.
6. Indulge in your own ideas. In our life, if we always indulge in imagination, our
life will be a mess. Although all the good things will come to an end, the end of
anything in life is just a new beginning. Life is more than ever; the changes of the
world will not last forever, nor will they always conform to our ideas. Remember:
usually, the music life wants to play for us is too much for us to choose, but we can
choose how to listen and dance.
7. Repeat the statement of self suppression. If we keep repeating a statement in
our minds, whether it provides positive energy or negative energy, we will
eventually believe it and cling to it. So the question is: does your statement
provide positive energy? Don't dwell on your mistakes. Such a burden may crush
your current potential. On the contrary, you should step on the mistakes under
your feet and regard them as a platform to look into the distance. Remember:
everything is difficult until it becomes easy. What you start to do now is the most
important thing.
8. Escape pain and failure. Things will go well in the future. It's just the beginning,
you have to take a lesson or two. Don't run away from the reality. The pain and
frustration involved are essential for long-term growth. Remember, there's a
difference between being frustrated and being defeated. If you don't learn a
course, setbacks will follow and you won't be far away; at least you will learn to be
good, and when you enter the next stage, the things that hinder you will
9. Dignity cannot be sold.Dignity is sacred and inviolable. No matter when and
where, we should protect our dignity. We should not sell dignity for fame and
10. Wait, wait, wait. Stop waiting for tomorrow; you can't turn back time. It doesn't
matter what you've done in the past. It doesn't matter how depressed or unworthy
you feel now. You are worth living. The truth is simple and clear. Life is too fast to
find excuses everywhere. Stop the depression. Stop procrastinating. From today
on, take a brave step forward. If you are not sure where to go, it is always a wise
choice to follow the call of the heart.

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