Ballistics Review Notes '11
Ballistics Review Notes '11
Ballistics Review Notes '11
Saint Mary’s University_Criminology Review Center 2
Subject: Forensic Ballistics
5. RIFLING - spiral lands and grooves DRIFT significantly affects the normal
found at the bore of the gun barrel trajectory of projectiles. It refers to the lateral
deviation of the bullet’s trajectory from the
vertical plane through the axis of the bore
caused by the rotation of the projectile.
RANGE simply refers to the linear
Since internal ballisticians are interested on
distance between the gun muzzle and the
what is happening inside the gun during
target. In exterior ballistics, the two types of
firing, their analysis is directed on the
range discussed are:
following phenomena:
1. Accurate range - also called maximum
1. How the firing pin hits the primer
effective range; the distance within which
2. Ignition of the priming mixture
the shooter has control of his shots such
3. Combustion of the
that he can place his bullets at the desired
specific spots.
4. Expansion of heated gases
5. Development of pressure –
2. Maximum range - also called absolute
generation of energy
maximum range; the farthest distance that
6. Recoil
a projectile can be propelled from a firearm
7. Velocity of the bullet in the barrel
8. Rotation of the bullet in the barrel
9. Engraving of the bullet’s surface
Saint Mary’s University_Criminology Review Center 3
Subject: Forensic Ballistics
AIR RESISTANCE (drag) is the force was clamped in the top of a device
that opposes the forward motion of projectiles. called serpentine - an S-shaped piece
of metal pivoted in the center
3. WHEEL-LOCK - has improved firing
mechanism compared to firelock and
E. TERMINAL BALLISTICS matchlock; the firing mechanism
consisted of a spring-driven wheel
Terminal ballisticians are involved in 4. FLINTLOCK - the final development of
studying these phenomena: the flint-ignition firearm. It resembled
the snaphance, except that the striker
1. Terminal penetration - the depth of plate was L-shaped. The bottom limb
bullet penetration on the target of the L was used as a cover for the
2. Terminal energy - the striking priming pan, to protect the powder from
power/force of the projectile when its moisture until the upper limb was struck
strikes the target. by the flint of the hammer.
3. Terminal velocity - the speed of the
projectile when it strikes the target
4. Terminal accuracy - the size of the In 1807, the Scottish clergyman
bullet group on the target named Alexander John Forsyth invented
the percussion-ignition system that led to
the development of the first effective
When a projectile hits its target, terminal
breech-loading firearms. Breech-loading
ballistics phenomenon that occurs may be
firearms are those loaded through the rear
one or a combination of the following:
of the barrel rather than through the
1. Indentation muzzle. The first 19th-century breech-
2. Penetration loading guns used cartridge containing only
3. Perforation black powder and a ball. Such weapons
4. Ricochet was usually equipped with a nipple holding
5. Fragmentation a percussion cap that was fired by the
6. Detonation and other related blast
impact of the hammer (or striker) when
7. Combustion and incendiary effects released by the trigger.
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Subject: Forensic Ballistics
Saint Mary’s University_Criminology Review Center 6
Subject: Forensic Ballistics
return spring
Trigger - the part of the gun that initiates 1. Bullet - also called slug; the projectile
the action when the shooter is propelled from a firearm by means of
ready to fire his weapon the expansive force of gases coming
Trigger - the safety device designed to from burning gunpowder
Guard protect the trigger from 2. Cartridge Case - also called shell; is the
accidental bumping or pressing tubular metallic container for the
that may result to accidental gunpowder
firing 3. Propellant - the powder charge
Safety - the gun mechanism that intended to be burned thus generating
prevents the firearm from firing; an energy that will launch the bullet
it may be a button, moveable 4. Primer - also called percussion;
pin, lever, thumb hammer or composed of the metal cup and priming
sliding plate mixture which is highly sensitive
Note: A hard blow or dropping
the firearm could still cause it to The other specific parts of a cased center-
fire. Always have your safety fire cartridge are as follows:
on until ready to shoot. 1. Head stamp
Sear - the part of the firing 2. Primer cup
mechanism, linked to the 3. Priming mixture
trigger, which engages with the 4. Anvil
hammer or striker against 5. Flash hole – vent
spring pressure and, when 6. Rim
pulled clear by trigger action, 7. Extractor groove – true only to pistol
allows firing and rifle cartridges
Stock - the wooden, plastic, or metal 8. Brass case
frame that holds the barrel and 9. Shoulder – true only to rifle cartridges
action; used to get and keep 10. Neck – true only to rifle cartridges
the aim of the shooter; it helps 11. Crimp
in absorbing the recoil when 12. Cannelure – lubricant grooves
firing 13. Metal jacket
Striker - alternative term for the firing pin 14. Lead core
when that firing pin is axially 15. Nose / tip
mounted and spring propelled
inside the bolt
General Types of Ammunition:
priming mixture thus designed to has three important functions, which are as
produce gunshot to indicate firing; used follows:
for theatrical performance and military
1. to hold the bullet, gunpowder and
training primer thus assembling them as one
4. Live ammo - the real ammunition since unit;
it is composed of a complete unit of 2. to serve as waterproof container for
unfired cartridge the gunpowder; and
3. to act as ‘gas seal’ at the breech end
Classification of cartridges according to of the barrel during firing.
location of primer:
1. Pin-fire cartridge
2. Rim-fire cartridge Standard cartridges of center-fire
3. Center-fire cartridge - This is the type of ammunitions have a shell that is usually
cartridge mostly used today. The made of brass - 70% copper and 30% zinc.
primer cup is centrally placed at the Some other special cartridges are coated
base of the cartridge. The priming with of plastic varnish, zinc, copper or
mixture is exploded by the impact of the
tungsten. Some are made of plastic and
firing on the primer cup which is
supported by the anvil. hard paper, such as the tubes for shotgun
Some books mention two other early types
of cartridges under this category: the tit-fire Types of Cartridge Case according to
cartridge and tail-fire cartridge. Just like Shape:
needle-fire cartridge, these are no longer
manufactured today. 1. Straight case - true to pistol and
revolver ammunition; the casing of all
Classification of Cartridges according to rimmed-cartridges for revolvers and
Rim: all center-fire pistol ammo that are
1. Rimmed cartridge now manufactured
2. Semi-rimmed cartridge 2. Bottleneck case - always true to rifle
3. Rimless cartridge ammunition; the casing of most
4. Rebated cartridge modern center-fire rifle ammo; the
5. Belted cartridge type of shell that provides the
greatest power capacity
Classification of Cartridges according to commensurate with over-all case
Power: length
3. Tapered case - an obsolete type; very
1. Low-power cartridge - fires a rare but presently being used in
projectile with a muzzle velocity of magnum jet cartridge of caliber .22
less than 1,850 fps firearms
2. High-power cartridge - fires a
projectile with a muzzle velocity bet’n
1,925 & 2,500 fps PRIMER of center-fire cartridges refers to a
3. High-intensity cartridge - has muzzle small metallic ignition cup at the center of
velocity of more than 2,500 fps the cartridge base. The primer is designed
in such manner that once the priming
CARTRIDGE CASE for small arms mixture is compressed, it undergoes rapid
ammunition is also called shell and casing. combustion thus producing flame or sparks
The cartridge case of center-fire ammunition
Saint Mary’s University_Criminology Review Center 9
Subject: Forensic Ballistics
to ignite the propellant loaded in the barrel and launched it to fly towards a
cartridge case. Parts of the primer are: target.
1. Primer cup - the container of the Most historians agree that it was the
priming mixture; composed of brass Chinese alchemists who first developed the
and copper or any other gilding black powder sometime in the 9th century
during the Han Dynasty. The formula for
2. Anvil - a thin but rigid metal strip
where the priming mixture is black powder first appeared in the writings
crushed once the firing pin strikes of the 13th-century English monk Roger
the primer cup Bacon.
3. Primer pocket - the space at the
center bottom of the shell where the Berthold Schwarz, a German monk of the
primer cup, priming mixture and early 14th century whose real name is
anvil occupy Constantin Anklitzen, may have been the
4. Disc - small piece of paper or disc first person to employ gunpowder for
of tin foil which is pressed over the propelling a projectile.
priming mixture
5. Priming mixture - the chemical Black powder can be prepared following
component of the primer
this optimum proportion:
The 4 Main Classes of Propellants: are characteristics that can be determined even
before the firearm is manufactured.
1. Single-based propellant: This is
composed of pure nitroglycerin The following are class characteristics of firearms
gelatinized with nitrocellulose. that can be determined in fired bullets:
2. Double-based propellant: This type is
composed of nitrocellulose and 1. Bore diameter
nitroglycerin mixed with any or all of the 2. Rifling pattern contained in the barrel of the
following minor ingredients: centralite, firearm
vaseline phathalate esters, and
inorganic salts. This type appears as Rifling pattern contained in the barrel of the firearm
gray-green to black in color and the consist of the following items.
grains are similar in size and shape to
single-based propellant. 1. Number of lands and grooves: The lands
3. Triple-based propellant: This is are the elevated portions in the bore
composed of three principal surface while the grooves are the canals or
ingredients, which are nitrocellulose, depressed areas. The number of lands
nitroglycerine, and nitroguanidine. This present in the bore is always equal to the
type of propellant was developed in number of grooves. The number may
attempting to compromise the low- range from 2 to 22 but usually 4 to 6.
power sing-based propellant and high- 2. Width of lands and grooves: In all kinds of
power but excessive heat of double rifling patterns, the grooves are always
base powders. Triple-based propellant wider than the lands.
contains small percentage of 3. Depth of grooves: This depth is equal to
nitroglycerin but sufficient to provide the height of the lands just after the gun is
added power manufactured but it becomes shallower as
4. HIT (high-ignition temperature) the firearm is used. It is measured in
Propellant: The main ingredient of this thousands of an inch or in millimeters.
class of propellant is the RDX 4. Direction of twist: Rifling either twist to the
(cyclonite) group of high explosives right or to the left. The direction initiates
the bearing of the gyroscopic action of the
projectile that passes through the bore.
The BULLET is a metallic or non-metallic 5. Pitch of rifling: This is also called degree of
cylindrical projectile propelled from a firearm by rifling twist. It simply refers to the distance
means of the expansive force of gasses coming (measured either in inches or centimeters)
traveled by the lands and grooves to
from burning gunpowder.
complete a single rotation (360 degrees).
One of the more important developments in the
history of the rifle bullet occurred in 1883, when Small arms can be identified according to rifling
a Swiss military major named Eduard class characteristics, otherwise called rifling pattern.
Alexander Rubin invented the small-caliber There are seven basic types of rifling pattern for
rifle, one of whose essential features was the small arms. Their class characteristics are as
employment of an elongated compound bullet, follows:
with a lead core in a copper jacket.
1. Steyr type - 4RG=L (or 4GLRHT)
meaning there are 4 lands and grooves
with equal width that twist to the right
2. Carbine type - 4RG2X, which means
A. CLASS CHARACTERISTICS there are 4 lands and grooves that twist
to the right but the grooves are twice
Firearm class characteristics refer to intentional wider than the lands
or design characteristics that are common to a 3. Smith & Wesson type - 5RG=L (five
particular group or family of firearms. These lands and grooves with equal width that
twist to the right direction)
Saint Mary’s University_Criminology Review Center 11
Subject: Forensic Ballistics
4. Browning type - 6RG2X (six lands and 1. DRILLING: This is the process of
grooves, right hand twist, grooves twice making a hole from one end to another
wider than lands) end through the center of a steel rod.
5. Colt type - 6LG2X (6 lands and grooves The result of this stage is a rough hole
twist to the left direction and that with almost uniform diameter from end
grooves are twice wider than the lands) to end of the barrel.
6. Winchester type - 6RG3X (six lands 2. REAMING: This stage involves the
and grooves twist to the right, groove process of cleaning or uniformly
width is three times wider than the land) scrapping the interior surface of the
7. Webley type - 7RG3X (seven lands and barrel to achieve the desired bore
grooves with right twist, grooves are diameter. The reaming instrument
three times wider than the lands) removes the metal from the entire
surface because its diameter is slightly
larger than the driller.
FIREARMS necessary for making the helical
grooves inside the barrel. This stage
Firearm individual characteristics refer to produces a barrel with lands and
those characteristics of firearms that can be grooves at the interior surface. There
are four types of rifling technique being
determined only after a gun is
used today:
manufactured. For firearm examiners, 4. LAPPING: This is the process of
individual characteristics are marks polishing the inner surface of the gun
produced by the random imperfections or barrel. It simply involves rubbing the
irregularities of tool surfaces. These bore surface using a polishing
random imperfections or irregularities are compound to remove machining marks
unique in every firearm. and any tight spots in the rifling thus
making the bore’s surface
Specifically, sources of individual dimensionally uniform from end to end.
characteristics of firearms are the following:
No matter how long polish the interior
1. Wear and tear of the tools used in
manufacturing the firearm surface of the gun barrel is polished, minute
2. Corrosion or oxidation effect on the imperfections cannot be removed. These
metallic surface of firearm components macroscopic, and sometimes microscopic,
3. Wear and tear due to normal use imperfections are surface irregularities that
4. Damage due to improper operation and impart distinctive scratches on the bullet’s
handling/caring bearing surface. Such marks, usually
called by experts as striations, are the
Gun barrels are made of solid steel. There mechanical fingerprints of the gun which
are 2 classes of steel currently used in are found in fired bullets. These striations
making gun barrels: chrome molybdenum in the form of linear scratches are used as
steel and stainless steel. Chrome basis in identifying the specific weapon
molybdenum steel is mostly used in hunting where a particular bullet has been fired.
rifles and military firearms.
Firearm examiners must be sufficiently --------------------------------------------------------------
acquainted with the principal steps in
Source: Lecture notes of Mr. Chester D. King-eo
making the gun barrel. Knowledge on this
matter enables them to explain the source
of cause of marks found on bullets.
Manufacturing the gun barrel involves four
stages, which are as follows: