Recent-Recruitment Test Question (Preliminary) of Rural Electrification Board (REB)

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Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Preparation Lecture No.

13 & 14 : REB Special

Recent- Recruitment Test Question (Preliminary) of Rural Electrification Board (REB)
Post: Assistant Engineer

1 Time: 45 Minutes
Compiled by: Rony Parvej (IUT, EEE’07)
Full Marks: 60
Exam Date: 12.02.2016 Venue: Kurmitola High School

Sl. Question Ans

1. A capacitor of 1µF is charged to a potential of 50 V. It is now connected to an uncharged

capacitor of capacitance 4 µF. The common potential is
a) 0 V b) 20 V c) 15 V d) 10 V
2. The mutual inductance between two coils is zero when fluxes produced by them.. ......
a) Aid each other b) Oppose each other
c) Are-at right angles to each other d) None of the above
3. A 230 V, 50 Hz single-phase energy meter has a load current of 10A a p.f. of 0-8 lagging. The
energy consumed by the load in 2 minutes is .
a) 1.2 kWh b) 0.06 kWh c) 2.4kWh d) 4.2 kWh
4. The field winding of a dc shunt machines usually carries ……….. of the rated current of the
a) 2% to 5% b) 15% to 20% c) More than 20% d) A Less than 0.5%
5. Stray losses consists of………
a) Magnetic and mechanical losses b) Magnetic and copper losses
c) Mechanical and copper losses d) None of the above
6. A motor takes a large current at starting because………
a) The armature resistance is high b) back e.m.f is low
c) field is producing weak field d) None of the above
7. A d.c. shunt motor is taking 84 A at 100 V and developing 9 B.H.P. Armature resistance = 0.05
ohm and shunt field resistance = 25 ohm. The copper loss is
a) 615 W b) 512 W c) 834 W d) 720 W
8. The short-circuit test helps us to find
a) Cu loss at any desired load b) Iron lass no load
c) Cu loss at no load d) None of the above
9. The full load slip of a 3-phase induction motor ranges from
a) 10% to 20% b) 20% to 30% c) 2% to 5% d) None of above
10. A 3-phase, 6-pole, 50 Hz induction motor delivers, 3.73 kW at 950 r.p.m. What is the stator input
if the stator loss 250 W?
a) 4180W b) 3150 W c) 5720 W d) 4825 W
11. The induction motor has lagging power factor during
a) Starting only b) Operation only
c) Both starting and operation d) None of the above
12. The losses in an alternator are the same as is ……
a) a dc machine b) A transformer c) A rectifier d) None of the above
13. The main reason for low power factor of supply system is due to the use of ...
a) Induction motors b) Resistive loads c) Synchronous motor d) All correct
14. The sag of an overhead line is effected by
a) Conductor Weight per unit length b) Span and tension
c) Wind and temperature d) All above
Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Preparation Lecture No. 13 & 14 : REB Special
15. If spacing between the conductor is decreased, the inductance of the line .....
a) Increases b) Decreases c) Remains same d) None of above
16. The skin effect increases the….
a) Resistance of the line b) Inductance of the line
c) Capacitance of the line d) All above
17. The voltage regulation of a transmission line is greatest for….
a) Lagging p.f. b) Leading p.f. c) Both (a) & (b) d) None of above
18. A Circuit breaker performs the function of….
a) Detection only b) Circuit interruption only
c) Both detection & circuit interruption d) None of above
19. Back-up protection is generally used for protection against...
a) Open circuit faults only b) Short-circuit faults only
c) both open and Short-circuit faults d) None of above
20. The rate of rise of restriking voltage depends on
a) The type of circuit breaker b) The inductance of the system only
c) The capacitance of the system only d)Both inductance and capacitance of the system
21. Buchholz relay in oil immersed transformer provides protection against
a) Insulation failure of windings b) Core heating
c) Fall of oil level d) All above
22. Merz-price circulating current principle is
a) More suitable for generators b) More suitable for transformers
c) Equally suitable for both d) None of above
23. Internal cause of overvoltage in a power system may be due to ...
a) Opening a loaded line b) Closing an unloaded line
c) Insulation failure d) All above
24. The energy gap between valence band and conduction band in insulators is about
a) 15 eV b) 1 eV c) 2 eV d) 3 5 eV
25. A zener diode is always . ..... .... connected.
a) Reverse b) Forward c) Either reverse of forward d) None of the above
26. A pn junction that radiates energy as light instead of as heat is called a .......
a) LED b) Photo-diode c) Photocell d) Zener diode
27. The collector -base junction in a transistor amplifier has
a) Forward bias at all limes b) Reverse bias at all times
c) Low resistance d) None of the above
28. When a transistor is cut off,. ......
a) Maximum voltage appears across transistor b) Maximum current flows
c) Maximum voltage appears across load d) None of the above
29. The basic purpose of applying negative voltage feedback is to
a) Increase voltage gain b) Reduce distortion
c) Keep the temperature within limits d) None of the above
30. The oscillator liable to frequency drift is ………
a) Hartley oscillator b) Colpitt's oscillator
c) Phase-shift oscillator d) AII the above oscillator
31. 1 Tesla equal to
(a) 1 Netwon/m2 (b) 1 kg/m2 c) 1 wb/m2 (d) None of Above
Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Preparation Lecture No. 13 & 14 : REB Special
32. If an NPN MOSFET VCC=12 V, what is the value of VCE ?
(a) 4V (b) 3V (c)1.V.71 (d) 6V
33. For a shunt generator Armature torque is
a) Directly proportional to voltage b) Directly proportional to current
c) Squarely proportional to current (d) None of above
34. When a 400 Hz transformer is operated at 50 Hz, its KVA rating is
a) Increase by 8 times b) Reduce to 1/8 c) Unaffected d) Increase by 64 times
35. A transformer has full load copper loss of 400 watt. The copper loss at half load will be,
(a) 200 W b) 100 W (c) 400 W (d) 50 W
36. Most of the fault in a power system are
a) 3-phase fault (b) Double Line to ground fault
c) Line to ground fault (d) Both (a) & (c)
37. The Main purpose of using core in a transformer is to
a) Decrease iron losses
b) Prevent eddy current loss
c) Eliminate magnetic hysteresis
d) Decrease reluctance of the common magnetic circuit
38. The value of Form factor
a) 1.15 b) 1.11 c) 1.13 d) 1.14
39. The input impedance of transistor is
a) high b) low c) very high d) almost zero
40. Most of the synchronous motors are ………. power factor motors
a) unity b) .8 lagging c) .8 leading d) .75 lagging
41. বাাংলা নববর্ষ পহেলা ববশাখ চালু কহেছিহলন --------

ক) ফখেুছিন ম াবােক শাে খ) ইছলয়াস শাে গ) সম্রাট আকবে ঘ) সম্রাট বাবে
42. ‘অছিে স ীহপ’ে সাংহিপ েহলা-

ক) স ি খ) পহোি গ) প্রত্যি ঘ) ছনেহপি
43. “স্বাধীনত্া েীনত্ায় মক বাছচহত্ চায়” ---- চেণটি কাে েচনা?
ক) ঈশ্বেচন্দ্র ছবদ্যাসাগে খ) ধুসূদ্ন দ্ত্ত ঘ
গ) মে চন্দ্র বহ্যাপাধযায় ঘ) েঙ্গলাল বহ্যাপাধযায়
44. ছনহচে মকান কাহেে েনয কছিউটাে মবছশ সুছবধােনক?

ক) পুনোবৃছত্ত ূলক কাে খ) প্রছত্হবদ্ন প্রণয়ন গ) ছেসাবেিন কাে ঘ) গাছণছত্ক কাে
45. উপসহগষে কাে ছক?
ক) নত্ু ন শব্দ গঠন কো খ) ছবভছি ছনেূপন কো ক
গ) যছত্ সাংস্কেণ কো ঘ) সবষনা বত্েী কো
46. ছনহচে মকানটি ছসহে সফটওয়যাে?

ক) উইহডাে ছভস্তা খ) এ এস এহেল গ) ওোকল ঘ) মনাটপযাড
47. কছিউটাহেে মনটওয়াহকষে মিহে ছনহচে মকান াধয টি সবষাহপিা দ্রুত্ ত্থ্য পছেবেহন সি ?
ক) মকা-এছেয়াল কযাবল খ) ফাইবাে অপটিক কযাবল
গ) টু ইহেড মপয়াে কযাবল ঘ) আে ময ৪৫ কাহনক্টে খ
Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Preparation Lecture No. 13 & 14 : REB Special
48. সাবাস বাাংলাহদ্শ ভাস্কযষটি মকাথ্ায় অবছিত্?
ক) টিএসছসে ম াহে খ) ঢাকা ছবশ্বছবদ্যালহয় ঘ
গ) মেসহকাসষ য়দ্াহন ঘ) োেশােী ছবশ্বছবদ্যালহয়
49. মফয়াে ফযাে ছক?

ক) সাংবাদ্ সাংিা খ) পছেহবশ সাংিা গ) মগাহয়্া সাংিা ঘ) ানবাছধকাে সাংিা
50. ‘দ্েগ্রা ছিট েল’ মকান মেলায় অবছিত্?

ক) কুছেগ্রা খ) নীলফা ােী গ) পঞ্চগে ঘ) লাল ছনেোট

51. We should abstain -------- smoking

a) of b) for c) about d) from D

52. What is the synonym of Competent

a) circumspect b) piscrete c) capable d) prudent C

53. The manager looked into the matter.

a) Take decision b) Investigate c) Neglect d) Taking care B

54. Find out the correct translation. ' সকাল মথ্হক গছে গছে বৃষ্টি েহে’।
a) It is raining from morning b) It has been raining from morning C
c) It has been drizzling since morning d) It is drizzling since morning
55. Who wrote The ‘The beauty is truth, truth is beauty' ?
a) Shakespeare b) Wordsworth c) Keats d) Eliot C

56. ূল ছব্ু O এবাং P=(x, y) েহল, OP= কত্?

ক) x2+y2 খ) √( x2+y2) গ) √(x+y)2 ঘ) x+y
57. বৃহত্তে পছেছধ ও বযাহসে অনুপাত্

ক) ২২/৭ খ) ১/৩ গ) ২২/৯ ঘ) ২৫/৯

58. একটি দ্রবয ৩৮০ টাকায় ছবক্রয় কোয় ২০ টাকা িছত্ েহলা। িছত্ে শত্কো োে কত্?

ক) ৪% খ) ৬% গ) ৫% ঘ) ৭%

59. একটি কুকুে একটি খেহগাশহক ধোে েনয ত্াো কহে। কুকুে ময স য় ৪ বাে লাফ মদ্য়, খেহগাশ মস স য় ৫
বাে লাফ মদ্য়। ছকন্তু খেহগাশ ৪ লাহফ যত্দ্ূে যায়, কুকুে ৩ লাহফ ত্ত্দ্ূে যায়। কুকুে ও খেহগাহশে গছত্হবহগে
অনুপাত্ কত্? মনাট

ক) ১৫ : ১৬ খ) ২০ : ৬ গ) ১৬ : ১২ ঘ) ১২ : ২০
[সঠিক উত্তেঃ ১৬ : ১৫]

60. ৮, ১১, ১৭, ২৯, ৫৩,………. পেবত্ীী সাংখযা কত্?

ক) ১০১ খ) ১০২ গ) ৭৫ ঘ) ৫৯

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