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General Education - BLEPT Haggai 101

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GENERAL EDUCATION – ENGLISH  ― The rusting trees during winter‖ inspired Robert Frost in writing most
Of his inspirational poem is a example of onomatopoeia.
 ―The sun was a ball of fire over the mountain‖ is a Metaphor
 ―A patriot is indefatigable in promoting political truth‖ . The  ― To be or not to be‖, the beginning of the soliloquy of hamlet express
statement means a hero practices political truth. A feeling of indecision.
 ―As far back as I can remember, our family had always been an extended  A ballad often rhymes abcd is not true about ballad.
one. One grandmother was the mainstay in the family the silent strength  A good writer supports his generalizations with concrete examples.
behind our mother who is daughter.‖ The informal guide and honorary  A lengthy poem about a heroic figure usually with superpowers is called
household chief n the extended family is the grandmother. epic.
 ―Because of PROFANITY the program was suspended from television.‖  A number of endangered species living underwater are now extinct
The capitalized word means Obscenity. Because of illegal hunting and dynamite fishing. Sentence beginning with
 ―Faster than a speeding bullet, the citizens Metropolis saw Superman a number always take a plural verb.
Flying overhead‖ has a misplaced modifier.  A poem is usually composed of fourteen lines which follow specific
 “Holding wonder like a cup” is an example of simile. patterns of rhyme is called sonnet.
 ―How much money did you bring for shopping?‖ could be answered  A story put together through an exchange of letters like urbana and felisa
by the statement : None , but I have a credit card Is called epistolary literature.
 ―If you want the moon I will get it for you‖ is an example of hyperbole.  Abraham Lincoln wrote oratorical piece the Gettysburg Address.
 “In the story, who is short?” is a question that fails under the litiral  According to the current linguistic theories the best definition of the
Comprehension Level. meaning of the word is its use in in a particular situation.
 ―My head is bloody but unbowed,‖ is hyperbole.  According to the report done by the fire department, the explosion was
 ―Nothing happens in this world by chance; it is all of a grand design.‖The caused by a loose connection.
Author speaks of ones destiny.  Adults acquire new words and experience primarily through exposure to
 ―Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will their use.
ever regret‖  Agamemnon, the leader of the Achaeans has a fondness for woman which
Is a good advice for those who are ill-tempered and implusive. is synonymous to penchant.
 ―Stephen Crane was born in 1971 in new jersey, but his family settled in  Algies family lives (on,in) ipil street because on is use to indicates days,
New York. Complete dates and names of street, avenues and boulevard.
His father, a Methodist minister, died when Stephen was nine years old.  Allegory is symbolic fictional account conveying meanings/s beyond
He came to know The literal.
New York through its slum and street life, particularly in bowery.‖ The  Alliteration is the repetition of the same sounds at the beginning of words
most appropriate In lines of poetry and even in prose.
Heading of the paragraph is Stephen family and boyhood.  Among crane brine, pristine and quarantine , brine sounds like fine.
 ―The figures must be TRANSMUTED in order to understand the grade.‖  An audience should be regarded as people who have views different
The capitalized word means changed. from you.
 An early tragedy about two teenage star-crossed lovers which end with  During seminars or lecture forums you should clarify what you didn‘t
Their suicides , uniting rival households of a long-running family feud is understand by waiting for the open forum to politely ask questions.
Romeo and Juliet.  Edgar Allan Poe is known as the father of horror/Detective stories .
 Arnold would read any book or magazine he could lay his hands on and Among His famous works are Annabel Lee, The Raven, The fall of the
read from cover to cover in one sitting therefore he is such voracious house of usher and The Cask of amontillado.
reader.  Editorial section is the part of the newspaper where you can see the
 Assumption does not belong with the word summary , synthesis and Opinions of people.
generalization because all of them connotes ―wrapping up‖ a particular  Educational of psychology is the applications of principles of theories
text. Of human behavior in teaching and learning.
 At the Philippine General hospital , doctors reported on the abandoned  Egyptian Literature is identified Mediterranean literature.
Patients which mean the patients are left behind by relatives.  Emily Dickinson is known for her condor about some issues on poetic
 Avoiding challenging tasks is NOT characteristics of people with the Freedom meaning she exhibit frankness.
strong sense of self efficacy.  Emphatic Verbs are use to give certain emphasis like do, does and did.
 Bank provide convenient service to costumer 24 hours a day via ATMs.  Equating the artist as an ―improviser means he/she selects subjects at
 Becky sharp the main character of the novel ―Vanity Fair‖ by Thackeray, random.
has been trying to forget about her first love , but she knows that doing  Even when her friends betray her. Perla bears no rancor on her heart
So takes a lifetime. The verb is in present perfect progressive tense. Because she is not bitter.
 Bienvinido Santos is a Filipino migrant writer whose fiction stories  Fish and fries are my cousins favorite fast food meal. Fish and fries are
Reflect the Filipinos concepts of American culture. taken as a single entity.
 Children who have watching a lot of television would likely suffer from  Free verse is a poem with irregular or no rhyme schem and no meter at all.
short attention span.  Fricatives are sounds produced when the air stream is compress and
 Christian Faith was the central focus of much of philippine literature passes to a small opening creating friction.
during The Hispanic colonial period.  Fyodor Dostoyevsky had been writing his last novel, Brother Karamazov
 Classical is an artistic tradition that seeks to revive past glory in various When he died. The sentence given is in the past perfect progressive
forms. because the first past action are still happening when the second past
 Considering the ―tayo-tayo‖ mentality f the Filipinos, one goal for action transpired.
CHANGE that should be worked on is to develop a sense of common  Gabriel slept soundly in his air conditioned room last night.
good.  Geoffrey Chaucer has always been called as the morning Star/Father of
 De Maupassant was the foremost French short story writer. English literature .
 Democracy was the dream realized by nelson Mandela.  Guy De Maupassant was the foremost French short story writer who
 Don Quixote, the hero of Cervantes immortal novel rode forth to defend wrote some 300 short stories , six novels, three travel books and one
the oppressed and right the wrong volume of verse.
 Drama (appears, appear) to be the most interesting co-curricular activity  Haiku is the traditional Japanese poem consisting of three lines totaling
of the year. 17 syllables with nature as topic.
 He is the black sheep of the family is an example of an metaphor.  If you want to be recognized , have a finger in the pie meaning you have
 He was excused because all he said were white lies. The idiomatic to make an active part in something.
expression means line recited are excusable.  Illogical conclusion is the logical fallacy in: ―You once sponsored a project
 He was like a snake in the night is a simile because the statement is of the governor, therefore you are the governors crony.
comparing the snake to the night using the word like .  In a Station of the Metro is a classic example of imagism as a poet, Ezra
 His discussion is excellent and connected to the case. pound describes a moment in the Underground Metro Station in Paris
 Homer is the first mythical geographer who was recognized due to his  In critical listening, the listener is concerned with acquiring new
vivid descriptions f lands and people encountered by his hero Ulysses. knowledge for the purpose of improving skills in generalizing and
 How she made both ends meet, guided us in our studies and did small act decision making
of charity on the side was beyond me. ―The mothers financial resources  In Kerima Polotan Tuvera‘s short story ― The Virgin,‖ Ms. Mijares failed
are limited. To find a man to marry because she took care of her sick mother
 I cant find my calculator ; may I use yours , Michael?  In Macbeth, we see a man whose downfall was caused by overwhelming
 I die when the dawn breaks to herald the day is a line from Mi Ultimo Ambition of power
Adios by Jose Rizal.  In one of his poems, the Filipino author Zulueta da Costa used simile
 I thought the task was heavy for Reneboy and (us,me). when he said that the Filipinos are like the molave.
 I value a man for the size of his heart could be interpreted as Man's  In Paz Latorena‘s short story “The Small Key,” old clothes and other
Kindness is most important. things
 I will not live you to come hell or high water meaning the speaker will  Owned by the first wife are inside the chest when the second wife,
Not live the prison no matter what. Solenad , opened it using the small key.
 Lah has not forgotten that she was betrayed by her best friend and carried  In Psalm 23 otherwise known as ― Psalm of David‖, he will be provided
Such rancor in her deeply offended heart for a long time. peace and prosperity is the closest meaning to the line: ― He maketh me to
 If I had taken my chance on love, I would have been happier. lie down in green pastures; he ledeath me beside the still waters‖
 If the murder weapon is not found inside the bag of aksionov, he will not  In sentences with multiple adjectives, must be Determiner, Observation,
suffer imprisonment. Just case is first conditional because it speculates Size, shape, Age, Color, Origin, Material, Qualifier just like in the case of:
situations that are possible to happen at present time or in the future. She drives an expensive black Japanese sports car.
 If the president listened to the wails of his people, he would have stopped  In the Count of Monte Cristo, Edmond Dante was wrongfully imprisoned
the killings in Mindanao.this case is third conditional because it speculates On Devils island.
situations that happened or did not happen.  In the Loreto Paras Sulits short story, ― The Bolo‖, the Bolo that was
 If you chance upon the principle on your way out of the campus, please given to her by her husband is being treasured by the main character. The
send him my best wishes. obvious lesson in the story ― The Bolo‖ is heritage is more important than
 If you drink poison, you die. This case is zero conditional because it physiological needs.
describes situations that are always true or factual.  In the school paper, the Editor-in-chief is in-charge of the entire
 If you forgot your textbook , you can use mine, Karl. Publication.

 In the speech process, resonation is concerned with amplifying and  Nelson Mandela gave up armed struggle and chose the peaceful way to
Enriching the voice, using human amplifiers such as the nose, windpipe, freedom he is a world leader who is a model of none violence.
and chest.  Nelson Mandela realized his dream of free and none racial south Africa by
 In the state of confusion is meant by AT SIXES AND SEVENS in the Forgiving his of oppressors and negotiating in good faith for the peaceful
sentence: we moved into the house last week, but im afraid everything s Transition to the democracy there by demonstrated his trait of forgiving
still at sixes and sevens.  Nelson Mandelas dream for south Africa which was realized was
 Informal reading inventory or IRI is a reading technique utilized when democracy.
when a teacher asks his student to read a particular passage, then marks  Nick Joaquin is a Filipino writer whose stories and poems depict Filipino
mispronounced words Spanish Cultural beliefs and tradition.
 Is this spot where you had the accident?  Of epigrams , the meaning of‖ a friend is one who knows all about you
 It is altogether fitting that we organize a literary seminar to pay homage to and loves you just the same is true friendship.
a great Filipino Writer.  Omar khayam wrote the rubaiyat, which adheres to the carpe diem
 Jose Garcia Villa is a Filipino poet who uses punctuation marks movement that states that we should eat now, drink and be merry for
extensively in his pieces most specially commas. tomorrow well die. The Rubaiyat has the theme‖ Grasping pleasure while
 Jose Garcia Villa was the first Filipino national artist for literature you can “.
awarded in 1973.  One of the outstanding and distinct features of latin American literature
 Juncture is a supra segmental that pertains to the pauses or rests in is the use of magic realism.
speech.  One of the questions which the epic divine comedy seeks for the reader
 Let us campaign for the total ban on the use of harmful insecticides. To ponder upon is: What is the purpose in life?
 Marios father is an alcoholic, a chain smoker, and a gambler. But Mario is  Only 35% of the total number of students were able to pass comprehensive
his contrast because he does not drink, smoke nor gamble. This case exam last year. Nouns in percent and in fraction take plural verbs if pared
proves that one’s value system is acquired. with count nouns and singular verbs when paired with non count nouns.
 Mother finally found the time to rest after working the whole day.  Ophelia Dimalanta is known for the love sonnets she wrote.
 My father and I met a friend of ours in the shopping center.  Pastoral is a poem that describe life in rural in areas in a romanticized
 My goal, to be independently wealthy by the age fifthy, is looking way.
increasingly un realistic contains an appositive phrase  Pedro bukaneg is the father of Ilocano literature.
 Neither F. Scott fitzgerald nor his contemporaries use their real names in  Pitch is concerned about high and low in voice volume and quality.
their writing career. In sentences with ― neither, nor and either, or ― the  Pitch level 3 must be use in emphasizing or stressing the main idea in a
verb must agree with the closest noun. sentence according to traditional grammar rules.
 Neither his followers nor Walt Whitman was convinced that the ideas of  Posture is the way a body is carried while speaking.
Emerson are out of this world.  Ralph waldo emerson once sem,‖ a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.‖
 Neither Ralph waldo emrson nor his friends were present at the meeting  Rig Veda is a collection Indian sacred hymns while Upanishad is a
last night. collection of religious texts.
 Neither the teacher nor the students were present in the affiars.
 Rita is the smarter of the teens because it is at the comparative degree of  The capitalized word means obscenity in the statement : because of
adjectives. profanity, the program was suspended from television.
 Salvador Lopez is known as the rival of jose Garcia villa on issues  The capitalized word means prophetic in the statement: The writer's
concerning the purpose of art. APOCALYPTIC account suggest the end of the world.
 Security is the theme of the quote: ― have a good bank account , a good  The capitalized words means verbose in the statement: We listened to a
cook and a good digestion.‖ LOQUACIOUS speaker.
 Several factors must be assessed to arrive at a sound decision.  The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe resembles the theme of the
 She hurt (himself, herself) when she was slicing the onions. poem "A Poison Tree".
 She wrote a ― first rate ― report. It implies the report was excellent .  The characters Kriemhild and Siegfried are found in the medieval German
 Skimming is reading to get the main idea while scanning is reading to get epic Nibelungenlied.
specific information.  The collection of stories of animals which teach moral lessons is Aesop's
 Some scientist and bible scholars agree with the prophecy that the earth is Fables.
Coming to an end.  The courage of the child who saved his brother from a ranging fire is
 Stephens Writings includes ‗the open boat‘ which he wrote as a result of a worth a emulating.
ship wreck he experienced on his way to cuba to report our In progress‖.  The doctor recommended eating healthier meals and doing exercise.
 Tanka is composed of 31 syllables, 5 lines, with love and nature as a topic.  The empty board (was left, was leaving) on the table.
 Technology in the field of the medicine has improved tremendously since  The expression of "baduy" connotes awkward looking.
the beginning 21st century.  The Filipinos are deeply religious; however, sometimes this religiosity
 Thales of Mellitus is the first man to replace myth with natural laws and instill the NEGATIVE attuitude of resignation and ends up into doing
Causes of observing that all living things are elements of nature. nothing to improve one's condition.
 The ( morality, moral )lesson of the story is that honesty is the best policy.  The five skills essential for real reading to take place according to Jean
 The appropriate response to the question ―did you understand the Chall are phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and
direction? is "Thanks I certainly did." comprehension.
 The audience exhibited enthusiasm for the play on ; they seem interested .  The folk song "Atin Cu Pung Singsing" originated in Pampanga.
 The bible goes for parallelism. It says ― blessed are the poor in spirit, for  The idea that a thing is like a white elephant means that it is beautiful but
theirs is the kingdom oh heaven‖ which means poor spirit can be an open useless.
gate to heaven.  The line from the Koran, "Woe to every backbiter.," talks of Misery for
 The brain can store admonitory information. Admonitory means warning those who talks ill of others.
to avoid danger.  The line, "Under the bludgeoning chance, My head is bloody but unbowed
 The capitalized word means irrelevant in the statement. She is a vision of depict the person's determination
feminine pulchritude.  The main thought of William Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice is that
 The capitalized word means loveliness in the statement: She is a vision of mercy is spontaneous and freely given.

 The man in the mirror looks strange. If the subject is stationary and if  These towels are too wet for us to dry the dishes.
there is no object, the verb of sense functions as a linking verb and  Think is an example of a word with voiceless/th/ sound. The vibrations
requires an adjective. in the vocal cords determine if a particular sound is voiced or voiceless.
 The morning air smells sweet in the garden.  Thomas Carlyle said, "The man without a purpose is like a ship without a
 The most appropriate follow-up sentence to the statement I have been rudder." could be interpreted as there should be strong driving force in
searching for love is: And I can't imagine doing anything else. The given one's life.
sentence is in present perfect progressive tense.  Though nothing can bring back The hour of splendor in the glass, Of glory
 The ode "Intimations of Immorality from Recollections of Early Childhood in the flower, We will grieve not, Rather find strength in what remains
is authored by William Wordsworth. behind. This stanza expresses hope.
 The overriding issue tackled in the epic song of Roland is loyalty to God  To emphasize possession, the stress must be placed on the possessive
and King. adjective "my" in the sentence: That is my boyfriend.
 The Philippines is considered ESL nation because English is used as an  TRANSCENDENTAL meditation is practiced in Yoga.
important medium in Mass Media, Law, Business, and in Education. TRANSCENDENTAL means supernatural.
 The phrase of democracy will die is associated with President Ramon  Upanishad is a collection of Indian sacred text.
Magsaysay.  What is true to you is not true to me is the meaning of "Is the world is
 The proposed project (is,are) within the budget of the school. only an illusion, as the Chinese philosophers say," You cannot visit the
 The Psalms of King David is the greatest lyric peom in the Literature of same (flowing) river.
the world.  William Blake is the writer of the poem "A poison Tree." The apple
 The senator approach the podium with his spiel. His hands were shaking represents a trap that the persona was able to make for his enemy.
and he was sweating tremendously. He experienced stage fright.  William Ernest Henley is the author of the poem Invictus.
 The significance of evaluation of the audience in speech is as assessment  William Shakespeare is considered as the greatest English writer and also
of speech made. known as the Bard of Avon.
 The spectators never fails to admire the great Greek tragedy writer  Wise people can cope with frustrations.
Sophocles whenever he narrates his drama.  Workers in the service sector should be trained to ast as courteously as
 The statement "O wild west wind!" is an example of apostrophe. possible.
 The student's request to re-set the teast (is,are) reasonable.  You should be ashamed of yourself for having such CARNAL desire.
 The tribulations that I faced were (so much, too much) for me to CARNAL means worldly.
overcome. The word too much match the word for.  Your boss isn't working anymore, is he? If the base sentence is negative,
 The words "inappropriate, illegal, irresponsible, unaware" have prefixes the tag must be positive.
which are classified as negative
 There are timew when we are forced to do things against our own volition
thus violating our free will.
 There was an ESOTERIC lecture on holography. Esoteric mans
understandable only by a selected group.
GENERAL EDUCATION FILIPINO  Ang amoy-lupa ay nasa antas pampanitikan at isang idyoma na ang ibig
Sabihin ay matanda na at malapit na mamatay
 ( Sina, Sila) Elmo at Elma ay pupunta sa vigan  Ang anekdota ay kwento na ang pang yayari ay hango sa tunay na
 ― Ang aking pag-ibig ay tanging sayo lamang ― ay nasa di-karaniwang Karanasan, nakawiwili at kapupulutan ng aral
ayos ng pangungusap  Ang anekdota ay mga pangyayari na hango sa tunay na buhay, karanasan
 ― Ang palasyo ay nag anunsyo na walang pasok bukas ― ay tayutay na At kapupulutan ng aral
Pagpapalipat-tawag  Ang antala ay ang saglit na pagtitigil sa pagsasalita
 ― Apat ng mga mata ang tumititig sa kanya‖ ay tayutay na pagpapalit-  Ang balbal ay nagpapahag ng lebel ng wika na impormal na nalikha at
saklaw Nabuo sa pagsama-sama ng mga salitang pinaikli o pinahaba
 ― Hindi ko kaya ang mabuhay sa mundo kung mawawala ka‖ ay isang  Ang Banaag at Sikat ay ang pinakamahalagang nobelang Pilipino na
Tayutay na pagmamalabis tumatalakay ng masinsinan sa paksang puhunan laban sa paggawa at
 ― Kung anong bukambibig suiyang laman ng dibdib‖ ay isang uri ng sosyalismo
Salawikain  Ang Biag ni Lam-ang ay isang akda ni Pedro Bukaneg at pinasikat na
 ― Magandang gabi, Bayan! (Noli De Castro)‖ ay isang halimbawa ng Epiko ng mga ilokano
Idyolek  Ang bidasari ay epiko ng mga muslim
 ― Nakulong si Brian‖ ay nasa karaniwang ayos ng pangungusap.  Ang bodabil ay isang dula na sumikat nang humina ang zarzuela sa
 Ang “ Kahapon, Ngayon at Bukas” ay akda ni Aurelio tolentino na Pilipinas
naging sanhi ng kanyang pagkakakulong.  Ang boses ( nang, ng) kabataan ang siyang dapat manaig
 ― Ang Maupay na Aga‖ ng taga- samar ay halimbawa ng lalawiganing  Ang Cebuano, ilokano at Hiligaynon ay halimbawa ng dayalekto
antas ng wika  Ang dayalekto ay isang barayti ng wika na tumutukoy sa isang wika na
 Ang akdang “Fray botod‖ ay isang akdang tumutuligsa sa Sinasalita sa isang pook, rehiyon o lugar
kamangmangan at pagmamlabis ng mga prayle na sinulat ni Graciano  Ang di niya maklimutan ay isang pangako nganaka niya bago umalis pa
Lopez Jaena. Amerika
 Ang akdang Isang Libo at Isang gabi ay naglalarawan sa pamahalaan at  Ang diona ay awiting bayan na ginamit para sa panliligaw
Lipunan ng arabya at persya.  Ang doctrina Cristiana ay kauna unahang aklat na naiimbag sa pilipinas
 Ang akdang Uncle’s Tom Cabin ay nagbukas sa mga mata ng mga  Ang duplo ay isinisagawa sa patulang pagtatalo at higit na
Amerikano sa kaapihan ng mga lahing itim at naging simula g Pinahahalagan ang kahusayan sa paghabi ng mga taludtod
paglaganap ng demokrasya sa buong mundo.  Ang epipora ay isang uri ng tayutay na kung saan inuulit ang huling
 Ang alibata ay pinakaunang sistema ng mga katutubong Pilipino bahagi ng isang taludtod o pahayag
 Ang Alibata ay hango sa alpabetong arabo na ― alif-ba-ta‖ na may 17 titik:  Ang gawi ng pagsasalita ay direksyon sa pangungusap na ― ipinadala
3 patinig at 14 na katinig niya ang mg aklat sa mga kaklase
 Ang Alim ay epiko ng mga ifugao  Ang Gintong Panahon ng Panitikan ng pilipinas ay ang panahon ng
 Ang Alim ay isang epiko na tungkol sa mga bathalang ifugao ni Hapones
Punholdayan at Makanungan  Ang grap ay sistematikong paglalarawan ng mga datos na estatistika
 Ang haba ya makapagpabago ng kahulugan ng salitang /kasa-ma/.  Ang kauna-unahang nobelang sinulat ng isang Pilipino ang wikang
 Ang huyan ay isang panghalip pamatlig gaya ng doon, diyan at ditto. Ingles, ay ang ― A Child of Sorrow‖ na isang akda ni Zoilo Galang
 Ang heograpiya ay naasa kayariang KPPKKPKPKP  Ang Kinting Kulirat ay HINDI naging sagisag panulat ni Marcelo H. Del
 Ang hinilawod ay isang epiko tungkol sa kasaysayan ng pag iibigan ng Pilar
Mga bathala mula sa Iloilo, antique, at aklan.  Ang Kolokyal ay isang halimbawa ng impormal na wika na kung
 Ang ibalon at aslon ay hulwaran ng mabubuting pamumuhay ng mga Saan pinapaikli ang isang salita
Taga-bikol  Ang korido ay isang tulang maromansa na kung saan ang mga tauhan ay
 Ang idyoma na hilong-talilong ay nangangahulugang litung-lito May kapangyarihang supernatural at kaya naman ito ay hindi kapani-
 Ang impresyonista ay dulog pampanitikan na nagbibigay ng diin ng Paniwala.
Sariling panlasa ng bumabasa. Kilala rin ito bilang reader-response  Ang Lagda ay isang epiko ng mga Bisaya na tungkol sa Kalipunan ng mga
Theory Kautusan ng pamahalaan gaya ng kodigo ni Kalantiyaw ng tribu ng
 Ang indarapatra at sulayman ay isang kwento tungkol sa pagpapadala ng Aklan
Prinsipe sa kanyang kapatid na lalaki upang patayin ang mga halimaw  Ang lathalain ay isang uri ng pamahayagan na nag-uulat ng mga tunay na
Sa kabilang mundo Pangyayari batay sa pag-aaral, pananaliksik, o pakikinayam at isinusulat
 Ang ingay ay kalabang mortalng pakikinig Sa paraang kawili-wili
 Ang Kabanata 1 ay bahagi ng pananaliksik na kung saan matatgpuan ang  Ang mahabrahatara ang pinakamahalagang epiko ng buong daigdig
Panimula, kaligiran ng pag-aaral at konseptuwal framework Sa naglalrawan sa kasysayn ng pananampalataya sa india
 Ang kahulugan ng ― Neneng is the apple of Daddy‘s eye‖ ay mahal ni  Ang mahalagang ambag ni ―Severino Reyes‖ sa dulang tagalong na ang
Daddy is neneng Na ng hangarin ay reporma sosyal at patriotism ay ang Walang Sugat
 Ang kahulugan ng: May bank account is in the red ay malapit na maubos.  Ang Malaya ay uri ng sanysay na pangkaraniwan ang paksa, waring
 Ang karagatan ay isang tulang patnigan at hango sa isang alamat ng isang Nakikipag-usap lamang
Dalagang naghulog ng singsing sa dagat at ang sinumang binatang  Ang malyang morpema ay tumutulong sa mga salitang nakapag-iisa at
Makakakita nito ay isang pakakasalan ng dalaga May kahulugan. Kilal rin itong salitang ugat
 Ang karangalan ng pagkaunang tunay na makata para sa kanyang tulang  Ang malikhain ay uri ng pagsulat na nag pokus ay ang imahinasyon ng
Pinalalgay na may katangian ng tunay na tula ay iginawad kay Jose Manunulat upang pukawin ang damdamin
Corazon de Jesus  Ang may-akda ng ― Kahapon, Ngayon, at Bukas‖ ay si Aurelio Tolentino
 Ang kaswal ay pagbasa ng pansamantala o di palagian. Ginagawa ito kung  Ang may akda sa tulang ― Isang Dipang Langit‖ ay si Amado V.
Nais magpalipas ng oras Hernandez,
 Ang kaugnay na pagkakapatay kina Burgos, Gomez, at Zamora sa At siya ang tinagurian na ― Makata ng Manggagawa‖
Panitikang Pilipino ay nakagising sa damdaming makabayan ng mga  Ang mga anak ni Mang Karyas ay ( may, mayroon) kanin kanilang
Pilipino pamilya
 Ang kauna-unahang nagsalin sa tagalong ng Mi Ultimo Adios ni Jose  Ang mga bahgi ng pananalita tulad ng laban sa at tungkol sa ay
Rizal Mga halimbawa ng pang-ukol
Ay si Andres Bonifacio  Ang mga nobela ni Lualhati Bautista ay Dekada ‘70, gapo at bulaklak ng
City Jail  Ang retorika para kay Cicero ay isang pagpapahayag na disenyo upang
 Ang mga pamilang na isahan, waluhan, animan, ay pamilang sa Makapanghikayat
patakaran  Ang Romeo at Juliet ay hindi kabilang sa mga akdang pampanitikang
 Ang mga sagisag panulat ni Dr. Jose Rizal ay dimasalang, Laong-laan, Nagdala ng maikling impluwensya sa buong daigdig
Agno at Calambeno  Ang rutang dinaraanan ng mensahe ng tagapagsalita ay tinatawag na
 Ang mga salitang tanaw, aliw, kamy, reyna ay mga halimbawa ng Tsanel
diptonggo  Ang sarbey ( survey) ay isang disenyo ng pananaliksik na nagsisiyasat sa
 Ang mga titik na HINIRAM NG ALPABETONG FILIPINO mula sa Pamamagitan ng palatanungan o pakikipanayam
Alpabetong Ingles ay ang mga titik na c, f, j, q, v, x, at z  Ang sarswelang higit na kaugnay ng pangalang Servino Reyes ay Walang
 Ang moro-moro ay isang tulang padula na nagpapakita ng hidwaan ng Sugat
Mga kristyano at d-i kristyano  Ang Satanas sa lupa ay akdani Celso Al Carunungan
 Ang morpolohiya ay ang pag-aaral ng makabuluhang tunog ng isang  Ang senakulo ay isang dulang nagsasalaysay ng buhay at kamatayan ng
wika Ng ating mahal na Poong Hesukristo at masasabing parang pasyong
 Ang naging pangalan ng wikang pambansa noong 1959 ay Pilipino Itinatanghal sa entablado
 Ang oda, soneto at elehiya ay hindi tulang maromansa at ito ay mga  Ang simbolong kumakatawan sa mga bagay at mga pangungusap nais
TULANG LIRIKO. Ipahayag ng tao sa kanyang kapwa ay wika
 Ang apbula ay tungkol sa kwento na ang nagsisiganap ay ang hayop  Ang sukat ay tumutukoy ito sa bilang ng pantig sa bawat taludtud ng tula
 Ang pagbabagong morpoponemiko na matatagpuan sa salitang bakuran  Ang tangi ( kung, kong) mithiin ay mapasaya ka
Ay pagpapalit ng ponema  Ang teoryang pooh-pooh ay ang teorya ng wika na nagsasabing ang wika
 Ang pagpapalita ng mga ideya, opinion, salaysay sa pamamagitan ng Ay nailikha bnga ng masidhing damdamin ng tayo gaya ng sakit, tuwa,
Mga sagisag ay tinatawag na talastasan Sarap, kalungkutan, takot, pagkabigla at iba pa
 Ang pagsasalita ay proseso ng paghahatid ng saloobin, opinion,  Ang tibag ay tulang padula tungkol sa paghahanap nina Reyna Elena at
Karunungan sa pamamagitan ng makabuluhang tunog Conjstantino sa krus na pinagpakuan ni Hesus.
 Ang pagyayabang ay isa sa mga di-mahalagang salik sa pagtatalumpati  Ang tinaguriang pinakasikat na epiko ng mha ilokano, ay ang Biag ni
 Ang pahayag na ― Kapalaran, huwag ka sanang mailap‖ ay isang tanong Lam-ang.
retorikal  Ang tinawag na madamdaming mananalaysay ni Carmen Guerrero
 Ang pamukod ay uri ng pangatnig na ginagamit sa pagpili, pagbubukod Nakpil ay si Teodoro A. Agoncillo
at Pagtatangi  Ang titik na ―ng‖ sa Alpabetong Pilipino ay nagmula sa Alpabetong
 Ang pandiwa sa pangungusap na ― Kapapasok palang niya sa silid‖ ay Abakada.
nasa Aspetong pangnagdaan  Ang triumvirate ng kilusang propaganda ay sina Graciano lopez Jaena,
 Ang parabola ay mula sa Biblia Jose Rizal at Marcelo H. Del Pilar.
 Ang pokus ng pandiwa sa pangungusap na ― Ipinanghalo ko ang Sandok‖  Ang tulang patnigan ay uri ng akdang pampanitikan na patula ay tungkol
Ay instrumental o gamit Sa pangangatwiran at tagisan ng talino.
 Ang ponolohiya ay ang tawag sa pag aaral ng ponema  Ang umbay ay isang awiting bayan na tungkol.sa paglilibing.
 Ang urbana at feliza ay aklat na sinulat ni Padre Modesto De Castro at ito  Isa, dalawa, tatlo; ang tatay mong kalbo ay halimbawa ng panunudyo
Ay naglalaman ng pangaral tungkol sa kagandahang asal at wastong pag-  Isang awiting bayan na tungkol sa pakiipag kaibigan ang salagintok.
Uugali Isang awiting bayan na ginamit sa pag papatulog ng bata ay ang uyayi
 Ang uri ng pagsasaling-wika na tumutukoy sa mga akademiko, agham,  Isang cebuana ay ipinalalgay na pinaka pangunahing manunulat na
Kalikasan at lipunan ay tinatawag na teknikal Babae sa ingles bago maki digma, ay si Estrella Alfon
 Ang wastong kahulugan ng: The Present Problem is only a Storm in a  Isang kwento hinggil sa pinagmulan ng sansinukuban ay kalipunan ng
Teacup ay bale-wala ibat-
 Ang wastong salin ng ― you are the apple of my eye‖ ay ― ikaw ay Ibang paniniwala sa mga diyos at diyosa ay mitolohiya
mahalaga sa akin, ―  Isang mahbang tulang pasalaysay tungkol sa kabayanihan ng
 Ang wikang Filipino, ang wikang pambansa, ay itinalaga noon 1987 ayon Pangunahing tauhan na may pambihirang katangian ay ang epiko
Sa saligang bata  Isang manunulat na may sagisag panulat na Dimas-ilaw ay si
 Babala ang gawa ng pagsasalitang ito: iwasan ang imburnal, may Emilio Jacinto
Nagtatrabaho  Isang paraan upang maipakita ang pag kokontrast ng mga ponema ay
 Batay sa bilingual na edukasyon mainam ang gamit ng filipino sa araling isang
Pang lipunan dahil walang pag-aalinlangan ang pag sagot ng mga Paggamit ng parehas-minimal
magaaral sa wikang Filipino  Isang satirikong bersyon ni Del Pilar sa akdang siulat ni padre Jose
 Bukas ang isipin ay katangian ng mahusay na mananaliksik na marunong Rodriguez
Tumanggap ng kritisismo para sa ikagaganda ng pananliksik Na may ganito ring pamagat ay ang caingat cayo
 Di-kombensyonal ang uri ng pamamat nubay kung saan ang mga reporter  Isang tanyag na manunulat n amya sagisag-panulat na Agap-ito
Ay lumilihis sa pamatnubay; lumilikha sila ng sariling paraan sa mga Bagumbayan si Andres Bonifacio
Gawaing pag-ulat  Isang tulang maromansa na kung saan nakaharap sa mga pakikipag
 Ellipsis ang tawag sa paraan ng pag kuha ng balangkas na ginagamitan ng sapalaran
Sunod-sunod na tatlong tuldok para ipakita na may mga bahaging hindi Ang mga tauhan at hango sa tunay na buhay ay awit
Na sinipi sa talata  Kabaliwan at pag lulustay ay inyong ginagawa taon-taon. Higit na
 Ganapan o lukatib ang pokus ng pandiwa kapag ang paksa ng marami
pangungusap Ang maralitang nangangaylangan ng salapi at dunong. Ang nagsasalita ay
Ay ang lugar kung saan nang yari ang kilos na sinasaad ng pandiwa Praktikal
 Ginagamit ang IKA na may gitling kungmismong bilang ang sunod na  Kapag sinabing may‖Itaga mo sa bato ang aking pangako‖ siya ay
Isusulat nangangako
 Gitling ang bantas na ginagamit sa pagitang ng panlaping ika at tambilang Ng pag tupad sa pangako
 Huwag makisama kay Zoilo dahil buwaya siya. Ang salitang buwaya ay  Kolokyal ang tawag sa antas ng wika na ginagamit sa pang araw-araw na
Tumutukoy sa kahulugang konotasyon Pananlita
 Pinagmalaki mo siya, BAHAG naman pala ANG kanyang BUNTOT. Ang  Kung kilala ang cebu sa kanyang sinulog, kilala naman ang kalibo sa
Ibig sabihin ng may malaking titik ay duwag kanyang Ati-atihan
 Laban nag salitang ugat ng PINAGLABANAN. Magiging pag-asa ng bayan.
 Maingat ang angkop na pagpapkahulugan ng bilang at sukat kung  Pahalagahan ang pangaral nang hindi malihis ng landas.
Mangusap ang dalaga  Penominal ang pangungusap na tumutukoy sa pangyayaring
 Malay-polenesyo ang angkang pinagmulan ng wika sa pilipinas Pangkalikasan o pangkapaligiran.
 Malungkot ANG MGA nagtapos na wala pang trabaho.ang mga nasa  Penominal ang uri ng pangungusap na UMAARAW NA.
Malaking titik ay pananda  Sa (ika-8,ika-walo) ng gabi gaganapin ang pulong sa mga kawani.
 Matapos alagaan at pakainin sa palad siya ay kinagat sa sariling kanang  Sa pagsasanay tungkol sa pagkilala ng kasarian ng mga pangalang
Kamay.ito ay may kahulugan na kawalang utanag na loob ipakikita, mabisang gamitin ang plaskard.
 Matatgpuan sa Kabanata II ng pananaliksik matatagpuan ang mga lugar  Sa pamamagitan ng tulang Ala Juventud Filipino na pinahalagahan ni Jose
At babasahing mapagkukunan ng mga Literatura at pag aaral Rizal ang mga kabataang Pilipino.
 May handa ( raw,daw) tayo sa darating na pasko.  Sa pangungusap na ―Malakas ang boses mo,‖ ang salitang malakas ay
 May sagisag panulat na Paralitiko at ang tinaguriang ― Utak ng Isang pang-uri.
himagsikan‖ ay si Apolinario Mabini.  Salitang-ugat ang pinakapayak na anyo ng salita ng walang kahalong
 Metatesis ang uri ng pagbabagong morponemiko na gumagamit ng Panlapi.
Pagpapalit ng posisiyon ng ponema sa salita.  Si Alejandro Abadilla ang may-akda ng tulang ―Ako ang daigdig.‖
 Minalas ang kahulugan ng idyoma ginamit sa pangungusap na ― marami  Si Andres Bonifacio ang ―Ama ng Demokrasyang Pilipino.‖
Sa mga magsasaka ang INALAT dahil sa patuloy na pagbuhos ng ulan‖.  Si Deogracias Rosario ay ang Ama ng Maikling Kwento sa Pilipinas.
 Muling basa ang paraan ng pagbasa na ginagamit kung ang akda ay  Si Genoveva Matute ay ang may-akda ng ―Kwento ni Mabuti.‖
Mahirap unawain.  Si Hermogenes Ilgan ang may-akda ng dulang ang ―Dalagang Bukid‖ na
 Nagsimula ang pagkakaroon ng modernisasyon ng wikang pambansa Siyang naging batayan ng awiting pan-zarzuela.
Noong 1987.  Si Hernia Dela Riva sa tunay na buhay ay si Amado Hernandez.
 Nakikipag-away ka sa speaker ay pakikinig na kombatib.  Si Ildefonso Santos ay isang manunulat sa panahon ng amerikano na
 Natalo siya upang muling manalo ay isang tayutay na pagsalungat o Naging tanyag sa kanyang tulang ―Ang Guryon.‖
Epigram.  Si Jesus Balmori ay isang manunulat sa wikang kastila na may sagisag
 Oo ate, ( mag-aakyat,mag-akyat) na muna ng tubig. Panulat na batikuling at nahirang na makatang Laureabo.
 Orihinal: Mother cooked adobo for kuya manuel. Salin: si nanay ay  Si Jose Corazon De Jesus ―Makata ng pag-ibig‖ at ―Hari ng balagtasan‖
nagluto ng adobo para kay kuya manuel. Ito ay pagsasaling literal. Sa kanyang panahon.
 Pag-aalala ang angkop na damdaming napapaloob sa ― Bakit gabi na‘y  Si Jose Garcia Villa ay isa sa pinakatanyag na pilipinong manunulat sa
Di pa siya dumarating? Ingles at kilala sa kanyang sagisag panulat na ―Doveglion.‖
 Pagbabahagi ng damdamin ang gawi ng pagsasalita: kasiyahan ko nang  Si Jose Palma ang sumulat ng titik ng Lupang Hinirang at nilapatan ng
Makitang kayo‘y nagmamahalan. Musika ni Julian felipe
 Pagtanggi ang gawi ng pagsasalita sa‖ Ayokong sumunod sa mga sinasabi  Si Jose Rizal ay kilala bilang ―dakilang manunulat‖ ng kilusang
Mo.‖ Propaganda
 Pagtukoy ang gawa ng pagsasalitang ―Kami ang kabataang siyang  Si Juan Abad ang sumulat ng dulang ang Tanikalang ginto na kung saan
Inakyat ng mga algad ng batas ang Batangas habang itinatanghal ang Magkasunod ang isang patinig at ang malapitang na w o y, kung hindi,
Dualng ito at dinakip ang may-akda dapat din na ang dalawa ay nasa iisang pantig
 Si liwayway Arceo ang may-akda ng kwentong ―Uhaw ang tigang na  Upang magkaroon ng klaster ang isang saita, hindi lang dapat
Lupa‖. magkasunod upang dalawa o higit pa na katinig, kung hindi, dapat din na
 Si Lope K. Santos ang nagbalangkas ng Abakada. nasa iisang pantig ang nasabing magkasunod na katinig
 Si Lope K. Santos ay isang tanyag na pilipinong manunulat na may akda
Ng Banaag at sikat
 Si Lualhati at Bautista ay isang batikan at kilalang feministang manunulat
Na kung saan ang kanyang akda ay nakapokus sa mga kababaihan.
 Si Marcelo H. Del Pilar ang dakilang Political Analyst ng Kilusang
Propaganda  Science provides knowledge through disciplined observation. Hearsay
 Si Marcelo H. Del Pilar ang may-akda ngDasalan at tocsohan Is NOT a characteristics of scientific assertion.
 Si Marciano Ponce ang tanyag na pilipinong manunulat na may sagisag  The plant cell will shrink when placed in a hypertonic solution.
Panulat na ―Kalipulako‖  Yeast is an organism that feeds on necrotic and decaying matter?
 Si Pedro Paterno ay ang may-akda ng Ninay na kauna-unahang nobelang  Linnaeus father of modern taxonomy and responsible for coining the
Panlipunan sa wikang Kastila na sinulat ng isang Pilipino Term Homo sapiens
 Si Severino Reyes ( Lola Basyang) ang tinaguriang Ama ng Zarzuelang  The hierarchy of biology taxonomy has 8 levels.
Tagalog  Kingdom plantae includes Magnolidae
 Si William Shakespeare ang nangungusap sa quotation na ― Ang pag-ibig  Organisms that decompose substances into products that can be useful are
Ay hindi pag-ibig kapag nagbabago kung nakakita ng pagbabago‖. called saprophytes.
 Siya ay MAY KUTSARANG PILAK nang ipinanganak. Nagpapahayag  Walrus would most likely be in an arctic environment.
Ito na siya ay mayaman  Predation is a relationship exemplified by a hunter shooting a duck in the
 Sosyolek ang barayti ng wikang nabubuo ayon sa dimensyong sosyal forest and having it for dinner.
Dahil sa ito ay nakabatay sa mga pangkat lipunan  A mango tree is planted beside a sampaguita plant in a garden. They
 Subjective generalization ang tawag sa pahayag na pasaklaw na nabubuo Demonstrate competition.
Sa pamamagitan ng personal na panlasa o pagpili  The following are homologous organs except fish fail.
 Syntax ang tawag sa pag-aaral ng mga tuntunin kung paano inaayos ang  Leeches is a segmented worm that can be used to facilitate
Mga salita sa loob ng pangungusap anticoagulation
 Tulog na ang mga bata ( nang, ng) dumating ang kanilang ama  Monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides are types of
 Tumatalakay ang akdang Ang Sampaguitang Walang Bango sa Carbohydrates.
pagtataksil sa asawa  If carbohydrates are hydrophilic-organic compounds, lipids are
 Tumutukoy ang ddin sa taas-baba ng bigkas ng pantig ng isang upang hydrophobic organic compounds.
Maging mabisa ang pakikipag-usap.  Photosynthesis produces oxygen as waste product
 Upang magkaroon ng diptonggo ang isang salita, hindi lang dapat  Photosynthesis is the process used by plants to convert the energy from
Sunlight into chemical energy.  Perfumes contain organic compounds called esters
 Plants convert the energy from sunlight into chemical energy.  Milk is classified as colloid
 Carbon dioxide is produced by plants in the evening.  Light travels fastest in air
 Cytokinins and auxins are the hormones responsible for plant growth,  1/8 sheet of pad paper has the smallest mass when measured in an equal
Promoting auxiliary bud growth and apical dominance. arm balance.
 Ecological niche describe how species copes with everyday life.  Manganese (III) fluoride is the correct name for the compound MnF3
 Eutrophication which causes the depletion of dissolved oxygen in water  Copper is the metal most widely used in electrical wiring because it is a better
Results into diminished sea harvest. conductor than aluminum and cheaper than silver.
 A forest suffered from wildfires and destroys the existing vegetation.  When you carry a heavy load with one arm, you tend to hold your free hand
However, the soil remained viable. Five years later, trees and bushes away
Are seen flourishing in the forest once again. This phenomenon is called From your body in order to change the center of gravity of your body and
Secondary ecological succession. load.
 Releasing of fluorocarbons from aerosol cans reduces the level of ozone  Work is done when blowing a balloon because it moves outward as the
In the atmosphere. blowing
 Because it will adversely affect the population‘s food supplies, the most Force is exerted on.
disadvantageous source of energy is plants.  Apparently, the loss of weight of objects immersed in a fluid is due to Buoyant
 Grafting is an example of asexual reproduction. force.
 Budding is a type of asexual reproduction occurs when a new organism  Sublimation occurs when dry ice, CO2 (s) is changed into CO2 (g)
Develops from an outgrowth as exemplified by corals  The molecules that contain an organism‘s genetic make-up is called nucleic
 The world‘s largest ecosystem of deserts is Antarctica acid.
 Turgor pressure is the pressure exerting on the plasma membrane against  Cilia are the small hair like structures that serve a sensory function in
The cell wall of bacteria, fungi, and plant cells. Eukaryotic cells.
 Cellular respiration is the cellular metabolic process that transmits  Microfilaments are the thin structure essential for cytokinesis, amoeboid
Biochemical energy into ATP. Movement and changes in cell shape.
 Recessive genes will only have phenotypic expression if present as a  A human arm, a bat‘s wing and a seal‖s flipper are examples homologous
Homozygous genetype. Organisms.
 Mutation occurs when DNA is damaged, not repaired and replicated,  Probiotics such as bifidobacterium is an example of a non-pathogenic
The result is genetic disorder. Microorganism.
 Insulin is secreted by the pancreas.  Yeast is an example of a fungus
 The nasal cavities are part of resonators  Microsporidia organism is classified under kingdom fungi
 Calcium is an element that has Ca as its symbol  They combined chitins and glucans in their cell wall is the unique feature
 After two pregnancies some of these mothers loose of teeth or so due Of fungi
To lack of iron & other minerals in diet during pregnancies.  Cleaning up an oil spill by digesting hydrocarbons is an example of a useful
 Pascal is a measure of pressure, defined as one newton per square meter. Function for bacteria
 Entamoeba histolytica is a protest that can use dysentery.  Tellurium has Te as its symbol
 Dengue is an infectious disease transmitted by an organism classified  The maximum number of electrons that can occupy a p orbital is 6
Under which phylum arthropoda  A toothpick can sit on the surface of water due to surface tension
 Microbial culture is a diagnostic test allows microorganisms to multiply  Energy is obtained by getting nucleus of the atoms to break up or split
In a medium under controlled laboratory condition in order to determine Is true of nuclear fission.
The cause of an infectious disease?  The sum of the forces acting upon it is zero is true about textbook laid on
 Conversion of light energy to chemical energy involves chloroplast The table.
 To decrease transpiration is the most likely reason for a desert plant to  The titling of the Earth on its axis causes the seasons.
Have a few or no leaves.  Metalloids have properties of both metals and non-metals
 Bats are able to navigate in the dark without bumping into anything because  In a flame test, the presence of boron in a solution is evident by bright
They emit sound waves whose returning vibrations can detect the presence Green flame.
Of objects  A metric carat is a unit of mass for measuring gemstones. It is equivalent
 The source of water pollution is when from a river is mixed with the contents To 200 mg.
Of a septic tank, is called hypertrophication.  When the north pole is tilted towards the sun, it is summer and when
 Hibernation is the term for slowing-down response by the frog‘s The sun shines all the time both day and night, this is called midnight sun.
Circulatory system during the cold season  Scientific method is a systematic way to solve problems with steps as
 Frog‘s powerful behind legs to jump away from pedrators is an example of Follows: 1. Identify the problem; 2. Formulate the hypothesis; 3. Test
Physiological adaptation that allows survival among plants or animals. The hypothesis, 4. Analyze/ verify the results and 5. Formulate
 Food web demonstrates the feeding connections between all life forms Conclusions and recommendations.
 Air ljke food and water is an essential element in human existence. Carried by  Motion generally refers to a change in the position which can be
the wind, polluted air called acid rain falls to earth poisoning Determined by the distance traveled, the time interval to reach the
Fish and destroying vegetation. Distance, and the speed.
 The Kyoto protocol, which requires countries countries to reduce greenhouse  In humans, the correct sequence of embryological development is
Emission, is a practice that advocates environmental protection. Gametes, fertilization, zygote, cleavage, embryo.
 Destruction of habitat is the most significant cost of dwindling biodiversity  The history of earth has been divided by scientist into eras. The
 Natural selection best explains the evolution of life forms or gradual Arrangement of these eras into the proper sequence from the oldest to
Transformation of species. The most recent is Precambrian –Mesozoic-Cenozoic
 Exposure to radiation can lead to the formation of a new genetic trait.  The main source of energy of our body is glucose, derived from
 Lungs is the main organ for respiration. Carbohydrates like bread and rice.
 Niacin is a vitamin  The process by which the water molecules move from an era of higher
 Besides solids, liquids, and gas, plasma is the fourth form of matter Concentration to areas of lower concentration is diffusion, a type of
 Compounds containing hydrocarbon characterizes organic compounds? Passive transport.
 The general equation ( AB+ENERGY A +B ) shows endothermic  The process where the molecules pass through a semi-permeable
decomposition Membrane is osmosis.
 In a chemical reaction, a substance which speeds up or retards the  Atomic number is equal to the number of protons or electrons. Atomic
Reaction without itself undergoing the change is called catalyst or Weight is equal to the number of protons and number of neutrons
Enzyme.  When large masses of rock in the Earth‘s crust deform and break, the
 The layers of the atmosphere are as follows: Troposphere- Stratosphere- Sudden movement creates vibrations that travel through the earth and
Mesosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere-exosphere with troposphere Is felt as an earthquake
Closest to the earth‘s surface  Epicenter refers to the spot directly above the focus on the surface of
 The main difference between plant and animal cells is that plant cell The earth while the focus is the place of origin of an earthquake
Has a cell wall and animal cell do not  In heat transfer, heat flows from an object with higher temperature to
 When walking, you push against the ground; the ground pushes back to An object with lower temperature
You is an application of the Law of Interaction  Lenticels are the breathing organs of plants that are located in the stems
 The force that holds together molecules of the same kind is cohesive And trunks
Force while the force that holds together molecules of different kind is  The correct hierarchy of ecological organization is ecosystem, population,
Adhesive force Community, biosphere
 Global warming is the increase in earth‘s temperature due to a build up  A severed portion of a starfish grows into a full starfish through asexual
Of certain gases in the atmosphere Reproduction by the process called regeneration
 The correct sequence of the stages of mitosis is prophase-Metaphase-  Mitochondria is the site of cellular respiration thus they are considered
Anaphase- telophase. The ―powerhouse‖ of eukaryotic cells
 Rickets, which is characterized by soft and fragile bones in the children,  The feeding procedure wherein in mother bird partially digests the
Results from a severe deficiency of vitamin D. Food and places an amount into the young‘s beak is termed regurgitation
 A chemical change in matter usually happens when new substance are  The complete trip of the blood from the heart to all parts of the body
Formed from the original substance. And back to the is refered to as systematic circulation
 Mass is a measurable quantity referring to the amount of matter a body  The phenomenon which allows certain traits not useful to the organisms
Contains while weight is a measurable quantity dependent on one‘s To remain in the population by chance is termed genetic drift.
Mass and the gravity of the location  The average blood in the circulatory system of an average person is
 Boiling point is the temperature at which a substance changes from the 5 liters
Liquid phase to the gaseous phase while melting point is the temperature  Studies show that there are parts of the body that have lost their
at which a substance changes from the solid phase to the Usefulness and which may later disappear. They are termed as vestigial
Liquid phase. Organs
 A chemical change in matter usually happens when new substance are  General functions of cells include(a) the manufacture of proteins and
Formed from the original substance while physical change is a change in Other materials that build the cell; (b) the manufacture of food for energy
Size, shape or state yet the substance keeps its chemical identity And (c) reproduction.
 Electrons are the composition of an atom that surrounds the nucleus  Ecosystem is the formed by the interaction of a community or organisms
And has a negative charge. Protons are subatomic particles with positive With their physical environment. Activities in the ecosystems includes
Charge while neutrons have a neutral change. Nutrient cycling and energy transfer.
 Food chain is the hierarchical series of organisms wherein each is  Element X with an electron configuration of 1S2S2p belongs to carbon
Dependent on the next as a source of food. A system of interlocking and Family
Independent food chains gives rise to food webs  A plant cell will swell in a hypotonic solution and shrink in a hypertonic
 A falling object has a constant acceleration of 9.8m/s, whether it is Solution
Heavy or light meaning that the weight of the object has no effect on the  Serendipity is an accidental scientific discovery like the discovery of
Falling rate, provided that there is no air resistance affecting the object Penicillin by Sir Alexander fleming.
 When a pendulum is swinging, the total mechanical energy is conversed.  The application of science knowledge to a practical problem is
 The visible light fall, which is responsible for seeing an object, is located Technology.
 Between the infrared and ultraviolet radiation on the electromagnetic  The earthworm squirms, when poked by a stick, displays irritability which
spectrum Is one characteristics of living things.
 An object becomes positively charge when it loses electrons, meaning the  Studying the physical structure of the soil is NOT Directly involved in the
Number of protons is greater than the number of electrons Study of biology.
 The capsid is the protein shell that is usually a coiled structure composed  Homeostasis is a term used to describe the ability to maintain a constant
Of proteins that enclose the nucleic acid of virus Internal environment
 Artificial insemination is a technology technique is employed during  Shedding leaves during summer is an example of behavioral adaptation
Breeding in captivity in order to restore the populations of endangered  The cell wall of the plant is made of cellulose while that of fungi is
And threatened species to safe level Made up chitin.
 Salvaging is an instance of taking away the life of another person without  Petroleum is formed by the decay of microorganisms under heat and
Due process. Pressure
 The Philippines lies in the ring of fire, an area where many volcanoes  Removal of collagen causes our bones to turn brittle and easily break
Are active  According to human structure, lah who is 27b years old has 206 bones
 The energy source which is abundant in the Philippines but stil not fully  Villi are the finger like folds on the inner linings of the small intestine
Developed is the gas  Food in a semi-liquid form, partially digested and mixed with
 A species of fish lived in a lake. When a dam was constructed in the area Hydrochloric acid is called chime.
A group of fish was separated and populated a new pond. They then  Most reproductive species is NOT true among considerations that
Developed differing characteristics and became a distinct species. Humans are master of other living organisms, as well as of the
Geographical isolation explains this process of speciation. Nonliving on earth
 In the pacific area, a storm is called typhoon.  In the hierarchy of biology taxonomy, if the domain is at the top, species
 Polysaccharides, triglycerides, polypeptides and nucleic acids are Is at the bottom.
Classified as macromolecular.  An example of an useful function for bacteria is they clean up an oil
 Lignite is the lowest rank of coal and is otherwise called brown coal. Spill by digesting hydrocarbons in petroleum.
 Iron is a ferromagnetic material  Plasmodium is the protest that causes malaria and carried by Anopheles
 An atom of silicon with a mass number of 28 and an atomic number of 14 Mosquitoes.
Has 14 protons and electrons  Under the five kingdom system, recognized by most biologists today,
True bacteria, the bacteria like organisms, and the blue green algae  Among the elements useful for the human body, calcium is the most
Belong to kingdom monera Abundant mineral in the body that aids in the blood clotting process
 Energy first enters our living planet earth as radiant energy from the  The flow of water in our planet, as it undergoes the processes of
Sun Evaporation, condensation, precipitation ,in filtration, run off, and
 Protists, fungi , plants and animals are considered eukaryotic organisms Substance flow is called water cycle
Which possess a true nucleus in their cells  Virus is an acellular infectious agent not capable of undergoing cell
 Under the six kingdom system, multicellular forms with specialized Division but instead requires a living cell in order to replicate
Eukaryotic cells eg. Mosses and ferns but no ability for locomotion are  A protein that decreases the amount of energy needed for a chemical
Classified as plants Reaction to occur is true of enzymes
 The process of photosynthesis occurs not only in plants but also in blue-  Exacerbation of lung disease such as COPD is most likely consequences
Green algae or cyanobacteria Of air pollution
 Sea star is capable of regeneration ( regrowing of a body part) when  Monkey-eating eagle is the Philippine species known as pithecophaga
Cut into parts. Jeffferyi that was listed as an endangered species by the 1975 Convention
 Among eukaryotes, the electron transport chain occurs in the On International Trade of Endangered Species
Mitochondria.  Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen are the four most abundant
 An organism has a natural environment where it lives and thrives is Elements found in living matter.
Called habitat  An abnormality of chromosomes inheritance in which there are 3 copies
 Frogs do not need a hard shell to protect its Of chromosomes 21 is true of trisomy 21 also known as down syndrome
 Fertilized eggs  Obligated to be taken in the diet because it cannot be produced by the
 Noble gases includes neon and helium and classified as group 8 in the Body is true essential animo acids
Periodic table  Chargaff‘s rules state that in a given species, the amount of adenine is
 Mitosis is the process in human sexual reproduction wherein the zygote Equal to thymine, and the amount of guanine is equal to the amount of
Undergoes a series of cell division needed for the growth and maturation Cytosine.
Of fetus  Mule is produced by the mating or interbreeding of two closely related
 Fructose is an isomer of glucose Species namely a female horse and a male donkey
 Hydroxyl group is the functional group that differentiates chitin from  They need much caring and cultivating is NOT one of the reasons why
Cellulose. Mendel selected garden peas for his experiments
 The rise of the temperature of earth‘s atmosphere due to increased  Muscles and bones are directly on involved when a boy kicks, a frog leaps,
Greenhouse gasses is called global warming Or a bird flies
 Polar bear is an example of an animal under the order carnivore  Microevolution pertains to slight quantifiable evolutionary
 In the case of the babies born through into vitro fertilization or IVF, Modifications within a population from generation to generation.
IVF babies are commonly referred to as test tube babies  The Philippines maybe considered as a tropical rainforest
 Hydrogen is the simplest atom that is made up of one prokton ,and one  Bioremediation is the method which uses microorganism metabolism
Electron. To clean up toxic wastes
 A decrease in the availability o carbon dioxide will decrease the rate of  A La Juventud Filipina was the title of Rizal‘s work considered to be his
Photosynthesis. Crowning glory as a young poet.
 Scurvy as a disease caused by ascorbic acid vitamin deficiency  A prisoner was made to confess his guilt. A lawyer of the respondent
 Disruption of natural habitats is the consequence of increased Was present during the confession. The violation swas the confession
Urbanization Was made without a due consultant.
 Parthenogenesis is a modified form of sexual reproduction seen among  A recently (1976) awarded national artist for sculpture was Napoleon V.
Bees in which unfertilized eggs may developed into a complete individual Abueva
 Ecosystem is a community of living organisms interacting with nonliving  Alibata is considered as the earliest form of writing in the Philippines.
Things in an environment  Among the Social Sciences, political science concerned with political
 Deforestations is the removal of trees in order to provide areas were Processes, power struggle and governments
Human habitations are constructed  An international convention where the Philippines can validate its claim
 Galileo Galilee was called by Albert Einstein as the ―The Father of Modern To the spratlys and other territories in the west Philippine sea is known
Science‖ for his use of scientific method in such experiments as falling As the United Nations Convention on the law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
Bodies, telescope that viewed the moons of Jupiter, the thermometer  Analects which are short and witty sayings that treat of moral values and
Based on the density of liquids Good human relation, are attributed to Confucius
 The segmented worm that can we used to facilitate anticoagulation is  Atonia Luna was the founder and editor of the news paper ―La
The leech independencia.‖
 The Bruntland Commission aims for sustainable development in the  Art is the product of man‘s to express himself with a high degree
Present without compromising the future needs Of sensitivity towards his environment. Carlos V. Francisco is the painter
 The Philippine Clear Air Act of 1999 requires industries to install anti- of fisherfolks and farmers of his hometown in Rizal.
pollution  As far as human right is concerned, ― Presumption of innocence‖ means
Devices and bans the use of incinerators. the suspect remains innocent until proven guilty.
 Augustinians are religious missioners who first arrived in the
GENERAL EDUCATION - SOCIAL SCIENCE  Bicameralism best describes the division of the legislature into the
Senate and the house of Representatives.
 ―remembrance for my hometown‖ was written by Rizal in memory of  Bicameralism serves as the training ground for the national leaders.
Calamba which demonstrated his innate love of nature that ultimately  Blue collar mania can result owing to bias among parents and the youth
Developed into a greater love of nation. towards manual or technical occupations, eg. Masons, Mechanics, and
 ― To the Filipino youth‖ was a prize winning poem by rizal which proved plumbers, etc.
That an indio was not only equal but also more superior than the  Check and balance is a constitutional safeguard prevents one branch of
Spaniards in poetry writing. Government from becoming powerful or abusive.
 A Cartel is a combination of independent business organizations form to  China is the largest country in Asia.
Regulate production, pricing, ang marketing of goods by the members.  Clean air act requires industries to install anti-pollution devices and
Bans the use of incinerators.  Dr. Jose Rizal La Liga organization could be likened to the national
 Colonialism is a economic policy in the 16th century in Europe that sociocivic organization according to present day social
Influenced Spain‘s expansionist policy to discover new lands. groups/movements.
 Community tax is the tax required to be paid annually by all adult citizens  During the 17th -18th century Hispanic era, governadorcillo was the
Of the Philippines. Highest post a native or Chinese mestizo can attain at the municipal
 Constitution is the fundamental law of the Philippines. level, equivalent to local bureaucrats namely the mayors today.
 Corregimientos are military provinces that were unpacified during the  During the Hispanic era, native and Chinese male mestizos 16-60 years
Spanish period, that was usually led by a Corregidor, helped by a old are obligsted to do forced labor called polo for forty days. However,
Lieutenant. an exemption could be made by paying the falla.
 Creoles ( Mixed Hispanic Filipino Blood) first used the name ― Filipinos‖  During the Spanish period, Indulto de Comercio refers to the privilege
Considering that native Filipinos in the Philippines were simply called Of the provincial Governor to engage in trade.
― Indios‖.  Father Pedro Pelaez was the Spanish mestizo priest who first led the
 Crimea is a major land mass on the northern coast of the black sea that Native secular clergy in the Securalization Movement in 1861.
is almost completely surrounded by water.  Felipe Agoncillo led the representation of the Filipino people during
 Culture refers to everything which is socially learned and shared by The negotiation between the United States and Spain for the treaty of
Members of society. Paris.
 Culture shock is the term or the unpleasant sensation or frustration  Ferdinand Marcos promised to his country great again and ruled
When a traditional-bound Filipino goes to U.S and observes the open For about twenty years.
display of love and emotions.  Financial assets is NOT among the many topics which the political
 Debt refers to any liability to pay money arising out of a contract, Scientist needs to directly consider from a psychological approach to
Express or implied. Improve statesmanship.
 Declaring an act of the President unconstitutional is a check on the  Fiscal Autonomy is a guarantee given by the Constitution to certain units
Executive department by the judiciary in the principle check and balance of government where their approved annual appropriations shall be
among branches on the government. automatically and regularly released.
 Democracy refers to the involvement of all the citizens in the control of the  Frailocracia was the term given by Marcelo H. De Pilar to hidden control
government. On the other hand, oligarchy delegates control of And domination by Spanish religious priests over the colonial
Government to a selected few. government.
 Democratic republic is our present form of government and NOT a form  Gemeinschaft ( Community) is characterized by shared experiences and
of government during the colonial period. mutual responsibilities.
 Deposit is income saved but not used through investment.  General deposition to doubt since no facts can be definitely known is
 Deterioration of account position is the direct effect of slowing of import Philosophical skepticism.
growth in an economy.  Gesellschaft ( Society) features the exchange of goods, money, and
 Diego de los Rios was the last Spanish Governor-General of the services.
Philippines.  Governor General Despujol was popular with natives but aroused the
Wrath of religious orders who are said to have paid 100,000 dollars for  Jose Basco was the Spanish Governor general who established the
his dismissal. ― Tobacco monopoly in 1981.
 Governor General Narciso Claveria was responsible for the use of Spanish  Jose Dela Cruz was the literary figure known as ― Huseng Sisiw‖ while
Surname by Filipinos. Jose Corazon De Jesus is known as Huseng Butete.
 Graciano lopez –Jaena was the first editor of La Solidaridad and an orator  Jose Rizal was born in calamba, Laguna on june 19, 1861.
of the Reform Movement.  Just Compensation refers to the full and fair equivalent of the property
 Gregoria de Jesus saw her husbandAndres Bonifacio charge for treason Take from its owner by the expropriator, and the gauge for computation
by fellow Filipinos who have formed the Philippine Revolutionary force Is not the taker‘s gain but the owner‘s loss.
to fight Spain.  Kanya- kanya is divisive in interpersonal relationship in Philppine
 Hongkong is not an Asean country. Social culture.
 If you keep seeing your ways of doing things as the right way and  Leaders are the product of their times is the social scientists explanation
everybody else‘s as the wrong way, you tend to have the attitude called Of the relationship of a leader to history.
ethnocentrism.  Leadership by people of talent is the possible consequence of
 In economics, inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods Meritocracy in a social system.
an d services in an economy over a period of time.  Legislative department has the authority to make laws and to alter or
 In order to avoid unnecessary stress in ARMM election, postponing Repeal them.
the election to a later date were undertaken lately by the government.  Liberalization of media was the mechanism the government from 1971-
 In point of population, China is the largest state with a population placed 2003 use through mass media to stay for a decade-and-a-half in political
at about 1.2 billion people. Power.
 In the Philippine Government, the earliest and smallest service of  Lin adjusted the way she dresses upon advice by her mother exmpliies the
Governance is the Barangay. culture is transmitted orally.
 Income Tax is a tax imposed on all employed and practicing professionals.  Literary ideology and phraseology be characterized as crude during the
 Indirect or representative is our present form of government that Days of our pre-Hispanic folks.
Characterizes our republic which elects national and local officials  Lucio San Pedro the famous composer from Angono who is also a national
in government. Artist.
 Industrialized countries‘ toxic disposed to poorer countries demonstrates  Macario Sakay was the revolutionary leader who refused to surrender
interconnectedness between social and environmental injustice. to the Americans even after General Malvar‘s surrender, and declared
 Inheritance tax is a kind of tax on the right of the deceased person to Himself President and commander in chief of the Supreme Government
transmit his estate to his lawful heirs of beneficiaries. Of the tagalong archipelago.
 Initiative is the power of the people to propose amendments to the  Marcelo H. Del Pilar was the second editor of‖ La Solidaridad‖ with the
Constitution. penname Dolores Manapat.
 Jones Law enacted by the U.S Congress in 1916 established a bicameral  Mercantilism is an economic policy in 16th century in Europe that
legislature in the Philippines with the senator ( upper house) and House influenced Spain‘s expansionist policy to discover new lands.
of Representatives (Low house) to be compose of elected Filipinos.  Military, Civil, Commonwealth is the sequence of government that
happened during the American regime.  Polo was the name of forced labor imposed during the Spanish regime.
 Modern capitalism is the characteristics of entrepreneurship  Preamble of the jones law contained the concrete promise of the
 Monopoly is when one controls the supply\production of goods. Americans of Filipinos independence ― as soon as stable government can
 National Commission for culture and the arts ( NCAA) is an agency be established
tasked to nurture Philippine arts.  Ramon Magsaysay was the Philippine president as‖ the man of the
 Negritos were the aboriginal settlers in the islands, prior to succeeding masses‖
migrants who crossed the seas from the Southern Philippines.  Reduccion is a Spanish policy which provided the resettlement of fiipino
 Of the accepted aims in studying Political Science, to win elections and communities to form town centers of cabeceras.
hold public office is NOT regarded as immediately relevant.  Religious sector cannot participate under the pastilles system of
 Of the seven continents comprising continues land mass surrounded by representation.
big bodies of water, the biggest ( 30.1 percent of the earth) is Asia.  Republic act 9994 is also known as the expanded senior citizens act.
 One instance of taking away the life of another person without due  Right against double jeopardy means that when a person is charged with
process is salvaging. an offense and case is terminated either by acquittal or conviction or in
 One of the advantages of the presidential system of government is the any other manner without the express consent of the accused , the latter
principle of separation of powers and checks and balance is observed. cannot be again be charged with the same identical offense.
 One of the pledges of the president of the Philippines is to defend its  Rio Grande deCagayan is the longest river in the country that originates
constitution. from the mountains of Quirino and Nueva Vizcaya and drains the whole
 Originally written in tagalog, the poem ―Kundiman‖ is one of the Cagayan Valley existing through the town of aparri and Cagayan.
only two poems that Rizal wrote in his vernacular.  Rizal was eight years old when he wrote the poem Our Mother Tongue.
 Participation in governance, including the right to vote and seek public  Rizal‘s loneliness is profoundly expressed in the poem ― They Ask Me
office, is secured within the citizenry‘s political rights. For Versses‖
 Parents patriae is prerogative inherent in the state where it is called  San Francisco de malabon band played the Marcha nacional Filipino of
upon to protect those with less than full capacity to take adequate the national anthem on June 12,1898, during the declaration of Philippine
care of their own interest independence.
 Personal income tax should be paid and field every year by employees  Sandiganbayan has jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases involving
and corporation. However, retired government employees receiving Graft and corrupt practices and such offenses committed by public by the
only pensions are exempted from filing income tax returns. law.
 Philippine economy indices bare closely related to the rise and fall of the  Sigmund freud is considered as the father of modern psychology
US Dollars.  Since Philippines is a republic, democratic country, it elects its president
 Philippine Independent Church is a religious institution serving as the Directly. Election Precinct is the smallest electoral unit of the government.
only living remnant of the Philippine Revolution of 1896 today.  Since the Philippines is a republic, democratic country, it elects its
 Political will is the determination of the government to relate to what is president directly. Election precinct is the smallest electoral unit of the
perceived as beneficial to public interests and acts to implement its government.
decision on such order to achieve a better future for its citizens.
 Social justice is a state policy that provides for preferential attention to the  The commander of the American and Filipino forces in Bataan was
welfare of the less fortunate members of the Philippine Society. General Edward P. King.
 Squatters return to the squatters area is the reason that the housing  The Commission on Appointment has 25 members composed of the
program for all these years did not succeed. Senate President as ex officio Chairman, 12 Senators and 12 Members of
 St. Augustine‘s philosophy advocated the use of reason in the House of Representatives.
understanding the existence of God.  The Commonwealth was our government under the 1935 Constitution.
 Suffrage is the right and duty Filipinos exercise when they participate  The complex set of relationships within the agricultural sector and
in ratifying a proposed constitution. betweenTenure structure, production structure, and the structure of
 Sulu Sultanate was the first Sultanate in the Philippines which was supporting services
founded by Abu bakar in 1450.  The culture of the Ilocanos can easily be felt through their ants dance
 Supreme court is the only constitutional court in the Philippines. known as kinnotan.
 Taoism is another Chinese Philosophy about the same period as  The earliest mode of economic life in human history according to Karl
confucianism , but more spiritual rather than ethical interest as Marx is called primitive communism.
It stressed that nature contains a divine impulse that directs all life.  The economic policy that good action is one that helps the greatest
Lao-Tzu is the philosopher behind Taoism. number of people is called utilitarianism.
 Taxation is the power of the state that enables it to impose charge of  The evidence of the success the cooperatives can eventually put up banks
burden of the government in its discharge of appropriate functions. On their own is that many banks in metro manila and central Luzon
 Territory is that definite or portion of the earth‘s surface which is the started out as cooperatives.
subject of sovereignty rights and interests.  The first American civil Governor was William Howard Taft, who served
 The statement both husband and wife are co-equal is guaranteed by the As President Commission until he became civil governor in September
civil code of the Philippines. 1901.
 The ― La Liga Filipino‖ was a concrete evidence of Rizal‘s desire to unite  The fulfillment of the collective needs to the human species, including
the entire archipelago and fight injustice in the country. global Society is to pursue public interests.
 The 1987 Constitution was framed by Constitutional Commission.  The function by which schools help children to participate effectively in
 The Act/Law that led to the granting of the ten year transition period is larger society is called socialization.
the Tydings-McDuffie Act.  The fundamental right invoked by filing the ―writ of amparo‖ is the right
 The Ancient civilization of china existed in yellow River. to life liberty and security.
 The Assumption ―ceteris paribus‖ mean we assume a perfectly  The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was a multilateral
competitive market. agreement regulating international trade.
 The author of ― Flora de Filipinas‖ circa 1837, the botanical illustrations  The government wants a piece of private land for a government project.
of plant specimens that grew into the Philippines herbarium is Fr. Tthe owner resisted the governments demand. The government may
Manual Blanco. Own the land through right of eminent domain.
 The change of venue or place of trial can be ordered to avoid a miscarriage  The highest mountain in the continent of Africa is Mt. Kilimanjaro
of justice.  The international Race Research Institute (IRRI) was conceptualized and
Implement during the term of President Ferdinand Marcos.  The preamble of the Jones Law contained the concrete promise of the
 The Katipunan in Cavite was divided into two factions the magdiwang Americans to Filipino independence ― as soon as a stable government
And the magdalo while the magdiwang in cavite was led by Mariano can be established.
Alvarez, Baldomero Aguinaldo led the Magdalo faction.  The President cannot validly declare martial law in the instance of
 The longest revolt in Philippine history is called the dagohoy revolt, eminent danger.
which lasted for 85 years, from 1744-1829.  The President famous for the Filipino First Policy and Austerity Program
 The MAJOR RIVERS IN CHINA are the Hwang-Ho and Yangtze. Is Carlos Garcia
 The maxim ―There is no such thing as free lunch‖ means every action  The principle of equity in taxation provides that tax payers should be
And the decision has a price that we need to pay. Taxed according to their professions and status I n life
 The most devastating typhoon in 2009 with a damage of 1.09 billion  The Process by which a person learns the requirements of the culture by
Dollars and 747 fatalities was known as ondoy. Which he or she is surrounded, and acquires values and behaviors that
 The mountain that separate the continents of Asia and Europe is the Are appropriate or necessary in that culture is called enculturation
Ural mountain range.  The province in the Philippines which was called ― Ma-i‖ by the Chinese
 The Nazi Holocaust or the extermination of the Jews During the wolrd In the 14th century in Mindoro
war II is the example of ethnocentrism.  The Provinces that were pacified and were already recognizing Spanish
 The only officials removal by impeachment are the president , Vice Rule were called Alcaldias.
president, members of the supreme court, the members of the  The regular election of the members of congress shall be held on the
constitutional commission and the ombudsman. Second Monday of May
 The order of Philippine presidents: Aguinaldo,Quezon-Laurel-osmena  The religious schism which occurred in our country during the 1896
Roxas-Quirino-Magsaysay-Garcia –Macapagal-Marcos-Cory Aquino- Revolution resulted in the formation of a religious sect popularly
Ramos –Estrada-Aroyo –Noynoy Aquino-Duterte Known today as Philippine Independent Church
 The ordering of human needs from highest to lowest known as the  The report from congress registered rejection on the proposed bill
Hierarchy of needs by Abraham maslow. Meaning the majority failed to get the group support.
 The party list system shall constitute 20% of the total number of the  The Republic act that requires the compulsory teaching of Rizal course
House of Representatives. And the lives of other Filipino patriots is Republic Act 1425
 The Philippine president who was known as ―the man of the masses‖  The resettlement of the Filipino communities to town centers called
was Ramon Magsaysay Cabeceras was provided by the Spanish policy called Reduccion.
 The Philippine was ruled by Spain through the Viceroy of Mexico until  The right invoked in the ―writ of habeas data‖ is the right to information
1814. privacy.
 The Philippines, which is made up of thousands of island is called  The sense of dependency among citizens is a condition that contradicts
archipelago. the social justice mandate in the 1987 Constitution.
 The policy of the estate to pursue a comprehensive Agrarian Reform  The stage actress who brought fame to her country through her
Program is clearly stated in its policy to establish owner-cultivatorship International awards for her stage performance was Lea salonga.
of economic size farms.  The state of entire subjection of one person to the will of another is
called slavery.  San Francisco de Malabon Band played the Marcha Nacional Filipino of
 The study of human behavior is psychology. the national anthem on June 12, 1898 during the declaration of
 The use of Spanish surnames by Filipinos was ordered by Governor Philippine independence.
General Narciso Claveria.  Ningas Cogon represents a detrimental aspect of Philippine culture
 The yellow race is also known as Mongoloids who probably originated and society.
In what is now the North of Tibet.  Every right has a built-in duty. I have the right to drive my car but I must
 Through the Galleon trade (1565-1815), the Philippines had extended see to it that I obey traffic rules illustrates this correctly.
Contacts with Mexico  Police Power is the power of the state to regulate individual‘s rights
 To assure healthy banking industry, the Bangko Central has encouraged and behavior for the general welfare.
bank merging.  As per the agreement in the Pact of biac-na-bato, Emilio Aguinaldo and
 Underwood-Simmons Act established a full free trade in the Philippines. other leaders of the revolutionary government were to go into exile in
 Union obrera Democratica was the first labor union in the country Hong kong.
founded by Isabelo Delos Reyes on july 1901.  Sergio Osmena Sr. was the first elected Speaker of the house of the
 Ural Mountain range forms a rugged spine in west-central russsia and Philippine Assembly.
The major part of the traditional physiographic boundary between
Europe and Asia. OTHERS
 Veto Power was the power to set aside certain by the Kingdom of Spain
to the governor general of the Philippines.  Overemphasis on drill and practice belongs to the Red Flag
 Violation of human rights is a violation of the dignity of persons.  Teacher Marvin talks to students about their interests, what they did over
 Visayas is the location of the island known as the ― Isla De Pintados‖ by the weekends, their progress in school work, etc. This positive approach to
the Spaniards. classroom management is expressing interest for students.
 Voting is a privilege in a democratic country. Those who are deprived of  In the 5‘s Formula to create a conducive learning environment, the S that
Their votes are normally disenfranchised. stands for cleanliness in the workplace is Shine.
 When one controls the supply\production of goods, this implies  High use audiovisuals is not an indicator of a supportive learning
monopoly. environment.
 When parents decide to send their children to a private school and pay  Student‘s responsibility for learning is an indicator of autonomy in the
their tuition fee instead of sending them to the public school, they don‘t learning environment.
Get their share in the benefit derived from the taxes they pay. This is a  Teacher Jose can do brainstorming in order to generate ideas in planning a
sports competition activity.
case of double jeopardy.
 The principle that supports adoption of teaching methods on accordance
 With the Batasang Pambansa performing legislative and executive powers
with students needs is unique characters of every students.
In the Marcos regime, the form of government implemented was
 Among the components in the instructional framework for learning
strategies, independent practice is demonstrated by teacher Bea who
 Written in 1895, ―Hymn to Talisay‖ were used against Rizal during his assigns homework for students to do on their own.
trial in December 1896.
 The framework in providing students with templates and explaining the  The degree of moral certitude of Alegre who entered into marriage only
steps for developing a research papers is modelling. out of obedience to her parents, but uncertain whether she wanted
 The questioning techniques in which the teacher prods students to reply marriage at all is doubtful.
along directions that lead to the proper answer is called prompting.  The principle of lesser of two evil applies to fire victims who decided to
 The SPED, the chair arrangement that is effective for students grouped jump over a ten-storey rather than die by being burned to death.
and working together based on personality and work styles is cooperative  The principle of formal cooperation applies to nations or corporate
cluster. industrialists supplying arms to combatants who sow civil war or terror in
 In problem-based learning group, the teacher leads the discussion for various parts of the world.
achieving desired aims.  Teacher Miles is directed to pass an undeserving students with death
 In the Mila‘s Biology class, the students were made two work in small threat. An advice that a utilitarian will give is to pass the student because
groups, learned from each other and each person in the group took it will be of use to the student, his parents, and her.
responsibility for learning of the whole group, she employed cooperative  Resignation to mediocrity best describes ‖puwedena― mentality vs.
learning. excellence in service/work.
 In teacher Aa wants to apply the collaborative approach in learning she  Explore inthe loves of national heroes is an activity that the teacher as a
should be initially attentive to listening. trustee of the cultural heritage of the nation most effectively introduce in
 T-L individual ideas to general odes describe as the inductive teaching order to instill patriotic ideals in their personal lives.
learning (TL) method.  The world has become a global village. A sound practice that is expected
 The type of classroom that builds the ―learning to live together‖ climate of of teachers is respect of diverse cultures
teaching and learning in school is cooperative.  For gender fair language that advances feminism, congressman should be
 In learning to do pillar of new education, the enabling factor that can make addressed as members of the congress.
the learner fully contribute to a peaceful and just society is values.  When house tasks are typecast as the females responsibility, gender
 The organization that advanced the insights of ―Learning to Treasure stereotypes is reinforced in classroom management
Within‖ for 21st century education is the International Commission for the  In avoiding implying sickness or suffering the most preferable way to
21st Century. refer to those with disabilities like polip is ―had polio‖.
 An observation that tests to fact that the students motivation vary  The most desirable in the use of technology in instruction is technology
according to socio-cultural backgrounds is children from low-income integration.
household meet more obstacles in learning.  While there is modernity and progress through the use of technology in
 In poem ―When in distance with Fortune and men‘s Eyes‖ Shakespeare instruction, the greatest danger along the domain of learning that is posed
felt depressed looking at his sad fate and wishing he were someone else by technology is developing positivity and uncritical minds
more rich , with many friends, with greater skills and future prospects in  The journal writing using the internet and useful for teachers who can
life. The best antidote to such depressed feelings is count your own publish lesson ideas to digital student readers is called blog.
blessings.  The purpose of support instructional materials in the classroom is to
 Among active participation of school officials and teachers in the enhance learning
community, promoting contraceptives for Planned Parenthood is not  With closeness to direct experience as standard, a teacher should choose
appropriate due to prevailing religious sentiments. contrived experiences.

 Real-life experience provides the most direct type of learning but is  Teacher Lem would like to compare and contrast plant cell to animal cell,
difficult to supply in the traditional classroom. she would most likely to use a Venn diagram
 The Venn diagram is most useful in presentation of concepts by  A useful tool for constructivist learning in presenting the characteristic
comparison features of objective/subjects in a lesson is the attribute wheel
 The bar graph is a visual aid that is useful showing the trend in  A pocket chart is an aid that is two-dimensional and hanged on the wall
temperature change from monthto month  The kind of literary works that s that are vey creative by way of
 The quality of content the teacher achieved when she made certain her descriptive language and dramatic episodes is fiction novels
information came with the ―information explosion‖ which she got in the  The students can find critical views on current events in newspapers in
internet, such as how to effectively teach phonetics is significance. the opinion page
 The quality of lesson content that gets the active attention of learners is  Among models of reading strategies, the student adopted interactive
interest. method when she read and forth, attending to both what is in her mind
 According to researchers , increased violence among young is likely effect and was on the page
of excessive TV viewing and video games playing among children  ―context clues‖ is known as getting the meaning of a new unfamiliar word
 Among the following terms in technology, educational technology has by looking for hints from the surrounding words in a sentences of
broadest concept of technology for the whole educative system. paragraph.
 In e-learning, the motivational aspects of learning through the electronic  Evaluation reading is the level of reading that is used if a students is
media is enthusiasm to use technology. judging Shakespeare‘s hamlet emotional complex that caused him to wish
 Technology cannot take the place of the teacher in the classroom because it taking his own life
is only an instrument or a tool  The first stepin Goodell‘s skills ladder, suing the dictionary should be
 In the process of integrating technology in instruction, developing used last and only when needed.
metacognitive points to the highest kind of cognitive skills desired  The truest of adolescents is normal changes
 The most traditional technology in the limited sense of tools for education  Teacher observed that the student Mae is behind in his development with
is the use of chalkboard. classmates in grade four. Her not getting alone with age-mates most likely
 The present-day netizen students are properly referee today as digital made him come up with this observation.
generation  Erik Erikson advocated that we face a specific psychosocial dilemma at
 Blog is a journal writing on the internet for denizens each stage of life
 Presently, the internet has become the home library of students for vast  In Erikson‘s stage theory of development, trust needs to be developed
and updated information from the child (1 to 1/2) years old).
 Lifelike is the quality that makes digital visual materials better describes  Following Kohlberg‘s theory of moral development, the moral reasoning
as ―visual reality‖. or perspective of Joy who allows her classmate to copy her test work, so
 Videotaped conversation of students using adjectives is an appropriate that she will be her friend is social approval.
multimedia resource for a lesson on adjectives  Centration explains the tendency of preschool children to focus on an
 Village interview is a form of direct learning experience aspect of an object while excluding other aspects.
 Teacher demonstrating the use of microscope is a direct performance  In Piaget‘s stage of cognitive development, pr-operational stage is the
experience in teaching science stage in which a child‘s intelligence is intuitive, able to make mental
representation, and close to the use of symbols

 In Piaget‘s concrete operational stage in cognitive development,  A positive correlation is to direct relation while inverse relation is negative
decentering refers to the ability of the child perceive different features of correlation
objects and situation  Concentration is the ability to know without being distracted or confused
 In Piaget‘s Formal operation stage in cognitive development, knowing by irrelevant ideas
properties (number, mass, volume, etc) is not among the characteristics of  Among cognitive objectives, comprehension is also known as am
the child‘s thinking ability. understanding and is step higher than more knowledge of facts.
 Relating present with past lesson is the way lessons can be made more  Among categories of thinking skills, analysis is the ability to break down
meaningful by way of learning continuity. complex information into parts for understanding.
 John Dewey said ― an ounce of experience is better than a ton of theory.  Non-discursive communication is the learning outcome assessed in
―this statement point the primacy of experience. dramatic reading along with movement, posture, facial expression, etc.
 Asking students to predictanongategories of thinking skills, analysis is the  An entering student in college would like to determine which course is the
ability to breaks down outcomes is an instance when teachers leads best suited for him. An aptitude test is appropriate for this purpose.
students toward the metacognition  The teacher employed realoral questioning in using inquiry to test her
 The question ― Am I learning well enough? ― relates to metacognition student‘s ability to recall information.
 In cognitive learning, laws are firmly established and thoroughly tested  Scoring rubric is the most reliable tool for determining the student‘s ability
principles of theories to write.
 Plato‘s contemplative use of mind tis best characterized as introspective  Creativity is being assessed by the rubric that seeks to assess high,
 Drill is generally used for mastery learning, especially of psychomotor moderate, or low imaginative thinking.
skills  Paper-pencil vocabulary test is the least authentic mode of student‘s
 On cluster of meaningful activities, storytelling does not belong to bodily performance assessment.
kinesthetic learning activities  The criterionreferenced test is designed to determine performance level n
 From the cluster of meaningful learning activities, environmental study a specific skills.
belongs to naturalistic.  The best person who should be responsible for constructing test with
 Landscape drawing is an example of spatial learning that is appropriate validity over specific content of subject areas is the teacher
for appreciation of the beautiful  The assessment of the items should be aligned with instructional
 Forming and proving hypothesis is the best process to develop logical objectives
reasoning among senior students  The primary response factor that is considered by essay questions is wide
 ―are the mind and the brain one and the same?‖ exemplifies an open sampling of ideas.
ended question  The automated checking which helps in improving reliability is objective
 Among study habits, ―I make a weekly timetable‖ shows the ability to scoring
organize and plan his classwork.  The criterion that is implied with the test measures what is aimed to
 Tolerance is the ability to know without being frustrated by ambiguous measure is validity
ideas  The valid test is a reliable test
 Feasibility study is a research that is directly appropriate for anew  Using the Likert Method of summative scale, the mean for scale ratings
entrepreneur going into a small business (10, 7.5, 5, 2.5 and 0) is 5

 In assessment of achievement, the most stable measure of variability is  Assessment is said to be authentic when the teacher gives students real-
standard deviation life tasks to accomplish.
 When standard deviation is big, this means that scores are spread out  If the lowest score obtained in a 100 item test is 1 and the highest is 99, the
 A normal curve means that there are large number of more or less average scores are highly dispersed
and few receiving low high grades  In norm-referenced interpretation of scores, the teacher compares
 What can be said of students performance is negatively skewed class score individual student’s scores with other students’ scores
distribution is most students performed well  A teachers generosity error means that the teacher has a tendency to give
 What is meant by a difficulty index 1 for a test item is that an item is high grades as compared to the rest
extremely easy.  What is claimed to be a disadvantage of our current practice of giving
 Teacher Luis found out that more from the lower group got item no. 16 numerical or letter grade is that they are perceived to be absolute
correctly in his items analysis. This means that the item has negative
measures of intelligence
discriminating power.
 A hedonist teacher will pass the student if he is ordered to pass an
 What is meant by a -0.36 determination index in test assessment is that
undeserving student with a death threat because he does not want to
more from lower group answered items correctly.
suffer the threat because he does not want to suffer the threat
 If the lower score obtained in a 100-item test is 1 and the highest is 99, the
score are highly dispersed.  A class is composed of academically poor students. The distribution
 In norm-referenced interpretation of scores, the teacher has a tendency to would be most likely be skewed to the right
give high grades as compared to the rest  A negative discrimination index means that more from the lower group
 A teachers generosity error means that the teacher has a tendency to give answered the test item correctly
high grades as compared to the rest.  A positive discrimination index means that ,more from the upper group
 What is claimed to be a disadvantage of our current practice of giving got the item correctly
numerical or letter grade is that they are perceived to be absolute  A quiz is classified as a formative assessment
measures of intelligence.  A teacher would use a standardized test to compare her students to
 A hedonist teacher will pass the student if he is ordered to pass an national norms
undeserving student with a death threat because he does not want to  A test item has difficulty index of 0.81 and a discrimination index of 0.13.
suffer the threat a test constructor should reject the item
 A class is composed of academically poor students. The distribution
 Percentile ranks are not the same as percentage correct
would be most likely be skewed to the right
 Assessment is said to be authentic when the teacher gives students real life
 A negative discrimination index means that more from upper group got
tasks to accomplish
the item correctly
 Concurrent validity requires correlation study
 A quiz is classified as a formative test
 A teacher would use a standardized test to compare her students to  For mastery learning, criterion-referenced testing will be most fit
national norms  ― group the following items according to phylum‖ is a thought test item
 A test item has a difficulty index of 0.81 and discrimination index of 0.13. a on classifying
test constructor should reject the item  If all your student in your class passed the pre-test, you should go to the
 Percentile ranks are not the same as percentage correct lesson quickly in order not to skip any

 If a teacher wants to test the student‘s ability to organize ideas, essay is the  The subject matter or content to be learned must be within the time
type of test that she should formulate allowed, resource available, expertise of the teacher and nature of learners
 If the computed range is low, this means that the difference between the The criterion addressed is feasibility
highest and the lowest score is low  The closest to the real human digestive system in the classroom is the
 If your LET items sample adequately to the competencies listed in the model of human digestive system
syllabi, it can be said that the LET possesses content validity  The factor that must be primarily considered in the choice of instructional
 In an entrance examination, a student‘s percentile is 25. Based on this, the aid is that it must be suited to the lesson objective
student will not be likely admitted  Realias are concrete objects that provide direct purposeful experiences
 In a group norming, the percentile rank of the examinee is dependent on which are ideal for introducing students to new subject
his batch of examinees  A flow chart is the graphic organizer most fit for sequencing steps of a
 In her item analysis, the teacher found out that more on the upper group process
got an item correctly. This means that the item has a positive  The internet is the worldwide system of computer networks in which
discrimination index users at any one computer can, if they have permission , get permission,
 In test construction, TOS means Table of Specification get information from any other computer
 In the context on the theory of multiple intelligence, one of weakness of  The brain of the computer is called CPU
paper-pencil test is it puts non-linguistically intelligent at a disadvantage  The first thing that the teacher determines in the selection of media for
 It is good to give students challenging and creative learning task because teaching is the objectives of the lesson
development is aided by stimulation  After Ms. Adriano planned her lesson in English, she found out that the
 Marking on a normative basis means that the symbols used grading materials at hand do not match her objective. She must modify the
indicate how a student achieved relative to other students available materials
 The aim of our education during the commonwealth period was purely  Appropriateness is the criterion that should guide a teacher in the choice
nationalistic and democratic of instructional devices
 Supposed that an developing curriculum, your intention is to put a lot  Globe as an instructional material is under the category of models
importance in developing the mind and spirit of the learners. The  The principle that is violated by over using the chalkboard, as through it is
philosophical belief that will help you in this is idealism the only educational technology available is variety
 A school curriculum should include a common body of knowledge that all  The closer you are to the base, the more direct the learning experience
students should know. This is related to essentialism becomes according to Edgar Dale
 One teacher says. If it is billiard that brings student out of the classroom,  When more senses are stimulated, teaching learning become more
let us bring it into classroom. Perhaps, I can use it to teach mathematics‖. effective.‖ An applicationof this principle is using multi-sensory aids
This is related to progressivism  Bruner‘s theory of intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic
 The curriculum should focus on the great ideas that have survived and symbolic stage. Applying Bruner‘s theory, the teacher must begin to
through time and related to present day challenges. This is related to the concrete
perennialism  The spread sheet program is the software needed when one wants to
perform automatic calculations on numerical data
 Mrs. Agustin presented real samples of rock when she discussed the  The industry vs inferiority stage considers teachers, peers and adults
different form of rocks. She applied the principle of authenticity in the outside the home important to shaping attitudes toward oneself
selection of instructional materials.  The best example of operant conditioning is using reinforcement
 The law of learning is identified with Loree  Clara has inherent skills in taking care of plants. It is highly possible that
 Skinner is remembered for the instrumental operant theory she has naturalistic intelligence
 Tabula rasa is a concept of education attributed to john Locke  Teacher Nelia bridges the student present skill and the desired level with
 The great didactic is an educational classic written by Comenius technique advise by Vygotsky is scaffolding
 The center of educative process is the learner  According to the Philippine Constitution the state shall establish, maintain
 The major laws learning are the law of readiness, exercise and effect and support a complete, adequate, and integrated system of education is
 The greatest influence in the formation of cultural values is the family relevant to the need of the people and society
 The father of kindergarten is Froebel  All educational institution shall include the study of the constitution as
 Emile is an educational classic associated naturalism part of curricula
 The main thrust of today education is the development of sense of the  Academic freedom shall be enjoyed in all institution of higher learning
nationhood which will be achieved through the infusion of a shared  The state shall assign the highest budgetary priority to education and
system of beliefs and desired Filipino values ensure that teaching will attract and retain it rightful share of the best
 Basic education which is the foundation of people empowerment refers to available talents through adequate remuneration and other means of job
the elementary and secondary education satisfaction and fulfilment
 Individual differences accounts that no two individuals is exactly alike in  The nationallanguage of the Philippine is Filipino. As it evolves , shall be
their resulting development and adjustment further developed and enriched on the basis of existing Philippine and
 Techniques to develop sensory motor learning, Direction, demonstration, other languages
drill and simulation  Republic act 7836 is an act to strengthen the regulation and supervision of
 Purposive Behaviorism is the theory of Tolman the practice of teaching in the Philippines and prescribing a licensure
 The school of psychology upon which most of cognitive psychology is examination for teacher and for other purposes
based was develop by Wolfgang Kohler, Marx Witheimer and Kurt  The board of professional teachers has the power to prescribe and or
Koffka in 1921. This is known as Gestalt Laws adopt a code of ethical and professional standards for the practice of the
 Theory of generalization is referred to as the theory of Charles Judd teaching professions
 The highest level of individual need in the hierarchy of need theory is self-  The Board shall, within one hundred twenty days after the examination,
actualization report the ratings obtained by each candidate to the Professional
 The linguistic type learners loves to read, write and tell stories Regulation Commission for approval and appropriate action
 Thorndike proposed that human activity is based on association and  Every registrant shall be required to take his professional oath before
response practicing as aprofessional teacher
 Teacher Lea scolded a pupil named Pia for not listening attentively. As a  If a teacher fail to pass the merit examination, he or she shall be allowed to
result, the whole class paid attention to teacher Lea. This is explained by take the examination for the second time
the phenomenon called the Ripple effect
 The who pass the merit examination shall earn merit point for purposes of  Organization involve organizing of values in relation to each other
promotion of salary or to a higher position or grade level  Characterization acts in accordance with the accepted value and becomes
 No teacher of foreign nationality shall be admitted to the examination or part of personality
be entitled to any of the right and privileges provided under the act,  Perception use the sense organ to obtain the cues that guide motor
unless the country or state of which he is subject permits Filipino activities
professional teachers to practice within its territorial limits on the same  Set means readiness to take particular action that includes mental,
basis as subjects or citizens of said country or state. This is called physical, and emotional set
registration by reciprocity  Guided response is concerned with early stages of learning complex skills
 Professional teachers who have not practiced their profession for 5 years  Mechanism is concerned with habitual responses that can be performed
shall take atleast 12 units of education courses consisting of atleast of 6 with some confidence and proficiency
units of pedagogy and 6 unit of content courses or the equivalent training  Complex overt response skillfully performs acts require complex
and number of hours movement patterns like highly coordinated motor activities
 For those who have failed the licensure examination for professional  Adaptation is concerned with skills so well learned they are modifies to fit
teacher, with a rating not lower than 5 percentage points from the passing special requirements or meet a problem situation
general average rating shall be eligible as para teachers  Organization creates new movement patterns to fit a particular situation
 A special permit may also be issued by the Board to a person has excelled or problem
and gained international recognition and is a widely acknowledge expert  If a pre-school is competing with her mother for her father‘s attention she
in his or her respective field of specialization is said to be experiencing Electra complex
 Knowledge gives emphasis on remembering information  Classical conditioning theory is attributed to Ivan Pavlov for his
 Comprehension focuses on understanding and organizing previously experiment involving the dog‘s salivation as a reaction to the sound of the
learned information buzzer
 Application gives emphasis on using information in pertinent situation  Institution of learning encourage to set higher standard of quality over
 Analysis tackles on thinking critically about information by studying the and above the minimum required for state recognition as provided for the
parts Education Act of 1982 is voluntarily accreditation
 Synthesis focuses on original thinking about the information by putting its  The present military training in our school curriculum is an influence of
part into a new whole Sparta
 Evaluation give emphasis on making judgments about information based  The signing of national anthem is an offshoot of the philosophical ideas of
on identified standards nationalism
 Receiving gives emphasis on becoming aware on some communication or  The research establish the first kindergarten that is also known as garden
phenomenon from the environment where children can grow is Froebel
 Responding gives emphasis on reacting to communication or  One mark of a good teacher is that she has the mastery of the lesson
phenomenon through participation  The main purpose of compulsory education of the constitution is to
 Valuing gives emphasis on attaching worth to something from the develop students into responsible thinking citizen
 To shows disapproval to the misbehavior of the student, the teacher clear  A page is an attendant to the noble courts at the age of 7 years old
his throat and looks intently to erring students. This classroom  Humanism is a philosophy that believes that education aims to liberate
management style is commonly known as signal interference man from the oppressive and demanding medieval institution like the
 An example of child interest in hi body is looking at themselves in the church and the state to enable them fully to develop his potentials
mirror  Reformation highlighted the protest of the people who were dissatisfied
 Motor development is manifested by a particular child who learns how to by the policies of the Roman Catholic church caused by the massive
walk, run and jump corruption and indulgences of the church
 Ritalin is a drug that is commonly used for children with ADHD  Martin Luther is considered as the father of reformation
 The main reason why children with ADHD have limited learning skills is  Realism is a educational philosophy that advocates that education should
that they act on impulse and cannot concentrate be concerned with actualities of life and prepare for its concrete duties
 Parents can foster initiative and interdependence in children by  John Amos Comenius wrote ―OrbisPictusSensualism‖ or the World of
encouragement when a child plans and carries out a task Sensible things Pictured, which is considered as the first textbook on using
 When a child manifest autism, self-destructive behavior and echolalia, the of visual aids in classroom teaching
child might be showing the symptoms of childhood autism  Francis Bacon suggested the use of inductive method of teaching and
 The motivation that comes from sheer enjoyment of creating art work is believe that all scientific progress must be based on nature
called intrinsic motivation  John Locke is a advocate of disciplinism and believe that when the child is
 A child who always fight to his classmate who has very short attention born his mind can be compared to a ―tabula rasa‖ or ablank tablet and
span and who has frequent tantrums is believe to be suffering from experience will be the ones to write on that tablet
attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome  John Heinrich Pestallozi advocated that the learning is through
 Portfolio is the pre-planned collection of sample of students work, observation and experience and education is basically a‖contact of soul‖
assessed results and other output produced by the students and the teacher must feel respect and sympathy for the children he teaches
 An example of norm-reference interpretation is a student score is higher  John Freidrich Herbart was known for Herbetian Method of teaching,
than 89% of the class which is composed of preparation, presentation, association,
 Central tendency error is committed on grading the performance of the generalization and application
students by the rater who avoids both extremes of the scale of and the  Maria Montessori developed a Vhild0-centered curriculum and
trends to rate everyone as average emphasized manipulation and experimentation to promote independence
 The Sophist in ancient Greek were the wandering scholar who went to and creativity
Athens to teach Athenian Boys by collecting fees from them  John Dewey a proponent of sociological movement, believed that an
 Socrates was a Greek thinker who believed that knowledge is virtue and education must be democratic and considered as life and not just the
all virtues actions are based on knowledge preparation for life
 Monasticism is where education was a religious discipline, strict, rigid,  In accordance to the Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers, every
and punishment were severe teachers shall participate to the Continuing Professional Development
 St. Thomas Aquinas was one of the foremost proponent of the Scholastic (CPD)
 In accordance to the RA 7836, every teacher shall be mentally, physically,  To prevent the low performance of graduates taking the LET there should
and morally fit be a review of the existing teacher education curriculum vis-à-vis TOS
 The Education Act of 1982 provided for the establishment and  According to the 1990 EDCOM congressional review and assessment low
maintenance of an integrated system of education investment and poor management primarily causes the declining quality
 Act no. 2706 I also known as the ―Private School law‖ Philippine education
 RA 4670 is known as the ― Magna Carta for Public School Teachers‖  The constitutional exemption for the prohibition to establish school solely
 RA 6655 is known as the‖ Free Public Secondary Act of 1988‖ for aliens in the Philippines is for children of diplomats and their
 Republic Act 6788 ―Act Providing Government Assistance to Students and dependents
Teachers in Private Education‖  Academic freedom is the right given to the private universities to
 Republic Act 7610 ―Child Protection Policy‖ require an entrance test for admission of students
 RA 7784 ―Act to strengthen Teacher Education in the Philippines by  Students who show high learning skills are most deserving of government
establishing Centers of Excellence‖ funding assistance
 RA 7796‖Tesda Act of 1994‖  By way of language medium, National Language is best for students of
 RA 7880 ― Fair and Equitable access to Education Act‖ diverse cultural background
 RA 9155 ―an act Instituting the Framework of Governance for Basic  The local government can support schools by providing fiscal funding to
Education, Establishing Authority and Accountability, Renaming the support schools
Department of Education, Culture and Sports as the Department of  School can effectively support out-of-school youths and unemployed by
Education‖ providing livelihood training
 Progressivism connoted a growth and development and is described  The vision, mission, core values of a school can be most
engaging student in problem solving activities that is a reflection of the effectivelytranslated in the academic program of youth of a school by
personal and social experiences that can help them in solving their own alignment with program, projects and activitiesthe school home
real-life problem connection best characterizes a silong converted into a classroom
 Existentialism is defined as the philosophical objectivity of selfhood whose  Under RA 7722 or higher education of 1994, the commission on higher
fundamental doctrine proclaims man‘s freedom in accomplishment of his education has direct I education supervision and management of teacher
destiny education institution or colleges of education in the country
 Reconstructionism covers the underlying factors that constitute reality or  The Teacher Education Development Program embodies both the pre-
society and where students are encouraged to become involved in the service and in-service program for teachers
problems whether political, social or economic that confronts the society  The policy for assigning physical facilities classroom should be based on
and is able to arrive solutions in order to reconstruct the society the students need s
 Perenialism maintains that education involves confronting the problems  The in most effective way to clarify the school‘s goals and responsibilities
and questions that have challenge people over the centuries early in the first year is orientation
 The licensure examination directly qualifies the teacher candidates to be  The overall stream for education, growth and fulfilment in the teaching
registered at par with order profession like medicine, law, nursing and the professions lifelong career
 Responsiveness is the best description for the full interest and enthusiasm  The student who have short attention span, unable to sustain
in the work of teaching concentration by being easily affected by sight, sounds, or speech has
 What can be expected from the teacher‘s role as a community change distractible problem type
agent relevant response to community needs  The kind of help that can be most likely be effective for the shy and timid
 Once a teacher, forever a student implies lifelong learning students is encouragement
 A teacher that focuses on helping students to accept themselves as unique  The behavior-modification approach is applied when teacher uses a
individuals applies an existentialist approach variety of techniques (rewards, reinforcement, etc) to sustain interest and
 Existentialism is the philosophy of education that is taught by Satre when effective learning
he said that man is nothing else but that he makes of himself  For problems of discipline that cannot be resolved in class, relying on
 A perennialist teacher would choose general course to study in teaching others to resolve classroom problems should not be done as it reduces the
 The traditional curriculum and mass education lack value for authority of the teacher
individualization that the progressive can deliver  Getting the side of the students is equal to giving students the benefit of
 In selecting a code of conduct, the behaviorist teacher would prefer those the doubt
that are exemplified by great men/women important learners  An immediate and effective way to deal with three misbehaving students
 Training soldier-citizens was stressed by the education curriculum of is to assign them separate seats
Spartan  Sending the student on the guidance office is non-threatening style of
 ―Sage on stage‖ means that the teacher assumes the role of dispenser of disciplining unruly students
knowledge  From classroom management strategies applied on erring students,
 ―Guide on the side‖ means that the teacher assumes the role of facilitator shaming erring students before the class should not be done
of learning  Following the principles for punishing students, the least desirable
 A supervisor observe a teacher and noted that the teacher was the only strategy for classroom management is punishing while angry
one talking during the class. The supervisor was looking for teachers to  Each teacher has a role as a behavior as a behavior reinforcing agents.
draw out student response Threat should not be encouraged among students
 The hidden goal of students who refuse to cooperate or participate or  Ripple effect refers to situation wherein a certain event produces effect
participate in class activities is to isolate self which spread and produce further effects
 Among mistaken goals in the acceptance approach to discipline, attention  The word pyramid is a game which is good for children who have basic
getting is what happens when students are not getting the recognition printing and spelling skills
they desire, continually seek help, and refuse to work unless the teacher  Close procedure is reading comprehension activity in which word are
hovers over them omitted from passage and students are required to fill in the blanks
 Among mistaken goals in the acceptance approach to discipline,  A proactive teachers act before a specific situation becomes a source of
withdrawal is what happens when student feels helpless and rejected so problem or crisis
that they remove themselves rather than confront the situation  A reactive teacher reacts to the past rather than anticipating what will
happen in the future
 Analysis involved when a student clarifies information from conclusion
 Administrability is the characteristic of the test involved when the  Resource planning is not adomain of the competency-based standard for
instruction for the test are made simple, clear and concise teachers
 A rubric list the criteria and their levels of quality on which evaluation  School working in isolation from community and industry will work
will be focused against improvement of quality education
 Among the components of the learners mark or ratings, behavior is  Confucius teaching is the study and passing on of tradition
reflected in Values Education  The ascetic way of life is an influence of Hindu thought
 Scoring guides for rating open-minded question are called rubrics  Essentialism emphasizes the authority of the teachers and the value of
 Montessori claimed that the children are natural learners and therefore asubject matter curriculum
must be taught in natural setting  ‗inculcating the spirit of empathy among learner fulfil the pillar of
 Choose an appropriate curriculum especially that the child's mind does learning , Learning to live together
not certain any innate idea was an advice from John Locke  Transforming certified skills into personal competence is the concern of
 According to Erikson, pre-school years are critical for the development of Learning to Do
self-confidence  The norm in a school culture are centered on the learner
 Based on Freuds theory, Id operates when a student strikes a classmate at  Developing prejudice for a group is not an element of high morale
the height of anger environment
 ―It is how I look through the eyes of others‖ is referred to as the ―Looking  Complying with norms of conduct and possessing technical skills is
Glass Self‖ of Cooley hallmark of professionals
 Gestalt psychology states that the mind insist on finding patterns in things  In brainstorming you should avoid selectively involving pupils
that contribute to the development of insight  Having a mock presidential election, complete with debates, discussion of
 Modelling is a teaching activity founded on Bandura‘s Social learning issues and voting, teaches students the decision-making process
theory  Learning math as applied to situation , such as its being a tool science is
 In an underlying assumption of the social cognitive theory, people learn the best way to develop math concepts
by observing others  The incorporation of the content materials in language lessons is called
 One learns Math by building on Math lessons previously learned. This is integration approach
an application of the constructivist theory  Be preventive in approach is sound classroom management practice
 Thorndike‘s law of effect states that a connection between stimulus and  The collaborative approach includes the major behaviors of listening,
response is strengthened when the consequence is positive clarifying, presenting, problem-solving and feed backing
 According to Ausubel, one of the way the strengthen the students  If you want your pupils to master the multiplication table, drill is the
cognitive structure is by using an instructional tool called advance activity
organizer  Peer tutoring is the best activity if you want your better students to
 Mentoring is an activity characterized by a relationship of mutual trust overlearn what they have learned and at the same time help others to
and respect with individual agreeing to observe each other's teaching and master the lesson
solving problem together  A roundtable activity can help develop teamwork among students
 Schools aiming to boost students learning work on collaborative culture
 Journal writing is most fit if you want to hone your students  In Understanding By Design curricular approach, the first consideration is
metacognitive activities about the desired results
 To develop reasoning and speaking ability, debate should be use  Among the curriculum stakeholders, the teachers have the most
 To determine your pupils entry knowledge, a pre-test should be employed responsibility in the curriculum implementation
 Concept mapping can enhance the development of spatial intelligence  Among the curriculum stakeholders, the teachers arrange learning and see
 Reflecting will best work for metacognitive function to it that the objectives are attained
 To show cause and effect relationships for picture smart pupils a graphic  A graphic organizer is a planning tool that helps the reader analyze the
organizer will work story so that the question during discussion will create a coherent
 A histogram is a graphic presentation of numerical data framework for understanding text
 The Venn Diagram can be used to show comparison  By giving them reading materials within their level of interest we
 Computer-assisted instruction is an application of BF Skinner‘s theory on encourage students to become readers c
operant conditioning  Authoritative parenting style is most beneficial to the development of the
 A metacognitive approach makes you think of your thinking children
 To encourage introspection, reflective approach is most effective  Word perception is the ability to pronounce word as a meaningful unit
 For empathy and for value change and development, role playing is best  Literal comprehension means reading the lines, getting information drift,
posters do not appeal to tactile learners answering questions on knowledge level
 Grooming is not part of the physical classroom management  Clustering can be used as a brainstorming tool to generate and organize
 When you ask students to explain why they agree or dis agree with a ideas, to summarized main points of a story or article
statement, you are asking them to evaluate  Visual display devices come in the form of chalkboards, market boards,
 When curriculum content is fairly distribute in each area of discipline this flip charts, bulletin boards and are valuable in emphasizing the major
means that the curriculum is balanced points of a lesson
 When the curriculum aims to develop the whole child, the curriculum is  The essence of Problem-Based Instruction presenting students with
considered child-centered authentic situation that can serve as springboards and inquiry
 Stufflebeams model is not a curriculum model  Corrective control seeks to discipline students behavior before it becomes
 Overusing the chalkboard as though it is the only education technology a full standard of good conduct
available violates the principle of variety in the use of technology  A test is an instrument designed to measure any quality, ability, skill or
 In the preschool class, building blocks and models will greatly help in knowledge
developing manual dexterity  Fair assessment is unbiased and provides students with opportunities to
 To improve listening an speech skills, audio recording will be most demonstrate what they have learned
appropriate  Restrict the use of essay questions to those learning outcomes that cannot
 Individualized instruction is the teaching method which can be best be satisfactorily measured by objective items
taught by the use of computers  Use only homogenous materials in a single matching exercise
 When a student is asked to draw conclusion from a group of given data,  Likert scale measures the degree of one‘s agreement or disagreement on
synthesis is involved positive or negative statements about objects and people
 Assessed curriculum refers to a tested or evaluated  The most effective way to deal with non-participating students who do
 Taught curriculum are the different planned activities which are put into not have interest in the lessons and their being part of class activities is
action in the classroom and are implemented in order to arrived at the introducing engaging activities such as role playing
objectives purposes of the written curriculum  The guideline that should govern inflicting punishment is abiding by the
 Mataphysics is the study of what is beyond the natural school‘s rules on punishment
 For teachers, the most laudable motive for participation in professional  If threat or punishment is necessary on erring students this should be
development program is continuing professional development done by making a warning before the threat
 Training job mismatch is given focus by research studies which show low  Parents-teacher conference is most comprehensive and lasting in
responding to severe misbehavior of the students
rate of work and absorption among technical/vocational graduates
 Consultation and dialogue characterized a democratic classroom
 Of the following interventions, school networking with business and
industry is directly aimed at responding to the transitional gap between  If a teacher never drops a topic before its completed he is avoiding
academic achievement and employment dangling topics
 Student feedback is client-based and is most directly helpful in  Truncation is when teacher ends an activity abruptly
introducing changes in reforms in school services  Lesson content is not cover of classroom routine
 Existentialism philosophy is close to the teacher who allows her students  The PPPF principle means Prepare yourself, Prepare your student, Present
to learn at their own pace materials and Follow-up objectives
 Students must be taught self-responsibility is the desire of the existentialist  Student interest is considered a Green Flag
teacher  Sex jokes are inappropriate for diffusing tension in the classroom the pre-
 Encouraging students to interact and develop social virtues characterizes schoolers need utmost level of friendly and non-threatening learning
the teacher with a progressive view of teaching environment
 Behaviorism is seen if the teacher sees to that her classroom is clean and  Standard yet adequate should be followed on SPED classroom
orderly so her pupil will less likely disarrange seats and litter on the floor  Integration is the term for the process of applying theories to effective
 Revenge-seeking happens when students seek to hurt others to make up teaching
being hurt or rejected  In a Problem based learning group, the team member take notes, join
 Ridiculing is a form of emotional bullying that should be prevented discussion and review materials
 Discrimination is being shown by a teacher who ignores slow-learners and  Team project making exemplies collaborating learning
takes pride in the work of fast learners.  The final behavior the teacher should apply in order to ensure the
 The pattern of class discipline should be established early in the first week collaborative learning cycle in her classes is feed backing
of classes  Under the ―learning to do‖ pillar, competence must be acquired so that a
 Work, organization, procedures, characterizes the academic approach to person can perform his work effectively
classroom management  Before being able to fully learn to live and work together under the pillar
 The cooperative classroom climate is least threatening of the 21st century education, the learner must find peace
 The best antidote that can anticipate unruly students who do not have  The learner can begin finding inner peace in him to take the path of living
interest in the lesson and their being part of class activities is introducing and working together in the 21st century world
engaging activities such as role playing  Climate change is a global condition that urges the school to provide about
the environment
 Taking pleasure on helping others displays ones care for the welfare of  The major that makes the American education system superior to Hispanic
others education system in the Philippines is universal basic education
 Pharisaical moral certitude is seen if a person goes to church confession  The most useful on assessing the capacity of the schools to respond to the
every day to be washed of all sins education for all policy for education is cohort survival rate
 The principle of double effect applies to removal of life sustaining  For Erikson, the practical child is not able to feel sensory experience
machines from comatose patients whom doctors believe can no longer be during the mistrust stage of early childhood
medically saved  The source information from the computer which can be used for a
 Split personality is the cultural trait of conflicting values that aim to presentation is database
people in different venues and situations rather than to abide by principles  An effective introducing concepts textually and visually before a whole
 Holier than thou attitude is observed when one thinks she is best among class or a big audience is powerpoint presentation
peers, while others are below to her stature  The right thing to do for the student who display attention-seeking
 High dependence on authority is generally blamed for the failure of behavior is immediate cognizance of good behavior display
independent study among Filipino students  Noypi is an Existentialism teacher. He made efforts to make connections
 Of goals of education, citizenship relates to the strengthening of our between new information of EDA peaceful revolution with past lessons on
society‘s sense of belonging and identity the Philippine Hispanic revolution. The learning theory of cognitivist is
 The best way parent can support the learning development pf their called integration
children is showing interest and assistance in class assignment  A lecture that follows a planned sequence without diverting to other
 The need to conform the national standards greatly influenced the topics is characterized by continuity
introduction of k-12 to reform in basic education  The action of staying away from school without good reason or
 The essential characteristic of the new Performance Appraisal System for absenteeism is called tuancy
Teachers (PAST) is competency-based  Individual professional development plan enable each employee to
 The end focus of Outcome-Based education is result analyze individual development needs, set specific annual goals and
 The apportioned time for program activities is called allocated time target opportunities to meet these identified goals
 Mainstreaming is a strategy which allows special children to join classes  The effort of four agencies (DepEd, CHED, PRC, cSC)can be best achieved
with regular students for training and development of teachers is coordination and
 Mean is known as the RITHMETIC AVERAGE synchronization
 Median is the middlemost number after arranging the scores in the  Concentration is not mentioned as needed to that individual learner in the
distribution in an ascending or descending order 21st century can learn how to learn
 Low standard deviation is characterized by homogeneity  In a tertiary school the President organized a fun Run for students, faculty
 High standard deviation is characterized by scores far away from the and personnel camaraderie, physical exertion under the sun, sense of
mean engagement and achievement. This activity promote spiritual vigor
 The difference between the highest and the lowest score is called range  The most functional intervention in order to achieve a basic right of every
 The percentile divides the scores or population in 100 Filipino Child under the constitution and Magna Carta for disabled
 The cognitive domain the cognitive domain in involved in having students persons is home study program
clarify information from conclusion is analysis

 In the formal education system during Hispanic times in the Philippines,  Answering a multiple-choice exam is an example of open-and-paper
public education was not implemented but which we enjoyed during assessment
American period  An example of formative assessment is a quiz
 To process and select information belong to the more sophisticated  A diagnostic test measures a student‘s strengths and weaknesses
learning-to-learn skills for the individual learner  A summative test is done at the conclusion of the instruction
 Acquisition of new knowledge is not an advance process of metacognition  Essay is a type of test construction is that when using numbers as options,
among learners arrange them in descending order
 Research studies showed that the children in slums generally have lower  One incorrect practice in test construction is that when using numbers as
reading achievement than children in urban schools. The factor shown to options, arrange them in descending
affect reading achievement is socio-economic status  Under the new version of Bloom‘s taxonomy of cognitive process,
 Of cluster of meaningful activities, peer tutoring does not belong to spatial generating belongs to the top level
learning activities  The lowest level under the new version of Bloom‘s taxonomy is creating
 P80 score means that the students scored better than 80 percent of the class  The basic form of cognitive process according to Bloom‘s is knowledge
 P70 score means that the students scored better than 70 percent of the  Convergent thinking is a thinking strategy that refers to the narrowing
class ideas from big concept to smaller ones
 Quartile is the median of four quartiles  A holistic rubric in scoring utilizes a single criterion
 P50 is the median of all percentiles  Withitness means that the teacher knows everything that happens around
 Stanines divides the score/population into 9 groups the four corners of the classroom
 A high difficulty index means that an item is very easy  When the teacher jumps from one topic to another without assessing if the
 0.92 difficulty index means that a test item is very easy students are ready to absorb the instructions, this practice depicts thrust
 A perfect score (1)difficulty index means that all students got the correct  When teacher is able to perform multiple, different activities at the same
answers time, this shows overlapping
 A negative discrimination index means that more from bottom group  Surprise quiz is aform of punishment that is likely least to affect students
answered the question correctly negatively
 A positively discrimination index means that more from the upper group  The correct sequence in making lesson plan is objectives, subject matter,
answered the teast item learning activities, evaluation and assignment
 A norm-referenced testing depends on the scores of the group  Inductive reasoning is described as arriving to main idea from smaller
 A criterion-referenced testing depends on pre-determined criteria topics
 A leptokurtic distributions means that all scores are clustered in the  Deductive reasoning is described as arriving smaller topics from general
middle topics
 A bell-shaped distribution called normal distribution  An example of intrinsic motivation is community service
 If a distribution is skewed t the right implies that the score are low  If the students want to feel connected that means that they have attention-
 A positively skewed distribution means that the scores are poor seeking behavior
 A negatively skewed distribution means that more students performed  RA7836 Is a law that prescribed licensure examinations for teachers and
better will strengthens the regulation of the practice in Philippines
 If a distribution is skewedto the left, this implies that the scores are high
 RA 10533 is known as the Enhance basic education curriculum act of 2013  A Venn diagram is most likely to be used when discussing the similarities
(k-12) and differences of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
 A para-teacher is a someone who did not pass the let but garnered a score  The learning to do pillar focuses on the competence of a certain individual
of 70 and above on a particular skill
 The periodic merit exam consist of both oral and written  Learning from a Chinese how to use chopsticks properly is an example of
 The periodic merit exam can be used as basis for promotion acculturation
 If a teacher wishes to enjoy study leave, she will get 60 percent of her  ―Pakikisama Mentality‖ is concerned as both negative and positive
salary while on leave Filipino trait
 Education should receive the highest budgetary allocation according to  The ability of a child to realize that 1 liter of bottled water has the same
the Philippine Constitution quantity even if the water will be placed on a plastic pitcher or pale is
 Free choice is more likely related to existentialism called conservation
 Progressivism involves the concept of ―striking while the iron is hot‖  Lawrence Kohlberg focuses more on morality
 The focus of education during the commonwealth period is nationalism  Electra Complex is known as agirls psychosexual competitions with her
 The focus of education during the Pre-hispanic times is survival mother for the possession of her father
 Spreading catholicism is the main focus of education during the Spanish  The part of human personality in which instinct and primary process
period manifest id
 The focus of Spartan education is military training  physiologic need shall receive the highest priority according to Abraham
 The focus of Athenian education is knowledge and beauty Maslow‖s hierarchy of needs
 Principle of hedonism involves putting ―pleasure‖ as the priority  in Grace Goodell‘s reading skills ladder , ―the basic sight words‖ takes
 It is not acceptable for teachers to accept gifts from the parents or students precedence
in any circumstances  language acquisition device assumes the people are born with innate
 The teacher must evaluate students work based on merit and quality of ability to acquire language
performance  interactive model show reading as an active process that depends on
 Falling in love to a student is tolerated with utmost professional discretion reader characteristic, the text, and the reading situation
 The magna carta for Public School teachers does not include teachers from  A child who has spatial intelligence will most likely enjoy solving puzzles
tertiary education and state universities and colleges  The proponent of respondent conditioning is Ivan Pavlov
 A scrupulous conscience makes the person see that he sins but actually he  If a teacher shows the student how a dance should be performed, this
does not demonstrates Bandura‘s work in teaching
 K-12 curriculum is an example of spiral progression  In Thorndike‘s law of affect states that if the end result will be beneficial to
 The closest to the real thing is performing real-life task the student, he/she will probably perform well
 Doing helps the learner retains information best  ZPD is a concept popularized by Vygotsky
 A globe is an example of a model  Before the advent of technology and universal acceptance of diversity in
 It is not advisable to use realia all the time, only when it is feasible the classroom, the paradigm of classroom management is one-way
 ―Once a teacher, forever a student‖ emphasizes lifelong learning interaction flow
 Enactive representation are action-based according to Jerome Brunner  The focus ofK-12 Senior High School Program is Technical Vocational
 The competency developed through electrical Repair subject in vocational  Learning influenced by social interaction and interpersonal relations. The
schools is mechanical construction teacher must take students work collaboratively
 Values Education is an education program which is relevant to promote  Drawing and coloring best relate to the child visual learning and
change in behavioral patterns development
 The course program needs to be developed in order to each sustainable  For bodily-kinesthetic learners, the activity that will appeal and be
development to counter the abuse of Mother Earth that is happening in appreciate when assigned to them is calisthenics
many parts of the world today is environmental education  Drawing and sketching are manifestation among students that show they
 The field of education that manages children with behave problems like are high spatial intelligence
attention-deficit disorders is special education  Wigins and Mctighecite application to solve problem as aproof of student
 In essence, the new Performance Appraisal System for Teachers (PAST) is understanding principles of learning
competency based  Rote memory has the least importance in purposive and effective learning
 In outcomes-based education, procedures is not considered as an outcome  Teacher‘s annual performance rating is the dependent variable is apt for
 The guiding principle that a teacher follows for lesson preparation when the hypothesis ‖the more the teacher knows the subject matter, the better
he covers the essential subject content, while treating them sufficiently or she can teach it‖
in-depth is balance  The meaning of a negative correlation between amount of practice and
 The kind of quality content that a teacher follows if he made certain hia number of error in tennis is that as the amount of practice increases, the
lesson content can be useful to his student is utility number of errors decreases
 The basic psychological principle in multicultural instruction is individual  Knowledge is the foundation of all cognitive objectives that paves the way
differences for higher thinking skills
 Special education is a thrust that meets the needs of gifted children  In his History class, the teacher uses a current events IQ contest to
 One-fits-all curriculum does not contribute in advancing the special determine champions in identifying people, places, and events knowledge
education program or recall is the learning objective/outcome that he aims to achieved
 School space and landscape is covered by the science of Ergonomics  Application is the kind of learning involved when the teacher requires
 The most effective way to advance oral proficiency in student is engaging students to bring into use, employ, exercise, implement, practices, and use
in conversational activities some principles, concepts or items
 An example of a book or writing intended for moral knowledge of the  Analysis is the cognitive ability to break and consider concepts through
very young readers is Jack and Beabstalk components part
 The reading style introduced by a teacher who asked her student to make  The primary advantage of active learning techniques (discussion, role
prediction from the reading materials is top-down play, gaming, etc) in instruction is student engagement
 Structural analysis is known as learning a new word by studying its root  Among thinking skills in learning, divergent thinking includes fluent,
and affixes flexible, original, and elaborate thinking
 The kind of definition of keywords that a teacher requires his students in  A test is an instrument designed to measure any characteristic, Ability or
making their research papers is operational knowledge
 Accepting knowledge is not among the ways to advance metacognition  evaluation is a process of systematic collection and analysis of both
 Perceiving does not belong to the metacognitive reading activities qualitative and quantitative data into an interpretable form to have a basis
for judgment or decision-making

 Measurement is a process of quantifying the degree to which someone or  Quartiles divide the set into 4 groups
something possess a given trait  T-score tells the location of a score in a normal distribution having a mean
 A traditional mode of assessment is a pen and paper mode of assessing of 50 and a standard deviation of 10
any quality, skill, or knowledge  A platykurtic distribution is flatter than a normal distribution
 One advantage of traditional of traditional assessment is that scoring is  Myelination is the process by which nervous system become coated with
objectives an insulating substance called myelin
 Performance-based form of assessment requires the students to perform a  Children motor development is dependent on physical maturation
significant and relevant task specifically neuromuscular and musculoskeletal development
 Portfolio is defined as dynamically and collaboratively gathers multiple  Exosystem includes those setting in which the child usually does not have
indicators of student progress to support course goals an active role as a participant but that influence the child indirectly
 A summative test is done after instruction through their effect on the microsystem
 A rubric is a measuring instrument used in rating performance based  Macrosystem includes the ideologies, values, attitudes, more and customs
tasks.it is a cross between a checklist and rating scale of a particular culture
 A checklist contains characteristic of a desirable performance  Cohabiting family consist of two people of the opposite sex who live
 Rating scales measures degree to which a trait was achieved together, with or without children and who share sexual expression and
 Holistic rubric describes the overall quality of performance or produce commitment to their relationship without formal legal marriage
 One advantage of holistic rubric is allows fast assessment  Autosociality is a stage of psychological development during the first year
 Analytic rubric describes the quality of performance or product I terms of or so life, during which infants interest, pleasures and satisfaction are
the identified dimensions and/or criteria which are rated independently themselves
to give a better picture of the quality of work or performance  Homo sociality is a stage during which the children prefer to play with
 An objective test eliminates bias others of the same sex
 A subjective test, interpretation is based on comparison of students  In an onlooker play, the children watch others and are talking to them but
 IN NORM-REFERENCED, interpretation is based on comparison of is not involved
students  Attachment theory is the joint work of John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth
 Norm-referenced test describes performance-based on other‘s  Attachment means the feeling that binds a parent and child together, the
performance emotional link between them and the desire to maintain contact through
 In criterion-referenced test, all or none may passed physical closeness, touching, looking, smiling, listening or talking
 Criterion-referenced test describe student‘s mastery of objectives  NCBTS stands for National Competency Based Teacher Standards
 Validity is the degree to which the test measures what is intended to  One description of a teacher that is included in the preamble of the code of
measure ethics for Professional Teachers is that they are person of dignity and
 Reliability is the consistency of scores obtained when retested with the reputation
same instrument or a parallel  Among cognitive level of thinking, inferring is stressed by the essay
 Measures of central location are any measures indicating the center of a set question: ―In the lights of the facts presented, what is the most likely to
of data, arranged in an increasing or decreasing magnitude happen when…?‖
 Measures of variability assess how large the differences between  In his speech class, teacher Rod uses poetry dramatic reading by students,
individual scores are using movements(gestures, facial expressions, creative movements etc).

The learning objective or outcome he is looking for an non-discoursive  Preferred level of specific skills is determined by a criterion-referenced test
communication  Normative marking is based on student achievement relative to other
 Under the affective domain of learning, responding includes active students
attention to stimuli such as acquiescence, willingness to answer and  Test should be non-threatening but surprise quiz actually threatens the
feelings of satisfaction students
 On motivational assessment, the noblest motive for entering a profession  Saying ―it is better to make useless mistakes than not to complete the test‖
like teaching is for enhancing learning is least assuring from the teacher to provide proper expectations from test
 In order for assessment to have clarity of learning targets, outcomes must  Objective scoring is observed when exams are machine scored
be stated in behavioral terms so that this can be measured, an example is  Ambiguity is seen in test that are confusing and are subject to
to improve the speed of reading competence understanding, especially to poorer students
 The most conducive on authentic assessment is the real world application  Teacher Rica could not get it right, as her test are either too easy or too
 The least authentic mode of student performance assessment is paper- difficult. What‘s wrong in this situation is the inappropriate level of test
pencil vocabulary test difficulty
 Vocabulary meaning is commonly assessed by paper-pencil test  For easier correction of his test, the teacher prepared the True or False
 Sight music reading may not be well assessed by paper-pencil tests items in alternating 1,3,5,7,, etc. True, and 2,4,6, etc. False. What‘s wrong
 The why performance is given the largest weight in TLE and MAPEH is with test in terms usability is identifiable pattern of answers
because they are dominantly physical skill project  What is wrong with the test item that give clues to answer to questions is
 The best way to assess a class presentation( song, dance, drama) is rubrics poor construction
 A scoring guide that list the criteria and their levels of quality on which  In using Essay questions, bluffing is susceptible to these tests, such as to
evaluation will be focused is rubric make the, less reliable measure broad knowledge of the subject matter
 Using rubrics to asses power point presentation of students, content value  Of the following, literary and grammatical is not a characteristic of the
is the most significant as it is the essence of presentation response journal that reflect observation of the students, such as on a
 Portfolio is an alternative assessment tool that consist of a collection of reading material or afield visit
work artifacts or in progress accomplishment by a targeted clientele  The teacher would like to cover a wide variety of objectives in the
 Rating scale is what a teacher employs if he prepares list of behaviors for quarterly examinations in her English class lesson on subject-verb
rating performance in the use of microscope agreement. Multiple choice test is the most appropriate to use
 At the beginning of the school year, journal and the submitted portfolio  In interpreting assessment results, reliability is described when the results
are project that ca best determine student-mastery of the previous year‘s are consistent
subject matter prior to introducing new subject matter
 A teacher who gave a 10-item test to find out specific concepts in which APPENDIX A
the students are encouraging difficulty shows a diagnostic assessment
Republic Act 7836
 Formative assessment helps teacher determine gaps in learning a subject
December 16, 1994
Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994
 Among standardized test, diagnostic test reveal strengths and weaknesses
for purposes of placement and formulating an appropriate instructional

FOR TEACHERS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Sec.5. Creation of the Board.—There is hereby created under this Act a
Board for Professional Teachers, here in after called the Board, a collegial
SECTION. 1. Short Title.--- This act shall be known as the ― Philippine body under the general supervision and administrative control of the
Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994. Professional Regulation Commission, here in after referred to as the
Commission, composed of five (5) members who shall be appointed by the
Sec.2. Statement of Policy.--- The state recognizes the vital role of teachers President of the Philippines from among the recommendees chosen by the
in Nation-building and development through a responsible and literature Commission. The recommendees shall be chosen from the list of nominees
citizenry. Towards this end, the State shall ensure and promote quality selected by the accredited association of teachers, who duly possess all the
education by proper supervision and regulation of the licensure qualifications prescribed in section 8 of this Act.
examination and professionalization of the practice of the teaching
profession. The Chairman and the voice-chairman of the Board shall be appointed
from these five (5) members by the President: Provided, that the members
Sec.3. Objectives.--- This Act has the herein objectives: of the first board appointed under this Act shall be automatically
(a) The promotion, development and professionalization of teachers registered as professional Teachers and issued with the certificateof
and the teaching profession; and registration and professional license upon payment of the fees for
(b) The supervision and regulation of the licensure examination examination, registration, and other fees prescribed by the Commission;

Sec.4. Definition of Terms.--- For Purposes of this Act, the following terms Sec. 6. Duties and Function of the Board.—The Board shall have the
shall mean: following duties and functions.
(a) ―Teaching‖--- refers to the profession concerned primarily with (a) Promulgate, administer and enforce rules and regulations necessary
classroom instruction, at the elementary and secondary levels in a for carrying out the provisions of this Act in accordance with the charter of
accordance with the Curriculum prescribed by the Department of theProfessional Regulation Commision;
Education, Culture and Sports, whether on part-time or full-time basis in (b) Determine and fix the frequency, dates,and places of examination,
the private or public schools Appoint supervisors,proctors, and other personnel as needed who shall be
(b) ―Teachers‖---refers to all persons engaged in teaching at the entitled to a daily allowance to be fixed by the Board for every
elementary and secondary levels, whether on full-time or part-time basis, examination day actually attended, use buildings and facilities of public or
including industrial arts or vocational teachers and aal other persons private schools for examination purposes;
performing supervisory and/or administrative functions in all schools in (c) Issue, suspend, or revoke the certificate of registration for the
the aforesaid levels and qualified to practice teaching under this Act. practice of the teaching profession
(c) ―Board‖ ---refers to the Board of Professional Teachers duly (d) Prescribe and collect examination and other fees as it may deem
established and and constituted under this Act. proper;
(d) ―Commission‖--- refers to the Professional Regulation Commission

(e) Prescribe and/or adopt a code of ethical and professional No person who has served for two (2) consecutive terms shallbe eligible
standards for the practice of the teaching profession. Such ethical for reappointment to fill an an expired erm shall be considered an
standards, rules and regulations to take effect sixty (60) days after its appointment to a complete term.
publication in the Official Gazette or in any newspaper of general
circulation; The chairman or any member shal take his oath of office prior to the
(f) Administer oaths in connection with the administration of this Act; performance of his duties.
(g) Supervice and regulate the registration, liensure and practice of
Professional teachers in the Philipines; Sec. 8. Qualified of Board Members.—Each board member must at the
(h) Adopt an official seal of the Board; time of his appointment:
(i) Look into conditions affecting the practice of the teaching
profession and whenever necessary, adopt such measures as may be (a) Be a citizen and resident of the Philippines;
deemed proper for the enchancement and maintenance of high (b) Be at least thirty-five (35) years of age, of proven integrity,and
professional and ethical standards of the profession; possessed of high moral value in his personal as well as professional
(j) Ensure that all educational institutions offering elementary and conduct and has not been convicted of any offense involving moral
secondary education comply with the essential requirements for curricula, turpitude;
faculty and facilities for the elementary and secondary levels; (c) Be a holder of a degree of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in
(k) Investigate such violations of this Act, the rules and code of ethical Education and preferably a holder of a master‘s or doctorate degree in
and professional standards for professional teachers as it may come to the education ,or their equivalents,from a university, school, collage.academy
knowledge of the Board, and for this purpose, to issue subpoena and or institute duly constituted, recognized and/or accredited by the
subpoena duces tecum to secure the appearance of witnesses and the Philippine government;
production of documents in connection therewith; and (d) Be a professional tacher with a valid certificate of registration and
(I) discharge such other powers, duties and functions as the Board valid professiona license, save those members who shall compose the first
may deem necessary for te practice of he teaching profession and the Board for Professional Teachers;
upgrading , enchancement, development and growth of educaton in the (e) Has been a professional teacher in the active practice of the teaching
Philipines. profession for at least ten (10) years in the elementary and secondary
Sec. 7. Term of Office.- The members of the Board shall hold office for a level;and
Term of three (3) years from the date they assume office: Provided, That (f) Not be an official or member of the faculty of, nor have pecuniary
the first appointees to the Board under this Act shall hold office according interest in any university, College, school,or institution conferring a
to the following terms: one (1) member shall serve for one (1) year; one (1) bachelor‘s degree in education or its equivalent fo atleast three (3) years
member for two (2) years; the chairman, and one (1) member for three (3) prior to his appointment , and neither connected with a review center or
years. Vacancies shall be served for theunexpired term only. with any group or association where review classes or lectures in
preparation for the licensure examination are offered or conducted.
Provided, however, that, the membership to the Board shall be evenly

To cover all levels of education, including equitable representation of the applicants or registration as professional teachers shall be required to
different fields of specialization. undergo a written examination which shall be given at least once a year
In such places and dates as the te abroad may determine upon approval
Sec. 9. Compensation of the Board—The Chairman, vice-chairman, and by the commission.
members of the Board shall receive compensation comparable to the
compensation received by existing Regulatory boards under the A valid certificate of registration and a valid professional licence for the
Professional Regulation Commission, computed of the basis of the number commission are required before any person is allowed to practice as a
of examinees/candidates. professional teacher in the Philippines, except as otherwise allowed under
this act.
Sec.10 Supervision of the Board and Custodian of its Records.—The Board
shall be under the Supervision and control of the Commission. All records, Sec.14 Scope of Examination-the xamination for the elementary and
including applications for examination , secondary school teachers shall be separate. The examination for teachers
in elementary level shall consist of two (2) parts, namely: professional
Examination papers and results, minutes of Deliberation, administrative education and general education.The examination for teachers in the
cases and investigate cases and investigations involving professional secondary level shall consist of three (3) parts, namely: professional
teachers shall be kept by the Commission education, general education, and field of specialization.

Sec. 11. Secretariat and Support Services.---The Professonal Regulation Sec. 15. Qualification Requirements of Applcants --- No applicant shall be
Commission, through its chairman, shall provide the secretariat and other admitted to take the examination unless, on the date of filing of the
support services to implement effectively the provisions of this Act. application, he shall have complied with the following requirements;
(a) A citizen of the Philipines or an alien whose country has reciprocity
Sec.12. Removal of a Board Member.—The Chairman or any member of with the Philipines in the practice of the teaching profession ;
the Board may be removed by the Philippines upon recommendations of (b) At least eighteen (18) years of age;
the Commision for neglect of duty, incompetence, unprofessional, (c) In good health and of good reputation with high moral values;
unethical, immoral or dishonorable conduct, commission or teloration of (d) Has not been convicted by final judgement by a court for an offence
irregularities in the examination, after having been given the opportunity involving moral turpitude;
to defend himself in a proper administrative investigation. In the Course (e) A graduate of a school, college or university recognized by the
of investigation, the President may preventively suspend the respondent. government and possesses the minimum educational qualifications, as
ARTICLE III EXAMINATION AND REGISTRATION (1) For teachers in preschool, a Bachelor‘s degree in early childhood
Education (BECED) or its equivalent;
Sec. 13. Examination, Registration and Licence Riquired- except asa (2) For teachers in the Elementary grades, a bachelor‘s degree in
otherwise specificially allowed under the provision of this act,all Elementary Education (BSEED) or its equivalent;

(3) For teachers in the Secondary grades, a bachelor‘s degree in Professional Oath before practicing as a professional teacher.
education or its equivalent with a major and minor, or a bachelor‘s degree
in arts and Sciences with at least ten (10) units in professional education; Sec.19. Period merit examination of teacher---To encourage continuing
and professional growth and development angd to provide additional basis for
(4) For Teacher‘s of vocational and two-year technical courses, a merit promotion, In addition to there performance rating, teacher may
Bachelor‘s Degree in the field of specialization or its equivalent, with at take an oral and written examination atleast once in five (5) years as basis
least eighteen (18) units in professional education for merit promotion.In taking this examination, no fee shall be required.
Sec.20. Failure to pass the merit examination--- If the teacher fails to pass
Sec.16. Report of the Results of the Examination.--- The Board shall, within the merit examination, he or she shall be alone to take the examination for
One hundred twenty (120) days after the examination, report the ratings a second time should he or she fail to pass the merit examination for a
Obatained by each candidate to the Professional regulation Commission second time, then he or she shall be required to take a DECS. Accredited
for approval and appropriate action. refresion course or program before being allowed to retake the
examination. Failure of any permanent teacher to pass the merit
Sec.17. Issuance of Certificate of Registration and Professional License.— examination shall not, however, be used as a ground for his/her dismissal
The Registration of a Professional teacher commences from the date his or demotion.
name is enrolled in the roster of professional teachers. Every registrant
who has satisfactorily met all the Requirements specified in this Act shall, Sec. 21. Incentive.--- Teachers who pass the merit examination shall:
upon payment of the registration fee, be issued certificate of registration as (a) Be awarded a diploma of merit by the Board;
a professional teacher bearing the full name of the registrant with serial (b) Earn merit points for purposes of promotion in salary r to a higher
number and date of issuance signed by the chairman of the Commission position orgrade level;
and the Chairman, Vice-chairman and the members of board stamped (c) Be placed in the priority list for government scholarship; and
with the official seal, as evidence that the person named therein is entitled (d) Enjoy such other benefits as may be promulgated by the Board.
to practice the profession with all the right and priviledges Appurtenant Similar incentives shall be given to teachers who makes inventions,
thereto. The Certificate shall remain in full and effect until with drawn, develop new methods of teaching, write a book or books and create works
suspended and/or revoked in accordance with law. of artistic merit

Professional licence signed by the chairman of the Commission and Sec. 22. Integration of teaching Profession.---The teaching Profession shall
Bearing the Registration number and date of issuance thereof and the be integrated into one national organization which shall be recognized by
month of expiring or renewability shall likewise the issued to every the Board and the Commission as the one and only integrated and
Registrant who has paid the annual Registration fees for three (3) accredited Association of Professional Teachers. Upon registration with
consecutive years. This licence shall reserve as evidence that the licence the Board, every professional teacher shall be encouraged to become a
can lawfully practice his Profession until the expiration of its validity. member of the integrated organization. Those who have been registered
with the Board
Sec.18. Oath before practice---Ever Registrant shall be required to take his

But are not members of the said integrated organization shall be allowed by the Board and the commission.
to register as members of the said integrated organization within three (3)
years after the efectivity of this act. Membership in the integrated The decision of the Board to revoke or suspend a certificate may be
organization shall not be a bar o membership in other associations of the appealed to the regional trial court of the place where the Board holds
teaching profession. The professional teachers shall receive the benefits office within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the said decision or of the
and privileges appurtenant to their membership in the said integrated and denial of the motion for reconsideration filed in due time.
accredited organization of professional teachers only upon payment of the
required membership fees and dues. Sec. 24. Registration by Reciprocity.--- no teacher of the foreign nationality
shall be admitted to the examination, or be given a certificate of
Sec.23. Revocation of the Certificate of Registration, Suspention from the registration or be entitled to any of the rights and priveleges provided
Practice of the Teaching Profession, and Cancellation of Temporary or under this act; unless the country or state of which he is a subject permits
Special Permit.--- Filipino professional teachers to practice within its territorial limits on the
same basis as subjects or citezens of said country or state: Provided, that
The Board shall have the power, after due notice and hearing, to suspend the requirements of certification of teachers with said foreign state or
or revoke the certificate of registration of any Registrant, to reprimand or country are substantially the same as those required and contemplated
to cancel the temporary/Special permit of a holder thereof who is exempt under this Act: Provided, further, That the laws of such state or country
from registration , for any of the following causes. grant the same privilege to Filipino professional teachers on the same
basis as the subject of the citizens of such foreign country or state.
(a) Conviction for any Criminal offense by a court of competent
jurisdiction Sec.25. Roster of Professional Teachers.- A rosterof professional teachers
(b) Immoral, unprofessional or dishonorable conduct; containing the names and addresses of professional teahers, date of
(c) Declaration by a court of competent jurisdiction for being mentally registration or issuance of certificate, and other data which in the opinion
unsound or insane; of the Board may appear pertinent shall be maintained. Copies of the
(d) Malpractice,gross incompetence, gross negligence or serios ignorance roaster shall be provided by the Commission to the Board, the department
of the practice of the teaching profession. of Education, Culture and Sports, and the intergrated and accredited
(e) The use of or perpetration of any fraud or deceit in obtaining a organization pf professional teachers.
certificate of registration, professional licence or special / temporary
permit; Sec.26. Registration and Exception.- Two(2) years after the effectivity of
(f) Chronic inebriety or habitual use of drugs; this Act, no person shall engage in teaching and/or act as a professional
(g) Violation of any of the proviyions of this Act, the rules of regulations teacher as defined I this Act, whether in the preschool, elementary or
and other policies of the Board and the Commission, and the code of secondary level, unless he is a duly registered professional teacher,and a
ethicaland professional standards for professional teachers; and holder of a valid certificate of registration and a valid professional license
(h) Unjustified or willful failure to attend seminars , workshops, or a holder of a valid special/temporary permit
conference and the like or the continuing education program prescribed

Upon aapproval of the application and payment of the prescribed fees, the Culture and Sports (DECS) to schools as it may determine under the
Certificate of registration and professional license as a professional teacher circumstances.
Shall be issued without examination as required in this Act to a qualified
Applicant, who at the time of the approval of this Act, is: ARTICLE IV PROVISIONS RELATIVE TO THE PRACTICE OF THE
(a) A holder of a certificate of eligibility as a teacher issued by the Civil
Service Commission and the department of Education, Culture and Sports; Sec. 27. Inhibition Against the Practice of the Teaching Profession.—
Except as otherwise allowed under this Act, no person shall practice or
(b) A registered professional teacher with the National Board for offer to practice the teaching profession in the Philippines or be appointed
Teachers under the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) as teacher to any position calling for a teaching position without having
pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 1006; or previously obtained a valid certificate of registration and a valid
professional licinse from the Commission.
(c) Not qualified under paragraphs one and two but with any of the
Following qualifications. To wit: Sec. 28. Penal Provisions.- The following shall be punishable by a fine of
Not less than five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) nor more than Twenty
(1) An elementary or secondary teacher for five (5) years in good Thousand pesos (P20,000.00) or imprisonment of nor less than six (6)
standing and a holder of Bachelor of Science in Education or its Months nor more than five (5) years , or both, at the discresion of the
equivalent; or Court:

(2) An elementary or secondary teacher for three (3) years in good (a) Any person who practices the teaching profession in the philipines
standing and a holder of a master‘s degree in education or its equivalent. without being certified in accordance with the provisions of this Act;
Provided, that they shall be given two (2) years from the organization of (b) Any person who represents or attempts to use as his own certificate
the Board of Professional teachers within which to register and be of registration that of another;
included in the roster of professional teachers: Provided, further, that (c) Any person who gives any false ,or fraudulent evidence of any kind
those incumbent Teachers whon are not qualified to register without To the Board or any member thereof in obtaining a certificate of
examination under this act or who, albeit qualified, were unable to register registration as Teacher;
within the two-year period shall be issued a five-year temporary or special (d)Any person who impersonates any registrant of the same or diffirent
permit from the time the Board is organized within which to register after Name;
passing the examination and complying with the requirements provided (e)Any person who uses a revoked or suspended certificate of
this Act and be included in the roster of professional teachers: Provided, rigestration
furthermore, that those who have failed the licensure examination for (f)Any person who in conection with his name, otherwise assumes, uses
professional teachers shal be eligible as para-teachers and as such, shall be Or advertises any title or description tending to convey or conveys the
issued by the Board a special or temporary permit, and shall be assigned Impression that he is a teacher without holding a valid certificate; and
by the Department of Education, (g) Any person who violates or who abets the violation of any of the

Provisions of this Act. The penalty of fine or imprisonment or both, as Sec.32.Separability clause .-IF,For any reason, any section or provision of
provided in this section, shall also apply to any school official who shall This Act or the application of such section or provision to any person or
cause or be responsible for the commission of any of the above- Circumstance is declared unconstitutional or invalid, no other section or
enumerated acts. provision of this Act shall be affected thereby.

SEC.29. Appropriations.---Such sums as may be necessary to carry out the Sec.33.Repealing Clause.---All laws,presidential decrees, executive
Provisions of this Act shall be included in the 1996 General orders, rules and regulation or parts thereof inconsistent with the
Appropriations Act and thereafter. provisions of this Act are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

Sec.30. Implementing Guidelines.--- The Board shall formulate and adopt Sec.34. Effectivity Clause.---This Act shall tke effect after fifteen (15) days
the necessary guidelines for the effective implementation of the provisions Following its complete publication in the Official Gazette or in two (2)
of this Act within sixty (60) days of its approval. Newspaper of general circulation.

The board shall submit to both Committees on Education, Arts, and Signed :December 16, 1994
Culture; and the Committees on Civil Service and Professional Regulation
of the Senate and House of Representatives, copies of te implementing APPENDIXES B
rules and guidelines within thirty (30) days ater is promulgation

Any violation of this section shall render the official/s concerned liable REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9293
under Republic Act No. 6713, otherwise known as the ―Code of Conduct AN ACT AMENDING CERTAIN SECS OF REPUBLIC ACT NUMBERED
and Ethical Standards for Public Offficials and Employees‖ and other SEVENTY-EIGHT HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SIX (R.A.NO. 7836),
pertinent Administrative and/or penal laws. OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE ―PHILIPPINE TEACHERS
Sec. 31. Transitory Provision.--- All incumbent teachers in both the Public
And private sector not otherwise certified as professional teachers by Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
virtue of this Act, shall be given (5) years temporary certificates from the Philippines in Congress assembled:
time the Board for Professional Teachers is organized within which to
qualify as required by this Act and be included in the roster of Section 1. Section 15, (e) (3) of Republic Act No. 7836 is hereby amended as
Professionals. Follows:

Provided, however, that the Professional Board Examination for Teachears ―SEC.15. Qualification Requirements of Applicants.---No applicant shall
(PBET) shall still be administered by the Civil Service Comission and the be admitted to take the examination unless, on the date of filing of the
Department of Education, Culture and Sports for the year 1995.cralaw Application, he shall have complied with the following requirements:

―(e) A graduate opf a school, college or university recognized by the Service Commission and the Department of Education, Culture and
government and possesses the minimum educational qualifications, as Sports; Or
(b) A registered professional teacher with the National Board for Teachers
(1) For teachers in preschool, a bachelor‘s degree in arly childhood under the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) pursuant
Education (BECED) or its equivalent; to Presidential Decree No. 1006

(2) for teachers in elementary grades, a bachelor‘s degree in elementary Professional teachers who have not practiced their profession for the past
Education (BSEED) or its equivalent. Five (5) years shall take at least twelve (12) units of education courses
Consisting of at least six ( 6) units of pedagogy and six ( 6) units of content
(3) For teachers in the secondary grades, a bachelor‘s degree in education courses of the equivalent training and number of hours , to be chosen
or its equivalent with a major and minor, or a bachelor degree in arts and from a list of courses to be provided by the board and the department of
Sciences with at least eighteen (18) units in professional education; and education ,before they can be allowed to practice their profession in the
(4) For teachers of vocational and two-year technical courses, a
bachelor‘s Degree in the field of specialization or its equivalent, with at Those who have failed the licencure examination for professional teachers,
least eighteen (18) units in professional education. ― With a rating of not lower then five percentage points from the passing
General average rating,shall be eligible as para-teachers upon issuance by
SEC 2. Section 26 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows: the abroad of a two-year special permit,renewable for a non –extendible
period of two ( 2) years.the para teachers shall be assigned to areas where
―SEC.26. Registration and Exeption.---No person shall engage in teaching There is a shortage or absence of a professional teacher ,as identified and
And/or act as a professional teacher as defined in this Act, whether in the Provided by the department of education and the Autonomous region for
Preschool, elementary or secondary level, unless the person is a duly Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) education department to the board for
Registered professional teacher, and a holder of a valid certificate of Professional teachers and the commission .the special permit shall indicate
Registration and a valid professional license or a holder of a valid special the area of assignment of the para-teacher.
temporary permit.
A special permit may also be issued by the board to person who has
Upon approval of the application and payment of the prescribed fees, the excelled and gained international recognition and is a widely
Certificate of registration and professional license as a professional teacher acknowledge expert in his or her respective field of specialization.
Shall be issued without examination as a required in this Act to a
Qualified Applicant, who is: Sec.3. Section 31 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows:

(a) A holder of a certificate of eligibility as a teacher issued by the Civil ―Sec.31. Transitory Provision.---Special permits, with a validity of three (3)
and five (5) years, issued to para-teachers by the Board for Profesional

Teachers before the effectivity of this Act shall be allowed to expired based And career prospects in order that they may compare favorably with
on the period granted therein: Provided, That only special permits with a existing oppurtunities in other walks of life, attract and retain in the
validity of three (3) years may be renewed upon expiration for a non- teaching profession more people with the proper qualifications, it being
extendible period of two (2) years.‖ recognized that advance in education depends on the qualifications and
ability of the teaching staff and that education is an essential factor in the
SEC 4. References to the term ―Department of Education,Culture and economic growth of the nation as a productive investment of vital
Sports‖, In section 4 (a) and section 25, and the term ―DECS‖ in section importance
20, of the same Act, are hereby amended to read as ―Department of
Education‖ and―Dep Ed‖, respectively. Sec.2. Title Definition. This Act shall be known as the ―Magna Carta for
Public Scool Teachers‖ and shall apply to all public school teachers exept
those in the professorial staff of state colleges and universities. As used in
SEC 5. Separability Clause.- if, for any reason, section or provision of this this Act, the term ―Teacher‖ shall mean all persons engaged in classroom
teaching, in any level of instruction, on-full-time basis, including Guidanc
Act or the application of such section or provision to any person or
Counselors, school librarians, industrial arts or vocational instructors, and
circumstance is declared unconstitutional or invalid , no other section or
all other persons performing supervisory and/or Administrative functions
provision of this Act shall be affected thereby.
in all schools, colleges and universities operated by the Government or its
political subdivisions; but shall not include school Nurses, school
SEC 6. Repealing Clause.- All laws , decress, circulars, administrative
physicians, school dentists, and other school employees.
orders, rules and regulations, and other ussuances which are inconsistent
with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed or modified

Sec.7. Effectivity.--- this Act shall take effect upon approval.

Sec.3. Recruitment and Qualifications. Recruitment policy with respect to
The selection an appointment of teachers shall be clearly defined by the
APPENDIXES C Department of Education: Provided, however, that effective upon the
Approval of this Act, the following shall constitute the minimum
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 4670 educational qualifications for teacher-applicants:
June 18, 1966
THE MAGNA CARTA FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS (a) For Teachers in the Kindergarten and elementary grades, Bachelor‘s
Degree in Elementary Education (B.S.E.E.D.)
(b) For teachers of the secondary schools, Bachelor‘s degree in Education
Sec.1. Declaration of policy. It is hereby declared to be the policy of this act or Its equivalent with a major and a minor; or a Bachelor‘s degree in Arts
To promote and improve the social and economic status of public school or Science with atleast eighteen professional units in Education
Teachers, their living and working conditions, their terms of employment

(c) For teachers of secondary vocational and two years technical courses, rendered atleast ten years of continuous, efficient and faithful service in
Bachelor‘s degree in the field of specialization with atleast eighteen such position.
Professional units in education.
Sec.6. Consent for Transportation Expenses. Except for cause and as
(d) For teacher‘s of courses on the collegiate level, other than vocational, herein otherwise provided, no teacher shall be transferred without his
Master‘s degree with a specific area of specialization; Provided, further, consent from one station to another. Where the exigencies of the service
that in the absence of applicants who possess the Minimum educational require the transfer of a teacher from one station to another, such transfer
qualifications as hereinabove provided, the school Superintendent may may be effected by the school Superintended who shall previously notify
appoint, under a temporary status, applicants who do not meet the the teacher concerned of the transfer and the reason or reasons therefore. If
minimum qualifications: Provided, further, that should Teacher- the teacher believes there is no justification for the transfer, he may appeal
applicants, whether they possess the minimum educational qualifications his case to the chief director to the director of Public Schools or the
or not, be required to take competitive examinantions, preference in Director of Vocational Education,as the case may be. Pending his appeal
making appointments shall be in the order of their respective ranks in said and the decision thereon, his transfer shall be held in abeyance: Provided,
competitive examinations: And provided, finally, that the results of the however, that no transfers whatever shal be made three months before any
examinations shall be made public and every applicant shall be furnished local or national election. Necessary transfer expenses of the teacher and
with his score and rank in said examinations. his family shall be paid for by the Government if his transfer is finally
Sec.4. Probationary Period. When recruitment takes place after adequate
Training and professional preparation in any school recognized by the Sec.7. Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers. Within six months from
Government, no probationary period preceding regular appointment The approval of this Act the secretary of Education shal formulate and
Shall be imposed if the teacher possesses the appropriate civil service Prepare a Code of Professional Conduct for Public School Teachers.
eligibility: Provided, however, that were, due to the exigencies of the A copy of the Code shall be furnished each teacher: Provided, however,
service, it is necessary to employ as teacher a person who possesses the that were this is not possible by reason of enadequate fiscal resources of
minimum Educational qualifications herein above set forth but lacks the the Department of Education, atleast thre copies of the same Code shall be
appropriate Civil service eligibility, such person shall be appointed on a Deposited with the office of the school principal or head teacher where
probitional status entail undergo a period of probation for not less than They may be accessible for use by the teachers.
one year from and after the date of his probitional appointment.
Sec.8. Safeguards in Disciplinary Procedure. Every teacher shall enjoy
Sec.5. Tenure of Office. Stability on employment and security of tenure equitable safeguards at each stage of any disciplinary procedure and shall
shall be assured the teachers as provided under existing law. Subject to the Have:
provision of section three hereof, teachers appointed on a Probitional a. the right to be informed, in writing, of the charges;
status for lack of necessary civil service eligibility shall be Extended b. the right to full access to the evidence in the case;
permanent appointment for the position he is holding after having c. the right to defend himself and to be defended by a representative
of his choice and/or by his organization, adequate time being given

to the teacher for the preparation of his defense:and Sec.13. Teaching Hours. Any teacher granted in actual classroom
d. theb right to appeal to clearly designated authorities instruction shall not be required to render more than six hours of actual
classroom teaching a day, which shall be so scheduled as to give him time
No publicity shall be given to any disciplinary action being taken aginst a for the preparation and correction of exercises and other work incidental
teacher during the pendency of his case. to his normal teaching duties: Provided, however, that were exigencies of
The service so require, any teacher may be required to render more than
Sec.9. Administrative Charges. Administrative Charges against a teacher six hours but not exceeding eight hours of actual classroom teaching a day
Shall be heard initially by a committee composed of the corresponding Upon payment of additional compensation at the same rate as his regular
School Superintendent of the Division or a duly authorized representative Remuneration plus atlest twenty five per cent of his basic pay.
Who should atleast have the rank of a division supervisor, where the
teacher belongs, as chairman, a representative of the local or, in its Sec.14. Additional Compensation. Not with standing any provision of
absence, any existing provincial or national Teacher‘s organization and a existing Law to the contrary, co-curricular and out school activities and
supervisor of the Division, the last two to be designated by the Director of any other Activities outside of what is defined as nomal duties of any
Public Schools. The Committee shall submit its findings and teacher shall be Paid an additional compensation of atleast twenty-five per
recommendations to the Director of Public Schools within thirty days from cent of his regular Remuneration after the teacher has completed atleast
termination of the hearings: Provided, however, that were the school six hours actual Classroom teaching a day.
superintendent is the Complainant or an interesred party, al the members
of the committee shall be appointed by the secretary of Education. In the case of other teachers or school officials not engaged in actual
Classroom instruction, any work performed in excess of eight hours a day
Sec.10. No Discrimination. There shall be no Discrimination whatsoever in Shall be paid an additional compensation of atleast twenty-five per cent Of
Entrance to the teaching profession, or during its exercise, or in the their regular remuneration. The agencies utilizing the services of a
Termination of services, base on other than professional consideration. teachers shall pay the additional Compensation required under this
section. Education authorities shall refuse to allow the rendition of
Sec.11. Married Teachers. Whenever possible, the proper authorities Shall services of teachers for other government agencies without the assurance
take all steps enable married couples, both of whom are public School that the teachers shall be paid the remuneration provided for under this
teachers, to be employed in the same locality. section.

Sec.12. Academic Freedom. Teachers shall enjoy academic freedom in the Sec.15. Criteria for Salaries. Teacher‘s salaries shall correspond to the
Discharge of their professional duties, particularly with regard to teaching following Criteria:
and classroom methods.
(a) they shall compare favorably with those paid in other occupations
III.HOURS OF WORK AND REMUNERATION requiring equivalent or similar qualifications, traiing, and abilities;

(b) they shall be such as to insure teachers a reasonable standard of life for Sec.19. Special Hardship Allowances . In areas in which eachers are
themselves and their families; and exposed to hardship such as difficulty in commuting to the place of work
or other hazard peculiar to the place of employment, as determined by
(c) they shall be properly graded so as to recognize the fact that certain the secretary of education, they shall be compensated especiall hardship
positions require higher qualifications and greater responsibility than allowances equivalent to atleast twenty-five per cent of their monthly
others: Provided, however, that the general salary scale shall be such that salary.
the Relation between the lowest and highest salaries paid in the profession
will be of reasonable order. Narrowing of the salary scale shall be paid Sec.20. Salaries to be Paid Legal Tender. Salaries of teachers shall be paid
achieved by raising the lower end of the salary scales relative to the upper Legal tender of the Philippines or its equivalent in checks or treasury
end. warrants. Provided, however, that such checks or treasury warrants shall
be cashable in any national, provincial, city or municipal treasurer‘s office
Sec.16. Salary Scale. Salary scales of teachers shall provide for a gradual or any Banking institutions operating under the laws of the republic of the
Progression from a minimum to a maximum salary by means of regular Philippines.
Increments, granted automatically after three years: Provided, that the
Efficiency rating of the teacher concerned is at least satisfactory. The Sec.21.Deduction Prohibited. No person shall make any deduction
progression from the minimum to the maximum of the salary scale shall whatsoever from the salaries of teachers except under specific authority of
not extend over a period of ten years. law authorizing such deductions: Provided, however, that upon written
authority executed by the teacher concernbed, (1) lawful dues and fees
Sec. 17. Equality in Salary Scales. The salary scales of teachers , whose owing to the Philippine Public School Teachers Association, and (2)
salaries are appropriated by a city, municipal, municipal district, or premiums properly due on insurance policies, shall be considered
provincial government, shall not be less than those provided for teachers deductible.
of the National Government.
Sec. 18. Cost of Living Allowance. Teacher‘s salaries shall, at the very
least, keep pace with the rise n the cold of livng by the payment of cost-of- Sec.22. Medical Examination and Treatment.Compulsory medical
government, shall automatically follow changes in a cost- of -living examination shall be provided fre of charge for all teachers before they
appropriation f the necessary funds for the cost-of-living allowances of take up teaching, and shall be repeated not less than once a year during
teachers employed by the National Government. The determination of the the teacher‘s professional Life. Where medical examination show that
Cost-of-living allowances by the Secretary of Educaton shall,upon medical treatment and/or hospitalization is necessary, same shall be
approval of the President of the Philipines, be binding on the city, provided fre by the government entity paying the salary of the teachers.
municipal or provincial government, for the purposes of calculating the In regions where there is scarcity of medical facilities, teachers may obtain
cost-o-living allowances of teachers under its employ. Elsewhere the necessary medical care with the right to be reimbursed for
Their traveling expenses by the government entity concerned in the first
paragraph of this section.

the Basis of the computation of the lump sum of the retirement pay and
Sec.23. Compensation for Injuries. Teachers shall be protected aginst the the Monthly benefits thereafter.
consequences of employment injuries in accordance with existing laws.
The effects of the physical and nervous strain on the teacher‘s health shall VI. TEACHER‘S ORGANIZATION
Be recognized as a compensable occupational disease in accordance with
existing laws. Sec.27. Freedom to Organize. Public school teachers shall have the right to
freely and without previous authorization both to establish and to join
V.LEAVE AND RETIREMENT BENEFITS organizations of their choosing, whether local or national to further and
defend their interest.
Sec. 24. Study Leave. In addition to leave previledges now enjoyed by
teachers in the Public Schools, they shall be entitled to study live not Sec.28. Discrimination Aginst Teachers Prohibited. The rights established
exceeding once school year after seven years of service. Such live shall be in the immediately preceding Section shall be exercised without any
granted in accordance with the schedule set by the Department of interference or coercion. It shall be unlawful for any person to commit any
Education. During the period of such live, the teachers shall be entitled to acts of discrimination against teachers which are calculated to
atleast sixty per cent of their monthly salary: Provide, however, that no
teacher shall be allowed to accumulate more than one year study leave (a) make the employment of a teacher subject to the condition that he shall
unless he needs an additional semester to finish his thesis foir a graduate not join an organization, or shall relinquish membership in an
study In Educational or allied courses: Provided, further, that no organization
compensation shall be due the teacher after the first year of such live in all
cases, the study leave period shall be counted for seniority and pension (b) to cause the dismissal of or otherwise prejudice a teacher by a reason of
porpuses. The compensation allowed for one year studyleave as herein his membership in an organization or because of participation in
provided shall be subject to the condition that the teacher takes the organization activities outside school hours, or with the consent of the
Regular study load and passes at least seventy-five per cent of his courses. proper school authorities, within school hours, and
Study leave of more than one-year may be permitted by the Secretary of (c) to prevent him from carrying out the duties laid upon him by his
Education but without compensation. position in the organization, or to penalize him for an action undertaken in
that capacity.
Sec.25. Indefinite Leave. An indefinite sick leave of absence shall be
granted to Teachers when the nature of the illness demands a long Sec.29. National Teacher‘s Organizations. National Teachers‘ organizatios
treatment that will exceed one year at the least. Shall be consulted in the formulation of National Educational Policies and
Professional Standards, and in the formulation of National Policies
Sec.26. Salary Increase upon Retirement. Public school teachers having Governing the social security of the teachers.
Fulfilled the age and service requirements of the applicable retirement
laws shall be given one range salary raise upon retirement, which shall be VII. ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT

Sec.30. Rules and Regulations. The secretary of Education shall formulate CODE OF ETHICS FOR PROFESSIONAL
And prepare the necessary rules and regulations to implement the
provisions 0f this act. Rules and Regulations issued pursuant to this
section shall take effect thirty days after publication in a news paper of
general circulation and by such other means as the secretary of education. Pursuant to thprovisions of paragraph (e), Article 11, of R.A.No.7836,
Deems reasonably Sufficient to give interested parties general notice of Otherwise known as the Philippine Teacher Professionalization Act of
such issuance. 1994 and paragraph (a), section 6, P.D. No. 223, as amended, the Board for
Professional Teachers hereby adopts the Code of Ethics for Professional
Sec.31. Budgetary Estimates. The secretary of education shall submit to Teachers.
Congress annuay the necessary budgetary estimates to implement the
Provisions of the act concerning the benefits herein granted to public Preamble
school Teachers under the employ of the National Government.
Teachers are duly licensed professionals who possess dignity and
Sec.32. Penal Provision. A person who shall willfully enterfere with, reputation who high moral values as well as technical and professional
restrain or coerce any teacher in the exercise of his rights guaranteed by competence in the practice of their noble profession, and they strictly
this act or who shall in any other manner commit any act to defeat any of adhere to, observe, and practice this set of ethical and moral principles,
the provisions of this act shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of standards, and values.
not less than one hundred Pesos nor more than one thousand pesos, or by
imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. If the offender is a public Article I. Scope and Limitations
official, the court shall order his dismissal from the Government service.
Section 1. The Philipine Constitution provides that all educational
Sec.33. Repealing Clause. All Acts or parts of acts, executive orders and Institution shall offer quality education for all competent teachers.
there Implementing rules inconsistent with the provisions of this act are Committed to its full realization, the provision of this Code shall apply,
hereby repealed, Amended or modified accordingly. Therefore, to all in schools in the Philippines.

Sec.34. Separability Clause. If any provision of this act is declared invalid, Section.2. This Code covers all public and private school teachers in all
the remainder of this act or any provisions not affected thereby shall Educational institutions at the preschool, primary, elementary, and
remain enforce and in effect. Secondary levels whether academic, vocational, special, technical, or non-
Formal. The term teacher shall include industrial arts or vocational
Sec.35. This Act shall take effect upon its approval. Teachers and all other persons performing supervisory and/or
administrative Functions in all school at the aforesaid levels, whether on
Approved: June 18,1966 full time or part-Time basis.

Article II. The Teacher and the State

Section.1. The schools are the nurseries of the future citizens of the state; Article III: The Teacher and the Community
Each teacher is a trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the
Nation and is under obligation to transmit to learners such heritage as Section. 1. A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the Development
well as to elevate national morality, promote national pride, cultivate love The youth; he shall, therefore, render thebest service by providing an
of Country, instill allegiance to the constitution and for all duly Environment conducive to such learning growth.
constituted Authorities, and promote obedience to the laws of the state.
Section .2. Everyteacher shall provide leadership and initiative to actively
Sector.2. Every teacher or school official shall actively help carry out the Participate in community movements for moral, social,
Declared policies of the state, and shall take an oath to this effect. educational,economic, and civic betterment and section.

Section.3. In the interest of the state and of the Filipino people as much as Section.3. Every teacher merit reasonable social recognition for which
Oh his own, every teacher shall be physically, mentally and morally fit. purpose he shall behave with honor and dignity at all time and refrain
from such activities as gambling, smoking ,drunkenness , and other
Section.4. Every teacher shall possess and actualize a full commitment and excesses, much less illicit relations.
devotion to duty.
Secton 4. Every teacher shall live far and with the community and shall,
Section .5. Atescher shall not engage in the promotion of any political, Therefore, study and understand local costume and traditions in orther to
Religious , or other partisan interest, and shall not, and directly and have Sympathetic attitude, therefore reframe from disparagingthe
indirectly, solicit require, collect , or receive any mony and service or other Community.
valuable material from any person or entity for such purposes.
Section.5. Every teacher shall help the school keep the people in the
Section.6. Every teacher shall vote and shall exercise all other Community informed about the school and work and accomplishments as
constitutional rights and responsibility. well a its needs and proplems.

Section.7. A teacher shal not use his position or official authority or Section.6.Every teacher is ntellectual leader in the community, especially
influence to coerce any other person to follow any political course of In the barangay, and shall welcome the opportunity to provide such
antion. Leadersip when needed, to extend counseling services, as appropriate,
And to actively be involved in matters affecting the welfare of the people.
Section.8. Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom and shall have
privilege o f expounding the product of his researches and investigation; Secton.7. Every teacher shall maintain harmonious and pleasant personal
Provided that, if the result are inimical to the declare policies of the state, And official relations with other professionall, with government officials,
They shall be brought to the proper authorities appropriate remedial And with the people, individually or collectively.
Section.8. A teacher possesses freedom to attend church and worships as

Appropriate, but shall not use his positions and influence to proselyte
others. Section 2.A teacher is not entitled to claim credit or work not of his own,
And shall give due cridet for the work of others which he may use.
Article IV: A Teacher and the Profession
Section.3. Before living his position, a teacher shall organize for whoever
Section 1. Every teacher shall actively insure that teaching is the noblest Assumes the position such records and other data as are necessary to carry
Profession, and shall manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in teaching on the work.
as a noble calling.
Section.4. A teacher shall hold inviolate all confidential information
Section.2.. Evry teacher shall uphold the highest possible standards of concerning associate and the school, and shall not divulge to anyone
quality Education, shall make the best preparations for the career of documents which has not been officially released, or remove records from
teaching, and shall be at his best at all times and in practice of his files without permission.
Section.5. it shall be the responsibility of every teacher to seek correctives
Section.3. Every teacher shall participate in the Continung Professional For what may appeal to be an unprofessional and anitical conduct of any
Education (CPE)program f the Prfessional Regulation Commisson, and Associate. However, this may be done only if there is incontrovertible
Shall pursue such other studies as will improve his efficiency, enchance Evidence for such conduct
the Prestige of profession, and strengthen his competence, virtius, and
Productivity in orer to be nationally and internationally competitive. Section.6. A teacher may submit to the proper authorities any justifiable
Criticism against an associate, preferably in writing, without violating the
Secton.4. Every teacher shall help, if duly authorized, to seek support right of the individual concerned.
from the, school but shall not make improper misrepresentations through
Personal advertisements and other questionable means. Section.7. A teacher may apply for a vacant position for which he is
Qualified; provided that he respect the system of selection on the Basis of
Section.5. Every teacher shall use the teaching profession in a manner that merit and competence; Provided, further, that all qualified candidates are
makes it dignified means for earning a decent living. given the opurtunity to be considered .

Article V: The Teachers and the Profession ARTICLE VI: The Teacher and Higher Authorities in the Profession

Section.1. Teachers shall, at all times, be imbued in the spirit of Section.1. Every teacher shall make it his duty to make an honest Effort to
Professional loyalty, mutual confidence, and faith in one another,self- understand d and support the legitimate policies of the school and the
Sacrifice for the common good and full cooperation with colleagues. When administration regardless of personal feeling or private opinion and shall
The best interest of the learners , the school, or the proffesion is at stake in faithfully carry them out.
Any controversy, teachers shall support one another.

Section.2. A teacher shall not make any false accusations or charges introduce important charges in the system at all levels.Section.3. School
against superiors, especially under anonymity. However, if there are valid officials shall encourage and attend the professional growth of all teachers
charges he should present such under oath to competent under them such as recommending them for promotion, giving them due
Authority. recognition for meritorious performance, and allowing them to
participate in conferences in training programs.
Section.3. A teacher shall transact all official business through Channels
except when especial conditions warrant a different procedure, Such as Section.4. No school officials shall dismiss or recommend for dismissal a
especial conditions are advocated but are opposed byb a emmidate teacher or other subordinates except for cause.
Superiors, in which case the teacher shall appeal directly appropriate
Higher authority. Section. 5. School authorities concern shall ensure that public school
teachers are employed in accordance with pertinent civil service rules, and
Section.4. Every teacher, individualy or as part of a group, has a right to private School teachers are issued contracts specifying the terms and
seek Redress against in justice to the administration and the extent conditions of There work provided that they are given, if qualified
possible, shall raise grievances written acceptable democratic possesses. In subsequent permanent Tenure can accordance with existing laws.
doing, they shall avoid jeopardizing the interest and the welfare of
learners whose Right to learn must be respected. ARTICLE VIII: The Teachers and Learners

Section.5. Evvery teacher has a right to envoke the principle that Section.1. A teacher has a right and duty to determin the academy marks
appointments promotion, and transfer of teacher are made only on the And the promotions of learners in the subject or grades he handles
basis of merit and needed In the interest of the service provided that such determination shall be in accordance with generally
accepted procedures of evaluation and measurement. In case of any
Section.6. A teacher who accepts a position assumes a contractual complaint, Teachers concerned shall immediately take appropriate actions,
obligation to live up to his contract, assuming full knowledge of observing Due possess
employment terms and condition.
Section.2. A teacher shall recognized that the interest and welfare of
ARTICLE VII. School Officials, Teachers, and other Personnel learners are office and foremost concern and shall deal justifiably and
impartially each of them.
Section.1. All school officials shall at all times show professional courtesy,
Helpfulness and sympath towards teachers and other personnel, such Section.3. Under no circumstance shall a teacher prejudiced or
practices being standards of effective school supervision dignified discriminate against a learner
administration responsible leadership and enlightened directions.
Section.4. A teacher shall not accept favors or gift from learners their
Section.2. School Officials, teachers and other school personnel shall parents or others in their behalf in exchange for requested concessions
consider in their cooperative responsibility to formulate policies or especially if undeserved.

Section.5. A teacher shall not accept directly or indirectly, any ARTICLE X. The Teacher and Business
remuneration from tutorials other what authorized for such service
Section.1. A teacher has the right to engage, directly or indirectly, in
Section.6. A teacher shall base evaluationof the learners work only in merit legitimate in come generation, provided that it does not relate to or
and quality of academic performance adversely effect as a Teacher.

Section.7. In a situation where mutual attraction and subsequent love Section.2. A teacher shall maintain a good reputation with respect to the
develop between teacher and learner the teacher shall exercise atmost financial matters such as in the settlement of his debts and loans in
professional direction to avoid scandal, gossip and preferential treatment arranging satisfactory his private financial affairs.
of the learner.
Section.3. No teacher shall act, directly or indirectly, as agent of, or be
Section.8. A teacher shall not inflict corporal punishment on offending financially Interested in, any commercial venture which furnished
learners nor make deduction from their scholastic ratings as a punishment textbooks and other school Commodities in the purchase and disposal of
for acts which are clearly not manifestation of poor scholarship. which he can exercise official influence except only when his assignment
is enherantly related to such purchase and disposal, provided, further,
Section.9. A teacher shall ensure that conditions contribute to the that members of duly recognized teachers cooperatives may participate in
maximum development of learners are adequate, and shall extend needed the distribution and sale of such commodities:
assistance in preventing or solving learners problem and the difficulties.
ARTICLE XI. The Teacher as a Person
ARTICLE XI: The Teacher and Parents
Section.1. A teacher is, above all, a human being endowed with life for
Section.1. Every teacher shall establish and maintain cordial relations which it is the Highest obligation to live with dignity at all times whether
With parents and shall conduct himself to merit their confidence and in school, in the home,or Elsewhere
Section.2. A teacher shall place premium upon self-desciplined as the
Section.2. Every Teacher shall informed parents through proper primary principle of personnal behavior in all relationship with others and
authorities of the Progress and deficiencies of learner and exercising in all situation.
atmost candor and tact in pointing Out the learners deficiencies and in
seeking parents cooperation for the proper guidance and improvement of Section.3. A teacher shall maintain at all times a dignified personality
the learners. which would serve as a model worthy of emulation by learners, peers and
all others.
Section.3. A teacher shall hear parents complaints with sympathy and
understanding and shall discourage unfair criticism


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