Sid-Gci: S/T Interface Device With Gci: PIN CONNECTIONS (Top Views)
Sid-Gci: S/T Interface Device With Gci: PIN CONNECTIONS (Top Views)
Sid-Gci: S/T Interface Device With Gci: PIN CONNECTIONS (Top Views)
The ST5421 (SID-GCI) is a complete monolithic
transceiver for data transmission on twisted pair
subscriber loops. It is buIlt on SGS-THOMSON DIP20
HCMOS 3A double metal advanced process, and
requires only a single + 5V supply. AII functions
specified in CCITT recommendation I.430 for
ISDN basic access at the ’S’ and ’T’ interfaces
are provided, and the device can be configured to
operate either in TE (Terminal Equipment), in
NT1 or NT2 (Network Termination) or in PABX
line-card device.
GCI interchip interface highly enhances device
connection efficiency by multiplexing controls and
GND 17 24,25 Ground Reference Voltage: all analog and digital signals are referenced to this
MCLK/XTAL 5 7 Master Clock or Crystal Oscillator Input: this pin requires either a 15.36MHz
crystal (parallel resonant with RS < 100 Ω ) to be tied between this pin and
XTAL2 or a logic CMOS level 15.36MHz clock from a stable source. When
using a 20pF crystal, a total of 33pF load capacitance to GND must also be
connected. In NT configurations. MCLK clock input doesn’t need to be
synchronous with the Network Reference Clock (FSa).
XTAL2 6 8 Crystal Oscillator Output. This pin should be connected to one end of the
15.36MHz crystal, otherwise is not connected. (see MCLK/XTAL).
BCLK 9 14 Bit Clock: this signal determines the data shift rate at GCI. Data is shifted-in on
Bx and shifted-out on Br at half the BCLK frequency. When NT/TES mode is
selected, BCLK is an input which does not need to be synchronous with the
Master Clock input (MCLK).
When TEM is selected, BCLK is an output at frequency of 1536kHz. This clock
is phase locked to the receive line signal and synchronous with FSa output.
FSa 3 3 Frame Synchronization Clock: 8kHz clock which defines the start of the frame.
In GCI slave (NT/TES) FSa is an input used as a network reference clock for
S/T line. In GCI master (TEM) is an output applicable as a validation strobe for
the first B channel.
Br 10 15 Digital Output for GCI Channel (OPENDRAIN): data is shifted-out at half the
BCLK frequency on the transmit rising edges of BCLK.
An external pull-up resistor is needed.
DEN 8 13 In TEM mode DEN is an output, normally low, that pulses high to indicate the
active time slot for D channel data at the Bx input. It is intended to be gated
with BCLK to control the D channel shifting from a layer 2 device (i.e. ST5451)
to ST5421 transmit buffer. Using ST5451 HDCL/GCI controller, no external
circuitry is needed. In NT/TES mode this pin is not used and must be kept
PCK0/CLK 12 17 PCK0 IN TEM, LT/NT2, NT1 mode: 32 kHz clock output synchronized to GCI
clocks. It is intended to synchronize DC/DC converter in TEM mode.
CLK in TES mode: is a clock signal open drain output phased-locked to the
receive S line signal and applicable as far-end clock reference. Its frequency is
1536kHz compatible with 768kbit/s GCI data rate. An external pull-up resistor
is needed.
RST 15 22 Reset Pin: must be low at Power On Reset; after, a high pulse on this pin
reset ST5421 in a state depending on the other configuration pins (input).
LSD- 18 26 Line Signal Detect: open drain output, normally high impedance, pulling low
when SID-GCI is powered down and an S line signal is detected.
It is applicable to wake up a microprocessor from a low power idle mode.
LSD output goes back to high impedance when ST5421 is powered up.
LO+, LO- 1,2 1,2 Transmit AMI signal differential outputs to the S/T line transformer; when used
with an appropriate 2:1 step down transformer, the line signal conforms to the
output pulse masks in CCITT I.430.
LI-,LI+ 19,20 27,28 Receive AMI signal inputs from the S/T line transformer. They should be
connected to an appropriate 1:2 or 1:1 transformer through a line coupling
circuit to conform I.430 recommendation. LI- pin is also the internal voltage
reference pin.
the transmit direction. At the front end of the re- In NT2 or PBX line card, GCI interface permits
ceive section is a continuous filter which limits the connection of up to 8 SID-GCI onto a common
noise bandwith. To improve the protection of the serial multiplexed bus. Each SID-GCI is assigned
line interface and to comply with the receive input to one GCI channel selected by hardware con-
impedance specification even if power is lost, it is figuration.
necessary to add 3 external resistors between the
receive transformer and the LI+/LI- pins. Figure 3 shows the Frame structure of a GCI
channel. One GCI channel is structured in four
To correct pulse attenuation and distorsion subchannels:
caused by the transmission line in point-to-point - B1 channel 8 bits
and extended passive bus applications, an adap- - B2 channel 8 bits
tive equalizer enhances the received pulse - Monitor (M) channel 8 bits
shape, thereby restoring a ”flat” channel response - SC channel which is structured as follows:
with maximum eye opening over a wide spread of D channel 2 bits
cable attenuation characteristics. C/I channel 4 bits
This equalizer is always enabled when either TE A bit associated with M channel
or NT mode adaptive sampling is selected, but is E bit associated with M channel
disabled for NT short passive bus applications, B1,B2 and D channels are used to transfer 2B +
when NT mode fixed sampling is selected. D basic access data.
An adaptive threshold circuit maximizes Signal to M channel is used to read and write multiframe
Noise ratio in the eye at the detector for all loop S1 and Q channel messages and to configurate
conditions. SID-GCI. Protocol for byte exchange on the M
A DPLL (Digital Phase-Locked Loop) recovers a channel uses the E and A bits.
low-jitter clock for optimum sampling of the re- C/I (Control/Indicate) channel is used to ex-
ceived symbols. change ”real time” primitives between the SID-
The MCLK input provides the reference clock for GCI and the Controller as Activation/Deactivation
the DPLL at 15.36MHz. codes.
When the device is powered down, a Line Signal
Detect circuit, able to discriminate a valid line sig- Physical Description
nal from noise, is enabled to detect the presence
of incoming data. LSD-output pulls low to wake The interface consists of 4 wires:
up the equipment. Input Data: Bx
Output Data: Br
Bit Clock: BCLK
GCI INTERFACE Frame Synchronization: FSa
General Description Data is synchronized by BCLK and FSa signals.
GCI interface is an European standardized inter- The latter insures reinitialization of a time slot
face to connect ISDN dedicated components in counter at each frame beginning. Its rising edge is
the different configurations of equipment as Ter- the reference for the first bit of the first GCI chan-
minals, Network Terminations, PBX, etc... nel. Data is transmitted in both directions at half
the BCLK frequency, on the rising edge of BCLK
In Terminal Equipments, this interface allows con- and is sampled 1.5 period after the transmit rising
nection between SID-GCI and an associated edge. Unused channels are high impedance.
ST5451 HDLC&GCI Controller used for 16kbit/s
D channel processing and SID-GCI control. In NT2 or PABX equipments, up to 8 GCI chan-
64kbit/s B1 and B2 channels are transferred on nels (32 bits each) may be multiplexed on Bx and
GCI interface providing direct connection for B Br links used as a serial bus for several devices.
channel processing peripherals like Programma- The channel number selection is made by pro-
ble ISDN COMBO ST5080 or extra ST5451 con- gramming pins S0,S1 and S2 according to the fol-
trollers. lowing rules:
BCLK frequency may be any value between 512 that is recognized by SID-GCI if detected in two
and 6176kHz. consecutive frames.
In TEM and NT1 configurations, the first GCI ST5421 will interpret the new code and send the
channels is automatically selected. corresponding control instructions on the S line or
switch a local function as long as the correspond-
In TEM configuration, due to SID-GCI recovery cir- ing action is required.
cuitry, a low jitter should be provided on FSa and
BCLK clocks. FSa and BCLK are always in phase. An information change received from the S line or
The maximum value of jitter amplitude is a step of a local status change of SID-GCI set a new indi-
65ns at each GCI frame (125µs). The maximum cation code on the C/I channel. The code is sent
high frequency jitter amplitude is 130ns pk-pk. at least in 2 consecutive frames.
For applications such as the network side of an Table 2 gives the C/I codes meaning. C1 bit is first
NT2, eg, a PABX trunk card, TES mode allows transmitted. Here after for each mode a list of rec-
the transmission side of SID-GCI to be a slave to ognized Control and Indicate codes is given.
the received frame timing while GCI is also in
slave mode Elastic buffers which allow any phase
relationship between FSa and I.430 frames and a TEM mode: Control
clock resynchroniser circuit absorb jitter and low
frequency wander up to at least 18µs pk-pk at fre- 0000 (DR) : Deactivation Request
quencies below 10Hz. In the Power Up state, DR instruction can be
used as a Deactivation Request instruction to
force transmission of INFO0 on the S line.
Exchange Protocol on the C/I channel
0001 (PDN) : Power Down Request.
Exchange of information in the C/I channel runs PDN instruction forces the device to the Power
as follows: Down state after that DI (1111) has been sent
Two devices connected on a GCI channel send in two consecutive frames.
each other a permanent four bit command code
in the C/I field. The same code is sent at a 8kHz 0110 (NOP) : No operations.
frequency as long as the content of the internal
C/I register remains unchanged. 1000 (AR8) : Activate Request Class 8.
Note: as for GCI definition, in case that a command AR8 instruction combines an Activation Re-
code has to be executed twice, it is neces- quest, which initiates the Activation Sequence
sary that the device, that is sending the com- on the line, and a request to attempt to access
mands, sends, after the first code, a NOP the transmit D channel in the high priority class
before repeting the command for the second at the S interface after its complete activation.
time. After activation of the S interface, AI8 indication
is sent by ST5421. D channel access attempt is
When a change of C/I the command is initiated
automatically processed for each HDLC frame ically the Power Down state if the S line is de-
to be transmitted without need for new Control activated (DP sent by SID-GCI). When S line is
Instruction. not deactivated, DC has no effect.
Except for code EOM, any further indication
change on C/I as CON or EI deactivates D
channel access attempt at the S interface. A TEM mode : Indication
new AR8 instruction is needed to restart the
procedure. 0000 (DP) : Deactivation Pending Indication.
Note : A new AR8 instruction means that if the DP code indicates ST5421 is powered up and
controller was already sending AR8, it has to that no identified signal has been detected on
change first the code sent to ie DC (1111) and the S line. DP indication is sent when one of the
after change again to AR8. following events occur :
- Power Up has been completed and no signal
1001 (AR10) : Activate Request Class 10. is identified on the line,
Same meaning as AR8 command but request- - after a period of activity, INFO0 is detected on
ing access to transmit D channel with low prior- the S line,
ity class. - the device being in status F4, F5, F6, F7 or,
After activation of the S interface has been F8, a DR instruction is issued.
completed, AI10 indication is sent by SID-GCI.
0011 (EOM) : End of Message.
1010 (ARL) : Activate Request Loopback. EOM indicates that the closing flag of a D chan-
ARL instruction operates a loopback of 2B + D nel message has been transmitted on S line in-
channels from Bx input to Br output. It may be dicating successfull completion of a packet
set when the device is either activated, in which sending. EOM is sent continuously until receiv-
case it is transparent (the composite signal is ing of a new AR8 or AR10 command or line
also transmitted to the line), or when it is deacti- status change.
vated in which case it is non transparent. EOM code sending can be disabled via a Moni-
Any change from ARL to another C/I command tor channel instruction EID : (see table 3).
clears the loopback.
When the complete loopback is activated, (AIL) 0100 (EI) : Error Indication.
code is sent by SID-GCI. EI indicates that a frame loss of has been de-
tected on S line ; is sent when one of the follow-
1111 (DC) : Deactivation Control. ing events occur :
DC instruction allows ST5421 to enter automat- - being in the F6 or F7 states, detection of a
loss of frame, (jump to F8).
Bit Number
Functions Mnemonic
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Device Mode:
NT Mode Adaptive Sampling (*) NTA 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
NT Mode Fixed Sampling NTF 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
TE Slave Mode (slave-slave) TES 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
Monitoring Mode Activation MMA 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
TE Master Mode TEM 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
B Channel Configuration:
B Channel Mapped Direct (*) BDIR 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
B Channel Exchanged BEX 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1
B1 Channel Enabled (*) B1E 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
B1 Channel Disabled B1D 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
B2 Channel Enabled (*) B2E 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
B2 Channel Disabled B2D 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
End of Messages Indication:
EOM Indication Enabled (*) EIE 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
EOM Indication Disabled EID 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Multiframe Processing:
Multiframe Disabled (*) MID 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
Multiframe Enabled MIE 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
Disable Three Time Checking DIS3X 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1
Enable Three Time Checking (*) EN3X 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
Write Multiframe Message MFT 0 0 1 1 M1 M2 M3 M4
Loopback Test Mode:
Clear All loopbacks (*) CAL 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
Loopback B1 on Line Enabled LB1E 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
Loopback B2 on Line Enabled LB2E 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
Loopback 2B+D Enabled (1) LBS 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
Loopback B1 on GCI Enabled LBB1E 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
Loopback B2 on GCI Enabled LBB2E 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1
(1) alternate command instruction to ARL (C/I code); but without any status indication pending.
(*) initial state following Power on initialization
Bit Number
Functions Mnemonic
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Multiframe Receive Register MFR 0 0 1 1 M1 M2 M3 M4
figured in NT1 or NT2 mode, by means of pins Activation may be initiated from either end of the
and register programming. In NT1, SID-GCI is loop.
powered up directly by receiving the GCI clocks To operate an activation from the Network,
on BCLK and FSa inputs. In NT2 mode, the de- ST5421 must be first powered up by the appropri-
vice is powered up by means of PUP code on the ate procedure followed at least 2ms later by an
C/I Control channel. AR instruction on the C/I channel. Network timing,
Figure 5: Activation Procedure in GCI mode, NT Selected.
pending activation
FSa, BCLK and MCLK must be present at this U line has lost synchronization and requests
time. When activation is initiated by the far-end, sending of INFO2.
SID-GCI being in the Power Down state, a Line
Signal Detector circuit pulls low LSD- pin, which In TEM or TES configuration :
can be used to wake up the system. A power Up After Power on initialization, ST5421 can be con-
procedure must be then be issued allowing identi- figured in TE or TES power down mode, depend-
fication of received signal ie, INFO1 or INFO2. ing on pins and register configuration setting. In
The appropriate procedure is then followed ac- TEM mode, SID-GCI is powered up by pulling low
cording to I.430. the Bx input. SID-GCI reacts by sending GCI free-
I.430 recommends that 2 Timers should be avail- running clocks. In TES mode, the SID-GCI is
able in an NT. An Activation Request should be powered up by means of the PUP code on the C/I
associated with the start of an external Timer 1 if Control channel.
required. Timer 1 should be stopped when the AI Activation may be initiated from either end of the
indication is generated following successful acti- loop. To operate an activation from the Terminal,
vation. If Timer 1 expires before AI is generated, the device must be first powered up by the appro-
however, Control instruction DR should be written priate procedure followed at least 2ms later by an
to the device to force deactivation. Timer 2 which AR instruction on the C/I channel. When activa-
is specified to prevent unintentional re-activation, tion is initiated by the far-end, SID-GCI being in
is not required since ST5421 can uniquely recog- the Power Down state, a Line Signal Detector Cir-
nize INFO1 frames. cuit pulls low the LSD- pin, which can be used to
Two extra codes are needed for NT1 application: wake up the system. A Power Up procedure must
FI4 indicates to the SID-GCI that the U line is acti- then be issued allowing identification of received
vated and allows completion of activation by signal ie, INFO2. The appropriate procedure is
sending INFO4. FI2 indicates to SID-GCI that the then followed according to I.430.
Figure 6: Activation Procedure in GCI mode, TE Selected
Figure 6: Continued
pending activation
pending activation
I.430 recommends that a Timer should be avail- must begin as before sending a new AR8 (or
able in a TE. An Activation Request to the SID- AR10) ; it has to change first the code sent (ie DI)
GCI should be associated with the start of an ex- and after change again to AR8. Successful send-
ternal Timer 3 if required.Timer 3 should be ing of a transmit frame is detected when the clos-
stopped when the AI indication is generated fol- ing Flag is transmitted in the D channel. ”1”s are
lowing successful activation. Timer 3 expires be- then transmitted in the following D bit positions.
fore AI, AI8 or AI10 is generated, however, Con- If enabled by the Control Instruction EIE, indica-
trol instruction DR should be written to the device tion EOM is sent to indicate the End of message.
to force de-activation. After sending of a transmit frame successfull, SID
GCI will automatically perform a new D access
D CHANNEL ACCESS IN TEM MODE sequence if it’s still receiving AR8 or AR10 com-
mand on C/I channel, otherwise no D access se-
A controller device requiring to start transmission quence will be done until reception of AR8 or
of a packet on the line should first prepare the AR10 command.
complete message such that the opening Flag is
ready to be shifted accross GCI. A Control In- Any indication change on the C/I channel except
struction AR8 or AR10 will initiate first the Activa- EOM indicates deactivation of the D channel ac-
tion Sequence on the line until activation has cess sequence and a new AR8 (or AR10) is
been completed and then the D channel access needed to restart the procedure.
sequence according to Priority Class 1 (signalling) Note: Users willing to control the D channel ac-
or Priority Class 2 (Data packet) respectively. cess, can use this procedure:
After line activation, AI8 (or AI10) indication is Send AR8 or AR10 until receiving DENx, then re-
sent from SID-GCI. Then, DEN output immedi- move ARx command code and replace it by an
ately enables to prefetch the opening flag from another command (ie DI that is equivalent to a
the controller device into the SID-GCI D channel NOP operation if the device is full_activated). At
buffer. Meanwhile, the Priority Counter checks the end of a D frame EOM Indication is received
that no other TE connected to the S interface is (if EIE is set); when a new D message is pre-
transmitting in the D channel. This is assured by pared an ask for a new D channel access by AR8
counting consecutive ”1”s in the E bit position of or AR10 can be sent.
frames received from the NT and comparing the Users that want to discriminate consecutive D
value with the current priority level as specified by channel access with EOM Indication, are sug-
I.430. If another TE is active in the D channel, gested to remove EOM Indication, between 2 D
DEN pulses are inhibited once the Opening Flag frames, to be able to separate the 2 messages
is in the Transmit buffer to prevent further fetching EOM: With the following method: send AR8
of Transmit data from the Controller until D chan- (AR10) continuously, until receiving EOM Indica-
nel access is achieved. tion, then send ONCE AR8~ [0111] (AR10~
As soon as the required number of consecutive E [0110]) on C/I channel and continue to send the
bit ”1”s has been counted, the leading 0 of the previous code AR8 (AR10); this AR8~ (AR10~) is
opening flag is transmitted in the next D bit posi- a kind of EOM aknowledge: the device detect a
tion to the NT. Then, DEN pulses are re-enabled ’new’ primitive AR8 (AR10), stop EOM Indication
in order to get new D channel bits. No other in- and replace it by AI8 or AI10 if ST5421 is still full
structions are necessary for local flow control be- activated.
tween controller and ST5421. For application with automatic D channel access and
During transmission in the D channel, SID-GCI wanting to change the priority class (8 or 10) for D
continues to compare each E bit with the D bit channel, they can use the following procedure:
previously transmitted before proceeding to send Assuming that the present D frame is priority
the next. In case of mis-match, a contention for class 8 and that the next D frame will be priority
the previous D bit is assumed to have been won class 10, users can change AR8 code to AR10 as
by another TE. Transmission of the current soon as they are sure that the present D frame is
packet therefore ceases and ”1”s are transmitted started, by controlling DENx, anticipating the next
in all following D bit positions. Status indication D messages before the closing flag of the present
CON is sent to the controller on C/I channel. DEN D frame. When the automatic D channel access
output pulses are again inhibited, and D channel will be performed for next D message, the D
access sequence is disabled. channel request will be done with the desired pri-
ority class. (see figure below).
In order to retransmit the lost frame, the controller
0.47µF MCLK BCLK ST5421 Rt (*)
12KΩ 2:1
VFr+ LI+
Figure 7: ISDN Telephone Set Application (non isolated)
ST5451 ST5451 ST5451 ST5451
Figure 8: NT2 Application GCI Compatible
M0 S0 S1 S2 LSD-
+5V D94TL101B
Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
R LI Differential Input GND < LI+, LI- < VCC 200 kΩ
CLLO Load Capacitance From LO+ to LO- 200 pF
Transmit Pullse Amplitude R1 = 212Ω between LO+ and LO- (1) 1.484 1.585 1.696 Vpk
Transmite Pulse O+ relative to O- 5 %
Input Amplitude Differential Between LI+ and LI- ±175 mV
VOS Differential Offset Voltage Driving Binary 1s, 220Ω between LO+ and -20
20 mV
at LO+, LO- LO-
Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Icc0 Power Down Current All Outputs Open-circuit 900 µA
Iccnt Active Current (2) NT/TES not transmitting 12 13 mA
Iccntt Active Current (3) NT/TES transmitting 21 mA
Iccte Active Current (2) TEM not transmitting 17 18 mA
Icctet Active Current (3) TEM transmitting 26 mA
(1) This specification garanties compliance with CCITT1430 recommendation concerning the pulse templates. Winding resistors for the
transformer is assumed to be represented by an extra 12Ω load added to the 200Ω corresponding to the 50Ω load reflected back through
the 1:2 transformer.
(2) Measured with an external 15.36MHz clock applied on pin XTAL1, XTAL2 being left unconnected.
(3) Same condition as in (2) assuming worst case line current on 50Ω.
Rt (*) 2:1 Lm R
Rt (*)
s p
2:1 Lm R
s p D94TL139
Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
tDCDE Delay Time BCLK TE Mode only 30 ns
High to DEN
tHCF Hold Time BCLK 0 ns
Trans. to FSa
tRC, tFC Rise & Fall Time 15 ns
tWCH, BCLK width High & Low 60 ns
tSFC Setup Time FSa High to 70 BCLK ns
BCLK Low -50
tDCF Delay Time BCLK TE Mode only 30 ns
High to FSa HIGH
tDCD Delay Time BCLK 20 ns
High to DATA Valid
tDFD Delay Time FSa High Load 100pF. Apply only if FSa rises later 80 ns
to Data Valid than BCLK rising edge
tDCZ Delay Time BCLK 50 120 ns
Low Data Invalid
tSDC Setup Time Data 30 ns
Valid to BCLK Low
tHDC Hold Time BCLK Low 20 ns
to Data Invalid
tDCC Delay Time BCLK TE and TES side modes only 0 30 ns
High to CLK High
ST5421 EXCEEDING I.430 TRANSMISSION RE- an adaptive line equalizer to accomodate varying
QUIREMENTS line conditions with superior performance. A con-
tinuously tracking adaptive threshold circuit pro-
This ST5421 is designed with the goal of substan- vides the slicing levels for the detection circuits for
tially exceeding the transmission performance re- correct interpretation of transmission bits even on
quirements as specified in the I.430. This is made long lossy loops. This implementation results in
possible in the ST5421 SID design by employing longer ranges of S interface cables compared to
superior analog front end designs. For example, I.430 requirements.
in the receive path, an analog prefiter removes
<200kHz noise signals, which is then followed by
The version 4.1 of the ST5431 has shown ESD weakness on LO+ and LO- pins: these pins only up to 400V. All other pins are passing
SGS-THOMSON Internal Quality Standards (2k volts; Human body model; mil. std. 883 meth. 3015).
mm inch
a1 0.254 0.010
b 0.45 0.018
b1 0.25 0.010
D 25.4 1.000
E 8.5 0.335
e 2.54 0.100
e3 22.86 0.900
F 7.1 0.280
I 3.93 0.155
L 3.3 0.130
Z 1.34 0.053
mm inch
D2 0.51 0.020
e 1.27 0.050
e3 7.62 0.300
F 0.46 0.018
F1 0.71 0.028
G 0.101 0.004
M 1.24 0.049
M1 1.143 0.045
Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes no responsibility for the
consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No
license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. Specifications men-
tioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.
SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without ex-
press written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics.