Objective 4:: C. Did The Remedial Lessons Work? No. of Learners Who Have Caught Up With The Lesson

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Objective 4:
Managed classroom structure to engage learners,
individually or in groups, in meaningful
exploration, discovery and hands-on activities
within a range of physical learning environments
Subject: T. L. E: Exploratory Courses Grade Level: 7 February 19,2020 Fourth Quarter Second day
Demonstrate understanding Types and uses of construction materials

A. Content Standards

B. Performance Standards Tools and materials are identified as per job requirements.

C. Learning Compentencies/ Objectives CLASSIFICATION OFTOOLS

D. Learning Code: TLE-HECK7/8UT-oa-1

II. CONTENT Hand tools usedin Carpentry

A. References Pages:
TG: page LM pp. Textbook: LRMDS: Other References

Instructional Materials/Devices Pictures, laptop,

A. Reviewing of previous lesson The teacher will start the class with a game u think u know , wherein the teacher will shows different picture
or presenting new lesson of hand tools and let them identify each, the one who quicky can answer will be give a very good clap

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Group the class into four, given each pictures, ask each group to write down how the tool is differ from the
other tools. Write after each group will present their ideas to the class.
C. Presenting examples/ In this activity, students will locate the tools according the word on the other side.
of the new lesson And ask what that words mean and why do they think that tool is the match word
D. Discussing new concepts and In this activity, let the student find the tools in the tool room and separate them accordingly to what classification
practicing new skill #1 assigned to their group. Each tool in the room has a name tag, ask the student to make a list of names of the tools
Each group in this activity, the group according to assigned classification will “hold each tools to the class and
they will defend that it should in their classification
E. Discussing new concepts and As the student is waiting for their classmate to bef inished a video presentation will be shown
practicing new skill #2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89IYV_H_dU4
F. Developing mastery( leads Let the student complete the sentence
to formative assesment
G.Finding practical application of concepts The teacher will show a tool box to the class, each will be students in the class will be called and they tell the
and skills in daily living classification of tools it belong by singing

H. Making Generalization and abstraction Let the student fix their ideas by Thumbs up, thumbs down activity. Students will agree and disagree on the
about the lesson following statements

I. Evaluating Learning Direction Locate the tools according to its proper classification

J. Additional Activities for Draw on a bond paper the assign tools in your group
application or remeditation
80% on the formative assessment 28 30 32 32
B.No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of

learners who have caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to require


E. Which of my teaching strategies worked

well? Why did these work? Collaborative learning works well because of the brain storming
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my

principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I Using some tools that can be seen in our home
use/discover which I wish to share with other


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