Okasha, S. - Theory Choice and Social Choice - Kuhn Versus Arrow PDF
Okasha, S. - Theory Choice and Social Choice - Kuhn Versus Arrow PDF
Okasha, S. - Theory Choice and Social Choice - Kuhn Versus Arrow PDF
1. Introduction
In the Postscript to The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas
Kuhn famously argued that there is ‘no neutral algorithm for theory
choice’ in science. Kuhn allowed that scientists might have good
reasons for choosing one theory over its rivals, citing ‘accuracy, sim-
plicity, fruitfulness, and so on’ as examples of such reasons, but he
insisted that they fall short of providing an algorithm (Kuhn 1969,
p. 199). Even if two scientists agree on the features that a good theory
should have, they will not necessarily be led to make the same choices,
Kuhn argued, for they may weight the features differently. For ex-
ample, the two scientists might agree that accuracy and simplicity
are both important theoretical virtues, but disagree about their relative
importance, and thus be led to choose different theories. Neither can
be called irrational, Kuhn insisted, and neither was necessarily acting
The idea that there is no algorithm for theory choice met with a
favourable response from Kuhn’s critics, even among those
affects. (In the case of simplicity, for example, it is plausible that for
any two theories, either one is simpler than the other or they are
equally simple, i.e. ‘is at least as simple as’ is complete.) So the com-
pleteness assumption can be justified as a reasonable idealization.
After all, the assumption that individuals’ preference relations are
complete is also an idealization.8
The next step is to consider a ‘theory choice rule’, defined by direct
analogy with an Arrovian social choice rule. Given a profile of weak
orders, one for each criterion of theory choice, a theory choice rule
yields a single ordering of the alternative theories. So, for example,
There is in fact a technical trick to get around the problem. Suppose R is reflexive and
transitive but incomplete. We can then extend R to a complete relation R*, by stipulating that
for any two objects x and y that are not related by R, xI*y, i.e. neither xR*y nor yR*x. The
relation R* will then be reflexive and complete, but non-transitive; however, it will be
quasi-transitive (which means that P*, the corresponding strict preference relation, is transitive,
but I* is not) (Sen 1969). Arrow’s theorem will then apply; for the theorem does not in fact
require that the individual preference orders be fully transitive — quasi-transitivity is enough.
(By contrast, the full transitivity of the social preference order is essential to the theorem.)
This idea was common in the post-Kuhn literature; see for example McMullin 1993. It is
suggested by certain remarks by Kuhn himself, in the Postscript to Structure of Scientific
Revolutions, where he says that his aim is not to show the irrationality of science, but
rather to arrive at a more realistic view of what scientific rationality involves.
basis’ (Sen 1970, 1977, 1986).12 Sen observes that the information Arrow
uses as input to his social choice rule, namely a profile of individual
preference orders, is quite meagre. This is for two reasons. Firstly,
preference orders are ‘purely ordinal’ — they contain no information
about intensity of preference. If an individual prefers x to y to z, this
tells us nothing about whether their preference for x over y is greater
or less than their preference for y over z. Secondly, preference orders
do not permit interpersonal comparisons. From a profile of individual
preference orders, statements such as ‘in alternative x, individual 1 is
better off than individual 2’ cannot be deduced.
the dependent variable in the regression model. If, for example, that
variable is length, which is a ratio-scale measurable quantity, then
the SOS scores will also be ratio-scale measurable. Therefore, the
real-valued ‘utility ’ function that represents the ‘fit-with-the-data’
preference order will be ratio-scaled, thus multiplication by a posi-
tive constant is the only information-preserving transformation.
Statements such as ‘T1 fits the data three times as well as T2’ will be
To take another example of how we can often go beyond ordinal
information, consider simplicity. In certain contexts, such as statistical
T4’. It is hard to see what the basis for such a judgement might be. It is
harder still to see how comparisons of levels, rather than differences,
could be made — this would permit statements such as ‘the accuracy of
T1 is less than the simplicity of T2’, which sound even odder. Since
inter-criterion comparability is needed to avoid the impossibility result,
as we know, the prospects for escaping the Arrovian predicament by
enriching the informational basis of theory choice may seem dim.
However, this is overly pessimistic for two reasons. Firstly, note that
if all criteria are absolutely measurable, then interpersonal compar-
ability follows immediately. If the ‘utility ’ functions that represent the
What about condition U9, unrestricted domain? This says that the
domain of the theory choice functional must be the set of all possible
profiles, that is, pairs of real-valued functions. Clearly the BCF does
not satisfy this condition, for both of the functions that we feed into it,
P(Ti) and P(E/Ti), can only take P on values in the unit interval [0,1];
moreover, it is required that P(Ti) # 1. Thus there are two restric-
tions on the permissible values of the functions we feed into the
Bayesian theory choice functional. So condition U9 is not satisfied,
whereas conditions P9, I9, and N9 are.
Mindful of Arrow’s theorem, one might think that it is because the
each in PAR. Next, one finds the best-fitting hypothesis in each family,
denoted L(LIN), L(PAR), and L(EXP) respectively; the criterion of
best fit is highest likelihood, where ‘likelihood’ has its customary stat-
istical meaning (roughly, the probability of observing the actual data
if the hypothesis were true.)
In the statistical literature, there exist various suggestions for how to
combine simplicity and fit into a decision rule (Forster 2001); such a
rule would allow us to choose between the three hypotheses L(LIN),
L(PAR), and L(EXP), in the above example. One of the best-known is
the Akaike criterion, which says that we should choose the hypothesis
9. Conclusion
Although Kuhn’s ‘no algorithm’ thesis is quite widely accepted in
philosophy of science, there have been few attempts to subject it to
serious scrutiny. To remedy this situation, I have used the machinery
of social choice theory, and tried to relate Kuhn’s thesis to Arrow’s
famous impossibility theorem. Though superficially similar to Kuhn’s,
Arrow’s conclusion that there is ‘no algorithm’ for social choice is in
fact quite different. For Kuhn’s claim is that there are many algo-
rithms, all equally acceptable, while Arrow’s claim is that no algorithm
meets minimum standards of acceptability.
By identifying Kuhn’s five criteria with Arrow’s individuals, the
theory choice problem was seen to have the same structure as a stand-
ard social choice problem. Moreover, Arrow’s four conditions seem as
defensible for theory choice as they are for social choice, which raises
the spectre of an Arrovian impossibility result for theory choice.
An argument parallel to the one given in the Appendix shows that with the domain
restriction appropriate to the Akaike choice functional, conditions P9, I9, and N9 are jointly
unsatisfiable if ONC is assumed. Thus it is the violation of ONC, not the domain restriction,
that permits the satisfaction of conditions P9, I9, and N9.
Consider a finite set X of pair-wise exclusive theories {T1, … , Tn}. We
assume X is a partition of logical space.24 Let Y be the set of all
orderings of X.
There are two ‘individuals’, each with a real-valued ‘utility ’ func-
tion over X, denoted u1 and u2 respectively. A profile (ordered pair) of
utility functions, one for each individual, is denoted <u1, u2>.
Thanks to audiences at Bristol, Cambridge, Konstanz, Madrid, and Cardiff, where ver-
sions of this paper were presented; to Elliott Sober, Marcel Weber, Hannes Leitgeb, Armin
Schulz, and Kit Patrick for comments and discussion; and in particular to an anonymous
referee for Mind for extremely detailed comments. This work was supported by AHRC grant
Taking X to be a partition makes the second half of the proof easier, as it allows us to
assume that u1(Ti) = 1 as opposed to merely u1(Ti) # 1, but could easily be relaxed.
So f 9 o h9 has domain R and satisfies conditions P9, I’, N’, and ONC.
However, by part 1 above, no function with domain R satisfies those
Therefore, there is no function f 9: T=Y satisfying the conditions P9,
I9, N9, and ONC.
Arrow, Kenneth 1951: Social Choice and Individual Values. New York: