RA For Block Works For 10 Villas

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25 20 15 10 5 Certain 5
20 16 12 8 4 Probable 4
15 12 9 6 3 Possible 3
10 8 6 4 2 Improbable 2
5 4 3 2 1 Negligible 1
Major 5 Severe 4 Significant 3 Minor 2 Slight 1 CONSEQUENCE
.Operations must not proceed: alternative methods to conduct this task must be implemented
Risks should be reduced to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARM). The higher the risk. The more effort must be given to reducing the risk.
.This task should be reassessed at regular intervals to evaluate that the existing control measures are adequate
This task may proceed with or without additional control measures. But if measures can be implemented to further reduce risk these should be
An event which is certain to occur unless immediate Possible multiple deaths and/or serious structural
controls are applied damage
An event which is likely to occur unless control Possible death, severe multiple injuries (LTI –
measures are improved Medevac)
An event which may occur despite existing control Possible significant injuries / multiple minor injuries SIGNIFICAN
measures (Probable LTI) T
An improbable event, but could occur it control Possible significant injuries (Medical treatment/first
measures are disregarded Aid)
.A highly unlikely event Possible slight/no potential risk of injuries(Possible
first Aid)
Any number 15 or above is intolerable and the task must not commence until alternative methods have been introduced. Any number 4 to 12
risks are deemed as tolerable, risks must have been reduced to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARM). Additional control measures may be

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required and the tasks should be re-assessed at regular intervals. Numbers 1 to 4 are tolerable, but risks should be reduced further if easily
HAZARDS What might Risk Response
be harmed Owner
 Charge hand or supervisor will check the site
 SARRT Talk before the shifting will start
1. Shifting of a. Blocked and Workers  If materials are found along the access, the team will Site
blocks into obstructed assigned for 5 4 20 removed the materials before shifting will start 4 1 4 Supervisor
work area access shifting  If regular access is obstructed, alternative safe access will
blocks be established with SEC Construction Manager’s
 When access is slippery due to water presence, first clear
b. Wet or the water and mud before shifting will be allowed
muddy Assigned 3 4 12  All water source causing mud on the access will be close 2 2 4 Site
access worker  If water and mud on the access is huge, use approved Supervisor
alternative safe access.
c. Shifting of  Approved NIGHT WORK PERMIT from UDC
blocks on 4 3 12  No Night works permit – No work 2 2 4 Foreman
nighttime  Safety Officer present on night works for night
 Foreman assigned for night works shift
 Electricians to provide sufficient LED Lights for workers
access in shifting and installation
 Cool water are provided to workers
 Drink sufficient water before work
d. Extreme Worker and  Rehydration supplement will be provided during summer. 2 2 4 Foreman
temperature his buddy 4 4 16  Work rotation of workers to avoid long exposure
 Safety goggle are provided
e. Adverse  In case of sand storm, dust mask are provided
weather Assigned  In case of rain, traffic sign installation will be on Halt
condition workers 5 4 20  Cover-all and safety shoes are provided 4 1 4 Assigned
 Work rotation to avoid long exposure worker
 STARRT talk with topic: Manual handling
2. Laying of  Assigned worker with complete PPE (Steel Toe - Safety 3 2 6 Engineers
concrete a. Fall of Mason and 4 3 12 Shoes, Hard hat and Cover all) Foremen

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blocks concrete assistant  Safe working platform is provided Safety
block  When scaffolding is required, certified scaffolder is Officer
 Foreman is assigned until the task is completed
b. Mixing of Mason 5 3 15  Masons are trained on dust as health hazard 4 2 8 Foreman
mortars  Dust mask is available on site storage
without  Designated area for mixing mortar composition
Dust mask  Provide liner
 Water is available for mixing

 STARRT is conducted regularly
 Experienced person to do the task
c. Laying/setti Rigger man  Experienced charge hand to do the task Foreman
ng of starter 5 3 15  Charge hand or supervisor is assigned to supervised until 4 2 8
blocks completion of the task
 TAG LINE is attached on the load
 Certified rigger is assigned
 All workers are provided with mandatory PPE and issued
3. Mixing/compo with dust mask. Engineers
sition of  STARRT Talk is conducted before work shall start. Foremen
mortars a. Non wearing Assigned 5 4 20  Trained and knowledgeable charge hand or supervisors 4 1 4 Safety
of dust mask mason  Tool box talks are conducted regularly to cover the Officer
importance in wearing Personal Protective Requirement.
 Highlight silicosis during Tool Box Talk and silicosis
posters posted on HSE Bulletin Board
 Experienced charge hand provided
b. Eating lunch Assigned  TBT highlighting the entry of foreign bodied through
without mason 3 4 12 ingestion. 2 2 4 Assigned
proper hand  Toilet and pantry is provided with soap worker
wash  Safety tips on hand washing is posted on the wash basin
 Cool water are provided to workers
c. Extreme Worker and  Drink sufficient water Foreman
temperature his buddy 4 4 16  Work rotation of workers to avoid long exposure sunlight 2 2 4 Charge
 Safety goggle are provided hand
d. Adverse  In case of sand storm, dust mask are provided
weather Assigned  Cover-all and safety shoes are provided
condition worker 5 4 20  Work rotation to avoid long exposure 4 1 4 Assigned

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4. Fixing of Inexperienced Mason 4 4 16  Newly assigned mason is under supervision of old and Foreman
expanded mason assistant experienced mason
metal mesh  Competent supervisor is assigned
 Hand gloves are provided
 In shifting expanded metal mesh should not overload the
 Mandatory PPE is provided
a. Non Mason  Tool Box Talk is conducted regularly highlighting the
provision of 4 4 16 location of shaft and voids. 2 2 4 Foreman
5. Block works on barriers  Mason working near the shaft and voids is provided with
shaft, openings full body harness and safe anchorage.
and voids  Anchorage is attached into the stable base of the
 Competent and experienced supervisor is assigned
b. Lack of full Mason  Supervisor is required to know the look ahead program
body 5 4 20  Supervisor is placing material requisition of needed 3 2 6 Foreman
harness materials for the project.
 Store is inspected and visited regularly by safety officers
and site engineers to ensure materials and available
 When Full Body Harness is not available – Stop Work is
issued by Safety Officer.
c. Unprotected Mason  Site safety inspection is regularly conducted
voids and 5 4 20  When opening are spotted, closure of the voids is 3 2 6 Foreman
openings required before work shall commence.
 Cover all voids and opening with Danger Sign on the cover
 Tool Box Talk is conducted to inform workers on the exact
location of voids and openings.
a. Use of high MEP  Hilti or Makita cutters are used on site
6. Installation of speed cutter workers, 5 4 20  Low speed cutter is available for MEP Installations 3 2 6 MEP
MEP Services electricians  Only inspected and tagged cutters are allowed Supervisor
 Tagging and inspection is regularly conducted
 All white cable for power supply shall be installed
 Power source is through assigned site electrician
 Cutting Disc is of higher capacity than the motor
b. Non- MEP  STARRT Talk Provided

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wearing of workers, 4 4 16  Tool Box Talk provided 2 2 4 MEP
safety electricians  Provided safety glass and dust mask is provided to all Supervisor
goggles and MEP assigned workers.
dust mask  Competent supervisor is assigned
 Site safety watch is available on site
 Safety eye protection is provided
7. Manual works Concrete debris Mason 5 3 15  Dust mask is provided 4 1 4 Foreman
by use of chisel assistant  Proper positioning of chisel before hitting by hammer
and hammer  Safe Chisel provided with extended handle
 First aid kit and site nurse is available on site
 Tool Box Talk to cover safe operation of chisel and
 Competent supervisor is assigned
 Provide safe scaffold
8. External Non provision of Mason 4 4 16  Certified and experienced scaffolder 2 2 4 Site
masonry safe working  STARRT Talk to cover fall from heights in the installation Engineer
platforms of archival beads and
 Fixing of ties and wall ties and angles is by competent supervisor
 Safety watch is available
 Fall protection is provided for on site for use.
 No-external fittings are allowed on heights without safe
working platform.
 All scaffolds are inspected and tagged.

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