Integrated Farm Assurance All Farm Base - Crops Base - Fruit and Vegetables
Integrated Farm Assurance All Farm Base - Crops Base - Fruit and Vegetables
Integrated Farm Assurance All Farm Base - Crops Base - Fruit and Vegetables
© Copyright: GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS GmbH: Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne; Germany. Copying and distribution permitted only in unaltered form.
A producer may use this template or any other format for compliance with AF 15.1
We are committed to ensure that food safety is implemented and maintained throughout our production processes.
This is achieved by:
All of our staff has been trained in food safety and hygiene (see AF 3) and are strictly monitored to ensure it is continuously implemented.
The following person(s) have accountability for food safety
If different, during harvesting (for crop production) to ensure that only safe products are harvested according to the standard:
If different, during product handling to ensure that appropriate release procedures are followed according to the standard requirements:
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The implementation of GLOBALG.A.P. is based on identification of risks and hazards, and mitigating activities will be reviewed annually to ensure continuing suitability,
adequacy, and effectiveness.
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(for all external and internal inspections)
The compliance criteria is added to the checklist for the sake of completeness and to give guidance.
Please Choose
Type of Inspection
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Yes No N/A
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 1.1.2 Is a recording system established for Current records shall provide a history of Major Must
each unit of production or other GLOBALG.A.P. production of all production
area/location to provide a record of the areas. No N/A.
livestock/aquaculture production and/or
agronomic activities undertaken at those
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 1.2.2 Has a management plan that establishes A management plan addresses the risks Major Must
strategies to minimize the risks identified identified in AF 1.2.1 and describes the
in the risk assessment (AF 1.2.1) been hazard control procedures that justify that the
developed and implemented, and is the site in question is suitable for production. This
plan reviewed regularly to ensure plan shall be appropriate to the farm
sustainability and effectiveness? operations, and there shall be evidence of its
implementation and effectiveness. The plan
shall address maintenance of grounds and
areas within the site to prevent contamination.
The plan shall be reviewed annually, or
whenever changes occur that may impact the
safety of food production and impact the food
safety plan.
NOTE: Environmental risks do not need to be
part of this plan and are covered under AF
AF 1.2.3 Are structures, including all adjoining Where appropriate, the design and layout Major Must
rooms, equipment, facilities, and feeding shall permit compliance with good hygiene
systems located, designed, and practices, including protection against cross
constructed to facilitate proper cleaning contamination between and during
and pest control? operations.
AF 1.2.4 Is a program of site inspections or In addition to the self-assessment, a program Major Must
checks established? of site inspections shall be established,
implemented, and maintained to ensure the
site and equipment are routinely maintained
in a suitable condition to ensure food safety,
as applicable to the activity of the site. These
site inspections can be at an interval
determined by the producer in accordance
with the assessed risk.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 2.3 Does the producer take responsibility to There is documented evidence that in Option Major Must
conduct a minimum of one internal self- 1 an internal self-assessment has been
assessment per year against the completed under the responsibility of the
GLOBALG.A.P. Standard? producer (this may be carried out by a person
different from the producer).
Self-assessments shall include all applicable
control points, even when a subcontracted
company carries them out.
The self-assessment checklist shall contain
comments of the evidence observed for all
non-applicable and non-compliant control
This has to be done before the CB inspection
(see GLOBALG.A.P. General Regulations
Part I, section 5.).
No N/A, except for multisite operations with
QMS and producer groups, for which the
QMS checklist covers internal inspections.
AF 2.4 Have effective corrective actions been Necessary corrective actions are documented Major Must
taken as a result of non-conformances and have been implemented. N/A only in the
detected during the internal self- case no non-conformances are detected
assessment or internal producer group during internal self-assessments or internal
inspections? producer group inspections.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 2.5 Are continuous improvements Continuous improvements based on self- Major Must
documented? assessments and site inspections shall be
implemented and documented. Continuous
improvements can be shown as a reduction in
overall corrective actions during self-
assessment, resource management plans
documenting improvements, or other
applicable activities.
People are key to the prevention of product contamination. Farm staff and contractors
as well as producers themselves stand for the quality and safety of the product.
Education and training will support progress toward safe production. This section is
intended to ensure good practices to diminish hygiene risks to the product and that all
workers understand the requirements and are competent to perform their duties.
Further hygiene requirements, specific to certain activities such as harvest and product
handling, are defined in the applicable Standard module.
AF 3.1 Does the farm have a written risk The written risk assessment for hygiene Major Must
assessment for hygiene? issues covers the production environment.
The risks depend on the products produced
and/or supplied. The risk assessment can be
a generic one, but it shall be appropriate for
conditions on the farm and shall be reviewed
annually and updated when changes (e.g.
other activities) occur. No N/A.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 3.2 Does the farm have a documented The farm shall have a hygiene procedure Major Must
hygiene procedure and visibly displayed addressing the risks identified in the risk
hygiene instructions for all workers and assessment in AF 3.1. The farm shall also
visitors to the site whose activities might have hygiene instructions visibly displayed for
pose a risk to food safety? workers (including subcontractors) and
visitors provided by way of clear signs
(pictures) and/or in the predominant
language(s) of the workforce. The instructions
shall also be based on the results of the
hygiene risk assessment in AF 3.1 and
include at a minimum:
• The need to wash hands
• The need to cover skin cuts
• Limitation on smoking, eating, and
drinking to designated areas
• Immediate notification to management
or supervisor of any relevant infections or
conditions. This includes any signs of illness
(e.g. fever, vomiting, jaundice, diarrhea),
whereby these workers shall be restricted
from direct contact with the product and food-
contact surfaces
• Notification of product contamination
with bodily fluids
• The use of provided suitable protective
clothing, where the individuals’ activities
might pose a risk of contamination to the
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 3.3 Have all persons working on the farm An introductory training course for hygiene Major Must
received annual hygiene training shall be given in both written and verbal form.
appropriate to their activities and All new workers shall receive this training and
according to the hygiene instructions in confirm their participation. This training shall
AF 3.2? cover all instructions defined in AF 3.2. All
workers, including the owners and managers,
shall annually participate in the farm’s basic
hygiene training.
AF 3.4 Are the farm’s hygiene procedures Workers with tasks identified in the hygiene Major Must
implemented? procedures shall demonstrate competence
during the inspection and there is visual
evidence that the hygiene procedures are
being implemented. The effectiveness of the
hygiene procedures in eliminating food safety
risks shall be measured. No N/A.
AF 3.5 Are cleaning facilities, equipment, and Cleaning products shall be labeled for food Major Must
chemical materials suitable for their contact surfaces, if intended for use in
intended use and stored and used cleaning areas that come in contact with the
appropriately? product. Chemicals for cleaning and cleaning
equipment shall be stored in a manner that
does not risk contamination of product.
Cleaning activities shall not present a food
safety risk.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 4.1.2 Does the farm have written health and The health and safety procedures shall Minor Must
safety procedures addressing issues address the points identified in the risk
identified in the risk assessment of AF assessment (AF 4.1.1) and shall be
4.1.1? appropriate for the farming operations. They
shall also include accident and emergency
procedures as well as contingency plans that
deal with any identified risks in the working
situation, etc. The procedures shall be
reviewed annually and updated when the risk
assessment changes.
The farm infrastructure, facilities, and
equipment shall be constructed and
maintained in such a way as to minimize
health and safety hazards for the workers to
the extent practical.
AF 4.1.3 Have all people working on the farm All workers, including subcontractors, can Major Must
received health and safety training demonstrate competency in responsibilities
according to the risk assessment in AF and tasks through visual observation (if
4.1.1? possible, on the day of the inspection). There
shall be evidence of instructions in the
appropriate language and training records.
Producers may conduct the health and safety
training themselves if training instructions or
other training materials are available (i.e. it
need not be an outside individual who
conducts the training). No N/A.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 4.2.2 Do all workers handling and/or Records shall identify workers who carry out Major Must
administering veterinary medicines, such tasks and can demonstrate competence
chemicals, disinfectants, plant protection (e.g. certificate of training and/or records of
products, biocides, and/or other training with proof of attendance). This shall
hazardous substances and all workers include compliance with applicable legislation.
operating dangerous or complex No N/A.
equipment as defined in the risk analysis For aquaculture, cross-reference with
in AF 4.1.1 have evidence of Aquaculture module.
competence or details of other such In livestock, for workers administering
qualifications? medicines, proof of adequate experience is
also required.
AF 4.2.3 Are employees whose activities impact A clear organizational structure identifying the Major Must
food safety identified? job functions and responsibilities of at least
those employees whose activities affect food
safety shall be established, implemented, and
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 4.3.2 Are potential hazards clearly identified by Permanent and legible signs shall indicate Minor Must
warning signs? potential hazards. This shall include, where
applicable: Waste pits, fuel tanks, workshops,
and access doors of the storage facilities for
plant protection products/fertilizers/any other
chemicals. Warning signs shall be present
and in the predominant language(s) of the
workforce and/or in pictograms. No N/A.
AF 4.3.3 Is safety advice for substances When required to ensure appropriate action, Minor Must
hazardous to workers’ health information (e.g. website, telephone number,
available/accessible? material safety data sheets, etc.) is
For aquaculture, cross-reference with
Aquaculture module.
AF 4.3.4 Are first aid kits available at all Complete and maintained first aid kits (i.e. Minor Must
permanent sites and in the vicinity of according to local recommendations and
fieldwork? appropriate to the activities being carried out
on the farm) shall be available and accessible
at all permanent sites and readily available for
transport (tractor, car, etc.) where required by
the risk assessment in AF 4.1.1.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 4.3.5 Are there always an appropriate number There is always at least one person trained in Minor Must
of persons (at least one person) trained first aid (i.e. within the last 5 years) present
in first aid present on each farm on the farm whenever on-farm activities are
whenever on-farm activities are being being carried out. As a guideline: One trained
carried out? person per 50 workers. On-farm activities
include all activities mentioned in the relevant
modules of this standard.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 4.4.2 Is protective clothing cleaned after use Protective clothing is kept clean according to Major Must
and stored in such a way as to prevent the type of use and degree of potential
contamination of personal clothing? contamination and in a ventilated place.
Cleaning protective clothing and equipment
includes separate washing from private
clothing. Wash re-usable gloves before
removal. Dirty and damaged protective
clothing and equipment and expired filter
cartridges shall be disposed of appropriately.
Single-use items (e.g. gloves, overalls) shall
be disposed of after one use. All protective
clothing and equipment including
replacements filters, etc. shall be stored
outside of the plant protection
products/storage facility and physically
separated from any other chemicals that
might cause contamination of the clothing or
equipment. No N/A.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 4.5.2 Does regular two-way communication Records show that communication between Minor Must
take place between management and management and workers about health,
workers on issues related to workers’ safety, and welfare concerns can take place
health, safety, and welfare? Is there openly (i.e. without fear of intimidation or
evidence of actions taken from such retribution) and at least once a year. The
communication? auditor is not required to make judgments
about the content, accuracy, or outcome of
such communications. There is evidence that
the concerns of the workers about health,
safety, and welfare are being addressed.
AF 4.5.3 Do workers have access to clean food A place to store food and a place to eat shall Major Must
storage areas, designated rest areas, be provided to the workers if they eat on the
handwashing facilities, and drinking farm. Handwashing equipment and drinking
water? water shall always be provided.
AF 4.5.4 Are on-site living quarters habitable and The on-farm living quarters for the workers Major Must
have the basic services and facilities? are habitable and have a sound roof,
windows and doors, and the basic services of
drinking water, toilets, and drains. In the case
of no drains, septic pits can be accepted if
compliant with local regulations.
AF 4.5.5 Is transport for workers (on-farm, to and Vehicles or vessels shall be safe for workers Minor Must
from fields/orchard) as provided by the and, when used to transport workers on
producer safe and compliant with public roads, shall comply with national safety
national regulations when used to regulations.
transport workers on public roads?
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
A subcontractor is the entity furnishing labor, equipment and/or materials to perform
specific farm operation(s) under contract with the producer (e.g. custom grain
harvesting, fruit spraying and picking).
AF 5.1 When the producer makes use of The producer is responsible for observing the Major Must
subcontractors, do they oversee their control points applicable to the tasks performed by
activities in order to ensure that those the subcontractors who carry out activities covered
in the GLOBALG.A.P. Standard, by checking and
activities relevant to GLOBALG.A.P.
signing the assessment of the subcontractor for
CPCC comply with the corresponding each task and season contracted.
requirements? Evidence of compliance with the applicable control
points shall be available on the farm during the
external inspection.
i) The producer can perform the assessment
and shall keep the evidence of compliance of the
control points assessed. The subcontractor shall
agree that GLOBALG.A.P. approved certifiers are
allowed to verify the assessments through a
physical inspection or
ii) A third-party certification body, which is
GLOBALG.A.P. approved, can inspect the
subcontractor. The subcontractor shall receive a
letter of conformance from the certification body
with the following info:
1) Date of assessment
2) Name of the certification body
3) Inspector name
4) Details of the subcontractor
5) List of the inspected control points and
compliance criteria. Certificates issued to
subcontractors against standards that are not
officially approved by GLOBALG.A.P. are not valid
evidence of compliance with GLOBALG.A.P.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 6.2.2 Is the site kept in a tidy and orderly Visual assessment shall show that there is no Major Must
condition? evidence of waste/litter in the immediate
vicinity of the production site(s) or storage
buildings. Incidental and insignificant litter and
waste on the designated areas are
acceptable as well as the waste from the
current day’s work. All other litter and waste
shall be cleared up, including fuel spills.
AF 6.2.3 Are holding areas for diesel and other All fuel storage tanks shall conform to the Minor Must
fuel oil tanks environmentally safe? local requirements. When there are no local
requirements to contain spillage, the
minimum is bunded areas, which shall be
impervious and be able to contain at least
110 % of the largest tank stored within it,
unless it is in an environmentally sensitive
area where the capacity shall then be 165 %
of the content of the largest tank. There shall
be no-smoking signs displayed and
appropriate fire emergency provisions made
AF 6.2.4 Provided there is no risk of pest, Organic waste material is composted and Recom.
disease, and weed carry-over, are used for soil conditioning. The composting
organic wastes composted on the farm method ensures that there is no risk of pest,
and recycled? disease, or weed carry-over. For aquaculture,
cross-reference with Aquaculture module.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 6.2.5 Is the water used for washing and Waste water resulting from washing of Recom.
cleaning purposes disposed of in a contaminated machinery, e.g. spray
manner that ensures the minimum health equipment, personal protective equipment,
and safety risks and environmental hydro-coolers, or buildings with animals,
impact? should be collected and disposed of in a way
that ensures the minimum impact on the
environment and the health and safety of
farm staff, visitors and nearby communities as
well as legal compliance. For tank washings
see Crops Base module.
Farming and the environment are inseparably linked. Managing wildlife and landscape
is of great importance. The abundance and diversity of flora and fauna benefits the
enhancement of species and the structural diversity of land and landscape features.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 7.1.2 Has the producer considered how to There should be tangible actions and Recom.
enhance the environment for the benefit initiatives that can be demonstrated 1) by the
of the local community and flora and producer either on the production site or at
fauna? Is this policy compatible with the local scale or at the regional scale 2) by
sustainable commercial agricultural participation in a group that is active in
production and does it strive to minimize environmental support schemes concerned
environmental impact of the agricultural with habitat quality and habitat elements.
activity? There is a commitment within the
conservation plan to undertake a baseline
audit of the current levels, location, condition,
etc. of the fauna and flora on the farm, so as
to enable actions to be planned. Within the
conservation plan, there is a clear list of
priorities and actions to enhance habitats for
fauna and flora, where viable, and to increase
bio-diversity on the farm.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
Farming equipment shall be selected and maintained for optimum energy efficiency.
The use of renewable energy sources should be encouraged.
AF 7.3.1 Can the producer show monitoring of on- Energy use records exist (e.g. invoices where Minor Must
farm energy use? energy consumption is detailed). The
producer/producer group is aware of where
and how energy is consumed on the farm and
through farming practices. Farming
equipment shall be selected and maintained
for optimum energy consumption.
AF 7.3.2 Based on the result of the monitoring, is A written plan identifying opportunities to Recom.
there a plan to improve energy efficiency improve energy efficiency is available.
on the farm?
AF 7.3.3 Does the plan to improve energy Producers consider reducing the use of non- Recom.
efficiency consider minimizing the use of renewable energies to a minimum possible
non-renewable energy? and use renewable ones.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
Management of complaints will lead to an overall better production system.
AF 8.1 Is there a complaint procedure available A documented complaint procedure is Major Must
relating to both internal and external available to facilitate the recording and follow-
issues covered by the GLOBALG.A.P. up of all received complaints relating to
Standard and does this procedure issues covered by GLOBALG.A.P. actions
ensure that complaints are adequately taken with respect to such complaints. In the
recorded, studied, and followed up, case of producer groups, the members do not
including a record of actions taken? need the complete complaint procedure, but
only the parts that are relevant to them. The
complaint procedure shall include the
notification of GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat via
the certification body in the case that the
producer is informed by a competent or local
authority that they are under investigation
and/or has received a sanction in the scope
of the certificate. No N/A.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 9.1 Does the producer have documented The producer shall have a documented Major Must
procedures on how to manage/initiate procedure that identifies the type of event that
the withdrawal/recall of certified products may result in a withdrawal/recall, the persons
from the marketplace and are these responsible for making decisions on the
procedures tested annually? possible product withdrawal/recall, the
mechanism for notifying the next step in the
supply chain and the GLOBALG.A.P.
approved certification body, and the methods
of reconciling stock.
The procedures shall be tested annually to
ensure that they are effective. This test shall
be recorded (e.g. by picking a recently sold
batch, identifying the quantity and
whereabouts of the product, and verifying
whether the next step involved with this batch
and the CB can be contacted. Actual
communications of the mock recall to the
clients are not necessary. A list of phone
numbers and e-mails is sufficient). No N/A.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 11.1 Does all transaction documentation Sales invoices and, where appropriate, other Major Must
include reference to the GLOBALG.A.P. documentation related to sales of certified
status and the GGN? material/products shall include the GGN of
the certificate holder and a reference to the
GLOBALG.A.P. certified status. This is not
obligatory in internal documentation.
Where producers own a GLN, this shall
replace the GGN issued by GLOBALG.A.P.
during the registration process.
Positive identification of the certified status is
enough on transaction documentation (e.g.:
‘‘GLOBALG.A.P. certified <product name>’’).
Non-certified products do not need to be
identified as “non-certified”.
Indication of the certified status is obligatory
regardless of whether the certified product
was sold as certified or not. This cannot be
checked during the initial (first ever)
inspection, because the producer is not
certified yet and the producer cannot
reference to the GLOBALG.A.P. certified
status before the first positive certification
N/A only when there is a written agreement
available between the producer and the client
not to identify the GLOBALG.A.P. status of
the product and/or the GGN on the
transaction documents.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 12.1 Is the GLOBALG.A.P. word, trademark, The producer/producer group shall use the Major Must
GLOBALG.A.P. QR code or logo and the GLOBALG.A.P. word, trademark,
GGN (GLOBALG.A.P. Number) used GLOBALG.A.P. QR code or logo and the
according to the GLOBALG.A.P. General GGN , GLN or sub-GLN according to the
Regulations and according to the General Regulations Part I, Annex 1 and
‘Sublicense and Certification according to the ‘Sublicense and Certification
Agreement’? Agreement’. The GLOBALG.A.P. word,
trademark, or logo shall never appear on the
final product, on the consumer packaging, or
at the point of sale. However, the certificate
holder can use any and/or all in business-to-
business communications.
The GLOBALG.A.P. word, trademark, or logo
cannot be in use during the initial (first ever)
inspection because the producer is not
certified yet and the producer cannot
reference to the GLOBALG.A.P. certified
status before the first positive certification
Aquaculture ova or seedlings, and Livestock,
when the certified products are input
products, not intended for sale to final
consumers and will definitely not appear at
the point of sale to final consumers.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 13.1 Is there an effective system in place to A system shall be in place to avoid mixing of Major Must
identify and segregate all certified and non-certified products. This can
GLOBALG.A.P. certified and non- be done via physical identification or product
certified products? handling procedures, including the relevant
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 13.2 In the case of producers registered for In the case the producer is registered for Major Must
parallel production/ownership (where parallel production/ownership (where certified
certified and non-certified products are and non-certified products are produced
produced and/or owned by one legal and/or owned by one legal entity), all product
entity), is there a system to ensure that packed in final consumer packaging (either
all final products originating from a from farm level or after product handling)
certified production process are correctly shall be identified with a GGN where the
identified? product originates from a certified process.
It can be the GGN of the (Option 2) group, the
GGN of the group member, both GGNs, or
the GGN of the individual (Option 1)
The GGN shall not be used to label non-
certified products.
N/A only when the producer only owns
GLOBALG.A.P. products (no PP/PO), or
when there is a written agreement available
between the producer and the client not to
use the GGN, GLN, or sub-GLN on the ready
to be sold product. This can also be the
client's own label specifications where the
GGN is not included.
AF 13.3 Is there a final check to ensure the The check shall be documented to show that Major Must
correct product dispatch of certified and the certified and non-certified products are
non-certified products? dispatched correctly.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 13.4 Are appropriate identification procedures Procedures shall be established, documented Major Must
in place and records for identifying and maintained, appropriately to the scale of
products purchased from different the operation, for identifying certified and,
sources available for all registered when applicable, non-certified quantities
products? purchased from different sources (i.e. other
producers or traders) for all registered
Records shall include:
• Product description
• GLOBALG.A.P. certified status
• Quantities of product(s) purchased
• Supplier details
• Copy of the GLOBALG.A.P. certificates
where applicable
• Traceability data/codes related to the
purchased products
• Purchase orders/invoices received by
the organization being assessed
• List of approved suppliers
AF 13.5 Is a documented test of the traceability A documented test of the traceability system Major Must
system done annually? shall be conducted annually. This exercise
may be included with the test of recall and
withdrawal procedures, or may be carried out
separately, depending on the structure of the
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
Section 14 is applicable to all GLOBALG.A.P. producers. In the case of producer group
members, this information may sometimes be covered under the QMS of the group.
AF 14.1 Are sales records available for all Sales details of certified and, when Major Must
quantities sold and all registered applicable, non-certified quantities shall be
products? recorded for all registered products, with
particular attention to quantities sold and
descriptions provided. The documents shall
demonstrate the consistent balance between
the certified and non-certified input and the
output. No N/A.
AF 14.2 Are quantities (produced, stored, and/or Quantities (including information on volumes Major Must
purchased) recorded and summarized or weight) of certified, and when applicable
for all products? non-certified, incoming (including purchased
products), outgoing and stored products shall
be recorded, and a summary maintained for
all registered products, so as to facilitate the
mass balance verification process.
The frequency of the mass balance
verification shall be defined and be
appropriate to the scale of the operation, but
It shall be done at least annually per product.
Documents to demonstrate mass balance
shall be clearly identified. This control point
applies to all GLOBALG.A.P. producers.
No N/A.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 14.3 Are conversion ratios and/or loss (input- Conversion ratios shall be calculated and Major Must
output calculations of a given production available for each relevant handling process.
process) during handling calculated and All generated product waste quantities shall
controlled? be estimated and/or recorded. No N/A.
AF 15.1 Has the producer completed and signed Completion and signature of the ‘Food Safety Major Must
the ‘Food Safety Policy Declaration’ Policy Declaration’ is a commitment to be
included in the IFA checklist? renewed annually for each new certification
For a producer under Option 1 without QMS,
the self-assessment checklist will only be
complete when the ‘Food Safety Policy
Declaration’ is completed and signed.
In the case of producer groups (Option 2) and
producers under Option 1 Multisite with QMS,
it is possible that the central management
assumes this commitment for the
organization and for all its members by
completing and signing one declaration at
QMS level. In that case, the members of the
producer groups and the individual production
sites are not required to complete and sign
the declaration individually. No N/A, unless
Flowers and Ornamentals or Plant
Propagation Material certification.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 16.1 Does the producer have a food fraud A documented risk assessment to identify Major Must
vulnerability risk assessment? potential vulnerability to food fraud (e.g.
counterfeit PPP or propagation material, non-
food grade packaging material) is available,
current, and implemented. This procedure
may be based on a generic one but shall be
customized to the scope of the production.
AF 16.2 Does the producer have a food fraud A documented food fraud mitigation plan, Major Must
mitigation plan and has it been specifying the measures the producer has
implemented? implemented to address the food fraud
threats identified, is available and
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 17.2 Are written specifications established, Specified requirements or specifications shall Major Must
implemented, and maintained for all be established, implemented, and maintained
products and inputs into the production for all inputs to the process, including
process? services that are purchased or provided and
have an effect on food safety. A review
process of the specified requirements or
specifications shall be in place.
AF 17.3 Does the producer have a documented A documented procedure is in place Major Must
procedure for non-conforming products specifying that all non-conforming products
and has it been implemented? shall be clearly identified and quarantined as
appropriate. These products shall be handled
or disposed of according to the nature of the
problem and/or specific customer
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
AF 17.4 Does the producer have a documented The producer shall have a documented Major Must
procedure for product release? procedure with criteria for product release
(MRL compliance, conforming criteria, staff
responsible for releasing products, etc.) A
product release procedure shall be
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
Traceability facilitates the recall/withdrawal of foods and flowers and ornamentals and
enables customers to be provided with targeted and accurate information concerning
implicated products.
CB 1.1 Is a GLOBALG.A.P. registered product There is a documented identification and Major Must
traceable back to and trackable from the traceability system that allows
registered farm (and other relevant GLOBALG.A.P. registered products to be
registered areas) where it has been traced back to the registered farm or, in a
produced and, if applicable, handled? producer group, to the registered farms of the
group, and tracked forward to the immediate
customer (one step up, one step down).
Harvest information shall link a batch to the
production records or the farms of specific
producers (refer to General Regulations Part
II for information on segregation in Option 2).
Produce handling shall also be covered, if
applicable. No N/A.
The choice of propagation material plays an important role in the production process
and, by using the appropriate varieties, can help to reduce the number of fertilizer and
plant protection product applications. The choice of propagation material is a
precondition of good plant growth and product quality.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 2.1.1 When seeds or propagation material A document (e.g. empty seed package, plant Minor Must
have been purchased in the past 24 passport, packing list, or invoice) that states
months, is there evidence that as a minimum variety name, batch number,
guarantees they have been obtained in propagation material vendor, and, where
compliance with variety registration laws available, additional information on seed
(in the case mandatory variety quality (germination, genetic purity, physical
registration exists in the respective purity, seed health, etc.) shall be available.
Material coming from nurseries that have
GLOBALG.A.P. Plant Propagation Material,
equivalent or GLOBALG.A.P. recognized
certification is considered compliant.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 2.1.2 Has the propagation material used been When producers use registered varieties or Minor Must
obtained in accordance to applicable rootstock, there are written documents
intellectual property laws? available on request that prove that the
propagation material used has been obtained
in accordance to applicable local intellectual
property right laws. These documents may be
the license contract (for starting material that
does not originate from seed, but from
vegetative origin), the plant passport if
applicable or, if a plant passport is not
required, a document or empty seed package
that states, as a minimum, variety name,
batch number, propagation material vendor,
and packing list/delivery note or invoice to
demonstrate size and identity of all
propagation material used in the last 24
months. No N/A.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 2.1.3 Are plant health quality control systems A quality control system that contains a Minor Must
operational for in-house nursery monitoring system for visible signs of pest
propagation? and diseases is in place and current records
of the monitoring system shall be available.
Nursery means anywhere propagation
material is produced, (including in-house
grafting material selection). The monitoring
system shall include the recording and
identification of the mother plant or field of
origin crop, as applicable. Recording shall be
at regular established intervals. If the
cultivated trees or plants are intended for own
use only (i.e. not sold), this will suffice. When
rootstocks are used, special attention shall be
paid to the origin of the rootstocks through
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 2.2.2 Are PPP treatments recorded for in- Records of all PPP treatments applied during Major Must
house nursery propagation materials the plant propagation period for in-house
applied during the plant propagation plant nursery propagation are available and
period? include location, date, trade name and active
ingredient, operator, authorized by,
justification, quantity, and machinery used.
CB 2.3 Genetically Modified Organisms (N/A if no Genetically Modified Varieties are Used)
CB 2.3.1 Does the planting of or trials with The registered farm or group of registered Major Must
genetically modified organisms (GMOs) farms have a copy of the legislation
comply with all applicable legislation in applicable in the country of production and
the country of production? comply accordingly. Records shall be kept of
the specific modification and/or the unique
identifier. Specific husbandry and
management advice shall be obtained.
CB 2.3.2 Is there documentation available of when If GMO cultivars and/or products derived from Minor Must
the producer grows GMOs? genetic modification are used, records of
planting, use or production of GMO cultivars
and/or products derived from genetic
modification are maintained.
CB 2.3.3 Have the producer’s direct clients been Documented evidence of communication Major Must
informed of the GMO status of the shall be provided and shall allow verification
product? that all material supplied to direct clients is
according to customer requirements.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 2.3.4 Is there a plan for handling genetically A written plan that explains how GM materials Minor Must
modified (GM) material (i.e. crops and (e.g. crops and trials) are handled and stored
trials) identifying strategies to minimize to minimize risk of contamination with
contamination risks (e.g. such as conventional material and to maintain product
accidental mixing of adjacent non-GM integrity is available.
crops) and maintaining product integrity?
CB 2.3.5 Are GM crops stored separately from A visual assessment of the integrity and Major Must
other crops to avoid adventitious mixing? identification of GM crops storage shall be
CB 3.1 Does the producer have a soil The producer shall demonstrate that Minor Must
management plan? consideration has been given to the
nutritional needs of the crop and to
maintaining soil fertility. Records of analyses
and/or crop-specific literature shall be
available as evidence.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 3.2 Have soil maps been prepared for the The types of soil are identified for each site, Recom.
farm? based on a soil profile or soil analysis or local
(regional) cartographic soil-type map.
CB 3.3 Is there, where feasible, crop rotation for When rotations of annual crops to improve Minor Must
annual crops? soil structure and minimize soil borne pests
and diseases are done, this can be verified
from planting date and/or PPP application
records. Records shall exist for the previous
2-year rotation.
CB 3.4 Have techniques been used to improve There is evidence of techniques applied (e.g. Minor Must
or maintain soil structure and avoid soil use of deep-rooting green crops, drainage,
compaction? subsoiling, use of low pressure tires,
tramlines, permanent row marking, avoiding
in-row plowing, smearing, poaching,) that are
suitable for use on the land and, where
possible, minimize, isolate, or eliminate soil
compaction, etc.
CB 3.5 Does the producer use techniques to There is evidence of control practices and Major Must
reduce the possibility of soil erosion? remedial measures (e.g. mulching, cross line
techniques on slopes, drains, sowing grass or
green fertilizers, trees and bushes on borders
of sites, etc.) to minimize soil erosion (e.g.
water, wind).
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 3.6 Has the producer taken into account the An analysis from the supply is carried out or Minor Must
nutrient contribution of organic fertilizer recognized standard values are used, which
applications? take into account the contents of NPK
nutrients (nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P),
potassium (K)) in organic fertilizer applied in
order to avoid soil contamination.
CB 3.7 Does the producer keep records on Records of sowing/planting, rate/density, and Minor Must
seed/planting rate, sowing/planting date? date shall be kept and be available.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
The fertilization decision-making process involves consideration of crop demands.
Nutrients shall be available for crops in the growing substrate or soil and fertilization is
often necessary. Correct application to optimize use and storage procedures to avoid
loss and contamination shall be followed.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 4.2.1 Field, orchard or greenhouse reference Records shall be kept of all fertilizer Minor Must
and crop? applications, detailing the geographical area
and the name or reference of the field,
orchard or greenhouse where the registered
product crop is located. Records shall also be
kept for hydroponic situations and where
fertigation is used. No N/A.
CB 4.2.2 Application dates? The exact dates (day, month and year) of the Major Must
application are detailed in the records of all
fertilizer applications. No N/A.
CB 4.2.3 Applied fertilizer types? The trade name, type of fertilizer (e.g. NPK), Minor Must
and concentrations (e.g. 17-17-17) are
detailed in the records of all fertilizer
applications. No N/A.
CB 4.2.4 Applied quantities? The amount of product to be applied in weight Minor Must
or volume relative to a unit of area or number
of plants or unit of time per volume of
fertigation is detailed in the records of all
fertilizer applications. The actual quantity
applied shall be recorded, as this is not
necessarily the same as the
recommendation. No N/A.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 4.2.5 Method of application? The method and/or equipment used are Minor Must
detailed in the records of all fertilizer
In the case the method/equipment is always
the same, it is acceptable to record these
details only once. If there are various
equipment units, these are identified
individually. Methods may be e.g. via
irrigation or mechanical distribution.
Equipment may be e.g. manual or
mechanical. No N/A.
CB 4.2.6 Operator details? The name of the operator who has applied Minor Must
the fertilizer is detailed in the records of all
fertilizer applications.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 4.3.2 In a covered area? The covered area is suitable to protect all Minor Must
inorganic fertilizers (e.g. powders, granules,
or liquids) from atmospheric influences (e.g.
sunlight, frost and rain, high temperature).
Based on a risk assessment (fertilizer type,
weather conditions, storage duration and
location), plastic coverage could be
acceptable. It is permitted to store lime and
gypsum in the field. As long as the storage
requirements on the material safety data
sheet are complied with, bulk liquid fertilizers
can be stored outside in containers.
CB 4.3.3 In a clean area? Inorganic fertilizers (e.g. powders, granules or Minor Must
liquids) are stored in an area that is free from
waste, does not constitute a breeding place
for rodents, and where spillage and leakage
may be cleared away.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 4.3.4 In a dry area? The storage area for all inorganic fertilizers Minor Must
(e.g. powders, granules or liquids) is well
ventilated and free from rainwater or heavy
condensation. Storage cannot be directly on
the soil except for lime/gypsum.
CB 4.3.5 In an appropriate manner that reduces All fertilizers are stored in a manner that Minor Must
the risk of contamination of water poses minimum risk of contamination to water
sources? sources.
Liquid fertilizer stores/tanks shall be
surrounded by an impermeable barrier to
contain a capacity to 110 % of the volume of
the largest container, if there is no applicable
CB 4.3.6 Not together with harvested products? Fertilizers shall not be stored with harvested Major Must
CB 4.3.7 Is there an up-to-date fertilizer stock The stock inventory (type and amount of Minor Must
inventory or stock calculation listing fertilizers stored) shall be updated within a
incoming fertilizer and records of use month after there is a movement of the stock
available? (in and out). A stock update can be calculated
by registration of supply (invoices or other
records of incoming fertilizers) and use
(treatments/applications), but there shall be
regular checks of the actual content so as to
avoid deviations with calculations.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 4.4.2 Has a risk assessment been carried out Documented evidence is available to Major Must
for organic fertilizer, which, prior to demonstrate that a food safety and
application, considers its source, environmental risk assessment for the use of
characteristics and intended use? organic fertilizer has been done, and that at
least the following have been considered:
• Type of organic fertilizer
• Method of treatment to obtain the
organic fertilizer
• Microbial contamination (plant and
human pathogens)
• Weed/seed content
• Heavy metal content
• Timing of application, and placement of
organic fertilizer (e.g. direct contact to edible
part of crop, ground between crops, etc.).
This also applies to substrates from biogas
CB 4.4.3 Is organic fertilizer stored in an Organic fertilizers shall be stored in a Minor Must
appropriate manner that reduces the risk designated area. Appropriate measures,
of contamination of the environment? adequate according to the risk assessment in
AF 1.2.1, have been taken to prevent the
contamination of water sources (e.g. concrete
foundation and walls, specially built leak-proof
container, etc.) or shall be stored at least 25
meters from water sources.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 4.5.2 Are purchased inorganic fertilizers Documented evidence detailing chemical Recom.
accompanied by documented evidence content, including heavy metals, is available
of chemical content, which includes for all inorganic fertilizers used on crops
heavy metals? grown under GLOBALG.A.P. within the last
12-month period.
Water is a scarce natural resource and irrigation should be designed and planned by
appropriate forecasting and/or by technical equipment allowing for the efficient use of
irrigation water. For information about responsible water use, see Annex CB 1.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 5.2.2 Is there a water management plan There is a written and implemented action Major Must
available that identifies water sources plan, approved by the management within the
and measures to ensure the efficiency of previous 12 months, which identifies water
application and which management has sources and measures to ensure efficient use
approved within the previous 12 months? and application.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 5.2.3 Are records for crop irrigation/fertigation The producer shall keep records of the usage Minor Must
water usage and for the previous of crop irrigation/fertigation water that include
individual crop cycle/s with total the date, cycle duration, actual or estimated
application volumes maintained? flow rate, and the volume (per water meter or
per irrigation unit) updated on a monthly
basis, based on the water management plan
and an annual total. This can also be the
hours of systems operating on a timed flow
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 5.3.2 Has a risk assessment on physical and A risk assessment that takes into consideration, at Major Must
chemical pollution of water used on pre- a minimum, the following shall be performed and
harvest activities (e.g. documented:
• Identification of the water sources and their
irrigation/fertigation, washings, spraying)
historical testing results (if applicable)
been completed and has it been • Method(s) of application (see Annex CB 1 for
reviewed by the management within the examples)
last 12 months? • Timing of water use (during crop growth
• Contact of water with the crop
• Characteristics of the crop and the growth
• Purity of the water used for PPP applications
PPP must be mixed in water whose quality does not
compromise the effectiveness of the application.
Any dissolved soil, organic matter or minerals in the
water can neutralize the chemicals. For guidance,
producers must obtain the required water standards
from the product label, the literature provided by the
chemical manufacturers, or seek advice from a
qualified agronomist.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 5.3.3 Is water used on pre-harvest activities Water testing shall be part of the water Major Must
analyzed at a frequency in line with the management plan as directed by the water
risk assessment (CB 5.3.2) taking into risk assessment and current sector specific
account current sector specific standards or relevant regulations for the
standards? crops being grown. There shall be a written
procedure for water testing during the
production and harvest season, which
includes frequency of sampling, who is taking
the samples, where the sample is taken, how
the sample is collected, the type of test, and
the acceptance criteria.
NA for sub-scope Flowers and Ornamentals.
CB 5.3.4 According to the risk assessment in CB If according to the risk assessment and Major Must
5.3.2 and current sector specific current sector specific standards there is a
standards, does the laboratory analysis risk of contamination, the laboratory analysis
consider chemical and physical provides a record of the relevant identified
contamination, and is the laboratory chemical and physical contaminants.
accredited against ISO 17025 or by Analysis results from an appropriate
competent national/local authorities for laboratory accredited against ISO 17025 or
testing water? equivalent standard, or laboratories approved
for water testing by the competent
national/local authorities are available.
N/A for sub-scope Flowers and Ornamentals.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 5.3.5 Are corrective actions taken based on Where required, corrective actions and Minor Must
adverse results from the risk assessment documentation are available as part of the
before the next harvest cycle? management plan as identified in the water
risk assessment and current sector specific
NA for sub-scope Flowers and Ornamentals.
CB 5.4.2 Where the water permits/licenses It is not unusual for specific conditions to be Major Must
indicate specific restrictions, do the water set in the permits/licenses, such as hourly,
usage and discharge records confirm daily, weekly, monthly or yearly extraction
that the management has complied with volumes or usage rates. Records shall be
these? maintained and available to demonstrate that
these conditions are being met.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 5.5.2 If agricultural water is stored, are tanks, If water storage tanks, containers, and/or Major Must
containers, and/or cisterns not a source cisterns are used, they should be cleaned,
of contamination for water or product? maintained, and stored in a manner that
ensures the water contained within will not be
a source of contamination.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 6.1 Has assistance with the implementation Where an external adviser has provided Major Must
of IPM systems been obtained through assistance, training and technical
training or advice? competence shall be demonstrated via official
qualifications, specific training courses, etc.,
unless this person has been employed for
that purpose by a competent organization
(e.g. official advisory services).
CB 6.2 to 6.5: Can the producer show evidence of implementing activities that fall
under the category of:
CB 6.2 Prevention? The producer shall show evidence of Major Must
implementing at least 2 activities per
registered crop that include the adoption of
production practices that could reduce the
incidence and intensity of pest attacks, and
thereby reducing the need for intervention.
CB 6.3 Observation and Monitoring? The producer shall show evidence of a) Major Must
implementing at least 2 activities per
registered crop that will determine when and
to what extent pests and their natural
enemies are present, and b) using this
information to plan what pest management
techniques are required.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 6.4 Intervention? The producer shall show evidence that in Major Must
situations where pest attacks adversely affect
the economic value of a crop, intervention
with specific pest control methods will take
place. Where possible, non-chemical
approaches shall be considered. N/A when
the producer did not need to intervene.
CB 6.5 Have anti-resistance recommendations, When the level of a pest, disease or weed Minor Must
either on the label or other sources, been requires repeated controls in the crops, there
followed to maintain the effectiveness of is evidence that anti-resistance
available PPPs? recommendations (where available) are
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 7.1.2 Does the producer only use PPPs that All the PPPs applied are officially and Major Must
are currently authorized in the country of currently authorized or permitted by the
use for the target crop (i.e. where such appropriate governmental organization in the
an official registration scheme exists)? country of application. Where no official
registration scheme exists, refer to the
GLOBALG.A.P. guideline on this subject
(Annex CB 3) as well as the ‘FAO
International Code of Conduct on the
Distribution and Use of Pesticides’. Refer also
to Annex CB 3 for cases where the producer
takes part in legal field trials for final approval
of PPPs by the local government. No N/A.
CB 7.1.3 Is the PPP that has been applied All the PPPs applied to the crop are suitable Major Must
appropriate for the target as and can be justified (according to label
recommended on the product label? recommendations or official registration body
publication) for the pest, disease, weed or
target of the PPP intervention. If the producer
uses an off-label PPP, there shall be
evidence of official approval for use of that
PPP on that crop in that country. No N/A.
CB 7.1.4 Are invoices of PPPs kept? Invoices or packing slips of all PPPs used Minor Must
and/or stored shall be kept for record keeping
and available at the time of the external
inspection. No N/A.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
7.3.2 to 7.3.7: Are records of all plant protection product applications kept and do they
also include the following criteria:
CB 7.3.2 Operator? Full name and/or signature of the responsible Minor Must
operator(s) applying the PPPs shall be
recorded. For electronic software systems,
measures shall be in place to ensure
authenticity of records. If a single individual
makes all the applications, it is acceptable to
record the operator details only once.
If there is a team of workers doing the
application, all of them need to be listed in the
records. No N/A.
CB 7.3.3 Justification for application? The name of the pest(s), disease(s) and/or Minor Must
weed(s) treated is documented in all PPP
application records. If common names are
used, they shall correspond to the names
stated on the label. No N/A.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 7.3.4 Technical authorization for application? The technically responsible person making Minor Must
the decision on the use and the doses of the
PPP(s) being applied has been identified in
the records. If a single individual authorizes
all the applications, it is acceptable to record
this person's details only once. No N/A.
CB 7.3.5 Product quantity applied? All PPP application records specify the Minor Must
amount of product to be applied in weight or
volume or the total quantity of water (or other
carrier medium) and dose in g/l or
internationally recognized measures for the
PPP. No N/A.
CB 7.3.6 Weather conditions at time of Local weather conditions (e.g. wind, Minor Must
application? sunny/covered and humidity) affecting
effectiveness of treatment or drift to
neighboring crops shall be recorded for all
PPP applications. This may be in the form of
pictograms with tick boxes, text information,
or another viable system on the record. N/A
for covered crops.
CB 7.3.7 Does the producer take active measures The producer shall take active measures to Minor Must
to prevent pesticide drift to neighboring avoid the risk of pesticide drift from own plots
plots? to neighboring production areas. This may
include, but is not limited to, knowledge of
what the neighbors are growing, maintenance
of spray equipment, etc.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 7.3.8 Does the producer take active measures The producer shall take active measures to Recom.
to prevent pesticide drift to neighboring avoid the risk of pesticide drift from own plots
plots? to neighboring production areas. This may
include, but is not limited to, knowledge of
what the neighbors are growing, maintenance
of spray equipment, etc.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 7.6 Plant Protection Product Residue Analysis (N/A for Flowers and Ornamentals or
Plant Propagation Material Production)
CB 7.6.1 Can the producer demonstrate that The producer or the producer's customer Major Must
information regarding the Maximum shall have available a list of current applicable
Residue Levels (MRLs) of the MRLs for all market(s) in which produce is
country(ies) of destination (i.e. market(s) intended to be traded (domestic and/or
in which the producer intends to trade) is international). The MRLs shall be identified by
available? either demonstrating communication with
clients confirming the intended market(s), or
by selecting the specific country(ies) (or
group of countries) in which produce is
intending to be traded, and presenting
evidence of compliance with a residue
screening system that meets the current
applicable MRLs of that country. Where a
group of countries is targeted together for
trading, the residue screening system shall
meet the strictest current applicable MRLs in
the group. Refer to 'Annex CB. 4
GLOBALG.A.P. Guideline: CB 7.6 Residue
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 7.6.2 Has action been taken to meet the MRLs Where the MRLs of the market in which the Major Must
of the market in which the producer is producer is intending to trade the produce are
intending to trade the produce? stricter than those of the country of
production, the producer or the producer's
customer shall demonstrate that during the
production cycle these MRLs have been
taken into account (i.e. modification where
necessary of PPP application regime and/or
use of produce residue testing results).
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 7.6.3 Has the producer completed a risk The risk assessment shall cover all registered Major Must
assessment covering all registered crops crops and evaluate the PPP use and the
to determine if the products will be potential risk of MRL exceedance.
compliant with the MRLs in the country Risk assessments normally conclude that
of destination? there is a need to undertake residue analysis
and identify the number of analyses, when
and where to take the samples, and the type
of analysis according to 'Annex CB 5
GLOBALG.A.P. Guideline: CB 7.6.3
Maximum Residue Limit Exceedance Risk
Assessment'. The Annex CB 5B 'Mandatory
Minimum Criteria of a Residue Monitoring
System (RMS)' is obligatory.
A risk assessment that concludes that there is
no need to undertake residue analysis shall
have identified that there is:
• A track history of 4 or more years of
analytical verification without detecting
incidences (e.g. exceedances, use of non-
authorized PPPs, etc.)
• No or minimal use of PPPs
• No use of PPPs close to harvesting
(spraying to harvest interval is much bigger
than the PPP pre-harvest interval)
• A risk assessment validated by an
independent third party (e.g. CB inspector,
expert, etc.) or the customer
Exceptions to these conditions could be those
crops where there is no use of PPPs and the
environment is very controlled, and for these
reasons the industry does not normally
undertake PPP residue analysis (mushrooms
could be an example).
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 7.6.4 Is there evidence of residue tests, based Based on the outcome of the risk Major Must
on the results of the risk assessment? assessment, current documented evidence or
records shall be available of PPP residue
analysis results for the GLOBALG.A.P.
registered product crops, or of participation in
a PPP residue monitoring system that is
traceable to the farm and compliant with the
minimum requirements set in Annex CB 5.
When residue tests are required as a result of
the risk assessment, the criteria relating to
sampling procedures, accredited labs, etc.,
shall be followed. Analysis results have to be
traceable back to the specific producer and
production site where the sample comes
7.6.5 to 7.6.7: When the risk assessment determines that it is necessary to carry out
residue analysis, is there evidence that:
CB 7.6.5 Correct sampling procedures are Documented evidence exists demonstrating Major Must
followed? compliance with applicable sampling
procedures. See 'Annex CB. 4
GLOBALG.A.P. Guideline: CB 7.6 Residue
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 7.6.6 The laboratory used for residue testing is There is clearly documented evidence (on Major Must
accredited by a competent national letterhead, copies of accreditations, etc.) that
authority to ISO 17025 or equivalent the laboratories used for PPP residue
standard? analysis have been accredited, or are in the
process of accreditation to the applicable
scope by a competent national authority to
ISO 17025 or an equivalent standard. In all
cases, the laboratories shall show evidence
of participation in proficiency tests (e.g.
FAPAS must be available). See 'Annex CB. 4
GLOBALG.A.P. Guideline: CB 7.6 Residue
CB 7.6.7 An action plan is in place in the event of There is a clearly documented procedure of Major Must
an MRL is exceeded? the remedial steps and actions (this shall
include communication to customers, product
tracking exercise, etc.) to be taken where a
plant protection product residue analysis
indicates an MRL (either of the country of
production or the countries in which the
harvested product is intended to be traded, if
different) is exceeded. See 'Annex CB. 4
GLOBALG.A.P. Guideline: CB 7.6 Residue
Analysis’. This may be part of the
recall/withdrawal procedure required by AF
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
7.7.2 to 7.7.6: Are plant protection products stored in a location that is:
CB 7.7.2 Sound? The PPP storage facilities are built in a Minor Must
manner that is structurally sound and robust.
CB 7.7.3 Appropriate to the temperature The PPPs are stored according to label Minor Must
conditions? storage requirements. No N/A.
CB 7.7.4 Well ventilated (in the case of walk-in The plant protection product storage facilities Major Must
storage)? have sufficient and constant ventilation of
fresh air to avoid a build-up of harmful vapors.
No N/A.
CB 7.7.5 Well lit? The PPP storage facilities have or are located Minor Must
in areas with sufficient illumination by natural
or artificial lighting to ensure that all product
labels can be easily read while on the
shelves. No N/A.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 7.7.6 Located away from other materials? The minimum requirement is to prevent cross Major Must
contamination between PPPs and other
surfaces or materials that may enter into
contact with the edible part of the crop by the
use of a physical barrier (wall, sheeting, etc.).
No N/A.
CB 7.7.7 Is all PPP storage shelving made of non- The PPP storage facilities are equipped with Minor Must
absorbent material? shelving that is not absorbent in case of
spillage (e.g. metal, rigid plastic, or covered
with impermeable liner, etc.).
CB 7.7.8 Is the PPP storage facility able to retain The PPP storage facilities have retaining Minor Must
spillage? tanks or products are bunded according to
110% of the volume of the largest container
of stored liquid, to ensure that there cannot
be any leakage, seepage or contamination to
the exterior of the facility. No N/A.
CB 7.7.9 Are there facilities to deal with spillage? The PPP storage facilities and all designated Minor Must
fixed filling/mixing areas are equipped with a
container of absorbent inert material such as
sand, floor brush and dustpan and plastic
bags that must be in a fixed location to be
used exclusively in case of spillage of PPPs.
No N/A.
CB 7.7.10 Are keys and access to the PPP storage The PPP storage facilities are kept locked Minor Must
facility limited to workers with formal and physical access is only granted in the
training in the handling of PPPs? presence of persons who can demonstrate
formal training in the safe handling and use of
PPPs. No N/A.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 7.7.11 Are PPPs approved for use on the crops PPPs used for purposes other than for Minor Must
registered for GLOBALG.A.P. registered and/or certified crops (i.e. use in
Certification stored separately within the garden etc.) are clearly identified and stored
storage facility from PPPs used for other separately in the PPP store.
CB 7.7.12 Are liquids not stored on shelves above All the PPPs that are liquid formulations are Minor Must
powders? stored on shelving that is never above those
products that are powder or granular
formulations. No N/A.
CB 7.7.13 Is there an up-to-date PPP stock The stock inventory (type and amount of Minor Must
inventory or calculation of stock with PPPs stored–number of units, e.g. bottles, is
incoming PPPs and records of use allowed) shall be updated within a month after
available? there is a movement of the stock (in and out).
The stock update can be calculated by
registration of supply (invoices or other
records of incoming PPPs) and use
(treatments/applications), but there shall be
regular checks of the actual content to avoid
deviations with calculations.
CB 7.7.14 Is the accident procedure visible and An accident procedure containing all Minor Must
accessible within 10 meters of the information detailed in AF 4.3.1 and including
PPP/chemical storage facilities? emergency contact telephone numbers shall
visually display the basic steps of primary
accident care and be accessible by all
persons within 10 meters of the
PPP/chemical storage facilities and
designated mixing areas. No N/A.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 7.7.15 Are there facilities to deal with accidental All PPP/chemical storage facilities and all Minor Must
operator contamination? filling/mixing areas present on the farm have
eye washing amenities, a source of clean
water at a distance no farther than 10 meters,
and a first aid kit containing the relevant aid
material (e.g. a pesticide first aid kit might
need aid material for corrosive chemicals or
alkaline liquid in case of swallowing, and
might not need bandages and splints), all of
which are clearly and permanently marked via
signage. No N/A.
CB 7.8 Plant Protection Product Handling (N/A if no Plant Protection Product Handling)
CB 7.8.1 Does the producer offer all workers who The producer provides all workers who are in Minor Must
have contact with PPPs the possibility to contact with PPPs the option of being
be submitted to annual health checks or voluntarily submitted to health checks
with a frequency according to a risk annually or according to health and safety risk
assessment that considers their assessment (see AF 4.1.1). These health
exposure and toxicity of products used? checks shall comply with national, regional, or
local codes of practice, and use of results
shall respect the legality of disclosure of
personal data.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 7.8.2 Are there procedures dealing with re- There are clear, documented procedures Major Must
entry times on the farm? based on the label instructions that regulate
all the re-entry intervals for PPPs applied to
the crops. Special attention should be paid to
workers at the greatest risk, i.e.
pregnant/lactating workers, and the elderly.
Where no re-entry information is available on
the label, there are no specific minimum
intervals, but the spray must have dried on
the plants before workers re-enter the
growing area.
CB 7.8.3 If concentrate PPPs are transported on All transport of PPPs shall be in compliance Minor Must
and between farms, are they transported with all applicable legislation. When
in a safe and secure manner? legislation does not exist, the producer shall
in any case guarantee that the PPPs are
transported in a way that does not pose a risk
to the health of the worker(s) transporting
CB 7.8.4 When mixing PPPs, are the correct Facilities, including appropriate measuring Minor Must
handling and filling procedures followed equipment, shall be adequate for mixing
as stated on the label? PPPs, so that the correct handling and filling
procedures, as stated on the label, can be
followed. No N/A.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 7.9.2 Is re-use of empty PPP containers for There is evidence that empty PPP containers Minor Must
purposes other than containing and have not been or currently are not being re-
transporting the identical product being used for anything other than containing and
avoided? transporting identical product as stated on the
original label. No N/A.
CB 7.9.3 Are empty containers kept secure until There is a designated secure store point for Minor Must
disposal is possible? all empty PPP containers prior to disposal
that is isolated from the crop and packaging
materials (i.e. permanently marked via
signage and locked, with physically restricted
access for persons and fauna).
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 7.9.4 Does disposal of empty PPP containers Producers shall dispose of empty PPP Minor Must
occur in a manner that avoids exposure containers using a secure storage point, a
to humans and contamination of the safe handling system prior to the disposal,
environment? and a disposal method that complies with
applicable legislation and avoids exposure to
people and the contamination of the
environment (watercourses, flora and fauna).
No N/A.
CB 7.9.5 Are official collection and disposal Where official collection and disposal systems Minor Must
systems used when available, and in that exist, there are records of participation by the
case are the empty containers producer. All the empty PPP containers, once
adequately stored, labeled, and handled emptied, shall be adequately stored, labeled,
according to the rules of a collection handled, and disposed of according to the
system? requirements of the official collection and
disposal schemes, where applicable.
CB 7.9.6 Are all local regulations regarding All the relevant national, regional and local Major Must
disposal or destruction of containers regulations and legislation, if such exist, have
observed? been complied with regarding the disposal of
empty PPP containers.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 7.11 Application of Substances other than Fertilizer and Plant Protection Products
CB 7.11.1 Are records available for all other If preparations, such as plant strengtheners, Major Must
substances, including those that are soil conditioners, or any other such
made on-farm, used on crops and/or soil substances are used on certified crops, be
that are not covered under the sections they home-made or purchased, records shall
on fertilizer and PPPs? be available. These records shall include the
name of the substance (e.g. plant from which
it derives), the crop, the field, the date, and
the amount applied. In case of purchased
products, also the trade or commercial name,
if applicable, and the active substance or
ingredient, or the main source (e.g. plants,
algae, mineral, etc.) shall be recorded. If in
the country of production a registration
scheme for this substance(s) exists, it has to
be approved.
Where the substances do not require
registration for use in the country of
production, the producer shall make sure that
the use does not compromise food safety.
Records of these materials must contain
information about the ingredients where
available, and if there is a risk of exceeding
MRLs, CB 7.6.2 must be met.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 8.1 Is equipment sensitive to food safety The equipment is kept in a good state of repair Major Must
(e.g. PPP sprayers, irrigation/fertigation with documented evidence of up-to-date
equipment, post-harvest product maintenance sheets for all repairs, oil changes,
application equipment) maintained in a etc. undertaken. Equipment that comes into
good state of repair, routinely verified contact with product shall be made of materials
and, where applicable, calibrated at least that are non-toxic and designed and constructed
annually, and are records of measures to ensure that they can be cleaned, disinfected,
taken within the previous 12 months and maintained to avoid contamination.
Maintenance activities shall not present food
safety risks.
E.g. PPP sprayers: See Annex CB 6 for
guidance on compliance with visual inspection
and functional tests of application equipment.
The calibration of the PPP application
machinery (automatic and non-automatic) has
been verified for correct operation within the last
12 months and this is certified or documented
either by participation in an official scheme
(where it exists) or by having been carried out
by a person who can demonstrate their
competence. Calibrations of equipment with
impact on food safety shall be traceable to a
national or international standard or method.
If small handheld measures not individually
identifiable are used, then their average capacity
has been verified and documented, with all such
items in use having been compared to a
standard measure at least annually.
Irrigation/fertigation equipment: As a minimum,
annual maintenance records shall be kept for all
methods of irrigation/fertigation
machinery/techniques used.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
CB 8.2 Is equipment sensitive to the The equipment used is kept in a good state of Minor Must
environment and other equipment used repair with documented evidence of up-to-
on the farming activities (e.g. fertilizer date maintenance sheets for all repairs, oil
spreaders, equipment used for weighing changes, etc. undertaken.
and temperature control) routinely E.g. fertilizer spreader: There shall exist, as a
verified and, where applicable, calibrated minimum, records stating that the verification
at least annually? of calibration has been carried out by a
specialized company, supplier of fertilization
equipment or by the technically responsible
person of the farm within the last 12 months.
If small handheld measures not individually
identifiable are used, then their average
capacity has been verified and documented,
with all such items in use having been
compared to a standard measure at least
CB 8.4 Is all equipment, including PPP, stored in Equipment, including that used in the Major Must
such a way as to prevent product application of PPPs (e.g. spray tanks,
contamination? knapsacks), is stored in a secure way that
prevents product contamination or other
materials that may enter into contact with the
edible part of the harvested products.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 1.1.2 Has a management plan that establishes A management plan addresses the risks Major Must
and implements strategies to minimize identified in FV 1.1.1 and describes the
the risks identified in FV 1.1.1 been hazard control procedures that justify that the
developed and implemented? site in question is suitable for production. This
plan shall be appropriate to the products
being produced and there shall be evidences
of its implementation and effectiveness.
FV 2.1.2 Is any pre-planting interval complied with Pre-planting interval shall be recorded. Minor Must
prior to planting?
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 3.2 If chemicals are used to sterilize When the substrates are sterilized on the Major Must
substrates for reuse, have the location, farm, the name or reference of the field,
the date of sterilization, type of chemical, orchard, or greenhouse is recorded. If
method of sterilization, name of the sterilized off farm, then the name and location
operator and pre-planting interval been of the company that sterilizes the substrate
recorded? are recorded. The following are all correctly
recorded: The dates of sterilization
(day/month/year), the name and active
ingredient, the machinery (e.g. 1000 l tank,
etc.), the method (e.g. drenching, fogging,
etc.), the operator’s name (i.e. the person
who actually applied the chemicals and did
the sterilization), and the pre-planting interval.
FV 3.3 If a substrate of natural origin is used, Records exist that attest the source of the Minor Must
can it be demonstrated that it does not substrate of natural origin being used. These
come from designated conservation records demonstrate that the substrate does
areas? not come from designated conservation
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 4.1.1 Is there evidence of a risk assessment A written risk assessment of microbiological Major Must
covering the microbiological quality of quality of the water is conducted. It includes
the water used in all pre-harvest water source, proximity to potential sources of
operations? contamination, application timing (growth
stage of the crop), application method, and
placement of application (harvestable part of
the crop, other parts of the crop, ground
between crops, etc.).
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 4.1.2a In case of leafy greens (also called GLOBALG.A.P. producers shall comply with Major Must
potherbs, greens, vegetable greens, the local applicable limits for microbiological
leafy greens, or salad greens); is water contaminants in the water used on pre-
used on pre-harvest activities analyzed harvest activities, and in their absence use
as part of the risk assessment and at a the WHO recommendations as a reference
frequency in line with that risk for the decision making process for
assessment (FV 4.1.1) and no less than preventive and/or corrective actions (see
indicated in Annex FV 1? Annex FV 1). Compliance with the applicable
thresholds shall be verified through water
tests carried out in a frequency as indicated
by the decision tree in Annex FV 1 (risk
assessment).Water testing regime shall
reflect the nature and extent of the water
system as well as the type of product. Where
substantiallly different water sources are
used, they shall be considered separately
with regard to sampling. Where one water
source services multiple systems or farms it
may be possible to treat this as the single
origin for sampling purposes.Samples from
field level shall be taken from places that are
more representative of the water source,
usually as close to the point of application as
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 4.1.2b For all crops not mentioned under FV GLOBALG.A.P. producers shall comply with Minor Must
4.1.2a; is water used on pre-harvest the local applicable limits for microbiological (will
activities analyzed as part of the risk contaminants in the water used on pre- become a
assessment, at a frequency in line with harvest activities, and in their absence use Major Must
that risk assessment (FV 4.1.1), and no the WHO recommendations as a reference as soon as
less than indicated in Annex FV 1? for the decision making process for additional
preventive and/or corrective actions (see guidance by
Annex FV 1). Compliance with the applicable GLOBALG.
thresholds shall be verified through water A.P. for
tests carried out in a frequency as indicated other crops
by the decision tree in Annex FV 1 (risk is
assessment). published.)
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 4.1.3 In the case the risk assessment or the When the risk assessment based on the Major Must
water tests require it, has the producer water testing indicates risks of product
implemented adequate actions to contamination, action shall be required.
prevent product contamination? Possible strategies to reduce the risk of
product contamination arising from water use
include, but are not limited to:
• Treating water before use
• Preventing water coming into contact
with the harvestable portion of the crop
• Reducing the vulnerability of the water
• Allowing sufficient time between
application and harvest to ensure an
appropriate decline in pathogen populations
FV 4.1.4 According to the risk assessment, FV Analyses are carried out by an appropriate Major Must
4.1.1, and current sector specific laboratory accredited against ISO 17025 or
standards, does the laboratory analysis equivalent standard, and capable of
consider microbiological contamination, performing microbiological analyses, or by
and is the laboratory accredited against laboratories approved for water testing by the
ISO 17025 or by competent competent national/local authorities. No N/A.
national/local authorities for testing
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
Four main activities may take place after the growing season: harvest, handling at the
point of harvest (on field), handling in a packinghouse (in facility), and
storage/cooling. Although not all of these activities are carried out on every farm, the
need to follow the appropriate hygiene principles and to maintain the tools, equipment
and facilities are common and equally important for all these activities with regard to
food safety. Producers shall evaluate the requirements aggregated in this section
considering all the applicable activities on the farm.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 5.1.2 Are there documented hygiene Based on the risk assessment, there are Major Must
procedures and instructions for the documented hygiene procedures for the
harvest and post-harvest processes harvesting and post-harvesting processes.
including product handling (also when The effectiveness of the hygiene procedures
they take place directly on the field, in eliminating food safety risks shall be
orchard, or greenhouse) designed to measured.
prevent contamination of crop, crop The procedures shall include
production areas, food contact surfaces, - evaluating whether workers are fit to
and harvested product? return to work after illness.
- housekeeping, cleaning, and
disinfection, with descriptions of how these
activities are implemented, maintained, and
FV 5.1.3 Are the hygiene procedures and The operation shall nominate the farm Major Must
instructions for the harvest and post- manager or other competent person as
harvest activities, including product responsible for the implementation of the
handling, implemented? hygiene procedures by all workers and
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 5.1.4 Have workers received specific training There shall be evidence that the workers Major Must
in hygiene before harvesting and received specific induction and annual
handling produce? training regarding the hygiene procedures for
the harvesting and product handling activities.
Workers shall be trained using written (in
appropriate languages) and/or pictorial
instructions to prevent physical (e.g. snails,
stones, insects, knives, fruit residues,
watches, mobile phones, etc.),
microbiological and chemical contamination
of the product during harvesting. Training
records and evidence of attendance shall be
FV 5.1.5 Are signs that communicate the primary Signs with the main hygiene instructions shall Major Must
hygiene instructions to workers and be visibly displayed in the relevant locations
visitors, including at least instructions to and include clear instructions that hands shall
workers, to wash their hands before be washed before handling produce. Workers
returning to work clearly displayed? handling ready-to-eat products shall wash
their hands prior to start of work, after each
visit to a toilet, after handling contaminated
material, after smoking or eating, after
breaks, prior to returning to work, and at any
other time when their hands may have
become a source of contamination.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 5.1.6 Are smoking, eating, chewing, and Smoking, eating, chewing, and drinking are Major Must
drinking confined to designated areas confined to designated areas away from
segregated from growing areas and crops awaiting harvest and are never
products? permitted in the produce handling or storage
areas, unless indicated otherwise by the
hygiene risk assessment. (Drinking water is
the exception).
FV 5.1.7 Are vehicles used for transport of Farm vehicles used for loading and transport Major Must
harvested produce and/or packed of harvested produce and/or packed products
product and any equipment used for are cleaned and maintained so as to prevent
loading, cleaned, and maintained where produce contamination (e.g. soil, dirt, animal
necessary according to risk? manure, spills, etc.).
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 5.2.2 Do harvest workers have access to clean Field sanitation units shall be designed, Major Must
toilets in the vicinity of their work? constructed, and located in a manner that
minimizes the potential risk for product
contamination and allows direct accessibility
for servicing. Fixed or mobile toilets are clean
and easily accessible to workers. Not
applicable is only possible when harvest
workers do not come in contact with
marketable produce during harvesting (e.g.
mechanical harvesting). Toilets shall be
appropriately maintained and stocked.
(For guidance, see Annex FV 1, 5.4.1)
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 5.2.3 Do workers handling the product on the Handwashing facilities, containing non- Major Must
field or in a facility have access to clean perfumed soap, water to clean and disinfect
toilets and handwashing facilities in the hands, and hand-drying facilities shall be
vicinity of their work? accessible and near to the toilets (as near as
possible without the potential for cross-
contamination). Workers shall wash their
hands prior to start of work, after each visit to
a toilet, after using a handkerchief/tissue,
after handling contaminated material, after
smoking, eating, or drinking, after breaks,
prior to returning to work, and at any other
time when their hands may have become a
source of contamination. When handling
takes place in a facility, toilets shall be
maintained in a good state of hygiene and
shall not open directly onto the produce
handling area, unless the door is self-closing.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 5.2.4 Are the harvest containers used Reusable harvesting containers, harvesting Major Must
exclusively for produce and are these tools (e.g. scissors, knives, pruning shears,
containers, the tools used for harvesting etc.) and harvesting equipment (e.g.
and the harvest equipment appropriate machinery) are cleaned and maintained. A
for their intended use and cleaned, documented cleaning (and, when indicated by
maintained, and able to protect the the risk assessment, disinfection) schedule is
product from contamination? in place to prevent produce contamination.
FV 5.2.5 Are there suitable changing facilities for The changing facilities should be used to Recom.
the workers? change clothing and protective outer
garments as required.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 5.3.2 Is water not intended for use in food If water from an untested source (e.g. rain Major Must
production, if available on site, managed water collection, cisterns, etc.) is stored on
to minimize food safety risks? site or near the handling area, it shall be
labeled as not for food handling use. Workers
shall be trained on what applications of the
water are allowed (e.g. watering lawns,
washing external windows, etc.).
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 5.4 Packing and Storage Areas (N/A When There is no Product Packing and/or Storing)
FV 5.4.1 Is harvested produce protected from All harvested produce (regardless stored bulk Major Must
contamination? or packed) shall be protected from
In the case of produce packed and handled
directly in the field, it shall all be removed
from the field during the day (not stored on
the field overnight in open-air conditions), in
accordance with the harvest hygiene risk
assessment results. Food safety
requirements shall be complied with if
produce is stored on a short time basis at the
FV 5.4.2 Are all collection/storage/distribution To prevent contamination, all on- and off-farm Major Must
points of packed produce, also those in storage and produce handling facilities and
the field, maintained in clean and equipment (i.e. process lines and machinery,
hygienic conditions? walls, floors, storage areas, etc.) shall be
cleaned and/or maintained according to a
documented cleaning and maintenance
schedule that includes defined minimum
frequency. Records of cleaning and
maintenance shall be kept.
FV 5.4.3 Are packing materials appropriate for Packaging material used shall be appropriate Major Must
use, and are they used and stored in for the food safety of the products packed. To
clean and hygienic conditions so as to prevent product contamination, packing
prevent them from becoming a source of materials (including re-useable crates) shall
contamination? be stored in a clean and hygienic area.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 5.4.4 Are bits of packaging material and other Bits of packaging material and non-produce Major Must
non-produce waste removed from the waste shall be removed from the field.
FV 5.4.5 Are cleaning agents, lubricants, etc. To avoid chemical contamination of produce, Major Must
stored to prevent chemical contamination cleaning agents, lubricants, etc. shall be kept
of produce? in a designated secure area, away from
FV 5.4.6 Are cleaning agents, lubricants, etc. that Documented evidence exists (i.e. specific Major Must
may come into contact with produce label mention or technical data sheet)
approved for application in the food authorizing use for the food industry of
industry? Are label instructions followed cleaning agents, lubricants, etc. that may
correctly? come into contact with produce.
FV 5.4.7 Are all forklifts and other driven transport Internal transport should be maintained in a Major Must
trolleys clean and well maintained and of manner to avoid produce contamination, with
a suitable type to avoid contamination special attention to fume emissions. Forklifts
through emissions? and other driven transport trolleys should be
electric or gas-driven.
FV 5.4.8 Is rejected, contaminated, and/or non- Produce that poses a microbial food safety Major Must
conforming produce not introduced in the hazard is not harvested or is culled.
supply chain and is waste material Culled produce, non-conforming produce, and
effectively controlled in a way that it does waste materials are stored in clearly
not pose a risk of contamination? designated and segregated areas designed to
avoid contamination of products. These areas
are routinely cleaned and/or disinfected
according to the cleaning schedule. Only daily
accumulations of rejected produce and waste
materials are acceptable.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 5.4.9 Are breakage safe lamps and/or lamps In case of breakage, light bulbs, and fixtures Major Must
with a protective cap used above the suspended above produce or material used
sorting, weighing, and storage area? for produce handling are of a safety type or
are protected/shielded so as to prevent food
FV 5.4.10 Are there written procedures for handling Written procedures exist for handling glass Minor Must
glass and clear hard plastic in place? and/or clear hard plastic breakages, which
could be a source of physical contamination
and/or damage the product (e.g. in
greenhouses, produce handling, preparation,
and storage areas).
FV 5.5.2 Are air and compressed gasses which Testing of compressed air or gas systems Major Must
could impact food safety regularly shall be conducted at a frequency determined
monitored, adequately stored, and by the risk assessment, which may range
handled in order to minimize food safety from no testing to routine testing intervals. If
risks? the risk assessment determines that testing is
necessary, testing shall be conducted at least
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 5.6.2 Is there visual evidence that the pest A visual assessment shows that the pest Major Must
monitoring and correcting process are monitoring and correcting process are
effective? effective. No N/A.
FV 5.6.3 Are detailed records kept of pest control Monitoring is scheduled and there are records Major Must
inspections and necessary actions of pest control inspections and follow-up
taken? action plan(s).
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 5.7.2 If water is re-circulated for final product Where water is re-circulated for final produce Major Must
washing, has this water been filtered and washing (i.e. no further washing done by the
are pH, concentration and exposure producer before the product is sold), it is
levels to disinfectant routinely filtered and disinfected, and pH,
monitored? concentration, and exposure levels to
disinfectant are routinely monitored. Records
are maintained. Filtering shall be done using
an effective system for solids and
suspensions that have a documented routine
cleaning schedule according to usage rates
and water volume. Where recording of
automatic filter backwash events and
changes in dosage rates by automated
sanitizer injectors may be impossible, a
written procedure/policy shall explain the
FV 5.7.3 Is the laboratory carrying out the water The water analysis for the product washing is Major Must
analysis a suitable one? undertaken by a laboratory currently
accredited to ISO 17025 or its national
equivalent or one that can demonstrate via
documentation that it is in the process of
gaining accreditation.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 5.8.2 Are all the biocides, waxes, and plant All the post-harvest biocides, waxes, and Major Must
protection products used for post-harvest plant protection products used on harvested
protection of the harvested crop officially crop are officially registered or permitted by
registered in the country of use? the appropriate governmental organization in
the country of application. They are approved
for use in the country of application and are
approved for use on the harvested crop to
which they are applied as indicated on the
labels of the biocides, waxes and crop
protection products. Where no official
registration scheme exists, refer to ’Annex CB
3 GLOBALG.A.P. Guideline: Plant Protection
Product Use in Countries that Allow
Extrapolation’ on this subject and the ‘FAO
International Code of Conduct on the
Distribution and Use of Pesticides’.
FV 5.8.3 Is an up-to-date list maintained of post- An up-to-date documented list that takes into Minor Must
harvest plant protection products that are account any changes in local and national
used, and approved for use, on crops legislation for biocides, waxes, and plant
being grown? protection products is available for the
commercial brand names (including any
active ingredient composition) that are used
as post-harvest plant protection products for
produce grown on the farm under
GLOBALG.A.P. within the last 12 months. No
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 5.8.4 Is the technically responsible person for The technically responsible person for the Major Must
the application of post-harvest plant post-harvest biocides, waxes, and plant
protection products able to demonstrate protection products applications can
competence and knowledge with regard demonstrate a sufficient level of technical
to the application of biocides, waxes, and competence via nationally recognized
plant protection products? certificates or formal training.
FV 5.8.5 Is the source of water used for post- The water has been declared suitable by the Major Must
harvest treatments potable or declared competent authorities and/or within the last
suitable by the competent authorities? 12 months a water analysis has been carried
out at the point of entry into the washing
machinery. The levels of the parameters
analyzed are within accepted WHO
thresholds or are accepted as safe for the
food industry by the competent authorities.
FV 5.8.6 Are the biocides, waxes and plant To avoid the chemical contamination of the Major Must
protection products used for post-harvest produce, biocides, waxes, and plant
treatment stored away from produce and protection products, etc. are kept in a
other materials? designated secure area, away from the
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 5.8.7 Are all records of post-harvest The following information is recorded in all Major Must
treatments maintained and do they records of post-harvest biocide, wax, and
include the minimum criteria listed plant protection product applications:
below? • The lot or batch of harvested crop
• Identity of harvested crops (i.e. lot treated
or batch of produce) • The geographical area, the name or
• Location reference of the farm, or harvested crop-
• Application dates handling site where the treatment was
• Type of treatment undertaken
• Product trade name and active • The exact dates (day/month/year) of the
ingredient applications
Product quantity • The type of treatment used for product
application (e.g. spraying, drenching, gassing
• The complete trade name (including
formulation) and active ingredient or
beneficial organism with scientific name. The
active ingredient shall be recorded or it shall
be possible to connect the trade name
information to the active ingredient.
• The amount of product applied in weight
or volume per liter of water or other carrier
No N/A.
Are records of all post-harvest treatments kept and do they also include the following
FV 5.8.8 Name of the operator? The name of the operator who has applied Minor Must
the plant protection product to the harvested
produce is documented in all records of post-
harvest biocide, wax, and plant protection
product applications.
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 5.8.9 Justification for application? The common name of the pest/disease to be Minor Must
treated is documented in all records of post-
harvest biocide, wax, and plant protection
product applications.
FV 5.8.10 Are all of the post-harvest plant There is documented evidence to Major Must
protection product applications also demonstrate that the producer considers all
considered under points CB 7.6? post-harvest biocides and plant protection
products applications under control point CB
7.6, and acts accordingly.
FV 5.10 Labeling
FV 5.10.1 Is product labeling, where final packing Where final packing takes place, product Major Must
takes place, done according to the labeling shall follow the applicable food
applicable food regulations in the country regulations in the country of intended sale
of intended sale and according to any and any customer specifications.
customer specifications?
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Nº Control Points Compliance Criteria Level Yes No N/A Justification
FV 5.10.2 Where the risk assessment indicates Where the risk assessment indicates potential Major Must
potential food allergen cross- cross-contamination, the product shall be
contamination, are the products labeled labeled according to country of production
to identify them? and destination legislation regarding food
Cross-contamination risk (potential and
intentional) shall be considered where food
allergens have, for example, been packed on
the same line or using the same equipment.
Harvesting and packing equipment and
personal protective equipment shall also be
considered (cross-reference with AF 1.2.1,
AF 1.2.2, Annex AF 2, and FV 5.1.1).
Code Ref: IFA V5.4-GFS; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS GmbH
492262231.xlsx Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne, Germany
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Code Ref: IFA V5.4-GFS; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS GmbH
Version/Edition Update Register Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne, Germany
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New Document Replaced Document Date of Publication Description of Modifications
190201_gg_ifa_cl_af_cb_fv_v5_2_protected_en 170630_gg_ifa_cl_af_cb_fv_v5_1_protected 1 February 2019 AF 17.1 – new control point and compliance criterion
_en CB 5.3.4 – clarification
FV 4.1.4 – clarification
FV 5.1.1 – text added for clarification
FV 5.2.6 – modification of CPCC
FV 5.7.2 CC – text added for clarification
FV 5.9 – two new control points and compliance criteria
Food Safety Policy Declaration and Inspection Notes – layout
changed for better readability.
200221_gg_ifa_cl_af_cb_fv_v5_3- 190201_gg_ifa_cl_af_cb_fv_v5_2_protected 21 February 2020 New version because of changes in the General Regulations
GFS_protected_en _en due to GFSI
Code Ref: IFA V5.4-GFS; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS GmbH
Version/Edition Update Register Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne, Germany
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Code Ref: IFA V5.4-GFS; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS GmbH
Version/Edition Update Register Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne, Germany
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Code Ref: IFA V5.4-GFS; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS GmbH
Version/Edition Update Register Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne, Germany
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New Document Replaced Document Date of Publication Description of Modifications
If you want to receive more information on the modifications in this document, please contact the GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat at [email protected].
When the changes do not introduce new requirements to the standard, the version will remain “5.0” and an edition update shall be indicated with “5.0-x”. When the changes do affect
compliance with the standard, the version name will change to “5.x”. A new version, e.g. V6.0, V7, etc., will always affect the accreditation of the standard.
Code Ref: IFA V5.4-GFS; English Version © GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS GmbH
Version/Edition Update Register Spichernstr. 55, 50672 Cologne, Germany
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