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FOR School: Section: V-

Teaching Dates: Quarter: 3rd QUARTER


a. Content The learner listens critically to different text types; expresses ideas logically in oral and written forms; and demonstrates interest in reading to
Standards meet various needs.
b. The learner listens critically to news reports and other radio broadcasts and expresses ideas accurately in oral and in written forms;
Performance demonstrates confidence in the use of the language to meet everyday needs; and reads independently and gets relevant information from
Standards various text types.
c. Most Distinguish text-types according to purpose and features: classification, explanation, enumeration and time order. N5RC-IIc-3.2.1
d. Learning The learner listens critically to different text types; expresses ideas logically in oral and written forms; and demonstrates interest in reading to
Objectives meet various needs.

II. Identifying TEXTS Identifying TEXTS Identifying TEXTS Identifying TEXTS WEEKLY TEST
a. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
b. Learner’s
c. Textbook
e. Other Picture, chart Printed materials, Charts, Printed materials, Printed materials,
Learning worksheets, FLASHCARDS,POWER worksheets worksheets
Resources POINT,comic strip
B. Review the
C. Directions: Study carefully
Establishing a at the jumbled words and
purpose for try unscramble the words
the lesson/ to form the real words.
Motivation _______1. Evirratna - are
accounts of past events
either real or fictional
_______2. Evitargunemta -
it aims to change the
reader’s belief
_______3. Toryexopsi -
are meant to explain,
inform or describe
D. Presenting Texts are written for Texts are written for Commonly used Commonly used
examples/insta different reasons/purposes. different classification of text is the classification of text is
nces of the Today, we will learn how reasons/purposes. Today, one based on purpose and the one based on purpose
new to identify texts that we will learn how to meaning. In this and meaning. In this
lesson/Motivat describe or classify. These identify texts that describe classification, there are 3 classification, there are 3
ion are called descriptive or or classify. These are main categories: main categories:
classification texts. Below called descriptive or
is a table which shows the classification texts. Below
purpose of descriptive and is a table which shows the
classification texts, purpose of descriptive and
structures, and language classification texts,
features used. structures, and language
features used.

E. Discussing Descriptive and Descriptive and Directions: Read the text Directions: Read
new concepts classification texts have classification texts have below and answer the carefully the short text.
and practicing the same language features. the same language questions that follow on Find out if it is an
new skills No. Both use descriptive words features. Both use your answer sheet. Argumentative,
1 to describe and or classify descriptive words to Narrative or Expository
the topic at hand. They describe and or classify An online by explaining, giving
differ slightly differ in the topic at hand. They learning becomes more facts and information. Do
purpose since classification differ slightly differ in common, and more and this in your answer sheet.
text is written to classify purpose since more resources are
things into sub-categories classification text is converted to digital form, There are many
while descriptive texts written to classify things some people have theories about why the
simply described places, into sub-categories while suggested that public dinosaurs vanished from
actual event, or objects. descriptive texts simply libraries should be shut the planet. One theory
described places, actual down and, in their place, that many people believe
event, or objects. everyone should be given is that a gigantic
an iPad with an e-reader meteorite smashed into
The given example is a subscription. While the Earth. Scientists
descriptive text because it replacing libraries with believe that the meteorite
describes Brownie, a dog. The given example is a tablets may seem like a was very big and that the
Its purpose is to describe descriptive text because it simple solution, it would impact may have
since it gives us a clear describes Brownie, a dog. encourage people to spend produced a large dust
picture of what Brownie is. Its purpose is to describe even more time looking at cloud that covered the
The language features used since it gives us a clear digital screens, despite the Earth for many years.
are descriptive words picture of what Brownie myriad issues surrounding The dust cloud may have
written in bold – small, is. The language features them. It would also end caused plants to not
fluffy, cute, thick, brown used are descriptive words access to many of the receive sunlight and the
and soft. Another language written in bold – small, benefits of libraries that large plant eaters, or
feature observed is the use fluffy, cute, thick, brown people have come to rely herbivores, may have
of simple present tense and soft. Another on. In many areas, died off, followed by the
written in italics – is, call, language feature observed libraries are such an large meat eaters, or
has, cuddle, feels, eats, is the use of simple important part of the carnivores. This theory
give, plays, get, and fight. present tense written in community network that may or may not be true,
italics – is, call, has, they could never be but it is one explanation
Here is an example of a cuddle, feels, eats, give, replaced by a simple 10 as to why these giant
text that classifies. plays, get, and fight. objects. reptiles no longer inhabit
the Earth.
Here is an example of a ____________________
text that classifies. ____________________
This example is a
classification text type
because it classifies the
types of dogs. It also
describes each type of
classifications. As you can This example is a
see, it also uses simple classification text type
present tense written in because it classifies the
italics – are and include. types of dogs. It also
Examples are given to describes each type of
describe each of the classifications. As you can
classifications. see, it also uses simple
present tense written in
italics – are and include.
Examples are given to
describe each of the

F. Discussing Directions: Match the Directions: Read the Directions: Read each of Answer the following
new concepts items on the right to the descriptions/features the following sentences. questions:
and practicing items on the left. Please expressed in each item Put a / on the blank before
new skills No. answer this in your and determine whether it each number if it is 1. What is the paragraph
2 notebook. is for descriptive or necessary in implementing all about?
classification text type or school health and nutrition
both. Write your answer program and X if it is not. 2. What do you think is
on the space provided. the purpose of this kind
_______1. It is a text _____ 1. Eat a balance of text?
written to classify. diet with plenty of fruits
________2. It describes and vegetable, whole 3. Is the paragraph an
actual places, events, or grains, plants and animal example of an
objects. proteins and healthy fats. argumentative type of
__________ 3. It is _____ 2. Keeping text?
written to describe. hydrated is essential for
__________4. It describes overall health.
main idea/general _____ 3. Practice safe
statement and discusses food hygiene to minimize
subcategories about the the risk of foodborne
topic illness. Wash your hand
__________5. Make use for 20 seconds with soap
of descriptive words, before and after
present categories, and are preparing and eating food.
written in simple present _____ 4. Get enough
tense. quality sleep. Established
a regular sleep schedule
and keep it on weekends
and when working at
_____ 5. Go to mall for
some leisure with friends.
G. Developing Directions: Read each of Directions: Write a short Read and understand the Read carefully the
Mastery the following sentences. essay about the text below. selection.
(Leads to Put a / on the blank before importance of knowing Storm surge is an
Formative each number if it is the different text types and abnormal rise of water
Assessment) necessary in implementing why do we need to learn caused by
school health and nutrition about it. the strong winds in a
program and X if it is not. storm. This is over and
above the
_____ 1. Eat a balance diet predicted level of tide.
with plenty of fruits and Storm surge takes place 1. What is the paragraph
vegetable, whole where winds are blowing all about?
grains, plants and animal on shore. The highest 2. What do you think is
proteins and healthy fats. surge tends to occur where the purpose of this kind
_____ 2. Keeping hydrated the strongest winds of the of text?
is essential for overall storm are. That is why, 3. Is the paragraph an
health. people are highly alerted example of an
_____ 3. Practice safe food or warnedof such argumentative type of
hygiene to minimize the incidence, especially those text?
risk of foodborne living along the coastal
illness. Wash your hand for areas. Storm surge
20 seconds with soap candamage property and
before and after can claim people’s lives.
preparing and eating food.
_____ 4. Get enough
quality sleep. Established a Answer these questions
regular sleep schedule briefly.
and keep it on weekends 1.) What is the text all
and when working at about?
home. 2.) Do you think this type
_____ 5. Go to mall for of text explains to us what
some leisure with friends. storm surge is all about?
H. Finding
Application of
Concepts and
Skills in Daily
I. Making
n and
J. Evaluating Directions: Read each Directions: Read each Directions: Read each Directions A: Read the
Learning paragraph carefully then paragraph and identify its items carefully and following sentences
answer the questions that text type (Descriptive of answer the questions that carefully. Write the letter
follow. Write your answers Classification) and follow. of the answer on your
in your activity notebook. purpose (To describe or answer sheet.
To classify). Write your 1. The following text is an
answers on the spaces example of an 1. If I wrote an imaginary
provided. argumentative text: True story about a magic sled,
or False? Jared believes I would be like.
1. Different students that the minimum wage A. Mr. Expository
attend various types of should be higher. B. Mr. Narrative
schools; however, they A. true B. False C. Mr. Argumentative
can usually be classified D. Mr. Instructive
1. What type of text is the as either public, private 2. What is an Expository
given paragraph? religious, private non- text? 2. The introduction to
a. descriptive religious, or alternative. A. It aims to convince an expository text includes
b. classification Public schools are funded opinion through what?
c. narrative by the government. arguments A. climax
2. What is the purpose of Private religious schools B. Pretend to tell a story B. main idea
the given text type? are based around a C. Describe a subject or C. plot
a. to describe particular faith, such as object D. characters
b. to narrate events Catholicism, Judaism, and D. none of the above 3. Which text type
c. to classify so forth. Alternative 3. What is a Narrative contains an idea that in
3. What language features schools can be made up of text? some way the object or
are used? a variety of different A. Display information product is better than the
a. descriptive words categories, such as the C. Try to convince an idea other?
b. simple present tense Montessori program or B. Describe and object A. Argumentative
c. both technical schools. Most D. Tells a story B. Narrative
students who attend class 4. In what kind of text do C. Expository
in an actual school we find more action D. Descriptive
building go to one of these verbs? 4. What is an
4. What type of text is the types of institutions. A. In a story it tells a Argumentative text?
given paragraph? Text Type: series of events. A. It aims to convince an
a. descriptive _____________________ B. In an Argumentative opinion through
b. classification _Purpose: since it tries to convince. arguments.
c. narrative _____________________ C. In an Expository, since B. Describe a subject or
5. What is the purpose of _ it orders to follow some object.
the given text type? 2. Gregory is my beautiful guides. C. Pretend to tell a story
a. to classify cat. He walks with pride D. In a Description, since through scenes.
b. to describe and grace performing a it talks about how D. It tries to ban
c. to narrate even dance of disdain. He something is. something to the reader.
enjoys TV commercials 5. Which type of text tells 5. The following passage
especially those of Meows you how to do something? is an example of an
Mix and 9 Lives. Gregory A. Narrative C. Argumentative text: true
is choosy about visitors. Expository B. or false? New Sydmouth
Argumentative D. None of Public Library: What
Text Type: the above Can I borrow or Hire?
_____________________ There is a large
_Purpose: collection of books
_____________________ including paperbacks,
_ nonfiction books,
‘talking books’, books in
3. Here are types or means large print and books in
of weight loss which languages apart from
people may choose from: English. Up to 6 items
exercise, diet, weight loss can be borrowed for 3
pills, and surgery. weeks. A. true B. false
Exercising involves going
to a gym, working out at
home, or joining some
sort of class or sports
team. Those who are
dieting can talk to a doctor
about a plan for them.
Weight loss pills can be
taken if proper
precautions and directions
are followed. Individuals
who are severely
overweight can talk to a
doctor about having
surgery to lose the weight
that they need.
Text Type:

K. Additional
activities for
application or

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