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line DC (tied from pin ....._nit'll AC Amplifier 2.10.

3 Inverting AC Amplifier
iit oecomes RQ {frOl1l /
III DC level. Placing a as a non-inverting amplifier (Figure For applications requiring inverting operation, Figure 2.10.2
liak es it effective only split supplies allows for economical direct­ should be used. Capacitors C2 and C3 have the same
I th~ output level. The if the DC levels between stages are main­ considerations as the non-inverting case. Resistor R3 is made
.... lOIts_ Gain and C, equations are shown in the equal to Rl again, minimizing offsets and providing bias
R3 is made equal tp R, and provides DC current. The same slew rate-gain stability trade-offs are
to the positive input. Compensation capacitor possible as before.
to 0_022pF and guarantees unity gain stability
I'iIIte of approximately , Vfps. Higher slew rates
when higher gains are used by reducing C2 2.11 PHONO PREAMPLIFIERS AND RIAA
to the increase in gain, e.g., with a gain of EQUALIZATION
'*' equal O.OO22pF, increasing the slew rate to 2.11.1 Introduction
lOVlps. Some layouts may dictate the addition of
added stability. It should be picked according to Phono preamplifiers differ from other preamplifiers only
(2_10.') where fH is the high frequency -3dB in their frequency response, which is tailored in a special
manner to compensate, or equalize, for the recorded
characteristic. If a fixed amplitude input signal is used to
record a phonograph disc, while the frequency of the signal
, is varied from 20Hz to 20kHz, the playback response curve
-'­ of Figure 2.11.1 will result. Figure 2.11.1 shows a plot of
phono cartridge output amplitude versus frequency, indicat­
ing a severe alteration to the applied fixed amplitude signal.
Playback equalization corrects for this alteration and re­
creates the applied flat amplitude frequency response. To
understand why Figure 2.11.1 appears as it does, an
explanation of the recording process is necessary.
2.11.2 Recording Process and R IAA
The grooves in a stereo phonograph disc are cut by a chisel
I shaped cutting stylus driven by two vibrating systems
..L arranged at right angles to each other (Figure 2.11.21. The
cutting stylus vibrates mechanically from side to side in
accordance with the signal impressed on the cutter. This is
termed a "lateral cut" as opposed to the older method of
1+~ "vertical cut." The resultant movement of the groove back
R2 and forth about its center is known as groove modulation.
£, • - ' ­ .. ",»<,". The amplitude of this modulation cannot exceed a fixed
2'11"oR2 CoAJ»CtRZ
ling Amplifier amount or "cutover" occurs. (Cutover, or overmodulation,
10 • lOW FREQUEfI£Y -3dB CORNER describes the breaking through the wall of one groove into
• -IIAY BE OlimEO FOR the wall of the previous groove.) The ratio of the maximum
OIRECT-I:OUPlEO OESIGNS. groove signal amplitude possible before cutover, to the
FIGURE 2.10.1 LM1303 Non-inverting AC Amptifi8f effective groove noise amplitude caused by the surface of
~t to be all· inclusive, the disc material. determines the dynamic range of a record
rz users to familiarize VCC (typically 58 dB). The latter requirement results from the
ioce understood. the grainy characteristic of the disc surface acting as a noise
!r possible configura­ generator. (The cutting stylus is heated in recording to
In described in this r-if-, impart a smooth side wall to minimize the noise.) Of
I £3 I
interest in phono preamp design is that the record noise
performance tends to be ten times worse than that of the
preamp, with typical wideband levels equal to lOpV.
Amplitude and frequency characterize an audio signal. Both
must be recorded and recovered accurately for high quality
music reproduction. Audio amplituqe information trans­
ER lates to groove modulation amplitude, while the frequency
of the audi .. signal appears as the rate of change of the
groove modulations. Sounds simple enough, but Figure
iJp1ed to be operated 2.11.1 should. therefore, be a horizontal straight line
. UP to ±15V. It has centered on OdB, since it represents a fixed amplitude input
pt.: signals with low Signal. The trouble results from the characteristics of the
I noise performance R, VEe cutting head. Without the negative feedback coils (Figure
I .f'1plifiers. being AVAC • -iii 2.11.2) the velocity frequency response has a resonant peak
II. Compensation is at 700 Hz due to its construction. Adding the feedback coils
,!!- ety of choices, Co' hf:R2 1"",»<,.,, produces a velocity output independent of frequency;
lO,g'1I out for each 10 • lOW FREIlUENCY -3dB CORNER therefore, the cutting head is known as a constant velocity
• :8mpatible with device (Figure 2.11.2a).
• -IIAY BE Olilmo FOR
-cst applications DIRECT·CDUPlED DESIGNS. Figure 2.11.1 appears as it does because the cutting
FIGURE 2.10.2 LMI303lnnning AC Amplifier amplifier is pre-equalized to provide the recording character·


The not-so-simple answer begins with the dri.ving coils of

the cutting head. Being primarily inductive, their impedance
characteristic is frequency dependent. If a fixed amplitude
.28 input signal translates to a fixed voltage used to drive the

coils (called "constant velocity") then the resulting current,
i.e., magnetic field, hence amplitude of vibration, becomes
frequency dependent (Figure 2.11.2al; if a fixed amplitude
'"=> input signal translates to a fixed current, i.e., fixed ampli­
':i -18 tude of vibration, used to drive the coils (called "constant
" amplitude) then the resulting voltage, i.e., cutting velocity,
becomes frequency dependent (Figure 2.11.2b). With
respect to frequency, for a given input amplitude the
10 188 1k 1l1li IIl1l1c cutting head has only one degree of freedom: vibrating rate
FREtlUENCY (liz) (constant velocity voltage drive) or vibrating distance
(constant amplitude = current drive).
FIGURE 2.11.1 Typical Phono Playback Characteristic fov a Fixed The terms constant velocity and constant amplitude create
Ampl_ Recorded Signa' confusion until it is understood that they have meaning only
for a fixed amplitude input signal, and are used strictly to
describe the resultant behavior of the cutting head as a
istic shown. Two reasons account for the shape: first, low function of frequency. It is to be understood that ch,nging
frequency attenuation prevents cutover; second, high fre­ the input level results in an amplitude change for constant
quency boosting improves signal-to-noise ratio. The unan· amplitude recording and a velocity change for constant vet­
swered question is why is all this necessary? ocity recording independent of frequency. For example.


FIGURE 2.11.2 Stereo Cutti"ll Head




FIGURE 2.11.2A Constant Velocity Recording





FIGURE 2.11.2B Constant Amplitude R_i"ll


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