Metallography: A Master Class by Dr. Carla Martini

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Programme Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage

A master class by dr. Carla Martini

Metallography is the study of metal microstructure using microscopy techniques. Why study
microstructures? Because microstructure is the language of metals, it can tell us about the changes
they undergo during their lifetime. The aim of this course is to provide basic knowledge of
metallography for metals encountered in the field of cultural heritage. The main metallurgical
features related to microstructure generation will be discussed, enabling the participants to
understand how metal microstructure is influenced by solidification and the manufacturing
processes carried out in pre-modern technological conditions. Lectures will be followed by practical
activities (carried out each day in the afternoon), to ensure participants become familiar with the
main metallographic preparation techniques in the field of cultural heritage diagnostics. Upon
completing of the course, the participants will be able to understand which questions can (and can
not) be answered by metallographic investigations on cultural heritage metals, as well as how to
interpret such answers.

This master class is part of the regular master's program in conservation and restoration.

Mrs. Dr. Carla Martini
Is an Associate Professor at the University of Bologna in Italy. Her full CV can be found at

Four full time days: 1-4 June 2015.

Ateliergebouw, Hobbemastraat 22 in Amsterdam. The Ateliergebouw is situated next to the

Courses fees are € 625,00. Participants are responsible for all evening meals, accommodation and
transportation. Lunches will be provided in the restaurant of the Ateliergebouw.

The course will be given in English. Participants are advised that a basic knowledge of scientific terms
in English is required.

Programme Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage

Programme (timetable, see next page for table of contents)

June 1st, Monday

09:00 – 12:00 Basics on microstructure (lecture 1.1 - 1.3)

14:00 – 17:00 Metallographic techniques (lecture 1.4); cold mounting of selected specimens

June 2nd, Tuesday

09:00 – 12:00 Microstructure of Cu alloys (lecture 2.1 - 2.3)

14:00 – 17:00 Practical: Metallographic preparation of specimens mounted on Monday;

observation of Cu alloy samples (already prepared and supplied by the teacher)

June 3rd, Wednesday

09:00 – 12:00 Microstructure of Fe alloys (lecture 3.1 - 3.3)

14:00 – 17:00 Practical: Metallographic preparation of specimens mounted on Monday

(continued); observation of cast-iron and steel samples (already prepared and
supplied by the teacher)

June 4th, Tuesday

09:00 – 12:00 Microstructure of precious alloys and low-melting point metals (lecture 4.1 - 4.2, 5.1)

14:00 – 17:00 Practical: Etching and documentation of specimens mounted on Monday; discussion
of observed microstructures and conclusions

Programme Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage

Lectures: table of contents

Unit Contents Main references

Day 1 1.1 Understanding microstructures: phase diagrams (total • D.R. Askeland, The Science and
solubility; partial solubility with eutectic/eutectoid Engineering of Materials
constituents; intermetallics)
1.2 Understanding microstructures: grain morphologies due to • W.D. Callister, Materials Science
solidification (pure metal/alloy) or to plastic deformation (slip and Engineering: An Introduction
bands, mechanical twins)
1.3 Understanding microstructures: thermal effects
(recrystallisation due to annealing)
1.4 Metallographic preparation (sectioning, mounting, polishing, • ASM Handbook vol.9,
etching and image analysis) Metallographic Techniques
Day 2 2.1 Cu alloys: Cu-As and Cu-Sn phase diagrams with typical • ASM Handbook vol.3, Alloy Phase
microstructures. Diagrams
2.2 Cu alloys: Microsegregation phenomena. Pb in bronzes and • D.A. Scott, Metallography and
corresponding microstructures. Bronze tinning. microstructure of ancient and
historic metals, The J.P. Getty
Trust, Singapore 1991.
2.3 Cu alloys: Cu-Zn phase diagrams with typical microstructures. • P.T. Craddock (ed.) (1990), 2000
Brass production in ancient times and authenticity issues. Years of Zinc and Brass, British
Museum, London 1990
Day 3 3.1 Fe alloys: iron smelting and microstructures of low-C steels in • W.D. Callister, Materials Science
the Fe-C phase diagram; out-of-equilibrium martensitic and Engineering: An Introduction
3.2 Fe alloys: microstructures of cast iron in the Fe-C phase
3.3 Fe alloys: microstructures of cultural heritage objects (rivets, Multiple references (listed in
nails and wrought iron joining elements; carburizing in ancient course material)
times: blades and Japanese swords; cast iron cannons and
cannon balls)
Day 4 4.1 Au alloys: Au-Cu and Au-Cu-Ag alloys; metal gilding. Multiple references (listed in
course material)
4.2 Ag alloys: Ag-Cu phase diagram and typical microstructures; Multiple references (listed in
examples from silver coinage. course material)
5.1 Pb, Sn and Zn alloys: Pb-Sn phase diagram and main Multiple references (listed in
microstructures (solders, pewter, organ pipes); Zn in course material)
memorial statues.

Programme Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage

Number of Participants: maximum 2. Registration is open to restorers, conservation scientists and
related professionals practicing within the field.

How to apply
Please send a signed application form by mail or e-mail, addresses are mentioned on the attached
registration form. The Programme Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage aims to
compose a list of participants of whom the level matches each other’s as much as possible. For that
reason, we would like to receive your resume. The deadline for application is April 1st, 2015.

Once you have registered you will receive a confirmation plus information for payment. Your
registration is final when we have received the course fee.

Please contact Angèle Goossens (coordinator continuing education) and Rosa Hoogenboom
(secretariat continuing education) by e-mail [email protected] or telephone +31 (0)20 525 2015 with
any further queries.

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