Gateway B1 WB Unit7

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Unit 7
this samp
Job hunting
Vocabulary Aa Bb

1 Complete the jobs with the missing vowels 3 Find adjectives in the word search and match them
(a, e, i, o, u). with the correct synonym or definition.
1 2 K H A Z L Z S Z F N G W
3 4 W I K O E T G L O G Y E
5 6
1 with lots of imagination and new ideas
2 healthy
3 can lift heavy things
4 intelligent

1 r c pt n st 4 m ch n c 5 kind, helpful and sympathetic to

other people
2 b ld r 5 f sh n
d s gn r 6 a friendly person who likes being with
3 sh p ss st nt
other people
6 j rn l st
7 somebody you can depend on
2 Look at the person in the photo. Do you think the
8 somebody who doesn’t easily get
sentences about her job are True (T) or False (F)?
excited, worried or angry
9 somebody who wants to be the best


4 Write the nouns for these adjectives.

1 ambitious 4 creative
2 confident 5 strong
3 reliable 6 fit

5 Complete the sentences with nouns from 4.

1 She works with children. T/F 1 Even with all my , I couldn’t lift it.
2 She works indoors. T/F
2 You need a lot of to stand on a
3 She does paperwork. T/F
stage and talk to lots of people.
4 She does manual work. T/F
5 She deals with the public. T/F 3 My is to become a famous singer.
6 She travels a lot. T/F 4 If I’m going to run in the marathon, I need to
7 She works with numbers. T/F improve my .
8 She works with a computer. T/F
5 My brother is an artist and his paintings show a lot
of .

58 Unit 7 I can talk about jobs, work and personal qualities


1 Look at the photo. What do you think the animal 2 Read the blog again and decide if the statements
sculpture is made of? Read the article to check are True (T) or False (F). Write down the number of
your answer. the line where you found the answer.
a gold b stone c cheese 1 Sarah creates sculptures of different sizes. T/F
2 Sarah wasn’t interested in art when she
was young. T/F
3 She has worked as a full time cheese
sculptor since 1981. T/F
4 She became a cheese sculptor by chance. T / F
5 Sarah only works in the US. T/F
6 It sometimes takes Sarah ten days to finish
even a simple sculpture. T/F
7 Sarah quite often makes mistakes when
she’s carving in front of other people. T/F
A SMELLY JOB? 8 Cheese sculptures last longer than we

F or most people, cheese is something you should eat to

get your calcium. But not for Sarah Kaufmann. Sarah
looks at cheese in a completely different way. She is one
think they do.
9 Sarah creates cheese sculptures to

of a few people in the world who have a very unusual job. encourage people to eat cheese. T/F
5 Sarah is a cheese sculptor from Wisconsin in the US. Sarah
spends her days designing and carving cheese into statues!
Sometimes these sculptures are enormous, like a 137-kilo
gorilla she once created, or quite small – she also makes
Which of the statements are facts (F) and which
little sculptures, like violins, for weddings or other special
are opinions (O)?
10 events.
But how did she get such an unusual job in the first place?
1 Cheese sculptures can last a long time
It’s not the most common option when students are in the right conditions. F/O
thinking about a career! Sarah was always an artistic child 2 Cheese sculpture is more interesting than
and she did an art course at college when she left school. a TV commercial. F/O
15 She eventually became the creative director of a dairy
company and she employed people to carve cheeses. She 3 There aren’t many cheese sculptors in
thought it would be a good way to promote the cheeses. the world. F/O
Then, she decided to have a go at doing the sculptures 4 Cheese sculpture is a form of advertising. F/O
herself and found she loved it. Sarah started carving cheese
5 Butter sculpture is more difficult than
20 in 1981. By 1996, her sculptures were so popular that she
had to give up her regular job and start sculpting cheese cheese sculpture. F/O
full time. Now she travels all over the world creating 6 Wisconsin Cheddar is a good cheese
cheese sculptures for food fairs, supermarkets and other for making sculptures. F/O
special events.
25 Carving cheese is not an easy job. Sarah has to first
design the sculpture on paper. Then she must enlarge the 4 Match the underlined words in the article with the
drawings and copy them to make the sculpture. If it’s very
large or complicated the work might take up to ten days to
finish! Sometimes she has to do this in front of an audience 1 an artistic object that you make by
30 and she mustn’t make a mistake. But Sarah rarely does.
She’s very good at her work. We imagine that a sculpture shaping different material
made of cheese won’t last very long but surprisingly one
of these can last up to seven or eight weeks. Of course it 2 make bigger
shouldn’t be in a warm place. Sarah’s cheese of choice
3 cutting a shape
35 for sculpting is Wisconsin cheddar because it’s quite hard
and salty and it doesn’t have to be in a fridge. It’s also very 4 opportunity or possibility
tasty. Sarah sometimes works long hours – 10 to 12 hours
sculpting, but she keeps going. She doesn’t have to stop 5 try something
work to eat either, because she can just eat the cheese!
6 choice
40 But why do people make sculptures out of cheese?
Apparently, it’s all about educating and informing people 7 a mineral in cheese that is good
of the benefits of eating cheese – an unusual form of
advertising! But, it’s much more interesting than a TV for bones
advert about cows and farms, isn’t it? If I had the chance,
8 an area of work that you choose for
45 I would love to try it! There’s another professional job
connected with carving food into sculptures and that’s your future
butter sculpture. Now, that might be a little more difficult!

I can understand an article about a job Unit 7 59

Grammar in context
1 Read the sentences and choose the alternative 4 Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t.
which describes the meaning of the sentence. 1 People use violence to solve their problems.
1 Wisconsin Cheddar doesn’t have to go in the fridge.
obligation/no obligation
2 Sarah has to enlarge the drawings. 2 You take medicine when you aren’t ill.
3 You should eat cheese to get calcium. 3 You help your friends when they have problems.
4 A cheese sculpture doesn’t have to be very big.
no obligation/prohibition 4 When you’re bad at something, you practise to get
5 You must try your best. obligation/prohibition
6 You shouldn’t leave cheese in a warm place.
prohibition/advice 5 People switch off their mobile phones in the cinema.
7 You mustn’t get distracted when you’re carving.
no obligation/prohibition
5 Circle the correct alternative. Sometimes two
are correct.
1 Children has to/have to/don’t have to go to school.
2 You must/mustn’t/don’t have to copy in exams.
3 Doctors must/mustn’t/have to work hard.
4 You has to/have to/must wear smart clothes if you
work in a bank.
5 Hospital visitors mustn’t/must/don’t have to talk in a
loud voice or shout because it is prohibited.
6 You must/don’t have to/mustn’t use a mobile phone in
a petrol station.

2 Write complete sentences using the prompts
below and the correct form of have to or 6 Find and correct a mistake in each sentence.
don’t have to.
1 Children under 15 must to go to school.
1 Normally teachers/wear a uniform.

2 This exercise is optional – you mustn’t do it.

2 Normally a firefighter/wear a uniform.

3 If you’ll break the rules, you’ll get punished.

3 I/go to school on Sunday.

4 You should to do extra work if it’s difficult.

4 A receptionist/know how to use a computer.

5 Students haven’t to wear a uniform in our school

5 Builders/wear hard hats. and so you can wear what you want.

6 If you have to doing it now, I’ll help you.

3 Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t.
1 You write carefully in exams.
7 You musn’t drink and drive – it’s illegal.

2 People make a lot of noise inside hospitals.

8 You don’t have to open the car door when the car
is moving.
3 Students use mobile phones in class.

9 You should eat chocolate just before you go to

4 Professional musicians practise playing their bed because it isn’t good for your teeth.

60 Unit 7 I can use modal verbs to talk about obligation, prohibition and advice
Developing vocabulary and listening Aa

1 Complete the crossword. 3 28 Listen again and decide if they agree (A) or
disagree (D) about these things.
1 2
1 They have to make the right decision now. A/D
2 The boy should study computer science. A/D
3 A well-paid job is important. A/D
4 The girl should study drama. A/D
4 5 5 Acting is badly-paid. A/D


4 Match these words to make compound

adjectives. Then match them with the
6 7
definitions (a–f). Use your dictionary if
1 self- dressed
2 open- fashioned

3 well- reliant
4 bad- minded
Across 5 old- respected
6 well- tempered
1 He’s the first person to arrive at work and the last
person to go. He does more than anybody else. a open to new ideas and different opinions
He’s very hard- . b not modern
4 They’re a very attractive couple. She’s very beautiful c people have a good opinion of you
and he’s good- .
d you get angry often or quickly
6 You’ve got the pen in your left hand. Are you e able to do things for yourself and not
left- ? depend on other people
8 She’s the director of a large multinational company. f wearing good clothes
I’m sure she’s well- .
Down 5 Complete the sentences with the compound
adjectives from 4.
2 You should be more relaxed and easy- .
1 She’s very , but that’s
3 That teacher only teaches two lessons a day. He’s
because she spends all her money on clothes.
part- .
2 I like him because he’s very
5 She’s well- . She always knows where she
. He listens to you and
should be and what she has to do.
thinks before he says yes or no.
7 People from Northern Europe sometimes have blonde
3 She’s very independent and
hair and are blue- .
. She doesn’t think her
STUDY SKILLS parents have to do everything for her.

How do you learn new vocabulary? Which do you think 4 My older brother is so .
is better: revising for a long time just once before an He always shouts at me, and for no reason!
exam or revising for a shorter period more frequently?
5 She’s a writer. Lots of
➤ STUDY SKILLS page 95
people have bought her books and admire her
2 LISTENING 28 Listen to the dialogue between two
friends and answer the question. 6 I think she’s quite . All her
clothes are long and look like my grandmother’s
What is the main focus of their discussion?
a which job is best paid clothes!
b what they should study at university
c what jobs their family members do

I can understand people talking about jobs Unit 7 61

Grammar in context
1 Match the halves to make sentences. 6 If John was faster, he (play)
1 If you were good at computer science, football better.
2 If I were an actor, 7 They’d leave the restaurant immediately if they
3 I’d study that course (not like) the food.

4 If I had a summer job, 8 If I knew the answer, I (tell)

5 I’d change my job
9 If I (find) money in the street,
a I would enjoy every day.
I’d try to find out who it belonged to.
b I’d have to get up early in the holidays.
c if it were shorter. 10 I’d buy that coat if I (have)
d if I didn’t enjoy it. enough money.
e that would be a great choice. 11 If I were you, I (ask) the
teacher to explain the homework again.
2 Look at the sentences in 1 and decide if these
rules about the second conditional are True (T)
1 The second conditional talks about improbable 5 Rewrite the sentences using the words given.
and imaginary situations. T/F Do not change the meaning.
2 The second conditional talks about 1 It’s a good idea to stay at home and revise this
past situations. T/F evening. should
3 We use would in the half of the sentence with If. T / F
4 We can use was or were with If I/he/she. T/F
and revise this evening.
5 The half of the sentence with If always
comes first. T/F 2 It isn’t necessary to give this homework in
tomorrow. have
3 Circle the correct alternative.
1 If you aren’t/weren’t my brother, I’d be really angry.
this homework in tomorrow.
2 If it was hot all year, I won’t/wouldn’t go out.
3 If I were/am you, I’d buy a new mobile phone. 3 Eating in class isn’t allowed. we
4 If they didn’t/don’t have a pet, they’d be able to go
away in the summer.
in class.
5 We would/will enjoy the concert more if we knew
the songs. 4 I’d like to be rich and go round the world. if
6 They would/will continue running if they didn’t
get tired.
round the world.
7 I’d do what he said if he was/is my boss.
8 TV would be better if there aren’t/weren’t any adverts. 5 My advice is to go to bed early. if
9 If I could/can sing, I’d start a band.
10 If you went out more, you won’t/wouldn’t be lonely. to bed early.

4 Complete the sentences with the second 6 You should buy your mum a present to say
conditional form of the verbs given. thank you. would

1 If I (have) a problem, I’d call If I

you. to say thank you.

2 If the bus didn’t come, we 7 It’s too cold to go to the beach today. enough
(walk). It’s
3 I (not be) happy if my parents to the beach today.
didn’t let me go out. 8 Apples are healthier than crisps not
4 You wouldn’t learn much if you Crisps
(play) computer games all day. apples.
5 If you (learn) to speak a new
language, it would help you find a job.

62 Unit 7 I can use the second conditional

Developing speaking
1 Put the words in order to make polite requests.
1 me you starts Can tell job when the ?
4 Look at the photo and write your answers to
the questions in your notebook. If you’re not
2 if I need Could you any ask experience ? sure of something, use I think and/or I imagine.

3 you tell me apply how Could I can ?

4 we you do me tell to what have Can ?

5 Could the wages I ask what are basic ?

1 Who can you see in the photo?
2 Where are they?
6 you me tell Can address your what is ?
3 What are they doing?
4 How do you think the people are feeling? Why?

2 Complete the dialogue with the requests from 1.

5 LISTENING 30 Listen to a student talking about
A: Good afternoon? the photo. Complete the text.
B: Good afternoon. I’m calling about a job that was There are four people (a) the photo.
in the newspaper yesterday. Could I ask for some Three of them are sitting (b) a table in a
information? restaurant and they are ordering a meal. The waitress
A: Certainly. is writing (c) their order. I think it’s
B: Thanks. (a) lunchtime (d) they’re wearing summer
A: Yes. It begins on 1st July and it finishes on 31st July. clothes that you wear (e) the day time.

B: Oh, I see. (b) I think the waitress is a student in her summer holidays.
(f) she wants to earn some extra money.
A: Well, you have to give some sports lessons in the
I think the people at the table are feeling happy
morning, and in the afternoon you take children on
because (g) they’ve been shopping
and they’re having a break. They’re (h)
B: I see. (c)
hungry, too! The waitress doesn’t look very busy
A: It’s not essential, but we prefer people who’ve done (i) she’s probably enjoying her job. It’s
similar work before. not a very well-paid job, but (j) you are
B: I understand. (d) good, the customers leave you tips.
A: It’s £250 a week, and lunch is included.
6 SPEAKING Now look at the second photo and
B: (e) answer the same questions.
A: You just need to send us a letter of application and CV.
B: That’s great. (f)
A: Yes, it’s …

3 29 Read the questions and circle the words
you think are stressed. Listen and check. In the
questions is can pronounced with /æ/ or /ə/?
1 Can you tell me when the job starts?
2 Could I ask if you need any experience?
3 Can you tell me how I can apply?
4 Can you tell me what we have to do? STUDY SKILLS
5 Could I ask what the basic wages are?
What should you do if you notice you are making
6 Can you tell me what your address is? mistakes when you are speaking?
➤ STUDY SKILLS page 95

I can make polite requests Unit 7 63

Developing writing
1 Read the letter of application on the right. What
type of job do you think Benjamin wants? 12 Sefton Street
a teaching tennis to adults Sunderland
b organising tennis competitions SU7 8BV
c organising sports and games for children 7th February 2015
(a) Dear/Hi Ms Nicholson,
I am writing (b) in/for respon
2 Circle the correct alternative in the letter on the se to your
advertisement in The Birmin
right. gham Sun. (c) I’d/
I would like to apply (d) at/f
or the job which you
advertised in this newspaper
on 5th February.
3 Put these headings in the correct place in the CV.
I (e) give/enclose a CV with
information about
1 Interests myself, including education
and work experience.
2 Education and qualifications (f) Like/As you will see, ten
nis is one of my main
hobbies. I have (g) experience
3 General information /interest of giving
tennis lessons and of workin
4 Work experience g with children. I also
think that I am patient, (h) goo
and (i) hard/fast-working.

CURRICULUM VITAE I look forward to (j) hearing

/hear from you.
Benjamin Martin (k) Yours sincerely/Love from
Benjamin Martin
1 12 Sefton Street,
Sunderland, SU7 8BV 6 Read the advert and write a letter of application
for the job.
2 (mobile) 0567 123 4567/
(home) 651 10 11 12 Do you have some free time in the summer
3 [email protected] holidays and want to earn some money?
We are looking for three young
(b) . people to be guides on our tour
Summerfield School, Sunderland buses of the town. You will need
to be interested in history and
(GCE) A-levels in English Literature, French and
able to speak another language.
Send a letter of application with
(c) your CV to Norris Tours, 3 Church
Lane, Southford, SU64 7FD
JULY 2013
Worked at Foxton Tennis Club giving lessons to
5–10 year olds
JULY 2015
Worked at Knightley Tennis Club as assistant

Good knowledge of computers

4 Now put these specific titles in the correct place in

the CV.
a Address:
b Email:
c Telephone:

5 Take a piece of paper and write out your own CV.

Use the completed CV on this page as a model.

64 Unit 7 I can write a letter of application and CV

Revision: Units 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Grammar Vocabulary
1 Complete the sentences with doesn’t/don’t have 1 Complete the sentences with the correct jobs.
to or mustn’t.
1 There’s water coming through the ceiling! Call a
1 I finish this homework before .
Monday so I can relax now!
2 The car won’t start. We need a .
2 You park there because it’s
3 We want a new wall in the garden. Dad’s employed a
where the headteacher parks his car.
3 We wear a uniform.
4 When you get to the hotel speak to the
4 My dad give me a lift to college .
because I’ve got my own car now.
5 I want to change this shirt I bought yesterday so I’ll
5 I go to bed late tonight because talk to the .
I start work early tomorrow.
6 Our cat isn’t very well so we have to take him to the
6 Kay be late again today. .

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of 2 Match these words to make compound adjectives.
should, have to, will, might. After each compound adjective, say if it describes
1 I apply for college next week, but I a person (P) or a job (J).

don’t know which subjects I choose. going t handed t looking t paid t time t working
2 It rain later so you take
1 hard- P/J 4 right- P/J
an umbrella just in case.
2 easy- P/J 5 good- P/J
3 If I don’t get this job, I don’t know what
happen. My dad says I worry, but I do! 3 part- P/J 6 well- P/J

4 I fill in a job application. Can you help 3 Complete the adjectives about personal qualities
me? with the missing vowels (a, e, i, o, u).
5 My sister get up early for her new job. 1 mb t s 4 s ns t v
But I get up until 9.30! 2 c nf d nt 5 f t
3 cr t v 6 cl v r
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs given. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct
1 If my brother (come) home
1 Connor enjoys looking after other people. He’s very
late I always (wake up), even
c .
if he (be) very quiet.
2 Jacquie never gets worried, she always remains
2 I (go) to university if I
c .
(get) the right grades in my
exams next month. 3 I love going out and meeting other people.
I’m s .
3 I (not work) in an office even
if you (pay) me an enormous 4 You can depend on me to do everything you ask.
salary! I’m r .

4 If I (not have) a job 5 Mollie expected to get 90% in her test, but she only
I (sit) at home and watch got 50%. She’s d .
daytime TV all day. 6 Mark fell over during the football match. His leg is
5 It’s my birthday next month. If b .
I (have) a party, 7 I’ve got a cold and my throat is very
(you help) me organise it? s .
8 I was so sad at the end of the film that I cried. It was
very m .

Grammar and vocabulary revision Units 1–7 65

For Students

Online Workbook

Student’s Resource Centre

Digital Student’s Book

Sounds app

With carefully selected

Student’s Book vocabulary and
phrases from the

For Teachers

Teacher’s Book Teacher’s Resource Centre

Presentation Kit

Macmillan Advantage,
access to premium
services and digital toolss
Flipped classroom Test generator
and Life skills videos 105710

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