Safety & Property Risk Management

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Safety & Property Risk Management


Safety . is the state of being "safe" (from French sauf), the condition of being

protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional,
occupational, psychological, educational or other types or consequences of failure,
damage, error, accidents, harm or any other event which could be considered non-
desirable. Safety can also be defined to be the control of recognized hazards to
achieve an acceptable level of risk. This can take the form of being protected from
the event or from exposure to something that causes health or economical losses. It
can include protection of people or of possessions

There are two slightly different meanings of safety. For example, home safety may
indicate a building's ability to protect against external harm events (such as weather,
home invasion, etc.), or may indicate that its internal installations (such as
appliances, stairs, etc.) are safe (not dangerous or harmful) for its inhabitants.

Discussions of safety often include mention of related terms. Security is such a term.
With time the definitions between these two have often become interchanged,
equated, and frequently appear juxtaposed in the same sentence. Readers
unfortunately are left to conclude whether they comprise a redundancy. This
confuses the uniqueness that should be reserved for each by itself. When seen as
unique, as we intend here, each term will assume its rightful place in influencing and
being influenced by the other.

Safety is the condition of a “steady state” of an organization or place doing what it is

supposed to do. “What it is supposed to do” is defined in terms of public codes and
standards, associated architectural and engineering designs, corporate vision and
mission statements, and operational plans and personnel policies. For any
organization, place, or function, large or small, safety is a normative concept. It
complies with situation-specific definitions of what is expected and acceptable. [1]

Using this definition, protection from a home’s external threats and protection from its
internal structural and equipment failures (see Meanings, above) are not two types of
safety but rather two aspects of a home’s steady state.

In the world of everyday affairs, not all goes as planned. Some entity’s steady state
is challenged. This is where security science, which is of more recent date, enters.
Drawing from the definition of safety, then:

Security is the process or means, physical or human, of delaying, preventing, and
otherwise protecting against external or internal, defects, dangers, loss, criminals,
and other individuals or actions that threaten, hinder or destroy an organization’s
“steady state,” and deprive it of its intended purpose for being.

Using this generic definition of safety it is possible to specify the elements of a

security program.

Purpose and Scope:

(1) The objective of this issuance is to protect every workingman against the dangers
of injury, sickness or death through safe and healthful working conditions,
thereby assuring the conservation of valuable manpower resources and the
prevention of loss or damage to lives and properties, consistent with national
development goals and with the State’s commitment for the total development
of every worker as a complete human being.

Limitations of Safety

Safety can be limited in relation to some guarantee or a standard of insurance to

the quality and harmful function of an object or organization. It is used in order to
ensure that the object or organization will do only what it is meant to do.
It is important to realize that safety is relative. Eliminating all risk, if even possible,
would be extremely difficult and very expensive. A safe situation is one where risks
of injury or property damage are low and manageable.

Types of safety
It is important to distinguish between products that meet standards, that are safe,
and those that merely feel safe. The highway safety community uses these terms:
Normative safety
Normative safety is when a product or design meets applicable design standards
and protection.
Substantive safety
Substantive, or objective safety occurs when the real-world safety history is
favorable, whether or not standards are met.
Perceived safety
Perceived, or subjective safety refers to the level of comfort of users. For
example, traffic signals are perceived as safe, yet under some circumstances, they
can increase traffic crashes at an intersection. Traffic round abuts have a
generally favorable safety record[2] yet often make drivers nervous.
Low perceived safety can have costs. For example, after the 9/11/2001 attacks,
many people chose to drive rather than fly, despite the fact that, even counting
terrorist attacks, flying is safer than driving. Perceived risk discourages people from

walking and bicycling for transportation, enjoyment or exercise, even though the
health benefits outweigh the risk of injury.[3]

Also called social safety or public safety, security is the risk of harm due to
intentional criminal acts such as assault, burglary or vandalism.
Because of the moral issues involved, security is of higher importance to many
people than substantive safety. For example, a death due to murder is considered
worse than a death in a car crash, even though in many countries, traffic deaths are
more common than homicides.
a. To know what is safety and to have a better understanding of accident
b. causes and their prevention.
c. To evaluate risk and how to manage risk prevention.

Safety is generally interpreted as implying a real and significant impact on risk of

death, injury or damage to property. In response to perceived risks many
interventions may be proposed with engineering responses and regulation being two
of the most common.
Probably the most common individual response to perceived safety issues is
insurance, which compensates for or provides restitution in the case of damage or

System safety and reliability engineering

System safety and reliability engineering is an engineering discipline. Continuous
changes in technology, environmental regulation and public safety concerns make
the analysis of complex safety-critical systems more and more demanding.
A common fallacy, for example among electrical engineers regarding structure power
systems, is that safety issues can be readily deduced. In fact, safety issues have
been discovered one by one, over more than a century in the case mentioned, in the
work of many thousands of practitioners, and cannot be deduced by a single
individual over a few decades. A knowledge of the literature, the standards and
custom in a field is a critical part of safety engineering. A combination of theory and
track record of practices is involved, and track record indicates some of the areas of
theory that are relevant. (In the USA, persons with a state license in Professional
Engineering in Electrical Engineering are expected to be competent in this regard,
the foregoing notwithstanding, but most electrical engineers have no need of the
license for their work.)

Safety is often seen as one of a group of related disciplines: quality, reliability,

availability, maintainability and safety. (Availability is sometimes not mentioned, on
the principle that it is a simple function of reliability and maintainability.) These issues

tend to determine the value of any work, and deficits in any of these areas are
considered to result in a cost, beyond the cost of addressing the area in the first
place; good management is then expected to minimize total cost.

Safety measures
Safety measures are activities and precautions taken to improve safety, i.e. reduce
risk related to human health. Common safety measures include:

 Chemical analysis
 Destructive testing of samples

 Drug testing of employees, etc.

 Examination of activities by specialists to minimize physical stress or

increase productivity

 Geological surveys to determine whether land or water sources are polluted,

how firm the ground is at a potential building site, etc.

 Government regulation so suppliers know what standards their product is

expected to meet.

 Industry regulation so suppliers know what level of quality is expected industry.

 Regulation is often imposed to avoid potential government regulation.

 Instruction manuals explaining how t

 o use a product or perform an activity.

 Instructional videos demonstrating proper use of products.

 Root cause analysis to identify causes of a system failure and correct


 Internet safety or Online Safety, is protection of the user's safety from

cyberthreats or computer crime in general.

 Periodic evaluations of employees, departments, etc.

 Physical examinations to determine whether a person has a physical condition

that would create a problem.

 Safety margins/Safety factors. For instance, a product rated to never be

required to handle more than 200 pounds might be designed to fail under at least
400 pounds, a safety factor of two.

 Higher numbers are used in more sensitive applications such as medical or

transit safety.

 Self-imposed regulation of various types.

 Implementation of standard protocols and procedures so that activities are
conducted in a known way.

 Statements of ethics by industry organizations or an individual company so its

employees will know what is expected of them.

 Stress testing subjects a person or product to stresses in excess of those the

person or product is designed to handle, to determining the "breaking point".

 Training of employees, vendors and product users

 Visual examination for dangerous situations such as emergency exits blocked

because they are being used as storage areas.

 Visual examination for flaws such as cracks, peeling, loose connections.

 X-ray analysis to see inside a sealed object such as a weld, a cement wall or
an airplane outer skin.

Standard organizations
A number of standards organizations exist that promulgate safety standards.
These may be voluntary organizations or government agencies. These agencies first
define the safety standards, which they publish in the form of codes. They are also
Accreditation Bodies and entitle independent third parties such as testing and
certification agencies to inspect and ensure compliance to the standards they
defined. For instance, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
formulated a certain number of safety standards in its Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code (BPVC) and accredited TÜV Rheinland to provide certification services to
guarantee product compliance to the defined safety regulations.[4]

Administration and Enforcement

Department of Labor and Employment:

(1) The Department of Labor and Employment shall administer and enforce the
provisions of this Standards.
(2) Every employer shall give to the Secretary or his duly authorized representative
access to its premises and records for the purpose of determining compliance
with the provisions of this Standards.
(3) Every establishments or place of employment shall be inspected at least once a
year to determine compliance with the provisions of this Standards. Special
inspection visits, however, may be authorized by the Regional Labor Office or
as authorized under Rule 1980 of this Standards, to investigate accidents,
occupational illnesses or dangerous occurrences, especially those resulting in
permanent total disability or death, to conduct surveys of working conditions
requested by the Bureau for the purpose of evaluating and assessing
environmental contaminants and physical conditions or to conduct
investigations, inspections or follow-up inspections upon request of an
employer, worker or a labor union of the establishment.
(4) The enforcement officer shall determine reasonable periods of compliance with
recommendations depending on the gravity of the hazards needing
corrections or the period needed to come into compliance with the order.

a. Freedom from accidents
b. The absence of accidents
c. The control of accidental loss

- an event that is unplanned, undesired, or unforeseen , which interrupts an
activity, and which may cause injury, damage to property, or delay.

- An accident, mishap, or, more archaically, misadventure, is an unforeseen and

unplaned event or circumstance, often with lack of intention or necessity. It usually
implies a generally negative outcome which may have been avoided or prevented
had circumstances leading up to the accident been recognized, and acted upon,
prior to its occurrence.
Experts  in the field of injury prevention avoid use of the term 'accident' to describe
events that cause injury in an attempt to highlight the predictable and preventable
nature of most injuries. Such incidents are viewed from the perspective
of epidemiology as predictable and preventable. Preferred words are more
descriptive of the event itself, rather than of its unintended nature
(e.g., collision, drowning, fall, etc.)
Accidents of particularly common types (crashing of automobiles, events causing
fire, etc.) are investigated to identify how to avoid them in the future. This is
sometimes called root cause analysis, but does not generally apply to accidents
that cannot be deterministically predicted. A root cause of an uncommon and
purely random accident may never be identified, and thus future similar accidents
remain "accidental."

Physical and non-physical

Physical examples of accidents include unintended collisions or falls, being injured

by touching something sharp, hot, or electrical, or ingesting poison. Non-physical
examples are unintentionally revealing a secret or otherwise saying something
incorrectly, forgetting an appointment, etc.

By activity

Accidents during the execution of work or arising out of it are called work accidents.
According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), more than 337 million
accidents happen on the job each year, resulting, together with occupational
diseases, in more than 2.3 million deaths annually.[1]

In contrast, leisure-related accidents are mainly sports injuries.

By vehicle

o Bike accidents
o Tram accidents

o Traffic collisions

o Sailing ship accidents

o Plane crash

Injury is damage to a biological organism which can be classified on various bases.

It is a general term referring to the effects of physical harm.

By ultimate cause

Intentional injury
Suicide and self-harm

Violence and war


By modality

 Traumatic injury, a body wound or shock produced by sudden physical

collision or movement
 Other injuries from external physical causes, such as radiation
poisoning, burn, or frostbite

 Injury from toxin or as adverse effect of a pharmaceutical drug

By location

 Wound, an injury in which skin is torn, cut or punctured (an open wound), or

where blunt force trauma causes a contusion (a close wound). In pathology, it
specifically refers to a sharp injury which damages the dermis of the skin.
 Brain injury

 Spinal cord injury

 Nerve injury

 Soft tissue injury

 Cell damage, including direct DNA damage

By activity

 Sports injury
 Occupational injury

Safety and regulatory considerations

National and local government regulations require a minimum width for aisles in
various building types. Regulatory agencies frequently inspect buildings, vehicles,
etc., to enforce regulations requiring that aisles not be restricted. Inspectors have
imposed fines for blocking or restricting passage when boxes or folding chairs are
stored in aisles, for example. Insurance companies frequently have safety inspectors
to examine the premises, both to determine whether insured’s are complying with the
insurer's requirements for coverage and to look for any practices that could lead to
injury or property damage, including restricting passage in aisles.

The Americans with Disabilities Act sets certain standards for building access and
other design considerations in all new construction and major renovations in the U.S.
 An architectural barrier is any feature that makes access or use of a building
difficult, unreasonably dangerous or impossible. This can include aisles that are too
narrow for easy access by a wheelchair.[3] Often, the only way to get from a row of
chairs, shelves, workstations, etc., to an exit is by an aisle.

Over the years, many deaths and serious injuries have occurred due to fire,
inhalation of smoke or noxious fumes, etc., because blocked or partially blocked
aisles prevented persons from promptly leaving a dangerous area.

Regulations applicable to public carriers transporting passengers often require aisles

to be completely clear in vehicles, such as airlines, buses and trains.
Many insurance companies have requirements regarding minimum aisle width,
unrestricted aisles and easy access to exits, and will refuse to insure companies that
do not meet their requirements or will increase the premiums on companies that
frequently violate the requirements.

The Need for Safety

 As Legal requirements
 Social responsibility
 Economic necessity

Socio-Economic Effects of Accidents

 Worker (accident victim)
 Disability
 Temporary
 Permanent
 Loss of earning capacity
 Pain and suffering
 Family hardship
 Changed social life

 Employer ( also an accident victim)
 Direct costs
 Medical/hospitalization expenses
 Compensation
 Burial expenses
 Indirect expenses
 Production loss (stoppages, delays)
 Property damage
 Low workers morale
 Tarnished image of the company

Causes of Accident
 Common Alibis for Accidents
 I was in a hurry
 I did it that way for years
 It was too much trouble
 It was just a temporary setup
 I did not know it was dangerous

Common Reasons for Accidents

o Fate- oras na niya
o Suwerte (malas) niya
o Careless (tanga, gago)
o Negligent

Causes of Accident

Why and How Accidents Occur

Accident – an event that is
o Unplanned
o Undesired
o Unforeseen
Elements of an accident (Heinrich’s Theory)
o People
o Equipment

o Materials
o Environment


LOSS – People / Property / Process





 Struck Against
 Struck By
 Caught Between
 Contact w/ Electricity
 Fall From Different Levels
 Fall From Same Level

1. Unsafe (sub-standard) Practices
a. Operating without authority
b. Operating at unsafe speed
c. Failure to wear Personal protection
d. Not following instructions or SOP’s

2. Unsafe (sub-standard) Conditions

a. Inadequate or lack of machine guards
b. Defective tools / equipment
c. Excessive noise
d. Poor housekeeping


Personal Faults

- Lack of knowledge or skill

- Improper attitude
- Physical/Mental problems

Job Factors

- Inadequate work standards
- Inadequate design and maintenance
- Inadequate purchasing standards

- Poor Management
- Inadequate Programs
- Inadequate Program Standards
- Failure to comply with standards

Safety at Work

a. General Safety Rules and Practices

Always follow smoking regulations

Follow instructions of your supervisor and SOP’s of your job. If you don’t know,
Wear PPE when required in your job
Report hazards to your supervisor or safety committee.
Report injuries /accidents
Know the emergency procedures in your plant.
Know how to use fire fighting equipment.
Wear proper uniform
Practice good housekeeping

Hazardous Workplaces:
A. Where the nature of work exposes the workers to dangerous environmental
elements, contaminants or work conditions including ionizing radiation,
chemicals, fire, flammable substances, noxious components and the like;

B. Where the workers are engaged in construction work, logging, firefighting,

mining, quarrying, blasting, stevedoring, dock work, deep-sea fishing and
mechanized farming;

C. Where the workers are engaged in the manufacture or handling of

explosives and other pyrotechnic products;

D. Where the workers use or are exposed to power driven or explosive powder
actuated tools

E. Where the workers are exposed to biologic agents such as bacteria, fungi,
viruses, protozoan, nematodes, and other parasites.

Safety in Material Handling

A.) Material Handling:

Refers to any methods for moving materials

- by people

- by people using equipment


a.) Manual Handling such as lifting, moving, pushing, rolling, done a


b.) Mechanical Handling such as wheeler, hand pallet, drum tilter, and

c.) Mechanical powered such as conveyor, hoists, forklift

d.) cranes, etc.

Manual Handling Problems

a.) Manual handling of materials accounts for an estimated 25 percent of

all occupational injuries. These injuries are not limited to the shipping
or warehousing department, but come from all operations because it is
impossible to run a business without moving or handling materials.

Common injuries suffered by workers includes strains and sprains, fractures or

bruises and others.

Primary causes :

a. Unsafe practices such as; improper lifting, carrying a load too heavy, incorrect
gripping, failing to observe proper foot or hand clearances or failing to use or
wear proper Personal Protective Equipments.
b. Another major cause of materials handling accidents can be traced to poor job

Material Handling Solutions:

a.) Can the job be engineered to eliminate manual handling of materials?

b.) How do materials such as chemicals, dusts, and rough or sharp objects injure
the people doing the handling?
c.) Can employees be given handling aids - - properly sized boxes, adequate
trucks, or hooks that will make their jobs easier and safer?

d.) Will protective clothing or other personal equipment help prevent injuries?


 Size up the load

 Obtain secure footing – place feet solidly and well apart and close to the object as
 Crouch close to the load and get a firm grip. Keep back as straight as possible

 Lift by straightening your legs.

Safe Operation of Materials Handling Equipment

A.) Forklifts

 Authorized and qualified operators only.

 Should have substantial canopy guards.
 Should not be used to transport personnel.
 Loads should be stable

 Should travel with load as low as possible.

 Loads should not be raised or lowered enrooted.

Safe Operation of Materials Handling Equipment

B.) Power Trucks/Cranes

 Operated by qualified crane operator.
 Operated at the lowest possible speed.
 Operator should always have a helper.
 The hook should be fixed to the lower end of the boom when traveling without load.
C.) Safety in Chemical Handling
 Make sure the chemical being used is the right one for the job.
 Determine the nature and degree of hazard of the chemical (look for MSDS).
 Never use an unknown substance.
 Isolate the hazard.
 Match protection to the hazard.

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

Material Safety Data Sheets


 Company Information

 Hazardous Ingredients

 Physical Data

 Fire and Explosion Data

 Health Hazard Data

 Reactivity Data
 Spill & Leak Procedures

 Special Protection Information

 Special Precautions

Safety in Chemical handling

o Make sure the chemical has not changed its composition and strength.
o Know what the chemical is going to do.
o Know how to spot conditions that could lead to a hazardous condition.
o Be familiar with emergency procedure.

Fire safety refers to precautions that are taken to prevent or reduce the
likelihood of a fire that may result in death, injury, or property damage, alert those in
a structure to the presence of an uncontrolled fire in the event one occurs, better
enable those threatened by a fire to survive in and evacuate from affected areas, or
to reduce the damage caused by a fire. Fire safety measures include those that are
planned during the construction of a building or implemented in structures that are
already standing, and those that are taught to occupants of the building.

Threats to fire safety are referred to as fire hazards. A fire hazard may include
a situation that increases the likelihood a fire may start or may impede escape in the
event a fire occurs.

Fire safety is often a component of building safety. Those who inspect

buildings for violations of the Fire Code and go into schools to educate children on
Fire Safety topics are fire department members known as fire prevention officers.
The Chief Fire Prevention Officer or Chief of Fire Prevention will normally train
newcomers to the Fire Prevention Division and may also conduct inspections or
make presentations.


Fire Prevention – Is the engineering principle applied to prevent the start of fires.
Fire protection – Refers to the detection, extinguishment and control of fire spread
after the fire has started.

Fire – A rapid oxidation accompanied by heat and light.

Flash Point – The lowest temperature at which a substance will give off flammable

Combustible – A substance that can burn.

Flammable – A substance that can easily burn.

Elements of a fire safety policy

Building a facility in accordance with the version Key of the local building code.

Maintaining a facility and conducting yourself in accordance with the provisions of

the fire code. This is based on the occupants and operators of the building being
aware of the applicable regulations and advice.

Examples of these include:

1. Not exceeding the maximum occupancy within any part of the building.

2. Maintaining proper fire exits and proper exit signage (e.g., exit signs pointing
to them that can function in a power failure)

3. Compliance with electrical codes to prevent overheating and ignition

from electrical faults or problems such as poor wire insulation or overloading
wiring, conductors, or other fixtures with more electric current than they are

4. Placing and maintaining the correct type of fire extinguishers in easily

accessible places.

5. Properly storing and using, hazardous materials that may be needed inside
the building for storage or operational requirements (such as solvents in
spray booths).

6. Prohibiting flammable materials in certain areas of the facility.

7. Periodically inspecting buildings for violations, issuing Orders To Comply and,

potentially, prosecuting or closing buildings that are not in compliance, until
the deficiencies are corrected or condemning it in extreme cases.

8. Maintaining fire alarm systems for detection and warning of fire.

9. Obtaining and maintaining a complete inventory of firestops.

10. Ensuring that spray fireproofing remains undamaged.

11. Maintaining a high level of training and awareness of occupants and users of
the building to avoid obvious mistakes, such as the propping open of fire

12. Conduct fire drills at regular intervals throughout the year.

Common Fire Hazards

Improper use and maintenance of gas stoves often create fire hazards.

Some common fire hazards are:

1. Kitchen fires from unattended cooking, such as frying, broiling, and simmering
2. Electrical systems that are overloaded, resulting in hot wiring or connections,
or failed components

3. Combustible storage areas with insufficient protection

4. Combustibles near equipment that generates heat, flame, or sparks

5. Candles and other open flames

6. Smoking (Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, lighters, etc.)

7. Equipment that generates heat and utilizes combustible materials

8. Flammable liquids and aerosols

9. Flammable solvents (and rags soaked with solvent) placed in enclosed


10. Fireplace chimneys not properly or regularly cleaned

11. Cooking appliances - stoves, ovens

12. Heating appliances - fireplaces, wood burning stoves, furnaces, boilers,

portable heaters

13. Household appliances - clothes dryers, curling irons, hair dryers, refrigerators,

14. Chimneys that concentrate creosote

15. Electrical wiring in poor condition

16. Batteries

17. Personal ignition sources - matches, lighters

18. Electronic and electrical equipment

19. Exterior cooking equipment - barbecue

Fire Prevention

o Fire safety engineering

o Good housekeeping
o Electrical safety
o Proper storage of materials
o Safe work practices

Fire Protection
Detection Rescue
Alarm First-Aid
Extinguishment Salvage

Causes of Fire

1. Electrical wiring & equipment (leading cause)

2. Smoking and matches
3. LPG stoves & installation
4. Kerosene Stoves & Lamps
5. Candles & “katol”
6. Welding & cutting
7. Friction
8. Spontaneous combustion
9. Combustion sparks
10. Static electricity
11. Overheating of materials
12. Arson & incendiarism

The Fire Triangle

Fire Safety, at its most basic, is based upon the

principle of keeping fuel sources and ignition sources separate.

The Fire Triangle

Enough OXYGEN to sustain combustion

Enough HEAT to reach ignition temperature
Some FUEL or combustible material
Together, they produce the CHEMICAL REACTION that is fire

Fuel (fire) Classifications

Fires are classified according to the type of fuel that is burning.
- If you use the wrong type of fire extinguisher on the wrong class of fire, you
might make matters worse.

- It’s very important to understand the four different fire (fuel) classifications

Class A: Wood, paper, cloth, trash, plastics—solids that are not metals.

Class B: Flammable liquids—gasoline, oil, grease, acetone. Includes

Class C: Electrical—energized electrical equipment. As long as it’s “plugged in.”

Class D: Metals—potassium, sodium, aluminum, magnesium. Requires Metal-X,

foam, and other special extinguishing agents.

Most fire extinguishers will have a pictograph label telling you which types of fire
the extinguisher is designed to fight.
For example, a simple water extinguisher might have a label like this…

Fire Extinguishment

4 Basic Methods of extinguishment

o Removal or dilution of air or oxygen

o Removal of fuel
o Cooling of the fuel
o Interruption of the flame chemistry of the chain reaction.

Extinguishing Agents

o Water (good for class A fire)

o Carbon dioxide (good for class B & C fires)

o Dry chemical (good for class A,B,C fires)

o Halogenated extinguishing agents (good for class A,B,C fires).

However, this type is already banned from use)

o Halon alternative agents.

How to Use a Fire Extinguisher
It’s easy to remember how to use a fire extinguisher if you remember the acronym

Pull the pin…

Aim at the base of the fire…
Squeeze the top handle…
Sweep from side to side…

Rules for Fighting Fires

Fires can be very dangerous and you should always be certain that you will not
endanger yourself or others when attempting to put out a fire.
For this reason, when a fire is discovered…

. . . before deciding to fight the fire, keep these things in mind:

That fire is dangerous. .


Importance of work safely near electricity?

The voltage of the electricity and the available electrical current in regular
businesses and homes has enough power to cause death by electrocution. Even
changing a light bulb without unplugging the lamp can be hazardous because
coming in contact with the "hot", "energized" or "live" part of the socket could kill a

What do I need to know about electricity?

All electrical systems have the potential to cause harm. Electricity can be
either "static" or "dynamic." Dynamic electricity is the uniform motion of electrons
through a conductor (this is known as electric current). Conductors are materials that
allow the movement of electricity through it. Most metals are conductors. The human
body is also a conductor. This document is about dynamic electricity.

Note: Static electricity is accumulation of charge on surfaces as a result of contact

and friction with another surface. This contact/friction causes an accumulation of
electrons on one surface, and a deficiency of electrons on the other surface. The
OSH Answers document on How Do I Work Safely with Flammable and Combustible
Liquids? (Static Electricity) has more information.

Electric current cannot exist without an unbroken path to and from the
conductor. Electricity will form a "path" or "loop". When you plug in a device (e.g., a
power tool), the electricity takes the easiest path from the plug-in, to the tool, and
back to the power source. This is also known as creating or completing an electrical

Kinds of injuries result from electrical currents

People are injured when they become part of the electrical circuit. Humans
are more conductive than the earth (the ground we stand on) which means if there is
no other easy path, electricity will try to flow through our bodies.

There are four main types of injuries: electrocution (fatal), electric shock,
burns, and falls. These injuries can happen in various ways:

 Direct contact with exposed energized conductors or circuit parts. When
electrical current travels through our bodies, it can interfere with the normal electrical
signals between the brain and our muscles (e.g., heart may stop beating properly,
breathing may stop, or muscles may spasm).

 When the electricity arcs (jumps, or "arcs") from an exposed energized

conductor or circuit part (e.g., overhead power lines) through a gas (such as
air) to a person who is grounded (that would provide an alternative route to
the ground for the electrical current).
 Thermal burns including burns from heat generated by an electric arc, and
flame burns from materials that catch on fire from heating or ignition by
electrical currents or an electric arc flash. Contact burns from being shocked
can burn internal tissues while leaving only very small injuries on the outside
of the skin.
 Thermal burns from the heat radiated from an electric arc flash. Ultraviolet
(UV) and infrared (IR) light emitted from the arc flash can also cause damage
to the eyes.
 An arc blast can include a potential pressure wave released from an arc flash.
This wave can cause physical injuries, collapse your lungs, or create noise
that can damage hearing.
 Muscle contractions, or a startle reaction, can cause a person to fall from a
ladder, scaffold or aerial bucket. The fall can cause serious injuries.

What should I do if I think I am too close to overhead power lines?

Do not work close to power lines. Recommended distances vary by jurisdiction

and/or utility companies. Check with both your jurisdiction and electrical utility
company when working, driving, parking, or storing materials closer than 15 m (49
feet) to overhead power lines.

a.) If you must be close to power lines, you must first call your electrical utility
company and they will assist you.
b.) If your vehicle comes into contact with a power line:

c.) DO NOT get out of your vehicle.

d.) Call 911 and your local utility service for help.
e.) Wait for the electrical utility to come and they will tell you when it is safe to get
out of your vehicle.
f.) Never try to rescue another person if you are not trained to do so.
g.) If you must leave the vehicle (e.g., your vehicle catches on fire), exit by
jumping as far as possible - at least 45 to 60 cm (1.5 to 2 feet).
h.) Never touch the vehicle or equipment and the ground at the same time.
i.) i.) Keep your feet, legs, and arms close to your body.

j.) Keep your feet together (touching), and move away by shuffling your feet.
k.) Never let your feet separate or you may be shocked or electrocuted.
l.) Shuffle at least 10 meter away from your vehicle before you take a normal
m.) Do not enter an electrical power substation, or other marked areas

General Safety Tips in working with or near electricity

1. Inspect portable cord-and-plug connected equipment, extension cords, power
bars, and electrical fittings for damage or wear before each use. Repair or
replace damaged equipment immediately.
2. Always tape extension cords to walls or floors when necessary. Nails and
staples can damage extension cords causing fire and shock hazards.
3. Use extension cords or equipment that is rated for the level of amperage or
wattage that you are using.
4. Always use the correct size fuse. Replacing a fuse with one of a larger size
can cause excessive currents in the wiring and possibly start a fire.
5. Be aware that unusually warm or hot outlets may be a sign that unsafe wiring
conditions exists. Unplug any cords or extension cords to these outlets and do
not use until a qualified electrician has checked the wiring.
6. Always use ladders made with non-conductive side rails (e.g., fiber glass)
when working with or near electricity or power lines.
7. Place halogen lights away from combustible materials such as cloths or
curtains. Halogen lamps can become very hot and may be a fire hazard.
8. Risk of electric shock is greater in areas that are wet or damp. Install Ground
Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) as they will interrupt the electrical circuit
before a current sufficient to cause death or serious injury occurs.
9. Use a portable in-line Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) if you are not
certain that the receptacle you are plugging your extension cord into is GFCI
10. Make sure that exposed receptacle boxes are made of non-conductive
11. Know where the panel and circuit breakers are located in case of an
12. Label all circuit breakers and fuse boxes clearly. Each switch should be
positively identified as to which outlet or appliance it is for.
13. Do not use outlets or cords that have exposed wiring.
14. Do not use portable cord-and-plug connected power tools with the guards
15. Do not block access to panels and circuit breakers or fuse boxes.
16. Do not touch a person or electrical apparatus in the event of an electrical
accident. Always disconnect the power source first.

Tips in working with power tools

1. Switch all tools OFF before connecting them to a power supply.
2. Disconnect and lockout the power supply before completing any
maintenance work tasks or making adjustments.
3. Ensure tools are properly grounded or double-insulated. The grounded
equipment must have an approved 3-wire cord with a 3-prong plug. This plug
should be plugged in a properly grounded 3-pole outlet.
4. Test all tools for effective grounding with a continuity tester or a Ground Fault
Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) before use.
5. Do not bypass the on/off switch and operate the tools by connecting and
disconnecting the power cord.
6. Do not use electrical equipment in wet conditions or damp locations unless
the equipment is connected to a GFCI.
7. Do not clean tools with flammable or toxic solvents.
8. Do not operate tools in an area containing explosive vapours or gases, unless
they are intrinsically safe and only if you follow the manufacturer's guidelines.

Tips in working with power cords

1. Keep power cords clear of tools during use.
2. Suspend extension cords temporarily during use over aisles or work areas to
eliminate stumbling or tripping hazards.
3. Replace open front plugs with dead front plugs. Dead front plugs are sealed
and present less danger of shock or short circuit.
4. Do not use light duty extension cords in a non-residential situation.
5. Do not carry or lift up electrical equipment by the power cord.
6. Do not tie cords in tight knots. Knots can cause short circuits and shocks.
Loop the cords or use a twist lock plug.

 What it does.
“ Electricity is of practical importance as a means of transferring energy to a
distance and for the transformation of energy, as in electric furnace, electric
light, in electrolysis, etc.

 How it acts.
a) Electricity, when it flows, can move from one place to another as does
water in pipe.
b) The quantity of electricity which moves is measured in units called
“amperes” (as gallons, quarts, or liters for water) .
c) The pressure of the flowing electricity or “current”, or the force behind the
“current” is measured in units called “volts”, as water is measured in
“pounds” or “grams”.

Characteristics of electricity

d) As electricity moves, resistance is encountered, the amount of resistance

depends on the substance. ( The unit of resistance to electrical current is called
an “ohm”).

I (current) = V (voltage)
R (resistance)


When a person comes in contact:

1. With both wires of the electric circuit.

2. With one wire of an average circuit and the ground.

3. With a metallic part being in contact with an energized wire, while the person is
also in contact with the ground.


• Amount of current flow through the body

• Voltage of circuit in contact.

• Resistance of skin or clothing or both.

• Area of contact with live conductor.

• Length of time in circuit (the longer time the body is subjected to the circuit,
the lesser the RESISTANCE the body becomes.


Most Metals - 10 - 50 Ohms

Human Body (dry skin ) -100,000 – 600,000 Ohms
Human Body (wet skin) - 1,000 Ohms
Dry Wood - 100,000,000 Ohms
Wet Wood - 1,000 Ohms
Rubber - 100,000,000,000,000 Ohms


• Chest muscle contraction- breathing interference ( death due to

• Temporary nerve center paralysis – respiration failure.

• Heart (normal rhythm) interference – ventricular fibrillation ( fiber of heart

muscle create uncoordinated manner, blood circulation ceases)

• Heart action suspended by muscular contraction.

• Hemorrhage and tissue destruction, nerve or muscle damage caused by


1.) Defective appliances, equipment and tools.
2.) Defective wiring installation.
3.) Lack of maintenance of equipment.
4.) Substandard electrical equipment /appliances.
5.) Ungrounded electrical equipment.
6.) No proper rated protective device,
7.) Overloaded electrical circuits (octopus connections).


• Do not guess – every line should be assumed energized..

• Use right instruments to test.
• Inspect regularly.
• Use appropriate PPE, fuse tongs & insulated tools.
• Observe Lockout/Tag-out procedures
• Never work alone on electrical lines..
• Make temporary wirings safe..
• Follow PEC Philippine Electrical Code requirements during installation
• Only qualified electricians should be allowed to work on electrical jobs.
• Never use metallic ladders when working on electricity.
• Never bridge a fuse with wire.
• Always have a high respect for electricity.

Machine Safety
Machine - is a combination of rigid or resistant bodies, formed and connected so
that they move with definite relative motions and transmit force from the source of
power to the resistance to be overcome. Anything that converts one form of energy
into mechanical energy.

Importance of Machine Safety

a.) Cause of severe accidents (death)
b.) Loss of trained and skilled worker
c.) Delayed/lost production
d.) Damaged equipment
e.) Training cost of new worker
f.) Overtime
g.) Possible litigation

Supervisor’s Responsibility

a.) The Supervisor must understand the basics of machine safety and guarding
to prevent injuries, accidents and deaths
b.) The Supervisor must have a functional understanding of the common effective
control of machine accidents
c.) Provide machine guards can prevent access and protect the operator from
hazardous motion
d.) To train and educate workers on machine safety.


When used safely, machines are important part of the workplace. But machines
CANNOT THINK. You can’t blame them for accidents. The operator/worker is IN
COMMAND to prevent serious accidents or death amidst production demands.

a.) Assembly machines includes such as:

b.) Cutting or shearing machines such as:
saws, shears, industrial cutters, press

Materials Handling machines such as:

 power lifts, forklifts, conveyors .

Shaping or forming machines such as:

 power presses, punchers, rollers, drills, bending, boring and grinders

Inspection Machines such as:

 measuring machines, testing machines, etc

For everyone’s protection, you should know the potential dangers of the
machines in your workplace.

Mechanical Hazards

Point of Operation – is the spot where the work takes place, whether it’s cutting,
shaping, punching, moving, rotating and etc.

Power Trains – any of the places where energy is transferred, especially through
moving parts like gears, shafts, cables, hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders, and
conveyor belts.

Nip Points – it is a point in the machines that are rotating in opposite direction.
Example is a meshing gear or roller

Electrical Hazards

Electrical shock, burns or electrocution can be the result of improper usage of

machines or presence of any related unsafe conditions.

FIRE! – poor electrical safety habits, poor maintenance of electrical equipment.

Hearing Hazards

Machine noise levels are sometimes high enough to damage your hearing if you
don’t use any protective measures.

Basic Principles Observed in Machinery Safety

• Engineer the hazard out of the job.

• Guard the hazard.

• Educate personnel to maintain a healthy respect for guards.

Engineering Hazards Out of the Job

The following principles can be applied

1.) Allow sufficient space for easy maintenance and repair.

2.) Mark off machine areas.
3.) Locate machines properly and provide substantial railings.
4.) Supply appropriate racks and container for tools
5.) Supply automatic or semi automatic feeds for machines, if possible.
6.) Supply work area with adequate lighting.
7.) Guard the Hazard

Provide appropriate guarding to prevent injury from these

accident sources:
1.) Direct contact with moving parts of machine.
2.) Work in process.
3.) Mechanical failure.
4.) Electrical failure
5.) Human failure resulting from; curiosity, zeal, distraction, fatigue,
chance taking, etc.
6.) Educate Employees

Safe practices require that;

1. No machine should be started unless guards are in place.
2. No guards should be removed or adjusted unless necessary.
3. Whenever guards are removed the power should be turned off and the
main switch locked or tagged.
4. Replace guards after completing maintenance or repair work.
5. Loose clothing, necktie, or long hair should never be worn around
moving machinery.
Basic Guard Requirements
All guards must meet the following:
a.) Conform to national safety standards.
b.) Afford maximum positive protection.
c.) Be considered a permanent part of the equipment/machine.
d.) Prevent access to the danger zones during operations.
e.) Be convenient.

Requirements …..

a. Not weaken the machine structure .

b. Be designed for a specific job and specific machine.
c. Be durable and easily repairable/maintained.
d. Constructed strong enough to resist normal wear
e. and tear and shock.
f. Not become hazards themselves.


a.) Lockout/Tag out Standard

Proper Lockout Procedure

The “Fatal Five” Main Causes of
Injuries in Maintenance Work
Failure to stop equipment
Failure to disconnect from power source
Failure to dissipate (bleed, neutralize) residual energy
Accidental restarting of equipment
Failure to clear work areas before restarting


 Lockout is a technique used to prevent the release of hazardous energy, or to
prevent the hazardous energy from escaping

 A padlock is placed on the appropriate energy isolating device that is in the off
or closed position.


o Electric motor control switches.
o Steam line valves.
o Acid line valves
o Valves on high pressure gas or LPG lines.
o Fuel line valve to boilers, heater, etc.

Types of Lockout Devices

 Plug Locks
 Ball Valve Lockout
 Gate Valve Lockout
 Group Lockout Hasp
 Electrical
 Hydraulic, pneumatic, and other pressurized systems

Lockout Procedure
 Alert the operator (s) that power is being disconnected.
 Preparation for Shutdown
 Equipment Shutdown
 Equipment Isolation
 Application of Lockout Devices
 Control of Stored Energy
 Equipment Isolation-Verification

Removal of Lockout

 Ensure equipment is safe to operate

 Safeguard all employees

 Remove lockout/tagout devices. Except in emergencies, each device must be

removed by the person who put it on.

 Last person to take off lock

Special Situations
 Servicing lasts longer than one shift.

 Contractors are performing service or maintenance at your workplace

 Worker who applied lock is not available

Temporarily Reactivating Equipment

 Remove unnecessary tools from the work area and make sure everyone is
clear of the equipment

 Remove lockout/tag out devices and re-energize the system

 As soon as the energy is no longer needed, isolate the equipment and re-
apply lockout/tagout, using the six step procedure.

Tidbits of Info.

 Never attempt lockout/tagout procedures unless you have been trained and
certified by your supervisor.

 Never loan or share your lock, combination, or key with anybody else.

 Always be sure all lockout/tagout devices are compatible with the environment
in which they will be used i.e. corrosive, humid, etc.


A LOTO program includes:

1. Written procedures on all aspects of LOTO programs.

2. Effective initial training of authorized, affected and other
employees to help them recognize hazardous energy
3. Identification of hazard energy sources.

4. Training of concerned employees on the company’s

lockout / tag-out procedures.
5. Issuing padlocks and tags for authorized workers for use
in LOTO operations.
6. Effective retraining of concerned employees.
7. Certification of training.
8. Evaluating the effectiveness of the program.


Plant Manager – Ensures that the LOTO program is disseminated down to the last
organizational level to guarantee overall effectiveness of the

Supervisor/Foreman – Responsible for the issuance of personal lock and key and
applicable tags to personnel under his jurisdiction of one-lock-one
key system.

Safety Engineer – Ensures that the LOTO system is strictly implemented.

Mechanic/Electrician- They are responsible in adhering with the established lockout

and tag out procedures for their safety and that of affected persons
in the work area. Practice proper turnover of responsibilities with
incoming shift.

 Locate equipment to be de-energized. Notify supervisors and operators.

Contact electrician to identify the starter or main switch.
 Shutdown machinery or equipment by normal stopping procedure.
 Neutralize all stored energy.
 Lockout devices shall be affixed to the energy isolating device in the off
position by authorized employee.
 Sign, date and attach a lockout tag to the disconnected switch, valves and
other similar devices. NEVER RELY ON TAGS ALONE. They should be used
to record information.
 After locking out equipment, attempt to re-start using the starting controls.
 After testing, return operating controls to “neutral or off “ position. The
equipment is now locked out.


General Provisions:

Every employer :

(1) Shall at his own expense furnish his workers with protective equipment for the
eyes, face, hands and feet, protective shields and barriers whenever necessary
by reason of the hazardous nature of the process or environment, chemical or
radiological or other mechanical irritants or hazards capable of causing injury or
impairment in the function of any part of the body through absorption, inhalation
or physical contact.
(2) Deduction for the loss or damage of personal protective equipment shall be
governed by Article
114, Book III, Labor Code of the Philippines, and Section 14, Rule VIII, Book III,
Omnibus Rules
Implementing the Labor Code.

 All personal protective equipment shall be of the approved design and

construction appropriate for the exposure and the work to be performed.

 The employer shall be responsible for the adequacy and proper maintenance
of personal protective equipment used in his workplace.

 No person shall be subjected or exposed to a hazardous environmental

condition without protection.

Eye and Face Protection:

General Provision

 Eyes and face protective equipment shall be required where there is

reasonable probability of exposure to such hazards. In such cases, the
employer shall furnish a type of protective equipment suitable for the work to
be performed and the employees shall use such equipment. Eye protection
shall be provided where the processes or operations present hazards of flying
objects, liquids, injurious
radiation, glare or a combination of these hazards.

 Eye and face protective equipment shall conform the following minimum

1. provide adequate protection against the particular hazard for which they are
designed or intended;
2. be reasonably comfortable to use;
3. fit snugly and shall not unduly interfere with the movements of the user;
4. be durable, easily cleaned and capable of being disinfected;
5. be kept clean and in good condition, and
6. be of the approved type.

Whenever eye protection is needed, persons whose visions require the use of
corrective lenses shall wear goggles or spectacles of any of the following types:

1. spectacles which provide optical correction;

2. goggles that can be worn over corrective spectacles without disturbing the
adjustment of the spectacles; or
3. goggles that incorporate corrective lenses mounted behind the protective lenses.

Limitations and precautions indicated by the manufacturer shall be transmitted to

the user and care shall be taken to ensure that such limitations and precautions are
strictly followed and observed.

For purposes of design, construction, testing, use of eye and face protection, the
American National Standards for Occupational Eye and Face Protection Equipment
(ANSI z87.1-1968) is adopted.

Respiratory Protection:

The primary corrective measure in the control of occupational diseases

caused by harmful dusts, fogs, fumes, mists, gases, smokes, sprays or vapors shall
be to prevent atmospheric contamination. This shall be accomplished through the
use or application of accepted engineering control measures, like enclosure or
confinement of the operation, general and local ventilation and substitution of less
toxic materials or a combination of these. When effective engineering control
measures are not feasible or while they are in process of being instituted,
appropriate respirators shall be used.

Appropriate respirators shall be furnished by the employer when such

equipment are necessary to protect the health of the employees. The employee shall
use the respiratory protection in accordance with instruments.

Respiratory Protective Program:

In order to effectively implement the provisions of Rule 1083, the employer

shall institute a respiratory protective program which shall include the following:

1. Proper selection of respirators on the basis of the hazards to which the workers
2. Sufficient instruction and training in the proper use and the limitations of
3. When practicable, the assignment of respirators to individual workers for their
exclusive use;
4. Regular cleaning and disinfecting of the respirators. Respirators issued for the
exclusive use of one worker shall be cleaned after each day's use or as
often as necessary. Those used by two or more workers shall be
thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after each use;
5. Appropriate examination and testing of the conditions of the work area in order to
assure that the allowable degree of employee exposure is maintained, and
to determine the effectiveness of the control measures.

Selecting of Respirators:

1. For purposes of proper selection, design, construction, testing and use of

respirators, the American National Standards Practices for Respiratory
Protection (ANSI z88.-21059) is adopted.

Use of Respirators:

(1) Standard procedures shall be developed for the use of respirators. These should
include all information and guidance necessary for their proper selection, use and
care. Possible emergency uses of respirators should be anticipated and planned for.

(2) Written procedures shall be prepared covering safe use of respirators in

dangerous atmospheres that might be encountered in normal operations or in
emergencies. All personnel shall be familiar with these procedures and the available
respirators to use.

a. Workers in enclosed toxic or oxygen-deficient atmosphere shall be assisted in

case of accident by at least one additional worker stationed in an area unaffected by
the incident and provided with proper rescue equipment to assist the other(s) in case
of emergency. Communication (visual, voice or signal line) shall be maintained
among the individuals present;

b. When self-contained breathing apparatus or hose masks with blowers are used in
atmospheres dangerous to life or health, standby men must be present with suitable
rescue equipment;

c. Persons using air line respirators in atmospheres hazardous to life or health, shall
be equipped with safety harnesses and safety lines for lifting or removing persons
from hazardous atmospheres or other equivalent provisions for the rescue of
persons. A standby man or men with suitable self-contained breathing apparatus
shall be at the nearest fresh air base for emergency rescue.

(3) For the safe use of any respirator, the user shall be properly instructed in its
selection, use and maintenance.

Maintenance and Care of Respirators:

A program for the maintenance and care of respirators shall be adopted to the
type of plant, working conditions, and hazards involved and shall include the
following basic services:

(1) inspection for defects (including leak check),

(2) cleaning and disinfecting, and
(3) repair and storage.

Head Protection:

1. Hard hats for the protection of workers from impact penetration from falling and
flying objects, blows, and from limited electric shock and burns shall be provided
where there is reasonable probability of exposure to such hazards.
2. Hard hats shall be made of non-combustible or slow-burning materials and when
used in electrical environment shall be non-conductor of electricity.

3. The total weight of complete hard hat should not be more than 0.45 kgs. (16

4. Hard hats shall have a brim all around to provide protection for the head, face
and back of the neck.

5. Hard hats without brims and low crowns may be allowed only in confined spaces.

6. The cradle and sweatband of hard hats shall be detachable and replaceable.

7. For work in excessive moisture, hard hats shall be water-proof-material.

8. For the purpose of proper selection, design, construction, testing and use of head
protectors the American National Standards Safety Requirement for
Industrial Head Protection (ANSI z59-1-1969) is adopted.

Hair Protection:

(1) All persons with long hair employed around machinery shall completely cover
their hair with well fitting caps or other equivalent protection.

(2) Caps shall be of materials not easily flammable and sufficiently durable to
withstand regular laundering, disinfecting and cleaning.

Hand and Arm Protection:

01: When selecting gloves, consideration should be given to the hazards to which
the wearer may be exposed to and the ease and free movement of the

02: Gloves shall not be worn by workers operating drills, punch presses or other
machinery in which the hand may be caught by moving parts.

03: Gloves, mittens, and leathers or pads for workers handling sharp edged or
abrasive objects shall be made of tough materials and where necessary
provided with special reinforcement.

04: Gloves, mittens and sleeves for workers handling hot metals shall be made of
suitable heat resisting material.

05: Gloves and sleeves for electrical workers shall be made of rubber or other
suitable materials conforming with the test requirements on dielectric strength.

06: Gauntlets for workers handling corrosive substances, such as acids and
caustics, shall be made of natural rubber, synthetic rubber or pliable plastic
material resistant to corrosion.

07: Gauntlets for protecting workers against the action of toxic, irritating or infectious
substances shall:

(1) cover the forearm as much as possible,

(2) have a close fit at the upper end and
(3) not have the slightest break.
Gloves torn during use shall be replaced immediately.

Safety Belts, Life Lines and Safety Nets:

General Provisions:

(1) Workmen working in unguarded surface above open pits or tanks, steep slopes,
moving machinery and similar locations, or working from unguarded surfaces six (6)
meters (20 ft.) or more above water or ground, temporary or permanent floor
platform, scaffold construction or where otherwise exposed to the possibility of falls
hazardous to life or limb, shall be secured by safety belts and life lines. In situations
where safety belts and life lines in guarded platforms and scaffolds or temporary
floors are not feasible safety nets shall be provided and installed.

(2) Window washers or cleaners working outside buildings six (6) meters (20 ft.) or
more above the ground or other surfaces unless protected from falling by other
means, shall use safety belts attached to suitable anchors.

(3) Workmen entering a sewer, flue, duct, or other similarly confined places shall be
provided and required to wear safety belts with life lines attached and held by
another person stationed at the opening ready to respond to agreed signals.

(4) Workers who are required to climb and work on top of poles six (6) meters or
more shall use safety belts. On top of structures where there is no place to strap a
safety belt, a messenger line shall be installed for strapping the safety belt or life line.


(1) Safety belts shall be made of chromed tanned leather, linen or cotton webbing, or
other suitable materials at least 11.5 cm. (4 1/2 in.) wide and 0.65 cm. (1/4 in.) thick
and of sufficient strength to support a weight of 114 kgs. (250 lbs.) without breaking.

(2) Hardware used for safety belts should have a strength of approximately equal to
the full strength of the waist band. Buckles shall hold securely without slippage or
other failure. This holding power should be achieved by only a single insertion of the
strap through the buckle in the normal or usual way.

(3) Belt anchors shall be made of metal machined from bar stock, forged or heat
treated, capable of supporting a pull of 2730 kgs. (6,000 lbs.) without fracture applied
in the direction which the anchor must withstand should a man fall. All anchors and
fastenings shall be provided with means to prevent turning, backing off or becoming
loose. Anchor fittings with single thread section which is merely screwed into
reinforcing plates shall not be used. Metals recommended for belt anchors are nickel
copper alloy and stainless steel.

(4) Life lines shall be made of good quality manila rope of at least 1.9 cm. (3/4 in.)
diameter or equivalent material such as nylon rope of at least 1.27 cm. (1/2 in.)
diameter and shall be of sufficient strength to support a weight of 1140 kgs. (2,500
lbs.) without breaking.
(5) Safety nets shall not be less than 0.94 cm. (3/8 in.) diameter mesh ropes and not
less than 1.90 cm. (3/4 in.) diameter border ropes (perimeter) made of manila rope
or other materials that can absorb the impact of a falling body equally as nets
fabricated from manila rope of the dimensions specified. The mesh shall be arranged
not to exceed 15.25 cm. (6 in.) on canters positively and securely attached to
avoid wear at each crossing point and at points of contact with the border.

(6) Safety nets shall be equipped with adequately padded thimble sockets or
equivalent means of attachments. Supports and anchorages shall be of sufficient
size and strength to catch any falling worker. The nets shall be attached to sufficient
supports outside and beyond the area of possible fall and supported at sufficient
heights to prevent sagging to any solid object beneath when cushioning the fall of
a worker.

(7) Safety belts, life lines and safety nets shall be inspected before use and at least
once each week thereafter. Defective belts, lines or nets shall be immediately
discarded and replaced or repaired before reuse.

Use of Safety Shoes:

Workers shall be provided with approved safety shoes and leg protection whenever
necessary as determined by the nature of work.

Four Methods of Controlling Occupational Hazards

• Engineering Controls

• Administrative Control

• Safe Work Practices/Procedures

• Use of Personal Protective Equipment

Factors to Consider in the Use of PPE’s

It is as regarded as the last thin line of defense

1. Does not reduce the hazard

2. Set up a frail barrier against the hazard
3. Must be constantly maintained.

Selection of PPE’s

1. There must be a clear understanding of the specific hazard.

2. Degree of protection must be proportional to seriousness of hazard.
3. Balance between protection and interference.
4. Acceptability of PPE to worker.
5. Quality of PPE.
6. Factor of cost.

Classification of PPE’s

1. Head and Hearing Protection hard hats and bump caps

2. hair protectors
3. hearing protectors
4. Face and Eye Protection
a. Hoods
b. Spectacles and goggles
c. Face shields
5. Welding mask
a. Respiratory Protection
b. Air breathing apparatus(SCBA)
c.. Air supplied respirators
d. Canister and cartridge respirators
6. Dust filter respirators/dust masks
a. Hand, Foot, and Leg Protection
b. Gloves, mitts, hand leathers
c. Safety shoes
d. Foot guards
e. Leggings
7. Body or Torso Protection, Protective Clothing
a. Aprons, coveralls
8. Protective clothing for:
a. Temperature extremes(high and low)
b. impacts and cuts
c. acids, chemicals

It is the process of detecting potential accident causes so they may be
corrected before accidents occur.

It is one of the principal means of locating hazards help determine what

safeguarding is necessary to protect against the hazard before accidents and
personal injuries occur


Effective safety and health inspections are one of the most important
incident/accident prevention tools in a company's safety and health program. Using
properly trained inspectors in a planned inspection program will reduce incidents and
property damage. An effective safety inspection program will improve worker
communication, company morale and, over time, save the employer money.

Too often, safety inspections are aimed primarily at finding and recording
unsafe conditions. This narrow focus tends to ignore other causes of incidents, such
as unsafe actions and personal factors. In addition, workers and supervisors are
generally well aware of the inspection teams arrival a day or two before the
inspection. This warning system sometimes creates a preparatory atmosphere
before the inspectors arrive. That means the inspectors often observe the workplace
and those within it only on a superficial basis. The result is that safety inspectors
rarely see the actual situations that are causing the incidents, injuries and property
damage. In order for your inspection team to be effective, they must inspect the
workplace in its day-to-day status. They must see the activities and the conditions in
which incidents, injuries and property damage occur.
An inspection program takes planning, preparation and training. For inspectors to do
a good job, they must receive training in what to look for and what to look at. There
must be a guidance system in place to maintain consistency of inspections. A
provision for recording and reporting any deficiencies to management, the safety
committee and supervisors. The last part of the system should provide a means of
follow up and the monitoring of any deficiencies identified.


Safety and health inspection programs require planning. It is important that

employers have adequate policies and procedures in establishing their safety
inspection programs. Responsibility and accountability must be assigned, identifying
who inspectors are and when inspections will be done. The primary focus of this
program should be accident prevention, through the maintenance of safe working
conditions and the removal of any potential hazards that arise in the workplace.
Good inspection programs will also identify the items to be inspected and then set
standards to be maintained in the workplace by supervision and workers. The
program should include a system that will record inspections done and ensure that
any problems identified are corrected by a responsible person who has the ability to
carry out the necessary changes. A follow-up system, through the safety committee
and management, should be employed to ensure that all items are followed up and
corrected. Once the inspection program is in place, the safety program should
provide a means of monitoring it to see if trends arise that may be contributing to the
company's accident or injury problems.

Meeting the Legal Requirements

The Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (OH&S Reg.) applies to all
employers, workers and other persons working under the jurisdiction of Work Safe
BC. Sections of this regulation require employers to carry out regular safety
inspections of their places of employment to ensure the safety of their workers.

The following is from OH&S Reg.

section 3.3(b) Contents of OH&S Program:

Inspection of Premises
Provision for the regular inspection of premises, equipment, work methods and work
practices, at appropriate intervals, to ensure that prompt action is undertaken to
correct any hazardous conditions found. February 2009 (Revised) 6

General Requirements
General requirements of the inspection program are explained by OH&S Reg.
sections 3.5 to 3.11. 3.5 –

• Every employer must ensure that regular inspections are made of all workplaces.
What must be inspected in the workplace?

• Buildings, structures, grounds, excavations, tools, equipment, machinery, and work

methods and practices.

How often?

• Inspections must be done at intervals that will prevent the development of unsafe
working conditions.

- What about tools and equipment?

• Machinery, tools and equipment shall be inspected in accordance with the

manufacturer's recommendations or as otherwise specified by relevant sections of
this Regulation.


See OH&S Reg. Index for specific inspection requirements, when they are to be
done, by whom and what is to be inspected. i.e. Welding, Cutting and Allied
Processes "section 12.119 Equipment Inspection" Before using gas-welding or
burning equipment, the operator must ensure that the equipment is free from
defects, leaks, oil and grease. February 2009 (Revised) 7

3.7 - When are special inspections done?

• A special inspection must be made when required by malfunction or accident.

3.8 – Do the Joint H & S Committee or H & S representative participate?

• A regular or special inspection must, where feasible, include the participation of

members of the joint committee or the worker health and safety representative.

3.8 (a) - What if there is no health and safety committee or representative?

• If there is no committee or worker health and safety representative the employer

must designate an employer representative and the union shall designate a worker
representative to conduct the inspections.

3.8(b) – What if there is no union?

• If there is no union the employee must invite the workers to designate one of their
number to conduct the inspections.

3.9 - What happens when unsafe conditions are discovered?

• Unsafe or harmful conditions found in the course of an inspection shall be remedied

without delay.

3.10 - Who should be informed when unsafe conditions or acts are found during
• Whenever a person observes what appears to be an unsafe or harmful condition or
act, the person must report it as soon as possible to a supervisor or to the employer,
and the person receiving the report must investigate the reported unsafe condition or
act and must ensure that any necessary corrective action is taken without delay.

Objectives :

Maintain a safe work environment thru hazard recognition and removal.

Determine that people are behaving and working in a safe manner.

Determine that operations meet or exceed acceptable safety and government


Maintain product quality and operational profitability.

Elements of an Inspection Program

a. Prepare and develop inspection checklist.

b. Prepare inspection schedule.
c. Procure necessary equipment or instruments.

After inspection:
-Discuss findings and observations with person concerned.
-Formulate recommendations to correct hazards.
-Determine responsibilities.

Submit report to all concerned.

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Who Conducts Inspections

Safety Engineer
Safety Committee
Government Safety Inspectors
Insurance representatives
Other employees who may be assigned.

Steps of the Inspection Process

 Prepare

 Inspect

 Discuss

Develop Remedial Actions

Take Follow-up Actions
Inspection Categories

o General Safety Inspections

o Critical Parts Inspections

o Specialized Inspections

Inspection Categories

General Inspections
Involves a walkthrough of an area with the inspector looking for anything and
everything that could degrade his operations.

Periodic inspection of specific item or parts in the work environment that are
predicted to cause serious problems when they are worn, damaged or
operating improperly.

Specialized Inspections

Inspections for specific equipment or processes.

General Classification

Areas to Inspect

General Conditions – lighting, housekeeping,, ventilation, storage, etc.

Specific Hazards – tools, machinery, equipment, and materials.

Work Practices – work methods and procedures.

Hazard Classification

Class “A” Hazard – Likely to cause permanent disability or, loss of life or extensive
property loss.

Class “B” Hazard – Likely to cause temporary disability or property damage that is
disruptive but not extensive.

Class “C” Hazard – Likely to cause minor, non-disabling injury or illness or non-
disruptive property damage

Inspection Tips

 Use checklist
 Don’t disturb
 Avoid conversation with operators.
 Inspect all areas
 Be constructive
 Seek reason
 Advise the supervisor
 Prepare recommendations

The Inspection Report

1. Write clearly, or when possible , type the report.

2. Coding of items is of benefit.

3. Additional contacts frequently help .

4, .Simplify follow-up reports.

5. File reports properly.


An earthquake is a sudden, rapid shaking of the earth caused by the breaking and
shifting of rock beneath the earth’s surface. Earthquakes strike suddenly, without warning,
and they can occur at any time of the year, day or night. Forty-five states and territories in the
United States are at moderate to very high risk of earthquakes, and they are located in every
region of the country. Learn how to prepare for an earthquake with the following safety tips
provided by the American Red Cross.

Are You at Increased Risk from Earthquakes?

Contact your local emergency management office, local American Red Cross, state
geological survey or department of natural resources for specific information about
your community’s risk. However, bear in mind:
1. Mobile homes and homes not attached to their foundations are at particular
risk during an earthquake.
2. Buildings with foundations resting on landfill and other unstable soils are at
increased risk of damage.

Did You Know?

Doorways are no stronger than any other part of a structure so don’t rely on them for
protection! During an earthquake, get under a sturdy piece of furniture and hold on. It
will help shelter you from falling objects that could injure you during an earthquake.
If You Are Inside When the Shaking Starts...

1. Drop, cover and hold on. Move as little as possible.

2. If you are in bed, stay there, curl up and hold on. Protect your head with a
3. Stay away from windows to avoid being injured by shattered glass.
4. Stay indoors until the shaking stops and you are sure it is safe to exit. When it
is, use stairs rather than the elevator in case there are aftershocks, power
outages or other damage.
5. Be aware that fire alarms and sprinkler systems frequently go off in buildings
during an earthquake, even if there is no fire.

If You Are Outside When the Shaking Starts...

1. Find a clear spot (away from buildings, power lines, trees, streetlights) and
drop to the ground. Stay there until the shaking stops.
2. If you are in a vehicle, pull over to a clear location and stop. Avoid bridges,
overpasses and power lines if possible. Stay inside with your seatbelt
fastened until the shaking stops. Then, drive carefully, avoiding bridges and
ramps that may have been damaged.
3. If a power line falls on your vehicle, do not get out. Wait for assistance.
4. If you are in a mountainous area or near unstable slopes or cliffs, be alert for
falling rocks and other debris. Landslides are often triggered by earthquakes.


- Cluttered and poorly arranged areas

- Untidy piling or materials
- Piled-on materials damaging other material
- Items no longer needed
- Blocked aisle ways
- Materials stuffed in corners and out-of-the-way places
- Materials getting rusty and dirty from non-use
- Excessive quantities of items
- Overcrowded storage areas and shelves
- Overflowing bins and containers
- Broken containers and damaged materials

The 5S system is clearly a good method of solving and maintaining
housekeeping not only at the workplace but in everyday life.

1. Seire or Sort – is the first S which means we have to identify things that are still
needed, or not needed. ( Suriin in Tagalog).

2. Seiton or Systematize – is the second S which means we need to organize

things. (Sinupin in Tagalog).

3. Seiso or Sweep – is the third S which means we have to sanitize or clean our
workplace. (Simutin in Tagalog).

4. Seiketsu or Standardize – is the fourth S which means we have to standardize

what we are doing. (Siguruhin in Tagalog).

5. Shitsuke or Self- Discipline is the fifth and last S which means we have to do this
process without prodding. (Sariling-kusa in Tagalog).


1. Safety Importance
2. Efficiency Importance
3. Productivity Improvement
4. Quality Improvement
5. Work Improvement
6. Now that ISO Certification is the trend, community impression of a company is
very important and surely the company will be recognized as a provider of quality
service and products.

What We Offer

Safety Assist supports a businesses Health and Safety efforts by providing an

activity framework for taking “Practical Steps” supported by a “Systematic Approach”
to managing hazards in the workplace.

Safety Assist is not Health and Safety consulting, OHS manuals or software. It is an
outsourced service offering to support small to medium businesses to meet and
manage their health and safety obligations for a fixed annual fee.

The Risk Management Approach

Safety Assist has two simple client goals:

 Reduce the risk of workplace injuries by insuring that clients have systems
and processes for effective management of the risk.
 In the event of a serious harm incident to minimise the potential liability
exposure of prosecution and fine.

Safety Assist supports a businesses Health and Safety efforts by providing an

activity framework for taking “Practical Steps” supported by a “Systematic Approach”
to managing hazards in the workplace.
Compliance with the Health, Safety and Employment Act is about implementing and
maintaining systems. Safety Assist gives businesses the assurance that the systems
your business needs are actually in place and operating.
WRS is the only provider who has achieved the highest level of accreditation
(Tertiary level requirements) in ACC Workplace Safety Management Practices.

The Safety Assist offering fulfills client needs in the following key areas:

 Those who want to manage their health & safety but don’t know how
 Those who want to get their health & safety back on track
 Those who need help to keep their existing health & safety going
 Those who need to provide evidence of their health & safety for contracts
 Those who need to meet audit standard
 Those who need help following an incident or OSH visit
 Those who need a person to administer their health & safety
 Those who need access to health & safety support when necessary


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