Buddhist Trader

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Seven Little Known Secrets To

Happiness And Trading
Part One

Free Course

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Again: Welcome to your free Course

Together we will discover the secrets to lasting trading success and

happiness. It is not what you think and has nothing to do with your trading

I have divided this report into seven parts. Each part deals with one of the
seven secrets. You will be learning a few things you may not have considered
before, while other things may be already present in your conscious
awareness, but you may not have made the connection in terms of relevance
to the importance of these things to success and happiness.

Therefore, in order to assist you to assimilate and integrate the information I

have imbedded the seven reports with activations. These activations are
energetically charged sentences which encourage your brain to create new
neural pathways.

This technique is neither strange nor startling. In fact it has been used for
thousands of years: The ancient wisdom text written in Hebrew and Sanskrit
contain deeply imbedded codes in their semantics which go right into the
nervous centre creating shifts if one is ready. Much of this power has been
lost in modern semantics. However, in the last two decades this ancient
technique is being rediscovered. It is used in NLP, neuro linguistic
programming, but is now being overwritten by energetically empowering
written text and the spoken word by the conscious intent and “Being” of the
writer or speaker.

These techniques are ancient and are being re-discovered. For example the
Bhagavat Gita, originally written in Sanskrit, contains energetically loaded
phrases, even if one reads it in English today. These energies create cognitive
shifts, particularly when the material re-visited often, as each time you read a
paragraph again, you are reading it with a different consciousness.

The ancient technique is based on what modern quantum physics is

discovering now: We can and are always using the cosmic field engaging
body and mind to create our reality. For most of us this happens
subconsciously though creating mixed results. Imagine how your trading life
could change if you learnt how to consciously engage with that energy?

My work is based on these techniques which I have learnt to use consciously

over many years. All my books contain energetically charged activations
which bring about deep insights and truths which have the power to heal, align
and harmonise and empower your trading and your life.

If this course speaks to you and you use some of the ideas you just may find
that you can create change in areas of your life where you are stuck and
which you felt were beyond your power to change.

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I am aware that probably most of you have already tried many things to assist
you make a meaningful shift towards a better trading life. It takes time to
change, and oftentimes we need to hear something from many different
angles until an insight clicks into place. You will know if what you are about to
discover is right for you. If it is, you can go deeper with “The Buddhist Trader”
and my other work. More about this later on in this course.

Success comes with increased awareness, and so does happiness. When

you open up your awareness to new possibilities your entire life, not just your
trading, will start to improve. Of course there comes a point when you have to
take action on what you read.

The following seven modules will give you more choice by increasing your
knowledge about yourself and about how the universe works.

Increasing your choices is hugely empowering. It enables you to take action

with more confidence, You start co-creation of your life with the universe.
Learn to do this in full understanding of and alignment with universal laws and
an entirely now world opens up.

This is what I found after many years of searching and seeking. The door to
the holy grail finally opened. It did not come in the form of the perfect trading
system. No, it came in the understanding that I am the creator of my own
inner universe. This is the choice I have. It is the one thing I have total control
over. If you get this you will make choices from a very different energetic
vantage point. You will become pro-active instead of being re-active in
anything you do. This last sentence leads us right into the heart of the matter:

Let’s talk a little more about the most important part of the entire puzzle: YOU.

You are key

You may have never thought about it; but please consider this for a moment:

You spend all your time with you.

You are with you 24 hours every day of your life, and one thing is certain, you
cannot get away from your body and from your energy field. You are always
there, you are immersed in you. You go to bed with yourself, you sleep with
yourself and you wake up with yourself. Every second of every day from the
moment of conception, and before (We won't go into this right now though),
until your death, (and beyond, again, this is another discussion all together)
you are with you.

No matter how hard you try, you cannot escape this truism. You may try and
run away, when things get too difficult, but, hey, where do you want to go?
You always take yourself with you. Maybe, you decide to go on a spending
spree, place some impulse trades to “please and appease” your conditioned

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ego, or you might decide to get drunk, take tranquilisers or find some other
form of pseudo distraction. I could go on, the patterns are almost infinite. We
have become masters at running away from ourselves. I have named the
symptom distractor patterns, a term borrowed from Access Consciousness.
The fact remains: You are with you, no matter how hard you try to disconnect
from yourself, which means from your feelings, your emotions, your fears,
your pain and your hurt. In the process you have also learnt to stop dreaming,
to stop truly desiring and to have the life you should have.

Do you really believe that this is the premise from which you are going to
trade your best or make sound investment decisions?

Walking away from your inner stuff is like a mass psychosis in the western
culture. Indeed, it has been set up to distract you from yourself. When you
disconnect yourself from yourself using any one of these distractor patterns
you may not feel the intense emotions which you the conscious, conditioned
being has, nor may you feel your body’s discomforts calling, but the
inescapable truth is this: You will eventually have to come to the realisation
that you are still there with you, and you will have to face the music at some
point. The music I am talking about is the music of your soul underneath all
that distortion.

So, if you can accept that premise, does it therefore not make sense to do
whatever it takes to be on the very best of terms with yourself? Yes, I think so



Once you think about it like this, it becomes pretty obvious. Our problem, at
least for most of us, is this: We tend to believe that our happy states somehow
are generated by events outside of ourselves. Most of us equate happiness to
having that wonderful new house, the perfect spouse, the glorious career, a
fantastic holiday not to mention that excellent trading day. Every year traders
are spending millions on the holy grail trading system which is finally going to
make them millionaires without ever losing again.... They wonder that they fail
to turn some one’s system into the success they crave. The answer is
stunningly simple and so is the solution to the issue.


While you look for outside event to bring you success and happiness you are
doomed to fail sooner or later, because you have not yet addressed the
missing link: That missing link is your connection to yourself, which also
means your direct connection to source energy. Source energy is the creative

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energy from which everything else flows. If you are lacking this connection
you will perish.

You go about your daily life thinking: “If only I could make an extra X dollars
per week. If only I could pay off the mortgage, credit cards and so on”.

Trouble is, that the new houses eventually become old houses, the glorious
career becomes boring and the delightful spouse has off days, just like
everyone else. Even the once so enticing sexual pursuit somehow loses its
lustre as time goes by and your conditioned mind craves more outside
stimulus to keep it satisfied and disconnected from the real, authentic you.
You even may pay off those bills and then what?

While your consciousness is totally outwardly directed once these desires are
fulfilled, there is an empty space waiting to be filled, normally with a new

So the entire charade begins all over again: You are off looking for the next
thing to create so called happiness. It’s just like going off to the races, only in
this case the race is a bit closer to home, because it is with you, but you have
not realised this as yet, as you are continuing to look for joy, peace and
success outside of you.

Am I saying that it is a bad idea to want a loving spouse, a nice house and to
pay off the mortgage, and to have desires for the better things in life? Of
course not.

All the above are fine desires to have, and you should have aspirations.
Desires are natural because without them you would not be able to exist. It
takes desire to eat when you are hungry and to get out of bed in the morning.
Desire makes you want to create a better life and be the best trader you can
be. It takes determination, passion and endurance to follow through on your
desires. So let’s be absolutely clear here:



I know, you are looking outside of yourself all the time to fulfil your desires.
Learning to re-connect with yourself isn’t easy. It took me many years, since I
did not know how to turn the concept into reality in my everyday life let alone
in my trading.

Self delusion is the great escape from your authentic self. Delusions stop you
from accessing the deeper truth of our reality. While you are dependent on
outside circumstances to make you feel good about yourself you cannot find
happiness or lasting success. Your success will be hard work. Many traders

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experience this and feel the need to leave this stressful game, because they
cannot cope with the stress any longer.

Again, the real reason why so many traders feel that way is not to do with
trading but with the fact that they have got reality back to front. Building one’s
life on a fundamentally flawed premise cannot create lasting success.
There is no way around this: At some point you need to take a reality check
and examine your world views and your beliefs about yourself for their
truthfulness and their relevance to your life today.

We cannot escape the fact that all success and happiness comes from only
one place and that is inside of you. There is nothing outside of you to get
anything, absolutely nothing, zilch, nada. Your reality flows seamlessly from
inside your body, through your thoughts into the outside, thus creating the life
you live right now.

I know, the above statement may be very hard for many of you to understand
and integrate.

Whenever I get into this subject on seminars or talks there is a tensioning of

muscles. The air goes cold as fear sets in. We do not like to have our core
beliefs challenged. We certainly do not like to be told that our world view is
plain wrong.

I work with a lot of traders, who tend to know what they want out of life. It is
quite amazing how they will defend what they “know” is right. They “know”
when they don’t perform, that it is their trading system that is to blame, or the
markets are difficult and so on. Another favourite coping mechanism, a
distractor pattern is this: The ears stop hearing, as the mind refuses to
understand something for which it has no reference points. The eyes look at
the charts, but the mind will not take in what it is looking at: Overwhelm. Does
this sound familiar?

My answer to these objections are two questions: “If you could step out of the
old paradigm that puts you at the mercy of everything around you, how would
your trading, or business life change?” and: “If you could understand
information without your linear mind having to fully grasp it all, how much
easier would your life, in particular your trading life become?”

Actually, this is the first of many questions and normally, at this point people
are beginning to open up to changing their point of view, at least a tiny bit…

I am pretty sure that you agree with me in principle that it is far easier to
blame outside circumstances and play powerless, rather than accepting that
you are creating your reality. I know, that concept sucks.

Not only does the concept suck, but in addition to this there is plenty of
evidence that you are a victim of outside circumstances, isn’t there?

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After all, you can’t fight the Fed, the president, or your government, can you?
You have to pay taxes, put up with inflation, have to work hard for too many
hours. You can’t will the market to go up or down, or to stay out of chop, can
you? And on it goes, the list is endless, I know it only too well, I was a victim
most of my life too! I had excellent training, being brought up in a private
convent school!

And yet, I know that you know deep down, what I am saying about our reality
is probably true. You have heard it said many times before by all the great
gurus, but you cannot feel it yet, or visualise how the theory fits into your life in
practical terms… You are still seeing a world and life of inescapable
circumstances which you cannot change. And that doesn’t make you happy,
or fuels success, or does it?

So, we have a great concept, and yes, we want to be successful and happy
with ourselves, and yes, maybe if we accept that our reality is an inside job,
we might possibly have a little more influence over our lives than we are
willing admit to right now…. But…

Great start, but there is a missing part here, something we are all struggling
with. The big question is this:



Please know this is how it was for me too. I understood the principles, but
living them was another story. I had great trouble figuring out how I could
create lasting happiness and make it a part of me, let alone translating the
concept into a workable experience that I could employ on a daily basis.

I knew that I should be happy with my lot. I had a reasonably good life and
was not wanting for anything on the face of it, yet there were some niggles
nibbling away at my consciousness, which at the time I had great difficulty to
fathom out. To me, it simply was impossible to be happy all the time. It was
stuff from fairy tales and I did not believe that it was possible to make
happiness And success a permanent state. These days, looking back, I find it
much easier to deal with difficulties, years later, with countless hours of
personal development work under my belt and many a serious challenge to

While you are solely using your limited linear mind you will always think in
terms of possibility from a place of what is known to be possible. Now, that is
a very limiting place to be operating from indeed. When we are operating from
the collective paradigm of hard work, limiting circumstances and general lack
in our talents it will become most challenging to step into new paradigms, let
alone take responsibility for ourselves and step into our won power.

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Let me ask you a question: How many collective concepts and beliefs have
you unwittingly bought into?

Are you perhaps putting yourself under pressure thinking you must be happy,
full of joy all the time, when really all you are doing is fulfilling somebody’s
idea of what happiness is supposed to be?

All said and done, happiness simply is a higher frequency. It is a state of

being, rather that an emotion. It feels more airy and, well, lighter than
sadness, anger, frustration and dissatisfaction. It has nothing to do with being
deliriously joyful all the time, even though you can be that too, if you were to
choose it.


I should like to share with you how I received my very first gentle wake up call,
many years ago, to the fact that reality was probably not what I thought it was.
It may help you understand yourself better. It illustrates clearly what I mean
when I talk about your reality flowing from within you.

I always loved interior design. In fact, I was born with a desire to create beauty
in my rooms and my gardens. My rooms and how they look and feel are of
great importance to me. It was always like that and I always used to feel
happy producing wonderful interiors and gardens. Then, one day something
changed. It was a very subtle change. Initially I did not take too much notice,
so subtle were the initial prongs to my awakening consciousness.

Gradually, a new realisation crept up upon me, literally by stealth:

I would walk into my house and feel everything was looking great and then,
the next day I would find fault with everything. The colours on the walls which I
had only recently redecorated and which looked great only yesterday, did not
feel quite right. The furniture, which I thought was perfect yesterday, somehow
didn’t look quite as it should. Looking outside of the window the lawn was in
need of a cut and the flowerbeds did not look as lovely as they did yesterday. I
would look around the room and wonder how I could change things, yet again,
to make them right. And it was like this with everything in my life. The situation
carried on for a very long time like this without my being able to fathom what
really was going on here. I would keep making changes, and move house
more often then many people go on holiday.

It took a long time, years in fact, until it dawned on me that the problem was
me. Yes, one can always find ways to improve things, but what I felt went way
beyond this feeling. I was often unhappy with everything I had created. I
eventually realised that I was not happy with myself, and that what I
experienced in my outside world was simply a warning sign sounding off that I
was missing something. I could not see the bigger picture yet, but I was
gradually being prepared for the next leap on the developmental ladder.

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The reason for my unhappiness, of course, had little to do with the

circumstances I had inadvertently created in my life. It had everything to do
though with a feeling of powerlessness to change my lot, largely due to a total
ignorance of the workings of my inner self and how the universe operates in
this reality.

Hidden from my conscious awareness were many unresolved issues which

had gradually grown bigger and bigger as they were festering away beneath
my conscious awareness. Finally they reached a crescendo which eventually
resulted in a complete demolition of my life as I had come to know it.

I am sure many of you who are reading this will know what I am talking about.
You may either have experienced something similar in your lives or are
perhaps going through it right now.

As we grow in awareness, we become more present to the mental debris that

has piled up and been left unattended. While uncomfortable when you first
notice these “shadows”, they are appearing so that you can deal with them as
you feel is appropriate. We tend to ignore those “inconveniences”. Examining
what comes up from the subconscious is viewed as uncomfortable. We think
of those little nudges as mere inconveniences which, if ignored will go away
sooner or later. Blocks are called shadows for a good reason: Unless they
are examined and allowed to be released they remain in place, in the
background. They can wreak havoc with your trading over time.

In Buddhism there is a saying, which also plays out in the markets time and


While you are totally immersed in your present reality you cannot see it for
what it really is: Namely a big illusion. This illusion robs you of seeing your
true power because you are still operating from that place of limitation, lack
and hard work and being the victim of outside circumstances. This also stops
you from making changes when you should be making them.

So, how could you possibly be happy, let alone truly successful when you live
life from this massive lie that you believe about yourself? How could you
create a life that truly fulfils you, when what you see as the authentic you is a
flawed perception of yourself and the world you live in?

Consider this: If you were to accept that you are creating your reality, and I am
not asking you to accept it, yet; just play with the idea…,- wouldn’t it therefore
make sense that you could uncreate those things you have created and which
are not to your liking any more just as easily as you created them?

What would it take for you to open up fully to this possibility?

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How might this change the way you see you, your life and your emotions?

Are you beginning to see how this new way of looking at your reality would not
only empower you, but would also make you feel happier?

You are feeling unhappy and unable to create a successful life because you
believe that you are powerless and a victim of outside circumstances. When
you get into the mode of victimhood it gets scary, because you are
abandoning all the control you may have over your (trading) life.

Once you understand that you have choices. You can decide on steps to
improve your situation.

As long as you are immersed in your emotions, or are sitting in the clouds of
unknowing, it is very difficult to do anything constructive.

What one thing could you take away from today’s module that lets you see
that you actually have the power to create your life? How would this make you
feel happier and get you to take the right action to create the trading success
you want in your life?

Empower your Trading Psychology, trade the way of The Buddhist Trader…

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Seven Little Known Secrets To

Happiness And Trading
Part Two

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How Your Environment Is Affecting You

Oneness is the true nature of the universe. What appears separate from you
is in reality an inextricably intertwined network of energy particles all
interacting with each other. Your environment has a major impact on your
body and mind and on your ability to be happy and create success in life. It is
an inseparable part of you through which you create your life’s circumstances.

You may think that you are separate from your environment, other people and
even events, however, this is not so. It is an illusion of our existence which
has major implications on your reality, and how you see yourself, your
thoughts and last but not least your actions. You can only change something
which is already an integral part of you. Once you realise this you also begin
to awaken to your true powers. I have already alluded to this issue in your first

In this part two of the free course I am going to expand on this further. A
deeper understanding of how your environment affects performance at work
and in your life in general provides a valuable foundation for the framework
upon which all success and happiness are built. The information you receive
here will improve your life, if you learn how to use it and expand on it.

The tools are there for you to go deeper. We will talk more about how you can
do this later.

You already know that you and the universe are one and that every particle,
including the so called thin air, and you are inter-connected as a whole. We
are made out of the same stuff, namely energy. Everything is made of the
same stuff and operates by the same universal laws: All energy is conscious
and therefore all energy can be directed to the degree and the level of your

As a human being you are of course part of this cosmic energy soup. Does it
therefore make sense to you that you pick up physically and mentally on all
the energies around you? The answer is obviously: “Yes”.

Apart from the natural environmental factors affecting us all there are
manmade factors which also impact on our bodies and minds. Many are
pulling down our energetic vibration, like the emissions from wireless

Technology is a great thing. It allowed me to learn to trade in 2001 from my

home, Technology allows me to talk to my clients all over the world and
connect with others via twitter, Skype and my mobile. Technology is here to
stay, that’s for sure.

The problem we face is this:

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This fact has resulted in major imbalances which often affect our health
mentally and physically. The ability for the body to repair itself is seriously
hampered, as the environment in our offices and in our towns and cities is
also out of balance.

A healthy environment has a yin, yang ratio of 8 to 5. The traders among you
will recognise this immediately as Fibonacci numbers. Fibonacci numbers are
the basic framework of the universe. They are present everywhere in nature. I
am sure you know all this, so I won’t go on about it.

What is not known by the majority of people is this: All manmade devices, and
that includes genetically engineered food, have lost their natural yin, yang
harmony. Wi-Fi technology is everywhere and this has upset the natural
harmonious balance in our environment, in all but the more remote parts of
the country side.

Our bodies are designed to heal themselves, given the right conditions. When
the body gets depleted, it will borrow energy temporarily from outside sources.
For example, a walk in the countryside, a few hours gardening, a good nights
sleep and so on, they all will normally restore the balance. However, since
the environment of our offices and homes is out of its natural yin, yang
balance the energy in the environment is vibrating at low levels which aren’t
conducive to assisting the body’s natural repair mechanism. Instead of aiding
the bodies’ natural repair mechanism it puts further strain on us.

Since many of us cannot escape into nature often enough to create the
conditions that facilitate natural homeostasis we need to assist the body to
create this environment from within. Unless we create this balance immune
function gets suppressed. Our mental ability is impaired and when we
experience stressful situations we simply cannot cope as well as we should.

These imbalances in the environment have given rise to vast increase in

geopathic stress and EMR/EMF, electro magnetic radiation, electromagnetic


Geopathic stress is a harmful energy that emanates from the earth’s mantle. It
is caused by subterranean running water, earth faults, under ground cavities
and similar. Geopathic stress has become more and more of a problem in
modern times due to extensive building work, underground cabling, quarrying
and the like. These activities have added further strain on the earth’s energy
system and are upsetting the energy matrix.

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I learnt about this phenomenon many years ago, when I moved to a dwelling
with severe geopathic stress. I had always been healthy. Within one year of
living there I developed stomach problems. A friend advised that I should
check for geopathic stress. It turned out that I was sleeping right on a
geopathic stress line. The geopathic stress line passed right through my bed,
where my stomach would be placed when I was in bed. The investment in an
energy vitaliser cured the issue.

This was nearly 20 years ago. Since then geopathic stress has increased
hugely, due to the increase in technological devices everywhere. My own
studies into the phenomena of geopathic stress and EMR show a clear co-

In areas of high electro magnetic radiation, geopathic stress makes an

appearance sooner or later. I could give you countless examples here in the
UK where I have tested areas for geopathic stress. Areas that tested low
changed their energy field when radio masts, or other wi-fi equipment
appeared, often hidden from plain sight. I am not sure why the two affect each
other, since geopathic stress emanates from within the earth’s mantle. I can
only say that there is a co=relation between the two.

A few more facts on geopathic stress:

Over the last 100 years there have been quite a number of studies on
geopathic stress. Several have been carried out by doctors. These studies
show a clear co-relation between geopathic stress and cancer. In 95 percent
of all cancer patients geopathic stress was found to be present.

Rolf Gordon, who has researched geopathic stress extensively, following the
death of his son from cancer over 20 years ago, has also found a clear link
between relationship issues and cancer: He states that in 80 percent of all
relationship break ups at least one of the partners is geopathically stressed.

My own research certainly proves those statistics.

Geopathic stress literally puts strain on the brain, since it activates the fight
and flight response and thus puts triple warmer on red alert. You could think of
it like a weak electric fence. Imagine, touching an electric fence. You will get a
shock. The occasional shock, of course, will not hurt you. However, if you
were to receive electric shocks on a regular basis you would soon be depleted
of energy and chronic symptoms would appear as first warning signs.

EMR/EMF has the same effect on the body: The body loses its natural yin,
yang balance.

When the body loses its natural balance it disconnects from its source and
loses its grounding. Good grounding is essential to maintain wellbeing. It is
rather like unplugging your computer and expecting it to run on nothing.

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Engineers working in hospitals know about this: They use grounding mats to
ground themselves when working on equipment to prevent electro magnetic
fields affecting them and also to avoid blowing circuits.

Grounding mats are one of the best ways to help maintain harmony in your
body, when you re sitting in front of your computer for long hours.

Are you beginning to see how the manmade imbalance in the environment
and in our bodies affects your well being, your happiness levels and of course
ultimately your ability to create success?

Many of you who are reading this are probably spending most of their days in
offices. The intra day traders amongst you are glued to their multiple screens
all day long working in artificial light which further zaps air quality, unless you
are using daylight bulbs. We have accepted this life style as status quo, not
questioning why we feel listless, get colds more often and well, are generally
functioning below par a lot of the time.

Just look around your office, or home: How many manmade substances are in
your office? Probably not that many. The average office uses plastic, steel
and other manmade components for furnishings, not to mention the computer
equipment. Good layout following Feng Shui principles to aid good chi flow, or
energy flow is still a much ignored issue in many a trading office.

The message is clear. You may contribute your mood swings, your focusing
difficulties and your challenges in implementing positive changes in your life to
overwork and similar, when the cause may be closer to home. Fortunately the
imbalances in the environment can be can be remedied.

You can address the issue in two ways. I am using this two pronged approach
myself. Most days I spend 10 hours and sometimes even longer in front of my
computers trading, writing and working with clients. This simple regime really
has helped me to maintain my energy levels and increase performance.

The first one is a very obvious one: Get more exercise in nature, if you can.
Take your dog for a walk, or spend some time in your garden or back yard.
This may not be practical for some of you. So, here is another way:

Stepping away from your screens at regular intervals is hugely beneficial

particularly when combined with brief exercises. I have designed a series of
very powerful easy exercises which you can do for a few minutes at time
several times during your trading day. The exercises are designed to help you
focus better and build your immune system and thus resilience to harmful
environmental energies.

If you do the simple exercises from my book “TBT Exercises For Happiness
And Success” you will notice a marked improvement in your overall well
being. When you feel well you are not at the mercy of outside circumstances.
Increased resilience to environmental influences increases your inner

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strength. The process is both mental and physical. The secret to increasing
your power is in increasing your ability to stand in your own energy field.

I know many of you do not want to engage in lengthy exercises and work outs.
The good news is that you really don’t have to. Did you know that recent
studies have shown that long work outs are far less beneficial then a simple
regime of regular light exercise lasting only a few minutes at a time?

That aside, unless you are the sporty type, you won’t stick with a rigorous
exercise regime, but you may do a few easy to learn exercises you can
perform even whilst sitting at your computer.

I am giving you a vital tool here that can assist you in achieving this vital part
to lasting success, happiness and wellness. We are entering a very fresh
energy, a new paradigm where the notion of hard work is being replaced by
the understanding that well being is the underpinning of success. We are
moving beyond the need to suffer and struggle in order to learn our lessons
and have worthwhile lives. The new energies of the Aquarian age are about

When I say enlightenment I am talking about bringing light into our lives. The
light of new, advanced knowledge based on universal truths rather than on
conditioned understanding of truth. This is where Buddhist wisdom has so
much to teach us, even today. When we take the teachings of the many forms
of Buddhism and translate them into strategies applicable to our lives today, a
very powerful formula emerges. This new formula translates into harmony and
gentle flow of all that life has to offer and leads to powerful growth and
amazing success.

Isn’t it time that you got out of this old paradigm of hard work lots of effort to
get anywhere in life that is worth having and adopted a few simple steps?

Ask yourself: What can you do today to improve the quality of your life?

Here is an interesting by product to working on yourself and raising your

consciousness: What you are doing isn’t selfish, rather it is possibly the most
important thing you could do. Why? Because when you help yourself and
raise your energies you also contribute to raising the energies on the planet.
Change in the quantum has already happened in the very moment when you
set the intention. It simply takes time fro you to have the experience here on
earth in human form. We are creating the most powerful change when we
change ourselves. The change each and everyone of us instigates within
themselves creates momentum and this momentum comes back to you. You
can feed off this energy to assist you in your own transformation.


To me this is a very powerful motivation on my quest to assist others to have

page 17

better and happier, more fulfilled lives, maybe it is for you too?

Empower Your Trading Psychology, trade the way of The Buddhist Trader

page 18

Seven Little Known Secrets To

Happiness And Trading
Part Three

page 19

Living life in 10 second increments

So far we have looked at two key factors that have a major impact on your
ability to maintain lasting happiness and success and ultimately your ability to
manifest the (trading) life you desire. We have discussed how YOU are key to
everything. You are the creator of your destiny; you are the centre from which
all of your reality flows which eventually manifests as your life’s
circumstances. We have looked at the idea of oneness and how your
environment is an integral part of you. We looked at how you can increase
your well being so that you can raise your consciousness to a level where
eventually you are immune to outside circumstances and environmental
energies that presently may be lowering your energy frequency.
Today, we are going to go a little deeper into the workings of the mind and
how you could put this knowledge to better use in your trading and investment

Have you ever considered exactly how you create your beliefs, feelings,
emotions which make up the reality you are living out in every moment of your
life? Some of these findings may surprise you.

Here are some valuable insights:

# Your mind evaluates the importance and usefulness of an event,

or situation by comparing it to a similar event that has happened
in the past.

# You also create awareness of an event or situation by projecting into

the future. In other words, you are running through possibilities of likely

# Fact: Over 90% of all your thoughts, probably as many as 99%,

(The exact figure is nigh on impossible to determine), are the
same thoughts you had yesterday.

# Most of the worst case scenarios you worry about never come to

# You think predominantly negative thoughts. Studies have shown

that the average person’s thoughts are 75 % negative.

# Most people worry about money. Yes, even rich people.

# Normalcy bias is a common feature in most people, particularly

in extremely stressful situations.

# Most people do not believe that they have the power to change their
thoughts and feelings

page 20

# Your untrained mind cannot hold a thought for longer than 3

seconds maximum.

# Your mind is always busy. It has thoughts all the time, most are not
even your own. To set the intention to stop thinking is just another
thought. Such is the nature of the mind.

…and I could go on. Now, above you received a lot of information, but what is
the above telling us? Imbedded here are some valuable clues to the workings
of reality which are often overlooked. If 75% of our thoughts are negative, and
we rethink the same stuff time and again, and we know that we create our
reality with our thoughts, isn’t it rather amazing that progress is made and that
the world is still functioning as well as it is?

The answer to why life still works in the face of the above facts seems simple:
Higher vibrating energy is more expansive than lower vibrating energy. It
takes less energy to shift and change when you are operating from a higher
vibrational frequency.

Some of you may be familiar with Dr David Hawkins work on this subject. He
worked out a scale on which all emotions reside, starting from low vibrating
energies like hatred, fear etc. to the high vibrating energies of love,
compassion and Christ consciousness. He found that the higher on the scale
you are vibrating the greater influence you have over your environment and
other people. His studies have scientific validity, as they are repeatable and
have been carried out following a strict scientific procedure.

In yesterday’s free course module I have already discussed important

elements that affect your vibrational energy levels and what you can do to
raise you energies and improve your physical and mental well being which in
turn will improve your trading results without you having to do anything else.
The reason for this is actually rather simple: In this universe you always get
what are and not what you want. In other words your intentions ae fulfilled
through your energetic frequency rather than the mental desire. This
frequency is maintained by staying in the chosen energy field rather then
going back into the past and forth into an u uncertain future all the time.

What if you could accept the premise that you can change the way you feel
about yourself and the world around you, your career, your relationships and
your health just by making a few changes to the way you are seeing your
reality in the light of the facts I shared with you in the above paragraph? If you
are willing to do this, your life will change, I can guarantee you as much.

I just mentioned “seeing your reality in the light…” This is rather more topical
than a casual glance at the words would suggest. The reason is to do with the
fact that light is the fabric of all energy. Learning to use the energy available
correctly provides advancement in all areas of your life, not just your trading.
Learning to operate from a place of consciousness means learning to operate
consciously as a light conductor and freeing yourself from the conditioned
beliefs you have held onto as if they were universal truths about your

page 21

existence. Once you do this you are consciously becoming aware of your
inherent true nature versus the conditioned self in which you have believed
until now as the only real deal in town.

We have already established that YOU ARE KEY and that YOU HAVE
POWER. Are you willing to accept that the two statements are more true than
untrue? Yes? Thank you.

So, what would it take for you to accelerate your ability to change and have
more empowering points of views?

Change never comes from rehashing the same old thinking that created it.
Yes, you know that, I know, but, are you living by that premise? Probably not,
because until now you don’t even know what it entails to live from this new
place. Put simply a letting go of the old way of using and reacting to your
thoughts is required. What I am asking of you is actually to stop hanging on to
every though you have as if it mattered. The ultimate truth is that your
thoughts matter far less than you have hitherto believed. Letting go of
anything habitual is huge, I am very well aware of this.

Letting go of something you are totally immersed in, like your habitual way of
thinking, is massive. I am certainly not saying that it can be done in a few
seconds. However, what I am saying is this: You have power over your
thoughts and you can change the way you think intentionally by directing your
consciousness with calm intention. When you finally stop regurgitating the old
stories and become present, which means living consciously in every moment
you are entering into a very different dimension. Being present in the moment
is empowering, because the moment is where you are creating your reality.
You cannot create a new reality by re-visiting the past or by projecting the

I explain this concept and how you can train your mind in great detail in my
books in The Buddhist Trader series.

I don’t want to overwhelm you with information right now, since that would be
counter productive, pushing your mind into resistance, as it can only take in so
much at a time. Suffice it to say that the habit of projecting into the past and
projecting into the future is so engrained in us, it runs on auto pilot. Its part of
the operating system, and while it can be changed, it takes some doing,
because you have become so used to operating like this, that this “thinking
model” is an integral part of you.

In order to change anything you must first become consciously aware of

something. Are you noticing how we are going round the same core issues in
ever decreasing circles? The proverbial bug always rests with you and inside
of you. You are the catalyst for change, the initiator of your reality in every
moment of your life. There are no exceptions to this universal law. It holds true
for all of creation. You create your life’s experiences at your own will in
accordance of the level of your consciousness. The plant co-creates with the
universe in line with its level of consciousness, just as your dog does.

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Naturally, the level of conscious choices the plant can make is much more
limited than that of your dog, relatively speaking.

You have much more “freedom” than either the plant or the dog because your
level of consciousness is comparatively more evolved than the consciousness
of either the plant or the dog. Together you and the plant and everything else
in the cosmos are a constantly moving evolving system of oneness. All this is
explained in much more depth in my book “The Buddhist Trader” and also in
my “8 Module On-Line Course Of Advanced Techniques For Trading And
Investment Success”

So, how can we change our habitual ways? And how can we do it quickly?
Getting noticeable results from one’s efforts is hugely empowering and
motivates one to carry on.

With that in mind I am going to share with you a very simple practice you can
implement right now. If you remember to do this consistently your mind will
become much calmer and much of the internal mind chatter will begin to fall

You will notice feeling much better, more focused and more alert. Your ability
to deal with decisions quickly will increase over time. I hardly need to point out
to you that these qualities will contribute immensely to your trading success as
well as your life.


Here is what you do: Start thinking in tiny bite size. Notice when your thoughts
start accumulating around a particular subject and just let them go. Set the
intention not to hang on to any thought for more than a few seconds, 10
seconds at the most. Forget about painting the big picture of the future for
now. Likewise, forget about your big stories from the past. Neither have any
impact on your life today. To believe that they have impact is yet another giant
delusion that we have come to accept as reality.

You cannot change anything tomorrow. You can’t be happy or unhappy

tomorrow, just like you cannot be successful or unsuccessful tomorrow or
yesterday. The only place this is possible is NOW, in this moment. You may
set the intention to be happy tomorrow or a successful trader tomorrow, in a
month’s time, or in a year. Viewed from the quantum perspective such ideas
are nonsense. In the quantum there is only one reality that is constantly
reshaped by our thinking.

While the monkey mind is going backwards and forwards like a rocking chair
you are not only destabilizing your own energy matrix, you are also affecting
the field around you. In other words the way in which you use your mind has
far wider reaching consequences than you may have realised until now We

page 23

have already discovered that you cannot stop your thoughts, however you can
learn to direct your thoughts in more constructive ways.

When you begin to think in small increments your conscious awareness

increases while your mind begins to slow down. You begin to notice more
about how your create your reality. For example, you will notice more detail in
your charts, and in your life at large. Learning to think differently is an
important stepping stone on the path to lasting harmony and success.

My question for you today is this: Would you be willing to give this new system
a go and think of your thoughts in terms of small increments, letting them go
as they arise without hanging on to them, and without judging them?

If you were to do this, you might just realise that your thoughts are passing
events which have no real power over you. In fact, you might see that
thoughts are just like busses, another one comes along soon enough. You
really don’t have to try very hard, just wait and observe.

If you don’t like the direction in which the thought stream is going, don’t jump
on board. As I said, another one will come along soon enough. You wouldn’t
jump on a bus to Fulham, if you wanted to go to Windsor, would you?

Allow me to remind you: Don’t give weight to your thoughts. In and of

themselves they are meaningless. They are for the most part just re-iterating
old reference points from which you build mental constructs which you then
view as real. If you think your mental constructs are real, you will act on them.
Most of your mental constructs are hundreds of years old and outdated. They
are way past their “sell by” date.

For example, if you have limiting thoughts about money, most people have
them, even rich ones; it might it be a good idea to stop giving those thoughts
weight and just notice them for what they are: Thoughts that right now don’t
serve you any longer and certainly won’t contribute to a thriving trading
career. It is a proven fact, as many a study show, if you keep thinking the
same thoughts long enough they will create your reality sooner or later. This is
true for negative and limiting thoughts as it is for positive thoughts.

Does it therefore make sense to exercise a degree of discernment over your

most persistent thoughts? I should say that the answer to this rhetorical
question is rather obvious.

Let’s just consider this for a moment: How many people do you know who
have lost their fortunes, or are much worse off than they used to be? The
trading environment is peppered with stories of failed traders, hence trading
got a bad wrap. However, if you look further, the number of general business
failures is truly astounding. These people are often very intelligent and
accomplished in many ways. Yet, their thinking is sadly lacking, since they
were never told how to engage their minds in correct thinking, thus dissolving
subconscious fears and anxiety which lurks in all of us at some level making

page 24

us go unconscious and “obediently” tune into the collective consciousness of

the masses.

I know plenty of people in this situation, sadly. The majority of them believe
that there is nothing they can do to remedy the situation. They feel powerless
and at the mercy of outside forces. Sounds familiar? I bet it does. 99 % of all
people believe that they have no power over anything. They mistakenly
believe that they are at the mercy of outside circumstances.

Your success as a trader and investor too depends on your ability to free
yourself from the grip of the collective thought processe3s and think
independently and thus tap into the truth that is right and appropriate for you


It is a lie which has gathered momentum over thousands of years fuelled by

collective beliefs in religion which has you buy into the idea that you are
beholden to someone and dependent on the benevolence of some force
outside of you when you are actually interdependent on each other as a
conductor of energy.

Success and happiness derive from freeing yourself from collective untruths
and having the courage to step into a new truth and acting on it with integrity.
It comes back to understanding who you truly are, and that you do have the
power to implement changes in your thinking. The reason why we have
difficulties improving our trading results and improving our lives in general is to
do with the fact that we are afraid to let go of what we perceive the safety of
the crowd.

We hang on to old teachings like life rafts, thinking that letting go of them will
seal our destiny irrevocably condemning us to some disastrous fate.

When you learn to live from moment to moment your trading will free up: You
will find it easier to take on positions and manage your trades in accordance
to your personal trading plan. Note, I say “your personal” trading plan, I did not
say the trading plan outlined by a trading mentor.

As you know by now, trading has been an important part of my life. Trading
has moulded my character in a way no other pursuit has. I have been through
the trenches, losing most of what I had and what was dear to me at one point.
I blamed my inability to trade, not realising that it was not my inability to trade
which caused me so much emotional pain, rather it was my inability to move
forward and embrace new paradigms in the face of the old ones collapsing in
front of my very eyes that caused me big issues. I might also say that
incorrect thinking and the lack of knowledge about who I am as a human
being caused me much discomfort.

page 25

Most traders who have become very successful have been through a similar
journey. Many have lost everything, some more then once, before they
became consistently successful. It seems we have to be pushed to extremes
before we get it and start the process of positive change in earnest. In my
darkest hours I also learnt the greatest lessons. I learnt new ways because
desperation and sheer intent to survive pushed me to new frontiers. In my
book “The Buddhist Trader” I share a lot about my path.

Learning through hardship has been the order of the day. As more of us are
waking up to entirely new truths about our reality and are living in this new
reality, enabling us to dispense this knowledge so that you do not have to
endure the same hardships, we are paving the way for profound
transformation. It is a joy for me today to be able to share what I have learnt
and am learning every day as a trader and as a teacher in my field.

As more and more of us are departing from the old paradigms willing to enter
a brave new frontier and are taking the steps necessary to raise our
vibrational energy making shifts is becoming easier for everyone because the
morphogenetic field of the new energies is becoming ever more powerful.

Again, let me remind you: Nothing can happen in isolation, since everything is
interconnected and therefore interactive. The universe, you and I are an open
system evolving and growing together and living in individualised form at the
same time. I know, all this is getting rather deep now. Don’t let it worry you too
much. You will take in what you are ready and willing to take in right now. It is
an ongoing process.

The Buddhists have a saying: “When the student is ready the teacher will

The above is one of the foundational wisdoms of the universe. Get this and
you will know that you will never be lacking in anything. That which you need
will come to you.

Once you can get a sense of the real workings of the universe you will also
begin to get an understanding why our minds are wired in the way the are. In
this insight also resides the awakening of your inherent powers.

Our untrained minds are busy because they have not yet been trained to tune
out much of the stuff that passes through. It’s no good telling the mind to shut
up, or meditate with the aim of no thoughts. Since most of us don’t want to
become Zen monks, we need to look at more practical ways to make changes
to activate a Zen like (trading) mind in line with our life style objectives.

All said and done, the aim is to calm your mental chatter to a degree that you
begin to notice more about yourself. The aim is always to increase your
cognitive awareness, since this gives you choice. Remember this: You can
only change that which you are aware of. The extent of your self awareness
and the degree to which you get to know yourself dictate the quality of choices
you can make in your trading and in your life in general. Your vibrational

page 26

frequency increases in direct relation to your awareness. I could even say that
expanding your consciousness is a process that supports homeostasis. It is
both healing and empowering at the same time.

Successful trading is first and foremost a mental activity. Through self

knowledge you gain immense insights into the workings of the universe and
thus the workings of the markets. Self knowledge is the biggest trading edge
you could possibly possess. My book “The Buddhist Trader” provides you with
many more insights on this subject as well as a section with techniques on
letting go and expanding your cognitive awareness.

I look forward to sharing more wisdom with you in the next part of this course.
In the meanwhile, if you want to go deeper, please visit my many other books
on my website:

www.TheBuddhistTrader.com and empower your trading psychology…

page 27

Seven Little Known Secrets To

Happiness To Trading Success
Part Four

page 28

Accepting life as it is, but with a twist…

By now, I trust, you are beginning to get a feel for how the knowledge I am
sharing with you can have a big impact on your trading and indeed on your
entire life. You may begin to get to understand how this information can
increase your sense of joy and create success as a natural by product.

So far we have looked at YOU the most important piece of the entire puzzle,
around which everything else revolves. You are hopefully gaining a real sense
of self importance. By this I mean that you are starting to disconnect from the
collective belief of powerlessness and are starting to step into your own
personal power.

We looked at the importance of your environment and how harmful energies

of geopathic stress and EMF lower vibrational energy and how you can
elevate your vibrational frequency and increase your resilience with simple
exercises as outlined in my work: “TBT Exercises For Happiness And
Yesterday we looked at the workings of the mind and how to put it to better
use, thinking in 10 second increments. I hope you have given this simple
technique a go? If you keep at it you will get amazing results over time.

Before we go deeper still I want to just mention this: If you are serious about
creating a better life, have lasting happiness, success and health you have to
accept that you will have to make a few permanent changes. This can be a bit
daunting at times, I should know, I have been through the entire process
myself and there have been times when I thought it was all getting too much
and too complicated.

Discovering new skills and re-thinking they way you thought about life is rather
like climbing a mountain. You can get exhausted before you reach the top.
Always remember though, that it is not the mountain you are climbing, but
instead you are climbing the perception of your inner mountain. You are
conquering yourself. This all tends to feel like hard work. The illusion is the
perception you have of this “work.” What you are actually doing is this: You
are letting go of old baggage. Instead of climbing on board with 20 suit cases,
just in case you need x or y, you are dropping your baggage. Your are
travelling lighter, leaving room to acquire new things along the way. You don’t
know what those new things are as yet and this is rather exciting, now that
you know that you have the room…How does it get any better that that?

Okay, onwards and upwards. Let’s look at ACCEPTANCE:

Great concept, this idea of accepting your life, your trading results, good bad
or indifferent, hmmm ... But lets be honest about it: Acceptance smacks of
powerlessness, doesn’t it?

page 29

The truth of the matter is this: The idea of acceptance is easy, however
following through with it in your daily life is quite something else. Most of us
are stuck in this paradigm that makes us go around complaining about our lot
and blaming outside circumstances for the results we are getting in life. It
comes so natural and, hey, it is also good to let off steam, isn’t it?

The idea of acceptance is akin to weakness to the conditioned mind.

However, in other cultures acceptance is seen as a great strength from which

you create powerful new outcomes in your life. Before we look at the benefits
of accepting all of life let us first go through the typical pattern most of us
engage in without thinking about it.

The blame game has become endemic in western culture. Not only in our
personal lives, but let’s just stay with our daily little routines for a brief
moment: Whenever something occurs in our life which we deem as unjust or
wrong we go to our best friend, or a close colleague for a good moan. We let
steam off at the market makers who slipped us on the entry of our position.
We blame the thin trading conditions of the holiday period for our poor trading
results in July and August. Funny, how we missed that great move, because
we cannot afford to run that wide a stop, since our trading account is too

The list goes on, and I am sure you got the picture. Blaming the world for our
misfortunes makes us feel better, at least temporarily, until the brief relief
wears off and we are back to our normal low self. Ah, is this really how it
works though? The blame game you are playing with yourself is nothing but a
conditioned response which runs on auto pilot. You are immersed in that
conditioned response and the expectation that a good rant will make you feel
better at the end of it that you are totally closed off to the signals your body is
sending to you when you keep going on with all those unwitting lies you are
telling yourself and anyone else who is listening.



Just like the fish doesn’t notice that it is wet, because it does not know the
difference between wet and dry, you cannot discern the impact of your
habitual, automatic behaviours on your general state of (well) being.

I have a question for you: Have you ever noticed that this letting off steam
actually makes you feel less good about yourself and lowers your energy?
The moment of relief is only very short lived, if indeed there is any relief at all.
In fact, the moment of relief is so short, it is perhaps less than even a second
or two. The only reason you are not aware of this fact is because you are still
fully immersed in the habitual behaviour. In that very moment when you begin
to step back from yourself, you will begin to notice a very different reality.
Imagine how this change would positively impact on your trading.

page 30

I too used to think that it would make me feel better if only I could talk about
the crap in my life and around me. A little commiseration and a little sympathy
go a long way, don’t they? What if all this is an illusion though?

The image of the lonely independent trader has been peddled for a long time.
Yes, trading can be lonely, but it is only lonely because you are not in
congruence with yourself. I know we are off at the deep end here again. The
issue of congruence is huge, and it is discussed in “The Buddhist Trader” at
length from many angles and also in my work: “TBT Stop Procrastinating

Let us just take a brief look at my own journey of detachment:

When first began to notice how blaming other people and outside
circumstances on my fate as a trader I also began to notice that I was acting
on the conditioned beliefs I had inherited over generations from my parents,
grandparents and so on.

Gradually, after I had done quite a lot of clearing on myself and started
detaching from myself assuming the observer position of my thoughts and
actions, it dawned on me that instead of feeling better whenever I talked about
crap I would feel really bad. To my huge surprise I started to notice more and
more that there was no relief. In fact, the only relief if any, was noticing that I
was only living out old learned conditioning. I became aware that every time I
entertained lowering and limiting thoughts and began to verbalise those to my
friends and colleagues I started to feel really bad in my body. In the instant
when I switched off from that negative thought and consciously engaged in
letting it go and replace it with a positive thought I began to feel better. What’s
more the more I observed how placing blame for my circumstances on
situations outside of me would weaken my energy system, I also realised
more and more that this behaviour was nothing but a conditioned choice born
out of a lie I was told as a young child: I was told that it is good for you to let
off steam and talk about how badly done by you are. I had learnt the victim
hood attitude, which is in essence what the blame game is all about, from my

Please consider this:



Energy frequency feeds on itself through the instrument of our thoughts and
habitual behaviours. It compounds, the longer you remain on a particular
thought frequency, drawing more energy of that same frequency into its field.
When you engage in a conversation with another person and the conversation
is predominately negative, you are both dragging each other down, probably

page 31

not noticing what is happening while living in the deluded belief that you are
helping each other “feel better” by letting off steam.

You are already aware that over 75% of our thoughts are habitually negative.
It is a deeply embedded pattern we have been running for thousands of years
without our consciousness knowledge.

It is the aim of this free course to assist you in dismantling this pattern and
provide you with a number of potent tools which you can use to start creating
lasting success and joy in your career and in your relationships.

Facilitating you in creating the cognitive awareness of your habitual limiting

behaviour patterns is the very first step, in fact it is a vital step that leads you
to start letting go of un-resourceful behaviours and adopt new behaviours. The
tools and techniques I am introducing you in this course and in much more
depth in my books and in my on-line course are the bridge that take you from
living a mediocre life, working too hard at your trading success to a life and a
trading career lived with elegance and joy. You are learning essential tools
that help you make better choices. Making good choices consistently is a very
hard thing to do.

Studies in neuro science have shown that it is very difficult to make more than
two good decisions in a row. Yet your success as a trader depends on your
ability to make good decisions consistently all the time, not just making two in
a row.

You choose which ones are most appropriate for you. Choice is hugely
empowering, if you know how to choose wisely for you.

What has this to do with acceptance, I hear you ask? Well, actually a great
deal: Every un-resourceful habit keeps you away from embracing new
behaviours, it also stops you from accessing new information. While your
untrained mind is busy running old distractor patterns it is unable to create
new neural pathways, which would be more conducive to your progress,
because all the energy is used up feed the old thought patterns and neural

The outcome: Change becomes very difficult. You know that feeling: You
appear to be stuck in a rut.

In order to move forward in a constructive manner, new choices beckon: You

must free up some energy and employ it more resourceful ways. This is what
being able to accept life, trading et all is it is all about: Acceptance provides
space. It frees up energy.

Here is another take on the issue: You cannot be happy and sad at the same
time. The mind is wired in a way that you can only have one thought which
dictates your vibrational frequency. The most powerful and persist thoughts
create your feelings, emotions and actions and your vibrational freqency.

page 32

If you are running many distractor patterns, like most of us do, the path, to
success, joy and happiness is delayed because it is obstructed by the debris
of the old patterns. Distractor patterns are anger, fear, frustration, judgement,
aggression, resentment, procrastination, hatred, guilt, shame, blame,
jealousy, to name a few.

The art of acceptance by contrast is a place of no resistance, non-judgement,

ease, allowing, gratitude, compassion, love, vulnerability, self honesty and
total openness. Here is today’s vital question for you: Would you be willing to
be open to receiving these characteristics? Would you consider stepping out
of the familiar energy into a new calmer energy that brings you closer to you
and others?

I know the question might sound and feel strange. Acceptance opens up a
multitude of objections. I often hear from traders that they don’t want to be a
pushover. You have to be tough in the markets and fight for your piece of
profit. It is a war ground where your positions are your soldiers and you are
the general. Against that back ground doesn’t acceptance of all that is expose
you to the very thing I am asking you to embrace, namely vulnerability?



In order to be free to accept all of life you must be willing to be vulnerable and
open to the experience of that feeling, no matter how uncomfortable thus may
appear to begin with.

Acceptance does not mean that you have to buy into everyone else’s beliefs,
far from it. It means though that you are withdrawing from the emotions
attached to beliefs of other people and indeed your own!

When you are able to accept another point of view, or behaviour, when you
are able to watch your winning and losing trades with equal equanimity you
will be free.

It is the emotional blocks, and false belief systems, which have become
behaviour patterns that cause the judgements, resentments and other
distractor patterns upon which you have built your life and which zap your

Acceptance does not mean to take every insult lying down, but instead to see
it for what it is, without emotional attachment. The idea of detachment from
the outcome is a very important one for your lasting trading success, as any
seasoned trader will tell you.

It is also a fact that acceptance is not something you learn overnight. If I were
to promise you that I would be doing you a great disservice and build
expectations which would only set you up for failure.

page 33

However, there is a shortcut that allows you to experience the energy of

acceptance. This short cut is to engage the heart energy in everything you do.
Yes, that goes for your trading too! I am inviting you to consider the possibility
of doing, seeing and experiencing everything you do in your life from the
vantage point of love.

Would this be possible for you? What if it where? Would it make you feel good
about yourself? You bet it would. I know so, as I am living this principle, most
of the time. No, I am not claiming to be perfect…and I stand by what I said:
“Most of the time, not all of the time”.

The power of love is well documented. Love has the power to dissolve the
greatest of disharmonies, it heals and transforms. Love is a state which
should not be confused with romantic love. Romance is simply an emotion
that lets us tune into the frequency of love. The state of love is way more all
encompassing and powerful. It is a calm, assertive all encompassing energy
that permeates everything, it is so powerful. Can you feel the truth of this
statement? Yes?

When we intent to see all of life from a point of love, instead from the point of
judgement, criticism, blame, shame, guilt the artificially induced sense of
separation from success and joy dissolves. You are narrowing the gap
between your so called reality, as you are experiencing it right now and the
intent of a happier more joyful and successful reality.

How good does that feel for you?

Would you be willing to consider sending all the situations in your life love and
view than from that energy, even those things you dislike? Would this be
possible for you? When you engage consciously in every moment of your life
with the heart energy you are creating a force field that is much more powerful
than your mind alone. The steady, gentle and calm Zen like energy of the
heart can assist you immensely in your trading. You owe it to yourself to learn
the techniques that enable you to have this connection permanently if you
desire an easier, calmer path to lasting success and joy.

The principles remain the same, it is all about you.

We are simply looking at the subject from different angles. Working with
mental clearing, physical energy enhancing exercises and raising the
vibrational energy in your environment are also the tools to get you into the
space of acceptance of all that is. Acceptance is another way to experience
greater well being. From that calm peaceful place and the energy that is set
free your powers of creation will move on steroids. You are powerful, my
friends. The biggest obstacle is that we refuse to believe it, because our
consciousness is still so deeply imbedded in false, disempowering beliefs.

Clearing old patterns is always a good start. Throughout the past 15 years or
so, I have done an immense amount of clearing work on myself, attended

page 34

workshops and am still doing it. It is my path and assists me in creating the
space from which I can assist you.

There really is no substitute for this. It is rather like building a house on a

sound foundation: You need to prepare the ground thoroughly if you wish to
build a strong, beautiful house that will stand the test of time and can be
expanded on.

Energy is intelligent, it knows where you want to go. Listen, follow your
feelings and go with the flow. The quickest path is always non linear. If what
you are learning so far speaks to you and you want to go further visit:

www.TheBuddhistTrader.com and empower your trading psychology.

page 35

Seven Little Known Secrets To

Happiness And Trading
Part Five

page 36

Learning trust, the positive change accelerator

The subject of trust is both huge and deep. Fact of the matter is that deep
down we do not know how to trust any more. Your inability to trust fully and
completely and congruently has probably hampered your trading career far
more than you realise. This is why the issue of trust is discussed from many
different angles in my work.

To the conditioned, logical part of our brain trust is rather like travelling blind,
or being in a dark tunnel and having that deep inner knowing that the dark
tunnel is just an illusion, a temporary situation that will reveal the light.
However the reality of the tunnel that seems to be going on forever prevents
you from letting go of that reality and entering into the higher frequency of
trusting that in spite of what you are experiencing in the moment, all is actually
well and as it should be. I know, this is big…It is probably the biggest issue I
am still working on myself from time to time, as new threshold are coming up
testing the depth of my ability to trust…

Trust is a step up from believing that you are on the right path, that you are
supported and that whatever happens is in your interest. The mere idea of
running your life, let alone your career on the fuel of trust is also much pooh-
poohed by society. The financial world is still running on old outdated
paradigms where anything non linear has a hard time ti be accepted.

Asking the average trader to trade on trust simply would be too much. It is
akin to pulling the floor from underneath them. As traders we have learnt to
rely on our systems often completely forgetting that even the most
sophisticated automated trading system has been designed by humans and
as such is prone to human failings.

When you believe in something it’s often tainted with a degree of doubt. Yes,
you believe in something, because there is no evidence to the contrary of your
belief, and it feels safer, more comfortable to believe than looking at the
situation from an inquirers’ point of view. Magical thinking and belief are close
allies. This might feel good, at least superficially, but ultimately it is not the
most empowering state of being.

Trust goes a step further: Trust is underscored by a deep inner certainty, a

knowing that doesn’t need proof, cannot be questioned, because there is
nothing to question. Trust is both specific and also very non-specific. It is the
energy that supports love, healing, well being in every aspect of your life and
of course it engenders joy and happiness. Trust is a beautiful energy. I can’t
begin to tell you, when you have it, it is bliss, and the world will be your oyster.

Put differently: When you trust, you also believe that the universe is a friendly
place, because you know how the universe works, beyond a shadow of a

page 37

Now, do you believe what I just said? DO trust in the universe? Probably not,
if you are totally honest with yourself. Trust requires that you stay out of your
own way, it is a form of ego surrendering and non-judgement which paves the
way to oneness and living in a state of flow.

Trust has been a major issue throughout my life. When I realised that religion
is not what I was taught and that our reality unfolds very differently from the
teachings I had received as part of a catholic upbringing, and that the world in
general really functioned very differently from what I had believed, I had a
major trust crisis, which took me many years to resolve. Along the way I also
realised that I really did not trust in my own abilities either very much.

Underneath my issues of learning to trust was the belief that the universe is
ultimately a dangerous place. I could not wrap my head around the fact that
this belief stemmed from an utterly false perception of universal laws.

After all, when you see suffering all round you, bankruptcies, break ups of
marriages, death and so on it is hard to believe that we live in a friendly
universe. To me all this was new age piffle.

Trusting in an outcome without the evidence that the outcome you have
envisioned is to become reality, is a tall order for most of us. The ability to
trust in yourself and your talents is truly a gift. Successful people have a
natural ability to trust in themselves and in the success of their projects. They
are not plagued by self doubt or low self esteem which is oftentimes a by-
product of the inability to trust.

You and the universe are ONE

You have heard many times before, and I have said it a few times in the last
few days, but, again, we have an interesting concept here, which intellectually
can be grasped, it is a totally different issue though, living it.

You cannot have anything in life, be it good relationships, money, or trust

unless you are “being” it. I know, its getting forever more challenging here.
How about just going along for the ride, or, well, the read and let it all sink in
without questioning too much what I am saying?

Would you be prepared to do this? Just for the few minutes it takes to read
this? And then you can go back you how were, if you want too… No problems.

If you can accept the premise that the universe and you are one, and that
everything is interconnected, as we have already discussed, would it make
sense to assume that the universe is actually a dangerous place? Indeed, if
one were to believe this, it also would mean that you and I are dangerous and
therefore cannot possibly be trusted. In the final analysis on this basis we
would have all killed each other already. Of course fundamentalist individuals
live from this place, because they do not know any better yet.

page 38

Most of the western world lives from this premise that the universe is not to be
trusted. Alas, they also believe in some sort of God who is benign and will
help you with a bit of luck, provided you do what’s expected from you. Since
most of us don’t well we are damned. What if the only reason things aren’t
working so well for us here on planet earth is simply because we do not align
ourselves with universal laws?

Interestingly enough all the esoteric texts, and that includes Christian texts
emphasise the fact that we are “children of God”. This, by definition means
that we are one with God, we have God’s attributes.

God is omni present, and also transcendent, God is eternal and God is love.
Love actually is the fabric of the universe. It is the fine thread that permeates
everything and allows the cosmos to mutate and evolve in an orderly fashion.
Love is oneness without friction. Love is giving way to everything while also
containing everything that it needs to maintain its own form.

I hope you can follow me this far. So, what’s the problem we have? The
problem is that actually the real danger is not us, or the universe, but our

All the problems the world is experiencing derive from one issue, and one
issue alone: We, as human being by and large do not understand the true
nature of our reality. The resulting value and belief conflicts are wreaking
havoc with our lives. In fact, it is testimony to the amazing infrastructure of the
cosmos that things are working as well as they are.

Our confrontational and judgemental beliefs cause us to behave in ways

which are going directly against the spirit of the cosmos. They are violating
basic universal laws, yet we can’t see it for the most part, because we are so
deeply ensconced in our false, conditioned points of view of how it all works.

Remember, I talked about distracter patterns of hate, anger, aggression,

resentment, jealousy and so forth in the previous part of this course. If you
could grasp that every thought, every action has a ripple effect that affects not
only every other human being on the planet, but ultimately the cosmos at
large, you would probably think twice of hanging on to those thoughts of
hatred and anger.

These lower thoughts and emotions only achieve one thing: They drag down
the collective vibrational energy. What would it take to expand your
awareness to a level where you could be aware of every time you are
lowering your energy with your thoughts?

Can you see how this would give you power? Can you also see that you have
the power to do this, if you want to?

Trust is about acceptance, but not only the acceptance of events, but about
accepting your own power. Trust is the realisation and incarnation of the
knowing that you are the cosmos.

page 39

Trust is the inner certainty that everything you do is leading you to expand and
grow. This naturally also includes those unpleasant events, if you can trust
yourself enough to be guided to where they are taking you and what they are
showing you, you are finally accepting your true nature and your life will begin
to turn around as if by magic.

From this vantage point all those distracter patterns can be dealt with in a
much more mature fashion. It becomes much easier to work on blocks and
remove them. Why, because when you realise that you are operating in
unison with the cosmos, you are also starting to realise that those roadblocks,
those so called bad events are sign posts guiding you in new directions of
bigger and better things.

This inner knowing, this certainty, the conviction that this is how it all works is
TRUST. It is a very high vibrating energy. It is the energy that makes miracles
appear, and this lovely energy lets you see all those things you hitherto did
not want to see, or could not see.

There is only one requirement: Be open to the energy. Look around you:
Observe the little coincidences. They are everywhere: All lining up to assist
you, if you see them and act on them.

Let me ask you: How did you get to this report? Did you happen to stumble
upon my website on an internet search? Perhaps a friend sent you a link?

You may never have thought about, but these are the quiet, little subtleties
that give us direction. Universal guidance is always subtle, at least in the
beginning. Force is only apparent when we really don’t get it and then we
observe those disasters, like wars and other unpleasant events that challenge
us to the core of our being. It is the last resort, because we just did not get it
before hand.

When you carry on resenting the challenges, keep fighting them, or are going
against them you are giving weight to the challenge. Instead, consider
following the Buddhist proverb which says: “Be like water, my friend.”

What would it take for you to change from an attitude of having to work so
hard at everything and assume a more relaxed attitude? I know, those inner
voices are there, that keep saying, but, if only, I can’t, won’t, it isn’t that easy,
she can talk…,blah, blah.

Remember: Don’t believe your thoughts. Thoughts are like busses.

I can assure you I have been through every single objection in all
permutations, that’s why I can write about it all with confidence. I know where
you are coming from and I understand how difficult it can be to get to this point
of letting go and surrendering to what is. I also know that what I am telling you
is the truth about how it all works. Getting to this point is an immense blessing
and my wish is that you will get there too.

page 40

What could you do right now to step into that knowing that you are on the right

You might like to check out my book: “The Buddhist Trader” and my other
work here:

www.TheBuddhistTrader.com Empower your trading psychology and trade

the way of The Buddhist Trader. I look forward to sharing more with you

page 41

Seven Little Known Secrets To

Happiness To Trading Success
Part Six

page 42

Relationships, Relationships, It's All

In Your Relationships

Life consists of relationships. Every from of exchange you enter into

constitutes a relationship of some sort. This is also true for you the trader or
investor and the markets. If you are an active trader or investor you will have
entered into a relationship with the markets, whether you are consciously
aware of it or not.

My guess is that you probably have never looked at relationships in this way.
You are probably vowing the markets and you are trading as an activity that is
somehow separate from you, instead of seeking the interconnection you and
the markets are enjoying. As you already know the basic building block of the
universe is energy. Energy is in a state of exchange. This exchange is
expressed in the relationships you have not only to the people and animals in
your life, but with the objects, like your car, your house and last but not least
your trading.

Good relationships are well known to nurture us and make us feel good. They
encourage creativity, improve health and make us live longer too. While these
are well documented facts, truth is that our relationships by and large leave a
lot to be desired. The reason for this is two fold: First we are lacking the
understanding how we are inextricably linked to everything in this universe. In
other words the separation you are experiencing from another person, or an
object is but an illusion. Therefore everything you do has an effect on your
entire environment, the people, the animals, the plants and the objects around

The second issue is to do with the fact that we have not learnt how to use our
relationship to other things and other people in an empowering way.

Shall we be honest with ourselves here? Fact is, that for the most part we are
behaving like immature spoilt school kids when it comes to relationships. We
are emotionally immature blaming our spouse, our car, our computer
whenever things do not turn out how we expect it. This attitude is also playing
out in your trading, often without your conscious awareness.

There is little conscious, let alone natural respect for the other people in our
every day dealings with each other. We have a tendency to take our friends
and colleagues and everyone and everything else in our lives for granted and
only tend to take note when things go wrong. Does that ring a bell? I do
sincerely hope so. We lead our lives on auto pilot and are mostly unaware of
our thoughts feelings and actions. We are sleepwalking through life, paying
little attention to the intricate net of co-relation in the universe. An amazing 95
% of what the average person does and thinks is hidden from the conscious

page 43

It usually takes an event of major impact, normally not a pleasant one, to

make us realise how much we are dependent on each other. In those
moments the distractor patterns of gilt, regret, shame, fear of loss,
resentment, fury and anger set in.

My question for you today is this: What would it take for you to change this
point of view and adopt an attitude of appreciation towards all sentient beings
and objects too?

Are you getting a feel for how this could not only change your interactions with
others but your entire business and private life, if you were really doing it from
a place of truth and knowing? I wonder how you would treat yourself and your
trading if you trades from the point of awareness that you are having a
relationship with the markets? In my book “The Buddhist Trader” I explain how
the markets are reflecting your relationship with the world from a number of
angles. This subject is huge, because it is literally all encompassing.

In fact, I could say that the essence of life is about experiencing relationships
between you and everything you come into contact with and observe in your

In the last module we talked about how every single thought and action affects
everything else in this universe and thus in your reality. We also talked about
oneness again and that we are all part of the one. You are with your thoughts
and with your habitual actions shaping all your relationships and this means
your reality. How you see yourself dictates how you deal with yourself and
with the people, animals, plants and objects in your world. The principle is
actually amazingly simple. There are no exceptions.

You are an infinite part in an infinite cosmos. To the best of our knowledge the
cosmos is an ever expanding space, it is the way evolution evolves on the
grander scale of things, and that also includes you. The essence of you is that
infinite being, it is nonlocal and all expansive, but in a finite body.

This is the truth of you. I realise that to fully understand this and fully grasp the
immense importance of this is huge. If you would fully understand it the world
we live in would be a very different place. Understanding and appreciating
your true nature is vital to your ability to handle all your relationships in a
positive, empowering and mutually supportive, nurturing manner. Naturally
this is also true for your trading and your relationship with the markets, your
charts and your trading account.

You may understand intellectually what I am talking about. This is an

important first step, however, it is still a long way off from full integration. Yet
understanding all relationships is key to all success and greater happiness. To
assist you with this I spent much time explaining reality in The Buddhist
Trader series, going deep into explaining who we are and how our reality is
created through our being.

page 44

Understanding your relationship with yourself and your environment is the

foundational piece from which everything else flows. While you are still living
in the misperception of your powers and the illusions of the denser reality of
the three dimensional world you might well despise your body, be disgruntled
with your trading results, hate your neighbour because he parks his caravan in
his driveway. You shout at your dog for barking at the postman, and you are
annoyed when your spouse doesn’t seem to understand you, and your trading
career, making demands of you which you feel you can’t fulfil. Such is still the
every day to day reality in which most people are living out their lives.

Imagine seeing all your relationships in the new context of oneness. If you
could accepts that everyone and everything in your life has a purpose and is
fulfilling its role as an integral part of the cosmos in this densely interwoven
web you might realise that the quality of your interaction with anything outside
of you returns to you literally multiplied. With every word you speak you are
setting in motion a chain reaction, similar to the butterfly effect. How this
principle works and its effects on our every day lives is explained with its
implications on your (trading) life in detail in “The Buddhist Trader”.

A few days ago I also suggested to you to view all of life from a place of loving
acceptance. Acceptance is a major stepping stone to the realms of success
since it engenders a calm, serenity which flows out into everything around

If you were to truly embrace this suggestion, would you be behaving in the
way you habitually do in ignorance of your higher nature?

Let’s look at an example from our daily trading routine: Notice how you look at
your charts. Notice how you feel when you look at an indictor, a price action
signal, indicating a new trade is setting up. What would it take for you to look
at your charts from a place of loving acceptance? I’ll go a step further: If
trading were your lover how would you feel about your relationship with it?
You may think I am nuts, but never mind, you can judge me later. For now,
just try and imagine it. Your chart of the EUR/USD, or the DAX, or the S&P is
only a transcript of human behaviour, but in chart form, so that it is easier for
you to play with and learn appropriate interaction with it, which we call
“trading”, isn’t it?

I think you can see where I am coming from. Whatever your position is in life,
and it really is totally immaterial what you do for a living, since the principles
are always the same, just imagine what could change for you if you were to
allow this new concept of being in this world.

All said and done, all our relationships are just like all the other things in life,
they are opportunities for growth and expansion. There are absolutely no co-
incidences in the universe. Every encounter with another human being is a
prompt to expand your vision of yourself and the world around you. If you can
do this an entirely new world might open up. You will see everything through a
lens of curiosity, almost childlike enjoyment of discovering something new.
Imagine trading from this perspective.

page 45

Would you be willing to receive this? Yes? Thank you.

Before we go on, I just want to make one thing absolutely clear: Acceptance,
going through life with childlike curiosity, does not mean that you should put
up with disrespectful behaviour or allowing to let people of lower
consciousness ride roughshod all over you.

You owe it to yourself to respect yourself first and foremost. Only if you have
respect for yourself can you treat other people with that respect. When you
honour yourself as an infinite human being your relationship with yourself
automatically gets transformed and this transformation automatically
transforms the world around you. You will bring new people in your life and
the same is true for your trading too. Your trading transforms when you shift
your relationship with yourself from a place of critical judgement, resentment
and pushy frustration to a place of acceptance and compassion. All my books
contain techniques and exercises which gt you to this place with ease and

None of the above is rocket science, but it requires some action from you to
make the shift into expanded consciousness. You truly are THE KEY.

This is an immensely powerful concept. In the first report I talked about the
importance of YOU. Everything flows out from you. How you see yourself you
see others in life. Every decision you make about anybody is ultimately always
a point of view you hold about yourself and your reality. The two are really one
and the same.



The more aware you become the more of the universe opens up to you: The
universe with its infinite possibilities has created human beings of infinite
variety, colour, culture and consciousness. No two beings are the same.
There may be similarities, but as soon as you go beneath the surface you will
notice a myriad of differences. This is precisely why we have challenges
communicating with each other. Each one of us has had a different set of
experiences from which we operate and form our views.

You and I will judge the world and people around us from our viewpoints and
seldom consider the viewpoints of the people around us. Yet, have you ever
considered that the next person’s point of view is just as valid as yours?
Instead of judging we should embrace the rich variety of the cosmos.

Traders are opinionated. Traders mistakenly believe that they have to have an
opinion of the markets in order to trade. We love to get our points of view
across at all costs. You call this: “Helping the other person, stopping them
from doing something stupid, making sure they stay on the right track, make
some money, etc.”

page 46

Has it ever occurred to you that you will be as right as the next person? Can
you see that it is impossible to be wrong since you are a fully paid up member
and integrated member of the cosmic club. The universe doesn’t make
mistakes, therefore from that viewpoint nobody you encounter can be wrong
either. I know this is a lot to take in this course, however I want to challenge
you, at least a little. It will assist you to go deeper and grow faster, attaining
the things you desire and should have in life, including successful trading.

It all comes down to this simple truism: Our actions, thoughts and feelings are
dictated by our level of conscious awareness first and foremost.

There are only different levels of consciousness. It isn’t right or wrong that
evolves the world, but different levels of consciousness. Culture is an
expression of a society’s collective consciousness level. It propels the
evolution of the general populous, but within that mass are many permutations
of consciousness. It contains a myriad of different layers of consciousness as
we drill back down to the individual again.

Your responsibility is to yourself first and foremost. In nurturing yourself and

taking care of your own development you are also evolving consciousness at

Society exists because of interactions with other sentient beings. You can
observe this in nature: The bees are pollinating the plants that multiply and
grow to provide the right environment for food, animals and the seasons to
occur all in harmonious cycles.

As long as we don’t interfere nature knows how to interact with itself. Harmony
is created through this constant interaction that evolves naturally. It is a
continuous chain of events of reciprocation. The giving and receiving process
keeps everything alive without the need for greed, anger, jealousy.

Might it be a good idea to hone your relationship with yourself first and
foremost and let this consciousness of authentic self appreciation permeate all
interactions with all sentient beings?

If you want to go further and improve your trading career and your life please
check out my e-books and other work here: www.TheBuddhistTrader.com and
empower your trading psychology with The Buddhist Trader.

page 47

Seven Little Known Secrets To

Happiness To Trading Success
Part Seven

page 48

How Your Judgements Are Devaluing Your Life

Yesterday I took one look at the EUR/USD and decided that it was a crap
shot. In the meanwhile, a friend and fund manager who trades off tick charts
every day for his “bread and butter trades”, as he calls them, made a nice
profit trading his support/ resistance play. Who is right here, I ask you? While
I trade break outs off wider time frames, and sometimes use Elliott wave
patterns for the big picture, he trades range plays and break outs. He just
follows his nose and trades in line with his psychological make up. No
thoughts, no judgment, just trading…and lots and lots of it.

Granted, this friend is a well seasoned professional who has traded for over
30 years.

By contrast, I need to be right more often then he and will only trade my best
set ups on confirmation. The mere idea of trading 20 times a day sends me of
in a mental spin. Since I also coach traders and write, I have a very different
approach to the markets.

Again, I would like to ask you: Who is right, or wrong here? The obvious
answer is of course: Neither of us is wrong. The markets exist because
players have different trading styles, objectives and time frames. Remember I
alluded to the multiplicity of the universe, which is a blessing for us, rather
than something to be despised.

The scenario changes though the very moment we begin to get into regret
mode: Whenever we enter into this only too familiar scenario of: “If only I had
done such and such. Joe X made money on the trade while I was sitting here
missing the opportunity” The game is over. Now we are in judgement and are
closing off the possibilities to see another trade coming our way. Does this
type of scenario look familiar? I bet it does.

Judgment is as normal to us as morning and night. It is second nature. You

construct your reality through a series of judgments that begin when you first
wake up and judge whether or not you have had enough sleep. Then you
continue to judge the nature of your day ahead, and, oh, I nearly forgot: You
probably judge why it is so difficult to get up on a cold, dark winters day. And
so it goes on: This is a good trade, this is a bad trade. You judge your
performance against some benchmark or other. You judge your spouse, your
trading, your children and your entire life against your expectations and those
expectations society has conditioned you to have.

Can you see how continuous judgements are running your mind and your life?

I know, you do not think of these permanent mind niggles as judgments,

rather you think of them as making assessments and decisions in line with
obvious observations about how you are feeling and about the situations you
have to deal with. Alas is this really true??

page 49

Let me ask you: Who actually decides whether a so called “good nights rest”
was conducive to your well being today or not? Well, you do of course, at
least on the face of it. Have you ever considered that every decision you
make, be it in trading, your relationships, or more trivial matters like deciding
whether or not you like cold winter days and prefer warm, balmy summer days
are decisions, or judgements about you, that actually are not even made by

So, we have to ask ourselves two questions here: If these judgements aren’t
made by you who makes them? And the second question that naturally
follows is this: Where do these judgements come from?

The problem is that you have bought into an illusion and believe that the
illusion is the real deal. We are actually talking about your conditioning which
allows you to function in this world. So far for the good bit of your conditioning,
however: Your decisions which, I repeat, are judgments, which are
predominantly about you, derived from the conditioning you received from
your parents and other caretakers early on in your life, are past their expiry
dates. What your parents passed on to you is mostly incorrect, that is the big
snatch in the overall equation.

So much for the first piece which you must understand about the reality of all
those judgements.

Yet, as if all this weren’t already challenging enough, there is another aspect
to all of this: You are also buying into the collective consciousness, since you
are able to receive , like a radio station everything around you. The universal
joke of course is this: You are unaware of the nature of your thoughts and
your judgements.

Imagine, your conditioned, untrained mind is taking in all the opinions, pre-
suppositions, conclusions and judgements which you pick up continuously all
round you every day from the media, and other people you get in contact with
and you process most of it as if they were your own opinions. The recipe for
total confusion and separation from your true self is complete.

I might also say that all your judgments are based on other people’s
judgments, rather than your own. You are living your life from a place of
ignorance, since you are still so immersed in your reality that it has never
occurred to you to take a closer look at how easily you pick up all this
information around you and make it your own. You are rather like a psychic
sponge that sucks in all the thoughts feelings and emotions around you.

As the years go by you pile up more and more judgement, pre-suppositions,

conclusions and opinions on your mental plate, believing that all of those
belong to you. After all said and done it is what we do: We just love cluttering
up the mental energy matrix. Society has operated on this paradigm for many
thousands of years. It is the product of a denser energy cycle which has come
to an end making way for new insights and awarenesses which is changing

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the way we look at ourselves through the lens of neuro science, how we think
and how we form habitual patterns.

Until recently it has been accepted that the more opinionated we are and the
better we can express all these opinions, the cleverer we are. The financial
world is still doing its level best to survive on this paradox. I say paradox,
since it is a well documented fact that in order to make good trade calls you
need to empty your mind and operate from a Zen like state of emptiness and

Here is another big issue: Good trading, success and happiness derive from
being in alignment with your true personality. What if all this information you
expose yourself to produces an overload at some point which not only
completely covers up your authentic self, but also makes it more and more
difficult to access the real beliefs you hold underneath all this crap that is still
cluttering up your neural pathways and stopping you from seeing clearly what
is in front of you?

Truth is, you probably have not got a clue what you truly would like out of life
that is right for your authentic personality. I now, these words are hard hitting,
particularly if you have never before considered the issue.

Please humour me for a moment and consider this: If you cannot distinguish
between your own beliefs and judgements and those you have adopted from
your parents, the media etc, how do you know what trading style is right for
your trading personality? Let’s go a bit further down the rabbit hole:

Let me ask you this question: Do you really care about the Fed, the
neighbours’ dog and his grandmother, and whether you need that Ferrari, or
bicycle, just because someone you know has decided that it is a good idea to
have either the one or the other, or both?
Through your unwitting ignorance of how reality is created you have made
your life more difficult than it needed to be. Desiring what Joe next door has,
or that you have to trade like trader X in order to be successful has set you up
for much unnecessary hardship and created a mental trap from which you
have to de-condition yourself in order to move forward.

What to do? It is a bit daunting isn’t it, when you start waking up to this
possibility as being the reality of your life you are living?

I can relate very well. Having done so much clearing work over many years, I
finally got a grasp of the fact that I did not really know what I truly wanted in
life. In fact, I was operating out of conditioned choice and necessity, rather
than from a place of that inner knowing what’s right for me. The mental
deleveraging doesn’t happen over night. It can be accelerated though through
the exploration of truth and the expansion of your consciousness which moves
you beyond the confines of the linear, limiting conditioned mind. Uncovering
the real truth and higher levels of consciousness go hand in glove.

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When we take in information unfiltered, as most of us do, overwhelm ensues

at some point. The mental overload fuels judgement. It is a way of clearing the
mental deck. It is also a very corrosive habit that contaminates the energy
matrix. It not only contaminates your body’s energy matrix, but also the matrix
in the field, namely the people and the atmosphere around you. I hardly need
to remind you that making trading decisions in such a state is nigh on
impossible. When the mind reverts to default judgements in an attempt to give
you a sense of control, you are falling deeper into the illusion of self

There is no way around it: Mental debris needs clearing, just like you wash
every day and brush your teeth daily. It really is no different. Information
overload and judgement clog the energy meridians with negative stale, low
vibrating energy. Over the years this builds up and you cannot see out of the
mental window any more. The energy soup is thick and cloudy. The wood and
the trees become the same. How can you possibly trade well from this
obfuscated view of the world?


It is a favourite coping mechanism which fuels the illusion that you are making
your life easier for yourself. While you are being all things to all people
agreeing with everyone about everything they talk about you are getting lost
even further in the morass of mental overwhelm.

Silent acquiescence is of course the opposite of judgment, at least when

viewed superficially, and could almost be mistaken for acceptance. However,
if we dig a little deeper we can observe deep resentment lurking underneath
the calm facade.

We are so used to engage numerous coping mechanisms in an attempt to

maintain the status quo of our appearance and gloss over the cracks. This
conditioned habit has given rise to further separate us from ourselves instead
of bringing us closer to ourselves. Yesterday we discussed how your
relationship with yourself also dictates the quality of all the other relationships
you are continuously engaging in your life. Your entire life flows out from
within you. Working on yourself, improving the quality of your relationship with
yourself and your reality through acquiring knowledge and learning tools to
change your mental state quickly at will are vital for your trading success and
a joyful life.

This is all well and good, yet getting out of our own way and overcoming the
inertia that often sets in when the going gets tough not always as easy is we
would like it to be. The first step is the most difficult one.

By far our biggest challenge is stopping what we have been doing. Stopping a
deeply engrained habit is akin to stopping a freight train on a downhill track.
Seeing it for what it is, is one thing. It’s a great step, and very necessary,

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since without the awareness you can’t set an intention to change anything.
However, you cannot bring about quick effective changes with your mind
alone. This is where “The Buddhist Trader” can really make a difference to
your trading and your entire life. It helps you to get out of your own rut,
provokes you to examine yourself and propels you forward into a more
empowered mind set from which you can then make better trading and
investment decisions.

Change always asks of us to step outside of ourselves and begin embracing a

new reality. This invariably means a shift in consciousness, while adopting a
new behaviour which is unfamiliar to us and that causes issues with the
conditioned mind. We have already discussed that we do what is familiar
repeatedly, and how this plays out from different angles in life. My work helps
you dissolve the value conflicts that have stopped you from seeing what
changes and adjustments you need to make to improve your trading.

You will be guided into the energy of acceptance so that you can stand back
and get out of your state of immersion.

All judgement is a state of immersion to a degree, since it locks firmly in place

that which you are judging. Getting out of this state of continuous judgment
and immersion in your present state of being can be done. It is easier than
you think, provided you are willing and open to accept change and start
adopting different behaviours. How do I know this and be so certain about the
issue? Because I have done it myself.

Ask yourself this question, it could change your (trading) life dramatically for
the better in a very short period of time:

“What would it take to notice every time you are judging yourself or somebody
else and ask yourself what else would be possible?”

If you were to do this every time you have a judgement you will notice how
your mind becomes more focused over time as your judgments are replaced
by self acceptance. Stick with the practice and over time you will notice how
your mind gets ever clearer and calmer. You also begin to notice other things
you have been doing on auto pilot. The practice of noticing your judgements
can be the beginning of a massive mental deleveraging.


As I have already mentioned, I have done a huge amount of clearing in the

past 12 years or so. When you expand your consciousness it is inevitable that
deep rooted energetic blocks make their appearance. These blocks make
their appearance sooner or later in every trader’s life: They are a sign that you
are bumping up against your thresholds and that you are ready for the next

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The blocks need shifting to pave the way for new more resourceful behaviours
and states of being. It clears the ground for faster integration. I have likened it
to building a new house on a sound foundation in a previous tutorial in this
series. In dismantling the old conditioning through your willingness to do so
and your intent, you are opening the gateways to higher vibrational
frequencies and full integration of your mind, body and spirit.

When you trade from a place of empowerment, connection to the cosmos and
in the full appreciation of your role as an integral part of oneness your life
begins to operate on a very different level. You will stop buying into the old,
dense energies of strive, competition and need and operate from a place of
inner knowing and power.


You have seen how your (trading) reality could expand and be transformed to
a life more worthwhile, happier and more successful if you could let go of
some old beliefs, points of view and judgements. I have opened your eyes to
the importance of acceptance and how to step into a peaceful place with all
your relationships. Being one with all that is, including the markets is the seat
from which trading success and inner joy are created. It really is all very
simple. Learning about techniques and using the best tools to get you thee in
the fastest possible way is a challenge. The Buddhist Trader can help you on
your journey to trading success and open up a very different reality for you. It
will improve much more than your trading.
However the journey is just that: A JOURNEY and not a one day wonder.

I have been through this journey and I can personally guarantee you that the
ideas I have shared with you are the foundation for all success and greater
peace in your life in general too.

What really excites me is this: Every time another human being decides to
take their evolution in their own hands and takes action to improve their
mental and physical wellbeing which inevitably improves their trading, they are
also assisting everybody else on the planet and ultimately the entire cosmos.
You cannot possibly help yourself without helping another. How does it get
any better than this?

Remember this: We evolve as individuals, which is the personal aspect of

evolution and we also evolve together, which is the impersonal aspect of
evolution. This is the part where we mistakenly believed that we cannot
control change. This is only partially so, since we change the world by
changing ourselves. Evolution happens through every single one of us. In this
sense we are co-creators with the universe. “The Buddhist Trader” and my
other work explains the principles in detail from different angles.

My work shows you how you can improve your trading by becoming one with
your intentions and focus.

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Shift is inevitable, it is an ongoing thing. Your power comes through learning

the tools to co-create better trading, more fulfilment and a better live all round

Empower your trading psychology with The Buddhist Trader now.

If you enjoyed this course please like me on Facebook, join me on twitter and
share my website in your trading friends. www.TheBUddhistTrader.com

To your continued (trading) success

Mercedes Oestermann van Essen


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