Grader: A Review of Different Methods of Grading For Fruits and Vegetables

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Grader: A review of different methods of grading for fruits and vegetables

Article  in  Agricultural Engineering International : The CIGR e-journal · January 2013


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5 authors, including:

Sachin Nalawade Sachin Wandkar

Dr. AS College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, MPKV, Rahuri Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University, Jobner, India


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September, 2013 Agric Eng Int: CIGR Journal Open access at Vol. 15, No.3 217

Grader: A review of different methods of grading for fruits and


Dattatraya Londhe1, Sachin Nalawade1, Ganesh Pawar2, Vinod Atkari3*,

Sachin Wandkar4
(1. Department of Farm Machinery and Power, Dr. A. S. College of Agricultural Engineering, MPKV, Rahuri, Maharashtra, India;
2. Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, PDKV, Akola, Maharashtra, India;
3. Department of Processing and Food Engineering, Dr. A. S. College of Agricultural Engineering, MPKV, Rahuri, Maharashtra, India;
4. Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, College of Technology and Engineering, MPUAT, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India)

Abstract: Grading of agricultural produce especially the fruits and vegetables has become a perquisite of trading across borders.
In India mostly fruit growers grade the fruit manually. Manual grading was carried out by trained operators who considered a
number of grading factors and fruit were separated according to their physical quality. Manually grading was costly and
grading operation was affected due to shortage of labor in peak seasons. Human operations may be inconsistent, less efficient
and time consuming. New trends in marketing as specified by World Trade Organization (WTO) demand high quality graded
products. Farmers are looking forward to having an appropriate agricultural produce-grading machine in order to alleviate the
labor shortage, save time and improve graded product’s quality. Grading of fruits is a very important operation as it fetches
high price to the grower and improves packaging, handling and brings an overall improvement in marketing system. The
fruits are generally graded on basis of size and graded fruits are more welcome in export market. Grading could reduce
handling losses during transportation.
Grading based on size consists of divergent roller type principle having inclination, expanding pitch type, inclined vibrating
plate and counter rotating roller having inclination type graders. Weight grading based on density and specific gravity of
agricultural commodities. The need to be responsive to market demand places a greater emphasis on quality assessment,
resulting in the greater need for improved and more accurate grading and sorting practices. Size variation in vegetables like
potatoes, onions provided a base for grading them in different categories. Every vegetable producing country had made their
own standards of different grades keeping in view the market requirements.

Keywords: grading, handling, packaging, color sensor, specific gravity, India

Citation: Londhe, D., S. Nalawade, G. Pawar, V. Atkari, and S. Wandkar. 2013. Grader: A review of different methods of
grading for fruits and vegetables. Agric Eng Int: CIGR Journal, 15(3): 217-230.

Importance of horticulture may not be ignored as the

1 Introduction
horticulture sector contributes about 12% of value added
Agriculture is the back-bone of Indian economy as agriculture. The production of fruits and vegetables at
over 75% of its population is directly or indirectly present is 6.0 million tons and 7.0 million tons
engaged in this profession. Beyond the traditional respectively and will be enhanced to 9.4 million tons and
agriculture, new trends in cropping pattern have been 10.0 million tons, respectively in 2009-10 by Muhammad
recognized for changing the status of rural community. and Muhammad (2007).
Grading of these minor fruits is considered very
Received Date: 2013-04-25 Accepted Date: 2013-07-28
important as it can fetch higher price to the grower.
* Corresponding Author: Vinod Atkari, Department of
Processing and Food Engineering, MPKV, Rahuri, Maharashtra, Grading also improves packaging, handling and other
India. Email: [email protected]. post-harvest operations. Grading is basically separating
218 September, 2013 Agric Eng Int: CIGR Journal Open access at Vol. 15, No.3

the material in different homogenous groups according to facility to alter translation speed, roller rotation speed,
its specific characteristics like size, shape, color and on lighting, scanning and operating position. They set out a
quality basis. It saves time and energy in different number of practical guidelines to achieve optimum
processing operations and reduces the handling losses throughput and quality. They suggested that potatoes
during the transportation. Normally fruits are graded should rotate so that their top surface travels in the
manually in the country. Manual grading is an direction of translation and if possible should be
expensive and time consuming process and even the presented directly to the operator at regular intervals.
operation is affected due to non-availability of labours Translation speed should be 6-9 al per min and rotation
during peak seasons (Narvankar and Jha, (2005). The speed 6-12 r min-1 of translation.
development of graders dated back to five decades ago Mack, Larson and White (1956) designated three
and the first grader designed was simply a crude slat with grades with size range 50 - 57 mm, 57-64 mm, and 64-
a hag attached to the end. Products were inspected on the 71 mm. To grade the apples, they developed a sizing
slat and moved by hand into the bag. These were called belt type grader built from heavy pieces of wire joined
slat graders, which led to development of mechanical together to form square links. The washed apples were
graders. Grading has been changed very little in the last passed through another grading unit that separated the
fifty years. However, the grading process has been fully apples into three grades. They further recommended
mechanized. A mechanical grader consisted of a chain foam padding of 25.4 mm thickness to protect the apples
conveyor belt, with a bag at the end. Smaller produce from bruising.
fell through the chain, making the grading process easier. Houston (1957) studied new criteria for fruit sizing
In Indian grading is still being done by hand. Labor and noticed that various physical properties of the fruits
shortages and a lack of overall consistency in the process such as diameter, circumference and cross- sectional area
resulted in a search for automated solutions. In could be used as sizing criteria.
vegetable grading, the need to be responsive to market Hunter and Meyer (1958) studied apple sorting
demand places a greater emphasis on quality assessment methods and equipment, i.e., sorting tables include one
resulting in the greater need for improved and more with a flat belt, one with longitudinal spiral rolls and one
accurate grading and sorting practices. Size variation in with reverse rotating rubber rollers moving over a
vegetables like potatoes, onions provided a base for plywood frame. Modification as the test proceeded

grading them in different categories. Every vegetable included addition of sorting lanes, variables forward

producing country had made their own standards of speed of rolls and ultimately a new design called the float

different grades keeping in view the market requirements. roll table. The surface of this table consists of small
rubber covered rolls extending across the table. The
2 Material and methods forward motion is controlled by varying the speed at
Various researchers developed many kinds of graders which the rolls move down the table, and the rotating
according to market demand and processing aspects. speed of the fruit is controlled by varying the rate at
Generally grading is done on the basis of size, shape, which the rolls rotate. The cost of labour for sorting a
weight, color etc. Here a number of studies are given amount of fruit was lowest for the float roll table
demonstrated the application of various types of sorter and highest for the belt table. When sorting fruits of
and grader used in the processing of sorting and grading good quality, the relative efficiency of various types of
different types of fruits, vegetables and other agricultural equipment was apparent.
products. Van (1965) developed a spiral tomato-grading
2.1 Size grading machine. With this machine the tomato passed down a
Malcolm and De.Garmo (1953) carried out extensive chute onto a spiral guide and dropped through the
tests on fruits and potatoes using roller tables with the appropriate opening of a rotating disc. Up to 1,400 kg
September, 2013 Grader: A review of different methods of grading for fruits and vegetables Vol. 15, No.3 219

can be graded in an hour. Two or three persons are At this time the root would be roles to the bottom of the
needed to operate the machine. V. The capacity of the unit was 160 bushel h-1 with belt
Burt and Patchen (1966) developed and tested a speed of 27.5 m min-1. Damage was minor and within
unitized machine for sorting, brushing, and sizing apples, acceptable limits, when passing over sizing mechanism.
which used rotating forward moving brushes instead of Potatoes were graded in 2.5 to 6.0 cm and 5.0 to 15.0 cm
rollers as in the conventional roller conveyor. The unit grades.
includes a conveyor for lifting fruit from the float tank to Hunter and Yaeger (1970) conducted a series of tests
the brush conveyor. The conveyor includes lane on a roller table and considered variables like feed rate,
formers, which position the apples for placement on the percentage defective tubers, speed of translation and
synchronized brush rollers. Apples remained between rotation of the rollers, as well as direction of rotation,
the same pair of brushes and in the same lane as they manner of removal of tubers and lighting levels. It was
moved through the complete unit for sorting, brushing concluded that the feed rate could be adjusted to allow
and sizing. Advantages claimed by the developers removal of defective tubers. Considering the mean
include minimum transfer of fruit from one section to weight of tuber as 160 grams, around 6250 defective
another which reduces fruit damage, control of rate and tubers removed each hour. Rollers were reversed so that
direction of fruit rotation and less floor-space requirement the top surface of the potatoes rotated in the direction of
than for conventional grading and sizing lines. translation at 6 r m-1 of translation. At defect level of
Burt (1967) fabricated a brush sizer and sorter for 20% a lower rotation speed was used. In a typical test
apple. Very gentle handling was achieved by using soft above 90% of defective tubers were removed when the
polyurethane rollers, to lift the fruits from the float tank flow rate was about 450 potatoes min-1. In the test they
and to drop them in two lanes on a belt of soft rotating correlated the feed rate, translation of crop and rotation of
brushes. The first 3 m (10 ft) of travel was past sorters, the rollers to remove the maximum defective tubers.
who removed culls and placed second grade fruit between Grover and Pathak (1972) designed and developed a
two lanes. A section followed where brushes rotated at wire belt type of potato sizer capable of sizing the tuber
appropriate speeds for polishing and wipping. Then in into four sizes. The prototype was operated with 2 hp
the sizing section the brushes began to separate, so that electrical motor. The output was found to be 20 to 24
the small apples fell between them first and the larger quintal h with 1% to 10% of brushing and about 94% of
apples at the end. The brushes moved on through sizing efficiency.
cleaning processes and the fruits rolled down a peddled Brantley, Hamann and Whitefield (1975) developed a
incline to take away belt. multiple belt adjustable V-size grader for use in stationary
Goodman and Hamann (1968) designed, developed sweet potato and cucumber packing line application and
and tested a machine to field size sweet potatoes. The tested for reliability and endurance in commercial
sizing of roots was accomplished by having them riding operation. Results showed that product damage was
in a V, which had on open bottom that gradually negligible and average sizing accuracy (with wobble) was
increased in width from the front to the rear of the unit. 95% to 98% for sweet potatoes and 94% for cucumbers.
The sides of V were made up of round, clear vinyl plastic Best results were obtained with a sizing belt speed of
belting driven by step one sheaves keyed to a shaft 1.07 m s-1, orienting the belt at velocity ratio 2.25: 1, and
mounted in pillow block bearing and driven by roller product feed rate less than 2040 kg h-1, though feed rates
chain from a hydraulic motor. The belts near the top of up to 2610 g h-1 did not produce excessive error.
the V have a greater linear velocity than those near the Verma and Kalkat (1975) designed and developed an
bottom. The effect of this differential speed was to expanding pitch rubber spool potato sizer. A prototype
cause any object, such as a root, that fall on the sizing of potato sizer comprises of mainly a sizing conveyor
belts to rotate until its long axis was parallel to the belts. containing rubber spool and two identical driving rollers
220 September, 2013 Agric Eng Int: CIGR Journal Open access at Vol. 15, No.3

with helical groves of gradually increasing pitch. The the small side stream then required manual grading before
performance of expanding pitch rubber spool potato sizer storing fruit in bins. When this process was used,
was studied at three different speed of sizing bed efficiency of manual grading was almost twice that of
corresponding to the helical shaft speed of 190, 110, and conventional procedure because the stream requiring
75 r m . The result showed that there was no inspection was small and the concentration of the culls
appreciable difference in the percentage variation of tuber was 5 to 15 times that in the original fruit. The process
weight collected in different size grade at different speeds. was demonstrated on 1/3 commercial scale in a pilot fruit
The output of potato sizer was found to be about 25 bags receiving system at a citrus processing plant.
per hour. The overall performance of the sizer was Frank et al, (1978) developed a research tool for
found to be quite satisfactory. sorting strawberries by size. A sorter consisting of a
Morgon and Constantin (1976) developed a compact box shaped frame 47 × 47 × 62 cm, with five removable
laboratory seed separator to operate without the limitation drawers was constructed of 6 mm clear Plexiglas. The
of screens. The separator grader was designed primarily top drawers had a mesh of 3.81 cm diameter and the
to sort kernels of cereal grains and it adjusted to permit bottom one 1.91 cm.
selection of numerous size classes on ascending order. McClure and Holmes (1979) investigated an inclined
The range of each size class can be change to meet a vibrating plate as tomato sorter. Separation into red and
requirement for a variety of kernel dimensions. The green fractions was successful for an angle of tilt of 40°
divergent rollers were mounted side by side in an inclined at a frequency of 72 h and amplitude of 0.18 cm, because
position. One roller was rotatable while the other one the green tomatoes bounced down while the red tomatoes
was stationary but adjustable so that the spacing between slided up the incline.
the rollers can be controlled. Seeds were metered Bryan, Jenkins and Miller (1980) reported that the
through a vertical plastic cone to the high-end junction of mechanically assisted manual grading was effective for
the paired rollers. The seed moved down the sorting oranges that contained higher number of decayed
inclined-paired rollers for separation according to size fruits that could be removed by conventional grading
range. The roller speed can be varied by changing procedure at usual unloading rates. A mechanical
diameter of the v-belt drive sheaves. The angle of separator diverted most of the unwholesome orange by
inclination of the paired rollers can be varied through a differences in bouncing behavior into a small side stream
range of 0 to 7 degree of control flow rate of seed along that contained less than 10% of the original fruit stream.
the roller length. The separator grader proved effective Only the side stream required manual grading before
in uniformly sizing cereal grains. storing fruit in bins. The process was particularly
Naugle and Brien (1976) carried out engineering effective for grading loads of mechanically harvested
analysis of a mechanized fruit grading table. The results oranges that contained 75% decayed fruit.
of the study showed that by using the mechanized table Carlow (1980) designed a roller conveyor and fitted
system, saving in the amount of labour requirement for an electronic aid, when unwanted potatoes were touched
manual grading would be realised. Use of spiral drum by hand held wand and a vertically polarized radio
sub-sampler could effectively replace the interim. frequency signal was emitted. The signal was received
Bryan (1978) reported that the mechanically assisted by a matrix of longitudinal and transverse coils situated
manual grading process improved effectiveness of tinder the roller deck. Changes in voltage in the coils
removal of unwholesome or “cull” fruit during the were caused when the wand was energized and used to
unloading of oranges at a processing plant. In this identify the coil intersection nearest to the wand. A
process, most culls were separated mechanically by signal was transferred to shift registers, synchronized
differences in bouncing behavior into a side stream with the grading table motion to operate a
containing less than 15% of the total fruit flow. Only solenoid-actuated rejecter linger when the unwanted
September, 2013 Grader: A review of different methods of grading for fruits and vegetables Vol. 15, No.3 221

potato reached the end of the conveyor. In tests with relationship was not holding well in variety SB-11. While
rubber balls marked to signify a damaged area, it was separation efficiency decreased, angle of inclination of
found that in comparison with a standard roller table, the rollers increased. The overall efficiency of the grader
semi-automatic grader gave 20% improvement in grading was observed to be 71.2%.
efficiency, with a 15% defect level and from 50% to 60% Akinaga and Khoda (1982) developed a sorter in
improvement at 20% defect level. which sorting was done on the basis of dimension of the
Dickens (1980) constructed a peanut sizer using the fruits and vegetables (e. g. length, width). Compared
divergent roller principle for size classification, in which with manual sorting accuracy of the sorter was found to
the product were metered at the high end junction of the be satisfactory.
inclined paired rollers and moved down. Speed and Farher and Bruter (1983) described apparatus for
inclination of the rollers effected speed passage through sorting fruit and vegetables. It comprising rollers
the varying clearance width between the rollers. The mounted on traction elements, guides and an inclined
size classes were collected in the catch pan. board. To reduce susceptibility to damage of the fruit,
Hutchison and McRae (1980) developed a high by preventing them from jamming the output section,
throughput variable aperture grader with parallel rollers. there was a bracket in the output region turning the
That was the simplest sizing machine developed for rollers.
agricultural produce. These had been popular for some Firus and Unbekannt (1985) described the potato
time for crops such as carrots and parsnips, which were of grading accuracy. Grading characteristics at the limit of
cylindrical or tapered profile and would tend to be the set size accuracy were examined in terms of tuber size
damaged and poorly sized through a square-mesh screen. range. It was noted that separation function is
Its efficiency when grading the variety Mark Piper independent of the size composition of the tuber mixture
compared with a hand operated parallel bar riddle was to be separated. Separation function was used to
96.8% at 12 t h throughput, but in comparison with a demonstrate that criteria of separation accuracy
standard square-mesh riddle an efficiency of only 85% (proportion of undersized tuber mixture in a graded lot,
was achieved at the same output. losses of market size tubers, overall grading accuracy and
Singh (1980) developed differential belt speed degree of separation) are dependent upon the size
expanding pitch type potato grader. The main composition of the mixture to be separated.
components of the grader were feed conveyor, frame, Baab and Rohlfing (1986) developed a rational
grading unit, collection platform and power transmission method for sorting sweet cherries. An inclined,
unit. The grader required 1 hp to drive its various adjustable sorting table was illustrated and described. It
components at full load. The maximum separation increased sorting efficiency by 60 to 70% compared with
efficiency at optimum speed (35 r min of grader shaft, previous methods. Using a moving belt for fruit sorting
-1 -1
4.4 m min of belt speed, 17.24 quintal h of feed rate) worked well technically but sorting decreased after two to
was found to be 87%. three h as the sorters became tired.
Gadakh and Gangarde (1981) tested the groundnut Rusalimov (1986) studied grading walnuts according
grader for effect of speed and angle of inclination of to the minimum diameter of their mean cross section. A
rollers on feeding rate and separation efficiency. They prototype grader consisting of two inclined,
graded the groundnut pods of varieties JL-24 and SB-11 counter-rotating rollers was constructed. Optimum
into four different size grades at various combination of parameters for self-cleaning and nut transport were
speed (360, 440 and 560 r m ) and angle of inclination determined. A roller diameter greater than or equal to
(3.5°, 6.0°, and 9.0°) of rollers. They observed that as 96 cm and angle of inclination 12.2° were required to
the speed and angle of inclination of rollers increased, the achieve grading with an accuracy of 90.32% at minimum
feed rate increased in variety JL-24. However, this nut diameter of mean cross section 21.3 to 35.6 mm.
222 September, 2013 Agric Eng Int: CIGR Journal Open access at Vol. 15, No.3

Graders with two and four channels processed 2 and 4 t fruits was 71.71% and 66.75% for chiku fruits. The
nuts per shifts, respectively. overall sorting capacity for lemon fruits was 603.94 kg h-1
Davenel et al, (1988) designated four quality grades and for chiku was 1,189.92 kg h-1.
extra, No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3, having size range >65 mm, Shyam et al. (1990) designed and developed a power
60-65 mm, 55-60 mm and <55 mm respectively. operated sieve type potato grader that was capable of
Posselius and Cox (1988) developed portable melon sorting potatoes into 4 or 5 different sizes or grades.
sizer for research plots. It was designed and tested by The grader gave high sizing efficiency and 20-25 q h-1
using divergent roller concept to grade cantaloupe melons. throughput capacity. The grader employed 10-14
Grading made by an experienced scientist, an attendants and achieved 80%-90% efficiency with
inexperienced novice and the mechanized sizer, were average tuber damage within range of 2%. High labor
compared. The mechanical system was significantly requirement and re-orientation of the product in sieve
faster than the novice and made a similar number of opening were considered as problems and a little bit
sizing errors to the expert. higher skin bruising was observed
Anonymous (1989) developed a hand operated orange Suppavit and Butta (1995) described four grades of
size grading machine which was based on tapering roller onions on basis of size. They developed a belt type
principle. The taper rollers required for this grader was grader to sort exported onions on basis of size. A Belt
fabricated from mango wood. A handle was provided to conveyor was also designed to carry onions from a
rotate the rollers meshed by gears at one end, and to container to a set of metering device. The capacity of'
operate the feeding mechanism. The collecting chutes this machine was &tin/lined by the velocity of the belt.
were made out of gunny bags. Rest of the mechanism was The grader graded the onions into four sizes <70 mm,
similar to the separation part of the previous machine. 70-80 mm, 80-90 mm and >90 mm. These sizes were
The total 160 oranges consisting of 40 of each four grade acceptable for abroad marketing. They further evaluated
were mixed and fed to grader. The distributed lot was its performance at different belt velocities and lend the
collected and passed through the measuring rings, to optimum velocity 0.13 m s-1 of the belt for maximum
confirm its size individually. Six replications were grading capacity of 3,150 kg h-1 with an error of 2.46%.
given with same fruits. The results showed that the new Tariq et al, (1995) described four grades of potatoes
orange grader has around 80% separation efficiency with for marketing purpose i.e., extra-large size (>70 mm),
5000 oranges per hour capacity. over size (55-70 mm), medium size (35-55 mm) and
Nevkar (1990) developed and tested the divergent small size (C 35 mm). Both the researchers had
roller type grader for effect of roller speed, angle of considered the same range (17 to 70 mm) but one had
inclination of rollers, gap between the rollers on capacity designated four grades while other had designated five
and separation efficiency. The fruits were graded into grades.
four different size grades at various combination of speed Patil and Patil (2002) designed, developed and tested
(195, 216 and 278 r m ), angle of inclination (4.59°, 5.6° performance of sapota fruits grader. The machine
and 6.1°) of rollers, gap between the rollers (2.83- 5.00, developed was of divergent roller type. The effect of
2.84-5.20 and 2.87-5.40 cm) for lemon fruits and roller speed and gap between the rollers on capacity and
(3.07-7.00, 3.13-7.20, and 3.16-7.40 cm) for chiku fruits. separation efficiency was also studied. Three rollers
He observed that the capacity of the machine increased speeds (300, 360 and 450 r min ) and three different gap
with increase in roller speeds, inclination of rollers and between the rollers (3.0-5.5, 3.3-6.5 and 3.6-7.5 cm)
gap between the rollers. A decreasing trend was were taken for testing the performance of machine. The
observed for separation efficiency with increase in roller maximum capacity of 1,800 kg h-1 and minimum
speed, angle of inclination and gap between the rollers for capacity of 1,152 kg h-1 were obtained for sapota fruits.
both fruits. The overall separation efficiency for lemon The overall machine sorting capacity for sapota was
September, 2013 Grader: A review of different methods of grading for fruits and vegetables Vol. 15, No.3 223

1,727 kg h-1. The maximum and the minimum elevator feeding unit is provided for constant and uniform
separation efficiency was 87% and 54%, respectively. feeding of fruits into the grading unit. The Inspection
The overall separation efficiency of the machine was plat form is provided for removal of damaged, diseased
72%. and unwanted fruits before they are fed to the elevator
Anonymous (2003) designed and developed a feeding unit. Cushioning material has been glued to the
divergent roller type of onion grader Separation of onion inspection platform, fruit collection tray and flaps to
is achieved on the basis of size. The roller with spacing avoid impact damage at the time of grading. The grader
of 35-80 mm from feed end to discharge end between the has the provision to separate fruits into four grades by
rollers. The spacing between the roller increases feed adjusting flap spacing between 45 to 140 mm. Testing
end to rear end. The onions were graded into four of the fruit grader showed overall grading efficiency of
different grades. The capacity of the grader was 500 91.50% and 88.50%. For sweet lemon and orange,
kg h . Sized onions passing between the rollers were respectively. The capacity of the grader was 3.5 t h-1 at
collected in separate compartment. grading conveyor speed of 6 m min-1.
Anonymous, (2004) designated three grades on basis Ashraf et al, (2007) studied on the design,
of size for local market and these grades were large development and performance evaluation of fruit and
(>60 mm), medium (40-60 mm) and small (20- 40 mm) vegetable grader. Three functional units were fabricated:
while Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board take-in conveyor, grading unit and take-away conveyor,
made a standard for grading of onion on basis of size and and all mounted on a main frame. For optimizing feed
designated five grades 25-35 mm, 35-45 mm, 45-55 mm, rate of the grader, three take-in conveyor speeds 10, 15
55-65 mm, and above 65 mm. and 20 m min-1 were selected to load the crop on the
Ghuman and Kumar (2005) studied on development grading unit at 6, 9 and 12 t h-1 respectively. A drive
of low cost rotary disc size grader for fruits and mechanism with three speed levels 25, 50 and 75 r min-1
vegetables. Grading of fruits and vegetables is an were developed to accommodate the different feed rates.
important operation affecting quality, handling and To convey the graded produce to the packing point
storage of produce. Manual grading is costly, take-away conveyors were developed that operated at
time-consuming and inefficient. A low cost, on-farm three speeds, 5, 10 and 15 m min-1 without causing the
rotary disc size grader was designed and fabricated for mutual collusion of the falling produce from grading unit.
grading spherical fruits and vegetables using rubber balls Increased grading speeds of about 75 r min-1 resulted in
of different diameters in the laboratory. It was observed increased damage index whereas higher take-in conveyor
that the disc speed of 60- 70 r min was the most suitable speeds of about 20 m min-1 resulted in more grading
for proper separation of different grades. The grader errors. Effective human supervision was found
shall be tested for various fruits and vegetables both in important for ensuring smooth operation of the grader.
laboratory as well as in the field. The average grading charges were about Rs.4 per 100 kg
Mangaraj et al, (2005) studied on a stepwise of produce.
expanding pitch fruit grader based on the principle of Ukey and Unde (2010) developed a sapota fruit
changing the flap spacing along the length of movement grader. In order to increase the output of fruit grading and
of fruits. The main components of the fruit grader are save time and labour, a sapota fruit grader based on
grading unit, elevator feeding unit, inspection platform divergent roller type principle was designed and
and power transmission system. The grading unit developed. The best combination of roller speed, its
consists of two tracks of conveyor chains, matching inclination and roller gap was found to be 223 r min-1,
sprockets, stainless steel flaps, conveyor supporters, flap 4.5º and 38 to 64 mm, respectively for highest efficiency
space adjusting mechanism, power source, power of 89.5%. The capacity of machine was 1,440 kg h-1
transmission system and fruit collection trays. The and costed Rs.11, 450/- (without electric motor).
224 September, 2013 Agric Eng Int: CIGR Journal Open access at Vol. 15, No.3

2.2 Weight grading of air bubbles was at atmospheric pressure to emerge

Jager et al, (1958) developed an early type of weight from operation in a rapidly spinning rotor.
grader, which consisted of a rotating hub carrying a Omre and Saxena (2003) designed and developed a
number of radially disposed cups on single leaf spring multi-fruit grader that was capable of grading fruits into
arms. The leaf springs responded according to the four grades (A, B, C and D) on basis of weight. Grade
weight of potato, which was released into the appropriate A (>200 g), Grade B (150-200 g), Grade C (100-150 g)
outlet by a cam rail tipping arrangement. He plotted a and Grade D (<100 g). The performance of the grader
graph of weight against diameter, pointing out that weight was evaluated at different speeds (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and
increases as the cube of the diameter. 30 r min-1) and was found satisfactory at carrier speed 12
Stephenson (1974) developed a handling and sorting and 15 r min-1 with overall grading efficiency about 96%.
system for certain fruits and vegetables. A spiral roller Badhe, Singh and Bhatt (2011) studied on
was constructed using a roller of 2-inch diameter development and evaluation of mango grader. A
aluminium pipe. Foam rubber spirals were tried, but computerized grading machine was developed and
counterbalance weight until such time as the weight of evaluated to grade Alphonso mangoes on weight basis in
fruit causes the beam to tip, discharging the fruit into five grades. Logistic software was developed to run the
padded chutes in weight categories. grader. The performance of the grader was evaluated at
Rana and Chauhan (1985) described four grades and four speeds (480, 600, 720 and 840 m s-1), four
these grades were designated on weight basis. Mostly microprocessor settings (B1, B2, B3 and B4) and their
the researchers designated grades to potatoes on basis of effect was observed on five grades of mango viz., Grade I
size as per demand of the market as described by Roy, (326-375 g), Grade II (276-325 g), Grade III (226-275 g),
Wohab and Mustafa (2005). They designated four Grade IV (176-225 g) and Grade V (< 175 > 376 g) for
grades to potatoes (<28 mm, 28-40 mm, 40-55 mm single lane. The statistically analyzed data showed
and >55 mm. maximum capacity of 950 kg h-1 with maximum grading
Zaltzman and Verma (1985) studied quality sorting of efficiency of 95.13% at 720 m s-1 speed and B4 setting.
agricultural products based on density and reviewed the The cost of manual grading was Rs. 350 per t as against
relationship between quality and density of agricultural Rs. 190 per t for the grader.
commodities and of current separation and sorting 2.3 Screen grading
technologies. The potential of quality sorting with Dickens (1980) studied the effect of screening and
fluidized bed separation for small density differences was screen opening on the market value and quality of
described. farmer’s stock peanuts. Three samples of Virginia type
Meylor and Finn (1994) described a flotation grading farmers stock peanuts were collected at three different
system for operating fruit or vegetable pieces with locations in North Carolina and were sized over rollers
different specific gravity. In which desirable pieces spaced 4.68, 6.25, 7.81, 9.38, 10.94 and 12.50 mm apart.
have a different specific gravity from the undesirable The amount of foreign material, loose-shelled kernels and
pieces, and all have a specific gravity about the same as pods, which rode each spacing was determined. The
that of water. The pieces were placed near the surface kernels shelled from each segregation of pods and the
of a body of water in which a cloud of tiny air bubbles kernels in each segregation of loose shelled kernels were
was maintained. As the bubbles floated to the surface, graded to determine the size of distribution, the amount of
they encountered the articles and slightly increased their splits, the count per pound, the amount of damage and the
bounce. The increase in bounce was slight and uniform, amount of minor defects. The potential market value
so those particles having a density slightly greater than and quality of shelled peanuts produced from the farmer’s
that of the water retained at the water surface, while those stock peanuts that rode each roller spacing was also
of slightly greater density sank to the bottom. The cloud determined. The effects of screening farmer’s stock
September, 2013 Grader: A review of different methods of grading for fruits and vegetables Vol. 15, No.3 225

peanut were studied in relation to the quality of shelled field performance, power source, labour requirement and
peanuts for edible purposes. estimated operational costs of the manual and power
Balls (1986) described the screen or sieve type grader operated size graders were noted.
i.e. the perforated and mesh screen, which is the Shyam, Singh and Singh (1990) designed and
commonest method for two dimensional grading and, like developed a potato grader. Design consideration,
the bar screen, is made either as a rigid screen or in the constructional details, method of operation and
form of a conveyor. The grader screens normally have performances have been reported. On an average, the
square holes, but for some crops, other shapes are grader sorted 20 to 25 q h of seed potato into 4 to 5 sizes
preferable, for example, slotted for narcissus bulbs and employing 0 to 14 attendants. The screen efficiency of
round for tulips. He further described that set of screens the oscillatory sieves ranged from 80 to 90% and average
can easily be changed to obtain a wide range of grading tuber damage was to be within 2%.
capability of the grader. Doriaswatny (2000) developed a sieve type grader for
Hann and Van (1987) studied grading and sorting of grading groundnuts into three different sizes. The
potatoes using a square mesh riddle system with reference output capacity was 600 kg h and was powered by one
to uniformity, accuracy, damage and capacity. Quality horsepower 3-phase electric motor. Re-orientation of
sorting by hand selection, semi-automatic and electronic pods in sieve holes was observed that required
methods was discussed. Ergonomic aspects of hand modification in shaking system. Adler reviewing the
sorting, densities of potatoes to be sorted, disposal literature it was concluded that sieve type graders faced a
arrangement for rejecting potatoes, positioning of same problem of sieve hole blocking.
inspectors, sorting table construction and attainable Roy, Wohab and Mustafa (2005) developed a low
sorting capacity were included. cost potato grader. There were three sieves at an angle
Shyam and Singh (1988) studied on sorting of of 15° with the horizontal and sieves were made of rubber
potatoes into different size graded by mechanical sieving. impregnated al wires. The grader was capable to size
They studied the effect of various parameters on the the potatoes into four sizes with the capacity of 2,030
performance of the experimental power operated sieves kg h-1. Trapping of potatoes in the sieves was observed
for sorting potatoes into four different size grades. and to eliminate the potato trapping, a mechanism for
Results indicated that screen efficiency and blinding of re-orientation of potato tubers was recommended.
sieves increased with decrease in sieve speed, stroke Narvankar and Singh (2005) studied on rotating
length and sieve slope. Screen efficiency was also screen grader suitable for fruits like lemon, ber, aonla to
increased with feed rate in the lower range but decreased grade the samples into 4 grades. The grader was tested
as the feed rate was progressively increased. High for capacity and optimum grading performance as a
screen efficiency upto 93.67% was obtained by providing function of rotating speed of screen, diameter of screen,
little manual assistance to take care of blinding of sieves. exposure length and input each at four levels by using
However, tuber damage was consistently high. second order response surface design in 80 design points.
Shyam and Singh (1988) developed a simple Capacity of the grader varied from 45 to 327.27 kg h-1 for
indigenous manual and power operated mechanical size lemon, 43.63 to 464.51 kg h-1 for aonla and 46.75 to
grader with and without feed conveyor attachments which 436.36 kg h-1 for ber. The maximum grading efficiency
used successfully for sorting seed potatoes at the Central for lemon, aonla and ber was found to be 79%, 93.8% and
Potato Research Institute, Simala. The machine worked 97.96% respectively.
on the conventional principle of sieving. It comprised a 2.4 Electronic color grading and reflectance grading
steel frame, a set of two or three oscillating sieves, a Powers and Gunn (1953) developed a successful
power transmission unit, a stationary sieve feeding chute, experimental machine for sorting lemons colorimetrically
a sorting platform and a bag filling device. The average into four classes prior to storage. There was no
226 September, 2013 Agric Eng Int: CIGR Journal Open access at Vol. 15, No.3

significant difference in spoilage between the machine a color sensor, which differentiates the color of materials,
stored and hand sorted fruits. The methods and and the television camera, which differentiates shape and
apparatus used could be applied to sorting other fruits and size of material and mechanical instruments for
vegetables. classification of materials and for calculation control.
Heron and Zachariah (1974) studied an automatic Barresi and Blandini (1988) developed automatic
sorting of processing tomatoes. A wide belt high citrus grading devices. An automatic machine graded
capacity concept of color sorting was introduced. The oranges in real time, according to quality and appearance
sorter viewer observed three possible states, unriped by optical methods. Laboratory and field trials results
tomato (rejects), riped tomato (no action) and background. suggested that it was possible to reduce up to 70%
The amount of background observed by the viewer when workers in citrus pack-houses.
a tomato was only partially in view was determined by Delwiche, Tang and Mehlschau (1989) developed a
the inherent focusing of a sorter-viewer. Test results single lane firmness sorting system, which conveyed fruit
showed that it was possible to increase the scanning horizontally at constant speed (76.6 cm s-1) and caused
speed (for increased capacity) to desired levels without them to impact on a rigid surface. Approximately 74%
detrimental effects on sorting accuracy. of the peaches were sorted into correct firmness range.
Stephenson (1974) developed an electronic detection Gaffney (1973) studied citrus grading by automation.
and high-speed rotary gate controls for sorting machine of The technique involved measuring the amount of light
harvested tomatoes. First on a sequence of operation, a reflected from skin defects compared with that reflected
means of singulation of fruits was accomplished, from the normal fruit surfaces. In studies on light
followed by scanning of each fruit for color by reflected reflectance characteristics of citrus fruits with a double
light. Photocell sensors, an integrated circuit beam recording spectrometer and reflectance attachment,
comparator and a controlled rotary gate detected and a reflectance difference of at least 15% between defective
rejected green fruit at speeds up to eight fruits per fruit and normal fruit surfaces was recorded. For each fruit
per channel. Sorting accuracies of 98 to 95% were variety a single wavelength bond was formed that could
obtained, sorting speeds up to six fruits per second per be used for detecting difference between the various
channel. Performance at higher speeds showed reduction defects and the normal fruit surfaces.
in sorting accuracies. Nahir and Ronen (1986) introduced tomato grading
Anonymous (1980) reviewed an electronic color by impact force response. Some theoretical consideration
sorter for sorting of fruits. In ‘Electrosort’ system of the based on Newton’s laws of motion was presented, a
DeccoTibelt Company, for hard fruit, as tomatoes, mathematical model for tomatoes at time of impact was
peaches, plums, avocados, potatoes, lemons, papayas, and discussed and solutions for measurements and grading
pineapples, washed and/or waxed fruit comes into the error evaluations were proposed. A mechanical
color sorter scanner, separated into individual container separation system (conveyor, measuring impact or
for each fruit and weighted. The greater than 12 size separating mechanism, data processing section) indicated
broke and 5 color separations allowed sorting into up to that the impact force response method was equal or
48 selection standards, with automatic packing and superior to conventional methods for grading tomatoes in
completely accurate grading. The food machinery terms of weight, stiffness and color.
corporation system used an electronic scanning and a Noordam and Otten (2000) studied on high-speed
central control unit also receiving weight and size data potato grading and quality inspection based on a color
and steering the fruit (in individual cups) towards a vision system. A high-speed machine vision system for
packing line at a speed of 300 cups per lane per min. the quality inspection and grading of potatoes has been
Kodaira (1982) described a fruit and vegetables sorter developed. The vision system graded potatoes on size,
with a video sensor. The system is mainly composed of shape and external defects such as greening, mechanical
September, 2013 Grader: A review of different methods of grading for fruits and vegetables Vol. 15, No.3 227

damages, rhizoctonia, silver scab, common scab, cracks Basically, two inspection stages of the system can be
and growth cracks. A 3-CCD line-scan camera identified: external fruit inspection and internal fruit
inspected the potatoes in flight as they passed under the inspection. The former task was accomplished through
camera. The use of mirrors obtained a 360-degree view processing of color images, while internal inspection
of the potato and the lack of product holders guaranteed a required special sensors for moisture, sugar and acid
full view of the potato. To achieve the required capacity contents. In this paper, an efficient algorithm for
of 12 t h , 11 SHARC Digital Signal Processors grading lemon fruits was developed and implemented in
performed the image processing and classification tasks. visual basic environment. The system consists of two
The total capacity of the system was about 50 potatoes CCD cameras, two capture cards, an appropriate lighting
per second. The color segmentation procedure used system, a personal computer and other mechanical parts.
Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) in combination with The algorithm initially extracted the fruit from the
a Mahalanobis distance classifier to classify the pixels. background. The samples of different grades of lemon
The procedure for the detection of misshapen potatoes were situated in front of the cameras and were calibrated
uses a Fourier based shape classification technique. off-line.
Features such as area, eccentricity and central moments 2.5 Miscellaneous grader
were used to discriminate between similar colored defects. Malcolm and De.Garmo (1953) tested a Roller table
Experiments with red and yellow skin-colored potatoes grading mechanism to grade fruits and potatoes. They
showed that the system was robust and consistent in its recommended several practical guidelines for optimum
classification. throughput and quality to be achieved. They suggested
Ahmad et al, (2010) studied on development of that potatoes should rotate so that their top surface
automatic grading machine prototype for citrus using traveled in the direction of translation and if possible
image processing. The grading machine consists of a should be presented directly to the operator at regular
rotating fruit feeder, a belt conveyor, a color CCD camera intervals. They further recommended 6-9 m min-1
placed in an image acquisition chamber, four openings translation speed and 6-12 r m-1 of translation speed.
each for a different grade of citrus, four collecting boxes Surprisingly, the percentage of defects appeared to have
to accommodate the graded citrus, a logic control panel, a little adverse effects on inspection efficiency, but for each
computer with an image frame grabber, and developed type of defect sought in the sample, a drop of 3% in
software to run all the installed hardware. The efficiency occurred.
performance test for the grading machine then was Srivastava, Shukla and Srivastava (1995) developed a
conducted, and the result of citrus classification was potato-cum-onion grader. It consisted of a frame, an
observed visually to determine the performance of the elevator, feed conveyor, a sizing conveyor, an
machine. The testing results showed that the machine intermediate receiving conveyor, a sizing conveyor with
prototype could work properly, and the classification of rubber spools and power transmission system. Sizing
citrus could be done based on the fruit size as accuracy was better round shaped varieties than oblong or
conventionally done, added by the skin color of citrus as irregular shaped varieties.
an improvement to the manual sortation. Liu (1989) developed a self-propelled sizing machine
Khojastehnazhand, Omid and Tabatabaeefar (2011) that consisted of three layers of inclined rotating parallel
studied on development of a lemon sorting system based rollers supported at each end. The spaces between the
on color and size. Grading systems give us many kinds rollers were such that the undersized fruit passed through
of information such as size, color, shape, defect, and to the second layer and the larger fruit was retained and
internal quality. Among these color and size are the rolled to the end of the unit for collection. The second
most important features for accurate classification and/or and the third layer of rollers functioned exactly the same
sorting of citrus such as oranges, lemons and tangerines. as the first layer. Four different size classes of fruit
228 September, 2013 Agric Eng Int: CIGR Journal Open access at Vol. 15, No.3

could be separated with this unit. Each layer of rollers such as oranges, lemons and tangerines. A rotating
was constructed as a module and could be replaced easily. screen grader is suitable for fruits like lemon, ber, aonla
Therefore, the same machine could be used for sizing etc. Citrus grading is normally achieved based on external
different tree fruit by changing the roller module. visible criteria including size, shape, and color of the
fruits. Grading based on size is easy and less expensive
3 Conclusions
according to other methods of grading and used for
Normally fruits are graded manually in India. Manual grading of potato, onion, tomato, apple etc. Weight
grading is costly, time-consuming and inefficient. grading of fruits and vegetables based on its density and
Grading of fruits and vegetables is an important operation specific gravity. Electronic color grading is done for
affecting the quality, handling and storage of produce. highly perishable fruits and vegetables. This method is
Grading systems give us many kinds of information such costly but higher accuracy of grading. Electronic color
as size, color, shape, defect, and internal quality. grading and reflecting color grading is used for apples,
Among these color and size are the most important tomatoes, papayas, pineapples grading.
features for accurate classification and/or sorting of citrus

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