Aquinas Metaphysics - CWK

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Aquinas’ Metaphysics: Following Aristotle’s rejection of Plato’s Transcendental Forms, Aquinas holds that essences do not have an independent

existence of
actual beings, substances. Rather, the forms exist in things, not in a transcendental realm (for example, the essence of being exist in actually existing humans).

I. He was largely 1. He held that substances consist of MATTER-LESS EXISTENCE:
concerned with matter & form, neither of which can SUBSTANCES:
1. Distinction between form 1. Aquinas seeks to distinguish
substances: their exist by itself. & matter can be thought of
cause, nature, 1. Aquinas agrees w/ between what a thing is, its
a. By itself, matter has no properties, as a distinction between essence, & that a thing is, its
why they change, Aristotle’s analysis of
although it has the potential to take on potentiality & actuality:
& what ends they substance as informed matter existence or being. (it is its
serve. properties. a. Matter by itself has no definition). You can understand
insofar as corporeal substances
b. Properties have no existence except form, thus it has potential are concerned, that is, the a thing’s essence, what it is,
2. What is a to take on form.
in matter; they are what make matter into material objects that populate without knowing whether it
substance? A thing
an actual substance. b. The form it takes on is the sensible world. exists. For example, you can
that can have an
what enables it to undergo a. Because matter is basis of know what a unicorn is without
independent c. It is matter that individuates (to give
change, thereby becoming corporal substances, & because knowing whether one exists, or
existence: individuality) substances-that makes it
actual. corporeal substances are indeed, even knowing that none
(e.g., a dog is a possible for there to be two of exactly exists.
substance because c. Form is what makes extended, Aquinas thinks of
the same kind of thing. For example,
it can exist by itself; in
consider 2 copies of this chart. What makes matter into substance, that matter as being extensive
contrast to the color 2. In Being and Essence,
them different charts, even though they are makes it potentiality become quantity.
blue-for it can only exist Aquinas tells us
exactly alike in their properties, is their actual.
in something else)
matter, not their properties,or form. If there 2. Matterless Substances: “...essence...designates that
were no matter, there could not be multiple d. Aquinas example of There are substances with no through which and in which a
3. Substances are instances of the chart, or of anything else. bronze statue: (1) Bronze out matter at all; they are being has the act of existing.”
what God created of which statue is made is incorporeal (angels & human He does not mean that to have
& continues to d.Substances have have substantial
like matter; (2) Shape it take souls): simple substances, once an essence is to exist. Rather,
create: forms & accidental forms:
on becoming status is like created are immortal, & having an essence is what makes it
a. Corporeal (1) A substantial form is what makes a form. (3) The bronze out of no parts, they can’t deteriorate. possible for a substance to have
substance, that is, thing the kind of thing that it is, or which statue is made has existence as that kind of
a. They consist of form only,
the material world. without which it would not be that potential to become a statue. substance. For example, human
for they are not extended.
kind of thing (e.g., substantial forms of (4) The form of the statue, it being could not exist without a
b. Incorporeal b. While matter can’t exist by
living things is a soul), for it is the soul that shape is what makes the rational soul. However, this is
substance, that is, itself, uninformed (agrees with
makes a living thing to be alive, enabling its bronze statue into an actual not to say that a rational soul
angels & human activities: growth, nutrition, reproduction, Aristotle), he believes some
statue. Ex. is not perfect causes humans to exist. In a
souls. perception, etc). Your substantial form is a forms can exist by themselves,
because bronze itself is a sense the explanation is the
rational intellect or soul; without that, neither insofar as incorporeal
Aristotle or Aquinas thinks you would be the kind of substance, that is, reverse: Existence causes
The idea of substantial forms substances are forms without
kind of substance you are, a human being. it can exist by itself. essences. An essence is caused
dominates greek philo- matter.
Ultimately, the matter out of to have actual being by an act of
sophy & medieval philo- (2)An accidental form is a property that c. Even though they have no
which all things are existing. For example, your
sophy, but has fallen out of thing happens to have, but could exist matter, they still have
constituted is prime or first humanness is caused to exist by
favor in modern philosophy. without (e.g., your hair color is an potentiality
matter, which has no your act of existing.
It was abandoned for a accidental property; you can change hair d. Since they have no matter,
mechanical, or “bottom-up” color, but you would still be you). properties, but has the
there can only be one 3. The cause of the existence of
organization. potential to take on any
incorporeal substance of any an actual being is not
given kind (e.g., only one self-caused, but created by God-
What is substantial form? there are things called Forms (or Ideas), and they are what organizes matter and makes angel of any given kind). whose essence is existence.
it intelligible. Substantial forms are the source of order, unity, and identity of objects. Substantial forms are what is e. Only God is pure actuality.
delivered to us through sensation and thus are a solution to the problem of universals.

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