Replaceable Grouted External Post-Tensioned Tendons: October 2019

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The document discusses the development of guidance for fully replaceable grouted external tendons for post-tensioned concrete bridges to address issues with corrosion of existing external tendons.

The document provides guidance on developing a replaceable grouted external post-tensioning system to allow for replacement of tendons without complex and time-consuming procedures that pose safety concerns.

Corrosion of prestressing strands has required replacement of external post-tensioning tendons in several existing post-tensioned bridges. Currently, external tendons are discretely bonded at anchorages and deviator locations, making replacement complex and time-consuming with safety concerns.

Replaceable Grouted External

Post-Tensioned Tendons

Publication No. FHWA-HIF-19-067

October 2019

This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation
(USDOT) in the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for the
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1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient’s Catalog No.

4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date
October 2019
Replaceable Grouted External Post-Tensioned Tendons 6. Performing Organization Code:

7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No.

Ledesma, T.

9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No.

11. Contract or Grant No.
WSP USA DTFH61-14-D-00048
One Penn Plaza, 2nd floor, 250 W 34th Street NY 10119
New York
United States

12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period
14. Sponsoring Agency Code
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Infrastructure – Bridges and Structures
1200 New Jersey Ave., SE
Washington, DC 20590

15. Supplementary Notes

Work funded by task order “Advance Concrete Bridge Technology to Improve Infrastructure Performance” between

16. Abstract

Corrosion of prestressing strands has required replacement of external post-tensioning tendons in several existing
post-tensioned bridges. External tendons are commonly used in concrete box girder bridges constructed using the
span-by-span or balanced cantilever methods. Currently in the US, external tendons are discretely bonded at
anchorages and deviator locations. Replacement of these types of tendons is a complex and time-consuming
operation with safety concerns for personnel. Under task order 5009, WSP conducted a state-of-the-art review,
then developed and presented guidance for fully replaceable grouted external tendons. Specific details included
post-tensioning system components, structural design and detailing aspects, and tendon installation and
replacement procedures.

17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement

No restrictions. This document is available to the public
Post-tensioning, bridge design, box girder, through the National Technical Information Service,
replaceable, deviator, diablo, double enveloped Springfield, VA 22161.

19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price
Unclassified Unclassified 47 Free
Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized.

1.0 INTRODUCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1-1

1.1 Background -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-1
1.2 Objectives ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-1
1.3 Review of Other Replaceable Tendon Concepts --------------------------------1-2

2.0 REPLACEABLE EXTERNAL TENDON CONCEPT ------------------------------2-4

2.1 Current Detailing of External Tendons----------------------------------------------2-4
2.2 Proposed Detailing of External Tendons -------------------------------------------2-7

3.0 DIABOLOS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-1

3.1 Cross Section Shape -------------------------------------------------------------------3-1
3.2 Basic Geometry --------------------------------------------------------------------------3-4
3.3 Diabolo Uses -----------------------------------------------------------------------------3-5
3.4 Half-Shell Cushion Form System ----------------------------------------------------3-8

4.0 POST-TENSIONING ANCHORAGES ------------------------------------------------4-1

5.0 TESTING-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5-1
5.1 SR 826/ SR 836 Interchange Design-Build Project, Miami, FL ---------------5-1

6.0 DESIGN PARAMETERS -----------------------------------------------------------------6-1

6.1 Tendon Curvature Effects -------------------------------------------------------------6-1
6.2 Diabolo Dimensions---------------------------------------------------------------------6-2
6.3 Deviators with Diabolos ----------------------------------------------------------------6-3

7.0 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS ----------------------------------------------7-1

7.1 Diabolo Construction -------------------------------------------------------------------7-1
7.2 Grouting of External PT Tendon -----------------------------------------------------7-3
7.3 De-tensioning an External PT Tendon----------------------------------------------7-4
7.4 Stressing of New External PT Tendon----------------------------------------------7-6

8.0 REFERENCES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------8-1


Figure 1-1 Typical External Tendons in a Box Girder------------------------------------- 1-1

Figure 2-1 Typical External Tendon Details ------------------------------------------------- 2-4
Figure 2-2 Bonded Rigid Steel Pipes in Deviator ------------------------------------------ 2-5
Figure 2-3 Bonded Rigid Steel Pipe in Diaphragm ---------------------------------------- 2-5
Figure 2-4 Cracked Concrete Anchor Block During De-tensioning -------------------- 2-6
Figure 2-5 Rigid Steel Pipe Pull-out Resulting in Spalled Concrete ------------------- 2-6
Figure 2-6 Replaceable External Tendons using the Double Envelope Concept -- 2-7
Figure 3-1 Alternative Diabolo Cross Section Shapes ------------------------------------ 3-2
Figure 3-2 Rendering of Trumpet Shaped Diabolos at a Deviator --------------------- 3-3
Figure 3-3 Rendering of Race Track Shaped Diabolos at a Deviator ----------------- 3-3
Figure 3-4 View of External Tendons at a Deviator --------------------------------------- 3-4
Figure 3-5 Diabolo Form Basic Geometry --------------------------------------------------- 3-5
Figure 3-6 Elevation View of a Span-by-Span Bridge with External Tendons ------ 3-6
Figure 3-7 Type 1 Form at Deviator----------------------------------------------------------- 3-6
Figure 3-8 Type 2 Form at Pier Diaphragm for a Continuous Tendon ---------------- 3-7
Figure 3-9 Type 3 Form near Anchorage ---------------------------------------------------- 3-7
Figure 3-10 Type 4 Form near Anchorage -------------------------------------------------- 3-8
Figure 3-11 DSI PE Deflection Half Shell Systems ---------------------------------------- 3-9
Figure 3-12 DSI Half Shell Inserts in Diaphragm during Installation------------------ 3-10
Figure 3-13 DSI PE Half Shell Inserts ------------------------------------------------------- 3-10
Figure 4-1 DSI External PT Plate Anchorage System ------------------------------------ 4-1
Figure 4-2 VSL Type A Plate Anchorage System ----------------------------------------- 4-2
Figure 4-3 VSL Type GC Anchorage System for External Tendons ------------------ 4-2
Figure 5-1 ETAG 013 Deviator Test Set-up for Static Load Test ---------------------- 5-2
Figure 5-2 Diabolo Test Specimen Prior to Concreting----------------------------------- 5-2
Figure 5-3 Diabolo Testing in Progress ------------------------------------------------------ 5-3
Figure 5-4 Stressing Jack Fully Retracted--------------------------------------------------- 5-3
Figure 5-5 Duct Internal Area Wear after Testing------------------------------------------ 5-4
Figure 6-1 Minimum Tendon Radii and Tangent Length --------------------------------- 6-1
Figure 6-2 Deviator Design --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-3
Figure 7-1 Diabolo Constructed using Removable Form – During Construction --- 7-1

Figure 7-2 Diabolo Constructed using Stay-In-Place Form------------------------------ 7-2
Figure 7-3 Diabolo Constructed using Removable Form – After Construction------ 7-2
Figure 7-4 Current Grouting Detail for Tendon at Diaphragm--------------------------- 7-3
Figure 7-5 Proposed Grouting Detail for Tendon at Diaphragm ------------------------ 7-3
Figure 7-6 Proposed Grouting Detail for Tendon at Diaphragm ------------------------ 7-4
Figure 7-7 Tendon De-tensioning Schematic ----------------------------------------------- 7-5
Figure 7-8 U-bolt Clamps around Strands --------------------------------------------------- 7-6
Figure 7-9 Stressing End Clearance Diagram ---------------------------------------------- 7-7
Figure 7-10 Anchorage Clearance at Interior Diaphragm for Span-by-Span
Construction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-9
Figure 7-11 Non-Stressing End Anchorage Clearance at End Diaphragm ---------- 7-9


Table 1-1 External Tendon Requirements in Various Countries ----------------------- 1-3

Table 6-1 Minimum Tendon Radii and Tangent Lengths at Anchorages------------- 6-2
Table 6-2 Minimum Tendon Radii at Deviators -------------------------------------------- 6-2
Table 7-1 Minimum Stressing Jack Envelope Dimensions ------------------------------ 7-8

Adjustable PT – Post-tensioned tendon in which the stressing force can be modified
during the life of the structure if needed.

Balanced Cantilever – Segmental bridge erection method where segments are

alternately erected outward starting from pier.

Blister – A concrete block with prismatic shape where a tendon is anchored outside of
the main concrete section.

Deviator – A concrete block attached to the main concrete section to change the
direction of an external post-tensioned tendon.

De-tensionable PT – Post-tensioned tendon detailed to allow the prestressing force in

a tendon to be relieved without damaging the existing tendon or structure.

Diabolo – A formed void in a deviator or diaphragm with trumpet shaped ends to align
and direct an external tendon through the concrete section.

Double envelope concept – Replaceable external tendon utilizing diabolo forms and
guide pipes where the whole tendon, including anchorages is detailed so that no
integral connection is made to the structure.

External tendon – A tendon located external to the concrete section and is thus an
unbonded tendon.

Filler material – Material used to fill the space between post-tensioning strands and
tendon duct. The most common filler material used is grout but grease or wax are
also used.

Guide pipe – A structural assembly that aligns and directs the tendon at the anchorage
location and provides separation between the anchor body/trumpet and duct to the
surrounding concrete section.

Half-Shell Form System – A tendon deviation system comprised of curved cradle

forms nested inside a circular tube.

Replaceable PT – Post-tensioned tendon designed and detailed to allow speedy

removal and replacement without causing structural damage.

Span-by-Span – Segmental bridge erection method utilizing either underslung or

overhead gantries to erect and assemble precast segments one span at a time in a
linear fashion.

ASBI – American Segmental Bridge Institute

EPDM – Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer

EOTA – European Organization for Technical Assessment

ETAG –European Technical Approval Guideline

fib – International Federation for Structural Concrete

HDPE – High-density Polyethylene

GUTS – Guaranteed Ultimate Tensile Strength

PE – Polyethylene

PP – Polypropylene

PT – Post-tensioned or Post-tensioning

SETRA – French Technical Department for Transport, Roads and Bridges.


1.1 Background
Due to corrosion of prestressing strands, several existing bridges in the United States
(US) have required replacement of external tendons. External tendons are commonly
used in concrete box girder bridges constructed using the span-by-span or balanced
cantilever methods. Currently in the US, external tendons are discretely bonded at
anchorage and deviator locations. Figure 1-1 shows typical external tendons in a
span-by-span box girder. The replacement of these types of tendons is a complex and
time-consuming operation with safety concerns for personnel.

Courtesy of Teddy Theryo

Figure 1-1
Typical External Tendons in a Box Girder

There is significant opportunity to further improve the state of practice for post-
tensioned (PT) bridges. Replacement of external PT systems can be greatly
advanced using currently available tools and technologies.

1.2 Objectives
The objective of this report is to develop and present guidance for fully replaceable
grouted external tendons. Specific items of interest include post-tensioning system
components, structural design and detailing aspects, and tendon installation and
replacement procedures. Additionally, specification language is proposed for
adoption into the PTI/ASBI M50.3 Guide Specification for Grouted Post-Tensioning.

Components required for tendon replaceability such as guide pipes or double trumpets
at tendon anchorages and diabolo forms at diaphragms and deviators are existing
technologies although their use is not widespread in the US. Part of the goal of this
report is to compile these existing techniques and present background information.

1.3 Review of Other Replaceable Tendon Concepts

From 1994 to 2005, several bridges in France exhibited durability issues with their
grouted external tendons and some bridges required removal and replacement of their
external tendons [18]. After this experience, new projects were required to have
replaceable external tendons.

There are several strategies for replaceable external tendons in Europe:

A. Implementation of flexible filler materials (grease or wax).

B. Implementation of mono-strand greased and sheathed tendons.

C. Implementation of diabolo form at deviators, and diaphragms (double envelope

concept) in combination with A and B strategies.

The French Technical Department for Transport, Roads and Bridges (SETRA) later
prohibited grease and replaced it with wax filler material.

Japan, on the other hand, implemented epoxy coated strands without any filler in their
external tendons. The epoxy coated multi-strands are not bonded to the deviator or
diaphragm but pass through plastic / steel pipes.

In early 2014, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) issued Structures

Design Bulletin 14-06 [12] requiring the use of flexible filler material in lieu of grout for
certain tendon types. This is the first official replaceability requirement for external
tendons by an owner in the US. In December of 2016, the Virginia Department of
Transportation (VDOT) issued Instructional and Informational Memorandum IIM-S&B-
91 requiring the use of flexible filler material for external tendons and stainless-steel
strands with grout for internal tendons [28]. VDOT also required tendons with flexible
filler to be replaceable.

A survey of several countries around the world found replaceable external tendons
are required, while some countries also require tendons to be de-tensionable and
adjustable as shown in Table 1-1 below.

Table 1-1
External Tendon Requirements in Various Countries

Country De-tensionable Replaceable Adjustable (2)

France Yes Yes No

Germany Yes Yes Yes

Japan No Yes No

USA No Yes (1) No

(1) Florida [12] and Virginia [28]

(2) Ability to re-stress the tendon

The double envelope concept (see Section 2.1) can be used to provide replaceability
for external tendons with any type of filler material. However, flexible filler materials
are required for de-tensionable and adjustable tendons.

In France and Germany, both flexible filler materials and double envelope details are
implemented at the same time.


2.1 Current Detailing of External Tendons

Typical construction details for external tendons consist of curved rigid steel pipes
embedded in the deviators and diaphragms (see Figure 2-1). The free length between
steel pipes consist of high density polyethylene (HDPE) duct which are then coupled
to the steel pipes using neoprene sleeves and steel band clamps (see Figure 2-2 and
Figure 2-3). Prestressing strands are installed, stressed and grouted in the tendon

This type of construction detailing does not easily allow the replacement of tendons
since separating the strands from the embedded anchorages and pipes in the
deviators and diaphragms requires chipping or water-blasting of grout inside the
tendon duct. The replacement of these types of tendons quite often results in
secondary damage to deviators and diaphragms where the tendons are embedded in
the concrete section (see Figure 2-4 and Figure 2-5).

Grout Inlet

Figure 2-1
Typical External Tendon Details

Courtesy of Teddy Theryo

Figure 2-2
Bonded Rigid Steel Pipes in Deviator

Courtesy of Teddy Theryo

Figure 2-3
Bonded Rigid Steel Pipe in Diaphragm

Courtesy of Teddy Theryo

Figure 2-4
Cracked Concrete Anchor Block During De-tensioning

Courtesy of Teddy Theryo

Figure 2-5
Rigid Steel Pipe Pull-out Resulting in Spalled Concrete

2.2 Proposed Detailing of External Tendons
The focus of this study is to develop guidance and standard details for replaceable
grouted external tendons using the double envelope concept, although the concepts
presented herein can be applied to other filler materials.

Implementation of double envelope details for grouted external tendons results in

post-tensioning that is not bonded to the concrete at any location along the length of
the tendon. Force from the post-tensioned tendon is transferred to the superstructure
by bearing plates at the anchorages and bearing of the tendon duct against the
concrete at the diaphragms and deviators. Some of these anchorage types are very
similar to stay cable anchorages. The use of guide pipes or double trumpets at
anchorages and diabolo forms at diaphragms and deviators permit this force transfer
(see Figure 2-6).

Grout Inlet

Figure 2-6
Replaceable External Tendons using the Double Envelope Concept


Diabolos typically refer to the shaped voids which allow external tendons to deviate
through a concrete element while minimizing stress concentrations along the interface
with the concrete element. Diabolos can be used at deviators, blisters, end
diaphragms and intermediate diaphragms of box girder bridges. The voids may be
constructed using removable and reusable form tools or may be constructed using
permanent forms.

3.1 Cross Section Shape

Diabolo forms may be configured into many different shapes and orientations. Several
diabolo shapes are shown in

Figure 3-1 including; (a) basic trumpet shape, (b) trumpet shapes at ends of a straight
pipe, (c) trumpet shapes at ends of a curved pipe, and (d) race track form.

The trumpet shape allows tendon deviations in the vertical and horizontal directions
(see Figure 3-2). To minimize the spacing required at entry and exit points, the use
of straight or curved pipes between the trumpet ends may be considered. The race
track shape may also be used (see Figure 3-3), however, the race track shape allows
tendon deviation and provides tolerances for misalignment in one direction only.
Figure 3-4 shows a bridge with trumpet shaped and race track shaped diabolos at a

There are many alternative diabolo geometries and orientations that can be achieved;
however, the trumpet shaped form will mainly be discussed in this report. The primary
reason diabolos are used is to simplify forming and construction detailing.
Complicated forms and geometric requirements negate some of the main advantages
for using the diabolo form. However, each project is unique, and the designer may
modify the details as appropriate for the project.

Elevation View Section

Figure 3-1
Alternative Diabolo Cross Section Shapes

Figure 3-2
Rendering of Trumpet Shaped Diabolos at a Deviator

Figure 3-3
Rendering of Race Track Shaped Diabolos at a Deviator

Courtesy of Teddy Theryo

Figure 3-4
View of External Tendons at a Deviator
(Race track and circular shaped diabolo forms)

3.2 Basic Geometry

The basic diabolo form geometry is presented in Figure 3-5. The basic diabolo shape
consists of a trumpet shaped curve with constant radius. The controlling parameter
for the diabolo geometry is the tendon deviation angle, α, measured between the axis
of the diabolo and the centerline of the tendon.

The force in the tendon is transferred to the concrete section by radial force between
points of tangency (PT) and centered at the point of curvature (PC) along the diabolo
form. To allow for construction tolerances and prevent concrete spalling due to kinks
or hard points, points of tangency shall be set back from the concrete face of the
deviator or diaphragm. To accomplish this, it is recommended that the exit angle of
the diabolo form, β, is three degrees greater than the tendon deviation angle and
tangent point is at least 6” from the face of concrete.

It is recommended that the minimum inside diameter of the diabolo form is at least
one-half inch larger than the outside diameter of the tendon duct. This one-half inch
gap allows the deformed duct to pass through the diabolo void in the event
replacement of the tendon is required. Refer to Section 7.2 for further discussion and
recommendations on diabolo geometry.



½” gap

Figure 3-5
Diabolo Form Basic Geometry

3.3 Diabolo Uses

To accommodate complex external tendon layouts in post-tensioned bridges, the
diabolo form can be differentiated into several types, depending on the location and
particular geometry of the external tendons. Figure 3-6 shows a typical span-by-span
segmental bridge. Various locations where diabolos may be used are identified in the
figure and correspond to the form types shown in Figures 4-7 to 4-10.

1 - Form type
Figure 3-6
Elevation View of a Span-by-Span Bridge with External Tendons

The Type 1 form is typically used at deviator locations. The continuous curvature of
the diabolo is simple to construct and is typically used where the deviation angle is
moderate and the length of the concrete element in which the tendon is passing is
through is relatively short.

Figure 3-7
Type 1 Form at Deviator

The Type 2 diabolo form may be used at interior diaphragm locations when it is
desirable for the tendon to pass through the diaphragm and anchor at a location away
from the diaphragm. As the diaphragm thickness increases, it becomes more difficult
to minimize the diabolo dimensions at the exit ends if using the Type 1 form. The
addition of a straight or curved constant diameter section may be used between the
diabolo ends in this instance. Note that this detail currently does not meeting current
grouting practices where a grout outlet is required at the high point. Refer to Section
7.2 of this report for further discussion and details.

Figure 3-8
Type 2 Form at Pier Diaphragm for a Continuous Tendon
The Type 3 and Type 4 diabolo forms are used at anchor locations. The Type 3 form
pictured in Figure 3-9 shows a tendon anchored horizontally with deviation at the exit

Figure 3-10 shows a tendon anchored at an angle and also angled at the exit end.
Both forms consist of a guide pipe with a diabolo form at the exit end. The shape of
the guide pipe at the anchorage end will depend on the type of anchorage supplied
as discussed in Section 5.0 and may be constructed horizontal or angled.

Figure 3-9
Type 3 Form near Anchorage

Figure 3-10
Type 4 Form near Anchorage

3.4 Half-Shell Cushion Form System

The diabolo forms shown in the previous sections are the most common method of
deviating tendons while allowing replaceability. However, alternative systems may be

Half-shell Cushion Form System is an alternative detail to provide replaceability. In

this system, a set of polyethylene (PE) cradles housed in straight tubes are utilized to
provide support at deviation points as shown in Figure 3-11 to Figure 3-13.

α α

Figure 3-11
DSI PE Deflection Half Shell Systems

Courtesy of Teddy Theryo

Figure 3-12
DSI Half Shell Inserts in Diaphragm during Installation

Courtesy of Teddy Theryo

Figure 3-13
DSI PE Half Shell Inserts


Replaceability requires that the entire tendon including strands, grout and PE duct be
removable and replaceable after tendon de-tensioning. To allow for this operation,
the anchorage system is slightly different from the typical bonded system where the
anchor body is cast into the concrete. There are several anchorage types currently
available that allow replacement of the tendons. One system uses a guide pipe with
bearing plate cast into the concrete. Strands are seated in the anchor head (wedge
plate) which bears against the guide pipe bearing plate to transfer force to the concrete
section as shown in Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2. An alternative anchorage system uses
a more conventional anchor body and trumpet system. In this system, a separate
inner trumpet and duct system is inserted into the outer anchor body and duct which
allows future replaceability as shown in Figure 4-3.

Anchorage systems are proprietary, and each supplier will have slightly different
systems to accommodate replaceability. The designer should schematically show the
anchorage system and guide pipe assembly and require the post-tensioning supplier
to submit shop drawing details for the designer to review and approve.

Figure 4-1
DSI External PT Plate Anchorage System

Figure 4-2
VSL Type A Plate Anchorage System

Figure 4-3
VSL Type GC Anchorage System for External Tendons


In Europe, the European Organization for Technical Assessment (EOTA) issues

guidelines for the requirements and testing of construction products not covered by a
European Standard (EN). Post-tensioning systems must meet requirements specified
in the European Technical Assessment Guidelines (ETAG) 013 – “Guideline for
European Technical Approval of Post-Tensioning Kits for Prestressing of Structures.”
A European Technical Assessment (ETA) is a document that provides information
about the performance of the product in relation to the ETAG.

In the United States, however, there is very little information regarding testing of
diabolos and geometric requirements. One such case where testing was performed
is discussed below. The tests specified in Section 6.1 are recommended for adoption
into PTI/ASBI M50.3 Guide Specification for Grouted Post-Tensioning.

5.1 SR 826/ SR 836 Interchange Design-Build Project, Miami, FL

The application of diabolo forms at deviators of external tendons was proposed as a
technical innovation in 2010 by the winning design–build (D/B) team of SR 826/SR
836 Interchange Project in Miami, Florida. The motivation for the diabolo proposal
was to simplify and expedite the installation of external tendons. FDOT post-
tensioning Specifications 462 prohibited the use of diabolo forms for external tendons
at that time due to lack of experience with them (FDOT has revised its policy and
diabolo forms are now allowed). However, FDOT would accept the proposal provided
the D/B team perform two tests to meet the FDOT Modified Special Provision. The
requirement was to test a deviated external tendon duct passing through a diabolo
without causing excessive damage to the tendon sheathing. The two tests were

(a) Wear and Creep Test - The wear creep test is the modified test required
by ETAG 013 – Post-Tensioning Kits for Prestressing of Structures,
Section 6.1.5-I and test procedure specified in Annex B.5.1.

(b) Flexibility of Duct Test - The flexibility test is based on fib Bulletin 7
Section 4.1.3 requirement and test procedure specified in Annex A3.

The D/B team proposed to test four 19-0.6” diameter strand tendons with radius of
curvature of 10’ and angles of deviation ranging from 0.1 radians (5.7 degrees) to 0.4
radians (22.9 degrees). The specimens were tested between February 10, 2011 and
March 4, 2011 [30]. Figure 5-1 shows the test set-up requirements from ETAG Annex
B.5.1 [4].

Figure 5-1
ETAG 013 Deviator Test Set-up for Static Load Test

Figure 5-2 to Figure 5-5 show the testing performed by VSL for FDOT. The test report
concluded that the tests were successful and met the Modified Special Provision

Courtesy of Structural Technologies

Figure 5-2
Diabolo Test Specimen Prior to Concreting

Courtesy of Structural Technologies

Figure 5-3
Diabolo Testing in Progress

Courtesy of Structural Technologies

Figure 5-4
Stressing Jack Fully Retracted

Courtesy of Structural Technologies

Figure 5-5
Duct Internal Area Wear after Testing


6.1 Tendon Curvature Effects

Curved tendons transmit radial forces to the structure and need to be addressed in
design and structural detailing. The radius requirements depend on their locations
along the tendon as shown in Figure 6-1. The radius requirement adjacent to
anchorages is typically larger than away from anchorages. The minimum tangent
length is the straight length along the centerline of the tendon from the point of
curvature to the anchor bearing plate. This minimum straight length of tendon is to
ensure that strands enter the anchor head without excessive kinking, which can
reduce fatigue life and anchorage efficiency.

At Deviator At Anchorage
Figure 6-1
Minimum Tendon Radii and Tangent Length

Based on European Technical Assessments (ETA) [5] [6] [7] [8] of various post-tensioning
suppliers meeting ETAG 013 requirements and test results from the project in Florida
[30], the recommended minimum radii and tangent lengths for different sizes of tendon

are listed in Table 6-1 and Table 6-2. The designer should verify the dimensions
based on the selected post-tensioning system as the requirements differ slightly.
Refer to FDOT Structures Manual [14] for alternative minimum tendon radii and tangent

Table 6-1
Minimum Tendon Radii and Tangent Lengths at Anchorages
Tendon Size Minimum Radius (feet) Min. Tangent Length (feet)
7-0.6” 9.8 2.5
12-0.6” 11.5 3.3
15-0.6” 12.3 3.3
19-0.6” 13.1 3.9
22-0.6” 13.9 3.9
27-0.6” 14.8 4.3
31-0.6” 15.6 4.8

Table 6-2
Minimum Tendon Radii at Deviators
Tendon Size Minimum Radius (feet)
7-0.6” 6.6
12-0.6” 8.2
15-0.6” 9.0
19-0.6” 9.8
22-0.6” 10.7
27-0.6” 11.5
31-0.6” 12.3

6.2 Diabolo Dimensions

The ratio of duct inside cross-sectional area to prestressing steel area remain
unchanged from AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications Article
requirements. The inside duct area shall be 2.0 times the net area of the prestressing
steel, except where tendons are installed by the pull-through method, in which case
the inside area shall be 2.5 times the prestressing steel area.

It is recommended that the minimum inside diameter of the diabolo form is at least
one-half inch larger than the outside diameter of the tendon duct. This one-half inch
gap allows the deformed duct to pass through the diabolo void in the event
replacement of the tendon is required.

The main concern is the durability of the duct due to deformations during stressing of
the tendon. The duct is not confined by the concrete section and is free to deform and
expand. The diabolo inside diameter to tendon duct outside diameter varies along the
length of the contact area as the diabolo form flares out. Durability associated with
duct size to diabolo dimensions is addressed by testing in accordance with ETAG 013,
Section 6.1.5-I. Note that this section allows that previous known successful behavior
may be considered sufficient. Testing every diabolo to duct combination need not be
required unless the minimum radius of the diabolo uses smaller radii than shown in
Table 6-1 and Table 6-2.

6.3 Deviators with Diabolos

The design of deviators shall follow the requirements of AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications, Article and include in-plane forces and regional bending
effects (transverse bending effects within the cross-section).

Deviators design using diabolo forms differ from deviators using individually bent steel
pipes. The contact length where the tendon bears against a diabolo form is typically
shorter than when using pre-bent pipes which leads to more concentrated or larger
tie-down reinforcement requirements.

Diabolo Embedded Bent Steel Pipe

Figure 6-2
Deviator Design


7.1 Diabolo Construction

Diabolo forms may be constructed in one of two ways; use of removable form or stay-
in-place forms. It is expected that the final formed surface is smooth with no
irregularity in surface exceeding 1/8”.

Solid nylon and PE forms can be removable (Figure 7-1) or stay-in-place (Figure 7-2).
The Type 2 through Type 4 forms discussed in Section 4.3 are typically stay-in-place
due to the length and complexity of the shape. Figure 7-3 shows a diabolo at a future
tendon deviator constructed using a removable wood form.

Courtesy of Jerry Pfuntner.

Figure 7-1
Diabolo Constructed using Removable Form – During Construction

Courtesy of Structural Technologies

Figure 7-2
Diabolo Constructed using Stay-In-Place Form

Courtesy of Tony Ledesma

Figure 7-3
Diabolo Constructed using Removable Form – After Construction

7.2 Grouting of External PT Tendon
Grouting of replaceable external PT tendons shall follow current PTI M55.1-12
Specification for Grouting of Post-Tensioned Structures. The location of grout inlets,
outlets and inspection ports shall follow the details shown in Appendix C of that
document. One difference that needs further investigation and discussion with PTI M-
55 Grouting Committee is the Type 2 diabolo form used for a continuous tendon
through a pier diaphragm as depicted in Figure 3-6, Figure 3-8 and Figure 3-13.
Current requirements require a grout outlet at the high point of the tendon as shown
in Figure 7-4. The proposed Type 2 diabolo form with an outer guide pipe would
prevent placing the grout outlet at the high point. It is recommended that additional
testing be performed to determine if proper grouting can be achieved using the
proposed details shown in Figure 7-5 and Figure 7-6. Vacuum or vacuum assisted
grouting may also be considered to minimize risk of voids at the high point.

Refer to PTI M55.1-12, Appendix C, Profile 13

Figure 7-4
Current Grouting Detail for Tendon at Diaphragm

a) Saddle with Curved Profile

b) Saddle with Horizontal Profile

Figure 7-5
Proposed Grouting Detail for Tendon at Diaphragm

Figure 7-6 shows the details for the above grouting schematic. Grout outlets are
placed as close as possible to the pier diaphragm. Duct couplers are placed 1 meter
(39 in) from the diaphragm face to allow room for the grout outlet connections.

a) Saddle with Curved Profile

b) Saddle with Horizontal Profile

Figure 7-6
Proposed Grouting Detail for Tendon at Diaphragm

7.3 De-tensioning an External PT Tendon

Prior to de-tensioning a tendon, assess the structural capacity to determine what level
of dead load and live load can safely be carried. Limit live load and construction loads
on the structure as appropriate.

De-tensioning an external tendon is a dangerous operation. There is a substantial

amount of potential energy stored in the strands. As the tendon is cut, the energy in
the strands is released away from the cutting location. De-tensioning a tendon can

be achieved by either cutting or burning the strands. Burning/heating the strands with
an open flame is typically not performed for tendons located inside the box girder due
to confined space requirements. The heat generation, ventilation requirements, and
safety concerns typically rule out this option. Heating the strands at the end
anchorages is feasible to release some of the energy in the strands. The typical
method of detensioning the tendons is to incrementally cut the strands in an attempt
to release the energy in the strands in as slow a manner as possible.

Additional personnel shall stay away from the tendon and from behind anchorages
during de-tensioning operations. Installation of a steel containment plate behind the
anchorages is encouraged. If the tendon is being replaced due to corrosion in areas
of voids or soft grout, sections of strand may not be bonded to hard grout. Since grout
is injected into the tendon duct after tendon stressing, compression in the grout is low.
As the strands are cut, the force is transferred to the surrounding grout similar to a
pretensioned girder. In the case of poorly grouted sections of tendon; the energy may
be released more suddenly.

First, tie the tendon to be de-tensioned to adjacent tendons to control potential

whiplash. Cut away the duct and chip out as much grout around the strands as
possible at the cut locations. Cut the tendon near the center and move towards the
anchorages as shown in Figure 7-7. At the cut location, use U-bolt clamps to restrain
the strands during cutting as shown in Figure 7-8. Cut the tendon into large pieces as
shown in Figure 7-7, and then into short pieces approximately 5 feet long to release
remaining potential energy in the strands.

Figure 7-7
Tendon De-tensioning Schematic

Courtesy of Teddy Theryo

Figure 7-8
U-bolt Clamps around Strands

7.4 Stressing of New External PT Tendon

The sizes of external tendons in post-tensioned bridges typically range from 12-0.6”
to 27-0.6” strands. Shorter single span tendons typically require single end stressing,
while long multi-span continuous tendons may require double end stressing. Access
to tendon anchorages is generally limited inside a box girder bridge. It is important to
have sufficient clearance and space behind the anchorages for setting up the
stressing jacks. All external tendons should be detailed to allow future jacking with a
multi-strand jack.

Figure 7-9 shows the typical clearance requirements for stressing a multi-strand
tendon. Figure 7-9a shows the clearance required for positioning the stressing jack.
Adequate room for the strand projection plus the length of the stressing jack is
required. Figure 7-9b shows the clearance required during stressing operations. The
lengths and diameters of stressing jacks used by the various post-tensioning suppliers
varies considerably. Therefore, the designer should refer to supplier data and
conservatively evaluate the clearances required.

a) During Positioning

b) During Stressing
Figure 7-9
Stressing End Clearance Diagram

Recommended minimum end clearances associated with Figure 8-9a at the stressing
end anchorage based on information from PT supplier brochures [17] [29] are shown in
Table 7-1 along with minimum end and lateral clearances recommended by FDOT [14].
The designer should verify the dimensions based on the selected post-tensioning
supplier’s stressing jacks during design and shop drawing review.

Table 7-1
Minimum Stressing Jack Envelope Dimensions

End Clearance Lateral Clearance

Tendon Size PT Supplier
(feet) (feet)
7-0.6” 6’-0” 7’-8” 1’-3”
12-0.6” 6’-0” 7’-8” 1’-3”
15-0.6” 6’-0” 10’-0” 1’-3”
19-0.6” 6’-0” 10’-0” 1’-3”
22-0.6” 7’-0” 10’-0” 1’-3”
27-0.6” 7’-0” 10’-0” 1’-3”
31-0.6” 7’-0” 10’-0” 1’-6”

The designer should consider future replacement of the tendon and not only
clearance during construction. Figure 7-10 shows typical stressing operations for
span-by-span segmental bridge construction. During construction, tendons are
typically stressed from the leading end of the span. During tendon stressing, the
forward span has not been constructed and the stressing jack can easily be
accommodated as shown in Figure 7-10a. After the forward span has been
constructed, in the event of tendon replacement, conflicts between the stressing jack
and the top slab arise as shown in Figure 7-10b. Reliance on curved stressing
chairs or beveled plates should be avoided.

a) Stressing during construction – no conflicts

b) Stressing after tendon replacement – stressing jack conflicts with top slab
Figure 7-10
Anchorage Clearance at Interior Diaphragm for Span-by-Span Construction

Figure 7-11 shows the clearance diagram at the non-stressing end of the tendon. The
non-stressing end clearance requirement is reduced but should still be sufficient to
accommodate tendon replacement for the specific anchorage type used in the bridge.
Specific anchorage replacement items include anchor body replacement, inner
trumpet replacement, and adequate space for anchorage to duct connections,
grouting operations, and strand tails. The recommended minimum clearance is 2’-6”.

a) Tendons installed b) Anchor replacement

Figure 7-11
Non-Stressing End Anchorage Clearance at End Diaphragm

Additional consideration should be given to the permanent access openings in the
bridge. External access opening and internal openings at the diaphragms should be
large enough to deliver and transport the equipment required for stressing. A clear
pathway without transverse ribs or other obstructions along the box girder is also
helpful for transporting equipment and materials. Temporary access openings may
be constructed but their size may be limited based on the presence of internal
longitudinal and transverse tendons in the top slab. Careful measures should be taken
to ensure that internal post-tensioning is not damaged when creating temporary
access openings. Temporary access openings also create additional joints that are
susceptible to water intrusion.

1. AASHTO. “LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 7th Edition with 2016 Interims.”
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, D.C.
2. The Concrete Society. Technical Report No. 72, “Durable Post-tensioned Concrete
Structures,” Report of a Concrete Society Working Party, Berkshire, England, 2010.
3. ENV 1992-1-5. Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures. Structures with Unbonded
and External Prestressing Tendons.
4. ETAG 013. “Guidelines for European Technical Approval of Post-tensioning Kits for
Prestressing of Structures”. EOTA, Brussels, Belgium, June 2002.
5. European Technical Assessment ETA-06/006. July 28, 2011. VSL, Post-Tensioning
System – Post-tensioning Kits for Prestressing Structures, Koeniz, Switzerland.
6. European Technical Assessment ETA-06/0226. March 19, 2013. Freyssinet System,
“Post-tensioning kit for prestressing of structures”, Paris, France.
7. European Technical Assessment ETA-07/0186. October 19, 2015. Dywidag-Systems
International, “SUSPA Systems External Prestressing System with 30 to 84 Prestressing
Steel Wires”, Vienna, Austria.
8. European Technical Assessment ETA-13/0979. June 27, 2013. Dywidag-Systems
International, “External and Internal unbonded Strand Post-Tensioning Systems for 3 to
37 strands”, Paris, France.
9. Evans, J., Bollmann, H. “Detensioning an External Prestressing Tendon.” Florida
Department of Transportation, ca. 2000.
10. fib. Bulletin No. 7. “Corrugated Plastic Ducts for Internal Bonded Post-Tensioning.”
International Federation for Structural Concrete, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2000.
11. fib. Bulletin No. 75. “Polymer-Duct Systems for Internal Bonded Post-Tensioning.”
International Federation for Structural Concrete, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2014.
12. FDOT. Structures Design Bulletin 14-06. “Revisions to Policy for Post-Tensioning
Tendons.” FDOT State Structures Office, Tallahassee, FL, April 30, 2014.
13. FDOT. Structures Design Bulletin 16-07. “Design and Detailing Requirements for Post-
Tensioning Tendons.” FDOT State Structures Office, Tallahassee, FL, July 22, 2016.
14. FDOT, Structures Manual, Topic No. 625-020-018. Florida Department of
Transportation, Tallahassee, FL, January 2019.
15. FHWA, Post-Tensioning Tendon Installation and Grouting Manual, Version 2.0, May
2013, FHWA-NHI-13-026.
16. Freyssinet. “Freyssinet Prestressing” catalogue. May 2010, Velizy, France.
17. Freyssinet. “The C-range Post-Tensioning System” catalogue. August 1999, Velizy,
18. Goldsberry, B., Hamilton, T., Robertson, R., and Theryo, T. “Flexible PT Duct Filler
Material for Tendon Corrosion Protection.” FDOT, Parsons Brinckerhoff and University
of Florida, Tallahassee, FL, December 2013.

19. Menn, Christian. “Prestressed Concrete Bridges,” Springer-Verlag, Wien, 1986.
20. Pearson-Kirk, D. “Managing Post-Tensioned Bridges – Better than Before,”
Proceedings of Concrete Solutions, 5th International Conference on Concrete Repair,
Belfast, Northern Ireland, September 1-3, 2014.
21. Pfuntner, J. “External Tendons with Diabolos – Making Something Out of Nothing,”
Aspire, The Concrete Bridge Magazine: 30-31, Fall 2015.
22. PTI M50.3-12, “Guide Specifications for Grouted Post-Tensioning,” Post-Tensioning
Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, June 2012.
23. PTI M55.1-12, “Specification for Grouting of Post-Tensioned Structures,” Post-
Tensioning Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, April 2012.
24. SETRA-LCPC. January 2008. Information notes to raise awareness of existing
structures with external prestressing protected by cement grout in contact with the
tensile elements, Bagneux Cedex, France.
25. SETRA. October 2013. Replacement of External Post-tension in Pont-a-Mousson
Viaduct, Bagneux Cedex, France.
26. SETRA. February 1990. External Prestressing, Bagneux Cedex, France
27. Traute, Markus, Weiher, Hermann. June 2011. “Improved Sustainability in Post-
Tensioning by Replaceable Internal Unbonded Tendons,” DSI.
28. VDOT Structure and Bridge Division Instructional and Information Memorandum (IIM-
SB-91). “General Requirements for the Usage, Design and Specification of Post-
Tensioned Bridge Superstructures.” VDOT Structure and Bridge Division, Richmond,
VA, December 13, 2016.
29. VSL International Ltd. 1991. “Detailing for Post-tensioning,” Bern, Switzerland, VSL
Report Series 3.
30. VStructural LLC/VSL. 2011. “ECI 6-19 External tendon Diabolo Wear Resistance and
Flexibility Testing in Accordance with FDOT Supplemental Specifications 462-4.8,”
Springfield, VA.
31. VSL International Ltd. July 2008. “VSL External PT tendons with Monostrands,” Report
No. 498, Bern, Switzerland.
32. VSL International Ltd. April 1988. “External Post-Tensioning.” Bern, Switzerland


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