My Study Notebook: Prepared By: Angustia Pahuyo Maslog Teacher 1, Aposkahoy NHS

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Prepared by:
Teacher 1, Aposkahoy NHS
In this session, you will be able to:
 Understand the vital considerations in
unpacking and combining MELCs
 Unpack and combine sample MELCs
 Affirm that unpacking and combining
MELCs provide curricular flexibilities to
field implementers.

Lesson 1: Background, Rationale and
Development of MELCs
Lesson 2: Unpacking and Combining
MELCs into Learning Objectives
 LAC Session 2


3 hours

This module 2 helps me bring to the fullest in

guiding and figuring myself to believe that we
need to adapt the changes that we had today.
Through the resources of our facilitators it helps
me a lot to begin a new hope for our learners.
Activity 1
1. The closure of schools around the world due to the global pandemic posed serious
challenges on the delivery of quality basic. education. As a teacher, what do you think
are the fundamental concerns in terms of curriculum standards that need to be
addressed in order to ensure learning continuity? Cite a specific for example. Do you
think these concerns could be solved by teachers alone? Why or why not?
Ans: In this global pandemic that we are facing right now, this will make the learning
process into more difficult to achieve. This also brings a big challenge to the Department of
Education in pursuing the learning continuity plan to our learners in a new normal way.
The best way to address the problem is to adapt the new normal situation shifting the face-to-
face classroom learning into a distance or modular learning.
Many are still struggling to adapt this new trends since we’ve been into face-to-face type of
teaching for so long.. there are some parents also that are afraid to enroll their children that
is being a challenge for us teachers in convincing the parents to let their children not to
missed this school year.
The curriculum must still be able to attain by our learners even they are the only one who
can comprehend what we give to them.. each module has learning competencies that at the
end of the day we can check if they attained it or not.
2. Even prior to the spread of COVID-19 that eventually led to the closure of schools
nationwide, the congested curriculum has been a perennial problem of teachers
(Andaya, 2018). This is perceived to be one of the hindering factors on the poor
performance of Filipino learners. Do you agree with this observation? Why or why not?
Ans: Yes, I agree, in the Department of Education several curriculums had been laid
and adapt for the purpose of achieving higher standard education achieving to produce
globally competitive learners someday. But there it takes a village to raise a child along the
learning process. Students can’t cope all the content standard that must be attained at the
end of the lesson, because when you’re going to assess all the learners they may find it hard
to finish some activity in each quarter due to limited time allotment.

Activity 2
1. What are the general and specific purposes of the development of MELCs?
Ans-The Department of Education's Bureau of Curriculum Development developed
MELCs to cope with the change in the educational atmosphere due to Covid 19 pandemic.
The focus of instruction were streamlined to the most essential or the most indispensable
learning competencies.
-MELCs is also developed in response to UNESCO's fourth sustainable development goal
and that is to develop resilient education systems, most especially during emergencies.
-MELCs can be used as a springboard mechanism to ensure education continuity.
-the MELCs aims to assist every school in navigating the limited number of school days with
all the preparations of all schools in providing an ample instructional space.
2. How does curriculum review aid in the identification of essential learning
Ans: The curriculum introduces students to basic concepts, subjects, and methods in
identifying of the essential learning competencies that a student must attain the content
standards of the curriculum. This is what the curriculum reviews mapped pertaining to
analyze the interconnectedness of prerequisite knowledge and skills among the learning
competencies for each subject area.
-Curriculum review mapped also identify the ladder steps of the learners on where and how
they improved there learning insights in leading them to step into higher order thinking skills
in attaining also our lesson objectives. This what we identify the ladder as for improvement
that would enhance the learning engagement, experience, and outcomes and consequently
recommend solutions
4. Now were the most essential learning competencies identified? What were the
decisions made in order to trim down the number of the essential learning competencies
Learning competencies are identified by knowing the following characteristics.
Ans: -it is applicable to real-life situations
-since we are spiral in educating our learners, it is very important to instill to their minds of
the lesson being discussed each day by day. This will measure what are the competencies
acquire by our learners in meeting the standards. Through assessment, this will help us also
teachers to identify our learners if they truly understand what we taught to them and by
giving them recognition and promotion to the next level.
--it is aligned with national, state, and/or local standards/ frameworks (e.g., scientifically-
literate Filipinos)
-it would not be expected that most students would learn this through their
parents/communities if not taught at school
-it connects the content to higher concepts across content areas
5. What is the importance of the MELCs in ensuring the delivery of quality instruction?
Ans: MELCS serves as a teacher guides in preparing our lesson (weekly home
learning plan) and instructional materials (Self- Learning Modules)
-MELCs ensures delivery of quality instruction as it becomes the primary reference in
determining and implementing learning delivery approaches. The education sector is not
spared from the COVID-19 pandemic which continue our team in Department of Education
on crafting out the modules, preparations for the opening of classes, giving webinars to the
teachers in order to be equipped in adapting to challenges posed by COVID-19.
Activity 3
SUBJECT: Personal Development K12 Learning Competencies MELCS

Merged/Clustered Explain that knowing oneself can 1. Explain that knowing oneself
make a person accept his/her can make a person accept his/her
strengths and limitations and strengths and limitations and
dealing with others better; EsP- dealing with others better;
PD11/12KO-Ia-1.1 2. Share his/her unique
characteristics, habits, and
Share his/her unique experiences; and
characteristics, habits, and (Personal Development Quarter 1)
experiences; EsP-PD11/12KO-Ia-

Retained 3. Start a Journal Diary to be

sustained at the end of subject
course. EsP-PD11/12KO-Ib-1.3

Drop n/a n/a

Prepare a copy of your learning area's original K-12 Curriculum Guide and
corresponding list of MELCs. Go to the sections of the curriculum guide and
MELCs that are relevant to your instructional needs. Copy and accomplish the
following table and compare the two documents to determine which learning
competencies were retained, dropped, or merged.

Activity 4
In your LAC Session, discuss and share your answers to Activities 1-3 in this lesson.
Discuss any questions about the MELCs that need clarification as well. Share your
thoughts and let your co-teachers articulate their insights regarding your questions. Jot
down all the insights shared in the discussion, including your own.
As we go on with our LAC Session MELCS serves as a teacher guides in preparing
our lesson (weekly home learning plan) and instructional materials (Self- Learning
The group also shares their insights during the LAC Session that MELCS can be used
under similar circumstances as a mechanism to ensure education continuity (curriculum
And as for my own insight with our LAC Session about the MELCS is we are also
defined as one of the essential learning contributors to the nutshells of our learners; thus, it
is considered as an indispensable tool in the teaching-learning process

Lesson 2:
Unpacking and Combining MELCs into Learning Objectives

Activity 1
1. What Is the importance of unpacking and combining the MELCs?
-We need to unpacked MELCS in order to help us systematize learning activities and effectively gives
the needs of our learners and by embracing challenges in the field of instructional delivering modes.
2. What considerations must be taken in unpacking and combining the MELCs? Explain each.
In unpacking MELCs we must consider the following:
-Alignment on the Content and Performance Standards- The MELCS are not departure from the
standard-based design. We must consider this to achieve a quality teaching output.
-Prerequisite knowledge and skills - curriculum objective must be hierarchy. Mastering Fundamental
knowledge Is a must before going to the other level of learning.
-Logical sequence of learning objectives - We can’t give a better learning ideas to our students if our
objective is not logical sequence. Planning what are the most important objective is key frame in
achieving better understanding of our learners.
3. Do all the MELCs need to be unpacked or combined? Why or why not?
-We as the facilitator of learning must unpacked or combined the MELCS because we have different
sequence of our subjects, it may vary to the different learning styles of the learners and also this will
help the teachers to easily assess the level of knowledge that the leaners possess. From that the progress
of the learners is being recognized and the content and standard will be achieved.

Activity 2
1. Form a group of four members within your LAC, preferably with fellow teacher's in your respective
learning area.
2. Using the curriculum guide and a list of the MELCs, choose MELCs in the first quarter and unpack these
into learning objectives.
3. Each team will present their unpacked learning objectives.
Discussion and processing will follow each presentation. Suggestions and insights from each group will be
considered in enhancing the learning objectives
Activity 3


LAC ID (name or number): GROUP 9

Number of LAC members:

Name of LAC Facilitator:


LAC Members:

contact mode
Male/ DESIGNATION/ Contact details (email, (email, phone,
Female POSITION mobile number) Skype, Zoom,
Google Meet,
Viber, FB)

Gretchen FEMAL T-III/SIC PANAMPAW 09755251539/ Email,

P. E - COACH A gretchen.manoop@d Phone,
Manoop N E/S Google
Meet and FB

Janel C. FEMAL T-I MAT-I CS 09974751685/ Email,

Miranda E DOCUMENTE janel.miranda Phone,
R Google
Meet and FB

Florencio MALE MT-I MAT-I CS 09264356047/ Email,

A. Virador -LEADER florencio.virador Phone, Google
Meet and FB

Pedro MALE T-I SAN 09978377155/ Email,

Zaballero ROQUEES pedro.zaballero Phone, Google
Meet and FB

Marygay FEMAL T-I BULAHAN IS 09207621729/ Email,

Zate E marygay.zate Phone, Google
Meet and FB

Angustia FEMAL T-I APOSKAHOY 09260667805/ Email,

Maslog E NHS angustia.maslog@de Phone, Google
Meet and FB
Richel FEMAL T-I MALAGANA richel.menisterio@d Email,
Menisterio E NHS e Phone, Google
Meet and FB

Louela FEMAL T-I BULAHAN IS 09352777038/ Email,

Sabiahan E louela.sabiahan Phone, Google
Meet and FB

Lorna FEMAL T-I LANISE ES 9069531211/ Email,

Aringo E lorna.aringo Phone, Google
Meet and FB

Alcuin MALE T-I LUNA IS 09264553483/ Email,

Cahayaga alcuin.cahayagan@d Phone,
n Google
Meet and FB

Cheryl FEMAL T-I MALAGANA 09476794205/ Email,

Balaba E ES cheryl.balaba Phone, Google
Meet and FB

Melda FEMAL T-I MAT-I ES 09051844805/ Email,

Pondulan E melda.pondulan Phone, Google
Meet and FB


This form should be accomplished by each LAC Member at the end of every LAC session.






Part A
Please indicate the extent to which you agree with each of the following statements by
the appropriate box. (SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; N = Neutral; A = Agree; SA =
Strongly agree)

Comments / Remarks
(For example, if you disagree
or strongly disagree, please
SD D N A SA indicate why.)


1. I learned a lot from my

colleagues in this LAC session.

2. The LAC session deepened

my understanding of the SLM

3. My perspective on the topic/s

covered has changed as a
result of the LAC session.

4. I participated actively in the

LAC session by sharing my
assignment and insights,
asking questions, and giving
feedback on what colleagues

5. I interacted with different

people during the LAC


6. I feel motivated to apply in

my region/division/district
what I have learned in this

7. I intend to apply what I have

learned from the lesson in my

Part B
Please provide the information requested.

1. I need further clarification and/or resources on the following topics:

2. I encountered the following problems or challenges:

3. Other comments/suggestions:

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