MODULE 2.docx by Mitch

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By the end of this module, you will be able to:

1. Explain the background and development of the MELCs

2. Unpack the MELCs
3. Combine related competencies into learning objectives

Lesson 1. Background, Rationale, and Development of MELCs

Lesson 2. Unpacking and Combining MELCs into learning Objectives


By the end of the lesson, you should be able to familiarize yourself with the background,
rationale, and development of MELCs. In this session, you will be able to:

1. Identify the background and basic process of the identification and development of the
2. Make sense of the function of MELCs as an educational response to a global health crisis
3. Appreciate the MELCs as support for teachers during this time

Key Topics/ Concepts

Curriculum standards; essential learning competencies; desirable learning competencies;

enduring knowledge

Resources Required

Development and Design of MELCs

Your learning area’s original K-12 Curriculum Guide and corresponding list of MELCs
Activity 1:

1. The closure of the schools around the world due to pandemic posed serious challenges on
the delivery of quality basic education. As a teacher, what do you think are the fundamental
concerns in terms of curriculum standards that need to be addressed in order to ensure learning
continuity? Cite a specific example. Do you think these concerns could be solved by teachers`
alone? Why or why not?

Our capacity is facing health crisis brought about by COVID 19. With the stringent physical distancing
and community quarantine imposed by the IATF and LGUs, basic education is among the sectors which
have been affected as schools and community learning centers are closed for physical conduct of classes.
This however, should not hinder education to continue. But the problem is how the teachers will teach
the most essential learning competencies without having face to face classes. It is big challenge for us on
how are going to do this. This concern cannot be solved by the teachers alone; we need the help and
guidance of our school leaders and supervisors to give us technical assistance and motivation. Parents
and other stakeholders can get involved and share responsibility for developing lifelong learners.

2. Even prior to the spread of COVID 19 that eventually led to the closure of schools nationwide,
the congested curriculum has been a perennial problem of teachers (Andaya 2018). This is perceived to
be one of the hindering factors on the poor performance of Filipino learners. Do you agree with this
observation? Why? or Why not?


Yes I do agree. We all know that curriculum is important in educational system for it helps in planning
the education process or procedure for a given period. In setting, it cannot be denied the fact that we have
congested curriculum which probably one of the reasons why our learners have poor performance in
school. In some instances, there are topics or skills that require a couple of days or weeks to be taught but
since the time is limited we need to fast forward the discussion or lesson just to meet the time frame
given. And with this, we fall to give full instructions on the topic which results on the poor performance
of the learners.

Activity 2

1. What are the general and specific purposes of the development of MELCs?

Answers: The release of the MELCs is not just a response to addressing the challenges of the current
pandemic but is also part of the Department’s long-term response to the call of SDG4 to develop resilient
education systems, most especially during emergencies. Thus, it can be used under certain mechanism to
ensure education continuity through the curriculum dimension. The MELCs will enable the Department to
focus instruction to the most essential and indispensable competencies that our learners must acquire as
we anticipate challenges in learning delivery. It will also lighten the burden of converting classroom-
oriented learning resources into learning resources adapted to distance learning.

3. How does curriculum review aid in the identification of essential learning competencies?

This process will enable teachers to plan effectively and ultimately save us time to focus on our students.
Not only will we have a deeper understanding of the standards we teach, but our students will be more
engaged in their learning.

4. What is the difference between essential learning competencies and desirable learning competencies


Essential learning competencies are defined as what the students need, considered indispensable, in the
teaching-learning process to building skills to equip learners for subsequent grade levels and
subsequently, for lifelong learning. On the other hand, desirable learning competencies were defined as
what may enhance education but may not be necessary in building foundational skills

5. How were the most essential learning competencies identified? What were the decisions made to trim
down the number of the essential learning competencies further?


The competencies were identified according to the gaps issues and concerns across learning areas and
grade levels. The decisions were made due to the limited number of school days allotment at this time
of pandemic and should be based solely on the application to real life situation.

6. What is the importance of the MELCs in ensuring the delivery of quality instruction?


MELCs are made aligned with the national and/ or local standards, applicable to real life and are the
most essential competency that the students are expected to learn in the setting of pandemic other than
through formal education that is why this is very important in delivering the quality education

Activity 3

Prepare a copy of your learning area’s original K-12 Curriculum Guide and corresponding list of
MELC’s. Go to the sections of the curriculum guide and MELCs that are relevant to your instructional
needs. Copy and accomplish the following table in your notebook and compare the two documents to
determine which learning competencies were retained, dropped and merged.

MERGED/CLUSTERED Describe the distribution of Describe and relate the
active volcanoes, earthquake distribution of active volcanoes,
epicenters, and major mountain earthquake epicenters, and major
belts. mountain belts to Plate Tectonic

RETAINED Describe the different types of Describe the different types of

Plate boundaries. Plate boundaries.
DROPPED n/a n/a

Activity 4

In your LAC session, discuss and share your answers to Activities 1-3 in this lesson. Discuss any
questions about the MELCs that need clarification as well, Share your thoughts and let your co teachers
articulate their insights regarding your questions. Jot down all the insights shared in the discussion,
including your own, in your study notebook.

Question(s) about MELCs that Your insights shared Insights shared by your co-
need(s) clarification teachers
*How will the students ensure to *It is possible `for students to jot *The expected varieties of
participate with their classmates down their ideas on a certain materials are not available at
in such forums or panel topic given, although they will be their respective homes.
discussions if they do not have no appearance on screen due to
the gadgets to be used ( some certainties, but what
smartphones, tablets, laptops, or matters is for them to express
computers and stable internet their insights on a certain issue
connections.) and submit it ( jot down ideas)
through pictures

*How will the students gather *The students may get ideas Some students will be having a
sensible questions to deliver such through extensive readings ( hard time to accomplish this
activities books, newspapers, articles. etc) competency because of lack of
and watch documentaries sources and internet connectivity



In this session, you will familiarize yourself with unpacking and combining MELCs into
Learning Objectives. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

1. Understand the vital consideration in unpacking and combining MELCs

2. Unpack and combine sample MELCs
3. Affirm that unpacking and combining MELCs provide curricular flexibilities to field
Key Topics/Concepts

Unpack; curriculum standards; essential learning competencies; content standards; performance


Resources Required

Unpacking and Combining the MELCs

Your learning area’s original K-12 Curriculum Guide and corresponding list of MELCs

Activity 1
1. What is the importance of unpacking and combining the MELCs


By unpacking these standards you now have a clear path forward. This process will enable you to plan
effectively and ultimately save you time to focus on your students. Not only will you have a deeper
understanding of the standards you teach but your students will be more engaged in their learning.

2. What consideration must be taken in unpacking and combining the MELCs? Explain each.

The MELCs should still be
- Aligned to the content and performance standards
- Connects the content to higher concept across content areas
- What is expected for students to learn

3. Do all MELCs need to be unpacked or combined? Why or why not?

Yes the unpacking of the MELCs are essential in order to have a systematized learning activity so
that the competencies needed by the students to learn is not congested anymore

Activity 2
1. Form a group of four members within your LAC preferably with fellow teachers in your
respective learning area
2. Using the curriculum guide and a list of the MELCs, choose MELCs in the first quarter and
unpack these into learning objectives
3. Each team will present their unpacked learning objectives. Discussion and processing will
follow each presentation. Suggestions and insights from each group will be considered in
enhancing the learning objectives.

Unpacking the MELC Sample

Sample of MELC Learning Objectives

Describe and relate the distribution of active *Discuss an overview of Plate Tectonics
volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and major *Describe the distribution of active
mountain belts to Plate Tectonic Theory. volcanoes in the world and in the

Combining MELC Sample

Quarter Content Standard Performance Standard MELC

Quarter 1 The learners The learners shall be Describe and

demonstrate an able to 1. demonstrate relate the
understanding of the ways to ensure disaster distribution of
relationship among the preparedness during active volcanoes,
locations of volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, earthquake
earthquake epicenters, and volcanic eruptions epicenters, and
and mountain ranges. major mountain
*Suggest ways by belts to Plate
which he/she can Tectonic Theory.
contribute to
government efforts in
reducing damage due
to earthquakes,
tsunamis and volcanic

Activity 3
Submit your activity 2 outputs to your LAC leaders. Make sure to keep a copy of your outputs.

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