Quiz No.3 - JM Cellan

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John Michael A.

Cellan BEED – III


Quiz No. 3

Answer Application – Let’s Apply: Select only 2 questions (Module

4A-Lesson 3) *

1. Adherents to the conflict theory claim that schools teach

loyalty so that those in power remain in power and those
below will forever be at the bottom. Do you agree? Why or
why not?

 Agree, because Conflict theorists do not

believe that public schools reduce social
inequality. Rather, they believe that the
educational system reinforces and perpetuates
social inequalities that arise from differences in
class, gender, race, and ethnicity. Also to
conflict theorists, schools play the role of
training working-class students to accept and
retain their position as lower members of
society. They argue that this role is fulfilled
through the disparity of resources available to
students in richer and poorer neighborhoods as
well as through testing 

2. Individuals act based on meaning. This meaning is based

on individuals’ experiences. Meanings change. Give two
implications of these symbolic integrationist thoughts to
 Teacher’s views about student affects how
much the students can learn. When a teacher
think that the students is smart, they tend to
spend more time with these student, to call on
them, and to praise them when they got the
right answer. As a result, the students learn
more with their teacher’s behavior. But when
the teacher thinks otherwise, they tend to
spend less time these students and act in a
way that leads the students to learn less.
 Assessing the impact of small size. An
experimental design of the Project STAR
enables the findings to be attributed to the
class size than the other factor. In grade k-3,
students with smaller class size had higher
average score on standardize test, it is
because there are only few students to disrupt
the class by talking, fighting or otherwise
taking up teachers time which makes it more
learning can occur. These students will
continue to have higher average test scores as
they will go on grade 4-7. Also, teachers from
these classes are better able to teach non-
cognitive skills: cooperating, listening, sitting
still and these skills can have an impact many
years later.

Answer let’s check for understanding: Select only 3 questions

(Module 4A- Lesson 3) *

Which social science theory is referred to?

1. The overall health of society depends upon the healthy

functioning of its institutions.
 Functionalist theory

2. Meanings that individuals give to symbols change over

 Symbolic theory
3. Faulty communication can result from differences in the
perception of the same events and symbols.

 Symbolic theory

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