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Teaching Approach, Strategy, Method, and Technique

Teaching approach – is a set of principles, beliefs, or ideas about the nature of learning which is
translated into the classroom. It springs from a teacher’s own philosophy of education, the nature
of education, the role of the teacher and that of the student.
How we engage our students, how can we advanced forward
Simple to complex
A chils learns to write, before reading
Teaching strategy – is a long-term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal. Strategy
applies to many disparate fields such as military strategy, economic strategy of steps. It is more
Control and manipulate information
Planned design
Teaching method – is a systematic way of doing something, it implies an orderly logical
arrangement of steps. It is more procedural.
A plan that you follow when you teach. Outline of actions
Teaching technique – is a well defines procedure used to accomplish a specific activity or task.
It is a teacher’s particular style or trick used to accomplish an immediate objective. More that
one technique may be available for accomplishing a specific activity or task.
- Personal techniques to be effective, takes place in a classroom.
- Instructions with objective
- Personal way of implementing activities
- Highly individualize and tailor fitted, customized students with different learning styles
Technique – we used to teach our students organized way while in the other hand strategy –
facilitating students learning in a more creative way.
Techniques are consistent with a given approach, strategy and method.
Approach > Strategy > Method > Technique
An approach gives rise to a s strategy which may use more that one method of teaching. One
teaching method may be employed differently by two different teachers whose teaching style
may lead to the use of different techniques. Technique has something to do with teacher’s
personal style of teaching.
Sample of Teaching approaches
Teacher-Centered Learner centered
Subject matter – centered Learner centered
Teacher dominated Interactive
Banking approach Constructivist
Disciplinal Integrated
Individualistic Collaborative
Indirect, guided Direct

1. Research based approach

2. Whole child approach
3. Metacognitive approach
4. Problem-based approach

Teacher < engagement > learner

Subject matter < focus > learner
Individual < Number > Group

Teaching Approach – Constructivist approach

Teaching method – Activity method
Teaching technique – Dramatization technique, Role Playing technique
Teaching strategy – Think-pair-circle, peer evaluation.

Pedagogy and Andragogy

Phonics Literacy -
Which is easier to teach?
Written language skills (Reading and writing)
1. Reading
2. Writing (the neglected skill) –
- Teachers are having hard time allocating time for writing skills
- Too big class
- Slow learners
- Begginers
- Insert blended learning.
- Holistic learning approach ( interactive and innovative teaching strategies (a resource
book for 21st century teachers) by milagros lim-borabo & heidi grace lim-borabo.
3. Reading and Writing is Interactive and Cyclical
- Reading – preparation for writing
- Writing – production of something to be read
4. Importance of Reading and Writing
- Reading and writing reinforced what is learned orally.
- Reading expends the input. Writing helps in remembering it;
- Reading helps us learn writing conventions (Punctuations, capital letters etc. )
- Link classroom with home

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