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FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev.

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Study Guide in EL 103 Principles and Theories of Language Acquisition and Learning Module No.2




Teaching becomes rewarding when learners get the most from instruction as manifested in their
performance. An important element in engaging learners is when the strategy used in delivering the lesson
uses an instructional material. When properly and appropriately used, it can spice up a classroom activity.

These instructional materials may come in varied forms. One group refers to the conventional and
non-digital tools. A classroom will always need a chalkboard or a writing board that may come in varied
forms and shapes. Bulletin boards, flip charts, dioramas, puppets, terrarium, and the like, will always find
their significance in any classroom. However, nowadays, lessons can be made more relevant and
engaging for learners as digital tools are integrated. This module presents both non-digital and digital tools.
Explore the possibilities of learning about these tools and how to effectively integrate them in instruction.


At the end of this Module, you should be able to:

1. identify the theories of language learning, and

2. display an understanding of the role of a second language, learner language, and individual variation;


Every teacher needs supplies and resources to have a successful classroom. Writing utensils, paper,
and inspirational wall signs are all useful objects in a classroom, but they are not instructional
materials. Instructional materials are the tools used in educational lessons, which includes active learning
and assessment. Basically, any resource a teacher uses to help him teach his students is an instructional

Instructional materials have several roles in teaching and learning which include the following:
1. They promote meaningful communication and effective learning.
2. They ensure better retention, thus making learning more permanent.
3. They help to overcome the limited classroom by making the inaccessible accessible.
4. They provide a common experience upon which late learning can be developed.
5. They encourage participation especially if students can manipulate materials used (Brown at al., 2005;
Effiong & Igiri, 2015).

Instructional materials are of great help in stimulating and facilitating the learning of the learners.
According to Wright 176:1) as cited in Cakir (2006) many media and many styles of visual presentations are
useful to the language learner. All audio-visual materials have positive contributions to language learning if
they are used at the right time, in the right place.
Instructional materials are the supplementary materials, which help the teachers to make his/her
presentation concrete , effective, interesting, meaningful and inspiring .In any teaching and learning process ,
instructional materials play a vital role as they provide sensory experiences to the learners.
1. Diorama- a scenic representation in which sculptured figures and lifelike details are displayed usually
in miniature size, to blend indistinguishably with a realistic painted background. It will make the
classroom seem to be creative and innovative. It is a fun way to build an exciting scene in a small
In developing Diorama, you will:
 Choose a concept
 Research the subject


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in EL 103 Principles and Theories of Language Acquisition and Learning Module No.2

 Make a rough sketch of your ideal diorama and gather your supplies
 Select a container or box

2. Nature Table- This is a table that contains objects and or scene related to the current season or
upcoming festival or symbol of an ecosystem. Children love to follow the natural changes that the
world offers each month and classroom decorations reflect these.

3. Writing Board- a writing board can display information written with chalks (chalkboards or
blackboard) or special pens. Although there are usually more effective methods of transmitting
information, the writing board is still the most commonly used visual aids.

4. Flip Chart- is a large tablet or pad of paper usually on tripod or stand.

5. Zigzag Board- It is a multi-board series of three or four rectangular boards. They are joined together
along the sides by hinges so that they can be easily folded up and carried. Each board can be of
different type.

6. Wall Display- Displaying items on a classroom wall is a well-known, tried and tested educational
method. A wall display is a collection of many different types of items and materials put up on a wall to
make an interesting and informative display.

7. Rope and Pole Display Board- This board consist of two parallel, horizontal poles tied loosely
together with rope. Visual aids such as posters can be pinned to the rope. This kind of display board
is invaluable where there are few solid walls for displaying information.

Guidelines when Designing Conventional Instructional Materials:

1. Unity – Use only one idea for each visual aid and include a headline.

2. Simplicity – Makes ideas and relationships simple and easy to recall. Avoid cluttering a visual with
too many words, numbers, or graphics. The audience should be able to grasp the concept in 10 to 15

3. Legibility – Make letters big and readable for all audiences.

4. Consistency – Use the same type style and art style.

5. Clarity – Avoid typing letters that are too small to read, avoid all caps.

6. Quality – Make it neat and professional and remember to proofread.

Watch the video on language acquisition using the link (
acquisition-theories-stages-quiz.html#lesson) and explain briefly what you learned from the video.


Watch the video on the theories of language acquisition using and
summarize it in your own words.


Differentiate first language acquisition from second language acquisition.

First/Child Language Acquisition

A: Language Acquisition Research
L1 Research: Behaviorism vs. Language Acquisition Device (Nativism) Until the 1960s, the research agenda
of language acquisition studies, just like that of psychology and linguistics in general, was strongly determined


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in EL 103 Principles and Theories of Language Acquisition and Learning Module No.2

by behaviorist learning theories. An explanation referring to mental capacities of the learner did not seem to
make much sense in that context; it would, indeed, have been regarded as a non-scientific approach to the
problem. Only after the constraints and restrictions of behaviorist psychology had been shaken off could the
language sciences begin to understand language learning as a mental activity happening in the cognitive
system of the individual. Chomsky’s (1959) famous and influential review of Skinner’s (1957) book Verbal
Behavior is a milestone on this road to the cognitive turn. What this term is meant to convey is that it is the
study of human cognition, which is now identified as the major task of linguistics, in close cooperation with
other sciences, especially cognitive psychology and philosophy (see Chomsky 1968). With respect to the
language faculty, the issues put on the research agenda by this
change of perspective include, among other things, the problem of how to characterize the
knowledge system represented in the mind of a person who speaks and understands a particular
language, as well as to explain how this knowledge is used and, most importantly in the present
context, how this linguistic knowledge and the ability to use it are acquired. The Language
Acquisition Device, then, represents the initial state of the language faculty, that is, prior to any
exposure to the language to be acquired (see Chomsky 1988). This new approach had an enormous
impact on L1 research, and as early as in the early 1960s appeared the first of an ever increasing
number of publications applying these ideas to the study of first language acquisition.
ii. L2 Research:
L2 research, on the other hand, took somewhat longer to liberate itself from the dominating
influence of behaviorism. This is partly due, perhaps, to the fact that for a long time it had
exclusively been occupied, and still continues to be primarily concerned, with foreign language
learning in classroom settings, rather than with naturalistic L2 acquisition. The idea that learning
crucially implies changing previously acquired behavior seems to have been deeply rooted in
language teaching. It is therefore not surprising that interference from L1 was, and in part still is,
regarded as the major factor determining the shape of L2 speech. The research paradigm which
elaborated this idea in considerable detail is Contrastive Analysis (CA).
Contrastive Analysis continued a line of thought which had been expressed quite clearly as early as
1945 by Charles C. Fries in the following frequently quoted statement:


Watch the video using the link ( and give your own summarize it in your own

Effects of Bilingualism on cognitive Development:

Bilingual and monolingual speakers may develop different patterns of cognitive skills due to the
different language environments they experience.
- Control of attention: a lot of work shows that bilingual speakers activate both language systems even when
they are only conversing in one language (Brysbaert, 1998; Francis, 1999; Gollan & Kroll, 2001; Smith, 1997).
This requires a good deal of attentional control. during linguistic tasks, bilinguals must constantly inhibit one
language and activate the other but must be capable of switching quickly from one language to another if
required. These sorts of attention switching skills are considered to be under the control of the central
executive mechanism in the brain, which is said to control and regulate a large number of cognitive processes
such as planning, memory and attention. There is now robust evidence that bilinguals outperform
monolinguals on these tasks, much of it provided by Bialystok and her colleagues. For example, Martin-Rhee
and Bialystok (2008) tested bilingual and monolingual four- and five-year-old children on the Simon task
(Simon, 1969). In this task, a red square and a blue square are presented on a computer screen and the
participants have to press a red button in response to the red square and a blue button in response to the blue
square. Sneakily, for half of the trials, the squares occur on the opposite side of the screen to the
corresponding keys. So for example, the red square might appear on the left side of the screen, requiring the
child to press the red button on the right side of the computer keyboard. People’s instinctive reaction in this
task is to press the key on the same side as the stimulus, so inhibiting this reaction requires a good level of
cognitive control and slows down their reaction times. Martin-Rhee and Bialystok found that bilinguals
responded faster than monolinguals because they were quicker at resolving the conflict between the two
possible responses. They concluded that bilinguals are better at selectively attending to conflicting cues
because “they must constantly control attention between two active and competing language systems”
(Martin-Rhee & Bialystok, 2008, p. 91).
- Metalinguistic Awareness: refers to the ability to reflect on and think about the nature of languageand its


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in EL 103 Principles and Theories of Language Acquisition and Learning Module No.2

functions. For example, work on phonological awareness (awareness of the sound system of a language) has
produced contradictory results. Bruck and Genesee (1995) reported that bilingual children showed better
performance on an onset-rime segmentation task at age five years (separating words into the onset and rime;
swift into sw and ift) although the advantage disappeared a year later. However, monolingual five-year- olds
were better than bilinguals on a phoneme-counting task (e.g. identifying that the word run has three
phonemes). Similarly, Bialystok, Majumder & Martin (2003) found that Spanish–English, but not Chinese–
English bilinguals, were better at a phoneme segmentation task (e.g. segmenting run into /r/, /ʌ/ and /n/).
However, they also reported no difference between groups on a phoneme substitution task (e.g. substitute /s/
for /k/ to make sat out of cat). These mixed results suggest that the pattern of performance may not be
straightforward. It is probably the case that other factors are equally influential in these tasks; factors such as
the child’s age, her ability in her two languages, the task she is performing and even perhaps the nature of the
two languages she is learning.
- Language Proficiency and Fluency: there seems to be evidence that bilinguals are disadvantaged compared
to monolinguals in some tasks. In particular, studies have shown that bilinguals may have more difficulty
accessing words from memory. For example, bilinguals tend to be slower at rapid picture naming tasks and
tend to experience more ‘tip of the tongue’ phenomena, which happen when a speaker just cannot bring the
right word to mind (Gollan & Kroll, 2001; Gollan &
Silverberg, 2001).


Create a video presentation showing how you learned your first and second language.


View the short video clip, the 21st Century Learner. Connect to

Pay close attention to the message and write down key concepts or terms used to describe the 21 st century
learner. Scribble all the words that can be recalled.

Bilingualism and code-switching: a common phenomenon

A common phenomenon among bilingual speakers is code-switching, which essentially refers to the use of
more than one language in the course of a conversation. Sometimes this might happen because of the lack of
a concept in one language and its presence in the other; sometimes it might be for humor; and sometimes it
might happen simply because of the social context. For example, Grosjean (2001, p. 3) presents the following
diagram to illustrate the issue of language mode, which is “the state of activation of the bilingual’s languages
and language processing mechanisms at a given point in time” (p. 2). The native language (here called the
base language) is always totally activated; it is the language that controls linguistic activities. The guest
language, on the other hand,can be in low to high activation depending on the context. Only in bilingual
language mode (the
right side of the diagram) is there almost equal activation, and it is in these contexts when codeswitching
occurs. Bilingualism, or at least some form of knowledge of more than one language, is so common
throughout the world that Cook has proposed that the “normal” propensity is for humans to know more than
one language rather than taking monolingualism as the default position. He refers to this as multicompetence,
which he defines as the “knowledge of two or more languages in one mind” (Cook, 2003, p. 2; cf. Cook, 1991,
1992). If multicompetence is the “norm,” then there needs to be a re- evaluation of what it means to be a
native speaker of a language. Cook (2005) argued that there are effects of multilingualism on how individuals
process their native language, even individuals with a minimal knowledge of a second language. Cook further
argues that the
monolingual orientation of second language acquisition belies the reality of the context of language learning in
much of the world where knowledge of more than one language is the norm.



FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in EL 103 Principles and Theories of Language Acquisition and Learning Module No.2


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