Paper Machine System Diagram: TM GE Automation Systems

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TM GE Automation Systems

Paper Machine System Diagram

Paper Machine One-Line
Press Section

Forming Section Calender

Dryer Size Reel

Sections Press

Driven roll

Mechanical Components of Paper Associated Drive Control Concepts Regenerative

Machine Drives

Head Box / Fan Pump Fan pump drive control is typical for No
The Paper stock at this point in the process is industrial pump loads. Variable
99% water and 1% fiber. The Fan Pump torque is required, increased speed
forces the Paper stock through a set of means increased flow.
nozzles in the head box onto the “wire”
mesh. The fan pump speed is a major factor
in the basis weight (caliper) and formation of
the sheet of paper.

Forming Section Forming section drives have a high No

A typical flat former is a continuous rotating friction load due to the suction
wire (today this is plastic) mesh that removes (normal forces) of the water through
water from the paper by sucking it out of the wire mesh. This results in a high
suspension. Multi-layer paper machines and normal running load, but a low
paper board machines include additional acceleration load.
forming sections (one forming section for
each layer of paper).

Press Section Press section drives also have a high No

Rolls are nipped (pressed) together to load due to the strong forces in the nip
squeeze the water out of the sheet of paper. between the rolls deforming the felts
Multiple rolls are used with a felt (blanket) and roll. This results in a high normal
supporting the sheet and accepting the water running load, but a low acceleration
from the sheet. load.

Dryer Sections Typically, one drive powers all of the Yes

Typical dryer sections consist of quantity cans in a dryer section. The dryer
four to ten steel cans 5 to 6 ft (1.5 – 1.8 m) in section has a small rolling friction
diameter. These cans are filled with steam load during steady state operation of
that evaporates water from the sheet as it the machine. However, during
passes around the cans. acceleration/deceleration, the sum of
the dryer cans represents a large
inertial load. Thus, the
requirements for the machine
determine the power ratings of the
dryer drives.

Copyright TM GE Automation Systems 2004 page 1 of 2

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TM GE Automation Systems

Paper Machine System Diagram

Paper Machine One-Line
Press Section

Forming Section Calender

Dryer Size Reel

Sections Press

Driven roll

Mechanical Components of Paper Associated Drive Control Concepts Regenerative

Machine Drives

Size Press The Size Press drive has a high Yes

Two rolls are nipped together with the sheet normal running load due to the strong
in between and water mixed with sizing forces in the nip between the rolls
(starch) is impregnated into the sheet to deforming the rolls and supplying
change its characteristics (improve ability to tension in the sheet of paper. It has a
receive print). relatively low inertia, thus has a low
acceleration/deceleration load.
Calender Calender drives pull the sheet through Yes
Stacked sets of nipped rolls crush the top and the nipped rolls and supplying tension
bottom of the sheet, making the paper in the sheet. Stopping quickly is
smoother. important. Two hard rolls nipped
together require less power than a
combination of hard/soft nipped rolls.

Reel The reel drum pulls/stretches the Yes

The sheet is wound onto a spool that is sheet of paper, thus the associated
driven from a reel drum. Continuous drive operates in tension control.
production requires that spool changes occur Required sheet tension and
“on the fly”. deceleration requirements factor into
the sizing of the drive/motor.

Copyright TM GE Automation Systems 2004 page 2 of 2

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