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International Journal of Advance Science and Technology

Vol. 29 No. 10S, (2020), pp. 616-630

An Integrated Geo-Physical Approach for Groundwater

Investigation in Northwestern Part of Pakistan

Abdul Jabbar Khan*1, Fida Ul Mustafa2, Hamza Farooq Gabriel3,

Haseeb Ullah Khan4, Wasi Haider5, Hussain Abbas6, Muhammad Shahid7
NUST Institute of Civil Engineering, National University of Sciences and
Technology (NUST), Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], 4 [email protected],
[email protected], 6 [email protected],
[email protected],

Climate change is causing severe hydrological perturbations commonly seen as erratic
precipitation patterns in many regions. North-Western region of Pakistan is also facing
severe rainfall decline which has rendered groundwater exploration crucial for the
sustenance of agricultural and domestic activities. The integrated geophysical method
described here employs Automatic Mapping Water Detector (AMWD) to locate aquifers
with relative depths and Electric Resistivity (ER) Survey for investigating the
groundwater salinity. AMWD generates output in the form of potential difference curves
and profile map, which were interpreted combinedly to investigate the aquifers. ER
survey, using Schlumberger configuration, was carried out at the demarcated location
and the resistivity values were analyzed to establish a relation with groundwater quality.
The AMWD and ER surveys were conducted at four locations. The first two, with known
groundwater data, served to cross-check the results obtained from AMWD and ER
surveys. Once the method validated, the remaining two locations (Sadiq and Baloch
points) were explored with Baloch point showing auspicious prospects for freshwater
availability but with underlying layers of saline water. Thus, the method not only aids in
locating freshwater aquifers but also provides critical data for sustainable groundwater
management in regions prone to both saline and freshwater conditions.

Keywords: Hydrogeology, Groundwater Investigation; Groundwater Quality;

Geophysical Methods

1. Introduction
Water scarcity is escalating rapidly throughout the world including Pakistan where the
current water crisis depicts an intensely grim situation (El Kharraz, El-Sadek, Ghaffour, &
Mino, 2012; Jo-Ellen Parry, 2016; Mekonnen & Hoekstra, 2016). Climate change is
causing higher temperatures every year in many regions of the world (Easterling et al.,
2000; Perkins, Alexander, & Nairn, 2012; Sheffield & Wood, 2008) including Pakistan
(Farooqi, Khan, & Mir, 2005) which will increase the country’s water demand in both
agricultural as well as industrial sectors (Jo-Ellen Parry, 2016). In many regions of
Pakistan, lack of rainfall has rendered the need for groundwater exploration extremely
necessary to meet the agricultural and domestic needs of the indigenous communities but
in order to ensure its sustainable consumption, groundwater management becomes crucial
for the future of our freshwater resources.

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Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology
Vol. 29 No. 10S, (2020), pp. 616-630

Figure 1. Map of district Dera Ismail Khan (DI Khan) and village Saggu

Study area i.e. village Saggu is located in the northwestern region of Pakistan in the
district of Dera Ismail Khan (DI Khan) and is home to about 2000 indigenous people.
Indus River flows on the Eastern side of the region and on the Western side there lies
Sulaiman Mountains (Figure 1). Residents of Saggu and nearby villages are dependent on
the local groundwater resources for domestic and agricultural needs. However, the
groundwater presents a very complex situation in the region where both saline and
freshwater aquifers are abundantly available at significantly varying depths. Thus, an
integrated approach of geophysical techniques is highly imperative for the exploration as
well as the sustainable management of freshwater aquifers in the region.
Many geophysical techniques have been used in the past for groundwater exploration.
Electrical Resistivity Survey (Roy & Elliott, 1980; Stewart, 1982) though deemed to be
the most useful technique for groundwater investigation but has its limitations. One of the
most complicated tasks for the electric resistivity method is to probe the aquifers bearing
freshwater because resistivity values vary over a wide range which rarely delineates a
certain lithology (Goldman & Neubauer, 1994). Other techniques such as Seismic
reflection method and Frequency domain electromagnetic (FDEM) have also been
successfully used for groundwater exploration. But there are certain discrepancies among
these methods with the former one requiring vigilant scrutiny to avoid possible pitfalls in
data collection (Steeples & Miller, 1988) and the later comprising of complicated theory
and interpretation (Goldman & Neubauer, 1994). Remote sensing and GIS techniques
have also been widely used for demarcating potential groundwater locations (Jaiswal,
Mukherjee, Krishnamurthy, & Saxena, 2003) but it has certain limitations since
groundwater cannot be directly sensed through remote sensing and we have to infer the
potential sites for freshwater aquifers from the identification of surface features (Das,
Behera, Kar, Narendra, & Guha, 1997; Ravindran & Jeyaram, 1997).

2. Methodology
The integrated method described in this article combines electromagnetic geophysical
technique with electric resistivity (ER) survey to successfully locate potential locations
for freshwater aquifers. Natural Electric Field Geophysical Prospecting Instrument,
referred to as the Automatic Mapping Water Detector (AMWD) in this article, was used
for electromagnetic testing. AMWD works by measuring the electric field component of
the earth’s magnetic field in different frequencies ("PQWT Operation Manual for S-
Series," ; "PQWT Water Detector Case Share,") and can easily demarcate the potential
points for groundwater aquifers. Once the points were marked, an electric resistivity
survey was conducted at the indicated locations for the assessment of groundwater quality

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Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology
Vol. 29 No. 10S, (2020), pp. 616-630

(Nejad, Mumipour, Kaboli, & Najib, 2011; Pervaiz Sikandar, Bakhsh, Arshad, & Rana,
A co-relation between the electrical resistivity and subsurface geological conditions
with water quality, as shown in Table 1, was developed by Pakistan Council for Research
in Water Resources (PCRWR, 2003) based on the geological information derived from
the test bores, tube wells and other data of geological investigations in the district of DI
Khan. This co-relation serves the purpose of reference in this article and ER values at all
the survey sites are compared with Table 1 to investigate the groundwater quality.

Table 1. Co-relation between electrical resistivity and subsurface geological

condition with water quality established by PCRWR
Resistivity Range Co-relation with the geological formation
Zone Classification
(Ohm-m) and water quality
This zone indicates the presence of fine
material like clay/shale with rare sand and
Low resistivity zone <20
has, therefore, saline to less saline water-
bearing potential.
This zone indicates the presence of
intermediate sand with some clay. It may
Medium resistivity
20-35 indicate alternate bedding of sand and
clay/shale. The formation can yield
groundwater if below the water table.
This zone is interpreted as the dominance
High resistivity zone 35-100 of coarser material i.e. sand with good
quality water.
Very high resistivity may represent the
Very high resistivity presence of unsaturated zone above the
zone water table and bedrock if below the water
Source – Pakistan Council for Research in Water Resources (PCRWR, 2003)

ER survey was conducted at the test sites and the standard electrode configuration of
Schlumberger array was adopted during the procedure. Though various electrode
configurations such as pole-pole, dipole-dipole and Wenner array have been employed in
the past for ER surveys Schlumberger array was preferred because it is less arduous,
enhances the accuracy in data collection (Khan & Waheedullah, 2013) and has better
depth sensitivity (P Sikandar, Bakhsh, Ali, & Arshad, 2010). Thus because of its
numerous advantages, the same electrode configuration of Schlumberger array was
adopted for all the ER surveys discussed in this article.
Data gathered from the ER survey was interpreted using IX1D software (Interpex,
2008) developed by Interpex Limited and iterative technique was employed for the
calculation of layer models. Parameters for models were made to adjust after every
iteration and the deviation of the relevant curve was checked. This deviation is defined by
root mean square error (RMSE) which is displayed after every iteration. Finally, the
model with the smallest error is plotted presenting layer’s interpreted resistivity and
relative thickness and finally tabular interpretation of IX1D model is indicated with
corresponding depth and layer thickness.
Geophysical investigation surveys (AMWD and ER surveys) for groundwater
exploration were executed at a total of four locations in the vicinity of District Dera Ismail
Khan. Two of these investigation sites already had installed bore wells which are referred
to as Reference Bore Well 1 (RBW 1) and Reference Bore Well 2 (RBW 2) in this article

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 618

Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology
Vol. 29 No. 10S, (2020), pp. 616-630

and the remaining two consists of unexplored locations which are referred to as Sadiq
Point and Baloch point in this article. Bore log data and water quality reports for the two
reference bore wells served to substantiate the validity of results obtained from the stated
integrated method.
The mentioned integrated technique requiring significantly less interpretive efforts and
inexpensive characteristics is particularly serviceable in those regions where both saline
and fresh groundwater reserves exist. However, groundwater management becomes
momentous while exploiting freshwater in such regions otherwise salinization of
freshwater resources can itself produce detrimental effects on freshwater reserves (Reilly
& Goodman, 1985) in the region.

3. Results and Findings

The proposed method for groundwater investigation described here encompasses two
basic objectives i.e. (a) Groundwater Location (b) Groundwater Quality, thus each of the
surveyed regions is expounded accordingly in this article and respective AMWD and ER
results are presented with relevant interpretations.

3.1. Groundwater Location at RBW 1

Bore log data (Figure 2) of the first reference bore well was obtained from the Public
Health Engineering Department (PHED). According to PHED’s report water was
encountered at a depth of 250 meters and screens were inserted accordingly as shown in
Figure 2. The total depth of the tube well is 313 meters.
AMWD survey was conducted near the installed tube well and the generated results
were compared with the available bore log data to examine their validity. AMWD
apparatus generates outcome in the form of potential difference curves (Figure 3) and
profile map (Figure 4) both when interpreted together leads to locating the groundwater
reserves with relevant depths ("PQWT Water Detector Operation and Analysis,").
Potential difference curves drop significantly at the point with the high probability of
groundwater ("PQWT Water Detector Operation and Analysis,") as shown in Figure 3
where potential difference curves depict a drop at point number 5. When Figure 3 is
combined with the profile map generated by AMWD (Figure 4) then point number 5
shows light blue color starting from depth 260 meters and beyond which characterizes the
probability of water ("PQWT Water Detector Operation and Analysis,").

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Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology
Vol. 29 No. 10S, (2020), pp. 616-630

Figure 2. Bore log data for RBW 1 obtained from the PHED’s report

Figure 3. Potential Difference curves generated by AMWD at RBW 1

Figure 4. Profile map generated by AMWD at RBW 1

Now after comparing these results with the available bore log data (Figure 2), it can be
concluded that the established interpretation of AMWD survey corresponds with the
actual lithological conditions. Bore log data shows that water was first encountered at a
depth of 250 meters and interpretation of AMWD results concludes that water reserves

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Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology
Vol. 29 No. 10S, (2020), pp. 616-630

are available at a depth of 260 meters. Thus, with a reasonable margin of error, the
validity of results generated by AMWD survey is substantiated.

3.2. Groundwater Quality at RBW 1

ER survey by employing the standard electrode configuration of Schlumberger array,
was executed at the site of RBW 1 and the data obtained were interpreted using IX1D
software. Both the IX1D model (Figure 5) and the relevant tabular interpretations (Table
2) were analyzed accordingly. It can be observed in Table 2 that starting from the depth of
241.6 meters up to the depth of 319.5 meters the resistivity values lie in the medium
resistivity zone as mentioned in Table 1 which indicates saline water potential. Since the
RBW 1 was already pumping out water thus, a water sample was collected and a water
quality test was performed to check if the mentioned values in Table 1 actually
correspond with groundwater quality. Figure 6 shows the observed and permissible water
quality parameters (WHO, 2011) obtained from the water quality test conducted at
PCRWR’s lab.

Figure 5. IX1D model for ER data obtained at RBW 1

Table 2: Tabular interpretation of IX1D model obtained for RBW 1

Resistivity (Ohm-m) Thickness (m) Depth (m)
83.7926 27.03346 27.03346
198.1582 8.54429 35.57775
267.7745 10.09663 45.67438
199.3390 9.99463 55.66901
114.5620 11.37972 67.04873
70.9210 41.04807 108.0968
7.54584 30.69571 138.79251
9.37251 20.96468 159.75719
15.31528 34.39072 194.14791
13.24250 22.38449 216.5324
19.77158 12.04436 228.57676
24.45006 13.02701 241.60377
25.15410 6.02800 247.63177
25.66573 8.01326 255.64503
25.93613 23.10304 278.74807
24.96881 20.78836 299.53679

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Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology
Vol. 29 No. 10S, (2020), pp. 616-630

25.58737 19.92892 319.46571

Figure 6. Observed and permissible water quality parameters obtained from

water quality test for RBW 2

It can be observed from Figure 6 that the total dissolved solids (TDS) also referred as
total salt concentration or salinity (Grattan, 2002) in the water sample collected from
RBW 1 is 1820ppm while the permissible value for potable water should be no more than
1000ppm (WHO, 2011) thus the contamination exceeds far beyond the permissible value
of TDS for drinking purposes. This validates the co-relation between ER and groundwater
quality (Table 1) and confirms the application of the ER survey for exploring the
groundwater quality.

3.3. Groundwater Location at RBW 2

Though above stated integrated approach for groundwater exploration has been
successfully validated by the correspondence between available data (bore log data and
water quality reports) for RBW 1 and geophysical surveys (AMWD survey and ER
survey) conducted at the RBW 1 yet to further strengthen the plausibility of the
mentioned method, the same procedure of geophysical surveys was conducted at another
installed tube well in the vicinity of village which is hereby referred to as RBW 2.
Groundwater location and groundwater quality are discussed accordingly.
RBW 2, drilled in the year 2014, was located in a school in the village of Saggu. The
tube well was installed by PHED driven down up to the depth of 90 meters. Bore log data
of the tube well is shown in Figure 7 which depicts that water was first encountered at a
depth of 72 meters. According to the residents of the village Saggu, this tube well has
worse quality of water as compared to the RBW 1 thus a water sample was also tested in
order to check its quality.
AMWD survey was conducted near the RBW 2 and the generated potential difference
curves (Figure 8) with lithological profile map (Figure 9) were analyzed to compare the
results with actual bore log data. Potential difference curves show a steep fall at point
number 8 in Figure 8 which when combined with Figure 9 shows a light blue color at the
same mentioned point number 8 in the lithological mapping. Since blue is interpreted as
water ("PQWT Water Detector Operation and Analysis,") so Figure 9 indicates the
presence of water starting from a depth of approximately 70 meters up to the depth of 140
meters. A comparison of the mentioned interpretation with bore log data further justifies

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 622

Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology
Vol. 29 No. 10S, (2020), pp. 616-630

the validity of the results produced by AMWD survey since bore log data also reflect the
availability of groundwater starting from

Figure 7. Bore log data for RBW 2 obtained from the PHED’s report

Figure 8. Potential Difference curves generated by AMWD at RBW 2

Figure 9. Profile map generated by AMWD at RBW 2

the depth of 70 meters. Thus, the AMWD survey successfully demarcated the
groundwater location and both reference bore wells (1 and 2) confirm the acceptability of
the results obtained from the survey.

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 623

Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology
Vol. 29 No. 10S, (2020), pp. 616-630

3.4. Groundwater Quality at RBW 2

Electric resistivity survey was conducted near the RBW 2 and the garnered data was
interpreted using IX1D software (Interpex, 2008) by employing an iterative approach to
develop the layer models with relative thickness and layer resistivity (Figure 10).

Figure10. IX1D model for ER data obtained at RBW 2

Table 3. Tabular interpretation of IX1D model obtained for RBW 2

Resistivity (Ohm-m) Thickness (m) Depth (m)
69.01679 7.04824 7.04284
88.14256 9.99898 17.04722
29.40617 11.66819 28.71541
15.4424 33.63828 62.35370
15.30086 50.02170 112.3754
42.05780 32.75863 145.1340
43.63005 50.22191 195.3559
63.11035 103.8713 299.2272

Figure 11. Observed and permissible water quality parameters obtained

from water quality test for RBW 2

Table 3 represents the tabular interpretation of the mentioned IX1D model which is
further compared with Table 1 (Co-relation between resistivity values and water quality)
to scrutinize the groundwater quality. It can be observed that starting from the depth of 62

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Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology
Vol. 29 No. 10S, (2020), pp. 616-630

meters up to the depth of 112 meters resistivity value is less than 20 ohm-m thus
characterizing the saline water potential which was further confirmed after performing
chemical analysis of the water sample obtained from the RBW 2 (Figure 11). TDS shows
a quite high value of 2734 ppm as perceptible from the water quality graph presented in
Figure 11 which being a clear suggestion for groundwater salinity clarifies the water
quality interpretation as deduced from the electric resistivity survey and Co-relation
between resistivity values and water quality.
Thus, after verifying the mentioned integrated approach to detect groundwater location
and groundwater quality, the method was utilized and geophysical tests were conducted at
virgin locations in the vicinity of village Saggu to locate the fresh groundwater aquifers.
Further in this article two of the unexplored points are discussed with relevant
geophysical interpretations. Since these points were located in the lands owned by the
local people, therefore, named as Sadiq Point and Baloch Point depending on the names
of landowners of their respective locations for the ease to be discussed in this article.

3.5. Groundwater Location at Sadiq Point

After conducting the AMWD survey at Sadiq point, potential difference curves were
plotted and the profile map was generated by the AMWD apparatus ("PQWT Operation
Manual for S-Series,"). Subsequently, both the outcomes had to be interpreted to
demarcate the location of point deemed to show the most probable location of the
groundwater aquifer.

Figure 12. Potential Difference curves generated by AMWD at Sadiq point

Figure 13. Profile Map generated by AMWD at Sadiq Point

But in the case of Sadiq point, perceiving at Figure 12 it can be clearly comprehended
that no point shows a significant drop in potential difference curves which indicates that
there exists a very narrow possibility of groundwater aquifers located in the vicinity of

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 625

Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology
Vol. 29 No. 10S, (2020), pp. 616-630

Sadiq point. Figure 13 shows the profile map generated by AMWD at Sadiq point which
when combined with Figure 12 depicts that no such point exists which can correspond
with potential drop curves in Figure 12 i.e. drop in potential difference curves and blue
color in profile map must co-exist at the same point in both the figures generated by
AMWD ("PQWT Water Detector Operation and Analysis,") that hereby is non-existent.
As Sadiq point did not indicate any promising prospects for the availability of
groundwater thus, ER survey was not conducted at the mentioned point to investigate the
groundwater quality.

3.6. Groundwater Location at Baloch Point

Baloch point was located at the edge of a non-perennial canal which has gone dry for
the past ten years due to the lack of sufficient rainfall and this typical characteristic was
the major reason to consider Baloch point for geophysical investigation. AMWD survey
was executed and the potential difference curves were generated as shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14. Potential Difference curves generated by AMWD at Baloch point

Figure 15. Profile Map generated by AMWD at Baloch Point

It can be perceived from Figure 14 that potential difference curves show a drop at point
number 4 which as mentioned in the previous accounts is an indication for groundwater
aquifers. Now when interpreted in combination with profile map generated at Baloch
point (Figure 15), it can be observed that for the same point number 4 starting from a
depth of 90 meters up to the depth of 150 meters, profile map shows a bluish yellow color
which is the characteristic of coarser material capable of holding water. Further below
150 meters at point number 4, the profile map shows bluish yellow color in layers of
varying depths which again characterizes the availability of water aquifers.
Since both of these Figures (14 & 15) correspond with each other thus Baloch point
showed good prospects for the availability of groundwater aquifers. Henceforth to further

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 626

Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology
Vol. 29 No. 10S, (2020), pp. 616-630

cross-check and investigate the groundwater quality ER survey was conducted at the
Baloch point.

3.7. Groundwater Quality at Baloch Point

ER survey was executed at the propitious location of Sadiq point and similar to the
previous accounts iterative approach was employed to develop layer models with relative
thickness and corresponding layer resistivity (Figure 16). Table 4 presents the tabular
interpretation of the IX1D model plotted for Baloch point and in order to probe the
groundwater quality, resistivity values in Table 4 are compared with Co-relation between
resistivity values and water quality (Table 1).

Figure 16. IX1D model for ER data obtained at Baloch Point

Starting from the depth of 85 meters up to the depth of 159 meters resistivity values lie
in the high resistivity zone (35-100 ohm-m) which indicates the freshwater potential of
the groundwater aquifer. But after the depth of 159 meters the resistivity values suddenly
fall into the low resistivity zone (< 20 ohm-m) which suggests that water available below
150 meters has saline potential as low resistivity values are the characteristics of water
prone to salinity.

Table 4: Tabular interpretation of IX1D model obtained for Baloch Point

Resistivity (Ohm-m) Thickness (m) Depth (m)
12.11292 0.25266 0.25266
46.81805 2.86082 3.11348
4.80692 7.75906 10.87254
10.57481 3.81438 14.68692
100.8787 20.90377 35.59070
88.90398 17.93430 53.52500
59.47564 16.24100 69.76600
44.75794 15.93699 85.70299
52.08754 12.81583 98.51881
43.27145 30.42761 128.9464
42.13385 30.43660 159.3830
2.95632 2.95844 162.3414
2.95672 2.95848 165.2999
2.95651 2.95848 168.2584
2.95618 2.95850 171.2169

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 627

Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology
Vol. 29 No. 10S, (2020), pp. 616-630

This implies that the stated integrated approach to groundwater exploration can provide
efficacious prospects for groundwater resource management in areas that have abundant
resources of both fresh and saline water aquifers. Since, in such areas, if abstraction is not
properly managed then saline water intrudes in freshwater aquifers which itself leads to
deterioration of freshwater reserves (Adeoti, Alile, & Uchegbulam, 2010; Barlow &
Reichard, 2010; Nowroozi, Horrocks, & Henderson, 1999; Post & Abarca, 2010) and loss
to agricultural activities (Harun-ur-Rashid & Islam, 2007) thus skimming wells (Saeed &
Ashraf, 2005; Sufi, Latif, & Skogerboe, 1998) should be installed in these cases for
sustainable extraction of fresh groundwater.

4. Conclusion
An integrated approach has been devised which links electromagnetic geophysical
technique with electric resistivity (ER) survey to explore and investigate groundwater
reserves. Profile maps and potential difference curves were interpreted combinedly to
probe groundwater location while the ER survey aided in the inspection of groundwater
quality. Intelligible correspondence of available bore log data and water quality reports
with interpretations of AMWD and ER surveys at reference bore wells (1 and 2) cogently
validated the soundness of the mentioned integrated technique for groundwater
exploration. Once the viability established, the stated integrated approach was employed
at two unexplored locations.
With changing climate, droughts are happening frequently leading to the communities
depending more and more on groundwater resources. In the prevailing situation,
sustainable extraction and groundwater management is possible only when the
groundwater reserves are explored properly and reliable data is available. The mentioned
integrated approach to groundwater exploration owing to its ease of simplicity and
requiring less interpretative efforts can be particularly helpful in collecting critical data
for groundwater management.
In areas where both saline and freshwater aquifers exist e.g. Coastal Areas,
groundwater management is necessary because if not properly managed then there arises
the serious risk of saline water intrusion in freshwater aquifers leading to a great loss to
freshwater resources and agricultural activities in the region. The described integrated
method for groundwater exploration can be very useful in such regions and can efficiently
provide data about groundwater quality with relative depths.

This research work was supported by the National University of Sciences and
Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan.

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