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Groundwater for Sustainable Development 15 (2021) 100648

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Groundwater for Sustainable Development

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Research paper

Application of vertical electrical sounding resistivity technique to explore

groundwater in the Errachidia basin, Morocco
Youssef Ait Bahammou a, *, Ahmed Benamara b, Abdellah Ammar a, Driss Hrittta a,
Ibrahim Dakir c, Hmad Bouikbane d
Mohammed V University, Laboratory of Geophysics and Natural Hazards, Faculty of Sciences, Rabat-Agdal, Morocco
Moulay Ismail University, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers, Département de Génie Mécanique et Structures, Meknes, Morocco
Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Cartography and Digital Technologies, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geology, Tetouan, Morocco
Moulay Ismail University, Laboratory of Geoengineering and Environment, Faculty of Sciences, Meknes, Morocco


Keywords: The resistivity technique involving Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) was carried out North of Ain Al Atti area,
VES in Zaouia Jdida locality, with the aim of delineating zones not contaminated by the extension of the salinity and
Resistivity survey determining the potentiality of the existing aquifers. The measurements of apparent resistivity were collected
using Molisana Apparecchiature Elettroniche (MAE) advanced geophysics instruments and were taken in twenty
Potential aquifer
Errachidia basin
two VES points, along four profiles oriented N-S. The VES profiles were implanted using the Schlumberger
configuration. VES Interpretation results shows that the potential aquifer horizon consists of the infracenomanian
sand. The isopach map shows that the thickness of this geological formation varies between 20 m and 170 m. The
sand layer is more thick (>80 m) along the profiles P3 and P4, with a maximum of about 170 m at 2P4 and 3P4
VES points. The isohypse map indicates that the sand formation is shallow (<10 m) in the East, and the depth of
the roof of the infracenomanian sand increases gradually towards the West of the prospect area (>30 m). The
transverse resistance (Tr) map shows that the identified aquifer has high values of Tr (Tr > 50000 Ω m2) in the
western part, corresponding to zones with relatively high thickness and may have high transmissivity. The
longitudinal conductance anomaly (Sl > 0.6 Ω-1) indicates that the area delimited by 1P2, 4P2, 1P4 and 3P4 VES
points may have an important underground hydraulic potential. The interpretation of the acquired data also
shows the presence of small depressions that could be implicated in the storage of the infracenomanian
groundwater. Furthermore, the resistivity results reveal the presence of electrical discontinuities interpreted as
faults and fracture zones. These could be the preferential axes of the groundwater circulation.

1. Introduction adequate hydrogeological exploration. In this sense, the use of

geophysical techniques is very necessary to better characterize the
Groundwater research is a major preoccupation for people in arid aquifers in different geological contexts (Essahlaoui et al., 2000; Hritta,
and semi arid areas, as they face many difficulties namely the scarcity of 2015; Bouikbane et al., 2016; Saravanan et al., 2018; Bersi and Saibi,
surface water and the salinity of some geological formations (Asfahani, 2020; Ihbach et al., 2020).
2007, 2011; Moharir et al., 2020). In the Errachidia-Tafilalt region, The geophysics filed application is wide and diversified. The explo­
population growth and agricultural activity are putting great pressure ration of hydrogeologically favourable areas for the installation of
on the availability of water, which is still threatened by pollution phe­ boreholes requires absolutely a good knowledge of local geology.
nomenon. It should also be noted that the over exploitation of ground­ However, it also requires the use of complementary methods, especially
water has contributed significantly to the decline in piezometric non-destructive geophysical methods, including the geoelectrical tech­
groundwater levels (Ammary, 2007). To overcome this problem, nique. Several works have confirmed the efficiency of the electrical
hydrogeological exploration remains a continuous task. The identifica­ method to delineate aquifer horizons, in different geological contexts
tion of an aquifer horizon therefore requires more extensive and (Aoudia et al., 2020; Bersi et Saibi, 2020; Chibout et al., 2020). In

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y. Ait Bahammou).

Received 13 April 2020; Received in revised form 17 June 2021; Accepted 14 July 2021
Available online 22 July 2021
2352-801X/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Ait Bahammou et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 15 (2021) 100648

Fig. 1. Situation map of the Zaouia Jdida region and the study location.

hydrogeological terms, the fractured zones are considered as hydraulic source (Fig. 1), in order to identify potential zones that could be
axes, and their geophysical exploration is possible using different tech­ exploited, allowing to extract no contaminated water.
niques (Ndatuwong et Yadav, 2013; Kumar et Yadav, 2014; Bouikbane The current study aims to further recognize the aquifer systems of the
et al., 2017; Jamal et Singh NP, 2018; Snineh et al., 2018; Mandal et al., Errachidia basin, particularly the infracenomanian aquifer. In order to
2019; Tassis et al., 2020). The geoelectrical technique also allows to better characterize the variation of the thickness and the depth of exiting
establish the relationship between the hydraulic properties (hydraulic aquifers, we have undertaken a geophysical study in the Zaouia Jdida
conductivity and transmissivity) of aquifers and geophysical parame­ region, located North and upstream of the above mentioned salt source
ters, including longitudinal conductance and transverse resistance (De (Fig. 1), using Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) Resistivity method. In
Lima et Niwas, 2000; Niwas et De Lima, 2003; Dhakate et Singh, 2005; the field, the Schlumberger configuration was chosen, because
Asfahani, 2012; 2013; Hasan et al., 2020; Youssef MAS, 2020). Schlumberger array is the most commonly used among other arrays for
It should be recalled that in the cretaceous basin of Errachidia, which Vertical Electrical Sounding (Singh P and Singh SK, 2015; 2016;
includes the study area (Fig. 1), groundwater flow is generally oriented Benabdelouahab et al., 2019; Jamal and Singh NP, 2020; Kehinde et al.,
from the North to the South. Locally, in the artesian area of Ain Al Atti, 2020), especially when the desired depth of investigation is large and
water is highly polluted and is considered bad to very bad (Ait the sedimentary cover to be explored is fairly regular. Thus it is the most
Bahammou et al., 2018), due to the salinization process (Ammary, adapted to the hydrogeological context of the study area. The geo­
2007). The salinity increases from the North to the South due to the electric sections established from the obtained profiles, will on one
dissolution and leaching of the evaporitic formations (Aoubouazza et al., hand, serve to delineate approximately the zones not contaminated by
2013). It should also be noted that the dryness increases the phenome­ the extension of the salinity. On the other hand, they will allow to better
non of soils clogging, as a result of the capillarity rise of the salinity understand the relationship between the different structural contacts
(Benamara, 2009; Benamara et al., 2017). For this reason, it would be and the potentiality of the existing aquifers.
very useful to explore geological formations upstream of Ain Al Atti

Fig. 2. Geographic situation and regional geology of the study area (ABH-GRZ, 2007), modified.

Y. Ait Bahammou et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 15 (2021) 100648

Fig. 3. Drilling data and correspondent lithological log (DRPE, 1989) q. Quaternary; PL. Piezometric level.

2. Geography and geological setting with some sandstone, sand, red marl, gypsum and limestone. It is mainly
used as traditional wells with bandwidths from 2 to 10 Ls− 1 as a
The study area is located about 50 km south of Errachidia and 20 km discharge. Its water quality is highly variable and the dry residue varies
north of Erfoud (Fig. 2). It is a part of Cretaceous basin of Errachidia between 0.5 and 10 gL-1. The turonian aquifer consists of fractured
(South-eastern Morocco). This basin is characterized by a stratigraphic limestone and marine origin dolomite as karst facies. The average
series that range from Paleozoic to Quaternary. The Paleozoic comprises thickness of the limestone is about 100 m and reduces to 25 m in the
basal schists, quartzites and some intrusive rocks. It is reduced under South. The aquifer is exploited by traditional wells and pumping station
large anticlines or some buttonholes (Michard, 1976). The outcropping group. Apart from some wells with salinity increasing with depth, the
formations are mainly cretaceous, they overlie the Jurassic. In the dry residue varies between 1 and 2 gL-1. These aquifers receive their
outcrop (Fig. 1), the basin is generally composed of carbonate deposits recharge from floods of Oued Ziz and from local rainfall (Aoubouazza
of Turonian (Choubert and Faure-Muret, 1962), sandstone, marl and et al., 2013). However, the recharge is mainly constituted by infiltration
sand with gypsum intercalation attributed to Infracenomanian and sand of water from the Hassan Addakhil dam releases (Ammary, 2007).
clay with gypsum and anhydrite of Senonian (Choubert, 1920–1945). Concerning the infracenomanian artesian aquifer, it is made by
Locally, from drilling data, the infracenomanian deposits overlie the continental deposits (sandstones and conglomerates) and lagoon sedi­
Paleozoic (angular discordance). The Quaternary is formed of alluvium ments (sand, clay and marl). Its thickness varies between 200 m and 500
and conglomerates. It shows varying thickness layers between 5 and 40 m, and reduces towards the South of the basin (100–50 m). The
m (Amharref, 1991). impermeable screenof this aquifer is formed by marls and red clays. The
water quality varies from one sector to another (Aoubouazza et al.,
3. Hydrogeological data 2013); good quality North of Ain Al Atti region (0,8 to 1,6 gL-1), brackish
at Aoufous (2–3 gL-1), and highly mineralized between Douira and
The Errachidia basin consists of a multilayer aquifer system repre­ foundation raft Erfoud where the residue reaches 14.3 gL-1 (Ammary,
sented by four main aquifer levels (Margat, 1977). The quaternary 2007; Aoubouazza et al., 2013). The mineralization of the infraceno­
aquifer, in the south part of the Errachidia basin, is formed by alluvial manian water could be related to a long contact between water and the
deposits, which contain the essential reserves of the tablecloth. Its depth host rock (Ammary, 2007). Particularly, this chemical degradation is
from the surface varies between 8 and 22 m. In the Ain Al Atti region, the due to the process of dissolution/leaching of evaporates from the aquifer
increase in salinity of water is related to an enrichment in chloride, formations (Aoubouazza et al., 2013). Locally, the Zaouia Jdida region
sodium and calcium (Dakkak et al., 2005; Ammary, 2007). The senonian consists of one main aquifer system attributed to the Infracenomanian.
aquifer, in the north section of the basin, consists of detritic sediments The drilling data (Fig. 3) show that the infracenomanian aquifer is

Y. Ait Bahammou et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 15 (2021) 100648

Fig. 4. Apparent resistivity measurement using Schlumberger configuration. The log-log graph paper is used for the graphical representation to obtain the field
resistivity curve.

Fig. 5. Injection of current when acquiring resistivity data, using two or three current electrodes.

formed of sand, clay and marl passages, and have a thickness of about 2π
350 m (DRPE, 1989). The reservoir is made by sand sediments and its K= ( ) (2)
impermeable screen is made by red clay and marl. The transmissivity of
1 1 1 1
− rAN
− rBM
+ rBN
the aquifer is low and varies between 2 × 10− 4 and 2.2 × 10− 3 m2s− 1,
the storage coefficient ranges from 10− 4 to 10− 3 and the discharge is 0.5 The instrument used in this research work is MAE advanced
× 10− 5 m3 day− 1 (DRPE, 1989). It should be recalled that the residue geophysics instruments (Fig. 4). The measure of the filed resistivity is
varies between 2 and 3 gL-1 (DRPE, 1989). done by a digital Georesistivimeter (4 iterations). The equipment is
characterized by a maximum resolution and precision in the geoelectric
4. Materials and methods survey (±0,5 %), with high speed of operation. The VES measurements
were conducted using Schlumberger configuration (Fig. 4), where the
4.1. Theory and data acquisition current electrodes (A and B) move outwards, which leads to an
increasing penetration of the current lines, then to an increasing influ­
The resistivity of the ground is measured by injected currents and the ence of the deep-seated layers on the apparent resistivity. The voltage
resulting potential differences at the surface. Four electrodes are electrodes (M and N) are closely spaced and fixed to the center of the
required; two electrodes A and B are used for current injections, while array, but when the injected electrical potential is very low, we execute a
two other electrodes M and N are for potential difference measurements. clutch on MN. In our case, for each VES, three clutches were carried out;
On the field, the apparent resistivity ρa is measured by the instrument i) from MN/2 = 2.5 m to MN/2 = 10 m, ii) from MN/2 = 10 m to MN/2
and formally calculated from the current I and the potential difference Δ = 50 m and iii) from MN/2 = 50 m to MN/2 = 100 m. These clutches do
V (equation (1)). The factor K is called geometric factor. For Schlum­ not appear on the presented curves of the VES (paragraph 5), given that
berger configuration, K can be calculated from equation (2) all of the curves were processed by the shifting of the field branches
(Zohdy, 1974). So, the above mentioned processing leads to the
ρa ​ = K* ​ (1) smoothing of VES curves. Furthermore, field curves over horizontally

Y. Ait Bahammou et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 15 (2021) 100648

(Zohdy et al., 1974). This method consists on a preliminary interpreta­

tion giving the resistivity and thickness of various geoelectric layers
(Orellana and Mooney, 1966). For our measurements, these parameters
are used as a forward model and the resistivity data inversion was
performed using WINSEV software. This involves an approximate
theoretical curve to determine both the thickness and the resistivity of
layers. The interpretation of VES results was based on geological data to
correlate the resistivity of the layers to the local lithology.
In hydrogeological terms, the inverted resistivity (true resistivity)
and the thickness are used to delineate the potential aquifer, which
corresponds to a resistant horizon with a significant thickness, and to
characterize its geometry. From these principal parameters (resistivity
and thickness), two other parameters could be derived. These additional
parameters are the transverse resistance (Tr ) and the longitudinal
conductance (Sl ), collectively known as the Dar-Zarrouk parameters
(Maillet, 1947), which have been shown to be main tools for the inter­
pretation of groundwater survey data (Zohdy et al., 1974; Niwas and De
Lima, 2003; Asfahani, 2012). Thus, transverse resistance is used to es­
timate (qualitatively and/or quantitatively) the aquifer transmissivity,
while the longitudinal conductance is used to identify the groundwater
Fig. 6. Digital Terrain Model of the surveyed area and the study location. potential zones in the investigated area. For a given layer, Tr and Sl are
defined by equations (3) and (4) below,
layered ground are generally smoothed (Kirsch, 2006). It should be
Tr = ρ.h (3)
noted that from the separation MN/2 = 10 m, two or three potential
electrodes were used in each pole (Fig. 5), in order to optimize the
Sl = ρ/h (4)
measurement of ΔV. On the field, a total of twenty two VES points were
taken and installed along four profiles oriented N-S, with AB/2 spacing
5. Results and discussion
ranging from AB/2 = 10 m to AB/2 = 750 m. We recall that the distance
between VES points is 100 m. This measuring mesh is chosen to make
5.1. VES curves characterization
good as much as possible the correlation between the obtained re­
sistivity values. To better visualize the implantation of VES points, Fig. 6
The apparent resistivity data were inverted and interpreted quanti­
represents the Digital Terrain Model of the investigate area and the
tatively. The table below gives the summary of VES interpretation re­
study location. We show on the same figure, the geoelectric sections
sults (Table 1). Three types I, II and III of curves were determined. We
elaborated within the framework of this study.
just present in this article, the interpretation of one representative VES
curve from each type.
4.2. Data analysis and resistivity interpretation The type I is represented by 2P1 VES curve (Fig. 7a). The curve be­
gins with a surface resistive layer (Rq) having a resistivity of 56 Ω m and
In the case of VES (1D), the data are plotted on a graph expressing the a thickness of 5 m, which corresponds to the quaternary alluvium
variation of the apparent resistivity with the increasing electrode (gravel and silt). The latter surmounts a conductive terrain C1 (11 Ω m/
spacing (AB/2). Quantitatively, the resistivity data were interpreted 7 m) and another one resistive (40 Ω m/11 m) constituting a complex
using conventional partial curve matching method with auxiliary points Resistant/Conductor denoted (R,C), represented by clayey sand and

Table 1
Summary of VES interpretation results.
Point VES Resistivity Thickness

ρ1 ρ2 ρ3 ρ4 ρ5 ρ6 ρ7 ρ8 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7

1P1 7.8 14 103 8.6 – – – – 5.2 5.9 24 – – –

2P1 56 11 40 104 11 – – – 5 7 11 40 – – –
3P1 40 8.6 30 144 17 – – – 2.6 4.3 8.7 23 – – –
4P1 37 8 34 99 14 – – – 3.3 4.7 12 33 – – –
5P1 31 8.4 40 140 28 – – – 5.4 4.8 6.6 27 – – –
6P1 47 7.1 105 23 64 19 172 – 4.6 5.2 31 3.3 18 111 –
1P2 56 12 47 90 28 – – – 4.7 4.9 9.7 37 – – –
2P2 66 8 15 53 19 – – – 3.5 2.7 3.7 42 – – –
3P2 35 5.3 114 33 74 15 135 – 4 5 14 8 60 110 –
4P2 30 5.3 102 35 93 19 183 – 3.4 5.7 3 4.5 58 120 –
5P2 59 6.1 166 22 150 23 293 – 5.4 4.8 4.3 5.3 55 85 –
1P3 21 6.6 18 48 11 63 90 – 3 5 8 12 12 50 –
2P3 92 9.1 50 7 82 16 71 8 5 8 9 9 20 20 100
3P3 49 11 30 83 16 87 18 – 5 7 18 20 20 80 –
4P3 21 10 92 33 102 33 106 – 8.8 3.5 7.2 11 96 96 –
5P3 36 5.1 151 46 177 22 268 – 4.2 5 7.3 5.1 59 108 –
6P3 29 9 80 12 500 100 20 – 5 7 9 9 40 100 –
1P4 21 9.9 28 6.8 93 208 4.3 – 7.6 6.8 13 7.4 13 109 –
2P4 43 9.7 48 8.1 312 100 19 – 6 8 9.1 9 51 119 –
3P4 74 12 149 9.9 54 405 28 – 2.8 2.7 2.3 8.5 83 155 –
4P4 40 146 15 600 127 – – – 4.7 6.4 17 74 – – –
5P4 63 8.2 40 10 445 129 – – 3 5 10 10 60 – –

Y. Ait Bahammou et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 15 (2021) 100648

Fig. 7. VES representative curves of the Type I (a), type II (b) and type III (c).

sandstone intercalation. The fourth more resistive layer (104 Ω m/40 m) quaternary alluvium Rq (21 Ω m/7.6 m). The (R,C) complex, extending
represent the upper resistive level NRS consisting of the infracenoma­ to a depth of 34 m, are formed by three layers having different qualities,
nian sand. The deep conductor layer NCI (11 Ω m) is attributed to the red which are respectively C1 (9.9 Ω m/6.8 m), R1 (28 Ω m and 13 m) et C2
clay and sandy clay. The type II is represented by 3P2 VES curve (6.8 Ω m/7.4 m). This complex is based on the resistive terrain NRS (122
(Fig. 7b). We notice the presence of the quaternary alluvium Rq rela­ m) occupied by the infracenomanian sand. The last layer (4.3 Ω m)
tively resistant (35 Ω m) and developed over a thickness of 4 m. The constitute the deep conductor (NCI) attributed to red clay and sandy clay
three underlying layers respectively C1 (5.3 Ω m/5 m), R1 (114 Ω m/14 formation.
m) et C2 (33 Ω m/8 m) are attributed to the formation (R,C) extending to With the same separation AB/2 = 500 m, the depths reached for
a depth of 31 m, where the C2 conductive layer corresponds to the these three VES are different. In the case of 2P1 and 1P4 VES points, this
clayey sand. They are based on the resistive layer (74 Ω m/60 m) cor­ difference is mainly due to the difference in the thickness of the NRS
responding to the level NRS composed of the infracenomanian sand. The level; the latter is more thick at 1P4 VES point (122 m). In the case of 2P1
conductive level NCI (15 Ω m), consisting of red clay and sandy clay, and 3P2 VES points, we reach 200 m with 3P2 and only 63 m with 2P1.
appears with a thickness of 110 m. The VES curve ends with a deeper This result is also related to the difference in the thickness of the NRS
resistive layer denoted NRP (135 Ω m) that can be attributed to the level, but also to that of the NCI level. With the same length AB/2 = 500
infracenomanian calcareous sand identified at the borehole 4332/57 m, we only reach the roof of the NRP level at 3P2 VES point, which
drilled in Aferdou location (X = 611500, Y = 118200, Z = 890 m) North means that the NCI level is more thick at 2P1 VES point (>110 m).
of the prospect area (Fig. 1). The roof of the NRP level is situated at a Taking into account the totality of interpreted resistivity results, we
depth of about 220 m. The type III is represented by 1P4 VES curve realized a synthetic lithological log with average values of thickness
(Fig. 7c). As in the case of the type II, the surface terrain is composed of (Fig. 8). Moreover, for the entire surveyed area, the inversion and the

Y. Ait Bahammou et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 15 (2021) 100648

the presence of an electrical discontinuity observed between 2P1 and

3P1 soundings points, which can be due to the passage of a fault that will
have an implication in the groundwater movement of the infraceno­
manian aquifer. The BB′ geoelectric section (Fig. 10) combines four VES
points (2P2, 3P2, 4P2 and 5P2). This section suggests that the infrace­
nomanian sand thickness varies between 55 m (5P2) and 70 m (3P2) and
its resistivity between 74 Ω m and 150 Ω m. It indicates the presence of
an electrical discontinuity detected between 3P2 and 4P2. It is probably
attributed to a fault affecting the infracenomanian formations and could
represent a preferential axis of the groundwater circulation. The section
reveals also a second resistive formation (NRP) corresponding to the
calcareous sand; the resistivity ranges from 135 Ω m to 293 Ω m. We
notice also the presence of two other electrical discontinuities may
correspond to two deep faults, that have affected the infracenomanian
terrain. These would represent two axes of deep flow of the infraceno­
manian groundwater in the surveyed area. The CC′ geoelectric section
(Fig. 11) passes through six VES points (2P3, 3P3, 4P3, 5P3, 5P2 and
6P1). It indicates that the thickness of the infracenomanian sand reaches

Fig. 8. Synthetic lithological log with average values of thickness.

interpretation of the apparent resistivity measurements show that the

principal potential aquifer is the level NRS represented by the infrace­
nomanian sand. This aquifer is based on an impermeable substratum
corresponding to the infracenomanian red clay and sandy clay (NCI).

5.2. Analysis of geoelectric sections

From the interpreted resistivity data, four geoelectric sections are

established (Fig. 5). The purpose is to show the extension of the geo­
electric layers and to recognize the geometry of the aquifer horizon in
the investigated area. These geoelectric sections reflect both lateral and
vertical variations in lithology according to resistivity values. Therefore,
we focus the analysis on the evolution of the thickness of the potential
aquifer (NRS) and on the presence of electrical discontinuities.
The AA′ geoelectric section (Fig. 9) concerns five sounding points
(1P2, 2P1, 3P1, 4P1and 5P1). It shows that the thickness of the infra­
Fig. 10. The BB′ geoelectric section combining four VES points (2P2, 3P2, 4P2
cenomanian sand (NRS) varies between 23 m (3P1) and 40 m (2P1) and
and 5P2).
its resistivity is ranging from 90 Ω m to 140 Ω m. This section indicates

Fig. 9. The AA′ geoelectric section concerning five sounding points (1P2, 2P1, 2P1, 4P1and 5P1).

Y. Ait Bahammou et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 15 (2021) 100648

Fig. 11. The CC′ geoelectric section passing through six VES points (2P3, 3P3, 4P3, 5P3, 5P2 and 6P1).

Fig. 12. The DD′ geoelectric section traversing five VES points (1P4, 2P4, 3P4, 4P4 and 5P4).

140 m (2P3) while its resistivity varies between 64 Ω m and 177 Ω m. (NRS) becomes more thick (170 m) and thickness exceeds 170 m at 4P4
The resistivity of the calcareous sand (NRP) ranges from 172 Ω m to 293 and 5P4 locations. The electrical response shows important resistivity
Ω m. A first electrical discontinuity is highlighted between 3P3 and 4P3. values up to 600 Ω m (4P4) and low values at 1P4 (93 Ω m) and 3P4 (56
It is related to the passage of a fault that has affected the infracenoma­ Ω m) VES points. The low resistivity values could correspond to the marl
nian formations. Two other electrical discontinuities are identified be­ passages. The section reveals also the presence of two electrical dis­
tween 5P3 and 5P2 and between 5P2 and 6P1 that can be interpreted as continuities interpreted as faults affecting the infracenomanian terrain.
fracture zones. These would be involved in the water flow of the infra­ These will play an important role in the groundwater circulation.
cenomanian aquifer. The DD’ geoelectric section (Fig. 12), carried out in
the extreme west of the surveyed area, regroups the five VES points
along the profile 4. We observe clearly that the infracenomanian sand

Y. Ait Bahammou et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 15 (2021) 100648

Fig. 13. The isopach map (a), the isohypse map (b), the transverse resistance map (c) and the longitudinal conductance map (d) of the infracenomanian sand (NRS)
in Zouia Jdida region.

5.3. Interpretative maps points. These depressions will be implicated on the storage of the
infracenomanian groundwater.
The quantitative interpretation of the VES results allowed the The transverse resistance (Tr) map of the potential infracenomanian
drawing of the isopach map of the resistant level NRS (Fig. 13a). It aquifer (Fig. 13c) shows that it increases from the Est to the West and
represents the thickness distribution of the prospect horizon. For the varies between 2472 Ω m2 and 56400 Ω m2 with an average value of
infracenomanian sand (NRS), the map shows that the thickness varies 18082.6 Ω m2. From the map analysis, we can distinguish three zones;
between 20 m and 170 m. The soundings carried out in the extreme Est eastern zone with low transverse resistance Tr < 5000 Ω m2, interme­
of the study area (profile P1), indicate low values of the thickness diate zone with 5000 < Tr < 50000 Ω m2 and western zone with high
ranging from 20 m to 40 m. Along the profile P2, the thickness varies transverse resistance Tr > 50000 Ω m2. Qualitatively, the transverse
between 40 m and 70 m. Significant values of the thickness of the resistance has a positive relationship with the aquifer transmissivity in
infracenomanian sand (NRS) exceeding 80 m are recorded along the semi aride context (Asfahani, 2012), so that the transmissivity of the
profiles P3 and P4, with a maximum of about 170 m at 2P4 and 3P4 VES infracenomanian aquifer (NRS) also increases from the Est to the West.
points. To visualize the depth variation of the infracenomanian sand, we The high values of Tr (Tr > 50000 Ω m2) correspond to zones with
dressed the isohypse map that represents the altitudes distribution of the relatively high thickness as can be seen from the isopach map (Fig. 13a),
roof of the resistant level NRS (Fig. 13b). Taking into account the and can be assumed that these areas may have high transmissivity, so
topography, the obtained map shows that the depth of the roof of the that they could have a certain hydrogeological interest. The longitudinal
infracenomanian sand increases gradually and generally towards the conductance (Sl) map of the infracenomanian aquifer (NRS) is presented
West of the study zone (>30 m); the altitude varies between 818 m and in Fig. 13d. The map shows that Sl ranges from 0.2 Ω-1 to 1.8 Ω-1 with an
828 m. In the NE of the surveyed area, the infracenomanian sand is average value of 0.6 ohm–1. We observe that the longitudinal conduc­
shallow (<10 m); the altitude ranges between 842 m and 848 m at 4P1, tance values greater than average (0.6 Ω-1) are recorded at 6P1, 2P2,
5P1 and 6P1 sounding points. The map analysis reveals the presence of 3P2, 4P2, 1P3, 2P3, 3P3, 4P3, 1P4, 2P4 and 5P4 VES points. The
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