Iot Based Smart Helmet For Unsafe Event Detection For Mining Industry

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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 118 No. 20 2018, 533-538

ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
Special Issue



M.Naveenraj, 2P. Ashwin Kumar, 2R. Vignesh, 2K. Iniyan, 2M. Sri Krishna Prasath
Assistant professor, Dept. of ECE, Karpagam College of Engineering,
Coimbatore, TamilNadu, India.
B.E student, Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, TamilNadu, India.
[email protected]

Abstract: A classic model of the project is to detect namely, unlicensed 2.4 GHz industrial, scientific and
hazardous events in the mining environment by using medical(ISM) band, ulta low power (ideal for battery-
the smart helmet, which has been developed for the operated system) ,operates for years on inexpensive
mining industry . The developed prototype is highly batteries ,large number of nodes/sensors, reliable and
used to prevent miner from hazardous situation .In secure links between network nodes, easy deployment
mining industries, it can be able to indicate the and configuration ,low-cost system, very fast transition
information from the loss of air, humidity, removing time, digital battery monitor facility and smaller in size
the helmet by miner and crashing on head by any (system on chip).
objects. The air condition is detected by carbon In this way the motivation of the project is to
monoxide which is a dangerous gas, it can be specialise a current protective helmet for mine workers
determined by the saturation level. The removal of has to make the system full safety mode and advanced
helmet is monitored by using Infrared (IR) sensor and in technologically by including a sensors and
it is an unsafe for miners . The crash of an object on microcontrollers.
head is find by pressure sensor. According to health
condition, it could be dangerous when the force 2. Literature Survey
excreted on head exceeds 34 psi. This model consists of
two modules- the input module in helmet and output Kinney P and et al. have proposed an wireless
module to report. The input module consists of ARM7 communication based on ZigBee, their main idea to
microcontroller, various sensors and ZigBee. The ouput detect the humidity level and air condition in the
module consists of ZigBee and raspberry pi controller. mining industry. These sensed data will be transmitted
In output module, an automated e-mail alert is to ZigBee with an wireless connection. The person who
generated by the system and is delivered to the is monitoring in the ground station alerts the miner. The
authorized personnel, if a miner has experienced any wireless communication can be performed by ZigBee
hazardous event. and there a person needs to be designed at the
monitoring room to monitor and alert.
Keywords: IoT, sensors, ZigBee, raspberry pi, Lin S,Liu J and Fang Y,etal.formulated an
wireless network, monitoring and transmission. automation through an ZigBee bases wireless network
of the system. Here it needs to be more thoroughly
1. Introduction explored to accomplish the prosperous implementation
of computerized systems in underground mines. The
Minerals which constitute the support of economic automated system of the project is done by ZigBee ,it
growth of any nation in the society and India has been can be transmitted the signals of alert data for long
given in the form of nature . There are many evidence distance without any disturbances.
that exploitation of minerals like coal, iron-ore, copper, AkyildizIF, Melodiaa T and Chowdhury RK,etal.
lead-zinchas been going on in the country from time have proposed the safety measures which can be done
immemorial. M/s John Taylor & Sons Ltd. started by wireless network connections. The sensor network is
gold mining in Kolar Gold Fields in the year 1880 in connected over the system it is sensed the data and
Pennsylvania State, USA in 1859. transmitted through wireless network and it can be
Mining activities in the country however received by Computer network. There is a data logging
remained primitive in nature and modest in scale mechanism and we cannot identify which miner has
uptill the beginning of the current century. The ZigBee experienced difficulties.
technology is emerging as an important wireless sensor
networking solution for short and medium range
communication due to its numerous advantages,

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

3. Proposed System 3.1.1 Transmitter Block

This project is mainly consisting of two types are

helmet and monitoring sections. ARDUINO UNO is a
microcontroller which is located in helmet section, it is
a 32 bit and 64 pin microcontroller. ARDUINO UNO is
Reduced Instruction set Computing (RISC) which
means it requires significantly fewer transistors than the
processors. The code which is written in ARDUINO
IDE for helmet sections. In code and data storage, the
ARDUINO incorporates 512 KB flash memory system.
This approach reduces the cost, heat dissipation and
power usage. In the project folder , .hex file will be
automatically generated on building the source code.
.hex file will be burn where flash magic is a tool used
for burning the .hex files to ARDUINO UNO
microcontroller. . Raspberry pi which runs on Raspbian
operating system and it is used as a controller in
monitoring section. The ZigBee is connected to
Raspberry pi controller at the receiver end; the data is
received through ZigBee in the form of serial
communication. The received sensor data is directly
send to email. This section contains an system, where
an automatic e-mail will be generated and sent Figure 3.1 Helmet section
toauthorize personnel if the sensor values are out of the
specified range. 3.2 Receiver Section
The workers will be provided with a protective
helmet where the underground is very dark and it is The output section of monitoring section in Figure 3.2.
provided with an inherent light in it. If there is any It consists of ZigBee module, Raspberry pi controller.
dangerous condition alerting by using any alarm signals The data from the input section is received wirelessly
is tough process in the underground mining industries. by ZigBee module. The ZigBee module which sends
Due to loud noise in the machinery alerting with any the information to Raspberry pi controller and the data
speakers is not possible and it can be indicated by will be monitored by raspberry pi module and if the
blinking the light for fewer minute. In this technique sensed data is crosses beyond the level of range, then
we can easily find the worker who is in the dangerous an automatic alert e-mail is generated and will be
condition. delivered to authorized personnel.
In the monitoring section ,the python code is
written in the alerting unit to generate and deliver an 3.2.1 Receiver Block
automatic e-mail to authorized personnel if the sensed
sensor values are out of specified range. This method is
one of the major important for the worker in the mining
industry and it can be done by modern technologies.

3.1Transmitter Section

The input section of the helmet design(Figure 3.1).It is

consists of four sensors are carbon monoxide sensor,
InfraRed sensors, humidity sensor and pressure sensor.
These sensors senses the data and the sensed data will
be send to ARDUINO UNO microcontroller and it is
coverted into digital format with the help of 10 bit
ADC. It matches data from 0 to 1023. The matched
data will be converted into string and the data that can
be sent to output monitoring section wirelessly using
the ZigBee module.
Figure 3.2 Monitoring section

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

3.3 Humidity Sensor The Arduino Uno board is a microcontroller based

on the ATmega328. It has 14 digital pins in the
The DHT-22 (also named as AM2302) is a digital- input/output session which they can made segments 6
output, relative humidity, and temperature sensor PWM outputs, 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic
Humidity sensors can be used as a monitoring and resonator, an ICSP header, a USB connection. This
preventive measure in homes for people with illnesses contains all the supports needed for microcontroller.
that are affected by humidity. They are also found as Arduino Board which is varies from all boards and
part of home heating, ventilating, and air conditioning they will not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip in
systems (HVAC systems).measures and reports both the process. It is featured by the Atmega16U2
moisture and air temperature. Humidity sensors which programmed as a USB-to-serial converter.
is worked for detecting changes that alter electrical
currents or atmospheric condition in the air. Dew 3.8 Working of Raspberry PI
sensors are used in the coating industry because the
application of paint and other coatings may be An SD card is fixed into the slot on the board and acts
extremely sensitive to dew point. like the hard drive for the Raspberry Pi. It is equiped by
USB and the video support can be hooked up to a
3.4 Carbon Monoxide Sensor traditional RCA TV set, a more modern monitor, or
even a HDMI port used by TV. This gives you all of
MQ-7 gas sensor has an Structure and configuration is the basic properties of a normal computer. It is
displayed in Fig.3. 1, sensor composed by measuring produced 3 about extremely low power consumption .
electrode and heater are fixed into a crust formed from To put this power consumption in cordinate, you
plastic and stainless steel net. Work conditions for work should go with 30 Raspberry Pi’s in place of a perfect
of sensitive components gives to the heater , it has an 6 light bulb.
pin of them 4 are used to fetch signals, and other 2 are
used for providing heating current. An MQ-7 consists 4.Result and Discussion
of two parts are heating circuit having time control
function . The second is the output circuit, it can
accurately respond changes in the sensor of surface

3.5 Pressure Sensor

This is pressure sensitive resistor which can be sense

the area that can used. This FSR will differ from its
resistance value and it is depending on the pressure
which is applied for the sensing area. In the pressure
sensor the object which is limited which harder the
power , the lower the force of resistance. From the
bottom the 2 pins is extended with 0.1" pitch
making it in the friendly manner.

3.6 Infrared Sensor

This is an electronic instrument ,it is used to sense the

object when it crosses the sensor. It is used to find that
the worker has removed his helmet or not. An infrared
sensor is laid out to inform the signal from the helmet Figure 4.1 Miner details
,if the signal from the sensor is obstructed ,then it
indicates that the miner is wearing a helmet else he is Initially every helmet it has an helmet ID for a
not wearing it. fixed value. In the mining, the miners can take up and
wear any of the helmets from the store room, every
3.7.Working of Arduino UNO working day while miner picks up a helmet, his ID will
be attached to the helmet. Now the helmet will be
Arduino is a interactive objects which is an single- configured to work according to the range specified in
board microcontroller meant to make this application his user ID (see Figure 4.1).
more accessible in environment. The features of
hardware with an open-source hardware board designed
around an 8-bit Atmel AVR microcontroller.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Figure 4.4 Humidity of an environment Figure 10

show the humidity values of an environment in which a
miner is working. The optimum range of humidity is
considered to be in between 40 and 60 percentage. The
lower humidity causes respiratory infections and higher
humidity cause mites to grow.

Figure 4.2 Pressure sensor detection.

Figure 4.2 shows the sensed data by pressure

sensor with respect to time, the pressure sensor is used
in our project to detect the bump on the miners head.
The pressure sensor when it records a value which is
greater than 234.6Kpa, then it indicates that miner is in
life threatening injury

Figure 4.3 Gas sensor level of indication.

Figure 4.3 shows the concentration of carbon Figure 4.5 Alert message in mail inbox
monoxide gas in the environment. Here the graph is
plotted with time versus gas concentration. According Figure 4.5 shows the screenshot of the alert email
to U.S. standards for carbon monoxide levels, 50 ppm sent by the monitoring unit to authorized personnel.
of gas has no negative effects with eight hours of The massage includes user_id, helmet_id and the
disclosure. reason for alert message generation.

5. Conclusion

We have described the process that the minig industry

workers safety for future follow; the evaluation of
following process can be done in the wireless
networking system. On the sections of the module, we
show the described measure can be better than the other
existing method to create more awareness in the mining
industry. In a practical scenario, using in the real world,
the experiments show how the improvement of learning
the difficulties in mining, and also analyse what are
measure to be done better than other methods.
Figure 4.4 Temperature detection in the environment.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

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