Light Speed Calculation With Chocolate and Microwave Oven
Light Speed Calculation With Chocolate and Microwave Oven
Light Speed Calculation With Chocolate and Microwave Oven
A microwave oven increase the kinetic energy just of wa- and the time represents the period T (the time for
ter molecules that are present in the food. For our case, one oscillation), so the frequency is 1/T (Hz). Replacing
the microwave oven emits electromagnetic waves, with a these terms we have:
frequency of 2.45 GHz, which interacts with the water
molecules of body making them vibrate. So, these inter-
λ = c.T (3)
actions made for a certain time, make the temperature
rise, and now the food is hot[? ].
λT = c (4)
In figure 1 we can see the parts of a 1D general wave. Also we have to know that the microwave warms up more
in some points called antinodes, this is because the wave Replacing theese values into equation 5 we have:
is more energetic and has a higher amplitude. Figure 2
shows the point mentioned before. (0, 124m)(2.45.109 Hz) = 303.800.000(ms) (6)