Unit Ii Pse
Unit Ii Pse
Unit Ii Pse
The waves associated with matter are called matter waves or De -Broglie waves.
He derived wavelength λ for matter waves as follows
Consider a photon of radiant energy hγ moving with the velocity of light ‘c’. According to the Planck’s
theory of radiation, the energy E of the photon is given by
E h [ ]
E ………………(1)
h = planks constant
γ = frequency of radiation,
c = velocity of light
λ = wave length.
If the photon is considered as a particle of mass m, then according to Einstein mass energy relation, the
energy E of the photon is also given by
E = mc2 ……………..(2)
Where c = velocity of light.
Since the energy of the photon in the two cases is the same, therefore
eq.(1) = eq.(2)
mc 2
mc 2
…………….. (3)
De Broglie extended this idea to conclude that eq.(3) is applicable to photons of radiations as well as other
particles. Thus if a particle has a mass m and travels with a velocity v its momentum is mv .This particle will
behave as a wave satisfying the equation
h h
………………… (4)
mv p
Where is wavelength of matter waves or De Broglie wavelength.
Equation (4) is called as De Broglie’s wave equation.
1 2 m2v 2
E mv
2 2m
m 2 v 2 2mE
p 2 2mE
p 2mE
Consider an electron at rest. It is accelerated through a potential difference of V volts and gains a velocity
of v meter/sec.
Mass of the electron = m
Charge of electron = e
Work done on the electron = eV
This work is converted into the kinetic energy of the electron, thus
Kinetic energy of the electron = mv 2
Therefore eV 12 mv 2
velocity of electron v --------------(6)
By De Broglie’s equation wave length of electron
Therefore ------(7)
Substituting the values,
h = 6.625 X 10-34 J-s.
e = 1.6 X 10-19 C
m = 9.1X10-31 Kg,
6.625 10 -34
We get
2 1.6 10 -19 9.1 V
12.25 10 -10
Equation (7) denotes the wavelength of De Broglie’s wave associated with an electron.
According to the classical mechanics, a moving particle occupies a definite position is space and has a
definite momentum. It is possible to determine exactly its position and momentum simultaneously.
But in the quantum mechanics a particle is described by a wave packet which represents and symbolies all
about the particle and moves with group velocity (equal to particle velocity). The particle may be found anywhere
within the wave packet. This implies that the position of the particle is uncertain within the limit of the wave
packet. Moreover the wave packet has a velocity spread and hence there is uncertainty about the (velocity)
momentum of the particle. This means it is impossible to know where within the wave packet the particle is and
what is its exact momentum.
It is impossible to determine precisely and simu1taneolls the values of both the members of
a pair of physical variables which describe the motion of an atomic system.
Qualitatively this principle states that the order (magnitude of the product of the uncertainties in the
knowledge of two variables must be at least Planck’s constant ‘h’.
Considering the pair of physical variables as position and momentum, we have
px h ……………………..(1)
It given by Et h
J h
Where E and t - uncertainities in determining the energy and time
x …….. (1)
2 sin
Δx - minimum distance between two points in the field of view of the microscope which
can be distinguished as separate (uncertainty in determining the position of the particle)
λ - wave length of the light used
θ - semi-vertical angle of the cone of light that enters the microscope objective
If we wish to make Δx very small, the wave length of the incident radiation should be small. So let us
assume that very short wave length ‘γ’ rays are used to illuminate the electron at 'O' (fig). If the
electron is to be seen in the microscope, the incident γ - ray photon should be scattered into the
microscope objective. In such a scattering, the electron recoils according to Compton Effect. To be able
to see the electron, the scattered photon should enter the microscope anywhere between OA and 0B i.e.,
within the angle 2θ
h h A
Incident Photon
Fig: 8.1
Momentum (p) imparted by the photon to the electron during the impact =
Component of this momentum along X-direction (+ ve) = sin θ
Component of this momentum along X-direction (-ve) = - sin θ
Hence the uncertainty in the momentum measurement in the X – direction.
h h 2h
p x sin ( sin ) sin ……….(2)
Multiplying equations (1) and (2), we have
x p x sin
2 sin
i.e., xp x h …….. (3) This shows that the product of uncertainties in
position and momentum is of order of Planck’s consta
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle can help us to establish that electron cannot be present in the nucleus of
the atom. The size of the nucleus of the order of 10 -15 m.
We know that
x.p h
x.mv h
6.6 10 34
9.1 10 31 10 14
v 7.25 1010 ms 1
It is quite evident that the value of v , the uncertainty in velocity is much higher than the velocity of light
(3x108ms-1), which is not possible. Hence, electron cannot be present in atomic nucleus.
The Schroedinger’s wave equation, like Newton’s laws of motion is a fundamental relationship showing
logical coherence to a vast amount of experimental observation. Newton’s laws of motion can be applied only to
macroscopic systems and events. But the Schroedinger’s wave equation can be applied both to macroscopic and
microscopic systems and events.
The classical wave equation
2 y 2 y
v (in one dimension) ------------------------(1)
t 2 x 2
Where ‘y’ is the displacement of the particle, which is moving in x-direction at any instant t. This equation can be
applied to waves in a stretched string, sound waves in air and light waves in vacuum. The general solution of this
equation is equal to
y( x, t ) Ae i ( kx t ) ---------------------------------------------(2)
2 2
Substituting k and 2 in eq(2) we get
i( x 2t )
y( x, t ) Ae
2i ( t )
y( x, t ) Ae
substuting the energy of a photon E h (or ) and Where is the frequency of the radiation.
Using de Broglie' s relation the wavelength of the photon . in eq(3) we get
E px
2i ( t )
y( x, t ) Ae h h
( E t px )
y ( x, t ) Ae h
( E t px ) h
y ( x, t ) Ae
According to Schroedinger, for atomic particle like electron, one must take the whole solution of y, since one
cannot determine the momentum and position of it simultaneously. He called this complex displacement as wave
function ‘Ψ’. So we specify ‘Ψ’ by
( E t px )
( x, t ) Ae
------------------------- (4)
This expression for Ψ is correct only for freely moving particles. Differentiating partially with respect to x twice,
we get
x, t ip Et px
e -------------------- (5)
2 x, t ip ip Et px
e ----------------------- (6)
x 2
2 x, t p2
x, t --------------------------- (7)
x 2 2
2 x, t
2 p 2 x, t ------------------------------(8)
x 2
Differentiating partially with respect to t, we get
x, t
Ei Et px
x, t
x, t
x, t E x, t -------- --------(9)
i t
The total energy of a particle is sum of its kinetic energy and potential energy. ie.,
1 2
E mv V ( x) -------------------(10)
mv 2
E V ( x) ------------------(11)
Multiply and divide the R.H.S by ‘m’ we get
m2v 2
E V ( x) -----------------------(12)
E V ( x) ----------------------(13)
Multiply by ( x, t ) on both sides we get
E ( x, t ) V ( x) ( x, t ) ( x, t ) --------------(14)
Substituting of the value of p2 x, t from equation (8) and E x, t from equation (9) in eq.14, we get
x, t 2 2 x, t
V x x, t ---------------(15)
i t 2m x 2
2 2 2 2m
E V x x 0 ----------(21)
x 2 y 2 z 2 2
This eqn. can also be written as
E V x x 0 ------------(22)
2 2 2
Where 2 2 2
x y z
∫*. dv = 1
where dv is the volume element = dx.dy.dz and
= (x,y,z)
This integral is called normalization integral and the wave functions, which satisfy this integral condition, are said
to be ‘normalized’.
Conditions on the wave function to be a satisfactory solution of Schroedinger’s wave eqn.
1) To be a satisfactory solution of the Schroedinger’s wave equation, the wave function must be
normalized as explained above.
* dv 1
This condition arises because of the probability interpretation. Other similar conditions which are to be obeyed
by the wave function on account of the probability interpretation on 2 are given below.
2) The wave function must be single valued, finite and continuous in space and obey the standard boundary
conditions. Also it must be normalized.
3) Similarly, the first derivative of the wave function /x etc are also required to be single valued, finite and
continuous and obey the standard boundary conditions.
4) The wave function representing a particle which is truly existing and is not decaying, cannot be zero
identically everywhere.
The probability 2 of locating such a particle somewhere in space is
Therefore,(x) = 0 for any and every point x in space between -∞ and +∞ is not
allowed; if allowed, it would make 2 = 0 everywhere which refers to the
non-existence of the particle.
If a wave function obeys all such conditions, then it represents one of the characteristic states of
the moving particle and it is known as an ‘eigen function’. The physical variables such as energy E etc will also be
characteristic of that state and hence they are known as ‘eigen values’. The set of all eigen functions represents the
different allowed states of the particle. The solutions of Schroedinger’s eqn., which are not eigen functions are
physically unacceptable to represent the particle. Thus any physical system will have only a finite number of
allowed states.
V(x)= V(x)=
(x)=0 (x)=0
V(x)= V(x)=
0 L
Fig: 8.2
Consider a particle moving inside a box along the x-direction. The particle is bouncing back and forth
between the walls of the box i.e., particle to be moving to and fro between the two walls at x=0 and x=L. The
particle is suffering perfect elastic collision at these walls. Therefore there is no change in its potential energy. For
simplicity we say that the value of potential energy V of the particle inside is zero. Further because the walls are
infinitely hard the particle cannot get out of the box. We may express the fact by saying that outside the box the
particle potential energy is infinite. Thus the potential function (V) can be expressed as
Boundary conditions
V0 For 0 x L
V For x<0 and x>L
The potential function is shown in figure and is known as square well potential. The particle cannot exist outside
the box and its wave function is 0 for x 0 and x L .Our task is to find what is, within the box, viz., between
x= 0 and x=L.
The Schroedinger’s wave equation is
2 ( x) 2m
+ 2 (E-V (x)) (x) = 0-----------(1)
x 2
2 2mE
2 0
x 2
k 2 0 --------------------(2)
x 2
2 mE
Where k2 =
The energy of the particle E n ------(10)
For each value of n, there is an energy level and the corresponding wave function is given by Eq.(10). The particle
in the box cannot possess any arbitrary amount of energy. Rather, it can have discrete energy values specified by
the Eq. (10). In other words .Its energy is quantized. Each value of E n is a called an eigen value and the
corresponding n is called eigen function.
A few of the energy levels are shown in fig.
Fig: 8.3 Energy levels and Wave Functions
A dx 1
i.e, sin 2
L 1 cos
A2 L dx 1
x 1 L 1
2 2 2n
L 0
L 1 sin 2nx
A2 1
2 2 2n L
L L sin 2nx
A2 1
2 2 2n
The second term of the integrated expression becomes zero at both limits,
A2 L
Thus 1
A2 ;
The eigen functions belonging to eigen values En now be expressed as
2 nx
n sin
This is called the normalized eigen functions .the energy (E n) and the normalized wave functions are given in
Tunnel diode (Tunneling Effect)
A two thermal device that exhibits a region of incremental negative resistance is the tunnel diode. If p and
n regions of a diode are heavily doped 1025impurities /m3) and it is possible for carriers to tunnel through the
potential barrier if it is narrow enough (10-6cm) and if available energy levels of states exists on the other side.
Tunnel diodes find the greatest application in switching circuits requiring times of les than 10-9 second. This is
possible because tunneling is a quick process and it is nothing but the spreading of the electron wave function
through the potential barrier, which takes place at near the velocity of light value. Referring the current voltage
characteristics of tunnel diode [fig (a)] there are four positions in this. Position (a) represents the condition of the
diode in the absence of biasing. A contact potential exists at the p-n junction and so no current flow. Due to
tunneling, current flows from position (A) to position (b) with forward basing (figure (b), (c), (d)). If we still
increase the forward bias, the conduction band electrons in the n type materials or holes in valence band of p type
and of p type see no vacant energy levels (fig (e)) due to that current decreases even though there is forward
voltage. This region is known as negative resistant region. This region is important for different device operations
like amplifier, oscillator and high-speed switch (c) this position is denoted as in fig (a)). Beyond this region and
for large forward bias, this tunnel diode operates a conventional diode i.e., the current increases exponentially with
the forward bias [position (d) in figure (a)]. The doted line indicates the current voltage characteristics of the
conventional diode .if a reveres bias voltage is applied, the height of the barrier is increased above the open circuit
value Eo. Hence the n-side levels must shift downward with respect to the p-side levels as indicated in fig.(f). So
there are some energy states in the valence band of the p-side, which lie at the same levels allowed empty states in
the conduction band of the n – side. Hence these electrons will tunnel from p to the n side, giving rise to a reverse
diode current. At the magnitude of the reverse bias increases, the shaded area grows in size causing the reverse
current to increase as shown in figure (a).
Fig: 8.5