Amadeus Altea CM GUI Overview

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Amadeus Altéa Departure

Control Customer
Management GUI Overview
User Guide
© Amadeus s.a.s.
All Rights Reserved.
Edition 1.0

August 2007
Table of Contents

Before You Start ...................................................................................... 1

Audience................................................................................................ 1
Terminology........................................................................................... 1
Where Do I Go For Help?...................................................................... 1

Chapter 1
Introduction to Customer Management................................................. 3
Security Overview.................................................................................. 4

Chapter 2
Signing In and Opening Customer Management Applications ........... 7
Signing In............................................................................................... 7
Setting Advanced Sign in Parameters ......................................................... 9
Failed Sign In............................................................................................. 13
Time Out of Session .................................................................................. 14
Signing Out and Closing Customer Management ............................... 14
Opening an Application ....................................................................... 15
Closing an Application ......................................................................... 17

Chapter 3
Customer Management GUI ................................................................. 19
Title Bar and Resize Controls.............................................................. 20
Menus.................................................................................................. 21
The Applications Menu .............................................................................. 21
The Device Menu ...................................................................................... 22
The Navigation Menu................................................................................. 25
The Logoff Menu ....................................................................................... 26
The Help Menu .......................................................................................... 27
Screen Features .................................................................................. 27
Tabs .......................................................................................................... 27
Common Screen Elements ........................................................................ 28
Field Groups .............................................................................................. 31
Action Lists ................................................................................................ 31
Specifying Dates and Times ...................................................................... 33
System Defaults ........................................................................................ 36
Using the Baggage Calculator ................................................................... 36
Prime Flight Details ............................................................................. 37
Customer Product (CP) Table ............................................................. 40
Screen Messages................................................................................ 46
Message Prompts...................................................................................... 46
Confirmation and Warning Messages in the Message Area ...................... 48

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Amadeus Altéa Departure Control Customer Management GUI Overview User Guide

Common Navigation Standards and Shortcuts ................................... 49

Chapter 4
User Profile ............................................................................................ 51
Viewing User ID Details....................................................................... 51
Changing Your Password .......................................................................... 52
Changing User Profiles.............................................................................. 53
Setting User Preferences .................................................................... 54

Chapter 5
Messenger.............................................................................................. 57
Subscribing to Message Categories.................................................... 57
Setting Up Message Printing Options ........................................................ 59
Viewing Messages............................................................................... 61
New Message Notification ......................................................................... 63
Publishing Messages........................................................................... 63

Chapter 6
Online Help............................................................................................. 67
Using Online Help................................................................................ 67
Accessing the Help Screens ...................................................................... 68
Searching within the Help Screens ............................................................ 70
Printing Help Topics................................................................................... 73
Viewing a Log of System Activity......................................................... 76

Chapter 7
Reservations, World Tracer and Teletype ........................................... 79
Topics in This Section ......................................................................... 79
Accessing Reservations Using a Cryptic Screen ................................ 79
Accessing World Tracer ...................................................................... 80
Teletype Applications .......................................................................... 80
Opening and Closing the Teletype Applications......................................... 81
Creating and Sending a Free Text TTY Message...................................... 81
Creating and Sending a TTY Message Using a Template ......................... 84
Searching for a TTY Message ................................................................... 86
Updating a TTY Message .......................................................................... 89
Creating a TTY Template Category ........................................................... 90
Deleting a TTY Template Category ........................................................... 91
Creating a TTY Template .......................................................................... 93
Updating a TTY Template.......................................................................... 96
Deleting a TTY Template........................................................................... 98
Switching to Another TTY Template Owner............................................. 100

Chapter 8
Navigation Quick Reference............................................................... 103
Opening Menus ................................................................................. 103
Opening Applications......................................................................... 103
Navigating Between Screens ............................................................ 104
Navigating Within Screens ................................................................ 104
Function Keys.................................................................................... 105

ii Edition 1.0
Table of Contents

Chapter 9
Icon Quick Reference.......................................................................... 107
General Icons .................................................................................... 107
Seating Icons..................................................................................... 110

Index ..................................................................................................... 113

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Before You Start

This user guide describes how to use the Amadeus Altéa Departure Control
Customer Management Graphical User Interface (GUI). It includes screen
features and navigation, the Messenger application, online help, accessing
Reservations using a cryptic screen, and sending and receiving Teletype
The following Amadeus Altéa Departure Control System (DCS) Customer
Management applications and functions are described in dedicated user guides:
• Baggage
• Boarding
• Customer
• Disruptions
• Flight Information and Setup
• Seating
If you need more information about business rules, refer to the Amadeus Altéa
Departure Control Customer Management Business Rules Training Module.

This module is intended for all users of the Amadeus Altéa Departure Control
Customer Management system.

Refer to the Amadeus Altéa Departure Control Customer Management Glossary
for a list of terms that are used in the user guides.

Where Do I Go For Help?

If you need help on how to use Amadeus Altéa Departure Control Customer
Management applications, contact your airline’s first-level help desk. If additional
support is required, the help desk staff can escalate the issue to the Amadeus
Service Management Centre.

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Chapter 1
Introduction to Customer

Customer Management is an integrated component of the Amadeus Altéa

Departure Control System (DCS). It enables an airline to carry out all aspects of
the management of customers and comprises the applications listed in the table
below. All Customer Management applications can be accessed using the
Amadeus Customer Management Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Table: Customer Management Applications

Application Area Explanation

Customer Tasks relating to identification and acceptance of

customers. Common tasks include customer
identification, security questions and boarding pass
printing. Other tasks depend on the customer
circumstances, such as high-priority comments, no
ticket data, connecting flights, services required and
regulatory data required.
Flight Flight-level tasks that can be performed any time
before or during customer acceptance and boarding.
Flight-level tasks include viewing acceptance figures,
catering and customer lists. Flight setup tasks include
updating gate information and pre-accepting groups.
Seatmap Tasks related to seat assignment and changing seat
assignments. This includes swapping and shuffling
Baggage Tasks relating to identification and acceptance of
baggage. Common tasks include entering baggage
details, updating bag status and printing tags. Other
tasks relate to crew baggage, cabin baggage and
pooled baggage.
Boarding Pre-boarding and boarding tasks. Pre-boarding tasks
include viewing the ineligible-to-board list and
delivering comments. Boarding tasks include opening
and closing boarding, updating gate numbers and
Boarding Monitor Tasks related to the monitoring of boarding activity of
multiple flights.
Track Tasks related to the tracking of customers’ locations.

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Amadeus Altéa Departure Control Customer Management GUI Overview User Guide

Application Area Explanation

Reservations Access to Amadeus Altéa Reservations using a cryptic

screen. You can also access other systems from
Reservations, such as the IMS/OSG operational
control system and other airlines' systems.
Teletype (TTY) Tasks related to sending and receiving teletype
messages using a cryptic screen.
Teletype Template Admin A range of templates for sending teletype messages.
My User ID Details Information about your user profile.
My Preferences Your system preferences.
Messenger Tasks related to receiving and sending messages
using the Amadeus Messenger application.
World Tracer Access to the World Tracer application using a cryptic

This user guide introduces you to the following:

• Signing in and opening Customer Management applications
• The Customer Management GUI
• Messenger
• Online Help
• Using a cryptic screen to access applications external to Customer
There are also quick reference guides to Customer Management navigation and
to the Customer Management icons in the appendices.

Security Overview
The Security Administration application controls access to the Amadeus Altéa
DCS through a common sign in process. It is invoked to authenticate any user
who tries to access the DCS. It is also used to modify certain user settings, such
as the password. Security Administration contains the master database where
system administrators define the security data used to control access to the DCS.
Below is a table that explains the terms used to define security in the master

Table: Security Terminology

Term Explanation

Application The Amadeus product, such as the DCS, made secure

through the Security Administration application.
Organisation The airline that uses that application.
User The employees of the organisation using the
Permission The specific tasks that can be performed in the

4 Edition 1.0
Chapter 1 Introduction to Customer Management

Term Explanation

Role A set of permissions, usually matching a job function,

that enable a user to perform that job.

Before you can carry out any action in the DCS, your system administrator must
define your access level in the Security Administration application, and allocate
the necessary roles and permissions to you. These are defined according to the
functions you are to perform and the location where you work.
If the appropriate rights have not been defined for you, the message ‘You are not
authorised to perform this action’ is displayed when you attempt to perform an
operation in the DCS. If this happens, you should contact your system
administrator who will update your rights accordingly.
In some cases, if you do not have the required access level to perform a function,
the associated fields are greyed out and the buttons disabled.

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Chapter 2
Signing In and Opening Customer
Management Applications

Before you can sign in to Customer Management, your system administrator

must give you the required permissions and authority to perform specific
functions in the application. When you first launch Customer Management, the
Sign in screen is displayed.

Example: Customer Management Sign in Screen

Signing In
This topic explains how to sign in to Customer Management.
The Customer Management Sign in screen comprises two groups of fields:
• Identification group
• Advanced Login Parameters group

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The Identification group appears by default.

The table below lists the buttons that appear on the Sign in screen.

Table: Sign in Screen Buttons

Button Action when Selected

Clears all text fields in the Sign in screen. Drop-down

menus revert to default settings.
The Sign in screen expands to display the Advanced
Sign in fields. This button is displayed only in the
Normal Sign in screen.
The Sign in screen minimises to hide the Advanced
Sign in fields. This button is displayed only in the
Advanced screen.
Use this button when you have completed all fields on
the Sign in screen and are ready to sign in to Customer
Your sign in attempt is cancelled and Customer
Management closes.

Note: Press Tab or Ctrl+Tab to navigate forwards through the fields in the
Sign in screen. Press Shift+Tab to navigate back to the previous field.
See Common Navigation Standards and Shortcuts on page 49 for
more information about navigating around Customer Management.
To sign in to the Customer Management application from the Normal Sign in
1. Launch Customer Management.
The Normal Sign in screen is displayed.

Example: Normal Sign in Screen

2. If necessary, change the default connection by pressing Ctrl+down arrow in

the Connection field and using the down arrow key to select a new
connection. Press Enter.
The two types of Connection are:
- Production
This is the live production software which is the version of the software
that you use while working.

8 Edition 1.0
Chapter 2 Signing In and Opening Customer Management Applications

- Skilling
This is a version of the software used for training. Any changes applied to
the Skilling version of the software do not affect the live system.
3. Type your user name in the User ID field.
4. Type your password in the Password field.
5. If necessary, change the default organisation code in the Organization field.
6. Tab to the Sign in button and press Enter. If your sign in is successful,
Customer Management opens.
Note: You can have two sessions active in Customer Management provided
that your access level is not restricted to Single sign in. Your system
administrator sets this option for you in the master database. For more
information about access levels, see Security Overview on page 4.

Setting Advanced Sign in Parameters

To display advanced sign in parameters from the Normal Sign in screen:
1. Tab to the Advanced button and press Enter.
The Sign in screen expands to display the Advanced Login Parameters group
of fields.

Example: Advanced Sign in Screen

2. Use the Advanced Login Parameters fields to perform the following

advanced sign in tasks:

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Amadeus Altéa Departure Control Customer Management GUI Overview User Guide

- Change the sign in mode

- Change the duty code
- Specify your remote office
- Retrieve your computer workstation ID
- Change your password

Changing the Sign in Mode

There are two sign in modes in Customer Management, which you can select
from the Mode field:
• User + location
This mode is for users who are familiar with their user ID (for example, sonic
• Sign with location
This mode is for users familiar with their Amadeus sign ID.
Whichever mode you use to sign in, the access levels that you have are linked to
your roles and permissions. See Security Overview on page 4 for more
information about access levels.
To use the Mode drop-down list to change the sign in mode:
1. In the Mode field, press Ctrl+down arrow to open the Mode drop-down list.

Example: Mode Drop-down List

2. Use the arrow keys to select the required option and press Enter.
The Mode drop-down list closes and the selected option is displayed in the Mode

Changing the Duty Code

To use the Duty Code drop-down list to change the duty code:
1. In the Duty Code field, press Ctrl+down arrow to open the Duty Code drop-
down list.

Example: Duty Code Drop-Down List

10 Edition 1.0
Chapter 2 Signing In and Opening Customer Management Applications

2. Use the arrow keys to select the required option and press Enter.
The Duty Code drop-down list closes and the selected option is displayed in
the Duty Code field.
Below is a table that explains the duty codes. Those marked ‘system’ are for
system administration staff.

Table: Explanation of Duty Codes

Duty Code Explanation

SU Supervisor (system)
GS General sales or check-in agent
AS Agent sell (travel agents only)
PD Post-departure agent
TR Training
RC Reservations controller
PR Programmer (system)
CE Customer engineer (system)

Note: Duty codes allow or restrict you from making certain transactions in the
reservations environment. They do not affect the roles and permissions
assigned to you in the DCS.

Specifying a Remote Office

To sign into an office other than your default office, you must sign in remotely.
To specify your remote office, type the remote office ID in the Remote Office field.

Example: Remote Office Field

Retrieving the Workstation ID

The system automatically populates the Workstation Id field when you log in. The
workstation ID is the unique identifier for the workstation, or computer terminal,
you are using. It contains a code identifying the location of the workstation.

Example: Workstation Id Field

Changing your Password

Your user ID is initially assigned a password that you must change the first time
you sign in. Customer Management displays a message prompting you to do this.

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Amadeus Altéa Departure Control Customer Management GUI Overview User Guide

Example: Change Default Password Message

Customer Management prompts you to enter a new password when your old
password expires. Your system administrator sets the validity period of your
To change your password:
1. Type your old password in the Password field in the Normal Sign in screen.
2. Type your new password in the New Password field in the Advanced Sign in
3. Re-type your new password in the Confirmation field in the Advanced Sign in

Example: Changing Passwords in the Advanced Sign in Screen

Note: Passwords are case sensitive and can include a combination of

letters and numbers. You must use a minimum of six characters
and a maximum of 40. Your last 12 passwords are stored in the
system and cannot be re-used.
4. Press Enter to select the Sign in button.

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Chapter 2 Signing In and Opening Customer Management Applications

Failed Sign In
If you try to sign in to Customer Management and you use an incorrect user ID,
the system rejects the sign in and a message informs you that the user ID is

Example: User ID Error Message

If you try to sign in to Customer Management with a password that the system
does not recognise, the system rejects the sign in and a message informs you
that the password you typed is incorrect.

Example: Incorrect Password Message

If you enter an incorrect password more than the maximum allowed number of
times, a message appears informing you that your account is locked. Contact
your system administrator who will reset your password.

Example: Maximum Number of Sign in Attempts Message

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Amadeus Altéa Departure Control Customer Management GUI Overview User Guide

Time Out of Session

If there is no keyboard, mouse or device activity for 15 minutes, you are
automatically signed out of Customer Management and the Sign in screen is re-
displayed. For security reasons, you cannot see the GUI behind the Sign in
screen. Re-enter your password to sign in again. The GUI is displayed exactly as
it was when the system timed you out.
If you started a task before you were timed out, a message is displayed telling
you that the transaction could not be performed.

Example: Inactivity Timeout Message

Signing Out and Closing Customer Management

To sign out of or close Customer Management, do one of the following:
• Press Alt+L to access the Logoff menu in the menu bar and press Enter.
• Press Ctrl+L from wherever you are in Customer Management. The system
logs you off.
• Press F10 to access the menu at the top left of the screen, press the down
arrow key to select Close and press Enter.

Opening an Application
When you successfully sign in to Customer Management, the Messenger
application and a location-based application are launched. The location-based
application launched depends on your role and physical location.
Below is a table listing the location-based default applications.

Table: Default Applications Opened in Customer Management

Location category Location code Default application

Airport Check-in CKI Customer

Airport Back-Office BOF Flight
Customer Service Desk CSD Flight
Lounge LGE Customer
Transfer Desk TRA Customer
Ticket Desk TKT Customer
Regulatory Authorities REG Customer
Test-bed TBD Flight

14 Edition 1.0
Chapter 2 Signing In and Opening Customer Management Applications

Location category Location code Default application

Training TRN Customer

Gate GTE Boarding
Baggage BAG Baggage
Ramp RAM Baggage
Load Control LCO Flight
Catering CAT Flight
Cargo CAR Flight
Passenger Services Facilities PSF Flight
Engineering ENG Flight
Security SEC Customer
Airline Administration ADM Flight
Others Not applicable Flight

For more information about the Messenger application, see Messenger on page
To open other Customer Management applications:
1. Press Alt+A to access the Applications menu.

Example: Applications Menu

2. Do the following:
- Press the down- and up arrow keys to select the application you want to
open and press Enter.
- Press the key combination next to the menu option. For example, press
Ctrl+H to access the Customer application.

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Note: Once you know the key combination required to open the application
you want, you can open it directly from the screen you are working in.
For a list of the Customer Management applications and their functions, see
Introduction to Customer Management on page 3. The Navigation Quick
Reference on page 103 lists the keystrokes for opening each of the applications.
Only the applications for which you have the necessary access level are enabled.
Those applications for which you do not have the necessary access level are
disabled and appear greyed out on the Applications menu. See Security
Overview on page 4 for information about access levels.
Note: You can open more than one application at a time and more than one
instance at a time of some applications, for example, Customer,
Baggage and Flight. Customer Management displays a tab at the top of
each open application screen with the name of the application. The
maximum number of application tabs that you can have open at one
time is 10. When you reach this limit, a message informs you that you
have reached the maximum number of occurrences allowed for the

Example: Maximum Number of Application Occurrences Message

Closing an Application
To close an application, do the following:
• Press Ctrl+E.
• Press Ctrl+Shift+E. Press the down arrow key to highlight the check box of
the application you want to close, press the space bar to select it, then press
Enter. To close all the applications, tab to the Select All button, press Enter,
then tab to the OK button and press Enter again.
For information about closing and signing out of Customer Management, Signing
Out and Closing Customer Management on page 14.

16 Edition 1.0
Chapter 3
Customer Management GUI

The Customer Management GUI displays the menus, fields and buttons needed
to access and navigate through the Customer Management applications.

Example: Customer Management GUI Screen

The Customer Management GUI comprises the following elements:

• Title bar and resize controls
• Menus
• Screen features such as tabs, fields, icons, buttons, action lists and
information lines
• System messages, such as warnings and error messages
• Common navigation standards and shortcuts

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Amadeus Altéa Departure Control Customer Management GUI Overview User Guide

Title Bar and Resize Controls

Example: Customer Management Title Bar

The title bar is the area at the top of the screen where the names of the menus
are displayed. The current date and time are displayed to the right of the title bar.
There are three icons on the far right-hand side of the title bar. If you are using a
mouse to navigate around the Customer Management GUI, you can click on
these icons to carry out the actions described in the table below.

Table: Title Bar Icons

Icon Explanation

Minimises the Customer Management screen.

Maximises the Customer Management screen.

Closes Customer Management.

Note: You can only select these icons if you are using a mouse.
To access the same functions using the keyboard:
3. Press F10. A menu is displayed in the top right-hand corner of the screen
showing the Restore, Minimize, Maximize, and Close options.

Example: Minimising, Maximising and Closing Customer Management

Note: F10 only works in this way if there is no F10 option in the action list.
4. Use the arrow keys to select the option you want and press Enter, or press
the letter underlined in the option: for example, C for Close.
There is one further icon on the right-hand side of the Customer Management
screen. This is the Help icon and it indicates that you should press F1 to access
the Customer Management online help. See Online Help on page 67 for more
information about Customer Management online help.

Example: Help Icon

18 Edition 1.0
Chapter 3 Customer Management GUI

To access the menus in the title bar, press Alt followed by the first letter of the
menu name that you want: for example, Alt+A to access the Applications menu.
After you access a menu in the title bar, you can navigate to other menus using
the left and right arrow keys.

The Applications Menu

Example: Applications Menu

Use the Applications menu to access all the Customer Management applications.
See Opening an Application on page 15 for information about opening Customer
Management applications.

The Device Menu

Example: Device Menu

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Amadeus Altéa Departure Control Customer Management GUI Overview User Guide

Most of the options listed in this menu allow you to print a cryptic version of the
current screen in Customer Management as long as the current screen is one of
the following:
• Baggage List
• Baggage Selection
• Boarding
• Catering Figures
• Customer List
• Customer Profile
• Customer Record
• Customer Lookup
• E-Ticket Association
• E-Ticket History Display
• Flight Comments Summary
• Flight List
• Full E-Ticket Display
• Group List
• Group Members
• Ineligible to Board
• Seatmap
• Special Assistance List
Below is a table that explains the options that are available in the Device menu.

Table: Device Menu Options

Option Explanation

Print Cryptic Output to Other Prints cryptic output to a ROTTY printer other than your
default printer.
Print Cryptic Output to Prints cryptic output to your default ROTTY printer.
Print Screen Prints a snapshot of the screen currently displayed to a
laser printer.

20 Edition 1.0
Chapter 3 Customer Management GUI

Option Explanation

Connected Devices Status Check the status of printers and other devices currently
connected to your terminal. The devices connected to
your terminal are set up by your system administrator.
The devices that may be connected are:
• ATB boarding pass printers
• BPP boarding pass printers
• Baggage tag printers
• Intelligent gate readers
• ABC boarding system
• Document printers
• Optical character readers
• Magnetic stripe readers
• Bar code readers
• Notification channels

Note: You can only have one Device application tab open at one time.

Checking the Status of a Device

To check the status of a device:
1. Press the down arrow key to select Connected Devices Status and press
The List Devices screen displays a list of connected devices. Press Shift+F2
to show an expanded list of devices.

Example: List Devices Screen

When a device is functioning correctly, a tick appears in the status box. When
a malfunction has occurred, a cross appears in the status box.

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Example: List Devices Screen with Malfunctioning Devices

2. Type the number of the device for which you want to view details in the
Select Device field.
3. If you want to show the printer queues for the selected device, press Enter to
activate the Show Queues button.
The List Devices Queues screen is displayed.

Example: List Device Queues Screen

You can use the following shortcuts in the action list to manage queues:
- Purge removes all print jobs from the queue.
- Start initiates the selected print job.
- Stop stops the selected print job.

22 Edition 1.0
Chapter 3 Customer Management GUI

4. If you want to view the status details of the selected device, tab to the
Detailed Status button and press Enter.
The Device Status screen is displayed.

Example: Device Status Screen

If the device is functioning correctly, all the status boxes are ticked. If there
are problems, the status boxes of the areas with malfunctions have a cross in
them. If there is a malfunction, report it to your system administrator.
If you press F6, the device is re-initialised. This means that a message is sent
to the server to re-establish the system link to the device.

The Navigation Menu

Example: Navigation Menu

Use the Navigation menu to navigate between application tabs and to close
Note: These options are only available when more than one application is
open. If you access this menu when no applications are open, or only
one application is open, the menu options are greyed out.
To navigate between application tabs:
1. Press Ctrl+N.

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The Navigation menu is displayed.

2. Do the following:
- Use the arrow keys to select the option you want and Press Enter.
- Press the key combination for the option you want. For example, to move
to the tab to the right, press Alt+right arrow.
The table below describes the options available.

Option Explanation

Jump Left One Tab Moves to the application tab immediately left of
the tab you are currently working in.
Jump Right One Tab Moves to the application tab immediately right of
the tab you are currently working in.
Toggle to Previous Tab Toggles between the current application tab and
the last application tab you were working in.
Close Closes the current application tab.
Close Files Opens a window listing all the applications you
currently have open. Use the arrow keys to select
the applications you want to close and press

You can also navigate between application screens by pressing Alt plus the
underlined letter in the menu option from within an application. For example,
press Alt+R to move to the tab to the right.
See Navigation Quick Reference on page 103 for a list of the keystrokes you can
use for navigating between application tabs.

The Logoff Menu

Example: Logoff Menu

Use the Logoff Menu to sign out of and exit Customer Management:
1. Press Alt+L.
The Logoff menu is displayed.
2. Do the following:
- Use the arrow keys to select the option you want and press Enter.
- Press the key combinations for the option you want.
Press Ctrl+L to sign out of Customer Management. The Sign In screen is
displayed so that another user can sign in. Alt+E closes Customer Management

24 Edition 1.0
Chapter 3 Customer Management GUI

The Help Menu

Example: Help Menu

Graphic to be added when correct version of the Help menu is available in MIG.
Use the Help menu to access the different Customer Management support
functions. For more information about the different help functions available, see
Online Help on page 67.
1. Press Alt+H.
The Help menu is displayed.
2. Do the following:
- Use the arrow keys to select the option you want and press Enter.
- Press the underlined letter in the option name.

Screen Features

When you open a Customer Management application, a tab is displayed at the
top of the application screen telling you which application is open. Application
tabs are numbered from 0 to 9 (you cannot have more than 10 screens open at
any one time). Below the application tab, the current step in the application
workflow is highlighted. The previous steps are also displayed, but are greyed

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Amadeus Altéa Departure Control Customer Management GUI Overview User Guide

In the example below, both the Seatmap and Boarding applications are open.
The current step in the Seatmap workflow is 'select flight list' using the Flight List
screen. To get to this step, the user has first searched for flights using the Search
Flight screen.

Example: Open Applications and Steps

For information about navigating between screens, see The Navigation Menu on
page 25.

Common Screen Elements

The table below lists the different types of field used in Customer Management
and their features.

Table: Customer Management Field Types

Example Element Type Explanation

Mandatory editable field Yellow background.

Must be completed.
Optional editable field White background. May
be completed, but not
Non-editable field Active, but not editable.
May display read-only
data. Fields that you can
edit have either a yellow
or a white background.

26 Edition 1.0
Chapter 3 Customer Management GUI

Example Element Type Explanation

Inactive field Whole element greyed-

out, inactive and not
editable. May display
read-only data or may
not be relevant to what
you are doing.
Inactive element (for Whole element greyed-
example, button or menu out and inactive.
Active element (for Active. You can select
example, button or menu this element.
Assisted input field Indicates that either a
form is available or a
drop-down list from
which you can select the
required option.
See Drop-down Lists
below for more
Combination (combo) box Indicates that a list of
options is available.
Press Ctrl+down arrow
to display the options.
See Drop-down Lists
below for more

Note: If you type or select an incorrect value in a field, the field text displayed
is red, an error icon appears next to the field and the button that
enables you to continue is disabled (greyed out). After the correct value
is typed or selected, the field text reverts to black, the error icon
disappears and the button is enabled.

Drop-down Lists
Drop-down lists are used in assisted input fields, identified by a three dots (…),
and in combo box fields identified by a down arrow symbol (see Fields on page
28 for examples of the symbols).
To select an option from a list:
1. Press Ctrl+down arrow to display the list.
2. To select an option, do the following:
- Use the arrow keys to move between the items in the list.
- Type the first few letters of the option in the field. As you type, the first
option starting with this letter, or combination of letters, is highlighted.
3. Press Enter when the item you want is highlighted.
The item you selected is displayed in the field.

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Icons are used in Customer Management as follows:
• To indicate what type of information is displayed on the screen. For example,
the Information icon indicates that help or advice text follows.

Example: Information Icon

• To inform you of the status of your request. For example, the In Progress
icon indicates that your request is being processed.

Example: In Progress Icon

• To indicate flight or aircraft characteristics. For example, the Airphone icon

indicates that there is an airphone available on the aircraft.

Example: Airphone Icon

Refer to Icon Quick Reference on page 107 on for a complete list of Customer
Management icons.

The buttons in a screen control whether you can move to the next step or move
back to the previous one. The table below lists some examples of common
screen buttons.

Table: Buttons

Button Explanation

In message prompts, OK closes the prompt when you

have read the message.
In lists, OK selects the highlighted option.
Closes message prompts.

Displays the information you have requested.

Selects the option you have highlighted.

Takes you back to the previous screen.

Exits the current screen in a specific process and takes

you back to the screen from which you initiated the
Exits the active screen. In the Sign in screen, closes
Customer Management.

28 Edition 1.0
Chapter 3 Customer Management GUI

Field Groups
On some screens, related fields are grouped together. You can navigate between
the fields using the Tab, Shift+Tab or Ctrl+Tab keys, but if you want to move
directly to a particular area, you can press Alt plus the underlined letter in the
area name. For example, in the Advanced Options on the Messenger Subscribe
screen, press Alt+M to move directly to the Message Destination field group.

Example: Field Groups

Action Lists
On the left-hand side of each application screen, there is an action list with
keyboard shortcuts, menu shortcuts and a system restart shortcut to take you
back to the opening screen for the application you are in. The description of the
shortcut is in blue on the left and the associated key is on the right in orange.

Example: Action List

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On the Customer Acceptance screen for example, the following shortcuts appear
in the action list:

Table: Action List Shortcuts on Customer Acceptance Screen

Shortcut Description Associated Key(s) Action

Add FQTV F4 Pressing F4 displays the Frequent

Flyer Information screen.
Add Service F5 Pressing F5 displays the Add Service
Find Customer F3 Pressing F3 displays the Customer
Identification screen.
Merge Booking F9 Pressing F9 displays the Merge
Booking screen.
View Customer F7 Pressing F7 displays the Customer
Record screen.
Baggage SF3 Pressing Shift+F3 opens a submenu
of options in the Baggage application.
Customer SF4 Pressing Shift+F4 opens a submenu
of options in the Customer
Flight SF7 Pressing Shift+F7 opens a submenu
of options in the Flight application.
Linking SF5 Pressing Shift+F5 opens a submenu
of linking options.
Printing SF10 Pressing Shift+F10 opens a submenu
of printing options.
Seating SF11 Pressing Shift+F11 opens a submenu
of options in the Seatmap application.
Ticket SF6 Pressing Shift+F6 opens a submenu
of ticketing options.
Transfer SF9 Pressing Shift+F3 opens a submenu
of customer transfer options.
Restart SF12 Pressing Shift+F12 takes you back to
the opening screen of the current

The shortcuts and menus displayed in the Action List differ for each screen, but
Restart (Shift+F12) is common to all screens.

Specifying Dates and Times

Customer Management includes several different types of fields for specifying
dates and times.
Below is a table that explains these types of date and time fields and how to use

30 Edition 1.0
Chapter 3 Customer Management GUI

Table: Date and Time Fields

Date Field Type Field Name(s) Explanation

Date without year Date From/To Type the date in any of the following
Search From/To formats:
• D or DD (eg. 1 or 01)
The system completes the field based
on the current month or, if the day has
passed in the current month, a default
date range from three days in the past
to 362 days in the future.
• DDMMM (eg. 01MAR)
• DMMM (eg. 1MAR)
• DD/MM (eg. 01/03)
• D/MM (eg. 1/03)
• D/M (eg. 1/3)
Once you type valid values in the field and
move to another field, the date is
automatically displayed in the standard
format for this type of date field: DDMMM
(eg. 01MAR).
Alternatively, use the calendar to specify
the date. For an explanation, see Using the
Calendar on page 35.

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Date Field Type Field Name(s) Explanation

Date with year Search Flights Type the date in any of the following
(calendar From formats:
available) • D or DD (eg. 1 or 01)
The system completes the field based
on the current month and year or, if the
day has passed in the current month, a
default date range from three days in
the past to 362 days in the future.
• DDMMM (eg. 01MAR)
• DMMM (eg. 1MAR)
• DD/MM (eg. 01/03)
• D/MM (eg. 1/03)
• D/M (eg. 1/3)
• DDMMMYYYY (eg. 01MAR2008)
• DDMMMYY (eg. 01MAR08)
• DMMMYYYY (eg. 1MAR2008)
• DMMMYY (eg. 1MAR08)
• DD/MM/YYYY (eg. 01/03/2008)
• DD/MM/YY (eg. 01/03/08)
• D/MM/YYYY (eg. 1/03/2008)
• D/MM/YY (eg. 1/03/08
• D/M/YYYY (eg. 1/3/2008)
• D/M/YY (eg. 1/3/08)
Once you type valid values in the field and
move to another field, the date is
automatically displayed in the standard
format for this type of date field:
DDMMMYY (eg. 01MAR08).
Alternatively, use the calendar to specify
the date. For an explanation, see Using the
Calendar on page 35.

32 Edition 1.0
Chapter 3 Customer Management GUI

Date Field Type Field Name(s) Explanation

Date with year Date From/To Type the date in any of the following
(calendar not Date of Joining formats:
available) • D or DD (eg. 1 or 01)
Date of Retirement
Date of Birth The system completes the field based
on the current month and year or, if the
day has passed in the current month, a
default date range from three days in
the past to 362 days in the future.
• DDMMMYYYY (eg. 01MAR2002)
• DDMMMYY (eg. 01MAR02)
• DMMMYYYY (eg. 1MAR2002)
• DMMMYY (eg. 1MAR02)
• DD/MM/YYYY (eg. 01/03/2002)
• DD/MM/YY (eg. 01/03/02)
• D/MM/YYYY (eg. 1/03/2002)
• D/MM/YY (eg. 1/03/02)
• D/M/YYYY (eg. 1/3/2002)
• D/M/YY (eg. 1/3/02)
Once you type valid values in the field and
move to another field, the date is
automatically displayed in the standard
format for this type of date field:
DDMMMYYYY (eg. 01MAR2002).
Time Time Range Type the time in any of the following
From/To formats (using the 24-hour clock):
• hh:mm (eg. 08:12)
• hhmm (eg. 0812)
• h:mm (eg. 8:12)
• hh (eg. 08)
• h (eg. 8)
Once you type valid values in the field and
move to another field, the time is
automatically displayed in the standard
format: hh:mm (eg. 08:12).

If you type a date that is in the past, the system does not recognise it. You can
only use the calendar to specify a past date. For an explanation, see Using the
Calendar below.

Using the Calendar

In most date fields in Customer Management, you can use a calendar to select a
date instead of typing values in the field. The availability of a calendar is indicated
by the following icon next to the field:

To use the calendar when it is available, do the following:

1. Press Ctrl+down arrow in the date field.
The calendar is displayed.

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Example: Calendar

2. To navigate around the calendar:

- Press the Home key to move back a year and the End key to move
forward a year.
- Press the Page Up key to move back a month and the Page Down key to
move forward a month.
- Press the down- and up arrow keys to select the day.
3. Press Enter to select the date.
The date you selected is displayed in the Date field.

System Defaults
Certain fields in Customer Management contain system defaults. Below is a table
that explains theses fields and the default values that may appear in them.

Table: Fields with System Defaults

Type of Field Field Name(s) System Default

Port From Your current physical location (eg. LHR)

Date Date From The current system date at your current
Search From location (eg. 01MAR)
Search Flights From
Carrier Flight Number The carrier code with which you signed
into Customer Management. This applies
to the first part of the Flight Number field

If you have the Remember Last Input option enabled in your user preferences,
the previous value you entered in a field overrides the system default (if
applicable) the next time the same field is displayed. For an explanation of how to
set user preferences, see Setting User Preferences on page 54.

Using the Baggage Calculator

In fields where you need to calculate the total weight of several multiple bags, you
can use the baggage calculator.

34 Edition 1.0
Chapter 3 Customer Management GUI

To use the calculator:

1. Press Ctrl+down arrow to display the calculator.

Example: Baggage Calculator

Note: The baggage calculator is only available from the Baggage Weight
2. Type the first amount, press the Tab or Shift+Tab key and type the second
amount. The calculator adds the amounts automatically and displays the total
in the last field.
3. If you need to add another amount, press Tab or Shift+Tab again. A new field
is added where you can type another amount. You can do this repeatedly, if
4. Press Enter to close the calculator.

Prime Flight Details

Throughout the Customer application, details of the prime flight appear at the top
of the screen. The prime flight is the one you specified when you identified
customers or the one determined automatically by the system based on your
physical location and the system date. This is the flight, by default, for which you
are accepting or updating customers.
Note: If you identified multiple customers who are travelling different lengths
of a multi-leg flight, the longest length travelled is shown as the prime
flight for all customers.

Example: Prime Flight Details

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Below is a table that explains each detail in the first row of flight details. They are
explained in the order in which they appear.

Table: Prime Flight Details (1)

Detail Explanation

Flight icon Identifies the details that follow it as flight details.

It can be either of the following:

Icon Explanation

Direct flight or open booking

Multi-leg flight

Flight number Operating carrier code and flight number. For example:
For an open booking, the word OPEN appears instead
of the carrier code and flight number.
Flight date Flight departure date in the format DDMMM. For
example: 10JUN
For an open booking with no departure date, this detail
does not appear.
Boardpoint 3-character code of the boardpoint. For example: SYD
Boardpoint terminal Terminal code contained within brackets. Examples:
(D), (2), (2 (Domestic))
If terminal information does not exist, this detail does
not appear.
Transit point 3-character code of the transit point. For example: SIN
If there is not enough space to show all the transit
points, they are replaced by three dots (…).
For a direct flight or open booking, this detail does not
Transit point terminal Terminal code contained within brackets. Examples:
(D), (2), (2 (Domestic))
If terminal information does not exist for the transit point
or the flight is direct or open, this detail does not
Offpoint 3-character code of the offpoint. For exampled: MEL
Offpoint city name Full name of the offpoint city. For example: London
If the name of the airport (see below) contains the city
name, only the airport name appears. For example:
London City Airport
Offpoint airport name Full name of the offpoint airport if it is different from the
city name. For example: Heathrow
Offpoint terminal Full name of the offpoint terminal contained within
brackets. Examples: (D), (2), (2 (Domestic))
If the terminal name is Domestic or International but
there is not enough space for the full word, it is
abbreviated to Dom or Intl.
If terminal information does not exist, this detail does
not appear.
STD Identifies the information that follows it as the
scheduled time of departure.

36 Edition 1.0
Chapter 3 Customer Management GUI

Detail Explanation

Scheduled time of departure Scheduled departure time for the flight in the format
hh:mm. For example: 09:20
Gate Identifies the information that follows it as the gate
Gate number Gate number for the flight. For example: 32
If a gate has not been assigned, the word NONE
appears instead of a number.

Below is a table that explains each detail in the second row of flight details. They
are explained in the order in which they appear.

Table: Prime Flight Details (2)

Detail Explanation

Flight acceptance status Current status of acceptance for the flight. It can appear
as any of the following:
• The word Acceptance followed by the status: Not
Open, Open, Gated, Finalised, Suspended.
• The word Pending. This means that acceptance is
open from this location for at least one of the
customers you identified (based on customer value
and location). Acceptance is not open for all
• The word Closing. This means that the acceptance
status is Gated for most customers but at least one
of the customers you identified is still eligible for
acceptance (based on customer value and
Codeshare flights These are the marketing carriers and flight numbers on
which the customers you identified have bookings. They
are preceded by the words Codeshare With. For
example: Codeshare with 7X986
If all the customers you identified have bookings on the
operating flight only, codeshare flight details do not
Estimate time of departure Any of the following can appear followed by a time in
OR the format hh:mm:
Advice Time • ETD (Estimated Time of Departure)
OR For example: ETD: 10:45
Actual time of departure • Advice Time
For example: Advice Time 11:15
• ATD (Actual Time of Departure)
For example: 20:10

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Detail Explanation

Flight boarding status This can be any of the following:

• Boarding (followed by a time in the format hh:mm)
For example: Boarding: 14:30
• Now Boarding
• Boarding Closed
• Closed
• Departed
• Cancelled
If the general flight status is Not Open, no status

Customer Product (CP) Table

The customer and product (CP) table shows customer and product details. The
products for each customer are all the flights included in the customer’s journey.
The CP table appears in the top half of every screen in the Customer application
once you have identified at least one customer. See the Amadeus Altéa
Departure Control Customer Management Customer User Guide for an
explanation of how to do this.
The CP table is shown for information only. It is updated automatically whenever
customer and product details change. You cannot edit the CP table directly.
The details of each customer you identified appear below the prime flight details
in the form of a table. If a customer has onward connections, customer details for
those flights appear in separate lines after the details for the prime flight. If the
prime flight or any of the onward connections are multi-leg and the customer has
leg-specific details, they also appear on separate lines.

Example: CP Table

38 Edition 1.0
Chapter 3 Customer Management GUI

Below is a table that explains each column of information that could appear for a
customer and flight or flight leg.

Table: Customer and Flight Details

Column Heading Explanation

blank The number in this column identifies the customer and all details
related to the customer. If the customer has multiple flights, the
line number includes the details for all flights.
If the customer is linked to other customers, this column also
includes a graphical representation of links. Only top level and
infant links that apply to the prime flight are shown. For an
explanation of linking levels, see the Amadeus Altéa Departure
Control Customer Management Customer User Guide.
This column may contain a single letter instead of the line
number. The letter identifies a specific flight or flight leg when the
customer has more then one flight or a multi-leg flight with leg-
specific details.

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Column Heading Explanation

Customer Customer name with the name elements in the following order:
1. Surname in uppercase
2. First name in lower case but capitalised
3. Title in lower case but capitalised
For example: GREEN Susan Mrs
If the customer name is an EXST or CBBG (see below), only the
surname is shown followed by the words Extra Seat or Cabin
Baggage. For example: GREEN Cabin Baggage
If no name exists in the Customer Product Record, the words
NO NAME are shown.
The customer name may be too long to display in full in which
case it is abbreviated and three dots (…) are included at the end
to indicate abbreviation.
In addition to the customer name, this column may also include
any of the following:
• Staff (for a staff customer)
• Infant (for an infant customer)
• Child (for a child customer)
• FQTV or an airline or alliance-specific FQTV tier code (for a
customer with FQTV information)
• EXST (for an extra seat)
• CBBG (for cabin baggage occupying a seat)
When the customer has onward connections, there is an
additional line of information in the table for each flight. There
are also additional lines if the customer has a multi-leg flight and
some details are leg-specific. The Customer column in each of
these lines contains flight or flight leg details instead of the
customer details explained above.
The following flight details are shown, if applicable, in the
following order:
1. Direct, multi-leg, or cancelled flight icon
2. Marketing carrier code and flight number or Open (for an
open booking)
3. Boardpoint (airport code)
4. Offpoint (airport code)
5. Alternate destination (if one has been added for the flight)
Note: If the flight is multi-leg, the alternate destination is
shown after the last leg only.
6. Customer’s FQTV tier (if it applies to this flight or flight leg
For a multi-leg flight, the details above are shown for the first leg
only. The Customer column for subsequent legs contains the
boardpoint and offpoint only.
If the customer has two bookings on the same flight, the line
showing the waitlisted booking contains the words Also
Waitlisted on This Flight instead of the flight details.
If a cancelled flight segment is shown in the table, the entire line
appears greyed out.

40 Edition 1.0
Chapter 3 Customer Management GUI

Column Heading Explanation

Bkg Customer’s booking status for the flight.

Below is a table that explains the values that could appear in this
field and the status codes they represent.

Value Status Codes Explanation

blank CH, GK, HK, HS, Confirmed

HX HX, IX, PX Cancelled
WL CU, CW, GL, HL, Waitlist
SA SA, RQ Space available
PN CQ, GN, HN, IN, Pending
warning message NO, UC, UN NO, UC, UN
Tkt The customer’s ticket status for the flight. This column can show
any of the following:

Contents Explanation

The customer has a paper ticket.

The customer has an e-ticket.

Ticket information is required for the

The customer’s e-ticket needs to be
correctly associated with the flight.
Blank No ticket is required (EXST, for example).
Cabin The column shows the cabin in which the customer is travelling
on the flight. For example: Y
If the customer is currently eligible for a regrade, an upgrade
or downgrade icon can also appear in this column.
If the regrade has not yet taken place, the cabin into which the
customer can be regraded is shown following the downgrade or
upgrade icon.
If the customer’s regrade eligibility is because of service
recovery, an additional icon is shown following the regrade

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Column Heading Explanation

Seat The customer's seat number for the flight. For example: 15D
Note: Jump seat numbers are abbreviated because they are
too long to fit in the column. For example: JP1-JMP1
is shown as JMP1
The seat shuffle indicator may also appear:
This means that the customer’s seat can be included in a seat
shuffle even though the current seat assignment has already
been published. For an explanation of seat shuffling, see the
Amadeus Altéa Departure Control Customer Management
Seating User Guide.
If free seating applies to the flight or if the customer’s
acceptance was previously cancelled, the customer’s security
number is displayed here. For example: 003
If the customer previously had a guaranteed seat, the word
FREE appears instead of a security number.
Accept The customer’s acceptance status for the flight. This column can
show any of the following:

Contents Explanation

The customer is accepted.

The customer is not travelling.

The customer has boarded.

SBY The customer is on standby.

The customer is disrupted.

Blank The customer has not been accepted.

Baggage Information about the customer’s baggage. This column can
show any of the following:

Contents Explanation

The customer has hold baggage.

The customer has cabin baggage and

baggage weight or number of pieces has
been recorded.
A problem exists with the customer’s
The customer has an excess baggage
charge to be paid or waived.
Blank The customer has no baggage or has
unrecorded cabin baggage only.

If the column contains the hold baggage, cabin baggage or info

icon , the excess baggage warning icon may also appear.
This means that there is an unpaid excess baggage charge.

42 Edition 1.0
Chapter 3 Customer Management GUI

Column Heading Explanation

Info Information about the customer and flight that is not indicated in
any of the other columns. This column can contain one or more
of the following:

Contents Explanation

A comment exists for the customer and

A high-priority comment exists for the
customer and flight.
Regulatory data is required for the
followed by
Staff information is required for the
followed by
Customer is linked to other customers on
an onward connection.
Customer has an associated infant on an
onward connection.
Service codes SSRs that apply to the customer and
flight. These are shown in the following
wheelchair codes, UMNR, BLND, DEAF,
CHST, BSCT, meal codes, AVIH, SEMN,
There may be additional service codes
that are not shown here. This is indicated
by an error icon followed by the word
Services. These service codes can only
be seen when you display the complete
Customer Product Record. For an
explanation of how to do this, see the
Amadeus Altéa Departure Control
Customer Management Customer User
FROM followed This means that the customer has an
by an airport inbound flight originating from the airport
code shown.

If there are multiple types of information for a customer and

flight, they are shown in the order explained above. There may
be more information than can be shown in the column. In this
case, the more icon (…) appears at the end of the column
contents. The hidden information can only be seen when you
display the Customer Product Record. For an explanation of how
to do this, see the Amadeus Altéa Departure Control Customer
Management Customer User Guide.

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Screen Messages
There are two types of screen messages in Customer Management:
• Messages displayed in prompts that you have to deal with in order to
continue working
• Messages displayed in the message area on the left-hand side of the screen.

Message Prompts
There are four types of messages that are shown in prompts:
• Information messages, identified with an ‘i’ symbol, provide information on
the current process.

Example: Information Message

• Question messages, identified with a question mark, require you to make a

decision before the current process can be completed. You are required to
select Yes or No to answer the question. There are two types of question
- Messages that require you to make a decision based on two options. For
example: when you exit Customer Management, a message is displayed
prompting you to confirm that you definitely want to exit. The options are
Yes and No.

Example: Decision Message

44 Edition 1.0
Chapter 3 Customer Management GUI

- Messages that require you to select an option. For example: when you
have accepted a customer and a boarding pass is ready for printing, a
message is displayed prompting you to either print the boarding pass or
select other options for boarding passes. The options are numbered 1
and 2, so type the number of the option you want in the Select field and
tab to OK to proceed.

Example: Message with Options

• Warning messages, identified with an exclamation mark, inform you that the
current process was unsuccessful. You are required to press Enter to confirm
that you have read the message.

Example: Warning Message

• Error messages, identified with a cross symbol, are displayed when a system
error occurs. You are required to press Enter to confirm that you have read
the message.

Example: Error Message

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Confirmation and Warning Messages in the Message Area

The top part of the message area is for confirmation and warning messages.
Confirmation messages inform you that your request was successful. Warning
messages inform you that your request was unsuccessful. Confirmation
messages are identified with a tick mark and warning messages are identified
with an exclamation mark.

Example: Successful Request Message

Example: Unsuccessful Request Message

If there are several messages, warning messages are displayed above

confirmation messages. If there is not enough room for all of the messages on
the screen, press Shift+F1 to display the remaining messages:

Example: Message Area with More Button

46 Edition 1.0
Chapter 3 Customer Management GUI

To collapse the message area, press Shift+F1.

The swipe box is below the message area and lists the type of documents you
can swipe. When the swipe box is displayed, the message area is reduced in
size. The swipe area is not displayed if you are working in Expert mode. See
Setting User Preferences on page 54 for information about user modes.

Example: Swipe Area

Common Navigation Standards and Shortcuts

After you have opened an application (see Opening an Application on page 15),
you can navigate around the screen using the keys listed in the table below.

Table: Navigation Key Strokes

Keys Function

Tab Move to the next selectable component (For example,

a field or a button).
Ctrl+Tab Move to the next selectable component (For example,
a field or a button).
Shift+Tab Move to the previous selectable component.
Left arrow Move to the closest left component of the currently
selectable component (for example, move left one
character space in a field).
Right arrow Move to the closest right component of the currently
selectable component (for example, move right one
character space in a field).
Down arrow Move to the closest component below in the currently
selectable component (for example, move down one
row in a list or table).
Up arrow Move to the closest component above in the currently
selectable component (for example, move up one row
in a list or table).
Ctrl+down arrow Displays a drop-down list from a combo box, or a form
or drop-down list from an assisted input field. For
information about navigating between screens, see
The Navigation Menu on page 25.
See Common Screen Elements on page 28 for more
information about combo boxes and assisted input

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Keys Function

Space bar Freezes and highlights the current selection (for

example, an item in a drop-down list or a row in a
table). You can select the item by pressing Enter.
Enter Selects an option or confirms the action you wish to
take (for example, press the tab key to move to the OK
button and press Enter to move to the next step in the
Esc Closes a drop-down list or screen.
Ctrl+E Closes the application you are working in.
Ctrl+L Signs you out of Customer Management. The Sign in
screen is displayed after you sign out.
Alt+E Exits from Customer Management. The system
displays a message asking you to confirm that you
want to exit. Press Enter to exit. Customer
Management closes.

There are also key combinations for navigating between open screens; see The
Navigation Menu on page 25.
A full list of all key combinations you can use for navigating around Customer
Management is given in Navigation Quick Reference on page 103.

48 Edition 1.0
Chapter 4
User Profile

After you have signed in to Customer Management, you can view and modify
your user profile and set user preferences using the My User Details and My
Preferences options in the Applications menu.

Viewing User ID Details

This topic explains how to view both your own user details and those of other
To view your own user details:
1. Open My User ID Details by doing the following:
- Press Alt+A to open the Applications menu, use the arrow keys to select
My User ID Details and press Enter.
- Press Ctrl+O.
The Enter User Details screen is displayed with your organisation and user
name as the default.

Example: Enter User Details Screen

2. Press Enter to view your details.

The User Information screen is displayed.

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Example: User Information Screen

To view another user’s details, you need to have a system administrator role. If
you want to view another user’s details and have the required access level to do
1. Type the Carrier name in the Carrier field.
2. Type the username in the User ID field and press Enter.
The User Information screen displays the user’s details.

Changing Your Password

This topic explains how to change your password from the Enter User Details
screen or the User Information screen.
Do the following:
1. Press F3.
The Change Password screen is displayed.

Example: Change Password Screen

2. Type your current password in the Password field.

3. Type your new password in the New Password field.
4. Confirm your new password by re-typing it in the Confirmation field.
5. Press Enter to change your password.

50 Edition 1.0
Chapter 4 User Profile

Note: Passwords are case sensitive and can include a combination of letters
and numbers. You must use a minimum of six characters and a
maximum of 40. Your last 12 passwords are stored in the system and
cannot be re-used.

Changing User Profiles

This topic explains how to change another user’s password from the User
Information screen. It also explains how to lock or unlock another user’s account
To change another user’s password or lock or unlock an account, you need to
have a system administrator role.
Do the following:
1. Display the user profile of the user you want to change by specifying the
carrier and User ID on the Enter User Details screen. See Viewing User ID
Details on page 51 for an explanation of how to do this.
2. Press F4.
The Password screen is displayed.

Example: Password Screen

3. To lock or unlock the user’s account, specify Yes or No in the Account

Locked field. Type Y (for Yes) or N (for No) in the field or select the value
from a list. Press Ctrl+down arrow to open the list. Unless the account is
currently locked, No is selected by default.
4. To change the user’s password, specify Yes in the Reset Password field.
Type Y in the field or select Yes from a list. Press Ctrl+down arrow to open
the list. No is selected by default.
When you select Yes in the Reset Password field, the New Default Password
field becomes mandatory. Type the user’s new password in this field.
Passwords are case sensitive and can include a combination of letters and
numbers. You must use a minimum of six characters and a maximum of 40.
The last 12 passwords for the user are stored in the system and cannot be
5. Press Enter to select the Update button.

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Setting User Preferences

This topic tells you how to set user preferences by using My Preferences on the
Applications menu. The system remembers the preferences that you set for all of
the Customer Management applications that you use.
To set user preferences:
1. Open My Preferences by doing the following:
- Press Alt+A to open the Applications menu, use the arrow keys to select
My Preferences and press Enter.
- Press Ctrl+P.
The Set Preferences screen is displayed with the system defaults in the
System Default column.

Example: Set Preferences Screen

Complete the following fields in the Agent Preference column:

Table: Agent Preference Fields

Field Explanation

Mode Select either Beginner or Expert in this field and

press Enter.
If you select Expert mode, the screen help and
field help (tooltips) will be turned off and the swipe
area will not be displayed. For more information
about online help, see Online Help on page 67.
For more information about the swipe area, see
Confirmation and Warning Messages in the
Message Area on page 48.
Application Select the location-based default application that
you want to open with Messenger when you
access Customer Management and press Enter.
See Opening an Application on page 15 for a list
of location-based default applications.
Advanced Options Select either Closed or Open in this field.
If you select Open, any advanced options for a
screen will be displayed by default.
Remember Last Input Select either Yes or No in this field.
If you select Yes, the data that you type in a field
will automatically be redisplayed when you revisit
that field. If you select No, you will have to re-enter
the same data every time it is required.

52 Edition 1.0
Chapter 4 User Profile

2. Press Update to save your preferences.

© Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 53

Chapter 5

The Messenger application allows you to receive and process information within
Customer Management. Messenger does not work in the same way as traditional
messaging systems, such as email. It relies on three separate processes,
described below.

Table: Messenger Processes

Process Explanation

Publication Each time an event occurs in Customer Management

that could impact a flight, the relevant server publishes
a message to notify users. For example, if the status of
a flight changes from OPEN to SUSPENDED, the
system publishes a message to all users. External
systems, such as Amadeus Altéa Reservations and the
Amadeus Customer Profile server (CSX), and other
Customer Management users can also publish
Classification Messages are organised in the Messenger server by
category. The categories are created by the system
administrator, based on the way the airline organises
its workload. Example categories are: flight range,
arrival airport and departure airport.
Notification Users only receive a message if they are subscribed to
the category in which the message is published. Each
time you sign in to Customer Management, you must
subscribe to the categories of message relevant to
your role. You will then see messages in those
categories, and all their subcategories.

Note: Subscription categories are only valid for the current session. You must
re-subscribe to the relevant categories each time you sign in to
Customer Management.

Subscribing to Message Categories

The Messenger Subscribe screen opens by default when you sign in to Customer

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Example: Subscribe Screen

To subscribe to message categories:

1. Complete the following fields:

Table: Subscription Parameters

Field Explanation

Role Type your role in this field, or select it from the list
and press Enter.
This field is mandatory.
Airline Type the code for your organisation in this field, or
select it from the list and press Enter.
This field is mandatory.
Departure Airport Type the departure airport code in this field, or
select it from the list and press Enter.
This field is mandatory.
Terminal Type the terminal code in this field. The Terminal
field is optional.
Date Type the flight date in this field in the format
DDMMM or press Ctrl+down arrow to select from
the calendar. For more information about entering
dates and using the calendar, see Specifying
Dates and Times on page 33 and Using the
Calendar on page 35. The current date appears in
the Date field by default.
Flight Numbers Type the flight numbers in this field, separating
each with a comma, or select the organisation
from the list, add the flight numbers and press
The Flight Numbers field is optional.

2. Do the following:
- Subscribe to the message categories associated with your role by
pressing Enter to activate the Subscribe button.
- Exit the Subscribe screen by tabbing to the Done button and pressing
Customer Management opens the New Message List screen.

56 Edition 1.0
Chapter 5 Messenger

Setting Up Message Printing Options

In the Subscribe screen, you can access and set advanced options for printing
Do the following:
1. Press F2 to select Advanced Options. The options appear as four field
groups in the bottom part of the Subscribe screen.

Example: Message Printing Options

Note: Most of the field groups are disabled and appear greyed out if the
default values in the Message Destination field group have not been
Below is table that explains the field groups.

Table: Message Printing Options

Print Option Explanation

Message Destination Specifies whether you want to print out the

messages or just view them on the screen.
ROTTY Printer Name Specifies the name of the ROTTY printer that you
want to use.
Printer Address Specifies the printer that you want to use for
printing messages.
Location Specifies the location of the printer that you want
to use.

2. To enable the ROTTY Printer Name, Printer Address, and Location field
groups, use the Message Destination field group as follows:

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Table: Message Destination Fields

Field Explanation

Send messages to printer Select Yes or No from the list in this field,
instead of screen depending on whether you want to print messages
or display them on the screen.
If you select Yes, the Send to Printer associated to
this workstation field is enabled. If you select No,
all the other Advanced Option fields remain
disabled and no further action is necessary.
Send to printer associated to Select Yes or No from the list in this field,
this workstation depending on whether you want messages printed
on the printer associated to the terminal you are
If you select No, the Printer Address, ROTTY
Printer Name and Location field groups are

3. To specify the printer you want to use, complete the fields in one of the
following field groups:

Table: Advanced Print Options (3)

Area Explanation

ROTTY Printer Name 1. Type the 2-character code of the carrier that
owns the printer in the Airline Code field.
2. Type the name of the ROTTY printer in the
Printer Name field.
Printer Address Type the device address of the printer in the
Printer Address field.
Location 1. Type the 2-character code of the carrier that
owns the printer in the Airline Code field. To
select the carrier code from a list, press
Ctrl+down arrow to open the list.
2. Type the 3-character code of the airport or city
where the printer is located. To select the city
or airport from a list, press Ctrl+down arrow to
open the list.
3. Optionally, type the name of the terminal or
building where the printer is located (free
4. Optionally, type the category and index
number of the printer location. Type the
location category (for example: Gate) in the
first field and the index (for example: 12A) in
the second field. To select the category from a
list, press Ctrl+down arrow to open the list.
5. Type the device address of the printer. To
select the address from a list, press Ctrl+down
arrow. The list includes all the printers of the
appropriate type that are available at the
location specified in the other Location fields.
If there is no printer of the appropriate type
available, No Printer Found is the only item
shown in the list.

Note: When you type data into one of the field groups listed above, the
other two groups are disabled automatically.

58 Edition 1.0
Chapter 5 Messenger

4. When you have completed the fields you need, do one of the following:
- Select Subscribe to subscribe to the message categories associated with
your role.
- Select Done to exit the Subscribe screen.
The View Message List screen is displayed.

Viewing Messages
After you have subscribed to the categories of message you want to view, the
New Message List screen is displayed. The messages displayed are those
published since you signed in to Customer Management in the categories to
which you have a subscription.

Example: New Message List Screen

Information about your subscriptions is summarised at the top of the screen. The
information listed in the table below is displayed for each message.

Table: Message Information

Column Heading Explanation

Airline Name of the airline operating the flight to which the

message applies.
Flight Nbr. Number of the flight.
Airport Airport from which the flight departs.
Terminal Terminal from which the flight departs.
Date Date of the flight.

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Column Heading Explanation

Published Date and time when the message was published.

Priority Whether the priority of the message is Very High, High,
Medium or Low.

To view a message:
1. Type the message number in the Select Message field.
2. Press Enter to activate the Display button.
The View Message screen is displayed.

Example: View Message Screen

3. After you have read the message, tab to the Action field. Press Ctrl+down
arrow to open the list and select either Leave or Remove. The default is
If you select Remove, the message is only removed from the View Message
screen. It is still present on the server.
4. Do the following:
- Press Enter to activate the Update button. The message status is
- Tab to the Back button and press Enter. You return to the New Message
List screen.
Note: The View Messages screen records all messages sent since you
signed in. If the message has already been removed from the server by
another user, the system displays a message informing you that the
message no longer exists. Tab to the Back button and press Enter to
return to the New Message List screen.

60 Edition 1.0
Chapter 5 Messenger

New Message Notification

While you are working in the other Customer Management applications, the
system notifies you every time a new message is published within the categories
to which you have a subscription. Whenever a high-priority message is published,
a prompt is displayed.

Example: New Message Prompt

Do the following:
• View the text of the message. Press Enter to activate the Go to Message
• Carry on working and view the message later. Tab to the Cancel button and
press Enter.
Once a new message has been received, an icon is displayed above the action
list on the left-hand side of the screen indicating the priority of the message.

Examples: Message Priority Icons

Only one icon is displayed, regardless of the number of messages received. If a

number of messages are published simultaneously, the icon displayed relates to
the highest priority message. After you have read the highest priority message,
the icon is downgraded to match the priority of the next highest priority message,
and so on. The icon is removed only after you have viewed and deleted all

Publishing Messages
This topic explains how to publish messages to other users from the Publish
Message screen. The message is published only to those users subscribed to the
categories you choose.

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Example: Publish Message Screen

To publish a message:
1. Press F4 to open the Publish Message screen.
2. Press Ctrl+down arrow to open the list in the Priority field and select the
message priority. The default priority is Low. Press Enter.
Your user ID appears as the default in the Sender Name field automatically.
3. Use the fields in the Publish To group to specify the categories of the
message. Below is a table that explains these fields and how to use them.

Table: Message Categories

Field Explanation

Role Press Ctrl+down arrow to open the list and select

the role to which you want to publish the message
in this field.
Roles are high-level job categories rather than
specific job titles.
Carrier Type the carrier code in this field. Press Ctrl+down
arrow to select the code from a list.
Departure Airport Type the departure airport code in this field. Press
Ctrl+down arrow to select the code from a list.
Terminal Type the number of the terminal to which you want
to send the message in the Terminal field. If you
leave the field blank, the message is sent to all
Date Type in the date in this field. The current system
date appears by default.
Press Ctrl+down arrow to select the date from the
calendar. For more information on using the
calendar, see Using the Calendar on page 35.
Flight Numbers Type the flight numbers in this field. Press Ctrl to
select the carrier code from a list.
Message Type the text of your message in this field.

4. Press Enter to activate the Publish button.

62 Edition 1.0
Chapter 5 Messenger

The message is published.

5. Tab to the Done button and press Enter.
You exit the Publish Message screen and return to the New Message List
Note: If you re-enter the Publish Message screen immediately after publishing
a message, the text of the previous message is displayed in the
Message field.

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Chapter 6
Online Help

There are a number of functions available from the Customer Management Help
menu to help you to monitor system performance and assist you with your
Customer Management tasks.
The table below gives an overview of each function available to users on the Help

Table: Overview of Help Functions

Function Explanation

JFE Help Detailed context-sensitive online help. See Using

Online Help below for more information.
View Log Displays information about all the system activity
during the current session. For use by system
administrators. See Viewing a Log of System Activity
on page 76 for more information.
About JFE Displays the About screen giving details of the current
version of the Customer Management JFE.

Using Online Help

This topic explains how to use Customer Management online help.
There are different types of context-sensitive online help available in Customer
Management to assist you with the tasks you need to carry out. These are:
• Screen help, which prompts you for the data required in the current screen.
Screen help is identified by the information icon. For example:

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• Field help, which is displayed as a tooltip under the selectable field if the
focus stays on the field for more than three seconds or if you type incorrect
characters. For example:

• Help screens activated by pressing F1 or selecting JFE Help from the Help
Note: When you select JFE Help from the Help menu, help information about
Customer Management in general is displayed. When you press F1
while working in a Customer Management application, the help screen
displayed is relevant to the application and screen that you are currently

Accessing the Help Screens

You can access the Customer Management online help screens regardless of
whether an application is open.
To access the help screen when no applications are open:
1. Press Alt+H to open the Help menu, then press Enter or J to open JFE Help.
Because you have not yet specified the help you want to view, a blank screen
is displayed.
2. Press F3 to see a table of contents that includes all the first-level help topics

Example: Help Table of Contents

The first topic in the list is selected by default. Use the arrow keys to select a
different topic if necessary.

66 Edition 1.0
Chapter 6 Online Help

Example: Help Table of Contents – Topic Selected

3. Press F7 to select Expand Topic from the action list. You now see all the
lower levels of topics for the selected first-level topic.

Example: Help Table of Contents – Topic Expanded

Note: If a topic in the table of contents has a plus sign before it, topics at
lower levels are available. You can expand a topic with multiple
levels by selecting it and pressing Enter. A list of lower-level topics
is displayed. You can also use the function keys listed to expand
and collapse topics and to access other help functions.
4. Use the arrow keys to select the topic you want and press Enter to display
the help screen.
The relevant help screen is displayed.

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Example: Help Topic

To open the Customer Management online help system from an application:

1. Press F1 to open Help.
The Customer Management help screen relevant to the application you are
working in is displayed.

Example: Customer Help Topic

2. Text shown in blue in the help information represents a hyperlink to another

topic. To view these topics, use the corresponding shortcuts in the action list.
To display the topic called Creating Commercial Bookings, for example,
press the function key assigned to Comm Bkg in the action list.
Note: If you are using a mouse, you can access the sub-topics by clicking on
the hyperlinks.

Searching within the Help Screens

To display a related topic that is shown as a hyperlink (in blue) in the current help
text, use the shortcuts shown in the action list by pressing the appropriate
function key.

68 Edition 1.0
Chapter 6 Online Help

Note: If you are using a mouse, you can click on hyperlinks to display the
corresponding topics.
To search for a topic in the help system, do the following:
1. Press F4 to access the Search facility.
The first time you request a search in a Customer Management session, a
blank search screen is displayed.

Example: Search Screen – No Previous Search

2. Type a keyword in the Type in the Keyword to Find field at the top of the

Example: Search Keyword

3. Press Enter to activate the Search button.

The help topic that contains the most occurrences of your keyword is
displayed on the right side of the screen.
The Select Topic to Display panel in the middle of the screen shows a list of
all the topics that contain the keyword.

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Example: Search Result

Note: If the topic displayed contains more than one screen of information,
the section containing the first occurrence of the keyword is shown.
Use the scroll bar on the right side of the screen to scroll through
the topic.
4. To view a different topic from the Select Topic to Display list, use the up and
down arrow keys to select the topic.

Example: Search Result – Topic Selected

The currently selected topic is previewed on the right side of the screen
automatically. Press Enter to display the topic in the full help screen.

70 Edition 1.0
Chapter 6 Online Help

Example: Search Result – Topic Displayed

Note: If you close the Help application and open it again in the same
Customer Management session, the results of your previous search
and topic selection are shown in the initial search screen by default.

Printing Help Topics

You can print any help topic that is included in the help table of contents. You can
do this from the table of contents or when the topic you want to print is displayed.
Do the following:
1. Ensure that the help screen is displayed showing the table of contents or the
help topic you want to print. For an explanation of how to do this, see
Accessing the Help Screens on page 68.
If the table of contents is displayed, you may need to expand a first-level topic
in order to show topics are lower levels. Use the arrow keys to select the
topic you want to print.
2. Press F6 to select Print from the action list.
The Print Preview screen is displayed.

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Example: Print Preview Screen

3. To increase or decrease the size of the image, select one of the zoom icons
explained in the table below, then press Enter.

Table: Zoom Icons

Icon Explanation

Increases the size of the image. Press Enter multiple times to further
increase the image size. Once you use the zoom-in icon once, the
other zoom icons (see below) are enabled automatically.
Decreases the size of the image. Press Enter multiple times to further
decrease the image size.
Returns to the original image size. Once you use this icon, it is disabled
(along with the zoom-out icon above) until you use the zoom-in icon

4. To set up your print request, tab to the Setup button, then press Enter.
The Page Setup screen is displayed.

72 Edition 1.0
Chapter 6 Online Help

Example: Page Setup Screen

5. Use this screen to specify print parameters such as the paper size and the
page margins, then do one of the following:
- Press Enter to print the help topic.
- Tab to the Cancel button and press Enter to close the Page Setup screen
without saving any changes you made.
- Tab to the Printer button and press Enter to select a specific printer
(other than your default printer).
6. To print the help topic to your default printer without specifying any special
parameters, tab to the Print button and press Enter to activate it.
The Print screen is displayed.

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Example: Print Screen

7. Press Enter to activate the OK button.

If you decide not to print the help topic, press Esc or tab to the Cancel button,
then press Enter.

Viewing a Log of System Activity

View Log displays information about all the system activity during the current
session of Customer Management. It also allows you to print or copy the
information to the clipboard for pasting into other applications, such as word
processors. It is used by system administrators.
To view details of system activity during the current session:
1. Press Alt+H to open the Help menu.
2. Do one the following to open View Log:
- Use the arrow keys to select it, then press Enter.
- Press Alt+L.
The Log Contents screen is displayed.

74 Edition 1.0
Chapter 6 Online Help

Example: Log Contents Screen

3. Use the arrow keys to select the activity item for which you want to view
The details of the message are displayed in the bottom half of the screen.
4. Use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to print the currently selected
message details, copy them to the clipboard, or exit the Log Contents screen.
Press Ctrl+Tab to move to the buttons, then the Tab or Shift+Tab key to
move between them.
You can do any of the following:
- Select Print to print the message details.
- Select Copy to copy the details to the clipboard so that you can paste
them into another application.
- Select Close to exit the Log Contents screen. You return to the screen
you were using before you opened the Help application.

© Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 75

Chapter 7
Reservations, World Tracer and

This topic describes how to access Reservations and World Tracer using a
cryptic screen. It also describes how to create teletype messages and use
teletype templates.

Topics in This Section

• Accessing Reservations Using a Cryptic Screen below
• Accessing World Tracer on page 80
• Teletype Applications on page 80

Accessing Reservations Using a Cryptic Screen

You can access Reservations from the Customer Management GUI using an
entry-driven cryptic screen. Once you are in Reservations, you can also access
the following:
• IMS/OSG operational control system
• Other airlines’ systems (for example, BA, NZ)
• Timatic ETA, an electronic travel information manual published by 14 IATA
airlines. See the Amadeus Altéa Departure Control Customer Management
Glossary for more information.
When you open Reservations, a single screen is displayed in which you type
cryptic commands and the server displays cryptic output.
To access the cryptic screen, do the following:
- Press Alt+A to access the applications menu, use the down arrow key to
select Reservations and press Enter.
- Press Ctrl+R to access Reservations from other Customer Management
The cryptic screen is displayed.

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Example: Cryptic Screen

You can use the function keys listed in the action list and cryptic commands when
working in Reservations. For example:
• Type OPS to access IMS/OSG.
• Type the carrier code, for example BA, to access an external airline system.
• Press F5 to access Timatic ETA.

Accessing World Tracer

The World Tracer application is an external application used to track lost and
mishandled baggage anywhere in the world. You can access World Tracer from
Customer Management in one of the following two ways:
• Press Alt+A to access the Applications menu, press the down arrow key to
select World Tracer and press Enter.
• Press Ctrl+W.
For information about using World Tracer, refer to the World Tracer user

Teletype Applications
If you need to communicate with entities outside Customer Management, you can
do so through teletype (TTY) messages. For example, you can send a TTY
message to inform airport offices about specific passenger requirements such as
stretchers and wheelchairs.
There are two ways of creating and sending TTY messages:
• You can use free text format, in which you must complete some mandatory
• You can use a template. Templates contain pre-filled fields and can save you

78 Edition 1.0
Chapter 7 Reservations, World Tracer and Teletype

Customer Management include two applications that allow you to work with TTY
• The Teletype (TTY) application is for creating and sending TTY messages,
with or without using templates.
• The Teletype Template Admin application is for creating and maintaining

Opening and Closing the Teletype Applications

To open the Teletype (TTY) application, do the following:
• Press Alt+A to access the Applications menu, press the down arrow key to
select Teletype (TTY), then press Enter.
• Press Ctrl+T to access Teletype (TTY) from other Customer Management
To open the Teletype Template Admin application, do the following:
• Press Alt+A to access the Applications menu, press the down arrow key to
select Teletype Template Admin, then press Enter.
• Press Ctrl+Y to access Teletype Template Admin from other Customer
Management applications.
To exit either the Teletype (TTY) or Teletype Template Admin application, press

Creating and Sending a Free Text TTY Message

This topic explains how to create and send a TTY message without using a
1. Ensure that the Teletype (TTY) application is open. For an explanation of
how to this, see Opening and Closing the Teletype Applications above.
The Select a Category screen is displayed.
Note: For an explanation of how to create and send TTY messages using
templates, see Opening and Closing the Teletype Applications
2. Press F4 to select Freetext in the action list.
The Create Free Text TTY screen is displayed.

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Example: Create Free Text TTY Screen

3. Complete the fields on the screen using the function keys listed in the action
list to help you.

Table: Create Free Text TTY Function Keys

Key Function

F10 Adds one line in the recipient addresses or in the

free text depending on the position of the cursor.
F11 Deletes one line in the recipient addresses or in
the free text depending on the position of the
F8 Pages down to the next 12 recipient addresses or
one page of free text depending on the position of
the cursor.
Note: The maximum number of pages of free
text is 99. After this you will receive an
error message.
F7 Pages up to the previous 12 recipient addresses
or one page of free text depending on the position
of the cursor.
Note: The maximum number of pages of free
text is 99. After this you will receive an error

Below is a table that explains the fields on the screen and what you can type
in them.

80 Edition 1.0
Chapter 7 Reservations, World Tracer and Teletype

Table: Create Free Text TTY Fields

Field Explanation

Priority The message priority. Messages are delivered

according to the priority level. Level 1 messages
will be delivered before Level 2, Level 2 messages
before Level 3, and so on.
The Priority field can contain any of the following
• SS or QS
Priority Level 1 (Emergency). This is the
highest priority and is used for emergency
messages only.
• QX or QU
Priority Level 2 (Urgent). For operationally
urgent messages.
• QK
Priority Level 3 (Normal).
• QD
Priority Level 4 (Deferred). Deferred
messages are only delivered after all other
messages have been cleared.
Unless you are using a template with a higher
priority level in the Priority field, it contains the
lowest priority level (QD) by default.
Send to The list of recipient addresses.
Only 12 recipient addresses are displayed at a
time. Use the Page Up (or F7) and Page Down (or
F8) keys to display additional or previous
Send from The originator address. Your own address appears
in this field by default.
Copy to originator address Y (for Yes) in this field means that a copy of the
message will be sent to the originator address. Y
appears in the field by default. You can change it
to N (for N) if necessary.
(Message type optional) Free text, up to three characters. Leave this field
blank is there is the message does not have a
Message Maximum of 64 characters per line.

If any of the mandatory information is missing, you will receive a message at

the bottom of the screen. The cursor is automatically positioned to where the
information is required. If the entries to more than one field are missing, you
will receive one error message at a time.
4. Press the Enter key to activate the Send button.
The system responds with a message.

Example: TTY Message Sent Message

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Creating and Sending a TTY Message Using a Template

This topic explains how to create and send a teletype message using a template.
1. Ensure that the Teletype (TTY) application is open. For an explanation of
how to this, see Opening and Closing the Teletype Applications on page 81.
The Select a Category screen is displayed.

Example: Select a Category Screen

2. Type the number of the category you want to use at the Select Line Number
Alternatively, skip selecting the category and search for a specific template.
Type the full or partial name of the template at the Search by Template Name
Note: At any time, you can choose to create a free text message without
using a template by pressing F4 to select Freetext in the action list.
3. Press Enter to activate the Select button.
The Select a Template screen is displayed showing a list of all the templates
in the category you selected.

82 Edition 1.0
Chapter 7 Reservations, World Tracer and Teletype

Example: Select a Template Screen – Category Selected

If you searched for a template by name instead of selecting a category and

more than one template matched the name, the Select a Template screen
shows a list of all the matching templates.

Example: Select a Template Screen – Matching Templates Found

4. Type the number of the template you want to use at the Select Template
5. Press Enter to activate the Select button.
The Create Free Text TTY screen is displayed pre-filled with the relevant
data from the template.

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Example: Create Free Text TTY Screen – Template Selected

6. Complete the fields on the screen as necessary using the function keys listed
in the action list to help you.
For an explanation of the fields and function keys and how to use them, see
Creating and Sending a Free Text TTY Message on page 81.
7. Press the Enter key to activate the Send button.
The system responds with a message.

Example: TTY Message Sent Message

Searching for a TTY Message

This topic explains how to search for a TTY message you have sent or received.
1. Ensure that the Teletype (TTY) application is open. For an explanation of
how to this, see Opening and Closing the Teletype Applications on page 81.
The Select a Category screen is displayed.
2. Press F6 to select Search from the action list.
The Search TTY screen is displayed.

84 Edition 1.0
Chapter 7 Reservations, World Tracer and Teletype

Example: Search TTY Screen

3. Type as many search options as you need in the fields on this screen. Below
is a table that explains the fields and how to use them.

Table: Search TTY Fields

Field Explanation

Organization Defaults to your own organization. Change this if

This field is mandatory.
Sent from Originator and recipient of the message. The
Sent to originator defaults to your own address.
You can only specify the originator OR the
recipient. If you enter addresses in both fields, you
will receive an error message.
You must specify at least one of these fields.
From date Start date and time from which you want to search
From time messages.
Both are optional unless you specify the time, in
which case the date is mandatory.
To date End date and time to which you want to search
To time messages.
Both are optional unless you specify the time, in
which case the date is mandatory.
TEXT 1 Specify a word in the TTY message.
This field is optional.
TEXT 2 Specify a word in the TTY message.
This field is optional.
If you use both the TEXT 1 and TEXT 2 fields, the
system only searches for messages that contain
both words.

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Field Explanation

Message type Type of messages to search. For example: PNL,

ADL, and so on.
Leave this field blank to search for all TTY
message types.
TTY status Status of messages to search.
Leave this field blank to search for TTY messages
with any status.

4. Press Enter to activate the Search button.

If only one matching message is found, the Update/Send TTY screen is
displayed showing the TTY message. For an explanation of how to update or
resend the message, see Updating a TTY Message on page 89.
If more than one matching message is found, the Search Results screen is
displayed showing a list of the messages.

Example: Search Results Screen

This screen displays the messages found from the most recent to the oldest,
up to a maximum of 14 messages per screen. If there are more messages,
use the Page Down (or F8) and Page Up (or F7) keys to scroll through them.
There are no limits to the number of messages that can be found except
when you use the TEXT 1 and TEXT 2 search options. In these cases, an
error message telling you to narrow your search is displayed if more than 500
matching messages are found.
5. To display a message from the list on the Search Results screen, type the
relevant number at the Select Line prompt, then press Enter to activate the
Select button.
The Update/Send TTY screen is displayed showing the message. For an
explanation of how to update or resend the message, see Updating a TTY
Message on page 89.

86 Edition 1.0
Chapter 7 Reservations, World Tracer and Teletype

Updating a TTY Message

This topic explains how to update and resend (or only resend) a TTY message.
1. Ensure that Update/Send TTY screen is displayed showing the message you
want to update. For an explanation of how to do this, see Searching for a
TTY Message on page 86.
Note: You can only update a message once. If the status of the message
is MODIFIED, you cannot update it any further before resending it.

Example: Update/Send TTY Screen

2. Modify the fields on the screen as necessary. You can modify any part of the
TTY message including the priority and recipient and orginator addresses.
You can use the function keys listed in the action list to help you. For an
explanation of the function keys and how to use them, see Creating and
Sending a Free Text TTY Message on page 81.
For an explanation of the fields and how to use them, see Creating a TTY
Template on page 93.
3. Press the Enter key to activate the Send button.
The system responds with a message.

Example: Message Sent Messsge

Creating a TTY Template Category

This topic explains how to create a TTY message template category. Categories
allow the grouping of related templates.

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1. Ensure that the Teletype Template Admin application is open and the Select
a Category screen is displayed. For an explanation of how to do this, see
Opening and Closing the Teletype Applications on page 81.

Example: Select a Category Screen

2. Press F4 to select Create from the action list.

The Create a Category screen is displayed.

Example: Create a Category Screen

3. Define the category using the fields on this screen. All fields are mandatory.
Below is a table that explains the fields and how to use them.

88 Edition 1.0
Chapter 7 Reservations, World Tracer and Teletype

Table: Create a Category Fields

Field Explanation

Organization Defaults to your own organization. Change this if

You can type up to 12 characters.
Category name Type up to 25 characters in this field.
Description Type up to 47 characters in this field.

4. Press Enter to activate the Create button.

The template category is created. The Select a Category screen is displayed
showing the new category at the end of the list and a message at the bottom
of the screen confirming that the category has been created.

Example: Select a Category Screen – New Category Created

Deleting a TTY Template Category

This topic explains how to delete a TTY message template category and all of its
1. Ensure that the Teletype Template Admin application is open and the Select
a Category screen is displayed. For an explanation of how to do this, see
Opening and Closing the Teletype Applications on page 81.

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Example: Select a Category Screen

2. Type the number of the category you want to delete at the Select Line
Number prompt.
3. Press F5 to select Delete from the action list.
The Delete a Category screen is displayed.

Example: Delete a Category Screen

4. Type Y (replacing N) to confirm that you want to delete the category and all of
its templates.
5. Press Enter to activate the Delete button.
The template category and its templates are deleted. The Select a Category
screen is displayed showing a message at the bottom of the screen
confirming that the category has been deleted.

90 Edition 1.0
Chapter 7 Reservations, World Tracer and Teletype

Example: Select a Category Screen – Category Deleted

Creating a TTY Template

This topic explains how to create a TTY message template.
1. Ensure that the Teletype Template Admin application is open and the Select
a Category screen is displayed. For an explanation of how to do this, see
Opening and Closing the Teletype Applications on page 81.

Example: Select a Category Screen

2. Type the number of the category within which you want to create a template
at the Select Line Number prompt.

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A new template must be created within an existing template category. For an

explanation of how to create categories, see Creating a TTY Template
Category on page 90.
3. Press Enter to activate the Select button.
The Select a Template screen appears showing a list of all the existing
templates within the category you selected.

Example: Select a Template Screen

4. Press F4 to select Create from the action list.

The Create a Template screen is displayed.

Example: Create a Template Screen

5. Complete the fields on the screen as necessary to define the template. You
can use the function keys listed in the action list to help you. For an

92 Edition 1.0
Chapter 7 Reservations, World Tracer and Teletype

explanation of the function keys and how to use them, see Creating and
Sending a Free Text TTY Message on page 81.
Below is a table that explains the fields on the screen and what you can type
in them.

Table: Create a Template Fields

Field Explanation

Name Type up to 21 characters.

In order to create the template, this field is
Description Type up to 51 characters.
In order to create the template, this field is
Priority Can contain any of the following codes:
• SS or QS
• QX or QU
• QK
• QD
The Priority field contains the lowest priority level
(QD) by default.
Send to List of recipient addresses.
Only 12 recipient addresses are displayed at a
time. Use the Page Up (or F7) and Page Down (or
F8) keys to display additional or previous
Send from The originator address. Your own address appears
in this field by default.
(Message type optional) Free text, up to three characters.
Message Maximum of 64 characters per line.

6. Press the Enter key to activate the Create button.

The template is created. The Select a Template screen is displayed showing
the new template at the end of the list and a message at the bottom of the
screen confirming that the template has been created.

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Example: Select a Template Screen – New Template Created

Updating a TTY Template

This topic explains how to update a TTY message template.
1. Ensure that the Teletype Template Admin application is open and the Select
a Category screen is displayed. For an explanation of how to do this, see
Opening and Closing the Teletype Applications on page 81.

Example: Select a Category Screen

2. Type the number of the category of the template you want to update at the
Select Line Number prompt.
3. Press Enter to activate the Select button.

94 Edition 1.0
Chapter 7 Reservations, World Tracer and Teletype

The Select a Template screen appears showing a list of all the existing
templates within the category you selected.

Example: Select a Template Screen

4. Type the line number of the template you want to update at the Select
Template prompt.
5. Press Enter to activate the Select button.
The Update Template screen is displayed showing the template you selected.

Example: Update Template Screen

6. Modify the fields on the screen as necessary. You can use the function keys
listed in the action list to help you. For an explanation of the function keys
and how to use them, see Creating and Sending a Free Text TTY Message
on page 81.

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For an explanation of the fields and how to use them, see Creating a TTY
Template on page 93.
7. Press the Enter key to activate the Create button.
The template is updated. The Select a Template screen is displayed showing
a message at the bottom of the screen confirming that the template has been

Example: Select a Template Screen – Template Updated

Deleting a TTY Template

This topic explains how to delete a TTY message template.
1. Ensure that the Teletype Template Admin application is open and the Select
a Category screen is displayed. For an explanation of how to do this, see
Opening and Closing the Teletype Applications on page 81.

96 Edition 1.0
Chapter 7 Reservations, World Tracer and Teletype

Example: Select a Category Screen

2. Type the number of the category of the template you want to delete at the
Select Line Number prompt.
3. Press Enter to activate the Select button.
The Select a Template screen is displayed showing a list of all the templates
within the category you selected.

Example: Select a Template Screen

4. Type the number of the template you want to delete at the Select Template
5. Press F5 to select Delete from the action list.
The Delete a Template screen is displayed.

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Example: Delete a Template Screen

6. Type Y (replacing N) to confirm that you want to delete the template.

7. Press Enter to activate the Delete button.
The template is deleted. The Select a Template screen is displayed showing
a message at the bottom of the screen confirming that the template has been

Example: Select a Template Screen – Category Deleted

Switching to Another TTY Template Owner

This topic explains how to switch to working with templates belonging to another

98 Edition 1.0
Chapter 7 Reservations, World Tracer and Teletype

1. Ensure that the Teletype Template Admin application is open and the Select
a Category screen is displayed. For an explanation of how to do this, see
Opening and Closing the Teletype Applications on page 81.

Example: Select a Category Screen

2. Type the name of the owner of the templates you want to work with in the
Organization field.
3. Press F9 to select Refresh Org from the action list.
The Select a Category screen is displayed showing the list of template
categories belonging to the organisation you specified.

Example: Select a Category – Organisation Switched

© Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 99

Chapter 8
Navigation Quick Reference

Opening Menus
Table: Menu Shortcuts

Press… To open…

Alt+A Applications
Alt+D Device
Alt+N Navigation
Alt+L Logoff
Alt+H Help

Opening Applications
Table: Application Shortcuts

Press… To open…

Ctrl+H Customer
Ctrl+F Flight
Ctrl+S Seatmap
Ctrl+G Baggage
Ctrl+B Boarding
Ctrl+D Boarding Monitor
Ctrl+K Track
Ctrl+R Reservations
Ctrl+T Teletype (TTY)
Ctrl+Y Teletype Template Admin
Ctrl+O My User ID Details

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Press… To open…

Ctrl+P My Preferences
Ctrl+M Messenger
Ctrl+W World Tracer

Navigating Between Screens

Table: Shortcuts for Navigating Between Screens

Press… To…

Alt+left arrow Move to the application tab immediately to the left.

Alt+right arrow Move to the application tab immediately to the right.
Alt+NumPad* (the asterisk Toggle between the current application tab and the last
on the numeric keypad) application tab accessed.
Alt+number keys Move to the application tab number pressed. For
example, if Seatmap is tab number 1, press Alt+1 to
return to the Seatmap tab.
Ctrl+E Close the current application tab.
Ctrl+Shift+E Close files (application tabs currently open).

Navigating Within Screens

Table: Shortcuts for Navigating Within Screens

Press… To…

Tab Move to the next selectable component (for example, a

field or a button).
Shift+Tab Move to the previous selectable component.
Left arrow Move to the closest left component of the currently
selectable component (for example, move left one
character space in a field).
Right arrow Move to the closest right component of the currently
selectable component (for example, move right one
character space in a field).
Down arrow Move to the closest component below in the currently
selectable component (for example, move down one
row in a list or table).
Up arrow Move to the closest component above in the currently
selectable component (for example, move up one row
in a list or table).

102 Edition 1.0

Chapter 8 Navigation Quick Reference

Press… To…

Ctrl+down arrow Displays a drop-down list from a combination (combo)

box or a field with an expand button. For information
about navigating between screens, see The Navigation
Menu on page 25.
See Common Screen Elements on page 28 for more
information about expand buttons and combo boxes.
Ctrl+Page Down In screens with a scroll bar, scrolls down.
Ctrl+Page Up In screens with a scroll bar, scrolls up.
Space bar Selects the highlighted option (for example, an item in
a drop-down list or a row in a table).
Enter Selects an option or confirms the action you wish to
take (for example, press the tab key to move to the OK
button and press Enter to move to the next step in the
Esc Closes a drop-down list or a screen.
Ctrl+E Closes the application you are working in.
Ctrl+L Signs you out of Customer Management. The Sign in
screen is displayed after you sign out.
Alt+E Exits from Customer Management. The system
displays a message asking you to confirm that you
want to exit. Press Enter to exit. Customer
Management closes.

Function Keys
Table: Function Key Shortcuts

Press… To…

F1 Access online help

F2 Toggle between standard and full display
Shift+F1 Show more options
Shift+F2 Expand
F5 Refresh the screen

© Amadeus s.a.s. - All rights reserved 103

Chapter 9
Icon Quick Reference

General Icons
Table: General Icons

Icon Explanation

Indicates that further options are available. Press

Ctrl+down arrow to display the list.
To select an option, do one of the following:
• Type the first few letters of the option in the field.
Press Enter when the option you want is
• Use the arrow keys to move between the items
in the list. Press Enter when the item you want is
See Navigation Quick Reference on page 103 for
more information.
Indicates that a list of options is available. Press
Ctrl+down arrow to display the options.
You can move between options using the arrow keys.
Press Enter to select the option you want.
See Navigation Quick Reference on page 103 for
more information.
Indicates help or advice text on the screen.

Indicates that mandatory information is missing from

a field or that data was incorrectly entered. The icon
disappears when the required data is provided.
Indicates that your request is in progress.

Indicates that your request was processed

Indicates that your request has not been processed
Displayed when a screen has advanced options.
Press F2 to display the advanced options fields.

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Icon Explanation

Press F2 to return to the basic options fields.

Indicates that a table can be expanded to display

more data.
Indicates that an expanded table can be collapsed.

Appears in the top right-hand corner of the Customer

Management title bar. Click on this icon to close
Customer Management if you are using the mouse.
Appears in the top right-hand corner of the Customer
Management title bar. Click on this icon to maximise
the Customer Management screen if you are using
the mouse.
Appears in the top right-hand corner of the Customer
Management title bar. Click on this icon to minimise
the Customer Management screen if you are using
the mouse.
When the Customer Management screen is
maximised, this icon appears in the top right-hand
corner of the title bar. Click on the icon to restore the
Customer Management screen to its original size if
you are using the mouse.
Indicates that online help screens are available.
Press F1 to access online help. See Online Help on
page 67 for more information about the Customer
Management help screens.
Indicates that flight information follows. If the flight
has only one leg, the flight icon appears on its own. If
the flight is multi-leg, the icon has two arrows beneath
it. If the flight is cancelled, the icon has a cross
through it.
All three icons appear in the flight table.
Indicates that your request has not been processed
successfully. A message is displayed explaining what
action to take to rectify this.
Represents a city.

Represents an airport.

Indicates that the customer is travelling on a paper

ticket. Appears in the CP table.

Indicates that the customer is travelling on an

electronic ticket. Appears in the CP table.

Indicates that the customer is travelling on an

electronic ticket but the ticket does not match the
customer’s journey. Appears in the CP table.
Indicates that the customer is entitled to an upgrade,
for example from an economy class seat to a
business class seat. Appears in the CP table.
Indicates that the customer can be downgraded, for
example, from a business class seat to an economy
class seat. Appears in the CP table.

106 Edition 1.0

Chapter 9 Icon Quick Reference

Icon Explanation

Indicates that the customer has cabin baggage.

Appears in the CP table.

Indicates that the customer has checked in at least

one piece of hold baggage. Appears in the CP table.

Indicates that the customer has unpaid excess


Indicates that there is a comment for the customer.

Appears alongside the customer data in the CP table.

Indicates there is a high priority comment for the

customer. Appears alongside the customer data in
the CP table.
Indicates that there is more information than
displayed. You need to display the full customer
record to access all of the information. Appears in the
CP table.
Indicates that information is missing or invalid for a
customer or that a customer request is unfulfilled.
You can go to that customer’s records and fill in the
required information. After the information is
complete, the indicator disappears. Appears in the
CP table.
Indicates that the customer was accepted (checked-
in) on the flight (for example, a seat has been
assigned to the customer). Appears in the CP table.
Indicates that the customer was accepted on the
flight with the Advance Acceptance option. Appears
in the CP table.
Indicates that the customer was boarded on the
aircraft. Appears in the CP table.

Indicates that the customer is on a flight that was

disrupted and that the customer is non-
accommodated. Appears in the CP table.
Indicates that the customer was previously accepted
and has now been rejected (offloaded). A passenger
with this status will not be travelling. Appears in the
CP table.
A dotted black line indicates that adult customers (or
adult customers and CBBG) are linked.
A solid blue line indicated a link between an adult
customer and an associated infant or EXST.
For information about linking customers, see the
Amadeus Altéa Departure Control Customer
Management Customer User Guide.

Used for customer recognition purposes. For

example, if a service recovery element has been
added for a customer to compensate for a service
problem, the star symbol appears next to the
customer's name.

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Icon Explanation

Indicates the next activity to be performed. Appears

in the Flight Activity List screen.

Seating Icons
When you are viewing a seatmap, you can press F12 to display the Legend. The
Legend contains icons and a brief description of each icon.

The table below lists icons not included in the Seatmap Legend that indicate
seating information and characteristics in the Seatmap screen and other screens.

Table: Seating Icons

Icon Explanation

Indicates that the seatmap may be moved to display a

higher cabin by pressing Page Up. For example, if the
seatmap displayed is economy, pressing Page Up moves
the display to the business cabin.
Indicates that the seatmap may be moved to display a
lower cabin by pressing Page Down. For example, if the
seatmap displayed is business, pressing Page Down
moves the display to the business cabin.
Indicates that not all of the seatmap is displayed on the
screen. Press Ctrl+Page Up to scroll up.

Indicates that not all of the seatmap is displayed on the

screen. Press Ctrl+Page Down to scroll down.

Indicates that the seat you wish to move the customer to

is vacant and that this action will result in a seat change.
Indicates that the seat shuffle process was activated.

Indicates that the seat you wish to move the customer to

is occupied and that this action will result in a seat swap.
Extra leg room. The red band at the front indicates the
extra leg room.

Standard class seats.

108 Edition 1.0

Chapter 9 Icon Quick Reference

Icon Explanation

Jump or crew rest seat, available for the crew only and
used during take-off and landing.
Row number. Part of the seat number designation. For
example 12 G.
This row number background is:
Blue if not over a screen
Grey if over a screen
Partly grey and partly blue if partly over a screen
Column letter. Part of the seat number designation. For
example, 12G.

Indicates that the seat located next to the icon does not
have a view. If there is a screen, it is not directly in front
of the seat and does not allow the customer to see
anything. Even though the seat is a window seat, it does
not have a view. Such seats are the exception on an
Indicates an additional seat booked by a customer. The
customer is paying more money to get this extra seat.

Overlaid on the seat to indicate that the seat is assigned.

Seat is not suitable for an unaccompanied minor.

Indicates that the armrest lifts to accommodate an

incapacitated or disabled person.
Seat is suitable for a deportee.

Seat does not recline or does not recline back as far as

other seats.
Quiet zone.

No view of the movie screen from this seat.

Preferential seat.

Seat with individual video screen.

Seat with individual airphone.

Seat with a connection for a laptop.

Smoking seat.



Toilets equipped for an incapacitated or disabled person.

Note: The icons that actually appear on the seatmap are dependent on the
aircraft used on the flight and leg.

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110 Edition 1.0


new message icons, 61

A notification, 55, 61
publishing messages, 55, 61
Altéa Reservations, 77
setting up print options, 57
Audience, 1
subscription information, 59
viewing messages, 59
Calculator N
adding up multiple amounts, 34
Navigation, 8
between application tabs, 23
selecting the date, 33
within a screen, 47
Closing applications, 16
CP table, 38
Cryptic screen, 77 P
Customer Management applications, 1, 3, 15 Password
Customer Management GUI, 3, 17 changing from Enter User Details screen, 50
action lists, 29 changing from the Sign in screen, 11
closing, 18 changing from User Information screen, 51
drop-down lists, 27 Prime flight
fields, 26 definition, 35
icons, 26 details, 35
maximising, 18
menu bar, 18
minimising, 18 S
navigating, 23, 47, 101, 102 Seating icons, 108
screen buttons, 28 seatmap legend, 108
screen elements, 26 Security, 4
shortcuts, 29 access levels, 4
tabs, 25 roles and permissions, 4
title bar, 18 Signing in, 7
Customer Product table. See CP table advanced functions, 9
buttons, 8
H changing password, 11
changing the duty code, 10
Help changing the mode, 10
accessing the online help screens, 18 failed sign in, 13
contacting the helpdesk, 1 specifying remote office, 11
finding a topic, 69 specifying terminal ID, 11
function keys, 68
hyperlinks, 68
menu functions, 65 T
using context-sensitive online help, 65 Teletype
closing the teletype applications, 79
L creating free text messages, 79
creating template categories, 87
Logging in, 7 creating templates, 91
deleting template categories, 89
M deleting templates, 96
opening the Teletype (TTY) application, 79
Messenger, 55
opening the Teletype Template Admin
classification of messages, 55
application, 79
message priority, 60, 61, 62

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Amadeus Altéa Departure Control Customer Management GUI Overview User Guide

searching for messages, 84 changing password, 50

switching template owners, 98 setting, 52
updating messages, 87
updating templates, 94
using templates to create messages, 82
Terminology, 1 World Tracer, 78

User preferences, 49
viewing user information, 49

112 Edition 1.0

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