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Study of Geodetic datum of Nepal, China and

Pakisthan and its transformation to World Geodetic


Niraj Manandhar
Chief Survey Officer, Survey Department, Geodetic Survey Branch
[email protected]

Abstract: all development works of the country such as defense,

satellite lunching, missiles projecting etc, construction
There are many government, non-government of major infrastructures of the country (dams, roads,
sewerage system, irrigation, hydropower stations etc).
and International organizations dealing in
compilation of database or electronic maps The development of the Geographic Information System
with data from different sources often becomes since last two decades has exemplified its importance and
necessary to transform from one coordinate widened its application in many more sectors such as in the
system to another in order to work within a study of environmental change, disaster management, and
creating the digital database in developing an information
single unifying framework. system.
The significance of the study of the coordinate The concept of the position defined by co-ordinate system
system of China, Pakistan, Nepal will benefit is the most essential part in the process of map-making and
many researchers working in various to the performance of the spatial search and analysis of
disciplines and using geographic information geographic information. In order to plot the geographical
system a part of their research. The use of feature on the map it is necessary to define the position of
points on the features with respect to a common frame of
remotely sensed data for environmental reference or the co-ordinate system in other words.
studies, disaster related matters and many
more has widely been in use due to the In the other hand all the observations and measurements for
availability of high resolution satellite images accurate mapping are carried out on the physical surface
of the earth where as computations and representation of
but it requires to have a relationship between
the earth surface into paper in the form of map requires
the satellite images and ground location called mathematical figure of the earth. In other words there has
geo-referencing. To establish this relationship to have some relationship between the mathematical earth
the understating of the coordinate system is (ellipsoid) and the physical earth (geoid). In the geodetic
needed and also integrating to the national terms we need to define best fitting ellipsoid and geoid.
grid of the particular country if required then The best fitting ellipsoid is that particular ellipsoid which
further knowledge of the parameters of datum best fits the spread of the earth surface of a particular
country. Therefore there are different ellipsoids of different
chosen by the particular country will be a
country and hence different countries have different origin
must. This paper illustrates some findings of and different datum defined by certain parameters.
the coordinate system of this region.
The positions on the earth’s surface are normally defined
in two systems Cartesian and the Geographic co-ordinate
system. In the Cartesian co-ordinate system positions are
Introduction: defined by their perpendicular distances from the set of
fixed axes. Different values are specified for these axes in
The national and regional surveying and mapping works different countries.
are all based on one single framework of geodetic control
The geographical coordinates constitute degrees of latitude
which is considered as a primary network of the country.
and longitude. This is a form of spherical polar coordinate
The importance of the geodetic frame work for the
system in which two angles are measured with respect to
country is beyond justification and is applied in almost
Nepalese Journal on Geoinformatics - 10, 2068 30
the planes through the center of the ellipsoid representing Determination of the parameters of such a reference
the shape of the earth. datum defined by shape, size, and orientation of ellipsoid
of revolution in other words the three dimensional co-
The latitude and longitude refer to the position in 3D space ordinate system requires the high precision surface and
and for the cartographic works it is necessary to transform spatial measurements. This work requires highly trained
them in 2D map grid system. Such transformation is called and skilled manpower.
projection. The projection refers to the transformation
of the earth’s surface either directly to a plane or to
a cylindrical or a conical surface which having been
conceptually warped around the earth which then form a WGS-84 Co-ordinate System:
flat surface when unrolled. The WGS-84 (World Geodetic System – 1984) is a
Conventional Terrestrial System (CTS), realized by
The choice of projection in a particular country is usually
modifying the Navy Navigational Satellite System
governed by a desire to minimize the distortion to best
(NNSS), or TRANSIT, Doppler Reference Frame in origin
possible extent. Therefore it is important to appreciate
and scale and rotating it to bring its reference meridian
the process of map projection and the way in which they
into coincidence with the Bureau International de l’Heure
introduce internal changes in scale and give rise to these
(BIH) – defined Zero meridian.
The origin of WGS-84 system is the centre of mass of the
As a consequence due to the adoption of variety of
earth. Its Z-axis lies along the direction of Conventional
map projection there are different map-grid co-ordinate
Terrestrial Pole (CTP) for polar motion and the X-axis lies
systems in use among them some of which are unique to a
along inter-section of the WGS-84 Reference meridian
particular mapping organization of the country.
plane and the plane of CTP Equator. The Y-axis of this
system completes a right-handed, Earth-Centered, Earth-
Fixed (ECEF) orthogonal co-ordinates system, measured
in the plane of CTP Equator 90o degree East of X-axis.
Aims and Objective of the study:
Study the different datum position parameters adopted The origin and orientation of co-ordinates axis in WGS-84
by different countries, Nepal, Pakistan and China in have been defined by the X,Y,Z co-ordinates established
particular. under the control of the 5 GPS monitoring stations located
at Hawaii, Colorado Springs, Ascension, Diego Garcia
Find out the parameters used in the datum transformations
and Kwajalein.
between the adopted datum into internationally accepted
World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84). The WGS-84 is an earth-fixed global reference frame,
including an earth model and is defined by a set of primary
and secondary parameters. The primary parameters are as
Geodetic Datum: follows:
The primary or the first order network is defined by means
of well defined three-dimensional reference system of
co-ordinates related to the earth fixed reference system. Semi-major axis (a) 6378137 m
Such a reference system is defined by the dimension of Flattening (f) 1/298.257223563
the reference ellipsoid in terms of five parameters such Angular velocity (ω) 7.292115 X 10(-5) (Radian
as semi-major axis ‘a’ and flattening ‘f’ and its position per second)
represented by regional X, Y, Z or ϕ, λ, h system Geocentric gravitational
specifying the orientation with respect to the global Xg,
Constant (GM) 398600.5 Km3s-2
Yg, Zg system, hence with respect to earth or geoid.
(Mass of the earth’s atmosphere included) -484.16685 X 10-6
Usually the centre of the ellipsoid does not coincide with nd
Normalized 2 degree
the earth's centre of mass but that axes are made parallel
zonal harmonic coefficient
to the earth's axis of rotation with a pre assumption that
global Xg, Yg, Zg rectangular co-ordinate system, has the of the gravitational constant
origin which lies on the earth's centre of mass and a Z axis
coinciding with the mean rotating axis of the earth, X -
axis passing through the mean of the Greenwich meridian.
The Y - axis as defined by the plane which is perpendicular Nepal Datum:
to X and Z - axis (Torge, 1991, pl 38). Geodetic Survey Branch (GSB) was aware of the
requirement of National Geodetic datum defined by
the network of points of first order controls. With the
31 Nepalese Journal on Geoinformatics - 10, 2068
agreement between the government of Nepal and the was defined by Everest in 1840 where as East-West
United Kingdom’s Directorate of Military Survey, Ministry (prime vertical) component was defined by Walker in
of Defense (MODUK) established the first order geodetic 1878. Though Everest ellipsoid has been the best fitting
control net in the country. The task was completed in mathematical surface for India and adjacent countries but
1986. it cannot be extended too far from the origin and hence it
application are rather limited. Therefore this ellipsoid has
been marginally modified by the different countries of the
Indian sub-continent.
The Datum was defined as in above:
References ellipsoid: Everest (1830) The ellipsoidal parameter adopted by Pakistan are slightly
Semi-major axis (a) 6 377 276.345 m different from Everest ellipsoid 1830.
Flattening (f) 1/300.8017 and (e2 = 0.00663784663)
The ellipsoidal parameters adopted by Pakistan are as

With the Geodetic Origin Station 12/57 Nagarkot defined as

Ellipsoid : Everest Pakistan
Latitude (g) = 270 41’ 31”.04 N Semi-major axis (a): 6377309.613 m
Longitude (λg) = 850 31’ 20”.23 E Flattening (f) : 1/300.8017 (source: NIMA
meridian (ξ) = -37".03 th
8350.2 4 July 1977)
Prime Vertical = -21".57
The values of the datum origin of Pakistan were not found
during the literature review. The great triangulation chain
of India was extended to Pakistan at the time of Sir Geogre
and assuming the geoid height
Everest. therefore possibly Kalianpur could be the datum
(N) = 0 meter

The deflections quoted are derived from an astronomic

position observed by Czechoslovak Geodetic Institute. Chinese Datum:
During the literature review it was found that Central
The Nepal datum represents a rigorous reference system.
Bureau of Land Survey of China
The net in properly oriented to the conventional origin
(CIO) and the scale of the net is consistent with the ( CBLS) established the Nanking Datum of 1935 where:
international standards of length defined by the Doppler
satellite observation. Φ0 = 320 04’ 19.7445” North,

As stated in the Report submitted by MODUK, the Λ0 = 1180 50’ 18.5354” East of Greenwich.
geographical co-ordinates of first order points are of high
The ellipsoid of reference is the International (also called
standard and hence fulfill the requirement of a rigorous
the Hayford 1909 and the Madrid 1924) where:
Geodetic datum in Nepal.
Semi-major axis (a) 6,378,388 meters, and
Flattening 1/f 297
Pakistan Datum:
The Everest Ellipsoid has been in use in several countries
of Indian Sub-continent for the mapping activities. Named A Gauss-Kruger Transverse Mercator Grid is defined at
after Sir George Everest the ellipsoid was derived in 1830 the Datum origin. The scale factor at origin (m0 = 1.0); the
and since then it has been used as a basis for all types of False Easting and the False Northing = zero.
control surveys. Sir George Everest paid careful attention
It is also found that the Current Grid Systems attributed
to the measurement of bases and astronomical latitude
to the People’s Republic of China find their roots in
and longitude were measured through out the arc of the
the Russian (USSR) origins of assistance. For instance,
meridian especially at Kalianpur in Madhya Pradesh.
the Russia Belts for China are identical with the UTM
Dimensions of the Everest ellipsoid and its orientation specification with the exceptions or variations that the
at origin were carried out one by one at a number of scale factor at origin is unity rather than 0.9996.
times. Semi-major axis (a), flattening (f) and north-
south component of deflection of vertical (Meridonal)

Nepalese Journal on Geoinformatics - 10, 2068 32

The ellipsoid of reference is the Krassovsky 1940 where: where as Bursa-Wolf method uses reference system origin.
Semi major axis (a) 6,378,245 m, and It has been shown that both methods gives the identical
results provided full statistical information (variance and
Flattening (1/f) 298.3. covariance of parameters and positions) is carried out
A variation on this is known as the three degrees Belts, through the transformation process (Harvey, 1996). In
and the location of the Central Meridians are simply a most cases Bursa-Wolf method is preferred as it does not
(half) scalar of the six degrees belts. require local origin coordinates to be maintained along
with the transformation parameter equation.

Datum Transformation parameters:

BURSA-Wolf transformation model:
WGS-84 coordinate system is being adopted universally
as the standard form of Geographical Coordinate The Bursa-Wolf method assumes a similarity three
Representation System. World wide development in the dimensioned relationship between two consistent sets of
GPS and GIS system and its international adoption has Cartesian coordinate through seven parameters:
created an environment in developing a common base
of reference in exchanging the geographic data. This
system came into existence only towards the end of 20th • three translations (∆X, ∆Y, ∆Z)
Century. Prior to that local coordinate system were in use. • three rotations around X, Y, Z axis respectively (ε,ψ, ω)
Thus most of the maps, records and data are available in • a scale change (∆L)
local systems of the particular country. The coordinates,
maps and records related to land are considered of very
important property of the nation from the defense point
If U, V and W represent the Cartesian components of
of view therefore these information are kept secret by the
a station in reference frame 1 say Everest and X, Y, Z
nation and its national policy. The precise transformations
represent the Cartesian component of same stations in
parameters of the country are not made available to users
reference frame number 2 say WGS-84, the transformation
still today.
can be expressed as:
In India, Pakistan and China still the topographical maps
based on particular datum of the country is not freely
available to the users. They are kept secret from the defense
point of view. In this context this study has limitations to X ∆X U
acquire such information. Y = ∆Y + (1 + ∆L) R V (1)
With the increasing exchange of geographic information Z ∆Z W
locally and globally positions defining the location need
to be available in terms of both locally adopted datum and
global datum. The process of mathematical conversion of
the positions from one system to another is called datum where R represents a 3 x 3 rotation matrix and defined a
R = R1 (ε) R2 (ψ) R3 (ω)

Transformation models: If all three angles are small the above rotation matrix can
Several mathematical models have been developed which be written in its simplified form by setting sine of an angle
describe the functional relationship between pairs of three equal to the angle itself, cosine of the angle equal to 1 and
dimensional coordinates. The two most commonly used the product of sines equal to zero.
mathematical models to transform positions between the
Thus after simplification the above matrix will appear as
reference systems are

Bursa-Wolf (Bursa, 1962, Wolf, 1963) and

Molodensky (Molodensky et.al., 1962)
1 ω −Ψ
These are the standard models due to their extensive R = −ω 1 ε (2)
use around the world over a number of years. The only
difference between these two methods is Molodensky uses ψ −ε 1
local origin about which the transformation is performed
33 Nepalese Journal on Geoinformatics - 10, 2068
The transformation equation (4-1) can now be written as in order to transform the digital data of the topographical
maps or the ground control points (GCP).

X ∆X 1 ω −ψ U The topographical maps of Nepal are prepared and

published in two parts. One of the Eastern Nepal and other
Y = ∆Y + (1 + ∆L) − ω 1 ε V (3)
of the Western Nepal. In both cases the ground controls
Z ∆Z ψ −ε 1 W for the topographical map preparation were established
by Global positioning system (GPS) technique. Since the
maps thus prepared have to be based on Everest Ellipsoid
1830, Nepal Datum the GPS established ground control
points has to be transformed from WGS-84 to Everest
Ellipsoid 1830.
Method of estimation of transformation
In the process of the determination of the transformation
parameters parameter (the common points between the reference
frame i.e. WGS-84 and Everest 1830) first order points
A point physically identifiable on the surface of Earth based on Nepal datum, Everest 1830 only 11 points were
which has been assigned coordinates in at least two used as the common points.
separate systems of coordinates is termed as collocated
The values of the transformation (WGS-84 to Local)
station. The Cartesian coordinates of sufficient number
parameters are as follows:
of collocated stations (U, V, W, X, , Z) can be used as
observations in a least square adjustment for the seven ΔX = - 293.17 m , ΔY = -726.18 m , ΔZ = - 245.36 m
transformation parameters. The model in symbolical form
can be written as: Using these parameter values, all WGS-84 co-ordinates
were transformed to Nepal datum, Everest 1830 (Geoid
Studies for Nepal, 1997)
F (L, X) = 0 (4) Since Nepal datum represents a rigorous reference
system and net in properly oriented to the conventional
origin (CIO) and the scale of the net is consistent with
L = observations (U, V, W, X, Y, Z). the international standards of length defined by the
Doppler satellite observation the rotation between the two
X = parameters (∆X, ∆Y, ∆Z, ∆L, ω, ψ, ε) reference frame ie WGS-84 and Nepal datum, Everest
1830 is considered as zero and 1-sigma accuracy of
the determination of transformation parameter is 0.26
By arranging the equations (3) into this form will result m. The test results shows that it can be applied for the
in transformation of the topographical database of Nepal.
This test is independently carried by the author for his
∆X + U + w V - y W + ∆L U + w ∆L V - ψ∆L W - X = 0 (3-1) research work and the users are advised to use it in their
own risk.
∆Y + V - w U + e W + ∆L V - w ∆L U + e ∆L W - Y = 0 (3-2)

∆Z + W + ψU - εV + ∆L W + ψ∆L W - ε∆L V - Z = 0 (3-3) Datum Transformation Parameter of

These three equations represent the functional relationship
between any two closely oriented, closely scaled, Datum transformation Parameter from (WGS-84 to Local)
ortho normal Cartesian coordinates systems. Since the can be considered as follows:
observations (6 Cartesian components per station) have
systematic and other errors with them, the usual combined
least squares procedure of minimizing the weighted sum
of residuals squared (VTPV) is followed. ΔX = - 283 m , ΔY = -682 m , ΔZ = - 231 m

(source: NIMA 8350.2 4th July 1977)

Datum Transformation parameters of Nepal:

The present study is focused on the estimation of This transformation parameters tend to be of regional
transformation parameters between Everest and WGS-84 nature. This result may not be sufficiently accurate

Nepalese Journal on Geoinformatics - 10, 2068 34

for transforming the topographic database and in the References:
transformation of geodetic ground control points although
its accuracy is specified +/-1m in X, Y and Z coordinates.
1. Geodesy, G. Bomford 3rd Edition.
More accurate transformation parameters can be acquired
by further communication with National Mapping 2. Military Engineering Vol. XIII- Part VI, Survey
Organization of Pakistan. Computations 1978.

3. Manandhar, N. (1997) Study Report on

Geodetic Datums, Transformation between the
Datum transformation parameter of China: Reference System and Height Datum in Nepal,
During the author’s visit to National Geomatics Center Survey Department, Geodetic Survey Branch
of China, Beijing; with the personal communication
with the officials of the Geomatics Center new 4. Manandhar, N. (1997) The Geoid Studies in
coordinates and elevations of the geodetic controls are Nepal, M.Sc thesis, University of New South Wales,
based on internationally applied WGS–84, ITRF 2000 Australia.
( International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000 ), the
geoid model derived from EGM 96 ( Earth Gravity Model 5. R.R. Chhatkuli, S.M. Shrestha, N. Manandhar (2003),
96 ) Elevation Datum, and the Gauss–Krueger projection Transformation of Datum and Projection of Spatial
by 6 degree zone. data in GIS Application in the context of NGII in
Nepal. National Convention and FEISCA Regional
The most of the topograchical data base of China is now Meet.
available in WGS-84 system however the transformation
parameters between two system is not made available to 6. Report of Ground Control Survey, Eastern
the users. Therefore due to the availability of the data in Nepal Topographical Mapping Project, Survey
WGS-84 the methods of conversion can be skipped while Department.
using the data base based on WGS-84.
7. Final Report of Ground Control Surveys, Vol.I, Vol.
II, Vol.III Western Nepal Topographical Mapping
Project, Survey Department.
In order to work with data from different sources all
data must be transformed into one standard coordinate
system. This can be either geographical coordinate or
the rectangular co-ordinates system of the base data.
Since for the mapping purposes Cartesian co-ordinates
becomes necessary. Therefore the best approach would be
to transform all data into WGS-84 system. Then the data
can be superimposed with each other using different GIS
related software.

Therefore Cartesian coordinates shoud be converted to

Geographical coordinates i.e Latitude, Longitude and
Height. Then by using the appropriate transformation
parameters, it is converted into Geographical coordinates
in WGS-84 system and these coordinates is then further
transformed into rectangular coordinates in WGS-84 in
case of the topographical data base of Nepal.

Similarly Cartesian co-ordinates based on Local Coordinate

System (LCC) is transformed into Geographical
coordinates. Then the transformed geographical co-
ordinates is converted into WGS-84 geographical. It
is further transformed into the rectangular coordinates
in WGS-84. So that both data bases of two different
countries based on different projections can be brought
into a common platform.

35 Nepalese Journal on Geoinformatics - 10, 2068

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