Wincc Da Server

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OPC - OLE for Process

SIMATIC HMI WinCC V6.2 SP2 OPC OLE for Process Control

Functionality of OPC

SIMATIC HMI ______________
OPC Specifications

WinCC V6.2 SP2 ______________

OPC OLE for Process Control 5

Using OPC in WinCC

System Manual ______________

WinCC OPC DA server

WinCC OPC HDA server

WinCC OPC A&E Server


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Printout of the Online Help
Safety Guidelines
Safety Guidelines
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
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The device/system may only be set up and used in conjunction with this documentation. Commissioning and
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Siemens AG Printout of the Online Help Copyright © Siemens AG 2007.

Automation and Drives Ⓟ 09/2007 Technical data subject to change
Postfach 48 48
Table of contents
1 OPC - OLE for Process Control ................................................................................................................. 7
2 Functionality of OPC.................................................................................................................................. 9
3 OPC Specifications.................................................................................................................................. 11
4 Compatibility ............................................................................................................................................ 13
5 Using OPC in WinCC............................................................................................................................... 15
6 WinCC OPC XML DA Server................................................................................................................... 19
6.1 Functionality of WinCC OPC XML DA server ..............................................................................19
6.2 Installation ....................................................................................................................................20
6.2.1 Installation ....................................................................................................................................20
6.2.2 Installing the Internet Information Service (IIS)............................................................................20
6.2.3 Installing Microsoft .NET Framework...........................................................................................21
6.2.4 Installing WinCC OPC XML DA Server .......................................................................................22
7 WinCC OPC DA server............................................................................................................................ 23
7.1 Functionality of the WinCC OPC DA server ................................................................................23
7.2 Using Multiple OPC DA Servers ..................................................................................................24
7.3 Querying the OPC DA Server Name ...........................................................................................25
7.4 Examples of OPC DA Connections .............................................................................................27
7.4.1 WinCC - WinCC Connection........................................................................................................27 Example of WinCC to WinCC Connection...................................................................................27 How to Configure a WinCC Project on a WinCC OPC DA Server ..............................................28 Configuring the WinCC Project on the WinCC OPC DA Client ...................................................29
7.4.2 WinCC - SIMATIC NET FMS OPC Server Connection ...............................................................31 Example of WinCC - SIMATIC NET FMS OPC Server Connection ............................................31 How to Configure the WinCC - SIMATIC NET FMS OPC Server Connection ............................32
7.4.3 WinCC - SIMATIC NET S7-OPC Server Connection ..................................................................33 Example of a WinCC - SIMATIC NET S7 OPC Server Connection ............................................33 Adding Tags to the SIMATIC NET S7 OPC Server .....................................................................34 Configuring Access to the Tags of the SIMATIC NET S7 OPC Server .......................................37
7.4.4 WinCC - Microsoft Excel Connection...........................................................................................38 Example of the WinCC - Microsoft Excel Connection..................................................................38 Creating an OPC DA Client in Microsoft Excel ............................................................................39 How to Configure the Access to a WinCC Tag in Microsoft Excel ..............................................42
8 WinCC OPC HDA server ......................................................................................................................... 43
8.1 Functionality of the WinCC OPC HDA server..............................................................................43
8.2 Data Structure of a WinCC OPC HDA Server .............................................................................44
8.2.1 Data Structure of a WinCC OPC HDA Server .............................................................................44
8.2.2 Overview of the supported attributes ...........................................................................................45
8.2.3 Overview of the supported assemblies........................................................................................45
8.2.4 Overview of the supported functions ...........................................................................................47

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Table of contents

8.2.5 Time Format of a WinCC OPC HDA Server ............................................................................... 47

8.3 Quality codes .............................................................................................................................. 49
8.4 Supported Write-Accesses.......................................................................................................... 50
8.5 Example of an OPC HDA Connection ........................................................................................ 52
8.5.1 Example of an OPC HDA Connection ........................................................................................ 52
8.5.2 HDA server browser.................................................................................................................... 53
8.5.3 How to Configure Access to a WinCC Archive Tag Using the HDA Server Browser ................. 54
8.5.4 Reading Values of WinCC Archive Tags .................................................................................... 55
8.6 Special features of the OPC HDA server in WinCC for acyclic logging...................................... 56
9 WinCC OPC A&E Server ......................................................................................................................... 59
9.1 Functionality of the WinCC OPC A&E server ............................................................................. 59
9.2 Mapping of the WinCC Message System on OPC A&E ............................................................. 60
9.2.1 Mapping of the WinCC Message System on OPC A&E ..................................................... 60
9.2.2 Mapping the WinCC message classes and message types....................................................... 61
9.2.3 Mapping the WinCC message priority ........................................................................................ 62
9.2.4 Attributes of WinCC message system ........................................................................................ 62
9.2.5 Acknowledgement theory............................................................................................................ 64
9.3 Quality Codes for OPC A&E ....................................................................................................... 66
9.4 Example of an OPC A&E Connection......................................................................................... 66
9.4.1 Example of an OPC A&E Connection......................................................................................... 66
9.4.2 How to Configure Access to the WinCC Message System ........................................................ 67
9.5 OPC A&E server with hierarchical access .................................................................................. 69
9.5.1 Functionality of the OPC A&E server.......................................................................................... 69
9.5.2 OPC A&E server with WinCC V6.2 SP2 ..................................................................................... 70 Differences between OPC A&E and OPC A&E with hierarchical access................................... 70 How to upgrade the OPC A&E to WinCC V6.2 SP2 ................................................................... 72
9.5.3 Mapping the WinCC Message System on OPC A&E ................................................................. 73 Mapping the WinCC message system........................................................................................ 73 Mapping the message priority ..................................................................................................... 75 Attributes of the WinCC Message System.................................................................................. 75 Acknowledgement Theory........................................................................................................... 76
9.5.4 Quality Codes for OPC A&E ....................................................................................................... 78
9.6 Reading archived messages....................................................................................................... 79
9.6.1 Accessing archived events.......................................................................................................... 79
9.6.2 Syntax for accessing archived messages using OPC ................................................................ 80
9.6.3 Read methods for archived messages ....................................................................................... 81
9.6.4 Identifying archived messages.................................................................................................... 83
10 Commissioning ........................................................................................................................................ 85
10.1 Commissioning OPC................................................................................................................... 85
10.2 Configuring Windows .................................................................................................................. 85
10.2.1 This is how you configure Windows accounts for the use of WinCC OPC................................. 85
10.2.2 How to adapt the Windows firewall settings................................................................................ 87
10.3 XML ............................................................................................................................................. 87
10.3.1 Commissioning - OPC XML ........................................................................................................ 87
10.3.2 Defining the Security Settings with IIS ........................................................................................ 87
10.3.3 How to set the correct version of ASP.NET ................................................................................ 89
10.3.4 How to Test the Installation......................................................................................................... 90

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Table of contents

10.4 Trace ............................................................................................................................................91

Index........................................................................................................................................................ 93

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Table of contents

OPC OLE for Process Control

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OPC - OLE for Process Control 1
The OPC standard software interface allows devices and applications from various
manufacturers to be combined with one another in a uniform manner.
WinCC can be used as an OPC server or an OPC client. The "OPC" channel represents the
OPC client application of WinCC.
This chapter describes
● the OPC servers of WinCC
● how to use OPC in WinCC
● how to set up various OPC DA links
● how to configure the access to the WinCC message system
● how the WinCC message system appears on the OPC A&E
● how to set up access to the WinCC archive system

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OPC - OLE for Process Control

OPC OLE for Process Control

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Functionality of OPC 2
OPC (OLE for process control) refers to a standard, manufacturer-independent software
interface. The OPC interface is based on Microsoft Windows COM (Component Object
Model) and DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model) technology. OPC XML, on the
other hand, is based on the Internet standards XML, SOAP and HTTP

COM is the standard protocol for communication between objects located on the same
computer but which are part of different programs. The server is the object providing
services, such as making data available. The client is an application that uses the services
provided by the server.

DCOM represents an expansion of COM functionality to allow access to objects on remote
This foundation allows standardized data exchange between applications from industry,
administrative offices and manufacturing.
Up to that point, applications which accessed process data were tied to the access protocols
of the communication network. The OPC standard software interface allows devices and
applications from various manufacturers to be combined with one another in a uniform
The OPC client is an application that accesses process data, messages and archives of an
OPC server. Access is through the OPC software interface.
An OPC server is a program that provides the applications from various manufacturers with
a standard software interface. The OPC server is the intermediate layer between the
applications for handling process data, the various network protocols and the interfaces for
accessing these data.
Only devices with operating systems based on Windows COM and DCOM technology can
use the OPC software interface for data exchange. At the present time, Windows NT,
Windows 98, Windows 2000 and Windows XP use this software interface.

Communication via DCOM is restricted to local networks. Data exchange via XML operates
with SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol). SOAP is a platform-independent XML-based
protocol. SOAP can be used to enable applications to communicate with each other via the
Internet or in heterogenic computer networks by means of HTTP (HyperText Transfer

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Functionality of OPC

OPC OLE for Process Control

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OPC Specifications 3
The OPC standard software interface was defined by the OPC Foundation. The OPC
Foundation is an alliance of leading companies in the field of industrial automation. The OPC
servers of WinCC support the following specifications.
● OPC Data Access 1.0a, 2.0 and 3.0
● OPC XML Data Access 1.0
● OPC Historical Data Access 1.1
● OPC Alarm & Events 1.02

OPC Data Access (OPC DA)

OPC Data Access (OPC DA) is the specification for the management of process data. The
WinCC OPC DA server of WinCC V 6.0 conforms to the OPC DA specifications 1.0a, 2.0
and 3.0.

OPC eXtensible Markup Language DA (OPC XML DA)

OPC XML is a standard enabling communication through a platform-independent protocol
via the Internet. A client is no longer restricted to a Windows environment (DCOM). Other
operating systems, such as LINUX, can monitor and exchange OPC data via the Internet
using the HTTP protocol and SOAP interface.
Data access via OPC XML has a functional scope similar to OPC Data Access. Change-
related feedback messages concerning data modification, as with the DCOM interfaces, are
not designed for OPC XML due to their loose Internet connection.

OPC Historical Data Access (OPC HDA)

OPC Historical Data Access (OPC HDA) is the specification for the management of archive
data. The specification is an extension of the OPC Data Access specification. The WinCC
OPC HDA server from WinCC V 6.x corresponds to the OPC HDA specification 1.20.

OPC Alarms & Events (OPC A&E)

OPC Alarm & Events is a supplemental specification for the transmission of process alarms
and events. The WinCC OPC A&E server from WinCC V 6.x corresponds to the OPC A&E
specification 1.02.

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OPC Specifications

OPC OLE for Process Control

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Compatibility 4
The OPC Foundation provides its members with a software tool for an automated
compliance test of OPC server products.
The results submitted are published on the OPC Foundation Web site. The results can be
called up from there using the search term "OPC Self-Certified Products".
This tool checks the conformity of WinCC OPC servers with the OPC specifications of the
OPC Foundation.
In addition, a regular test is also carried out to determine wether the WinCC OPC server and
WinCC OPC DA client are compatible with other OPC products.
Up-to-date information on the combinations tested, the scope and results of these tests is
available at

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OPC OLE for Process Control

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Using OPC in WinCC 5
WinCC can be used as both an OPC-Server and as an OPC client. During installation of
WinCC, the following WinCC OPC-Servers can be selected for installation:
● WinCC OPC DA server
● WinCC OPC XML DA Server
● WinCC OPC HDA server
● WinCC OPC A&E Server

For utilization of the WinCC OPC HDA, the WinCC-OPC-XML-DA server and the WinCC
OPC A&E server, a license must be purchased. The "Connectivity Pack" license must be
installed on the WinCC server which is utilized as the WinCC OPC HDA server, WinCC OPC
XML DA server or WinCC OPC A&E server. For more information, see chapter "Licensing".


WinCC as OPC DA Server

The WinCC OPC DA server makes the data from the WinCC project available to other
applications. These applications may be run on the same computer or on computers in a
network environment. In this way WinCC tags can for example be exported to Microsoft

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Using OPC in WinCC

WinCC as OPC-XML-DA-Server
Within a distributed system, WinCC clients have views of several WinCC servers. The
WinCC OPC XML DA server provides the OPC XML client with the OPC process data as a
web page. The web page can be accessed via the Internet using HTTP. The OPC XML
client is no longer limited to the local network. In this way, OPC XML clients can access
WinCC Runtime data via any platform as well as through an intranet or the Internet.

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Using OPC in WinCC

WinCC OPC-Servers in a Redundant System

In a redundant system, the WinCC servers monitor one another in Runtime for early
recognition of a server failure. The WinCC OPC-Servers make WinCC Runtime data
available to the OPC client, using the OPC software interface.
Any software program based on the corresponding OPC specification may be used as an
OPC client. It is thus possible to use the OPC client for the central monitoring of various
redundant systems. By creating proprietary OPC clients, most user-specific requirements
can be met.

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Using OPC in WinCC

OPC OLE for Process Control

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WinCC OPC XML DA Server 6
6.1 Functionality of WinCC OPC XML DA server

The OPC XML DA server from WinCC is realized as a web service of the Microsoft Internet
Information Server (IIS).
The WinCC OPC XML DA server provides the OPC XML client with the OPC process data
as a web page. The web page can be accessed via the Internet using HTTP. The address of
the WinCC OPC XML DA Server is: <http://<xxx>/WinCC-OPC-XML/DAWebservice.asmx>"
The WinCC OPC XML DA server is not visible in WinCC. When an OPC XML client requests
data, the Web service is automatically started by the Web server.
To establish successful OPC communication, the following must be observed:
● The WinCC project of the WinCC OPC XML DA server must be activated.
● The computer of the WinCC OPC XML DA server must be capable of being accessed via

In order to operate the WinCC OPC XML DA server, the following licenses must be installed
on each WinCC computer implemented as an OPC XML server:
● WinCC Basic System
● WinCC Option Connectivity Pack

Special features of tags of "String" type

If you use tags of "string" type that logically stand for floating point values, there can be
problems when OPC clients want to write and read.

An OPC client writes to a string tag and does not enter the new value in the form of a string
but as float, double or decimal.

The comma that indicated the decimal value (in German) can be lost. This will result in a
wrong value.
This also affects the read access to string tags if the read value is requested in the float,
double or decimal format.

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6.2 Installation

Only use the respective floating point tags for the floating point values. Access string tags
only in string format.

6.2 Installation

6.2.1 Installation

OPC XML enables access to the process tags via the Internet. In order to operate OPC
XML, a number of additional software components must be installed.

It is essential to observe the sequence of installation steps as described here. Otherwise,
there might be problems during installation.

Installing WinCC-OPC-XML-Server under Windows 2000 and Windows XP

1. Installation of the Internet Information Server (IIS)
2. Installation of the ASP.NET under Windows Server 2003
3. Installation Microsoft .NET-Framework V2.0
4. Installation of the WinCC OPC XML Server Using WinCC Setup

6.2.2 Installing the Internet Information Service (IIS)

The Internet Information Service (IIS) must be installed prior to the installation of WinCC
OPC XML Server in Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2003
Server or Windows XP.

To install the Internet Information Service in Windows, you must have the necessary write
access rights to the registry database. To do this, you must have administrator rights.

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6.2 Installation

1. Open the "Add or Remove Programs" dialog and click "Add or Remove Windows
Components". The following dialog is opened.
2. Select the check box preceding the "Internet Information Service (IS)" item in the
selection box. On Windows 2003 servers, IIS is accessible at "Windows Components" >
"Application Server" > "Internet Information Service". You must also install the ASP.NET
under Windows Server 2003

3. Click "Next". The required data is transferred and the necessary configuration is
completed by Windows.
4. Close the Assistant by clicking "Finish".

6.2.3 Installing Microsoft .NET Framework

Microsoft .NET Framework is the software required for the use of .NET applications. It is also
required to operate the OPC XML web service.
Approximately 80 MB of memory space is required on the hard disk for the installation.
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 is available from the following sources:
● Download from "".
● Microsoft Windows 2003 Server CD
Install the software as instructed by Microsoft.

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6.2 Installation

6.2.4 Installing WinCC OPC XML DA Server

● Internet Information Server (IIS)
● Installation of the ASP.NET under Windows Server 2003
● Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

The WinCC OPC XML DA server can be selected during the installation of WinCC. For more
information, refer to the WinCC Information System in chapter "Installation Notes" >
"Installing WinCC".
The following settings must be made during the installation:
● Create virtual directory "WinCC-OPC-XML".
● Define the access rights for the directory.

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WinCC OPC DA server 7
7.1 Functionality of the WinCC OPC DA server

The WinCC OPC DA server supports the specifications of OPC Data Access 1.0a and 2.0.
This has been confirmed by the compliance test. From WinCC V6.0 SP2, the WinCC OPC
DA server also supports the OPC Data Access 3.0 specification.
The WinCC OPC DA server is a DCOM application. This interface is used by the WinCC
OPC DA server to make the required information about WinCC tag available to the WinCC
The WinCC OPC DA server is active, if the WinCC OPC DA client is accessing it via a
connection. To establish successful OPC communication, the following must be observed:
● The WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA server must be enabled.
● The computer on which the WinCC OPC DA server runs must be accessible via its IP

The WinCC OPC DA server can be selected during the installation of WinCC. After
installation, the WinCC OPC DA server is immediately usable without any further
The WinCC OPC DA server can be implemented on a WinCC server or a WinCC client.

Configuration tip
In your WinCC project you can summarize for structuring purposes tags in tag groups. The
tags should not have the same name as the group.

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WinCC OPC DA server
7.2 Using Multiple OPC DA Servers

7.2 Using Multiple OPC DA Servers

More than one OPC DA server may be installed on a computer, and any number may work
in parallel.
In this way, the OPC DA server of WinCC and the OPC DA server of another (third-party)
provider may be operated independently of one another on the same computer.
The WinCC OPC DA client can access the process data of the automation device via the
OPC server of the third-party provider. The OPC DA client of Microsoft Excel can use the
WinCC OPC DA server to access the WinCC data.

There are a number of OPC DA servers available from various manufacturers. Each of these
OPC DA servers has a unique name (ProgID) for identification. The OPC DA client must use
this name to address the OPC server.
The OPC Item Manager can be used to query the name of the OPC DA server. The name of
the OPC DA server of WinCC V 6 is: "OPCServer.WinCC".

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WinCC OPC DA server
7.3 Querying the OPC DA Server Name

7.3 Querying the OPC DA Server Name

Multiple OPC DA servers can be installed on a single computer. The OPC Item Manager
displays the names of the OPC DA servers available to the workstation in a selection
window. These OPC DA servers can be run on the same computer or on computers in the
network environment.

Add the "OPC" channel to the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA client.

1. In the shortcut menu of the channel unit "OPC Groups(OPCHN Unit#1)" on the WinCC
OPC DA client, select "System Parameters".

The OPC Item Manager is opened.

2. In the navigation window of the OPC Item Manager, select the name of the computer you
wish to access.

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WinCC OPC DA server
7.3 Querying the OPC DA Server Name

3. The OPC Item Manager displays the names of the OPC DA servers that available to your
computer in a selection window.

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WinCC OPC DA server
7.4 Examples of OPC DA Connections

7.4 Examples of OPC DA Connections

7.4.1 WinCC - WinCC Connection Example of WinCC to WinCC Connection

When establishing a WinCC - WinCC connection, data are exchanged between the WinCC
OPC DA server and client by means of the "OPC_Server_Tag" WinCC tag. The
"Client_OPC_Server_Tag_xyz" WinCC tag on the client reads the "OPC_Server_Tag" WinCC
tag on the server. If the value of the "OPC_Server_Tag" tag on the WinCC OPC server
changes, the value of the "Client_OPC_Server_Tag_xyz" WinCC tag on the WinCC OPC DA
client also changes. Changes on the client are also reflect on the server.
Tag values are displayed in I/O fields on both computers.

● Two computers with WinCC projects.
● Both computers must be accessible via their IP addresses.

Configuration Procedure
The following configurations are required to establish a WinCC - WinCC connection:
1. Configuring a WinCC Project on a WinCC OPC DA Server
2. Configuring a WinCC Project on a WinCC OPC DA Client

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WinCC OPC DA server
7.4 Examples of OPC DA Connections How to Configure a WinCC Project on a WinCC OPC DA Server

In this section, a WinCC tag is created in the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA server
and displayed in an I/O field.

1. Select "New Tag" from the shortcut menu of the "Internal Tags" icon on the WinCC OPC
DA server. Create a new tag called "OPC_Server_Tag" of the "signed 16-bit value" type.
2. Launch the Graphics Designer and open a new picture.
3. Add an I/O field to the picture. Select the "I/O field" object from the object list under
"Smart Objects". The "I/O Field Configuration" dialog is opened.

4. Enter the name "OPC_Server_Tag" in the "Tag" field.

5. Set the update to "2s" and the field type to "I/O field".
6. Click "OK" to close the dialog and save the picture.
7. Enable the WinCC project by clicking the "Activate" button in the Graphics Designer.

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WinCC OPC DA server
7.4 Examples of OPC DA Connections Configuring the WinCC Project on the WinCC OPC DA Client

In this section, a WinCC tag is created on the WinCC OPC DA client, in order to read a
WinCC tag on the WinCC OPC DA server. The tag value is displayed in an I/O field.

● Add the "OPC" channel to the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA client.
● Configure an internal tag named "OPC_Server_Tag" of the data type "signed 16-bit value"
in the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA server.
● Enable the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA server.

1. In the shortcut menu of the channel unit "OPC Groups(OPCHN Unit#1)" on the WinCC
OPC DA client, select "System Parameters". The OPC Item Manager is opened.
2. Choose the name of the computer to be used as the OPC DA server from the selection
dialog. Select "OPCServer.WinCC" from the list. Click the "Browse Server" button. The
"Filter Criteria" dialog is opened.
3. Click the "Next->" button in the "Filter Criteria" dialog. Select the "OPC_Server_Tag" tag
in the "OPCServer.WinCC ..." dialog. Click the "Add Items" button.
4. If a connection to the OPC DA server already exists, continue with step 5.
If no connection has been configured, a corresponding message is displayed.
Click "Yes". The "New Connection" dialog is displayed.

Enter "OPCServer_WinCC" as the name of the connection. Click "OK".

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WinCC OPC DA server
7.4 Examples of OPC DA Connections

5. The "Add Tags" dialog is displayed.

Enter "Client_" in the prefix field and "_xyz" in the suffix field. Select connection
"OPCServer_WinCC". Click "Finish".

6. Click the "<- Back" button in the "OPCServer.WinCC ..." dialog. In the "OPC Item
Manager", click "Exit" to close the OPC Item Manager.
7. Launch the Graphics Designer and open a new picture. Add an I/O field to the picture.
Select the "I/O field" object from the object list under "Smart Objects". The "I/O Field
Configuration" dialog is opened.
8. Enter the name "Client_OPC_Server_Tag_xyz" in the "Tag" field. Set the update to "2 s".
Set the field type to "I/O field". Close the dialog and save the picture. Enable the WinCC
project by clicking the "Activate" button in the Graphics Designer.
9. The value of the configured tags is displayed in the I/O field on both the WinCC OPC DA
server and the client. Enter a new value in the I/O field on the WinCC OPC DA server.
The new value is displayed in the I/O field on the WinCC OPC DA client.

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WinCC OPC DA server
7.4 Examples of OPC DA Connections

7.4.2 WinCC - SIMATIC NET FMS OPC Server Connection Example of WinCC - SIMATIC NET FMS OPC Server Connection

During the installation of SIMATIC NET, you can select the OPC server to be installed. In the
following example, a connection between WinCC and SIMATIC NET FMS OPC server is
configured. Data from the automation device is made available to WinCC through the
In this example, WinCC is used as the WinCC OPC DA client. The OPC Item Manager
displays the indexes of the object list configured for the automation device.
The current value of the tag is displayed in an I/O field. As soon as the value of the tags on
the SIMATIC NET FMS OPC server changes, the new value is reflected on the process
picture on the WinCC OPC DA client. Conversely, a value entered in the I/O field is sent to
the automation device.

● A computer with WinCC, SIMATIC NET software.
● A configured SIMATIC NET FMS OPC server. For additional information regarding the
setup of SIMATIC NET S7 OPC servers refer to the SIMATIC NET documentation.

Configuration steps
The following configuration is required in the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA client:
1. Configuring a WinCC - SIMATIC NET FMS OPC server connection

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WinCC OPC DA server
7.4 Examples of OPC DA Connections

Communication Manual
The communication manual contains additional information and extensive examples for the
channel configuration. You can download this manual using the following link
"". On the "Product Support" tab, enter "2"
as the number of the volume in the field "Article ID". How to Configure the WinCC - SIMATIC NET FMS OPC Server Connection

In this section, a WinCC tag that accesses an FMS index is configured in the WinCC project
of the WinCC OPC DA client. The tag value is displayed in an I/O field.

● Add the "OPC" channel to the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA client.

1. In the shortcut menu of the channel unit "OPC Groups(OPCHN Unit#1)" on the WinCC
OPC DA client, select "System Parameters". The OPC Item Manager is opened.
2. Choose the name of the computer to be used as the OPC DA server from the selection
dialog. Select "OPC.SIMATICNet" from the list.
Click the "Browse Server" button. The "Filter Criteria" dialog is opened.
3. Click the "Next->" button in the "Filter Criteria" dialog. The "OPC.SIMATICNet.." dialog is
opened. All FMS indexes configured are displayed in a selection list. Select an index.
Click the "Add Items" button.
4. If a connection to the SIMATIC NET FMS OPC server already exists, continue with
step 5.
If no connection has been configured, a corresponding message is displayed.
Click "Yes". The "New Connection" dialog is displayed.

Enter "OPC_SIimaticNET" as the name of the connection. Click "OK".

5. The "Add Tags" dialog is opened.
Enter "Client_" in the prefix field and "_xyz" in the suffix field. Select the connection
"OPC_SimaticNET". Click "Finish".
6. Click the "<- Back" button in the "OPC.SIMATICNet .." dialog. In the "OPC Item
Manager", click "Exit" to close the OPC Item Manager.

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WinCC OPC DA server
7.4 Examples of OPC DA Connections

7. Launch the Graphics Designer and open a new picture. Add an I/O field to the picture.
Select the "I/O field" object from the object list under "Smart Objects". The "I/O Field
Configuration" dialog is opened.
8. Enter the name of the tags in the "Tag" field. Set the update to "2s". Set the field type to
"I/O field".
9. Click "OK" to close the dialog and save the picture. Enable the WinCC project by clicking
the "Activate" button in the Graphics Designer.
10.The current value of the FMS index is shown in the I/O field. The value is updated every
two seconds. Enter a value in the I/O field. The changed value is passed to the
automation device.

7.4.3 WinCC - SIMATIC NET S7-OPC Server Connection Example of a WinCC - SIMATIC NET S7 OPC Server Connection

During the installation of SIMATIC NET, you can select the OPC server to be installed. In the
following example, a WinCC - SIMATIC NET S7 OPC server is configured. Data from the
automation device is made available to the WinCC client via the SIMATIC NET S7 OPC
The current value of the tag is displayed in an I/O field on the WinCC OPC client. As soon as
the value of the tags on the SIMATIC NET S7 OPC server changes, the changed value is
shown on the process picture. Conversely, a value entered in the I/O field is sent to the
automation device.

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7.4 Examples of OPC DA Connections

● A computer with WinCC, SIMATIC NET software.
● A configured SIMATIC NET S7 OPC Server. For additional information regarding the
setup of SIMATIC NET S7 OPC servers refer to the SIMATIC NET documentation.

Configuration steps
The following configurations are required to establish a WinCC - SIMATIC NET S7 OPC
server connection:
1. Adding Tags to a SIMATIC NET S7 OPC Server
2. Configuring Access to the Tags on a SIMATIC NET S7 OPC Server

Communication Manual
The communication manual contains additional information and extensive examples for the
channel configuration. You can download this manual using the following link
"". On the "Product Support" tab, enter "2"
as the number of the volume in the field "Article ID". Adding Tags to the SIMATIC NET S7 OPC Server

In order for the OPC Item Manager to display the tags, they must be added to the address
space of the SIMATIC NET S7 OPC server. The "OPC Scout" program is used for the
configuration. OPC Scout is set up by the SIMATIC NET installer. For this example, the
marker word "0" in the automation device is addressed.

Table of Parameters Used

Parameter Value
Data type W
Range byte 0
No. values 1
Item alias MW0

● Configure an S7 connection in the SIMATIC NET software. For more information, refer to
the SIMATIC NET documentation.

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7.4 Examples of OPC DA Connections

1. Open the "OPC Scout" via Start "Programs" "SimaticNet" "OPCServer"
"OPCScout" .

2. Select "OPC.SimaticNet" under "Local Server(s)". If the SIMATIC S7 OPC server is not
run on the same computer, select "Add Remote Server(s)" in the "Server(s)" shortcut
menu. Enter the name of the computer used as the OPC server in the "Add Remote
Server(s)" dialog, then click "OK" to close the dialog.
3. Select "Connect" in the "OPC.SimaticNet" shortcut menu. The "Add Group" dialog is
displayed. Enter a name for the group. Click "OK" to close the dialog.

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7.4 Examples of OPC DA Connections

4. Select "Add Item" from the shortcut menu of the added group. The "OPC Navigator" is

5. Select "M" (marker) under "Objects" in the "OPC Navigator". Double-click "(New
Definition)" to open the "Define New Tag" dialog.
6. Enter the parameters from the table in the "Define New Tag" dialog.

Click "OK" to close the "Define New Tag" dialog.

7. Mark the tag "MW0" in the "Leaves" area of the OPC Navigator. Click the "--> " button.
Click "OK" in the OPC Navigator.

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WinCC OPC DA server
7.4 Examples of OPC DA Connections Configuring Access to the Tags of the SIMATIC NET S7 OPC Server

In this section, a WinCC tag is configured in the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA client.
This tag accesses the tag "MW0" in the address space of the SIMATIC NET S7 OPC server.
The tag value is displayed in an I/O field.

● Create the tag "MW0" using the OPC Scout.
● Add the "OPC" channel to the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA client.

1. Select "System Parameters" in the shortcut menu of "OPC Groups(OPCHN Unit#1)". The
OPC Item Manager is opened.
2. Choose the name of the computer to be used as the OPC server from the selection
dialog. Select "OPC.SIMATICNet" from the list.
Click the "Browse Server" button. The "Filter Criteria" dialog is opened.
3. Click the "Next->" button in the "Filter Criteria" dialog. The "OPC.SIMATICNet.." dialog is
opened. Select the "MW0" tag. Click the "Add Items" button.
4. If a connection to the SIMATIC NET FMS OPC server already exists, continue with
step 5.
If no connection has been configured, a corresponding message is displayed.
Click "Yes". The "New Connection" dialog is displayed.

Enter "OPC_SIimaticNET" as the name of the connection. Click "OK".

5. The "Add Tags" dialog is opened.
Enter "Client_" in the prefix field and "_xyz" in the suffix field. Select the connection
"OPC_SimaticNET". Click "Finish".
6. Click the "<- Back" button in the "OPC.SIMATICNet .." dialog. In the "OPC Item
Manager", click "Exit" to close the OPC Item Manager.
7. Start Graphics Designer and open a picture. Add an I/O field to the picture. Select the
"I/O field" object from the object list under "Smart Objects". The "I/O Field Configuration"
dialog is opened.
8. Enter the name "Client_MW0_xyz" in the "Tag" field. Set the update to "2s". Set the field
type to "I/O field".

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7.4 Examples of OPC DA Connections

9. Close the dialog and save the picture. Enable the WinCC project by clicking the "Activate"
button in the Graphics Designer.
10.The I/O field on the WinCC OPC DA client displays the current value of the S7 tags. The
value is updated every two seconds. Enter a value in the I/O field. The changed value is
passed to the automation device.

7.4.4 WinCC - Microsoft Excel Connection Example of the WinCC - Microsoft Excel Connection

In this example, an OPC DA client is created in Microsoft Excel using the Visual Basic Editor.
The OPC DA client reads a WinCC tag in the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA server
and writes the value into a cell. If a new value is entered in the cell, the value is passed to
the WinCC OPC DA server.
A computer on which both WinCC and Microsoft Excel are installed is used for the

Configuration steps
The following configurations must be made in Microsoft Excel:
1. Creating an OPC DA client in Visual Basic Editor of Microsoft Excel
2. Configuring access to a WinCC tag in Microsoft Excel

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7.4 Examples of OPC DA Connections Creating an OPC DA Client in Microsoft Excel

To use Microsoft Excel as an OPC DA client, a special script must be created in the Visual
Basic Editor of Microsoft Excel.

Basic knowledge of Visual Basic Editor in Microsoft Excel.

1. Open Microsoft Excel with a new workbook.
2. In the "Tools" menu of the Visual Basic Editor, click "Macro". The Visual Basic Editor
for Microsoft Excel is opened.
3. In the "Tools" menu of the Visual Basic Editor, select "References...". The "References -
VBAProject" dialog is displayed. Locate entry "Siemens OPC DAAutomation 2.0" in the
list of available references. Select the corresponding check box. Click "OK".
4. Copy the script shown below. This script is only available in the online help.
5. Open a new code window by double-clicking "Sheet1" in the project window of the Visual
Basic Editor.
6. Paste the script into the code window.
7. Select "Save" from the "File" menu. Select "Close and Return to Microsoft Excel" from the
"File" menu.


Option Explicit
Option Base 1

Const ServerName = "OPCServer.WinCC"

Dim WithEvents MyOPCServer As OpcServer

Dim WithEvents MyOPCGroup As OPCGroup
Dim MyOPCGroupColl As OPCGroups
Dim MyOPCItemColl As OPCItems
Dim MyOPCItems As OPCItems
Dim MyOPCItem As OPCItem

Dim ClientHandles(1) As Long

Dim ServerHandles() As Long
Dim Values(1) As Variant
Dim Errors() As Long
Dim ItemIDs(1) As String

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7.4 Examples of OPC DA Connections

Dim GroupName As String

Dim NodeName As String

' Sub StartClient()
' Purpose: Connect to OPC_server, create group and add item
Sub StartClient()
' On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
'----------- We freely can choose a ClientHandle and GroupName
ClientHandles(1) = 1
GroupName = "MyGroup"
'----------- Get the ItemID from cell "A1"
NodeName = Range("A1").Value
ItemIDs(1) = Range("A2").Value
'----------- Get an instance of the OPC-Server
Set MyOPCServer = New OpcServer
MyOPCServer.Connect ServerName, NodeName

Set MyOPCGroupColl = MyOPCServer.OPCGroups

'----------- Set the default active state for adding groups
MyOPCGroupColl.DefaultGroupIsActive = True
'----------- Add our group to the Collection
Set MyOPCGroup = MyOPCGroupColl.Add(GroupName)

Set MyOPCItemColl = MyOPCGroup.OPCItems

'----------- Add one item, ServerHandles are returned
MyOPCItemColl.AddItems 1, ItemIDs, ClientHandles, ServerHandles,
'----------- A group that is subscribed receives asynchronous
MyOPCGroup.IsSubscribed = True
Exit Sub

MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "ERROR"
End Sub

' Sub StopClient()
' Purpose: Release the objects and disconnect from the server

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7.4 Examples of OPC DA Connections

Sub StopClient()
'----------- Release the Group and Server objects
'----------- Disconnect from the server and clean up
Set MyOPCItemColl = Nothing
Set MyOPCGroup = Nothing
Set MyOPCGroupColl = Nothing
Set MyOPCServer = Nothing
End Sub

' Sub MyOPCGroup_DataChange()
' Purpose: This event is fired when a value, quality or timestamp in
our Group has changed
'----------- If OPC-DA Automation 2.1 is installed, use:
Private Sub MyOPCGroup_DataChange(ByVal TransactionID As Long, ByVal
NumItems As Long, ClientHandles() As Long, ItemValues() As Variant,
Qualities() As Long, TimeStamps() As Date)
'----------- Set the spreadsheet cell values to the values read
Range("B2").Value = CStr(ItemValues(1))
Range("C2").Value = Hex(Qualities(1))
Range("D2").Value = CStr(TimeStamps(1))
End Sub

' Sub worksheet_change()
' Purpose: This event is fired when our worksheet changes, so we can
write a new value
Private Sub worksheet_change(ByVal Selection As Range)
'----------- Only if cell "B3" changes, write this value
If Selection <> Range("B3") Then Exit Sub
Values(1) = Selection.Cells.Value
'----------- Write the new value in synchronous mode
MyOPCGroup.SyncWrite 1, ServerHandles, Values, Errors
End Sub

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7.4 Examples of OPC DA Connections How to Configure the Access to a WinCC Tag in Microsoft Excel

The Excel OPC DA client reads a WinCC tag of the WinCC OPC DA server and writes the
value of the tag into a cell. In the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA server, the value of
the tag is displayed in an I/O field. If the tag value in a cell is changed, this alters the value in
the I/O field of the WinCC OPC DA server.

● Configure an internal tag named "OPC_Excel" with data type "signed 16-bit value" in the
WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA server.
● Write the value of the "OPC_Excel" tag to an I/O field on the WinCC project of the WinCC
OPC DA server.
● Enable the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA server.

1. In Microsoft Excel, enter the name of the computer used as the OPC server in cell A1. In
cell A2, enter the tag name "OPC_Excel".

2. In the "Tools" menu in Excel, select "Macro" "Macros". The "Macro" dialog is opened.
Select the entry "Sheet1.StartClient" from the list of macros. Click "Run" to start the OPC
3. The value of the tag is written into cell B2, the quality code into C2 and the timestamp into
4. Enter a new value in cell B3. The changed value is displayed in the I/O field on the
WinCC OPC server.
5. In the "Tools" menu in Excel, select "Macro" "Macros". The "Macro" dialog is opened.
Select the entry "Sheet1.StopClient" from the list of macros. Click "Run" to stop the OPC

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WinCC OPC HDA server 8
8.1 Functionality of the WinCC OPC HDA server

The WinCC OPC HDA server is a DCOM application makings data needed from the archive
system available to the OPC HDA client. Access the data using Item Handles. Read or write
access is enabled. The data can also be analyzed.
The WinCC OPC HDA server supports the OPC Historical Data Access 1.20 specification.
This has been confirmed by the compliance test.
The following chapter explains the design of the data structure, as well as the attributes,
aggregates and functions supported by the WinCC OPC HDA server. This is not a detailed
description, but rather a summary of the most important information. For more information,
refer to the "OPC Historical Data Access 1.20" specification.

The WinCC OPC HDA server can be selected during the installation of WinCC. It is possible
to select whether access is made to the WinCC archive system with or without write function
. After installation, the WinCC OPC DA server is immediately available for use without any
additional configuration.
In the case of installation without write access, the data in the WinCC archive system can
only be read and analyzed. In the case of write access, data in the WinCC archive system
can be analyzed, added, deleted and updated.
The WinCC OPC HDA server can be implemented on a WinCC server or a WinCC client.

In order to operate the WinCC OPC HDA server, the following licenses must be installed on
each WinCC computer implemented as an OPC HDA server:
● WinCC Basic System
● WinCC Option Connectivity Pack

OPC HDA Client

All OPC HDA clients that conform to the OPC Historical Data Access 1.20 specification can
access the WinCC OPC HDA server. Proprietary OPC HDA clients can also be used. By
creating proprietary OPC HDA clients, most user-specific requirements can be met.

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8.2 Data Structure of a WinCC OPC HDA Server

Examples of how an OPC HDA client can be used include:

● Analysis and evaluation of archived data
● Statistical process control of archives from different OPC HDA servers
To request for historical values using OPC HDA client, you need to take care of the following
during configuration:
● Select a query cycle in such a way that the client can receive the requested data before
the next query is sent. Too short cycles can lead to high time delays while receiving data.
● CPU load of the WinCC server depends on the number of tags per query.

Write access to cyclic archive with configured swapping out

In runtime, the data is modified in the cyclic archives on the WinCC server.
Changes are accepted into the swapped-out archive only when the data is changed almost
immediately after being created.
If the concerned archive segment of the circulation archive has already been swapped out,
then the change is not done subsequently in the swapped-out archive. Even the modified
data is deleted when you delete the archive segment on the WinCC server.

8.2 Data Structure of a WinCC OPC HDA Server

8.2.1 Data Structure of a WinCC OPC HDA Server

The data on the WinCC OPC HDA server are structured. The available data structures are
listed below. This is not a detailed description, but rather a summary of the most important
information. For more information, refer to the "OPC Historical Data Access 1.20"
Data structure

Attributes Provide additional quality characteristics for the raw data. Attributes include
data type, specifications re. archiving, etc. For more information, see the
overview of supported attributes.
Assemblies Summarize raw data of a specified time interval. Aggregates include average
value, minimum, maximum, etc. For more information, see overview of
supported aggregates.
StartTime/EndTime Set the beginning and end point for the time interval.
Bounding values Values recorded at the beginning and end. If no bounding values are available,
the values closest to these times are used as bounding values.
Raw data Data from the WinCC archive system of a particular time interval. These data
include a time stamp and quality rating.

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8.2 Data Structure of a WinCC OPC HDA Server

Item handle Unique assignment to a WinCC archive tag.
ItemID Unique identifier of the WinCC archive tag. The ItemID can be used to get an
item handle.

8.2.2 Overview of the supported attributes

The following table contains the attributes supported by the WinCC OPC HDA server. For
more information, refer to the "OPC Historical Data Access 1.20" specification.


Attribute Attribute ID Description

ItemID OPCHDA_ITEMID Indicates the WinCC archive tag to be accessed.
Item data type OPCHDA_DATA_TYPE Indicates the data type of the WinCC archive tag.
Description OPCHDA_DESCRIPTIO Returns a description of the WinCC archive tag. The
N description is defined in the WinCC Tag Logging.
Engineering OPCHDA_ENG_UNITS Sets the display of measurement units. The labeling is
units defined in the WinCC Tag Logging.

8.2.3 Overview of the supported assemblies

The following table lists the aggregates supported by the WinCC OPC HDA server. For more
information, refer to the "OPC Historical Data Access 1.20" specification.

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8.2 Data Structure of a WinCC OPC HDA Server


Assembly Description
OPCHDA_COUNT Returns the raw data count for the specified time interval.
OPCHDA_START Returns the initial value of the raw data at the beginning of the
time interval.
OPCHDA_END Returns the final value of the raw data at the end of the time
OPCHDA_AVERAGE Returns the average value of the raw data for the specified time
OPCHDA_TIMEAVERAGE Returns the time-weighted average of the raw data for the
specified time interval.
OPCHDA_TOTAL Returns the sum total value for the specified time interval.
OPCHDA_STDEV Returns the standard deviation of the raw data for the specified
time interval.
OPCHDA_MINIMUMACTUALTI Returns the minimum value of the raw data and its time stamp for
ME the specified time interval.
OPCHDA_MINIMUM Returns the minimum value of the raw data for the specified
OPCHDA_MAXIMUMACTUALTI Returns the maximum value of the raw data and its time stamp for
ME the specified time interval.
OPCHDA_MAXIMUM Returns the maximum value of the raw data for the specified
OPCHDA_DELTA Returns the difference between the first and last value in the raw
data for the specified time interval.
OPCHDA_REGSLOPE Returns the slope of the regression line of the raw data for the
specified time interval.
OPCHDA_REGCONST Returns the regression value of the raw data at the starting point.
OPCHDA_REGDEV Returns the standard deviation of the regression of the raw data in
the specified time interval.
OPCHDA_VARIANCE Returns the variance of the raw data for the specified time
OPCHDA_RANGE Returns the difference between OPCHDA_MAXIMUM and
OPCHDA_MINIMUM of the raw data for the specified time
OPCHDA_DURATIONGOOD Returns the period of time in which the quality of the raw data was
good. The period is indicated in seconds.
OPCHDA_DURATIONBAD Returns the period of time in which the quality of the raw data was
bad. The period is indicated in seconds.
OPCHDA_PERCENTGOOD Returns the percentage of the raw data of good quality.
OPCHDA_PERCENTBAD Returns the percentage of the raw data of bad quality.
OPCHDA_WORSTQUALITY Returns the worst quality of the raw data for the specified time

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8.2 Data Structure of a WinCC OPC HDA Server

8.2.4 Overview of the supported functions

The following tables list the functions supported by the WinCC OPC HDA server. These
functions can be used by the OPC HDA client for data exchange. For more information, refer
to the "OPC Historical Data Access 1.20" specification.


Function Description
ReadRaw Returns the raw data, its quality and time stamp for the specified time interval.
ReadProcessed Returns the calculated value, the quality of the value and the time stamp for the
specified time interval. The calculated value is determined by the selected
ReadAtTime Returns the raw data, its quality and time stamp for a particular time interval. If no
value is available, the value for this point is interpolated.
ReadAttribute Returns the item attributes and time stamp for the specified time interval.

8.2.5 Time Format of a WinCC OPC HDA Server

The time interval is specified on the WinCC OPC HDA server by setting the starting and
ending times. The specified time interval determines the observation period for the historical
data. When specifying the times, certain formats must be maintained.
The following options are available for the specification of times:
● Absolute based on UTC
● Relative to the local time of the server

Absolute Value According to UTC

By default, the WinCC OPC HDA server uses the coordinated world time (UTC) as its time
base. This time corresponds to the Greenwich Mean Time (Central European Time minus an

Time format
YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss.msmsms

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8.2 Data Structure of a WinCC OPC HDA Server

YYYY = year
MM = month
DD = day
hh = hours
mm = minutes
ss = seconds
ms = milliseconds

Input example
2002/06/10 09:27:30.000

Specification of Time Relative to Local Time

For this option, the time is entered relative to the local time of the server. The local time zone
is set on the computer's "Date/Time" control panel.

Time format
keyword +/-offset1 +/-offset(n)
The offset is the deviation from the local time of the server.

NOW = current local time on the server
SECOND = current second
MINUTE = current minute
HOUR = current hour
DAY = current day
WEEK = current week
MONTH = current month
YEAR = current year

+/-S = deviation in seconds
+/-M = deviation in minutes
+/-H = deviation in hours
+/-D = deviation in days
+/-W = deviation in weeks
+/-MO = deviation in months
+/-Y = deviation in years

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WinCC OPC HDA server
8.3 Quality codes

DAY - 1D = previous day
DAY-1D + 7H30 = previous day at 7:30
MO-1D+5H = last day of the previous month at 5:00.
NOW-1H15M = one hour and 15 minutes ago
YEAR+3MO= April of this year

8.3 Quality codes

Quality codes are used to evaluate the status and quality of the raw data. The table below
shows the quality codes for OPC HDA. For more information, refer to the "OPC Historical
Data Access 1.20" specification.

Quality Codes of the WinCC OPC HDA Server

Code OPC Description Quality

0x00040000 OPCHDA_RAW Indicates the quality of raw data GOOD
transmission. BAD
0x00080000 OPCHDA_CALCULATED Indicates the quality of calculated data GOOD
transmission. BAD
0x00100000 OPCHDA_NOBOUND No bounding values were found at the BAD
starting or ending point.
0x00200000 OPCHDA_NODATA No raw data were found for the specified BAD
time interval.
0x00400000 OPCHDA_DATALOST The raw data in the selected interval were BAD
not completely archived.

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8.4 Supported Write-Accesses

8.4 Supported Write-Accesses

The following table shows the write accesses supported by the WinCC OPC HDA server.

Table element:

Cyclic archive The process values to be archived are stored in a cyclic archive. The cyclic archive consists of a
configurable number of data buffers. The size and a period of time (e.g. in days) for the data buffer
are defined. If all data buffers are full, the process data in the first data buffer is overwritten.
Cyclic archive after In order to protect process data in the data buffers from being overwritten process, it can be
swapping swapped (exported).
Supported by WinCC.

Not supported by WinCC.

Write Accesses

Adding process values later

Cyclic Cyclic archive after Supported Description

archive swapping by WinCC
Yes No When the time period is contained in the cyclic archive, a process value
can be added later.

Yes Yes The data buffer of the corresponding time period is swapped to an
archive backup. Process values cannot be added later to an archive
No No The cyclic archive is not available. The process value cannot be stored.

No Yes The cyclic archive is not available. The process value cannot be stored.

Adding process values in Runtime

Cyclic Cyclic archive after Supported Description

archive swapping by WinCC
Yes No The process value is added in the data buffer currently valid for the cyclic

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WinCC OPC HDA server
8.4 Supported Write-Accesses

Inserting future process values

Cyclic Cyclic archive after Supported Description

archive swapping by WinCC
YES No During write access, no values can be added in the future.

No No With write access, no values can be added in the future.

Deleting process values

Cyclic Cyclic archive after Supported Description

archive swapping by WinCC
Yes No When the time period is contained in the cyclic archive, a process value
can be deleted.

Yes Yes The data buffer of the corresponding time period is swapped to an
archive backup. Process values can be deleted from an archive
No No The cyclic archive is not available. The process value cannot be stored.

No Yes The cyclic archive is not available. The process value cannot be stored.

Editing process values

Cyclic Cyclic archive after Supported Description

archive swapping by WinCC
Yes No When the time period is contained in the cyclic archive, a process value
can be edited.

Yes Yes The data buffer of the corresponding time period is swapped to an
archive backup. Process values cannot be edited in an archive backup.

No No The cyclic archive is not available. The process value cannot be stored.

No Yes The cyclic archive is not available. The process value cannot be stored.

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WinCC OPC HDA server
8.5 Example of an OPC HDA Connection

8.5 Example of an OPC HDA Connection

8.5.1 Example of an OPC HDA Connection

In the example below, a connection between WinCC and the OPC HDA client is configured.
Data from the WinCC archive system are made available via the WinCC OPC HDA server.
The OPC HDA client accesses the data via item handles. To simplify the configuration
process, the OPC HDA browser is used.
The OPC HDA client from the OPC Foundation is used. All OPC HDA clients conforming to
the OPC Historical Data Access 1.20 specification can access the WinCC OPC HDA server.

● Create an internal tag named "OPC_HDA" with data type "unsigned 16-bit value" in the
WinCC project of the WinCC OPC HDA server.
● Create a process value archive called "HDA_ProcessValueArchive" in the WinCC archive
● Create an WinCC archive tag called "OPC_HDA_Tag" in the
"HDA_ProcessValueArchive" process value archive. Link the WinCC archive tag to the
internal tag "OPC_HDA".
● In the Runtime list, launch Tag Logging Runtime and disable Graphics Runtime.
● Launch the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC HDA server.

Configuration steps
The following configurations are required to connect WinCC to the OPC HDA client:
1. Configuring access to a WinCC archive tag using the HDA server browser
2. Reading values from the WinCC archive tags

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8.5 Example of an OPC HDA Connection

8.5.2 HDA server browser

The OPC HDA client accesses the tag values via item handles. For ease of configuration,
the WinCC OPC HDA server supports the browser functionality. The OPC HDA client can
use the HDA server browser to search the address space of the WinCC OPC HDA server.
The data are listed hierarchically by process value archive.

Access to a WinCC archive tag without the HDA server browser requires manual
configuration of the item ID.
When addressing WinCC archive tags, the computer name (server prefix) is included in the
path. The ItemID has the following syntax: Server-

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8.5 Example of an OPC HDA Connection

8.5.3 How to Configure Access to a WinCC Archive Tag Using the HDA Server Browser

In this section, the OPC HDA client is used to access a WinCC archive tag. The OPC HDA
client from the OPC Foundation is used. The HDA server browser is used to configure

The OPC HDA client described here is the demo client from the OPC Foundation. The
source code for it is found on the Internet at "".

1. Copy the "SampleClientHDA.exe" file to a directory of your choice. This application is only
available in the online help.
2. Double-click the "SampleClientHDA.exe" file. The HDA client program is started.
3. In the "Server Name" area, select entry "OPCServerHDA.WinCC.1". Click "Connect".
Confirm the next dialog.
4. Click "Browse" in the HDA client. The "Browse Dialog" dialog is opened. Select

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8.5 Example of an OPC HDA Connection

5. In the selection window, select entry "HDA_ProcessValueArchive_HDA_TAG". Click

"Add" and then "Done" to close the dialog.
For more information, refer to "".

8.5.4 Reading Values of WinCC Archive Tags

This section explains how you can access and read WinCC archive tags.

● The OPC HDA client must be running.

1. Click "Show Items" in the HDA client.
2. Click "Get Item Handles" in the HDA client.
3. Double-click "HDA_ProcessValueArchive_HDA_Tag" in the selection field "Value"
selection field.
4. Enter "NOW-10S" in the "Start Time" field. Enter "NOW" in the "End Time" field.

5. Click "Read Raw". The values, their quality codes and time stamps are shown in the
"Values" selection field.

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WinCC OPC HDA server
8.6 Special features of the OPC HDA server in WinCC for acyclic logging

8.6 Special features of the OPC HDA server in WinCC for acyclic logging

Tag logging is performed in WinCC cyclically or acyclically. The WinCC OPC HDA server
works differently depending on the logging method for tags:
● For all cyclically logged values, the OPC HDA server operates in conformity to the HDA
specification of the OPC foundation. The OPC aggregates are linearly interpolated.
● Acyclically logged tags are not included in the HDA specification of the OPC Foundation.
The OPC aggregates are interpolated incrementally. Especially when a tag experiences
no change for a long period of time, no data is available during a time period. The
following should be taken into consideration to nevertheless obtain valid data.

The OPC HDA server is not OPC-compliant for acyclically logged tags. The HDA
specification of the OPC Foundation does not recognize acyclically logged tags and,
therefore, no archive server can handle acyclically logged tags. The supported
aggregates are calculated in conformity to the OPC HDA specification. No non-explicitly
called functions are supported.

Configuration of acyclically logged tags

For the configuration of acyclically logged tags, the "Archive after segment change" setting
needs to be enabled for the tags. This enters the most recent valid value in the the new log
when a segment changes.

Supported aggregates of the WinCC OPC HDA server for acyclically logged tags
The OPC HDA server supports the following aggregates:

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8.6 Special features of the OPC HDA server in WinCC for acyclic logging

Supported functions of the WinCC OPC HDA server for acyclically logged tags
● ReadRaw with "boundings" only. ReadRaw for a tag must always be performed with
"boundings", in order to find the last real stored value for an area without logged value
● ReadProcessed
● DeleteRaw
● DeleteAtTime
● Insert
● InsertReplace
● Replace

Calculating the aggregates for acyclically logged tags

Calculation of the aggregates is based on the extended "RawData" data record, which
contains virtual data points for the calculation in addition to real stored values. The WinCC
OPC HDA server prepares the contained "RawData" corresponding to the requirements of
the "ReadProcessed". The virtual data points needed for the calculation are formed from the
bordering real data points. The following significant points are included for the virtual data
● Value for the "StartTime"
● Value for the "EndTime"
● Value for interval limits

The values for "00:59:00", "01:02:00" and "01:03:00" are stored for an acyclical tag logging
tags. An OPC HDA client postulates with "ReadProcessed" an aggregate with the following
● StartTime = 01:00:00
● EndTime = 01:04:00
● Interval = 00:02:00

The time period is always 1 µs less than the time stamp at the limit for the calculation
when generating virtual values at limits ("EndTime"/"Interval").

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8.6 Special features of the OPC HDA server in WinCC for acyclic logging

A delta of 1 seconds is used in the following table to provide a better overview. The following
graphic illustrates the example.
The OPC server uses the following "RawData" for the calculation of the aggregate:

Number Time stamp Real stored values Generated virtual values

1 00:59:00 1,00
2 01:00:00 1,00
3 01:01:59 1,00
4 01:02:00 2,00
5 01:02:59 2,00
6 01:03:00 3,00
7 01:03:59 3,00

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WinCC OPC A&E Server 9
9.1 Functionality of the WinCC OPC A&E server

The WinCC OPC A&E server is a DCOM application. The OPC A&E client is kept informed
of status changes for WinCC messages by means of subscriptions. The OPC A&E client can
apply a filter to the subscription. This filter determines which messages and attributes are
The WinCC OPC A&E server supports the specification OPC Alarm&Event 1.10. This has
been confirmed by the compliance test.
The following chapter explains the display of the WinCC message system on OPC A&E, as
well as the attributes supported by the WinCC OPC A&E server. This is not a detailed
description, but rather a summary of the most important information. For more information,
refer to the "OPC Alarms & Events 1.10" specification.

The WinCC OPC A&E server can be selected during the installation of WinCC. After
installation, the WinCC OPC A&E server is immediately usable without any additional
Starting with WinCC V6.2, the WinCC OPC A&E server can be implemented on a WinCC
server and a WinCC client.

In order to operate the WinCC OPC A&E server, the following licenses must be installed on
each WinCC server implemented as an OPC A&E server:
● WinCC Basic System
● WinCC Option Connectivity Pack

Server types
The WinCC OPC A&E server supports conditional events and simple events. In addition,
there are tracking events.

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9.2 Mapping of the WinCC Message System on OPC A&E

Condition-related event server

With a condition-related event server, the event is associated with a condition. The condition
might for example be the exceeding of a tag's bounding value. A message is generated in
WinCC as soon as the bounding value is exceeded. This message is shown as an alarm in

Simple event server

Simple events are messages that inform the OPC A&E client about events. Simple events
include the launching and exiting programs.

Note the following while using redundant systems:
Simple events that switch to internal tags are sent twice while comparing tags.
The first message is triggered by master, the second from standby.

Tracking event server

If a change in a process occurs, the OPC A&E client receives a message. Such a change
might for example be a regulator adjustment.

OPC A&E Client

All OPC A&E clients conforming to the OPC Alarms & Events 1.10 specification can access
the WinCC OPC A&E server. The OPC A&E client might also be a proprietary client. By
creating proprietary OPC clients, most user-specific requirements can be met. An OPC A&E
client can, for example, be used for the analysis and common archiving of alarms from
multiple OPC A&E servers.

9.2 Mapping of the WinCC Message System on OPC A&E

9.2.1 Mapping of the WinCC Message System on OPC A&amp;E

During the configuration of the WinCC message system, settings are made to determine
which process events generate a message. This message is shown as an alarm in OPC
A&E. The table below lists the most important parameters of the alarm. It also describes how
the information is made available by the WinCC message system. For more information,
refer to "Alarm Structure".

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9.2 Mapping of the WinCC Message System on OPC A&E


OPC WinCC message system

Source Indicates the source of the message. The source has the format "<server
Time Issues a time stamp for received, sent and acknowledged messages. Issues a
time stamp in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated).
Type Indicates whether the event is a simple, tracking or condition-related event.
WinCC - POC A&E server supports simple, condition-related and tracking
Severity Indicates the priority of the WinCC message.
EventCategory Returns the category of the message. For more information on this topic, refer
to "Displaying Message Classes and Types".
Message Indicates the message text of the corresponding message number.
ConditionName Indicates the message number.
ChangeMask Indicates the changed status of the message. For more information, refer to
"Acknowledgement Theory".
NewState Returns the message status. For more information, refer to "Acknowledgement
ConditionQuality Returns the quality of the message. For more information, refer to "Quality
AckRequired Indicates whether the message requires acknowledgement (receipt).
ActiveTime Returns the time stamp for received messages.
EventAttribute Lists the attributes required for the respective message. For more information,
refer to "Attributes of the WinCC Message System".
Quality Returns the quality code of the message.
Cookie Returns the cookie from the OPC A&E server. The cookie corresponds to the
message number in the WinCC alarm system

9.2.2 Mapping the WinCC message classes and message types

The WinCC message system informs the user of disturbances and operating conditions in
the process. A WinCC message always belongs to a specific message class and message
type that is related to the event category.
The mapping of the WinCC message system on OPC is configured via the CcAeProvider.ini

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9.2 Mapping of the WinCC Message System on OPC A&E

Event Category
An event category is created on the WinCC OPC A&E server for every combination of a
message class and type.
An event category is determined by a category ID and a descriptive "Category Description".
The category ID is composed of the WinCC internal IDs for the message class and the
message type; the category description is composed of the message class and message

If the OPC A&E server is run on a WinCC-Client of a connectivity station, the OS servers
linked to it must have an identical configuration of message classes and message types. If
this is not the case, the entered OPC client must access the OS server directly.

The names of the message classes and message types can be ascertained via the alarm
attributes CLASSNAME and TYPENAME.

9.2.3 Mapping the WinCC message priority

The priority of WinCC messages is displayed by the OPC server to the attribute "Severity".
When configuring alarms in the WinCC messaging system, you can configure a priority
between 0 and 16. The OPC A&E specification defines a value range from 1 to 1000 for the
severity where 1 stands for the lowest and 1000 for the highest severity.
Therefore, the values of the WinCC priority are suitably displayed to the OPC severity. In the
standard mapping, the WinCC priority 0 becomes OPC severity 1. All other priority values
are interpolated in a linear manner up to severity 1000. Other priority mapping rules can be
configured in the CcAeProvider.ini file.

9.2.4 Attributes of WinCC message system

The following table lists the OPC attributes of the WinCC message system. The attributes
are configured in the WinCC message system. Some attributes are intended for internal use
in WinCC only and are therefore not relevant to an OPC A&E client. These attributes are not

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9.2 Mapping of the WinCC Message System on OPC A&E


OPC attributes WinCC message system

ClassName Returns the message class name.
Type name Returns the message type name.
ForeColor Returns the text color for the display of received, sent and acknowledged
BackColor Returns the background color for the display of received, sent and
acknowledged messages.
FlashColor Returns the flashing color.
Flags Indicates whether the message requires acknowledgment (receipt).
Text01 Returns the content of UserTextBlock01.
Text02 Returns the content of UserTextBlock02.
Text03 Returns the content of UserTextBlock03.
Text04 Returns the content of UserTextBlock04.
Text05 Returns the content of UserTextBlock05.
Text06 Returns the content of UserTextBlock06.
Text07 Returns the content of UserTextBlock07.
Text08 Returns the content of UserTextBlock08.
Text09 Returns the content of UserTextBlock09.
Text10 Returns the content of UserTextBlock10.
ProcessValue01 Returns the content of ProcessValueBlock01.
ProcessValue02 Returns the content of ProcessValueBlock02.
ProcessValue03 Returns the content of ProcessValueBlock03.
ProcessValue04 Returns the content of ProcessValueBlock04.
ProcessValue05 Returns the content of ProcessValueBlock05.
ProcessValue06 Returns the content of ProcessValueBlock06.
ProcessValue07 Returns the content of ProcessValueBlock07.
ProcessValue08 Returns the content of ProcessValueBlock08.
ProcessValue09 Returns the content of ProcessValueBlock09.
ProcessValue10 Returns the content of ProcessValueBlock10.
StateText Returns the status message.
InfoText Returns the information text for the message.
LoopInAlarm States if LoopInAlarm has been configured.
ClassID Returns the message class ID.
TypeID Returns the message type ID.
AG_Number Returns the number of the automation device that generated the message.
CPU_Number Returns the number of the CPU that generated the message.
Duration Indicates the period of time between message received, sent and
QuitStateText Indicates whether the message has been acknowledged.
Priority Indicates the configured priority of the message.

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9.2 Mapping of the WinCC Message System on OPC A&E

9.2.5 Acknowledgement theory

For WinCC, the acknowledgment philosophy is how a message is displayed and processed
from "came in" to "went out". On the WinCC OPC A&E server, this message status is
managed in parameters "ChangeMask" and "NewState".

Conditional, Simple and Tracking Events

Typically, messages from the WinCC system are sent to the client as conditional events. In
order for a message to be treated as a simple event, the following conditions must be met
during configuration of the message class:
● "Acknowledgment Came In" is not activated.
● "Message Without Status Went Out" is activated.
Depending on the mapping configuration, the messages of the message class "System
without Acknowledgement" and of the message type "Operations message" are transferred
as OPC Tracking Events.

The "ChangeMask" parameter keeps track of where the message status was changed.

Parameter values:

The "NewState" parameter indicates the message status after a change.

Parameter values:

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9.2 Mapping of the WinCC Message System on OPC A&E


WinCC NewState ChangeState

(message pending) OPC_CONDITION_ACKED
(message no longer pending) OPC_CONDITION_ENABLED
Locked message -------------------------------------- OPC_CHANGE_ENABLED_STA
without receipt
system (message pending) OPC_CONDITION_ACKED
system (message no longer OPC_CONDITION_ENABLED
message (message pending) OPC_CONDITION_ACKED
message (message no longer OPC_CONDITION_ENABLED

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9.3 Quality Codes for OPC A&E

9.3 Quality Codes for OPC A&E

Quality codes are used to evaluate the status and quality of a message. The table below lists
the quality codes for OPC A&E.

Quality codes

Code Quality Status

0x40 OPC_UNCERTAIN Returned in cases of uncertainty, e.g. in the event of
delayed acknowledgement (receipt).
0x00 OPC_BAD Returned if the connection to the source is interrupted.

9.4 Example of an OPC A&E Connection

9.4.1 Example of an OPC A&E Connection

In the example below, a connection between WinCC and an OPC A&E client is configured.
Data from the WinCC message system are made available via the WinCC OPC A&E server.
The OPC A&E client is kept informed of status changes of WinCC messages by means of a
All OPC A&E clients conforming to the OPC Alarms & Events 1.0 specification can access
the WinCC OPC A&E server.

Configuration Steps
The following configurations are required for connection between WinCC and the OPC A&E
1. Configuring access to the WinCC message system

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9.4 Example of an OPC A&E Connection

9.4.2 How to Configure Access to the WinCC Message System

In this section, the OPC A&E client of the OPC foundation accesses the WinCC message

The OPC A&E client described here is the demo client from the OPC Foundation. The
source code for it is found on the Internet at "" .

● Create several internal tags of the "binary" data type in the WinCC project of the WinCC
OPC A&E server.
● Configure the WinCC message system in the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC A&E
server. Link the messages to the internal tags.
● Configure a picture with the Graphics Designer. Add the WinCC alarm control and an I/O
field to the picture. Link the message tags to the graphic objects.
● Enable the "Alarm Logging Runtime" in the start list.
● Enable the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC A&E server.

1. . Copy the "SampleClientAE.exe" "binary" file to a directory of your choice. This
application is only available in the online help.
2. Select "OPC" >"Connect..." in the menu bar. Select "OPC.WinCC-AlarmsEvent" in the
"OPC Alarm Server" dialog. Click "OK" to close the dialog.
3. Select "OPC" >"Event Subscription..." from the menu bar. The "Event Subscription" dialog
is opened.
4. Select the check box labeled "Active" in the dialog. Enter "1000" in the "Buffer Time" and
"Max Size" fields. Click "OK" to close the "Event Subscription" dialog.

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9.4 Example of an OPC A&E Connection

5. The messages from the WinCC message system are displayed in the OPC Event Sample

6. Select "OPC" >"Filter" from the menu bar. The "Filter" dialog is opened. Select a category
from the "Event Category" field. Click "OK" to close the "Filter" dialog.
7. The messages meeting the filter criteria are displayed in the OPC Event Sample Client.

"Buffer Time" and "Max Size" Parameters

According to OPC specification, the "Buffer Time" and "Max Size" parameters are configured
in WinCC as follows:

OPC Client demands return value WinCC uses

Buffer time < 100 Revised buffer time = 100
100 <= buffer time <= 600000 Revised buffer time = buffer time
Buffer time > 600000 Revised buffer time = 600000
Max size = 0 Revised max size = 1000
0 < max size < 10 Revised max size = 10
10 <= max size <= 1000 Revised max size = max size
Max Size = 1000 Revised max size = 1000
Parameters may be set while creating a subscription. However, you cannot change an
existing subscription using SetState() after the fact.
For more information, refer to "".

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9.5 OPC A&E server with hierarchical access

9.5 OPC A&E server with hierarchical access

9.5.1 Functionality of the OPC A&E server

The OPC-A&E server uses DCOM services for transferring messages between OPC-
capable applications. The OPC A&E server supports the specification OPC Alarm&Event
The following chapter explains the mapping of the WinCC message system on OPC A&E
with hierarchical access and the attributes supported by the OPC A&E server. This
documentation includes an overview of the specific information. For more information, refer
to the "OPC Alarms & Events 1.10" specification.

Principle of operation
The OPC-A&E client receives WinCC messages via subscription. You can use the
subscription filter to reduce the number of events that will be transferred with a subscription.
The OPC-A&E client can be set for every event category that displays message attributes.

The WinCC OPC A&E server can be selected during the installation of WinCC. After
installation, the WinCC OPC A&E server can be used immediately without any additional
As of WinCC V6.2, the WinCC OPC A&E server can be implemented on a WinCC server
and a WinCC client.

In order to operate the OPC A&E server, one of the following licenses must be installed on
each computer running an OPC A&E server:
● WinCC Basic System
● WinCC Connectivity Pack Add-on

Event types
The OPC-A&E server with hierarchical access supports conditional events, simple events
and tracking events.

Condition related events

With a condition related event, the event is associated with a condition. The condition can be
the limit violation of a tag, for example. This limit violation generates a message that is
shown as an alarm with OPC A&E.

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9.5 OPC A&E server with hierarchical access

Simple events
Simple events are messages that inform the OPC A&E client about events. Simple events
include the launching and closing of programs.

Note the following when using redundant systems:
Simple events interconnected to internal tags are sent twice when tags are updated.
The first message is triggered by the master, the second by the standby.

Tracking events
A tracking event is sent with a operator input message to the OPC A&E client. An operator
input message is triggered by manual intervention in the process.

OPC A&E client

All OPC A&E clients conforming to the OPC Alarms & Events 1.10 specification can access
the OPC A&E server. The OPC A&E client may also be a proprietary client. By creating
proprietary OPC clients, most user-specific requirements can be met. An OPC A&E client,
for example, may be used for analysis and joint archiving of alarms from different OPC A&E
servers. The acknowledgement of archived messages is not possible; only current alarms
and events can be acknowledged.

Documentation on OPC
You can find additional information on OPC in the Chapter "Interfaces > OPC - OLE for
Process Control".

9.5.2 OPC A&E server with WinCC V6.2 SP2 Differences between OPC A&E and OPC A&E with hierarchical access

Displaying messages with OPC A&E

The OPC A&E server supports "conditional events" and "simple events" for accessing the
message system. With "conditional events", the message numbers are shown for each
source. Since an WinCC server can hold many more message numbers, it is difficult to
maintain an overview of the messages.

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9.5 OPC A&E server with hierarchical access

The following figure shows an example of the display in an OPC browser:

Displaying the messages with OPC A&E and hierarchical access

The OPC A&E server with hierarchical access supports the event types, conditional events,
simple events and tracking events.
The user text block 2 determines the source of the messages for "conditional events". With
the default setting, user text block 2 corresponds to the fault location. In order to present
messages hierarchically, they must be combined in user-defined group messages in alarm
logging messages. The structure of group messages is determined by the areas in OPC
Tracking events occur when operator input messages are triggered in the system.
The following figure shows an example of the display of conditional events in an OPC
browser. The "Condition" is shown in addition to "Area" and "Source":

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9.5 OPC A&E server with hierarchical access

Use an OPC A&E server with hierarchical access when creating a new project.
If you upgrade an existing project to WinCC V6.2 SP2, the OPC A&E server can be used as
before or the OPC A&E server can be converted to hierarchical access. The conversion can
be undone again without any loss of data. You can find additional information under "How to
upgrade the OPC A&E to WinCC V6.2 SP2". How to upgrade the OPC A&E to WinCC V6.2 SP2

OPC A&E has been expanded by the hierarchical access to the message system with
WinCC V6.2 SP2. The OPC-A&E server with non-hierarchical access remains the standard.

Upgrading from OPC A&E

If you are using the OPC A&E with hierarchical access and want to use all functions, you
may need to adapt the OPC A&E client currently used.
Starting with the WinCC version of your project, possible upgrade scenarios are described
for OPC A&E:
● Upgrading the project from WinCC V6.2 to WinCC V6.2 SP2
● The project is created with WinCC V6.2 SP2.

Upgrading from WinCC V6.2 to WinCC V6.2 SP2

You can upgrade a project with WinCC V6.2 to WinCC V6.2 SP2 in regard to OPC A&E as

Retaining previous OPC A&E without hierarchical access

If you want to continue to work with the previously used OPC A&E server, the following
scenarios are possible:
● If you have not changed the standard "CcAeProvider.ini" file, you do not need to make
any other settings.
● If you have changed the standard "CcAeProvider.ini" file and want to keep these
changes, proceed as follows:
– Save the "CcAeProvider.ini" file from the WinCC installation path in the
"OPC\AlarmEvent\bin" folder.
If you are working on a distributed system or a system integrated in STEP 7, save the
file from the project on the WinCC client or on the OS.
– Following the upgrade, copy the file into the WinCC project directory.
If you are working on a distributed system or a system integrated in STEP 7, copy the
file on the WinCC server or on the ES into the project directory of the client projects or
OS projects.
● If you have changed the standard "CcAeProvider.ini" file and want to replace it with the
standard "CcAeProvider.ini" file supplied with the product, before the upgrade delete
these files on the servers and clients or on the ES computers and OS computers. The
project folder is located in "wincproj" sub-folder on the ES.

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9.5 OPC A&E server with hierarchical access

Switching to OPC A&E with hierarchical access

If you want to work with the OPC A&E server with hierarchical access, proceed as follows:
1. After upgrading, copy the "CcAeProvider.ini" file to the project folder. The file is located in
the WinCC installation path in the folder "OPC\AlarmEvent\Hierarchical-Access".
2. Update the clients or perform a complete download for the OS servers.

Creating a project with WinCC V6.2 SP2

Projects that are newly created with WinCC V6.2 SP2 continue to use the OPC A&E server
without hierarchical access. You do not have to make any additional settings.
If you want to work with the OPC A&E server with hierarchical access, proceed as follows:
1. After upgrading, copy the "CcAeProvider.ini" file to the project folder of the ES projects.
You can find the file in the "OPC\AlarmEvent\Hierarchical-Access" folder below the
installation path of WinCC.
2. Update the clients or perform a complete download for the OS servers.

9.5.3 Mapping the WinCC Message System on OPC A&E Mapping the WinCC message system

The WinCC message system resulting from the configuration defines which event in the
process will generate a message. This message is shown as an event notification in OPC

Mapping the WinCC message system on OPC A&E with hierarchical access
The OPC source of the WinCC user text block "2" and the OPC message of WinCC user text
block "1" are used in WinCC as a default setting for mapping the WinCC message systems.

The following table shows the most important attributes of the event notifications and the
respective information from the WinCC message system.
The events that use the configured attributes are shown in the third column of the table:
● "S" means a simple event
● "C" means a conditional event
● "T" means a tracking event

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9.5 OPC A&E server with hierarchical access

OPC WinCC message system Event type

Area The structure of the group messages determine the areas in OPC A&E. If there is no S, C, T
group message configured for the message, only the OPC area corresponding to the
server prefix is available.
Source Indicates the source of a message. The source has the format "<server S, C, T
prefix>::Area\user text block 2". The server prefix of a local computer is
"@LOCALMACHINE". The server prefix always shows the top Areas in the hierarchy
of the server.
Time Issues a time stamp for received, sent and acknowledged messages. Issues a time S, C, T
stamp in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated).
Type Indicates whether the event is a simple, tracking or conditional event. S, C, T
Severity Returns the priority of the message. S, C, T
EventCategory Indicates the message class. "Event Category" is made up of the "CategoryID" and S, C, T
the "Category Description". "CategoryID" corresponds to the internal ID of the
message class. "Category Description" corresponds to the name of the message
Message Indicates the message text of the corresponding message number. S, C, T
Condition Indicates the message type. C
Sub-condition Corresponds with the "Condition" parameter. C
ChangeMask Specifies the change of the condition. For more information, refer to C
"Acknowledgment policy".
NewState Indicates the current status of the condition. For more information, refer to C
"Acknowledgment policy".
ConditionQuality Returns the quality of the message. For more information, refer to "Quality codes". C
AckRequired Indicates whether the message requires acknowledgment. C
EventAttribute Lists the attributes required for the respective message. For more information, refer C
to "Attributes of the WinCC message system".
Quality Returns the quality code of the message. C
Cookie Does not include any usable information for the client C
ActorID Indicates which user acknowledged the message. T

If text without wild cards are specified as a filter for the area, only the messages of the area
are returned. If you want to include sources that are located in areas outside the specified
area, you need to use wild cards.

The message classes and message types must be configured identically on the connected
OS servers, if you run the OPC A&E server as follows:
• On a WinCC Client
• On a Connectivity station
If the OS server is not configured identically, the employed OPC client must access the
respective OS server directly.

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9.5 OPC A&E server with hierarchical access Mapping the message priority

The priority of messages is mapped by the OPC A&E server to the attribute "Severity".
When configuring alarms in the messaging system, you can configure a priority between "0"
and "16". The OPC A&E specification defines a value range of "1" to "1000" for the severity.
In this case, "1" stands for the lowest and "1000" for the highest severity.
Therefore, the values of the priority are suitably displayed to the OPC severity. In the
standard mapping, priority "0" is assigned to OPC severity "1" and priority "16" to OPC
severity "1000". All other priority values are interpolated linearly between "0" and "1000". Attributes of the WinCC Message System

The following table lists the OPC attributes of the WinCC message system. The attributes
are configured in the WinCC message system. Some attributes are intended for internal use
in WinCC only and are therefore not relevant to an OPC A&E client. These attributes are not
contained in the table.


OPC attributes WinCC message system

ClassName Returns the message class name.
Type name Returns the message type name.
ForeColor Returns the text color for the display of received, sent and acknowledged
BackColor Returns the background color for the display of received, sent and
acknowledged messages.
FlashColor Returns the flashing color.
Flags Indicates whether the message requires acknowledgment (receipt).
Text01 Returns the content of UserTextBlock01.
Text02 Returns the content of UserTextBlock02.
Text03 Returns the content of UserTextBlock03.
Text04 Returns the content of UserTextBlock04.
Text05 Returns the content of UserTextBlock05.
Text06 Returns the content of UserTextBlock06.
Text07 Returns the content of UserTextBlock07.
Text08 Returns the content of UserTextBlock08.
Text09 Returns the content of UserTextBlock09.
Text10 Returns the content of UserTextBlock10.
ProcessValue01 Returns the content of ProcessValueBlock01.

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9.5 OPC A&E server with hierarchical access

OPC attributes WinCC message system

ProcessValue02 Returns the content of ProcessValueBlock02.
ProcessValue03 Returns the content of ProcessValueBlock03.
ProcessValue04 Returns the content of ProcessValueBlock04.
ProcessValue05 Returns the content of ProcessValueBlock05.
ProcessValue06 Returns the content of ProcessValueBlock06.
ProcessValue07 Returns the content of ProcessValueBlock07.
ProcessValue08 Returns the content of ProcessValueBlock08.
ProcessValue09 Returns the content of ProcessValueBlock09.
ProcessValue10 Returns the content of ProcessValueBlock10.
StateText Returns the status message.
InfoText Returns the information text for the message.
LoopInAlarm States if LoopInAlarm has been configured.
ClassID Returns the message class ID.
TypeID Returns the message type ID.
AG_Number Returns the number of the automation device that generated the message.
CPU_Number Returns the number of the CPU that generated the message.
Duration Indicates the period of time between message received, sent and
QuitStateText Indicates whether the message has been acknowledged.
Priority Indicates the configured priority of the message. Acknowledgement Theory

The acknowledgment policy in WinCC is how a message from "came in" to "went out" is
displayed and processed . On the OPC A&E server, this message status is displayed in the
"ChangeMask" and "NewState" parameters.

Conditional events, simple events and tracking events

Messages from the system are sent to the client as conditional events with acknowledgment.
In order for a message to be handled as a simple event, the message class of the message
must meet the following conditions:
● "Acknowledgment came in" is not activated.
● "Message without status went out" is activated.
In WinCC, messages of message class "System, does not require acknowledgment" with
"Operator input message" message type are transferred as tracking events.

Messages with "System, does not require acknowledgment" message class and "Process
control system" message type are transferred as simple events with the "System message"
event category.

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9.5 OPC A&E server with hierarchical access

The "ChangeMask" parameter keeps track of where the message status was changed.

Parameter values:

The "NewState" parameter indicates the message status after a change.

Parameter values:


WinCC NewState ChangeState

(message pending) OPC_CONDITION_ACKED
(message no longer pending) OPC_CONDITION_ENABLED
Locked message -------------------------------------- OPC_CHANGE_ENABLED_STATE
with acknowledgment OPC_CONDITION_ENABLED
without acknowledgment
the system (message OPC_CONDITION_ACKED

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9.5 OPC A&E server with hierarchical access

WinCC NewState ChangeState

the system (message no OPC_CONDITION_ENABLED
longer pending)
message (message pending) OPC_CONDITION_ACKED
message (message no OPC_CONDITION_ENABLED
longer pending)

Historical alarms and events are not acknowledged. The OPC A&E historical events
interface only has read access.

9.5.4 Quality Codes for OPC A&E

Quality codes are used to evaluate the status and quality of a message. The table below lists
the quality codes for OPC A&E.

Quality codes

Code Quality Status

0x40 OPC_UNCERTAIN Returned in cases of uncertainty, for example in the
event of delayed acknowledgment (receipt).
0x00 OPC_BAD Returned if the connection to the source is interrupted.

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9.6 Reading archived messages

9.6 Reading archived messages

9.6.1 Accessing archived events

You can access the archived messages via the OPC A&E server using an OPC client. Two
methods are supported for accessing archived messages:
● Output archived messages from a time period in the past
● Output archived messages from a time period in the past without mentioning end of
period After the output of archived messages, all other newly generated messages are
automatically sent to the OPC client.

After reading archived messages, you cannot use the returned "ActiveTime" of a
message for acknowledging the message or tracing transitions of the message. To
ensure this, the OPC A&E client must check the "EventType" of a message with the
extra flag "OPC_HAE_HISTORICAL_EVENTFLAG". The "ActiveTime" is incorrect on
archived messages. You can find information on the additional flag under "Identifying
archived messages".

Querying the "Historic Alarms and Events" functionalities

In addition to the standard filters, the following filters are offered with the expanded OPC
A&E server of WinCC:

Filter Description
OPC_HAE_FILTER_BY_TIMEFRAME Matches "ReadRaw" function for OPC historical data
OPC_HAE_FILTER_BY_STARTTIME Matches "AdviseRaw" function for OPC historical data

Source filter and historical alarm request

To request the archive messages, the OPC client must support the "SetFilter" to a
subscription functionality. The OPC server will also send archived messages if you also
insert keyword "OPCHAEServer" the array of the "Source Filter" of a subscription. In addition
to this keyword, you can use other parameters to define which messages are to be read:
● Method
● Time period
● With or without limits
The lists of sources that are assigned in the filter can include other source names besides
the "OPCHAEServer" source. In such a case, the subscription delivers only the historic
events of the given sources. The sequence of the source names is inconsequential.
After configuring the source filter, the selected time period can be called up from the client
with a "Refresh" call.

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9.6 Reading archived messages

9.6.2 Syntax for accessing archived messages using OPC

OPCHAEServer hMode=(read|advise) htStartTime=szTime [hEndTime=szTime]


hMode = [read|advise]
This parameter is required. Defines how the archived messages and events are to be read.
Read: Outputs archived messages and events of a definite period from the past (comparable
to ReadRaw in case of OPC Historical Data Access).
The following is an example for setting a filter for reading over the last 30 minutes:
OPCHAEServer hMode=read htStartTime=NOW-30M bBounds=TRUE
Advise: Outputs archived messages and events from a definite period, After receiving all
archived messages, new messages are sent in the same way as in the case of an active
subscription (comparable to AdviseRaw in case of OPC historical data access).
In the following example, the messages of the last 30 minutes are read (subscription must be
OPCHAEServer hMode=advise htStartTime=NOW-30M

The following notation is supported for parameters "htStartTime" and "htEndTime":
• Relative notations, for example NOW
• Symbolic values, for example NOW, YEAR, MONTH
• Specification of absolute UTC data/time values according to XML notation: 2006-09-
Using the symbolic notation corresponds to the syntax from OPC historical data access.

htStartTime =
This parameter is required. Defines the time from when the messages and events are to be
read from the archive.

htEndTime =
This parameter is optional. Defines the time up to which the messages and events are to be
read from the archive. With "hMode = read", the default setting "NOW" is used.

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9.6 Reading archived messages

bBounds = [TRUE|FALSE]
This parameter is optional. Defines how messages close to the start and end time are to be
handled. The function is identical to OPC historical data access.
● The time stamp of the first transferred message >= htStartTime
● The time stamp of the last transferred message >= htEndTime
● The time stamp of the first transferred message <= htStartTime
● The time stamp of the last transferred message >= hEndTime
Default setting is FALSE.

9.6.3 Read methods for archived messages

You can use one of the two read modes to read archived messages:
● Read
● Advise

"Read" mode
"Read" mode is used to read archived messages from a defined period in the past. The
sequence of read messages is always read from the alarms in chronological sequence in
reference to each OS server. By setting the start and end time, you can specify whether the
last message is to be read first or last. If the start time is earlier than the end time, the last
message is last in the output.
To use the "read" mode, you need to run the following functions on the subscription:
1. SetFilter
2. Refresh
"SetFilter" during "Refresh" will be rejected. Activating the subscription during "Refresh" does
not have any effect on refresh.
The historic events continue to be transferred with the Refresh flag.
The newly generated events are transferred according to the standard reaction of an active
● Taking into account the set filter values with the exception of "historic" source
● Without the Refresh flag

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9.6 Reading archived messages

The client can therefore distinguish between the received events based on the Refresh flag.
An event package never contains historic and new events at the same time.
● Event packages with Refresh flag only contain historic events. These events can also be
in queue.
● Event packages without the Refresh flag only contain newly generated events.

"Advise" mode
"Advise" mode is used to read archived messages from a defined period onwards in the
past. After reading all archived messages, new messages are sent in the same way as for
an active subscription. The archived messages are transferred in chronological sequence in
reference to each OS server: The archived messages from a start time onwards are
transmitted. Thereafter, the newly archived messages transferred.
Note that you should not define an end time for "advise".
An active subscription is used for "advise" mode. If you run the "SetFilter" function on an
active subscription, the historical alarms are transferred immediately.
If you run "SetFilter" function on an inactive subscription, the archived messages are only
sent after activating the subscription. If you want to use "advise" read mode with an inactive
subscription, proceed as follows:
1. SetFilter
2. Set subscription to active using SetState
The transmission is interrupted if you deactivate the subscription.
The transmission is ended if you set the subscription to "inactive". "SetFilter" is rejected
when the subscription is active.
A "Refresh" on an active "historic" subscription in the "advise" mode functions in the same
way as for a standard subscription:
All queued condition related events are transferred to packages with Refresh flag. The last
package also contains an additional flag "Last Refresh".
A "Refresh" call has no influence on reading historical alarms in "advise" mode.

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9.6 Reading archived messages

9.6.4 Identifying archived messages

General procedure
Archived messages are distinguished using an additional flag in EventType. This flag is
linked to the real EventType via a OR link.

Name EventType EventType (archived message)



Example 1
The following source filter is used to output archived messages and events of the last 30
minutes in "read" mode. The oldest message for each OS server is output as the first one.
The low limit value is also sent.
OPCHAEServer hMode=read htStartTime=NOW-30M bBounds=TRUE

Example 2
The following source filter is used to output archived events on September 1, 2006 from
10:00 to 12:00 hours in "read" mode. The newest message for each OS server is output as
the first one. The limits for this time period are also sent.
OPCHAEServer hMode=read htStartTime=2006-09-01T12:00:00.000Z
htEndTime=2006-09-01T10:00:00.000Z bBounds=TRUE

Example 3
The following source filter is used to output archived messages and events of the last 30
minutes in "advise" mode. After reading the archived messages, newly generated messages
are sent in the same way as for an active subscription.
OPCHAEServer hmode=advise htStartTime=NOW-30M

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9.6 Reading archived messages

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Commissioning 10
10.1 Commissioning OPC

Data exchange between a WinCC OPC server and OPC client is completed via DCOM.
After installation of WinCC, the DCOM settings of the WinCC OPC server are correctly
If a WinCC OPC server or client communicates with an external OPC system, corresponding
adaptations must be performed.

10.2 Configuring Windows

10.2.1 This is how you configure Windows accounts for the use of WinCC OPC

The OPC client and the OPC server are DCOM applications. A distributed DCOM application
can only be run under the same user account. Therefore the OPC server must recognize the
OPC client's user account and vice-versa.
If the WinCC OPC servers are used with WinCC OPC clients, the correct configuration is
already warranted by the installation.

Declaration of the user account, if an external OPC server or client is used

For more information regarding user permissions, refer to the Windows 2000 or Windows XP

Log on as the administrator to both the WinCC OPC server and OPC client workstations to
configure the user permissions.

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10.2 Configuring Windows

1. In Windows 2000, double-click the "Users and Passwords" icon on the Control Panel.
In Windows XP, double-click the "Users Accounts" icon on the Control Panel.
The "Users and Passwords" dialog is displayed.
2. Select the "Advanced" tab. Click the "Advanced" button. The local users and group
management dialog is displayed.
3. In the "Users" shortcut menu, select "New User".
In the "New User" dialog, enter the user account details of the communication partner.
Click "Create" and close the dialog.

4. Click the "Users" icon. Double-click the relevant user. The "Properties" dialog for this user
is displayed.
5. Select the "Member Of" tab. Click "Add". The "Select group" dialog is opened.
6. Add the group "users".
If you are on a computer that has WinCC installed, also add the group "SIMATIC HMI".
Click "OK" to close all open dialogs.

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10.3 XML

10.2.2 How to adapt the Windows firewall settings

After installation of WinCC, the Windows firewall settings of the WinCC OPC servers are
correctly configured.
If OPC clients access OPC servers in different subnets, you must adapt the configuration of
the permitted network areas to the OPC servers.

10.3 XML

10.3.1 Commissioning - OPC XML

The OPC XML server of WinCC is realized as a web service. It makes the PC accessible via
Internet. It is therefore necessary to define appropriate access rights.

10.3.2 Defining the Security Settings with IIS

The Internet Information Services make the PC accessible via the Internet. It is therefore
necessary to define appropriate access rights.

If you have any questions or experience problems with the following settings, contact your
Intranet/Internet administrator.

1. In Windows 2000, select "Control Panel" > "Administration" > "Internet Services Manager"
and activate the Management Console.
Start the Management Console in Windows 2003 via "Control Panel > Administration >
Internet Information Services Manager".
In Windows XP, select "Control Panel" > "Administration" > "Internet Information
Services" and activate the Management Console.
2. Select the virtual directory "WinCC-OPC-XML". Choose the "Properties" option from the
shortcut menu. The "WinCC OPC XML Properties" dialog is opened.

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10.3 XML

3. Click the "Directory Security" tab. On this tab, select the relevant web server security
4. Click the "Edit" button in the "PLC for Anonymous Access and Authentication". The
"Authentication Methods" dialog is displayed.

5. Activate the "Integrated Windows Authentication" option in the "Authenticated access"

area. Anonymous access to the web service is possible but should not be activated for
security reasons.
6. Close all open dialogs.

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10.3 XML

10.3.3 How to set the correct version of ASP.NET

If you want to use the WinCC-OPC-XML-DA server, ensure you have set the correct version
of "ASP.NET" for the Web site for the installation through which the WinCC-OPC-XML Web
service is linked.

If you have any questions or experience problems with the following settings, contact your
Intranet/Internet administrator.

1. In Windows 2000, select "Control Panel" > "Administration" > "Internet Services Manager"
and activate the Management Console.
Start the Management Console in Windows 2003 via "Control Panel > Administration >
Internet Information Services Manager".
In Windows XP, select "Control Panel" > "Administration" > "Internet Information
Services" and activate the Management Console.
2. Select the virtual directory "WinCC-OPC-XML". Choose the "Properties" option from the
shortcut menu. The "WinCC OPC XML Properties" dialog is opened.
3. Click the "ASP.NET" tab. In this tab, configure the settings for the "ASP.NET" of the Web
4. Click on text selection box for the "ASP.NET version". If version "2.x" is not yet set, select
version "2.x".
5. Close all open dialogs.
6. The Web service needs to be restarted after changes are made.

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10.3 XML

10.3.4 How to Test the Installation

OPC XML-DA makes the OPC process data available as a web page. The web page can be
accessed via the Internet using HTTP. The following section explains how to test the

1. Start Internet Explorer on the computer run as the WinCC OPC XML server.
2. Enter the URL "http://localhost/WinCC-OPC-XML/DAWebservice.asmx" in the address
bar. Confirm your entry with <ENTER>.
3. When the OPC XML DA function requests appear, installation was successful.

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10.4 Trace

10.4 Trace

The "Trace" function can be used to log tag values and function calls for purposes of testing
and error analysis.
The entries are stored in a trace file. The trace shows the step-by-step progress of the
establishment of the connection, thus making it easier to identify the source of a connection

Trace output must be set in the registry of the operating system. For more information, refer
to the SIMATIC Customer Support.

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10.4 Trace

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A&E server E-server
Mapping WinCC message classes and message Functionality of WinCC OPC A&OPC, 19
types, 73
A&E server, 60, 69
Conditional event, 69 F
Hierarchical access, 70
Functionality of the OPC A&E server
Simple event, 69
Conditional event, 69
Tracking event, 69
Simple event, 69
A&E server, 73
Tracking event, 69
A&E server
Functionality of the WinCC OPC A&E Server
Mapping the WinCC message system, 73
Simple Event, 59
A&E Server, 59, 70
Condition Related Event, 59
Mapping of the WinCC message system, 60
Tracking Event, 59
Acknowledgement theory, 64 I/O field configuration, 28
Acknowledgment policy, 76 Example of OPC DA, 28
Adding a tag Item handle, 44
Example of OPC DA, 29 Item ID, 44

Bounding values, 44 Max size, 67
Buffer time, 67 Message classes on OPC A&E servers, 73
Message types on OPC A&E servers, 73

Commissioning, 85, 91
Connecting WinCC - OPC A&E client New user, 85
Example of OPC-A&E, 66
Connecting WinCC - OPC A&E client, 66
OLE for process control, 9
OPC, 9
Defining new tag, 34 Specifications, 11
Example of OPC DA, 34 OPC, 9
Commissioning, 85
Configuring access to a WinCC archive tag using
the HDA server browser, 54

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Configuring access to the WinCC message OPC XML, 87, 90

system, 67 Security settings in IIS, 87
Example, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 42 Testing installation, 90
Example:, 27, 28, 29, 31, 52 OPC XML server, 19
Functionality of the OPC A&E server, 69 Installation, 20, 22
Functionality of the WinCC OPC A&E Server, 59 Installing of .NET Framework 1.1, 21
Functionality of the WinCC OPC DA server, 23 OPCScout new project1
Functionality of the WinCC OPC HDA server, 43 Example of OPC DA, 34
Functionality of WinCC OPC XML server, 19
HDA server browser, 53
New user, 85 P
OPC in WinCC, 15
ProgID, 25
Querying, 25
Setting up user account on the OPC computers, 85
Specifications, 11
Example of OPC DA, 29
Trace, 91
Using Multiple OPC DA Servers, 24
WinCC as OPC DA Server, 15
WinCC as OPC XML Server, 15
OPC A&E Client Quality codes, 49, 66, 78
Example of OPC-A&E, 66
OPC A&E server, 73
OPC A&E server, 69, 70 R
OPC A&E server
Raw data, 43
Quality codes, 78
OPC A&E Server, 61
OPC A&E Server, 59
OPC A&E Server
Quality codes, 66 Tag
OPC A&E Server, 66 Configuring HDA server browser, 54
OPC A&E Server, 67 Example of OPC DA, 34, 37, 42
OPC A&E Server Example of OPC HDA, 54, 55
Configuring access to the WinCC message HDA server browser, 53
system, 67
OPC A&E servers, 19
OPC A&Raw Data, 66 U
OPC DA server, 23
User account, 85
Functionality of the WinCC OPC DA server, 23
Making OPC computers known, 85
Using multiple OPC DA servers, 24
OPC HDA server, 43
Assemblies, 45
Attributes, 45
Bounding values, 44 WinCC
Data structure, 44, 45 as OPC DA client, 15
Item handle, 44 as OPC-Server in a distributed system, 15
Item ID, 44 OPC in WinCC, 15
Principle of Operation, 43 WinCC - Microsoft Excel 97 connection, 38
Quality codes, 49, 66 Example of OPC DA, 38
Raw data, 43 WinCC - OPC HDA client connection, 52
Supported functions, 47 Example of OPC HDA, 52
Time Format of a WinCC OPC HDA server, 47 WinCC - SIMATIC NET FMS OPC server
Write Accesses, 50 connection, 31
OPC Item Manager, 25 Example of OPC DA, 31

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94 System Manual, 09/2007, Printout of the Online Help

WinCC - SIMATIC NET S7 OPC server connection, 33

Example of OPC DA, 33
WinCC - WinCC connection, 27
Example of OPC DA, 27
WinCC Explorer-OPC_Client.MPC, 25
WinCC message system
Attributes, 62, 75
Configuring access to the WinCC message
system, 67
Mapping WinCC Message Classes and Message
Types, 61, 62
on OPC A&OPC-A&WinCC message system, 60
WinCC Message Classes on OPC A&E Server, 61
WinCC OPC A&E server
Hierarchical access, 70

OPC OLE for Process Control

System Manual, 09/2007, Printout of the Online Help 95

OPC OLE for Process Control

96 System Manual, 09/2007, Printout of the Online Help

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