Traffic Management2

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Multiple Choices: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by marking the
box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.

1. A flashing amber (yellow) signal light at an intersection means:

a. Come to full stop
b. Slow down and drive with increased caution
c. Danger dead end highway
d. Signal out of order
2. A traffic control signal containing the word “STOP” held out by a person at a school cross-walk means:
a. Stop if there are any pedestrians crossing
b. Stop before entering the cross-walk and do not proceed until the signal is no longer in position
c. Ignore the signal as it is not legal anyhow
d. Slow down and proceed through the cross-walk with caution
3. Which of the following classes vehicles only may carry a red light visible from the front?
a. Commercial motor vehicles
b. Bicycles
c. Pleasure type motor vehicle
d. Emergency vehicle responding to a call
4. Where a highway has divided into lanes for traffic, a driver should:
a. Move from lane to lane with bursts of speed when passing
b. Never change lanes
c. Signal intention and move to another lanes only when it is safe to do so
d. Straddle lanes and block following traffic
5. When may you drive at the maximum speed limit?
a. Only in the daytime
b. At any time
c. If the condition of traffic and the highway permit such a speed to be driven in safety
d. On any highway designed for one-way traffic
6. On a roadway where traffic is moving in both directions, in what position must you be before making a left turn?
a. Close to the right-hand side of the roadway
b. Close to the left side of the roadway
c. To the right of and as close to the center line of the roadway as possible
d. Does not matter provided your signal
7. You are driving up to an interaction where there is no signal light or police officer, A pedestrian is in the crosswalk on your side of the
street. You should:
a. Increase speed and take the right-of-way
b. Slow down and drive with increased caution
c. Sound horn to warn the pedestrian
d. Stop and yield right-of-way to the pedestrian
8. What must you do when the driver of another vehicle gives a signal that he wants to overtake and pass your vehicle?
a. Give way to the right and do not increase your speed until the overtaking vehicle has passed your vehicle
b. Speed up to make the other driver increase speed
c. Signal the other driver to remain behind you
d. Move to the left and block the overtaking vehicle

9. When a car is stopped to allow a pedestrian to cross the street at a marked crosswalk you should:
a. Pass the stopped car on the right
b. Not pass any car stopped to allow a pedestrian to cross the street
c. Pass the stopped car on the left
d. Sound horn for the driver of the stopped car to drive

10. The driver of a motor vehicle, other than commercial vehicle, must not follow another vehicle closer than what distance?
a. A reasonable and prudent distance, having regard for speed other vehicles and traffic condition
b. As close to the rear of the other vehicle as possible to make more room for other vehicles
c. Always pass the vehicle in front to avoid the dangers of following too closely
d. Does not matter, There is no penalty for driving too close
11. When your right wheels run onto a soft shoulder what is the best way to get back on the highway?
a. Apply brakes
b. Reduce speed by taking foot off gas pedal, turn back when way is clear
c. Steer hard to the left
d. Apply brakes and steer hand to left
12. When driving at night and you meet another car with glaring headlights. You should:
a. Turn on the upper beam of your headlights
b. Watch the center-line of the roadway
c. Keep your headlight on the low beam and look slight away from the bright lights
c. Watch the tail-light of the car headlight
13. Which of the following actions in traffic require a hand signal or a mechanical signal?
a. Slowing or stopping
b. Right turn
c. Left turn
d. All of the above
14. What does the broken line marking on a highway mean?
a. Pass at any time
b. Pass if the way is clear
c. Never pass
d. Pass only during daylight hours
10. In what lane of traffic should you drive when you wanted to make a right-hand turn?
a. Close to the left side of the roadway
b. Close to the right-hand side of the roadway
c. Close to the center line of the roadway
d. Does not matter provided you signal
11. If a traffic signal changes while a pedestrian is walk in the street, which of the following has the right of way?
a. Motorists making turns
b. The pedestrian
c. Motorists coming front his right
d. Motorists coming from his left
12. When you are overtaking another vehicle, what does the law require you to do?
a. Sound an audible signal
b. Give a signal of your intention to pull out and pass
c. Pass to the left of the other vehicle
d. All of the above
13. While driving around a curve a good practice is to:
a. Ride the center of the road
b. Enter curve at a steady speed and apply brakes if needed
c. Slow down when entering curve only when pavement is slippery
d. Enter curve slowly and increase speed as the driver gets the “feel” of the curve
14. Good drivers travelling in heavy fog at night, always use the:
a. Low beam
b. High beam
c. Parking light
d. No light
15. A motor vehicle operated on a highway is required to have:
a. Windshield wipers in good working order
b. Mudguards or fenders which reduce wheel spray to rear
c. A rear-view mirror
d. All of the above
16. When approaching an intersection where a traffic signal light is red and a police officer motions to you to go through, you should:
a. Wait for the light to turn green
b. Obey the police officer’s signal and go through at once
c. Call the police officer’s attention to the red light
d. Stop to make sure the officer want you to go through
17. When the traffic signal light facing you is red and you intend to go straight through the intersection. What must you do?
a. Stop give pedestrians the right of way then proceed with caution
b. Stop proceed when the way is clear
c. Slow down proceed when the way is clear
d. Stop proceed only when the signal turn green and when the way is clear
18. What does the solid white lane marking on a highway mean?
a. Pass only when no traffic in sight
b. Pass only with extreme caution
c. Do not pass
d. Pass only during daylight hour
19. In what position on the roadway must you be before marking a left turn from a one-way traffic street?
a. Close to the right-hand side of roadway
b. Close to the center line of the roadway
c. Close to the left side of the roadway
d. None of the above
20. On a highway where there is a sign with the words “ONE WAY” and an arrow, you should:
a. Back your car in the opposition direction to the arrow
b. Proceed against the arrow on part of the highway between intersections
c. Drive only in the direction which the arrow points
d. Drive on the right-hand signal of the highway only
21. If you are involved in a reportable accident, how soon must you make a report in your nearest provincial or municipal police officer?
a. At once
b. Within 24 hours
c. Within 48 hours
d. Within 72 hours

a. Grace/Rock Road
b. Children Playing
c. Pedestrians ahead
d. Cross Walk
23. All lines, patterns, words, colors, or other gadgets except signs set into the surface or applied upon or attached to the pavement or
curbing or to objects within or adjacent to the roadway, officially placed for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic.
a. Pavement Markings
b. Traffic Signs
c. Traffic Directions
d. Traffic Markings
24. Maximum allowable speed for passenger’s car and motorcycles, on open country roads with no “Blind Corners” not closely
bordered by Habitations.
a. 80 km/ hour
b. 40 km/hour
c. 30 km/hour
d. 20 km/hour
25. Maximum allowable speed for motor trucks and buses on city and municipal streets with light traffic, when not designated “Through
a. 80 km/ hour
b. 40 km/hour
c. 30 km/hour
d. 20 km/hour
26. A power operated traffic control device by which traffic is warned or directed to take some specific action.
a. Traffic signs
b. Warning signs
c. Traffic islands
d. Traffic light signals
27. Prohibitive signs and restrictive signs shall have:
a. Green background with white and black symbols.
b. White background with black symbols and red border
c. Red background with white symbols and red border
d. Blue background with white symbols
28. It refers to the right to proceed ahead of another vehicle or pedestrian.
a. Right of way
b. Last clear chance
c. go
d. all of the above
29. The chronological arrangement of the color of the traffic lights from the top is:
a. yellow, red, green
b. red, yellow, green
c. green, red, yellow
d. green, yellow, red
30. While approaching an intersection, the green traffic light is on, however, a police officer suddenly proceed to the center and signals
you to stop. What you should do.
a. ignore the police officer and proceed with caution.
b. Ignore the traffic light and come to a full stop.
c. Ignore both the police officer and traffic light and cross the intersection.
d. Ignore the police officer and stop only when he will signal you to stop.
31. The arrangement of the traffic lights from the bottom is:
a. red, green yellow
b. yellow, red, green
c. red, yellow, green
d. green, yellow, red
32. Traffic signals which are designed to regulate and control traffic along traffic ways are referred to as:
a. traffic control signal
b. train approach signal
c. special pedestrian signal
d. road and traffic way signal light
33. Pedestrians when crossing on the road should use only the:
a. Pedestrian walk
b. Sidewalk
c. Crosswalk
d. Both A and C
34. When traversing on a solid yellow or white line with a dotted yellow or white line, you can overtake only when:
a. the solid line is in your lane
b. the dotted line is in your lane
c. oncoming traffic from the opposite direction is free from any hazard
d. the oncoming traffic is visible that no vehicle or whatever is coming from the opposite direction.
35. Pavement markings and markers indicate:
a. traffic flow regulation
b. prohibitions to motorists only
c. traffic laws for vehicles only
d. information for defensive driving
36. When a driver violated any of the provisions of the R.A. 4136, in exchange of his confiscated license, he should be issued with:
a. T.O.P b. T.V.R c. TCT d. Any of these
37. The color of the traffic light which is on after the green light is-
a. amber
b. red
c. brown
d. green
38. The color of the background for regulatory sign is-
a. blue
b. green
c. yellow
d. white
39. Which of the following traffic concepts instruct drivers and pedestrians when, how pedestrians move, not to move or stand steady
at a particular time.
a. traffic direction
b. traffic control
c. traffic direction and control
d. All of the above
40. How should a driver approach an intersection.
a. be at the right of way c. be at the full stop
b. give a signal d. overtake other vehicles

a. No Overtaking c. No Double Parking

b. No Passing d. Overtake other vehicles

a. Turn Left Ahead c. No Left Turn

b. Left Turn Ahead Mandatory d. Overtake other vehicles

a. Turn Left Ahead c. No Left Turn

b. Left Turn Ahead Mandatory d. Overtake other vehicles

a. No Entry c. No Entry Ahead

b. No Passing d. Straight ahead
44. c.

a. No Entry c. No Entry Ahead

b. No Passing d. Straight ahead
45. c.
a. Steady Red c. No Entry Ahead
b. Flashing Red Signal d. Traffic Light
46. c.

47. Mr. Sadia Sadiang-abay is a businessperson purchased a Ferrari in 2008 for his transportation business specifically for Taxi
Cab. Upon registration, Mr. Sadiang-abay motor vehicle was issued with Plate Number “FAX 429.” What month of the renewal
of vehicle registration is done every year?
a. July
b. August
c. September
d. October
48. Based on the above question. What is the exact week of the month that the registration of motor vehicle should renew before
it will expire?
a. 1st week
b. 2nd week
c. 3rd week
d. 4th week
49. If the plate number of a motor vehicle is TGP 688, what month should it be registered?
a. January
b. March
c. August
d. September
e. none of the above
50. It is a regulation which prescribes proper conduct and decorum during confrontation with or of traffic law.
a. Memorandum Circular 19-05
b. Memorandum Circular 19-005
c. Memorandum Circular 19-0005
d. Section 55 of R.A. 4136

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