Ohio COVID-19 Vaccination Draft Plan - Final DRAFT

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Vaccination Plan

Ohio Department of Health

OCTOBER 16, 2020 | DRAFT
Table of Contents
Record of Changes.......................................................................................................................................2
Instructions for Jurisdictions........................................................................................................................3
Section 1: COVID-19 Vaccination Preparedness Planning............................................................................4
Section 2: COVID-19 Organizational Structure and Partner Involvement....................................................8
Section 3: Phased Approach to COVID-19 Vaccination..............................................................................19
Section 4: Critical Populations...................................................................................................................22
Section 5: COVID-19 Provider Recruitment and Enrollment......................................................................25
Section 6: COVID-19 Vaccine Administration Capacity..............................................................................30
Section 7: COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation, Ordering, Distribution, and Inventory Management.................31
Section 8: COVID-19 Vaccine Storage and Handling..................................................................................33
Section 9: COVID-19 Vaccine Administration Documentation and Reporting...........................................37
Section 10: COVID-19 Vaccination Second-Dose Reminders.....................................................................40
Section 11: COVID-19 Requirements for IISs or Other External Systems...................................................41
Section 12: COVID-19 Vaccination Program Communication....................................................................45
Section 13: Regulatory Considerations for COVID-19 Vaccination.............................................................49
Section 14: COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring.....................................................................................51
Section 15: COVID-19 Vaccination Program Monitoring...........................................................................52

Record of Changes
Date of original version:

Date Change Date of Description of Change Name of

Reviewed Number Change Author

Instructions for Jurisdictions
The COVID-19 Vaccination Plan template is to assist with development of a jurisdiction’s COVID-19
vaccination plan. Jurisdictions should use this template when submitting their COVID-19 vaccination
plans to CDC.

The template is divided into 15 main planning sections, with brief instructions to assist with content
development. While these instructions may help guide plan development, they are not comprehensive,
and jurisdictions are reminded to carefully review the CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program Interim
Playbook for Jurisdiction Operations as well as other CDC guidance and resources when developing their
plans. Jurisdictions are encouraged to routinely monitor local and federal COVID-19 vaccination updates
for any changes in guidance, including any updates to the CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program Interim
Playbook for Jurisdiction Operations.

Section 1: COVID-19 Vaccination Preparedness Planning

A. Describe your early COVID-19 vaccination program planning activities, including lessons learned
and improvements made from the 2009 H1N1 vaccination campaign, seasonal influenza
campaigns, and other responses to identify gaps in preparedness.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the State of Ohio has led a robust response to
the virus focusing on education, prevention, testing, tracing and treatment, setting an example
for the rest of the country. Ohio responded quickly to COVID-19 by organizing a multi-agency
and collaborative unified response team comprising of individuals from the Governor’s Office,
Emergency Management Agency, the Ohio Department of Health, and others to ensure the
identification of priorities, and rapid problem-solving. Our first priorities included creating a
comprehensive hospital and health care response plan, addressing the unique needs of
congregate settings, establishing a comprehensive PPE procurement plan, and creating a data
infrastructure to help inform decisions and ensure public transparency.

The state acted quickly and decisively to control the spread of the virus and responsibly reopen,
through the early implementation of stay at home orders and business restrictions. Ohio’s
economy is showing signs of recovery, adding 45,500 jobs in August. When the national ‘surge’
in new cases began in July, Ohio had already begun ramping up testing capacity.  In September,
Ohio achieved a 7-day average of 31.5 thousand COVID-19 tests administered per day, with a
positivity rate below 3%.1 The creation of a statewide distribution infrastructure, limiting virus
spread, successful phased-in reopening, deployment of PPE and supplies, establishment of a
public engagement strategy and public trust together set the stage for Ohio to launch a
comprehensive COVID-19 vaccination program, bringing an end to the COVID-19 pandemic in
the state.

As the state prepares for the approval and delivery of a vaccine, the state’s key priorities remain
to flatten the epidemiologic curve, limiting the spread of COVID-19 and saving lives. Through the
rigorous and proactive implementation of a comprehensive vaccine delivery program, Ohio will
once again lead the nation with its public health response.

The Ohio Department of Health Immunization Program and Bureau of Health Preparedness have
been collaborating on pandemic plans along with local health departments and other partners
since the 2009 H1N1 vaccination campaign, including most recently a response to a surge in
Hepatitis A cases beginning in April 2018.

In early March, the State of Ohio created a standalone, dedicated entity to coordinate and lead
the end-to-end pandemic response and report directly to the Office of Governor Mike DeWine.
This structure, the Governor’s Pandemic Response and Recovery Leadership Team, is led by
Adjutant General of Ohio John C. Harris and includes senior leaders from numerous
organizations, including but not limited to: Ohio Governor’s Office, Ohio Department of Health,

Methodology limitation to note: positivity rate is connected to number of tests administered

Ohio Emergency Management Agency, Ohio National Guard, and Ohio Bureau of Workers’
Compensation. In March, members of the Ohio Department of Health began reviewing lessons
learned from H1N1 and flu vaccination campaigns and started preparing for a COVID-19
vaccination campaign.

Beginning in mid-August, the Ohio Department of Health began a weekly strategy meeting with
broad representation from various programs and sections in the department about COVID-19
vaccination. Beginning in early September, the Governor’s Pandemic Response and Recovery
Leadership Team stood up a Vaccine Preparedness Office, which is a subcommittee of senior
leaders, project managers, and subject matter experts dedicated to vaccination program
planning. This team includes Ohio Department of Health Interim Director Lance Himes, senior
Department of Health Immunization Program Chiefs, public sector operations experts from the
Ohio Emergency Management Agency, and others. The team is charged with vaccination
program planning and readiness across each step in the vaccine lifecycle (from site enrollment
and registration to tracking and funding). In referencing the 2009 H1N1 vaccination campaign,
seasonal influenza campaign knowledge, Hepatitis A campaign learnings, federal guidance, and
expert knowledge (e.g., university centers), the team identified unique issues that will define the
scope and complexity of this vaccination effort in order to proactively address them. These

- Pace of vaccine development multiple times faster than any previous effort.
- Scale of vaccine administration multiple times larger given aspirations for broad vaccine
adoption and necessity to track adult vaccinations.
- Complexity of vaccines exceeds any other set of vaccines as multiple products may come to
market together with differences in administration (e.g., second-dose), transport
requirements, and storage protocols (e.g., freezer, ultra-cold).
- Increasing vaccine hesitancy (e.g., 50% of Americans report they are unsure or would refuse
being vaccinated2).
- Impact the vaccination has on lives and livelihoods as broad vaccination will play a role in
both limiting the virus’s spread as well as enabling continued economic reopening.
- Urgency for accelerated flu vaccination to prevent concurrent peaks in administration and
mitigate potential risk of simultaneous flu and COVID-infected patients; and resulting
impacts on healthcare capacity.
- Anticipating public perception about a new vaccine and initiation of the necessary efforts to
ensure maximum participation and health equity in the campaign.

Finally, previous vaccination campaigns have strengthened relationships between the Ohio
Department of Health, local health departments, and some new partners, such as correctional
facilities and behavioral health centers. These relationships will benefit the state during the
COVID-19 vaccination response.

As far as H1N1 lessons learned, the Association of Ohio Health Commissioners (AOHC), in
collaboration with researchers from The Ohio State University’s (OSU) College of Public Health’s
Center for Public Health Practice and The University of Cincinnati’s College of Medicine,
developed and implemented a comprehensive H1N1 response evaluation project. This dynamic
The AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research; National Governor’s Association

evaluation system addresses a broad array of public health emergency response operational
issues, best practices, and challenges faced in providing essential public health services to
Ohioans during a pandemic. Six capabilities are addressed including: 1) Mass Vaccination, 2)
Volunteer Management, 3) Community Mitigation, 4) Interoperable Communications, 5) Risk
Communications, and 6) Epidemiologic Surveillance and Investigation. Sixty-one local public
health departments in the State of Ohio voluntarily participated in the evaluation, providing
data for phase one (August – December 2009) and phase two (January – March 2010). Findings
provided in this report include qualitative data analysis which is intended to give an in-depth
understanding of how things developed and were managed over the 2009-2010 H1N1 mass
vaccination response.

Several overarching themes did emerge from the analysis of the evaluation data collected for
this project. These themes can serve as touchstones for future policy adaptations that will allow
for even greater effectiveness in mounting the public health response for future emergencies,
such as COVID-19. These themes are described below.


Consistency of information was a significant issue throughout the six month data evaluation
period data. Of critical importance was that public health emergencies are fluid, constantly
changing with the passage of time. As new information and best practices regarding response
emerge, local public health officials are charged with implementing real-time responses to
maximize public health protections. Communications are central to effective response plans.
These communications are multi-directional including within the workforce (up and down the
chain of command), across affiliated organizational partners, between media, and to the general
public. Of particular importance is that local area leadership be afforded the flexibility in
establishing and implementing methods that best serve the populations they serve. Local area
leadership will be given the flexibility to tailor messages to their particular audiences. Therefore,
Ohio is emphasizing the importance of communications and stakeholder engagement
throughout the COVID-19 vaccination deployment efforts.

Training and Education:

Advanced preparation as well as just-in-time training are essential for future public health
emergency response operations. Maintaining core clinical skillsets within the public health
workforce as well as available volunteers are equally essential. Local leadership must continue
to be vigilant about maintaining fundamental, basic clinical skill sets and assure the workforce is
appropriately trained. Given the immediacy and complexity of the H1N1 immunization
response, the ability to reach out to volunteer workers within the community was instrumental.
The clear and consistent message received in their public health practice response was that the
volunteer base was less than sufficient to meet community-level needs during a large scale
response. Databases and systems to coordinate voluntary workers need to be improved in an
intentional and on-going systematic manner. Education differs from training. Training can be
understood as hands-on, skill-set oriented, and/or process outcomes-oriented. Education is
more overarching, encompassing understanding and awareness among individuals. As
demonstrated in this evaluation, there are different levels of educational needs and educational
resources. Messages are dynamic; changing with time. Although both training and education are

active, it is important to recognize that training is skills-based and should be assured in a
systematic on-going manner. Education is multi-directional and needs to be implemented in
effective and responsive ways. From these lessons learned, Ohio is planning robust trainings,
especially for local partners and providers, to ensure adequate preparation.


Finally, coordination of activities in a changing, complex, and dynamic environment is critical.

Articulation and awareness of the Incident Command System (ICS) protocols are necessary but
not sufficient, full and effective communications are required throughout the multiple-evolved
communities and are necessary to inform, engage, and evolve the community-wide system
stakeholders. A consistent theme over the course of the evaluation period was fear and concern
over conflicting and/or changing information being directed at the public by public health
information officers, the media, schools, and a host of other sources. An effective
communication plan requires transparency, full participation, centralization, and coordination.
Above all, the effective coordination of public health emergency response takes advanced
planning and effective coordination requires significant time and diligence. Ohio has applied this
lesson learned by launching communications and coordination early with various stakeholders
including local health departments. Specifically, the state is enrolling new COVID-19 vaccine
providers rather than locals have the responsibility to do so with the goal of increasing

B. Include the number/dates of and qualitative information on planned workshops or tabletop,

functional, or full-scale exercises that will be held prior to COVID-19 vaccine availability. Explain
how continuous quality improvement occurs/will occur during the exercises and implementation
of the COVID-19 Vaccination Program.

Prior to vaccine availability, vaccine preparedness leaders plan to hold a series of COVID-19
vaccine tabletop exercises to ensure that the team is prepared for a range of scenarios.
Participants in this exercise will include all relevant stakeholders in the State's Vaccine
Preparedness Office (Coordinators, Subject Matter Experts, Workstream Leads) and members of
the Governor’s Office, Ohio Department of Health, and the Pandemic Response and Recovery
Leadership Team. The Vaccine Preparedness Coordinators will develop a set of scenarios that
will include various factors (e.g. number of doses, cold chain requirements) for the group, which
will be split into teams, to practice deploying the planned responses to scenarios. This exercise
will include state-wide partners (e.g., members of external stakeholder committee, other agency
partners, healthcare providers, local leaders) to ensure coordination and preparedness and to
get their input in the planning process.

Based on responses from all teams, the group will review the results, consider the potential
implications, and discuss insights. The intended output of these exercises is to learn what
adjustments need to be made and what gaps exist.

The planned vaccine distribution phases will give Ohio’s public health officials opportunities to
learn and improve processes as the response expands to new providers and new patient

populations. Ohio will explicitly monitor lessons learned and reform the response as needed
based on early wave lessons learned. Vaccination activities around influenza vaccination will also
provide instructive insights.

This will be an ongoing process where feedback will be asked from partners, stakeholders, and
collaborators to continually improve Ohio’s preparedness and vaccine deployment.

Section 2: COVID-19 Organizational Structure and Partner Involvement


A. Describe your organizational structure.

Governor DeWine assembled a Pandemic Response and Recovery Leadership Team led by
Adjutant General John C. Harris and Interim Director of the Department of Health, Lance Himes
who, in turn, report to the Governor’s Office. Within this Pandemic Response Leadership Team,
there is a dedicated organizational structure for vaccine readiness activities:

1. Vaccine Preparedness Office (i.e., Planning and Coordination Team): Led by Adjutant
General John C. Harris and Interim Director of the Ohio Department of Health Lance
Himes, the state Vaccine Preparedness Office acts as an integrated entity coordinating
with the Governor’s office, the Governor’s Pandemic Response and Recovery Leadership
Team, and the Ohio Department of Health, and is dedicated to vaccination readiness
efforts. The office leverages consistent processes, meeting cadences, governance
channels, and decision-making criteria. In turn, the office achieves coordination across
various departments and agencies including: the Governor’s office, Ohio Department of
Health, Ohio National Guard, Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, and
Opportunities of Ohioans with Disabilities. The team has been assembled with input
from the Governor’s office and cabinet, Adjutant General, and the Director of Ohio
Department of Health.

2. Local Coordination Committee: Ohio is a home-rule state and local coordination is

critical. Given the complexity involved, Ohio is planning to make central
recommendations, following federal guidelines, on paths forward and ask for local
input. A Local Coordination Committee consisting of representatives from all local
departments of health will set clear responsibilities for local personnel and engage the
group for input on various topics (e.g., communications, population identification, site
identification) given their understanding of the unique opportunities and challenges in
their jurisdictions. Currently, the Ohio Department of Health Immunization Program and
Bureau of Health Preparedness staff have begun meeting weekly with local health
department colleagues for information-sharing and input to assist with their planning.
Vaccine Preparedness leaders have also launched regular meetings with health systems,
the Ohio Hospital Association, Ohio State Medical Association, pharmacy partners, and
other physician groups.

3. External Stakeholder Engagement and Outreach: The State of Ohio recognizes the
breadth of stakeholders and external collaboration necessary to plan and achieve a
successful vaccine deployment effort. In that regard, Ohio is planning to engage external
and community partners to support our various teams. Coordinated by leadership and a
team of stakeholder engagement advisors, representative of the spectrum of parties
needed to deploy vaccines will be engaged. The stakeholder outreach will include
representatives from the following:

 Emergency Management Agencies: Ohio Emergency Management Agency,

select county-level emergency management agencies (e.g., Hamilton,
Cuyahoga, Franklin);
 Healthcare Coalitions: Ohio Hospital Association, Ohio Children’s Hospital
Association, Ohio Medical Association, Ohio Osteopathic Association, Ohio
Association of Community Health Centers, county boards of Mental and
Behavioral Health, County Boards of Developmental Disabilities, Area Agencies
on Aging
 Immunization Coalitions: Adult Immunization Coalition of Central Ohio,
Fairfield Immunization Coalition, Greater Cincinnati Immunization Coalition,
ImmunizeOhio.org (i.e., Consortium for Health & Immunized Communities)
 Local Health Departments: Representatives from each of Ohio’s 113 local
health departments representing general health districts (county-level), city
health districts, and combined health districts (county and city-level)
 Rural Health Clinics: State Office of Rural Health (SORH)
 Pharmacies: Ohio Pharmacists Association, Board of Pharmacy
 Long-Term Care Facilities: Ohio Health Care Association (represents more than
1,000 assisted living communities, home care, and hospice service providers);
Leading Age Ohio; Ohio Assisted Living Association
 Aging Network: Ohio Department of Aging; Ohio Association of Area Agencies
on Aging; AARP Ohio
 Business and Occupational Health Organizations: Ohio Business Roundtable,
Ohio Chamber of Commerce, NFIB, Ohio Association of Occupational Health
Nurses, Society for Ohio Occupational Health Professionals
 Health Insurance Issuers and Plans: Ohio Association of Health Plans
 Education Agencies and Providers: Ohio Department of Education, Ohio
Department of Higher Education, select local school districts (t colleges and
universities. (
 Correctional Facilities: Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction
 Churches, Religious Leaders and Institutions: To be identified in local
jurisdictions as needed (e.g., mobile clinic, communications); Office of Faith
Based and Community Initiatives
 Organizations Serving Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups: Ohio Commission on
Minority Health, Ohio Latino Affairs Commission
 Organizations Serving People with Disabilities: Department of Developmental
Disabilities, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities

 Organizations Serving People with Limited English Proficiency: Lau Resource
Center for English Leaders (part of Ohio Department of Education), Office of
Opportunities for New Americans
 Community Representatives: To be identified in local jurisdictions as needed
(e.g., influencers, local politicians)
 Local Government entities: County Commissioners, Mayors
 Entities Involved in COVID-19 Testing Center Organization: The Governor’s
Pandemic Response and Recovery Leadership Team, who is coordinating the
vaccine deployment campaign, has and also continues to lead statewide testing

This list is an example of the entities the state of Ohio will engage and is not reflective of all of
the stakeholders that will have the opportunity to collaborate on vaccination distribution

Note: The State of Ohio does not currently plan to stand up a Tribal Communities Committee
separate of the tribal leaders representation in the proposed external committee (above) given
the low prevalence of tribal communities in the state.

B. Describe how your jurisdiction will plan for, develop, and assemble an internal COVID-19
Vaccination Program planning and coordination team that includes persons with a wide array of
expertise as well as backup representatives to ensure coverage.

The Vaccine Preparedness Office (VPO) consists of ten distinct workstreams to plan and validate
vaccine readiness across the entire lifecycle of a vaccine (from ordering, to distribution,
administration, funding, and tracking). The ten workstreams include:

 Project Management: Manage team structure, processes and workplan;

 Public Policy and Regulatory: Provide regulatory and legal input on all work;
 IT Infrastructure and Interoperability: Provide IT support to all workstreams;
 Flu Vaccine Delivery: Monitor opportunities and risks within influenza campaign;
 Ordering and Logistics: Coordinate all ordering, allocations and government interaction;
 Site Identification and Onboarding: Lead end-to-end provider strategy and readiness;
 Population Segmentation: Lead population identification per federal guidance;
 Public Communications: Address public concerns and questions regarding vaccination;
 Funding and Reimbursement: Address cost barriers to vaccination; and
 Tracking and Reporting: Ready all administrators and systems for CDC reporting needs.

Each workstream consists of a workstream project manager, a backup leader, and a team of
experts, analysts, and advisors from different agencies and departments who together
collaborate to complete necessary preparations. The Ohio Department of Health Immunization
Program is central to many of the workstreams and team structure.

C. Describe how your jurisdiction will plan for, develop, and assemble a broader committee of key
internal leaders and external partners to assist with implementing the program, reaching critical
populations, and developing crisis and risk communication messaging.

We will be engaging external partners in two ways – close stakeholder interactions workstream
by workstream and broad engagement via the stakeholder engagement and outreach team
referenced above.

 Workstream by Workstream: Each workstream project manager and team will be

required to identify relevant stakeholders to achieve workstream priorities (e.g., public
communications workstream would need to connect with local influencers, media
channels) and develop working cadences to receive input on work.

 External Stakeholder Outreach: The team will periodically send communications and/or
hold touchpoints with the broader stakeholder committee (or subsets thereof) to
receive input. The Governor’s Office also regularly updates a wide array of key
stakeholders on progress and priorities.

D. Identify and list members and relevant expertise of the internal team and the internal/external

Internal team consists of three primary groups:

Executive Sponsors. Primary leadership, overseeing all vaccine readiness work and reporting
directly to the Office of Governor Mike DeWine.

 Adjutant General John C. Harris, Ohio National Guard, Leader of the Governor’s
Pandemic Response and Recovery Leadership Team
 Interim Director Lance Himes, Ohio Department of Health
 Workstream Project Managers. Primary, day-to-day, leads for each workstream driving
on work and leveraging subject matter experts and external stakeholders, as needed.

Workstream Project Manager (i.e., Lead)

Project Management John Joseph
Immunization Program Chief
Ohio Department of Health

Simona Vaclavikova
State Partnership Program Advisor
Ohio Adjutant General’s Office
Public Policy and Matt Lampke
Regulatory Chief Legal Counsel
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities

Back-up: Bridget Harrison
Assistant Policy Director, Health and Human Services
Office of Governor Mike DeWine

Flu Vaccine Delivery Theresa Bonn

Health Services Policy Analyst
Ohio Department of Health

Back-up: John Joseph

Immunization Program Chief
Ohio Department of Health
Ordering and Logistics Ryan Morrison
Medical Countermeasure Coordinator
Ohio Department of Health

Back-up: Stephanie Poling

Office of Health Preparedness
Ohio Department of Health
Site Identification and Kristen Dickerson
Onboarding Statewide Manager of Health and Wellness
Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation

Back-up: Sarah Duade

Health Services Policy Analyst
Immunization Program
Ohio Department of Health
Population Segmentation Tiffany Huber
Program Administrator and Health Equity Specialist
Ohio Department of Health

Back-up: Brian Napier

Immunization Registry Manager
Ohio Department of Health
Public Communications, Fern Miele
Messaging, Education and Director of External Affairs
Stakeholder Engagement Special Olympics

Back-up and supervisor: Breann Almos

Communications Advisor
Office of the Governor

Funding and John Palermini

Reimbursement Senior Financial Manager
Ohio Office of Budget and Management

Back-up: Bridget Harrison

Assistant Policy Director, Health and Human Services

Office of Governor Mike DeWine
IT Infrastructure, Tracking Cynthia Lee
and Reporting Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities

Back-up and co-lead: Nate Huskey

Chief Information Officer
Ohio Department of Health

Laura Pientopol
Deputy Director
DAS InnovateOhio Platform

Subject Matter Experts. Key thought leaders with expertise in specific aspects of the
workstream, provide initial review and input as work is planned and started.

Workstream Subject Matter Experts and Contributors

Public Policy and Bridget Harrison
Regulatory Assistant Policy Director, Health and Human Services
Office of Governor Mike DeWine
Flu Vaccine Delivery John Joseph
Immunization Program Chief
Ohio Department of Health
Ordering and Logistics Tamara McBride
Chief of Health Preparedness
Ohio Department of Health

Holly Welch
Administrative Officer, Preparedness
Ohio Emergency Management Agency

Andrew Elder
Administrative Officer, Operations
Ohio Emergency Management Agency
Site Identification and Tamara McBride
Onboarding Chief of Health Preparedness
Ohio Department of Health

Dr. Mary Kate Francis

Interim Medical Director
Ohio Department of Health

Sarah Duade
Health Services Policy Analyst
Immunization Program
Ohio Department of Health

Stephanie Polling

Office of Health Preparedness
Ohio Department of Health

Wally Burden
Deputy Director, Health Policy and Planning
Ohio Department of Health

Russ Kennedy
Deputy Director, External Affairs
Ohio Department of Health
Population Segmentation Gene Phillips
Chief Bureau of Environmental Health & Radiation Protection
Ohio Department of Health

Sietske de Fijter
Chief, Bureau of Infection Diseases and State Epidemiologist
Ohio Department of Health

Brian Napier
Immunization Registry Manager
Ohio Department of Health
Public Communications, Breann Almos
Messaging, Education & Communications Advisor
Stakeholder Engagement Office of Governor Mike DeWine

Arundi Venkayya
Chief Communications Officer
Ohio Department of Health

Haylee Dunahay
Director of Coalitions
Office of the Governor

Russ Kennedy
Deputy Director, Director of External Affairs
Ohio Department of Health
Funding and Bridget Harrison
Reimbursement Assistant Policy Director, Health and Human Services
Office of Governor Mike DeWine

Anthony Perry
Chief Financial Officer
Ohio Department of Health
Tracking and Reporting Brian Fowler
Chief, Bureau of Informatics and Data Management
Ohio Department of Health

Nate Huskey
Chief Information Officer
Ohio Department of Health

Laura Pientopol
Deputy Director
DAS InnovateOhio Platform

External Stakeholder Engagement

Ohio will incorporate a team of stakeholder engagement advisors into the Public
Communications, Messaging and Education workstream. The team will focus on consistent,
timely outreach to organizations mentioned in 2a. They will also provide support to Ohio
officials in general and in specific workstreams, as necessary. Stakeholder outreach will be done
in close coordination with the communications team from the Office of the Governor.

Additionally, Ohio is consulting with leading scientists, doctors, and health experts who provide
support in advising on vaccine safety, efficacy, and other relevant topics.

E. Describe how your jurisdiction will coordinate efforts between state, local, and territorial

From the beginning of this pandemic, the Governor’s Office, the Ohio Department of Health, the
Emergency Management Agency, and our partner departments have been working
collaboratively, in partnership with Ohio’s 113 local health departments and local government
officials, to prepare and protect Ohioans. Meetings between officials with these organizations
occur regularly to align efforts, identify gaps and provide resources.

As Ohio prepares for COVID-19 vaccine distribution, this collaboration will continue and expand.
For example, staff from the Ohio Department of Health’s Immunization Program and Bureau of
Health Preparedness have begun weekly meetings to specifically coordinate with local health
department colleagues to share information and assist with planning. The local health
departments have registered with the Ohio Department of Health as COVID-19 vaccination
providers. Their experience in the registration process will help streamline and refine the
experience as the registry expands.

A coordination committee, comprised of local points of contact for all health districts, will be
created to streamline communication and logistical coordination between each district and the
state. At a leadership level, the Vaccine Preparedness Office and officials with the Ohio
Department of Health have met twice with the Ohio Hospital Association and leads from the
state’s three hospital zones to leverage their expertise and experience in the planning process.
Periodic meetings of these groups will continue.

The Governor’s Office will continue to lead the effort to coordinate and communicate with local
government leaders in parallel with the Ohio Department of Health working with local health
departments to continue a unified effort to fight COVID-19.

F. Describe how your jurisdiction will engage and coordinate efforts with leadership from tribal
communities, tribal health organizations, and urban Indian organizations.

Ohio has no recognized tribes with whom to engage and does not plan to stand up a tribal
committee. That being said, through our external stakeholder committee, we will ensure that
any tribal citizens who live in Ohio, as well as tribal community organizers will be included as
required. We will also charge our local coordination committee members to raise any tribal
considerations or contacts as we begin to progress on deployment readiness.

G. List key partners for critical populations that you plan to engage and briefly describe how you
plan to engage them, including but not limited to:

Per the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine’s Committee on Equitable
Allocation of Vaccine – Ohio is preparing to deploy the COVID-19 vaccine to the following groups
as critical populations, organized in the Phase groupings provided:

Phase Group
Phase 1A  High-risk healthcare workers
 First responders

Phase 1B  Older adults living in congregate or overcrowded settings

 People at significantly higher risk due to comorbid or underlying

Phase 2  Critical risk workers essential to society (e.g., healthcare and public
health operations and human services operations) and at high risk of
 Teachers and school staff
 People of all ages with comorbid and underlying conditions 3
 All older adults not included in Phase 1
 People in homeless shelters
 People in group homes for individuals with physical or mental
disabilities or in recovery
 People and staff in prisons, jails, detention centers

As minority populations have higher prevalence of comorbidities, minority populations and health equity will be integrated
into planning for this phase

Phase 3  Young adults
 Children
 Workers in industries and occupations important to the functioning of
society and at increased risk of exposure and not included in phases 1
and 2
Phase 4  Everyone else residing in Ohio who did not have access to the vaccine in
previous phases.

With this in mind, we plan to engage the following critical population groups in order to 1)
ensure current location identification methods accurately 2) determine proper administration
channels 3) collaborate on potential concerns or questions to address and 4) review any
additional barriers that specific groups may face in receiving the vaccinations.

The State of Ohio will assess the application of this framework to the needs of Ohioans and
supplement with additional considerations, e.g., the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on
minority communities, with the advisement of the Governor’s Minority Health Strike Force.

Table. Partners for each critical population group on the items above:

Critical group Key partners to engage

Healthcare  Ohio Hospital Association
facility  Ohio Children’s Hospital Association
workers  Ohio Association of Ambulatory Surgery Centers
 Ohio Association of Occupational Health Nurses
 Society for Ohio Occupational Health Professionals
 Governor DeWine’s Minority Health Strike Force
First  Ohio Association of Emergency Medical Services
responders  Ohio Department of Public Safety
 Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police
 Ohio Small Police Department Association
 Ohio State Highway Patrol
 Ohio Fire Chiefs Association
 County and City Police Departments
 County and City Fire Departments
 Governor DeWine’s Minority Health Strike Force

Individuals  MyCare Ohio (State Medicaid and Medicare Services)

with comorbid  Ohio Department of Aging
or underlying  Ohio Council for Home Care and Hospice
conditions  Governor DeWine’s Minority Health Strike Force

Individuals  Ohio Health Care Association

living in  LeadingAge Ohio

congregate or  Ohio Assisted Living Association
overcrowded  Nursing Home and Long-Term Care Facilities
settings  Ohio Department of Health Nursing Home Regulatory Program
 Ohio Department of Medicaid
 Ohio Department of Aging
Critical risk Plan to identify employers and organizing bodies of the following list of
workers (i.e., critical industries, per CISA Critical Infrastructure Workers guidance:
essential to  Communications
society, high  Chemicals
exposure risk)  Critical Manufacturing
 Commercial Facilities / critical trades
 Dams
 Defense Industrial Base
 Energy
 Financial
 Food & Agriculture (including grocery stores) and food production
 Government Facilities/utilities
 Nuclear Reactors, Materials and Waste
 Utilities (e.g., water, sewer, gas, electric)
 Information Technology
 Transportation Systems
Teachers and  Ohio Department of Education
school staff  Ohio Department of Higher Education
 Ohio Education Association
 Local School Districts (e.g., Columbus City, Cleveland Municipal,
Cincinnati City, Akron City, Toledo City, South-Western City, Olentangy
Local, Lakota Local, Hilliard City, Dublin City, Westerville City, Dayton
City, others)
 Colleges and Universities (e.g., The Ohio State University, University of
Cincinnati, Ohio University, Kent State University, Columbus State
Community College, Cuyahoga Community College, University of
Toledo, Miami University, University of Akron, Sinclair Community
College, Bowling Green State University, others)
 Governor DeWine’s Minority Health Strike Force
Individuals in  Ohio Development Services Agency (Homeless and Supportive Housing
homeless Programs Division)
shelters  Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio
 Governor DeWine’s Minority Health Strike Force

Individuals in  Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction

prisons, jails or  Ohio Department of Youth Services
detention  Governor DeWine’s Minority Health Strike Force

Section 3: Phased Approach to COVID-19 Vaccination

A. Describe how your jurisdiction will structure the COVID-19 Vaccination Program around the
three phases of vaccine administration:

As Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance outlines, COVID-19 vaccination
will occur in three main phases defined by supply availability and targeted populations. The CDC
has advised that the approach to COVID-19 vaccine deployment will occur in phases where the
first phase will have very limited doses available that scale quickly. The second phase will include
mass vaccination reaching a peak of vaccination numbers. The third phase will stabilize to a
long-term steady state vaccination campaign such that people will get boosters or the initial
vaccine as needed. The State of Ohio has structured the work in these three phases by
maintaining team structure, responsibilities, roles, and actions while expanding the scope of
infrastructure readiness required in each phase. In particular, Ohio is focused on swift
administration during the first phase to identified high-risk populations. However, the state is
focused on securing the infrastructure to smooth the transition to a higher volume of vaccine
administration required in phase 2. Below are some illustrative details:

o The Population Segmentation Workstream will employ the same tools and processes
by which to identify target populations location and density and simply change the
target populations being addressed phase by phase (e.g., high-risk healthcare workers in
Phase 1A, older adults in congregate settings in Phase 1B per NESM);

o The Site Identification and Onboarding Workstream will maintain the same process of
identifying, onboarding, and validating administration sites from phase to phase but will
expand the number of providers over phases as new critical population groups are
added and the program scales to reach all Ohioans(i.e., all residing in the US);

o The Ordering and Logistics Workstream will ensure that the same storage, handling,
and distribution tactics being undertaken in Phase 1A channels (e.g., central depot) are
being employed and carried over in any new distribution pathways (e.g., health
systems). Ordering may become democratized and provider-led in the future;

o The Public Communications, Messaging, Education and Stakeholder Engagement

Workstream will maintain the same core messages prepared in early phases but expand
and change communications channels, and external partners to reach target
populations; outreach to external partners will be broad and proactive as well as more
targeted in order to address operational needs of each workstream.

In addition, the State of Ohio will create clear markers by which to determine when planning is
beginning to approach subsequent phases to ensure visibility and forward-planning into the
body of work. Markers the State of Ohio will track will be based on:

o The supply of vaccine nationally and supply allocated to the State of Ohio.
o The percentage and locations of target populations vaccinated, organized by Phase.

Finally, as the State of Ohio begins to reach the latter stages of Phase 3, the team will plan to
begin shifting focus to transitioning COVID-19 vaccines to a steady state, annual model. The
State of Ohio will model the structure off of annual influenza campaigns and address any unique
differences COVID-19 vaccines may offer (e.g., second-dose need).

As for specific actions and approach within each phase, please refer below for current proposed
actions in phase 1 and 2 of the vaccination campaign. Please also reference Table 1 which can
serve as an example of how Ohio could frame approach during phase 1.

Phase 1:
According to CDC guidance, the vaccine may be available in limited quantities initially.

Ohio plans to begin with the vaccination of high-risk health care workers and first responders
during this phase4.

The state is currently reviewing three potential administration and distribution strategies for
phase 1A vaccination. These are all outlined below in Table 1: Phase 1A Deployment Options.

Ohio expects that as the above actions are occurring, the vaccine will be shipped by the federal
government directly to pharmacy chains who will then vaccinate patients and perhaps staff in
long-term care facilities. However, recent guidance from the CDC indicates that the timing of
this may be in question5. If pharmacies are not included as administration sites for CDC direct
shipments, Ohio will determine the best way to reach Ohioans who may not easily be able to
access regional/hub--based administration sites through redistribution efforts based on Ohio
capabilities and needs.

Table. Phase 1A Deployment Options

Option Administration Distribution

One Health System/Hospital Regional Open Direct shipment to providers


Two Broad collection of open points of Direct ship to state Receipt, Store, Ship

Per NASEM and CDC guidance
Per CDC weekly jurisdiction call on 9/30/2020

dispensing (POD) provider sites (RSS) warehouse (i.e., central depot),
(prioritized by capabilities, critical subsequent redistribution among
populations reached and willingness providers
to administer) could include:

 Health systems and hospitals

 Commercial and independent
 Local departments of health

Three Hybrid approach: Direct ship to health systems/hospitals

 Health System/Hospital Regional RSS redistribution model for additional

Open PODs (prioritized) providers
 Additional providers (e.g., local
departments of health,
pharmacies) as needed to fill
reach gaps

For phase 1B, the plan is to retain one of the operating models of phase 1A with a transition
increasingly towards direct shipment to providers as more doses and vaccine products are
available and the ability to direct ship smaller dose sizes increase (e.g., minimum shipments of
100 doses).

Overall, Ohio’s preferred approach that is actively being pursed is option 3, which is a hybrid of
direct-ship and RSS redistribution to enable broader reach to more Ohioans. In this option, Ohio
would redistribute some vaccine through the RSS to local partners (e.g., local departments of
health or pharmacies) as need to reach high-risk populations (e.g., LTCF staff).

Phase 2:

As vaccine supply increases, Ohio will support the prioritization of COVID-19 vaccine distribution
to more populations. Ohio will expand providers as necessary to ensure effective and equitable
access to vaccines. Reliance on RSS redistribution, if any, will be lowered as we expect minimum
orders to decrease with greater vaccine availability and approvals of non-ultra-cold vaccines.

Phase 3:

As Phase 3 approaches, Ohio will continue expanding to all providers who are interested and
capable to administer. All shipments are expected to be direct to the providers and

redistribution will be providers’ responsibility (after state has validated capabilities and provided

Section 4: Critical Populations


A. Describe how your jurisdiction plans to: 1) identify, 2) estimate numbers of, and 3) locate (e.g.,
via mapping) critical populations. Critical population groups may include:

As outlined in the question above, Ohio dividing critical populations planning in three steps,

o Identify: Determine specific populations CDC has suggested for phases 1A/1B and where
they are in Ohio and how to reach them.
o Estimate: Determine how to estimate number and density of critical populations.
o Locate: Map number and density of critical populations on a county-level.

On the “identify” component, Ohio will reference on recommendations from the CDC and
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine’s Committee on Equitable Allocation
of Vaccine on population criticality and prioritization. Our current planning approach for Phase
1A, Phase 1B, and Phase 2 can be found in the answer of Question 2G above. Ohio may augment
these recommendations to meet the specific needs of Ohioans.

Regarding components of “estimate” and “locate”, Ohio, with support from third-parties, has
prepared a robust vaccine deployment analytical tool. One of the tool’s capabilities is the ability
to select specific critical population groups and size and locate them based on publicly available
census, medical claims, labor, and school district and university enrollment data.

The tool can currently filter on the following populations (per phase 1A, 1B and 2 population
groups the Committee on Equitable Allocation of Vaccine have developed). The population was
segmented on a county-by-county level using data from medical claims, Bureau of Labor
Statistics, U.S. Census, and CMS COVID-19 nursing home data. To avoid double-counting when
multiple segments are selected, logic was applied to sub-segment populations and conservative
estimates taken. For example, using Agency for Health Research and Quality estimates of the
percentage of the population at each age group with multiple chronic conditions, and census
data on the age distributions of each occupation, we estimated the number of people in each
occupation with multiple chronic medical conditions and subtracted that number from the
“moderately high risk” population on a county-by-county level; using medical claims data and
census data on age distributions of each occupation, we subtracted high-risk populations from
those in the 55-65 and 65+ and so on. Below is the full list of populations segmented with sub-
segments noted where relevant:
o Healthcare High Risk Workers – Clinical Elective

o Healthcare High Risk Workers – Clinical Non-Elective
o Healthcare High-Risk Workers – Nurses
o Healthcare High-Risk Workers – Nursing Support Staff
o Healthcare High-Risk Workers – Technicians
o Healthcare High-Risk Workers – Therapists
o First Responders
o Nursing Home Residents
o Significant High-Risk Population (defined as people of all ages with cancer, liver disease,
COPD, kidney disease or heart failure, minus nursing home residents)
o Critical Workers at High-Risk (defined as workers who are both in industries essential to
the functioning of the society and at substantially high risk of exposure to COVID-19)
o Teachers and School Staff
o Moderately High-Risk Population (defined as people of all age with asthma, diabetes,
hypertension, or Ischemic heart disease who did not have any conditions that would put
them at significantly high risk, and were not in any high-risk occupation)
o Other Institutionalized Population (defined as all congregate settings other than nursing
homes, e.g. prisons, homeless shelters, psychiatric hospitals etc.)
o Incarcerated Population (65+ Age)
o 55-65 Age (Non-High-Risk i.e. population aged 55-65 minus those with high risk medical
conditions or in high risk occupations)
o 65+ Age (Non-High-Risk i.e. population aged 65+ minus those with high risk medical
conditions or in high risk occupations)
o College Enrollments

In addition, vaccine administration will be assessed using the CDC’s Social Vulnerability Index
both a priori when deciding geographic distribution of vaccines and post-hoc to ensure that
state’s goals to protect the most-at-risk and vulnerable Ohioans are upheld. The Ohio
Department of Health Equity Specialists will collaborate with the Governor’s Minority Health
Strike Force to ensure that there is equitable access to vaccines, especially for racial and ethnic

B. Describe how your jurisdiction will define and estimate numbers of persons in the critical
infrastructure workforce, which will vary by jurisdiction.

The definition of critical workforce categories has been identified and previously established
according to Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and CDC. The team has
begun estimating the number of and locations of critical infrastructure workers in Ohio,
specifically in the population group “Critical Workers at High-Risk” which contains the following:

All occupations involved in food services, funerals and morticians, rehabilitation and substance
use, child, family, mental health, school and community social workers, utilities (e.g., water,
sewer, power), janitors and cleaners (excluding maids and housekeepers), courts and municipal
clerks, postal services, couriers and messengers, aircraft and automotive services, bus drivers
and transit, including flight attendants. To estimate the number of critical workforce by
jurisdiction, the team will:

 Utilize an ODH Bureau of Health Preparedness survey to local health department grant
recipients requiring identification of all critical workforce. The survey responses will
cover all 113 jurisdictions. Results will be available by October 21 st.
 Use identified SME’s to report number of critical workforce by jurisdiction for phases
that follow.
 Conduct additional research as necessary in collaboration with community partners to
identify the number of workers who meet criteria established for Phase 1A and Phase

C. Describe how your jurisdiction will determine additional subset groups of critical populations if
there is insufficient vaccine supply.

In preparation for an event in which the State of Ohio’s allocation is insufficient, the team is
beginning to break priority populations into further sub-groups when possible (e.g., high-risk
healthcare workers split by role above) and is planning to continue to break groups down to
their most granular level of separation.

To aid more granular population segmentation under conditions of resource constraints,

additional characteristics of counties were examined:

o CDC’s Social Vulnerability Index: to assist in identifying geographies / populations with

vulnerabilities or structural disadvantages (e.g., low access to healthcare, or populations
disproportionately affected by COVID-19 such as minorities)
o Current COVID-19 spread rates: to identify which geographies are at highest risk of
continued growth in spread (tracked by state and available on coronavirus.ohio.gov)
o Population density: to identify locations where social distancing may be most
challenging for individuals
o Historical flu vaccination rates: to potentially identify areas where vaccination rates may
be higher or there might be other structural challenges

Ohio will consider these factors in addition to the population segmentation guidance provided
by NSEM, CDC, and ASIP. In the case that insufficient vaccine supply exists, Ohio will reference
the most current CDC and Committee on Equitable Allocation of Vaccines guidance, and engage
senior members of the Department of Health and statewide experts to prioritize within
subgroups. These leaders include, but are not limited to: Lance Himes (Interim Director) Mary
Kate Francis, M.D. (Interim Medical Director), Sietske de Fijter (Chief, Bureau of Infectious
Diseases and State Epidemiologist) and members of our health equity team.

D. Describe how your jurisdiction will establish points of contact (POCs) and communication
methods for organizations, employers, or communities (as appropriate) within the critical
population groups.

As outlined in the answers for Question 2A and 2G, Ohio is planning to engage external
stakeholders through two avenues: workstream-by-workstream connections and representation
on the external stakeholders committee.

To establish the primary points of contact at each of these organizations, employers, and
community groups, the team plans to prepare an outline of the type of roles and responsibilities
a point of contact will have in support of both workstreams and by joining the external
stakeholders committee. The team will then send requests for support to all organizations,
employers, and groups asking for one point of contact to serve as a representative on the
external stakeholders committee. This representative can serve as the initial point of contact in
case any workstream requires input from an external body. In the case that the point of contact
cannot provide the input requested, s/he can identify additional individuals to support the
specific workstream at hand (i.e., in turn, developing the workstream-by-workstream
connections outlined above).

Section 5: COVID-19 Provider Recruitment and Enrollment


A. Describe how your jurisdiction is currently recruiting or will recruit and enroll COVID-19
vaccination providers and the types of settings to be utilized in the COVID-19 Vaccination
Program for each of the previously described phases of vaccine availability, including the process
to verify that providers are credentialed with active, valid licenses to possess and administer

The State of Ohio recognizes that vaccination provider recruitment and enrollment is one of the
most critical activities to facilitate a successful vaccination campaign. Ohio plans to:

1. Define Criteria: Determine the requirements and capabilities that a potential COVID-19
vaccine provider requires, including but not limited to: location, populations reached,
throughput, storage, licenses and credentials.

2. Provider Listing and Outreach: Having created a comprehensive criteria list for a potential
candidate, the team will create and manage a reference list of all potential providers in the
state. These providers could include, but are not limited to: local departments of health,
healthcare systems, pharmacies (independent, large chains, grocery stores), long-term care
facilities, community health centers (Federally Qualified Health Centers and Regional Health
Centers), emergency medical services (EMS), correctional facilities, behavioral health and
rehabilitation centers and Ohio Department of Health Internal Constituents (e.g., VFC
Program, Perinatal Hepatitis B Program). The state will proactively reach out to these groups
through a communication campaign to facilitate registration.

3. Candidate Registration: The Ohio Department of Health Immunization Program has
developed a registration website (accessible here6) to gather provider information and
facilitate COVID-19 vaccine provider enrollment. The provider will be prompted to register
online and answer questions referencing necessary capabilities, guidelines, and enrollment
forms the CDC has provided.

4. Candidate Approval and Onboarding: Having received registration responses, the VPO will
review all submitted information and signed agreements, confirming or creating a provider
profile in ImpactSIIS, Ohio’s Immunization Information System, and will allow the site to
place vaccine orders and report administered doses.

5. Candidate Training and Validation: The Ohio Department of Health Immunization Program
will create process, administration, and IT (e.g., ImpactSIIS user) training for all providers to
ensure readiness and understanding of their role as a vaccine provider – working primarily
with the provider’s primary and back-up “Vaccine Coordinators” as primary points of
contact. Project staff will assist in this training. Additionally, at times, it will be required that
staff visit and validate provider capabilities and identify gaps (e.g., storage issues) that will
need to be addressed before final confirmation.

B. Describe how your jurisdiction will determine the provider types and settings that will administer
the first available COVID-19 vaccine doses to the critical population groups listed in Section 4.

Provider types are predetermined per federal guidance. Providers and settings will be
determined and enrolled based on their eligibility and ability to safely and effectively administer
the COVID-19 vaccine. As follows, the Ohio Department of Health will be deploying a standard
and transparent approach that will determine the number of vaccines each provider will receive
in any given shipment cycle (in particular, during early, limited-dose phases). This approach will
take provider characteristics into account as they relate to location, throughput, storage and
handling capabilities, and access to vulnerable populations. More detail on this algorithm is
located in the answer to question 7A.

For example, Ohio will employ a capabilities and catchment areas analysis to determine which
provider types will administer the first available vaccines. The process is as follows:
o At the start of each order approval and shipment cycle, Ohio will measure the priority
populations locations by county – taking into account any existing vaccine uptake from
previous cycles.

o Leverage an additional capability of the aforementioned vaccine deployment analytics

tool, Ohio will then overlay priority populations by approved providers. Estimating a
one-hour drive catchment area, provider throughput and county need, Ohio will
determine the set of providers that will receive vaccines in the coming shipment cycle
and amount of orders (i.e., vaccines) to approve for each. Potential participation as an


open administration point of distribution will be discussed with providers in advance
and it is the expectation that not all providers will participate.

After eligibility has been determined and providers have completed their enrollment as a
registered, and CDC approved, COVID-19 administration site, Ohio will determine based on
geography, patients and communities served, and ability to reach Ohioans within critical
segments of the population most at risk, an appropriate selection of providers to administer the
vaccine in early phases of deployment. As the vaccine becomes more available and deployment
reaches more Ohioans, it is expected that all registered and licensed providers who would like to
administer the vaccine will be able to.

C. Describe how provider enrollment data will be collected and compiled to be reported
electronically to CDC twice weekly, using a CDC-provided Comma Separated Values (CSV) or
JavaScript (JSON) template via a SAMS-authenticated mechanism.

Ohio is currently pursuing the implementation of a web-based tool to efficiently collect provider
enrollment information for the 2,000-5,000 providers who will be enrolling as pandemic vaccine
providers. Providers will be able to submit both the required data fields and signed provider
agreements. Ohio will export the CDC-required data from that system.

D. Describe the process your jurisdiction will use to verify that providers are credentialed with
active, valid licenses to possess and administer vaccine.

During the registration process, medical license and distribution information will be gathered
from each provider that is registered into the pandemic vaccine program. During review, the
Ohio Department of Health staff will verify the license against the Board of Pharmacy and
Medical Board databases to assure it is valid and current.

E. Describe how your jurisdiction will provide and track training for enrolled providers and list
training topics.

Ohio will be providing educational presentations for providers to review. Providers will be
attesting to the fact that they reviewed and are familiar with this information as part of the
registration process. Educational material, or links to the material, will be provided on Ohio
Department of Health website.

Each provider will be required to review general, administration, and IT educational materials
before receiving final confirmation and inclusion in the COVID-19 Vaccination Program. The Ohio
Department of Health will track completed training via a master provider reference list.

Training will be grouped into three components:

o General: Training on all general and operational components of the COVID-19
Vaccination Program. This includes, but is not limited to: role and responsibility mapping
with state and local COVID-19 Vaccination Program leads, ACIP vaccine
recommendations (when available), vaccine storage, handling and transport
requirements, management of vaccine inventory (including assessing and managing
product expiration dates), temperature excursion management, vaccine
wastage/spoilage documentation and reporting, safety monitoring and adverse events
reporting, provision of Emergency Use Authorization information sheets and Vaccine
Information statement information sheets to vaccine recipients, submitting information
to CDC’s VaccineFinder (particularly for pharmacies), communications protocols,
allocation and ordering, and other operations topics;

o Administration: Healthcare workforce education on the vaccine including, but not

limited to: reconstitution, use of appropriate needle size, anatomic sites for vaccine
administration, avoiding shoulder injury with vaccine administration, and expected
common patient questions and answers.

o IT: Training on how to document and report vaccine administration. Training will aim to
familiarize providers with entering provider and vaccine administration data into
ImpactSIIS, Ohio’s Immunization Information System. Education and guidance
documents will be provided during the enrollment process and updated as COVID-19
vaccine information is added to the system. Ohio will also offer educational webinars for
providers and post webinar recordings.

F. Describe how your jurisdiction will approve planned redistribution of COVID-19 vaccine (e.g.,
health systems or commercial partners with depots, smaller vaccination providers needing less
than the minimum order requirement).

Currently, the only planned redistribution of vaccine is from the state Receipt, Store, and Stage
(RSS) Warehouse. Warehouse staff, experienced in vaccine storage and handling, will take large
orders and repackage them in smaller amounts more appropriate to areas with less population
to ensure more equitable access to the vaccine.

Local health departments wanting to redistribute vaccine will work with state staff to ensure
their procedures meet CDC guidelines, and Ohio will encourage direct shipments to approved
providers as the preferred method. Any provider that redistributes COVID-19 vaccine will be
required to sign the CDC Supplemental COVID-19 Vaccine Redistribution Agreement. Ohio
will only provide this form to organizations that are approved to redistribute COVID-19
vaccine. Each location receiving redistributed COVID-19 vaccine, constituent products, and
ancillary supplies, will have fully completed the provider enrollment and have signed
agreements on file. Ohio Department of Health will maintain records of COVID-19 vaccine
and constituent products redistributed, and report this information to CDC, as requested.

At this time, Ohio does not plan to approve redistribution requests (at least in early phases).
However, if a provider wants to redistribute their allocation, they will need to submit a written
request explaining their case and capabilities to do so to the Ohio Department of Health
Immunization Program. The Ohio Department of Health Immunization Program will consider
case by case.

Further information on the guidelines and requirements around redistribution can be found in
question 8A.

G. Describe how your jurisdiction will ensure there is equitable access to COVID-19 vaccination
services throughout all areas within your jurisdiction.

Ohio will operate with equity and transparency to ensure equitable allocation of vaccines for the
residents of Ohio to reduce COVID-19 infection and mortality among at-risk and vulnerable
populations, including but not limited to racial and ethnic disparities, health access disparities,
disparities related to age, geography (e.g., rural/urban) and living situation. This includes but is
not limited to:

 Using federal guidance to determine populations of focus for COVID-19 vaccination and
ensure equity in distribution across Ohio.
 Engaging subject matter experts, stakeholders, and community focus groups throughout
planning to foster a collective responsibility and impact for public health.
 Establishing accountability mechanisms that include stakeholder involvement, metrics
for evaluating effectiveness and equity, and reporting on allocation strategies and their
 Utilizing social vulnerability and opportunity indices to identify geographic disparities to
protect those who need it most including hard to reach groups working in occupations
that include a disproportionate percentage of disadvantaged groups. Monitoring
vaccine uptake across all vulnerable and underserved populations, locating groups and
locations where additional action is required.
 Developing a comprehensive and culturally-appropriate communications plan to ensure
vulnerable and underserved populations also have equitable access to information that
promotes legitimacy and builds trust in the vaccine and distribution process.
 Disseminate culturally-appropriate messaging for different populations in different
languages, as needed, that also addresses health literacy and access and functional
needs and utilizes various mediums and trusted community messengers to disseminate
resources and information.
 Determining funding and reimbursement avenues for those who are under- or
 Partnering with healthcare providers and Federally Qualified Health Centers in
geographically disadvantaged areas to distribute the vaccine. Developing a plan that
adapts to changing conditions and evolving evidence and provides room to adjust with
lessons learned as we gain knowledge throughout the response.

These efforts will be lead in coordination between the Ohio Department of Health, the
Pandemic Response and Recovery Leadership Team, and the Governor’s Minority Health Strike

H. Describe how your jurisdiction plans to recruit and enroll pharmacies not served directly by CDC
and their role in your COVID-19 Vaccination Program plans.

We plan to use the same five-step process outlined for providers above to engage and enroll
independent, large-chain, and grocery store pharmacies. For large-chains, grocery store, and
charitable pharmacies, we are also planning to engage senior overarching leadership groups in
order to streamline onboarding and enrollment when possible.

Section 6: COVID-19 Vaccine Administration Capacity


A. Describe how your jurisdiction has or will estimate vaccine administration capacity based on
hypothetical planning scenarios provided previously.

The Ohio Department of Health’s Bureau of Health Preparedness has been working with local
departments of health to help determine provider capacity and critical workforce population.
This year, the Ohio Department of Health developed a critical infrastructure personnel (CIP) tool
for local jurisdictions to plan for critical workforce vaccination. Priority groups identified from
PPE distribution and relevant occupations with direct care to patients were also identified. This
tool used Bureau of Labor statistics and provides local health departments with occupational
estimates to base their planning.

Local departments of health, Licensing boards, and other community partners, may also provide
estimates of population numbers of each tier. During the registration process, we will ask
providers to share information on the types of patients they generally serve. Providers will also
describe what types of clinics they currently offer, their cold storage capacity for the vaccine,
and their staffing policies. These data will help identify the capacity of each provider and help
inform our understanding of regional capacity.

Variable factors that impact planning include, but are not limited to inclement weather,
holidays, staffing limited by illness, reporting requirements, and the additional time to
implement infection control measures.

B. Describe how your jurisdiction will use this information to inform provider recruitment plans.

Provider recruitment efforts will be directly related to the estimated need and in turn,
throughput, required during each phase of the COVID-19 Vaccination Program. Ohio will work
with local departments of health to monitor provider capacity in a given geographic area in
comparison to the population. In the event a gap is identified, Ohio will support local
departments of health in identifying potential partners and encouraging their participation.

Guidelines will be shared and education regarding each of the directions will be communicated.
The providers will have an understanding of all supplies and staff required to host vaccination
clinics while maintaining infection control standards.

Section 7: COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation, Ordering, Distribution, and Inventory


A. Describe your jurisdiction’s plans for allocating/assigning allotments of vaccine throughout the
jurisdiction using information from Sections 4, 5, and 6. Include allocation methods for
populations of focus in early and limited supply scenarios as well as the variables used to
determine allocation.

Ohio will be communicating to local departments of health and provider partners on all
allocation decisions and in turn, ordering will be done centrally and supported by a transparent

The Ohio Department of Health will be developing an allocation approach that will appropriately
allocate the total incoming shipment of a vaccine among counties and providers at each
shipment cycle. This algorithm will take numerous data points into account, these include but
are not limited:

o Estimated number of target population group in county

o Social vulnerability and health equity
o Current county epidemiological landscape (i.e., what is current case count)
o Estimated county seroprevalence (i.e., what level of natural immunity may exist)
o Provider vaccine administration capacity and capabilities (e.g., storage, type)

Once the algorithm has run for each shipment cycle, Ohio will order for all providers in the state
based on the result and communicate the expected number of incoming vaccines to providers.
The algorithm will be refined over time as any additional critical factors are identified.

B. Describe your jurisdiction’s plan for assessing the cold chain capability of individual providers
and how you will incorporate the results of these assessments into your plans for
allocating/assigning allotments of COVID-19 vaccine and approving orders.

Because the COVID-19 vaccine is a valuable federal asset, it will be essential to minimize vaccine
loss and account for every dose received and used, whether administered, wasted,
compromised, expired, or transferred.

Prior to enrollment, the Ohio Department of Health will require each potential vaccine provider
to document and validate cold-chain capabilities including providing evidence (both digitally,
and at times, in person) of storage capabilities, temperature monitoring equipment, and proof
of concept in inventory management and documentation processes. The Ohio Department of
Health will not approve a vaccine provider until all requirements met.

C. Describe your jurisdiction’s procedures for ordering COVID-19 vaccine, including

entering/updating provider information in VTrckS and any other jurisdictional systems (e.g., IIS)
used for provider ordering. Describe how you will incorporate the allocation process described in
step A in provider order approval.

As described above in Question 7A, allocation will be determined through a central VPO
allocation algorithm. In turn, Ohio will conduct all ordering on behalf of enrolled providers who
will receive part of the State’s allocation – inputting pre-collected provider information into
VTrckS and notifying providers of allocations approved for any given shipment cycle. This
process will evolve as supply expands.

D. Describe how your jurisdiction will coordinate any unplanned repositioning (i.e., transfer) of

Unplanned repositioning will be strictly prohibited with the exception of certain emergencies
that require unforeseen transport (i.e., fire at a facility). In that case, providers will be asked to
mark all unplanned repositioned vaccines as suspected non-viable and follow standard Ohio
Department of Health actions to confirm or deny viability.

The Ohio Department of Health will retroactively open an inquiry into the unplanned
repositioning to determine if the repositioning could have been foreseen and addressed.
Likewise, in the case that a trend of truly unforeseen repositioning events emerges, the Ohio
Department of Health will begin to reassess methods to mitigate this event (e.g., repeated
power outages).

E. Describe jurisdictional plans for monitoring COVID-19 vaccine wastage and inventory levels.

Ohio will require that all vaccine inventory be monitored and reported on a tight and consistent
schedule to flag potentially non-viable vaccines, manage vaccine wastage, and have visibility
into inventory levels across all providers at any given time.

All reporting will be done through ImpactSIIS and providers will need to validate working
processes and IT connectively prior to finalizing enrollment. Inventory metrics that will be
tracked will include, but are not limited to:

o Identifying characteristics for each individual vaccine (tracked by unique 2D barcode or
QR code) including manufacturer, type, manufactured date, expiration date.
o Temperature monitoring of vaccine inventory at lowest possible granularity (i.e.,
temperature of freezer bin rather than entire bay, when possible).

Providers will be required to update and report on inventory at a regular cadence. Temperature
monitoring cadence will be determined as manufacturers announce further information on
vaccine viability at varying temperature excursion levels.

Section 8: COVID-19 Vaccine Storage and Handling


A. Describe how your jurisdiction plans to ensure adherence to COVID-19 vaccine storage and
handling requirements, including cold and ultracold chain requirements, at all levels:
 Individual provider locations
 Satellite, temporary, or off-site settings
 Planned redistribution from depots to individual locations and from larger to smaller
 Unplanned repositioning among provider locations


The following serves as Ohio’s preliminary strategies for vaccine storage, handling, and
distribution according to the provided CDC vaccine planning assumptions. This strategy has
been informed by current CDC guidance which advises cold chain storage and handling
requirements for each COVID-19 vaccine product will vary from refrigerated (2°C) to frozen (-
20°C) to ultra-cold (-60°C to -80°C) temperatures. Ultra-cold vaccine may be shipped from the
manufacturer in coolers that are packed with dry ice, can store the vaccine for an extended
period of time, and be repacked for longer use.

Due to the sensitivities surrounding appropriate storage and handling for COVID-19 vaccine in a
limited resource environment, there may be a multitude of strategies for receiving and
distributing vaccine. The Ohio Receipt, Stage, Store warehouse is an option to augment direct
shipment by serving as a “depot” for repackaging and reallocation to identified facilities. The
storage and distribution methodology will evolve through different phases of COVID-19
vaccination efforts.

The State of Ohio plans to address the four scenarios listed above in the following manners:

Individual Provider Locations

All vaccine providers that will receive direct shipment of the vaccine will be registered and
verified within the pandemic registration system. This process allows for appropriate verification
of all required cold-chain equipment and capabilities.

Satellite, Temporary, or Off-Site Settings

All satellite, temporary, or off-site settings that will receive direct shipment of the vaccine will be
registered and verified within the pandemic registration system. This process allows for
appropriate verification of all required cold-chain equipment and capabilities.

Planned Redistribution from Depots to Individual Locations and From Larger to Smaller

Based upon the minimum and maximum quantities of vaccine products shipped in each federal
allotment, in some cases (particularly in early phases) it may be advantageous for Ohio to
receive the allotment at the RSS warehouse for repackaging, further breakdown of the product,
and distribution to ensure vaccine access for priority counties and facilities. As such, much of the
early focus has been devoted to this channel.

This strategy may support direct shipment as a hybrid model. Under this hybrid model
repackaging and further breakdown of large orders to identified counties in allocated quantities
would address low vaccine uptake, targeted priority groups, and avoid product waste. Ohio will
provide the RSS the allocation for each receiving provider.

It is critical that the RSS receive facilitation information from all identified providers intended to
receive vaccine shipment for entry into IMATS at minimum three days in advance or in a format
where information can be imported in the IMATS system.

Once cold chain shipments arrive, if shipped in a refrigerated vehicle, RSS staff will verify that
the delivery vehicle stayed within the appropriate temperature range. If shipped in
containers such as EnduroTherms, RSS staff will also verify that the shipping containers have
also stayed within viable temperature levels. This ensures supplies have maintained the correct
temperature range during transport to the state and that RSS storage equipment is at the
correct range to receive supplies.

Once temperature ranges have been verified, RSS staff will unload all cold chain materials,
check for tampering or damage, and ensure all supplies have been received. In the event of
tampering and/or damage to products, RSS staff will notify the shipper and CDC.

This process must be done quickly as to limit the amount of time that cold chain medical
countermeasures (mitigation processes to ensure that vaccines are preserved) are out of cold
storage. All other normal receipt and reporting processes remain the same (i.e. saving shipping
manifests, reporting deliveries, etc.).

Once verified, RSS staff will quickly move supplies to the cooling unit. This must be done rapidly
to minimize exposure to temperatures outside of the recommended range and the amount of
time the doors remain open, which will likely result in temperature fluctuation in the unit.

The RSS will sustain logs and use temperature monitoring devices to monitor all vaccine
containers. Any deviations will be reported to the Ohio Department of Health Immunization
Program and follow procedures as outlined in the Ohio Cold-Chain Standard Operating
Procedures (SOP).

Storage at the RSS

 The RSS is currently establishing contracts for additional cold storage to accommodate
the arrival of vaccine

 The RSS possess back-up power to support electrical equipment during power failures

 The RSS currently maintains inventory of appropriate containers for vaccine and will be
purchasing additional containers in preparation for vaccine arrival

While CDC does not recommend jurisdictions or providers purchase ultra-cold storage, it is
recommended that the Ohio Department of Health identify and confirm the location of sub-80°C
freezers across the state. The existing infrastructure will most likely reside in large hospitals,
scientific research facilities, and some large pharmacies. Security upgrades may be necessary at
these locations because of the scarcity of the vaccine.

RSS Product Tracking

The inventory management function of the RSS Warehouse ensures that all vaccine, supplies,
and equipment are tracked, distributed, and managed appropriately. The Ohio Department of
Health currently utilizes CDC-designed IMATS (IT system) to receive, track, and report all
inventory levels. The RSS will confirm the amount of vaccine received and will reconcile with
federal shippers.

Storing Vaccine at the RSS Warehouse

To facilitate effective distribution and best inventory management procedures, cold chain
supplies will be arranged/organized inside storage areas by:

 Temperature range
 Item type (vaccine, laboratory, etc.)
 Item name/NDC (National Drug Code)
 Lot number.

Once supplies have been placed into storage, RSS staff will close and lock the unit. Each time
vaccines are received and placed into RSS cold storage, the following
information will be documented on the Ohio Department of Health Cold Chain Temperature

 Date
 Time
 Temperature
 Reason for opening storage (in this case receipt of “XXX” supplies)
 Notes (any other information as needed)


To repack for distribution, RSS staff will first check and document the temperature of each
storage unit to be opened on the Ohio Department of Health Cold Chain Temperature Log. This
will be done immediately before they open the unit to begin picking. Staff will then enter the
walk-in freezer and collect the needed supplies for each shipment. This should be done as close
as possible to the time the order will be picked up (taking into account time needed to inspect,
pack, and wrap each order). RSS staff move one order at a time to the quality assurance area,
then immediately notify appropriate staff that the order needs to be verified, wrapped, and
staged. Care should be taken to ensure that the cold storage area is NOT left open for extended
periods during this process. After each order is filled (or if a group of orders is filled together)
the RSS staff will make certain to reclose the storage area.


Transport and Short-Term Storage Guidelines for Refrigerated Medical Counter Measures
Use the following procedures for packing refrigerated MCMs during transport. These
procedures are intended to keep MCMs within recommended temperatures for 12 hours
during transport and/or temporary storage.

The vaccine will be shipped to identified and registered vaccination providers through a
contracted transportation vendor or state transportation partner. During transport, the
following guidelines must be followed:

 An Ohio Department of Health -supplied temperature monitoring device (TMD) must be
placed in the transport containers with the MCMs.
 MCMs should not be left unattended. MCMs shall be monitored at all times during
transport and promptly placed into appropriate storage units upon arrival.
 When transporting MCMs in passenger vehicles, the passenger compartment should be
utilized, not the trunk.
 Check TMD after each transport to verify temperatures were in range.
 For additional guidelines, see http://www.immunize.org/catg.d/p3049.pdf.

Unplanned Repositioning Among Provider Locations

The State of Ohio will employ standard verification techniques to ensure cold-chain continuity in
any instances where unplanned repositioning among provider locations occurs.

B. Describe how your jurisdiction will assess provider/redistribution depot COVID-19 vaccine
storage and temperature monitoring capabilities.

Any provider/redistribution depot will need to meet the capabilities listed above within section
“Planned Redistribution from Depots to Individual Locations and From Larger to Smaller
Locations” and in reference to the State of Ohio RSS. All provider/redistribution storage and
temperature monitoring capabilities will be verified prior to allowing for redistribution.

The State of Ohio does not expect redistribution to occur among providers in early phases of
vaccine distribution – any required redistribution in these early phases would be routed through
the RSS using the processes listed above. Subsequent phases, with increased supply of vaccines
and expanded population groups, may allow for greater redistribution among providers (and not
routed back via the RSS).

Section 9: COVID-19 Vaccine Administration Documentation and Reporting


A. Describe the system your jurisdiction will use to collect COVID-19 vaccine doses administered
data from providers.

Ohio will use the existing IIS system (ImpactSIIS) and connect to the IZ Gateway via Connect and
Share. This will be beneficial, particularly in early phases of vaccination when limited doses are
expected to be available, and vaccines will likely go to large healthcare providers, who already
have access and are comfortable using the existing IIS infrastructure. Also, a lesson learned from
previous vaccination campaigns is that using the same system decreased confusion and
increased system fidelity. Though the State realizes there will be challenges that come with this
approach, including less depth of data and less transparency of scheduling and distribution chain
(vs. utilizing a different system), utilizing ImpactSIIS will provide a high likelihood of operational

readiness while allowing anticipated providers the ability to use existing ordering, scheduling,
and reporting modalities.

To exchange and query data with other jurisdictions, as well as to enable systems for
satellite/temporary/off-site clinic settings to report, Ohio plans on utilizing the IZ Gateway
Connect and Share components.

Exhibit. Intended plan for information flow of systems

In Phase II, when a larger number of doses are expected to be available, the State plans to keep
using ImpactSIIS as the primary system. Ohio is considering the possibility of using VAMs or
another commercial product. The key drivers in expanded capabilities and solutions in Phase II
are added ease of patient registration and scheduling along with ease of expanded provider
registration and use (as more providers will be administering the vaccine). Finally, in Phase III,
when it is expected that there will be a steady supply of the vaccine and a shift to a more
routine vaccination strategy (i.e. availability to all population segments), the State will reassess
operations to determine a new normal state. This will allow Ohio to plan for the future of the
immunization registry based on real-world needs and healthcare provider feedback.

The State will ensure that the system can handle increased capacity for COVID-19 vaccine
administration. We are planning to collect all required data according to Appendix D of the
CDC’s Vaccination Playbook (CDC IIS Data Requirements for COVID-19 Vaccine Monitoring).
There are some gaps in the existing infrastructure which we are working to address.

B. Describe how your jurisdiction will submit COVID-19 vaccine administration data via the
Immunization (IZ) Gateway.

At this time, based on the approach of using the current IIS infrastructure, ImpactSIIS, the State
plans on connecting to the IZ Gateway to share data and information with the CDC and federal
departments, as required. The State will connect to the IZ Gateway, and also utilize Connect and
Share functions of the Gateway to exchange information.

Currently, Ohio does not have a Data Use Agreement in place with the Association of Public
Health Laboratories (APHL), the organization that hosts the Immunization Gateway. While Ohio
is currently evaluating the APHL draft of the agreement August 7, 2020 and the Data Use
Agreement, it is expected to be finalized in the Ohio Department of Health legal team and
leadership for a review and decision about whether Ohio would participate. Ohio has signed an
memorandum of understanding (MOU) with other jurisdictions including: Arkansas, Colorado,
Delaware, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada,
New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Philadelphia, San Diego, South Dakota,
Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin.

C. Describe how your jurisdiction will ensure each COVID-19 vaccination provider is ready and able
(e.g., staff is trained, internet connection and equipment are adequate) to report the required
COVID-19 vaccine administration data elements to the IIS or other external system every 24

First, to ensure ease of registration for providers, the Department of Health is working with the
InnovateOhio Platform team to digitize all provider registration forms and agreements. These
will be accessed behind authentication with accounting details to support ownership and
attestation. Additionally, electronic signature capabilities will be implemented to ease this
process for providers.

Based on the current understanding of the CDC’s phased approach to vaccination, Ohio will first
ensure that large healthcare systems and hospitals are ready and able to provide the vaccine,
and subsequently smaller providers and providers in more rural areas. In order to ensure that
providers are ready to vaccinate, Ohio plans on taking the following steps:

- Develop list of prioritized provider sites (i.e. Phase 1 expected providers, expanded Phase 2,
- Conduct outreach to all identified potential sites to assess capabilities required to set up and
run administration sites and required tracking/reporting actions (e.g., ability to track
administration, multi-dose dispensing and monitoring).
- Provider Enrollment Site Visit Training will include online instruction but may require a site
visit to validate that the location has the requisite vaccine storage and handling capacity.
Trainers would receive enrollment site visit training and ImpactSIIS user training to assist
- Provide administration and IT training to identified sites, facilitate CDC, VTrckS, and
ImpactSIIS enrollment to avoid delays.
- Establish a regular data and information reporting cadence to ensure accurate capture and
adherence to federal guidelines and additional state-led data/tracking requests.

- Ensure access to reporting and monitoring systems across all registered providers, local and
state public health agencies, and federal public health agencies.
- Run trials of both existing and new infrastructure with all administration sites to ensure
ImpactSIIS and state-prepared data integration and reporting flows work, and address any
issues as needed.
- Provide IT training resources for use at identified sites (e.g., VTrckS, VAERS and ImpactSIIS).
- Gather and disseminate key training materials provided by other stakeholders (e.g.,
government, manufacturers) and fill any gaps by creating training materials for the
administration of most likely vaccine candidates (e.g., use of adjuvant, reconstitution,
ancillary supplies use)

D. Describe the steps your jurisdiction will take to ensure real-time documentation and reporting of
COVID-19 vaccine administration data from satellite, temporary, or off-site clinic settings.

Providers will be responsible for reporting to Ohio’s ImpactSIIS. Providers will be required to
send data each 24-hour period. Ohio’s ImpactSIIS is web-based, so providers will be trained
and required to upload data entries from vaccination efforts every 24 hours .

E. Describe how your jurisdiction will monitor provider-level data to ensure each dose of COVID-19
vaccine administered is fully documented and reported every 24 hours as well as steps to be
taken when providers do not comply with documentation and reporting requirements.

The Ohio Department of Health Immunization Program and ImpactSIIS team will check data
daily as data are uploaded from providers. These data will then be linked with the InnovateOhio
Platform to include in public-facing and internal operational dashboards. Data will be double-
checked at this step. The State is still considering options for how or whether to continue
working with providers who do not comply with documentation and reporting requirements.

F. Describe how your jurisdiction will generate and use COVID-19 vaccination coverage reports.
In addition to providing the required data and reports to the CDC and federal government to
track at a national level, Ohio will use collected data to generate reports at the State and county
levels. Data can be tracked and used on an ongoing basis to:

- Track the number of patients vaccinated in the state and each county.
- Track the number of patients vaccinated at each provider site.
- Understand rates of both COVID-19 infections and vaccination rates in a particular county
(i.e. is the county seeing a decline in overall cases).
- Make decisions around more targeted deployment of the vaccine, particularly once
available in larger doses (e.g. to areas with higher risk populations, rural areas).
- Identify regions that may need additional communications or support to encourage uptake
across the population.

Section 10: COVID-19 Vaccination Second-Dose Reminders

A. Describe all methods your jurisdiction will use to remind COVID-19 vaccine recipients of the need
for a second dose, including planned redundancy of reminder methods.

We are investigating several potential interventions. We will refine and finalize based on
additional research into effectiveness, feasibility, and the needs of Ohioans. Interventions may
include the following:

Public communications: We will launch public communications at large emphasizing the

importance of the second dose of the vaccine to provide immunity. This will be one of the key
messages in the public communications planning and will be delivered through omnichannel

Direct contact from the state: Based on meta-analytic evidence 7, we plan to utilize two
methodologies to encourage a second dose: postcards and text messages. As part of the
provider data reporting, Ohio will collect the contact information of vaccine recipients and
deliver postcard reminders and text messages (~2.5 weeks later) encouraging them to get the
second dose.

Provider calls to schedule a second dose: Before receiving the first dose of the vaccine, providers
will be trained to emphasize the importance of the second dose vaccine. They will also be
encouraged to schedule the second visit at the time of the first visit (or before the first visit).
Providers will be responsible for calling/texting vaccine recipients ahead of the visit to remind
them to attend.

Section 11: COVID-19 Requirements for IISs or Other External Systems


A. Describe your jurisdiction’s solution for documenting vaccine administration in temporary or

high-volume vaccination settings (e.g., CDC mobile app, IIS or module that interfaces with the IIS,
or other jurisdiction-based solution). Include planned contingencies for network outages or other
access issues.

For Phase I, the State believes that the current IIS (IMPACTSIIS) will be adequate in documenting
required administration data. Given current assumptions, a portion of the data will be submitted
through existing Electronic Health Record (EHR) connections and the remaining portion will be
manually entered asynchronously (not at point of service) into ImpactSIIS.

B. List the variables your jurisdiction’s IIS or other system will be able to capture for persons who
will receive COVID-19 vaccine, including but not limited to age, race/ethnicity, chronic medical
conditions, occupation, membership in other critical population groups.

Cochrane Review of vaccine dose reminder techniques https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6491344/

The IIS is able to collect a patient’s date of birth, from which current age and age at
administration of vaccination can be calculated. ImpactSIIS is able to collect race and ethnicity,
but we do not require this information. Other optional fields include address, telephone
number, guardian name and phone number, and email address. Ohio is considering various
options for collecting information about chronic medical conditions, occupation, membership in
other critical population groups, including enhancements to ImpactSIIS, but it should be noted
that most vaccine providers would either not routinely collect this information or not routinely
send it in immunization messages.

Below please find the elements from Tables 1 and 2 from the CDC’s Operations Playbook and
the ImpactSIIS status for each. Chronic medical conditions, occupation, and membership in
other critical population groups are not captured in the ImpactSIIS today, and they cannot be
transmitted in Health Level 78 (HL7) messages, the most commonly used format for transmitting
immunization information electronically. However, the ImpactSIIS vendor is working to make
these fields possible to capture in a direct entry module for ImpactSIIS.

Table 1. Required Data Elements Required Data ImpactSIIS

Data elements required for IIS to report

Administered at location: facility name/ID Yes

Administered at location: type Yes

Administration address (including county) Yes

Administration date Yes

CVX (Product) Yes

Dose number Yes

IIS Recipient ID Yes

IIS vaccination event ID Yes

Lot Number: Unit of Use and/or Unit of Sale Yes

MVX (Manufacturer) Yes

Recipient address Yes

Recipient date of birth Yes

Recipient name Yes

Recipient sex Yes

Sending organization Yes
Framework for exchange and retrieval of electronic health information

Vaccine administering provider suffix Yes; rarely recorded
Vaccine administering site (on the body) Yes

Vaccine expiration date Yes

Vaccine route of administration Yes

Vaccination series complete Yes

Recipient ethnicity Yes
Recipient race Yes

Table 2. Optional Data Elements Optional Data Element ImpactSIIS

Data elements optional for IIS to report (e.g., state mass  
vaccination tool collects this information)
Comorbidity status (Y/N) Mass Vaccination Module only –
requires direct entry
Recipient missed vaccination appointment (Y/N) No
Serology results (Presence of Positive Result, Y/N) Available; not currently used
Vaccination Refusal (Y/N) Yes; rarely recorded

C. Describe your jurisdiction’s current capacity for data exchange, storage, and reporting as well as
any planned improvements (including timelines) to accommodate the COVID-19 Vaccination

The state’s IIS, ImpactSIIS, is currently connected unidirectionally to thousands of Ohio’s medical
providers, including many pharmacy chains. On a typical weekday, ImpactSIIS processes about
75,000 incoming electronic immunization update messages from about 2,800 administering
locations around the state and also receives and responds to approximately 125,000 electronic
queries. ImpactSIIS staff members are working to connect to employee health records from
health care systems and university student health centers, two of the groups to which the
ImpactSIIS has not historically been connected.

Storage is hosted by the ImpactSIIS vendor, Scientific Technology Corporation (STC), and has not
been an issue nor do we anticipate an issue with storage. The vendor has made a commitment
to regularly monitor storage capacity and scale up as required. However, the load on the vaccine
management system is going to be unprecedented.

All data and information from all vaccination systems is planned to be sourced to the
InnovateOhio Platform where it can be aggregated and visualized as the sole source of accurate

D. Describe plans to rapidly enroll and onboard to the IIS those vaccination provider facilities and
settings expected to serve healthcare personnel (e.g., paid and unpaid personnel working in

healthcare settings, including vaccinators, pharmacy staff, and ancillary staff) and other
essential workers.

Immunization Program staff will assist in facilitating registration and ImpactSIIS enrollment.
Additional temporary support outside programmatic staff will be required to assist with
registration reviews and approvals. The process will include reviewing all submitted information
for errors (duplication, incomplete or missing data, duplicate registrations, address changes) and
signed, completed, and returned participation agreements.

Upon the completion of the online registration and submission of signed agreements, a profile
for the site will be created in ImpactSIIS, which would allow the site to place vaccine orders and
report administered doses.

ImpactSIIS has onboarded most large healthcare systems in the state and all local health

E. Describe your jurisdiction’s current status and plans to onboard to the IZ Gateway Connect and
Share components.

The State plans on onboarding to both the IZ Gateway Connect and Share, given the execution
of the APHL MOU to onboard and begin exchanging information.

F. Describe the status of establishing:

1. Data use agreement with the Association of Public Health Laboratories to participate in
the IZ Gateway.
2. Data use agreement with CDC for national coverage analyses
3. Memorandum of Understanding to share data with other jurisdictions via the IZ
Gateway Share component.

Ohio will submit a document with suggested revisions to the Association of Public Health
Laboratories (APHL) in order to participate and connect to the IZ Gateway. The contract unit at
the Ohio Department of Health has been reviewing the data use agreement with CDC for
national coverage analyses and Ohio expects to reach a decision soon.

Ohio has signed the Memorandum of Understanding to share data with other jurisdictions.

G. Describe planned backup solutions for offline use if internet connectivity is lost or not possible.

Use of the ImpactSIIS is not currently supported if internet connectivity is lost or not possible.
Providers would need to capture information in a different manner, saving locally, and later
transfer the data to ImpactSIIS. All providers are required to sign ImpactSIIS security agreement
and are required to be HIPPA compliant.

H. Describe how your jurisdiction will monitor data quality and the steps to be taken to ensure data
are available, complete, timely, valid, accurate, consistent, and unique.

Ohio plans to monitor data quality through a process involving numerous areas at the Ohio
Department of Health, which is already being done for COVID-19 tracking and reporting. All
data will go through extensive quality assurance checks driven by both local health departments
and the Bureau of Infectious Disease epidemiologists. ImpactSIIS can be configured to reject
submitted data if records are incomplete or inconsistent. It also automates warnings at
data consumption if the sender sends data with quality that is substandard or incomplete.

Section 12: COVID-19 Vaccination Program Communication


A. Describe your jurisdiction’s COVID-19 vaccination communication plan, including key audiences,
communication channels, and partner activation for each of the three phases of the COVID-19
Vaccination Program.

The State of Ohio vaccine preparedness communication plan includes five core groupings of
initiatives (i.e. audience analysis, message development, message delivery, stakeholder
outreach, and executive preparation) that will be refreshed during each of the three phases of
the COVID-19 Vaccination Program. Within each of these groupings, the plan identifies a
number of discrete initiatives that will be accomplished (e.g. sentiment analysis through polling
and research). Each of these groupings and initiatives will be revisited during each new phase or
as new messaging is required.

Key Components of Communications

Understand and identify target populations: During phase one, the communications team will
first partner with the Vaccine Preparedness Office to determine which population segments are
likeliest to receive treatment (e.g. Ohioans with comorbid conditions, Ohioans over 65, minority
communities, or Ohioans in high-risk professions). Using data from surveys, polling, and other
existing research, the communications team will move forward with message development
following the Governor’s decision.

Draft initial messaging: Once the team has a firm understanding of target populations and their
sentiments, the communications team will draft initial messaging aligned with phase one goals,
including messaging to the general public to clarify the three-phase vaccine delivery approach
and share information about the vaccine itself, as well as messaging to specific groups identified
that are likely to receive vaccines during phase one. When this messaging has been drafted, it
will then be syndicated among stakeholders.

Syndicate initial messaging for stakeholder input: Stakeholder input will be key to both refining a
message to VPO strategy and tailoring a message to both the general public and to specific

populations. The communications plan allows for time to identify and expand the initial list of
stakeholders. A preliminary list of stakeholders is included below:

Table. Preliminary list of Phase One Stakeholders & Partners

Audience Potential partner/stakeholder

General public

The Governor’s Office, Ohio Department of

Health, Ohio Medical Association, Ohio
Department of Medicaid, Ohio Hospital
Association, municipal and local
governments, Association of Ohio Health
Commissioners, Ohio Public Health

Possible target populations

65+ populations, long-term care facilities, Ohio Department of Aging, Ohio Healthcare
nursing homes, senior centers Association, Ohio Association of Senior
Centers, Ohio Assisted Living Association,
Ohio Association of Area Agencies on Aging
(O4A), AARP Ohio

Minority communities COVID-19 Minority Health Strike Force

(established by Gov. DeWine in April to
develop and deliver COVID-19 messaging to
reach minority communities), Governor’s
Office of Faith-Based and Community
Initiatives, Ohio Latino Commission, Ohio
Commission on Minority Health,
racial/ethnic minority chambers of

High-risk employment populations OH Chamber of Commerce, JobsOhio, Ohio

Manufacturing Association, Ohio Farm
Bureau, Ohio Grocers Association, Ohio
Restaurant Association, local chambers of
commerce, Ohio Small Business
Association, Ohio Latino Commission, Office
of Minority Health, the Governor’s Office of
Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, and
the Office of New Americans

Populations with comorbid conditions Ohio Medical Association, Ohio Hospital

Association, Ohio Pharmacy Association,
the Diabetes Association (Ohio chapter),
American Cancer Society (Ohio chapter)

Stakeholders will provide critical input into the messaging strategy, but will also serve as
important partners in communicating phase one messaging to target populations.

Working in conjunction with the Governor’s Office and the Ohio Department of Health, tailored
messaging will be approved and prepared for delivery.

Message Delivery: In addition to identifying and building out communications capabilities, the
communications team will ensure tracking mechanisms are in place to conduct regular audits on
the efficacy of these channels, in order to make real-time improvements.

Once messaging has been solidified, a communications budget will be determined in partnership
with the Funding & Reimbursement Workstream.

Align and launch messaging: Once budget has been allocated, communications approaches have
each been identified and messaging has been confirmed, statewide messaging will be launched.

Phased Messaging

While the communications team will use the same methodology across the three phases,
messaging and population targeting considerations will change. Below are listed several (non-
exhaustive) considerations and implications for communications and messaging strategy for
each of the three phases:

Table. Communications implications of vaccine delivery phases

Phase Possible communications Possible target populations


Phase 1: Limited Important to introduce and General Public

dosage available clarify three-phase federal
strategy for vaccine delivery Vulnerable populations likely
to general public to receive vaccination during
Phase 1
Need to tailor messaging to
specific populations likely to
receive early vaccinations, in
order to encourage
vaccination and share
information about delivery,

Begin information campaign

around vaccine efficacy to the
general public to prepare for
broader vaccination

Phase 2: Large Need for campaign to deliver General Public

number of doses information around
available, supply vaccination likely to amplify Vulnerable populations

likely to meet drivers of vaccination
Continue campaign around
vaccine efficacy information

Phase 3: Likely Continue broad-based General Public

sufficient supply, information campaigns to
slowing demand encourage vaccination for
those who want it,
emphasizing vaccine efficacy
and vaccination process

Ad hoc communications

Over the course of the COVID-19 Vaccination Program, the CDC is expected to issue new
directives which need to be quickly disseminated to the public. To achieve that goal, the
communications plan also includes ad hoc communications, which formalizes the procedure for
the communications team to receive CDC guidance, circulate with key stakeholders, develop
communications assets, and deliver these messages to the public using pre-identified
communications channels.

As CDC issues new guidance, the communications team will work to translate this guidance into
communications to key in-state audiences, using a similar methodology as the earlier phase-
related work. First, the communications team will syndicate this guidance with key partners
relevant to the guidance (e.g. the ordering and logistics team for new guidance regarding
delivery dates). Second, the communications team will map new messaging to appropriate
communications channels being used to advance phased messaging. Third, the communications
team will prepare a ‘communications packet,’ combining messages, draft assets (incl. press
release, messaging points, or media assets needed), as well as identifying channels and
responsibilities for approval by the Governor’s Office. Given the weekly cadence described
above, this process could be completed rapidly, over the course of several days or less.

B. Describe your jurisdiction’s expedited procedures for risk/crisis/emergency communication,

including timely message development as well as delivery methods as new information becomes

Close coordination with the Governor’s Office and Vaccine Preparedness Office, supported by a
simplified escalation/reporting structure will empower the vaccine preparedness
communications team to quickly develop, syndicate, and establish tailored messaging, as well as
launch messages across communications channels. Ohio Department of Health and the
Pandemic Response and Recovery Leadership Team, working hand-in-hand with Governor
DeWine’s communications team will ensure close coordination and agility on key topics. The
expedited procedure for risk/crisis/emergency communication involves the daily opportunity to

flag emergency communications to the Governor’s Office. In addition, weekly meetings
stakeholders and regular reporting creates multiple opportunities throughout the week to
identify lower-priority risks or decisions that need to be made. By identifying communications
levers early in the process, the vaccine preparedness communications team is able to act quickly
on short-term communications needs.

Section 13: Regulatory Considerations for COVID-19 Vaccination


A. Describe how your jurisdiction will ensure enrolled COVID-19 vaccination providers are aware of,
know where to locate, and understand the information in any Emergency Use Authorization
(EUA) fact sheets for providers and vaccine recipients or vaccine information statements (VISs),
as applicable.

The Vaccine Preparedness Office has established a Site Identification & Onboarding workstream,
which will focus primarily on identifying and enrolling vaccine administration sites throughout
the state of Ohio. During onboarding and enrollment, all providers will be required to
acknowledge receipt of Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) fact sheets, as well as vaccine
information statements (VISs) and will be given guidance by the state during this enrollment
process around where to locate fact sheets online and how to interpret information included.

B. Describe how your jurisdiction will instruct enrolled COVID-19 vaccination providers to provide
Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) fact sheets or vaccine information statements (VISs), as
applicable, to each vaccine recipient prior to vaccine administration.

During enrollment and onboarding of vaccination providers, led by the SIO workstream, all
enrolled providers will be instructed to provide EUA fact sheets or VISs as needed to each
vaccine recipient prior to vaccine administration. Once recipient-targeted fact sheets have been
developed by the CDC, this information (where to locate, how to use), will be communicated to
providers, in partnership with the communications workstream. It will be included as part of the
regulations that providers must give every patient the option to receive information about EUA
fact sheets and vaccine information statements prior to receiving the vaccine.

Section 14: COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring

A. Describe how your jurisdiction will ensure enrolled COVID-19 vaccination providers understand
the requirement and process for reporting adverse events following vaccination to the Vaccine
Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

As part of the enrollment process to become a pandemic vaccine provider, each provider
acknowledges and verifies willingness to comply with reporting clinically important adverse
events following vaccination, even if they are not sure if the vaccination caused the event, to the
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). More information on submitting a VAERS
report electronically can be found at https://vaers.hhs.gov/reportevent.html.

The signed contract of each provider demonstrates their acceptance of responsibilities in

reporting any adverse events with regards to the pandemic vaccination. Most providers are
familiar with the online process of event reporting; however, providers will receive education
regarding the website and instructions on pertinent information needed to complete the report.

The VAERS link is also available to providers through the Ohio Department of Health’s Pandemic
Vaccine Provider website (https://odh.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/odh/know-our-
programs/Immunization/pandemic-vaccine-provider/) and the state immunization registry
home page (https://ohioimpactsiis.org/siisprod/main.jsp).


Section 15: COVID-19 Vaccination Program Monitoring

A. Describe your jurisdiction’s methods and procedures for monitoring progress in COVID-19
Vaccination Program implementation, including:
 Provider enrollment
 Access to COVID-19 vaccination services by population in all phases of implementation
 IIS or other designated system performance
 Data reporting to CDC
 Provider-level data reporting
 Vaccine ordering and distribution
 1- and 2-dose COVID-19 vaccination coverage

Find below tracking and monitoring procedures and methods used in Ohio’s COVID-19
Vaccination Program implementation:

Provider enrollment: Facilities registering as pandemic vaccine providers will be tracked by VPO
staff by provider type and county. Provider enrollment has been projected by the Ohio
Department of Health (using ImpactSIIS reports and identifying long-term care facilities) and will
be monitored by the Ohio Department of Health central dashboard.

Vaccination access: Ohio, with support from third parties, will use a robust vaccine deployment
analytical tool that can be used to size and locate critical population groups using publicly
available information. This baseline information can be used in concert with vaccination tracking
to ensure groups are able to access vaccination services across each of the three phases of
vaccine delivery.

IIS system performance: Ohio Department of Health periodically performs both security and
performance (load) testing against applications within the portfolio when there are significant
upgrades or code changes. The last dates for ImpactSIIS were in March of 2018. They will be
repeated in anticipation of this plan.

CDC reporting: By connecting to the IZ Gateway, as well as the Connect and Share
functionalities, the CDC should get all data and metrics required. ImpactSIIS capabilities will align
with CDC/federal requirements, and be exchanged via the IZ Gateway.

Provider reporting: Provider-level reporting capabilities will be added to ImpactSIIS reports

already in use by the Ohio Department of Health.

Vaccine ordering and distribution: Vaccine ordering and distribution will be done centrally and
allocated to locations. Ohio Department of Health Immunization Program will engage in VTrcKS

Vaccination coverage by dosage: 1-and-2-dose vaccination coverage will be monitored via

vaccine administration records in ImpactSIIS and through the collection and aggregation of CDC-

provided vaccination report cards. The team will reference CDC guidance on 1-and-2-dose
reminders to encourage providers and partners to use appropriate and effective second-dose

B. Describe your jurisdiction’s methods and procedures for monitoring resources, including:
 Budget
 Staffing
 Supplies

Through the efforts of two workstreams (Funding & Reimbursement and Ordering & Logistics)
Ohio plans to create, track, and monitor workstream budgets and reimbursements, as well as
support providers in inventory management and procurement of administration kits and
ancillary supplies.

Through efforts of two workstreams, Ohio’s Department of Health’s Immunization Program and
the Bureau of Health Preparedness have assigned staff to the COVID-19 vaccine deployment
preparedness efforts. In addition, staff from other agencies have been re-assigned to the
Vaccine Preparedness Office – a collaboration between Ohio Department of Health and the
Governor’s Pandemic Response and Recovery Leadership Team to support ongoing efforts lead
by the Ohio Department of Health’s Immunization Program. And, temporary staff have been
hired to onboard new providers as registered COVID-19 vaccine administrators. The Ohio
Department of Health has mobilized these additional resources to ensure successful

Workstream budgets: Ohio has established a workstream dedicated to funding and

reimbursement, which will liaise with each workstream to develop and monitor workstream
budgets. In addition, workstreams have been empowered to flag resource constraints (staffing,
inventory, etc.) to VPCs each week.

Inventory: With regard to specific equipment (i.e. PPE), the Ordering and Logistics workstream
has been tasked with projecting demand for ancillary supplies not included in the administration
kits, including sharps containers, bandages, as well as PPE. Once a projection has been made,
the O&L workstream will develop a plan to support Providers in procuring additional resources
as needed.

C. Describe your jurisdiction’s methods and procedures for monitoring communication, including:
 Message delivery
 Reception of communication messages and materials among target audiences throughout

Communications will be monitored by the communications workstream, which, as a component

of its communication plan, will establish mechanisms for tracking messaging both delivery and
efficacy among target populations.

In addition, the communications workstream will monitor communications on social media and
traditional channels for misinformation regarding the vaccination program and statewide
response, in order to prepare a rapid-response. Further, the communications workstream will
monitor communications from internal government agencies and partner-stakeholders, to
ensure that simple, clear, accurate messaging is disseminated.

D. Describe your jurisdiction’s methods and procedures for monitoring local-level situational
awareness (i.e., strategies, activities, progress, etc.).
Ohio has established two channels for monitoring local-level activities, progress, and situations:
through regular liaisons and communications with local government officials, and by tracking
key metrics at the local level in a centralized office within the Ohio Department of Health.

Regular local-level touchpoints: Monitoring local-level activities and progress will be conducted
through regular liaisons with local and municipal-level leadership throughout the vaccine
delivery program. As part of the communications workstream, the WPM will conduct regular
stakeholder engagement with population-specific groups and associations, as well as local and
city leadership and municipal associations (i.e. the Municipal Alliance, and others). During these
regular meetings, the communications team will be able to check-in on local situations and
escalate challenges quickly up to the VPCs, Executive Sponsors, and Governor’s Office as

Local-level vaccination status dashboard: In parallel, the Office of the Chief Information Officer
of Ohio Department of Health has developed a multi-dimensional dashboard of local-level data,
which captures key vaccination metrics, and will be used to identify and flag local-level
situations as they arise.

E. Describe the COVID-19 Vaccination Program metrics (e.g., vaccination provider enrollment,
doses distributed, doses administered, vaccination coverage), if any, that will be posted on your
jurisdiction’s public-facing website, including the exact web location of placement.

Ohio is still determining what metrics are most appropriate to be posted on a public-facing
website (coronavirus.ohio.gov). The goal of the public-facing website could be to provide the
public with a transparent, accurate information in order to answer high-level questions about
vaccine administration and uptake across the state. Exact metrics and dashboard layout are
under consideration. These might include, but are not limited to:

 Percentage and number of Ohioans vaccinated:

o By county
o By priority group (e.g. healthcare workers, congregate care facilities)
 Vaccine dose information:
o Number of dual-doses administered state-wide (indicator of vaccination reach)
o Updates on dose shipments expected
 Provider information:
o Number of providers currently administering vaccinations
o Once into phase 2, list of vaccination locations


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