Constitution and By-Laws of The Order of The Greek of Titay, Zamboanga Sibugay Preamble

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Of Titay, Zamboanga Sibugay


We, the members of the ORDER OF THE GREEK, Titay, Zamboanga Sibugay, with the
guidance of the Almighty God, who embody the values of Equality, Justice, Compassion, Mercy,
Volunteerism and Social responsibility, in order to work for a better understanding and practice
as a good and ideal citizens, to contribute in a harmonious relationship of brotherhood in
humanity, do hereby ordain and adopt this Constitution and by-laws.

The name of the association shall be THE ORDER OF THE GREEK of Titay, Zamboanga
Sibugay, herein after referred as THE ORDER OF THE GREEK.




Section 1. THE ORDER OF THE GREEK shall be a non-stock, non-profit, non-partisan

organization that promotes volunteerism and fellowship through collective activities with moral
values that emphasizes: equality, justice, mercy, compassion, and peace.

Section 2. THE ORDER OF THE GREEK’s primary purpose is to serve the common interests
of all frat men and women. Specifically its endeavors to:
1. Empower the brotherhood of men and women and the general humanitarian tenets;
2. Promote inter-cultural understanding through pro-active initiatives that foster harmony
and camaraderie among different fraternities;
3. Promote dialogue for cultural understanding;
4. Engage in pro-peace and proactive community services;
5. Imbue volunteerism, compassion, and sincerity;
6. Strengthen collaborative efforts with responsible organizations, NGOs, and other local or
international groups which have principles similar to THE ORDER OF THE GREEK.

Section 3. The Core Values of THE ORDER OF THE GREEK are:

a. Faith
b. Unity
c. Peace
d. Brotherhood

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THE ORDER OF THE GREEK envisions itself to be a community of frat men and women
esteemed for their active learning, excellence in character, good leadership, solidarity and service
to others, pro-peace and proactive initiatives, within the municipality of Titay, Zamboanga

THE ORDER OF THE GREEK is committed to the pursuit of initiatives that shall advance the
welfare of its members through relevant activities that cultivate physical, mental, moral, and
spiritual well-being. At the same time, THE ORDER OF THE GREEK shall undertake projects
that shall foster intercultural understanding, interfaith dialogue and volunteerism within and
outside of Titay, Zamboanga Sibugay.
Section 1. Membership Classification - Membership shall be classified as Regular and Honorary.

Section 2. Definition of THE ORDER OF THE GREEK member

a. A bona fide member of any fraternity, sorority or organization registered to THE ORDER
b. An alumni conferred with honorary membership.

Section 3. Regular Members - Regular members are those who are able to meet the minimum
requirements set forth by the association. A regular member shall have a full voting power and
eligibility for election and/or appointment into office.

a. Requirements and Entry Qualifications:

1. Attendance in a General Assembly conducted by the Membership Committee;
2. A duly filled Membership form.

b. Rights:
1. To be fully informed about the THE ORDER OF THE GREEK;
2. To vote and be voted or appointed into office, and to avail of certain privileges
afforded by the organization;
3. To participate in the THE ORDER OF THE GREEK activities pertinent to the
Committees in which they belong;
4. To Voice out their views, opinions and suggestions concerning THE ORDER OF
THE GREEK’s programs and policies;
5. To File a complaint with just cause and proper evidence, against any officer and/or
member of the THE ORDER OF THE GREEK; and

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6. To examine and have access to the files of the THE ORDER OF THE GREEK.

c. Duties:
1. To abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of the association;
2. To attend the regular meetings and other activities of the THE ORDER OF THE
3. To comply with all duly promulgated regulations, procedures, and decisions of the
4. To work towards the fulfillment of the of the vision and mission of the association;
5. To assist fellow members who are in need; and
6. To endorse and/or recommend at least one (1) potential THE ORDER OF THE
GREEK member yearly.

d. Disqualifications:
1. Committed acts contrary to the basic principles adopted by THE ORDER OF THE
2. Involved in any criminal case; and
3. Found and proven to be openly criticizing and maligning the THE ORDER OF THE
GREEK and its members without just cause or ground.

Section 4. Honorary Members – “Honorary members” are individuals who exhibit special
interest in the affairs of the THE ORDER OF THE GREEK, who are eventually recommended
by any of its officers, and who are accepted as honorary members through a majority vote by the
association. Alumni of the organization may be conferred with honorary membership based on
the willingness of the former to continually support THE ORDER OF THE GREEK activities,
either through financial or moral support. Honorary members are not eligible to vote or be
elected into office.

Section 5. Termination of Membership - A member shall cease to be a member of THE ORDER

a. Upon expulsion by his/her root fraternity/sorority or organization; and
b. Upon transfer to another municipality, province or region.


shall be referred to as the ‘Supreme Chancellor’.

Section 2. Executive Committee. THE ORDER OF THE GREEK shall have an Executive
Committee, hereinafter referred to as ‘ExeCom’, consisting of the following officers:

1. Supreme Chancellor

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2. Chancellors
a. Chancellor for Internal Affairs
b. Chancellor for External Affairs
c. Chancellor for Women’s Affairs
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Auditor
6. Public Information Officer
7. Board of Directors (2 representatives from each fraternity/sorority chapters and

Section 3. Council of Conveners - The program implementers of THE ORDER OF THE GREEK
shall be the Council of Conveners, hereinafter referred to as “COC”, composed of the conveners
and vice conveners from the seven (7) committees referred to in Article VIII of this Constitution
and by-laws.

Section 4. Vice Conveners. The Committee Conveners shall be assisted by their respective Vice

Section 1. The term of office of each of the member of the Executive Committee shall be two
academic year.

Section 2.  The governing body of the association shall be the ExeCom composed of the officers
stated in Section 2, Article VI of this Constitution and by-laws.

Section 3. Functions of the ExeCom Officers. The ExeCom officers of THE ORDER OF THE
GREEK shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

a. Supreme Chancellor shall:

1. Be responsible for the general management of all activities, programs and projects
of the association;
2. Preside over the meetings of the ExeCom and the COC;
3. Designate members and/or seek outside help to carry out any special task;
4. Present the annual plan of activities and programs, and the general annual report
to the General Assembly at the annual meeting;
5. Make available written copies of the Annual Report with the assistance of the
Secretary; and
6. Coordinate activities with other organizations within and/or outside the
municipality of Titay.
b. The Chancellors shall:
1. Chancellor for Internal Affairs
a. Serves as the Oversight Chairperson of the COC;

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b. Assist the President in executing his responsibilities as the presiding officer of the
Organization; and
c. Assume the responsibilities of the Supreme Chancellor for seamless functioning
of the Organization in the absence of the Supreme Chancellor.
2. Chancellor for External Affairs
a. Shall accompany the Supreme Chancellor during Sangguniang Bayan
sessions, community meetings and meetings with other organizations and
b. Shall represent the Supreme Chancellor in all external affairs in the absence of
the Supreme Chancellor.
3. Chancellor for Women Affairs
a. Be responsible for the general management of all tasks assigned by the Supreme
Chancellor to female members;
b. Designate female members and/or seek outside help to carry out any special task
concerning the organization;
c. Co-ordinate activities with other organizations within and/or outside the
municipality of Titay.
d. The Secretary shall:
1. Take minutes of all General Body and Executive meetings, and maintain a
minutes' folder or notebook;
2. Prepare the agenda, and notify the officers and the General Body of the scheduled
3. Be responsible for the correspondence of THE ORDER OF THE GREEK;
4. Prepare the annual report for presentation in the Annual General Assembly; and
5. Maintain and update the list of all members of THE ORDER OF THE GREEK.
e. The Treasurer shall:
1. Collect and keep all funds received on behalf of THE ORDER OF THE GREEK;
2. Prepare the budget for the activities made by THE ORDER OF THE GREEK;

f. The Auditor shall:

1. Audit all transactions concerning finances;
2. Maintain records of all financial transactions of the Association;
3. Prepare the Annual Financial Statement and present the same in the General

g. The Public Information Officer shall:

1. Deal with requests from persons seeking information about the Association; and
2. Disseminate information about the upcoming activities of the Association to its

h. Board of Directors (Appointed by the Supreme Chancellor, 2 representatives from each

Fraternity/Sorority Chapter)
1. Supervise all projects and programs.

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2. Evaluate the qualifications of awardees, nominees and applicants for official
3. Provide appropriate compensations for members being hired for special tasks.
4. Provide strategy and direction of THE ORDER OF THE GREEK.
5. Establish policies and other guidelines for the improvement of THE ORDER OF THE
6. Has the authority to govern the COC during election of officers if petition arises from
any elective party.
7. Protects THE ORDER OF THE GREEK’s assets and members’ investments.
8. The Board of Directors has the authority to monitor and audit THE ORDER OF THE
GREEK assets and investments.


The following are the committees of the COC with their respective responsibilities:

1. Secretariat Committee
-Take custody of all documents of THE ORDER OF THE GREEK, document all of its
meetings and report to the General Assembly all resolutions approved by the ExeCom.
The ExeCom Secretary shall be an ex-officio member.
2. Income Generating Project(IGP) Committee
-Take charge of THE ORDER OF THE GREEK financial transactions, find ways and
means to source out funds for the Association, and ensure that all financial transactions of
all committees are duly accounted for. The ExeCom Treasurer shall be an ex officio
member of the committee.
3. Tri-Media Committee
-Disseminate updates on issues affecting THE ORDER OF THE GREEK in general, take
an active role in advocating positive resolutions and improve the organization’s website/
social media page to make it more substantive, timely and significant. The ExeCom PIO
shall be an ex officio member of this committee.
4. Humanitarian & Outreach Programs Committee
-Organize activities aimed at addressing the needs of communities.
5. Membership and Networking Committee
-Update the membership database/directory and hold programs related to membership
6. Peace Committee
-Promote a culture of peace and peaceful coexistence between and among fraternities,
sororities and organizations in the municipality of Titay, Zamboanga Sibugay.
7. Special Committee for MUSLIM AFFAIRS
-Promote and organize measures and activities relevant and favorable for Muslim
members and their communities.

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Section 1. The term of office of each of the member of the Council of Conveners shall be one
academic year.

Section 2. The members of the COC shall hold regular monthly meetings at such time and place
as may be fixed by the Convener of the Secretariat Committee. In like manner, the COC may
also convene special meetings, as may be called in writing through the e-group by any members/
of the COC.

Section 3. The members of the COC shall draft a manual pertaining to the internal procedures of
their respective committees.

Section 4. The convener of a committee shall have the following powers and duties:
a. Facilitate/preside over meetings (except on special meetings called by a member or task
force within the committee) called for the purpose. If said convener is not available, the
vice convener shall take over in his place. Ideally, all members of the COC should get the
chance to be a presiding officer of the COC;
b. Draft programs and activities for their respective committees;
c. Encourage linkages with other potential partner organizations for funding activities and
programs relative to their respective committees;
d. Ensure that all orders and resolutions of the committee are forwarded for approval to the
COC and upon approval, by the ExeCom; and

Section 5. On disputed matters during regular and special meetings in which consensus are not
reached, The Members of the COC may vote to decide on. The COC shall make its internal rules
regulating its functions on any matters not addressed by this Constitution and By-Laws.

Section 6. All commitments and agreements entered into in behalf of THE ORDER OF THE
GREEK by the Convener of the Secretariat Committee, or any member representing the
association, shall be subject to ratification by a majority vote of the COC.


Section 1. Date. The General Assembly of the THE ORDER OF THE GREEK shall be held
twice a year, on a date to be determined by the COC.

Section 2. Venue. The General Assembly shall be held at a venue duly designated and/or agreed
upon by the COC for the purpose.

Section 3. Notice. The COC shall inform its members of the venue at least fifteen (15) days
before the General Assembly to allow for preparation by the members and potential members of
the association.

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Section 4. Accomplishment, committee and financial reports of the ExeCom and the COC, and
the Proposed Plans for the next six months shall be presented during the General Assembly.


Section 1. Venue of Meetings. Regular and special meetings shall be held at a place duly
designated and, or agreed upon by the COC for the purpose.

Section 2. Quorum. A quorum for any meeting of the members shall consist of a majority of both
the regular members and the COC. A majority may decide any question that arises during the

Section 3. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the members may be called for by the COC, or
upon the request of any member of the COC, through the Convener of the Secretariat

Section 4. Notices. Notices of the time and place shall be given at least five (5) days before a
regular meeting. The notice shall state briefly the purpose of the meeting. A notice of meeting
sent through SMS, e-mailed to the members, or posted on THE ORDER OF THE GREEK social
media page shall be considered a valid and sufficient notice for the purpose.

Section 5. The order of business during meetings shall be as follows:

Opening Ceremony
Call to Order
Roll call
Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
Committee reports
Unfinished business
New business
Setting the time and venue for the next meeting
Closing Ceremony


Section 1. Time of Elections. The members of the COC shall be elected by the regular members
during the General Assembly.

Section 2. Election Committee. The COC shall create an Election Committee, consisting of three
(3) selected members, who shall be responsible for the election process.

Section 3. The Election Committee shall have the following duties:

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1. Establish election rules and procedures and design the election timetable, all of which
must conform to the stipulations specified in this Constitution and by-laws;
2. Administer the election process, including the determination of the qualification of the
voters and the eligibility of the candidates, dissemination of the notice of election,
provision of official ballots and other election paraphernalia (supplying ballots), and the
designation of the place of election;
3. Submit the final listing of candidates to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS for final
screening; and
4. Decide the process of selection when controversy arises involving two or more
candidates for a position with the same number of votes.

Section 4. The Election Committee shall meet at least twice (2) month prior to the day of the
election to promulgate the election rules and procedures. It shall inform the general membership
of the election rules, procedure, and timetable, which may coincide with a regular meeting, if so

Section 5. The members of the Election Committee are disqualified from being nominated, and
shall remain neutral and impartial throughout the election process. Should a member of the
Election Committee relinquish his position, the COC shall immediately convene to replace the
member within three (3) days from said vacancy.

Section 6. Election Rules. Election rules shall be determined by the Election Committee. In all
cases, however, the following rules shall govern:
1. Elections shall be by secret ballot;
2. A regular member may vote for the convener of each committee;
3. At least two (2) members shall be nominated for each COC position;
4. The second vote for each COC position shall automatically be the vice convener; and
5. Honorary members are not allowed to intervene, nor participate in, the election processes
of the association.


Section 1. Vacancy in the office is created when a Convener and/or a Vice Convener validly
resigns and/or is removed from office.

Section 2. A convener or vice convener may resign from his/her position by submitting a letter of
resignation to the COC at least one month prior to the intended date of resignation. The general
membership shall be informed of the resignation through the e-group and/or the social media

Section 3. A convener or vice convener may be removed from office for:

1. Failure to fulfill his/her duties, as required by his/her position;
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2. Exhibiting and/or possessing unethical behavior; and/or
3. Showing conduct grossly unbecoming of a good citizen.

Section 4. Removal of a convener and/or vice convener may be undertaken by:

1. Any regular member of THE ORDER OF THE GREEK who shall file a complaint
against the said officer before the Election Committee;
2. The committee concerned, over which the convener (if the vice convener is the accused),
or vice convener (if the convener is the accused) automatically presides and the Election
Committee shall amicably resolve the matter;
3. If the issue is resolved in the committee level, the complaint is deemed closed and
terminated. Otherwise, the issue may be elevated to the COC during a regular meeting, or
in a special meeting called for such purpose. The Council shall then render its decision on
the matter; and
4. In the event that the COC decides to remove the Convener who is the subject of the
complaint, the Vice Convener of the committee concerned, if qualified, shall
automatically assume the position of Convener. The assumption of the new convener
must be announced to the general membership within one week through the e-group
and/or the social media page.

Section 1. THE ORDER OF THE GREEK shall have two or more advisers. The adviser/s must
be legitimate resident of the municipality of Titay, Zamboanga Sibugay.
Section 2. The advisers shall be determined/selected by THE ORDER OF THE GREEK’s
Executive Committee.
Section 3. The duties and responsibilities of the adviser/s include the following:
1. Make sure that officers of the association understand their duties and responsibilities as
leaders, by explaining the rules and policies established by the association;
2. Suggest activities and programs for the organization;
3. Attend meetings of the association upon request from the Executive Committee;
4. Provide technical assistance to the association such as, but not limited to, leadership
enhancement trainings, basic financial management, conflict resolution, organizational
management, etc.;
5. Oversee elections and attest to their validity; and
6. Mediate the disputes within the organization.


The funds of THE ORDER OF THE GREEK shall come from the organization’s income
generating body, gifts, and other endowments from local, national and international institutions.
THE ORDER OF THE GREEK may likewise set up trust funds for special purposes as may be
determined by the COC. Such funds shall be subject to the usual accounting and auditing

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procedures twice a year by an external auditor appointed by the COC and approved by the
regular members and the BOARD OF DIRECTORS in a regular or special meeting called for the


This Constitution and by-laws, or any provision thereof, may be revised, amended, or repealed
by the majority of the members and by a majority vote of the COC at a General Assembly or
special meeting called for the purpose. Likewise, the power to amend or repeal the by-laws may
be delegated, by a majority vote of the members, to the members of the COC.


The provisions of this Constitution and by-laws are hereby declared to be agreeable. In the event
that any one or more of such provisions are held unconstitutional, such shall not affect the
validity of other provisions.


Section 1. This Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect upon the approval of the majority
vote of the general membership.

Adopted this ________________________2020 by the majority of the general membership at

Poblacion, Titay, Zamboanga Sibugay, Philippines.

Adopted by Sangguniang Bayan of Titay for its purposes on ___________________________ at

Poblacion, Titay, Zamboanga Sibugay, Philippines.

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