UTS - Unit 3 Activity - Setting SMART Goals

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Learning Unit: Topic: Managing and caring for the self:

Setting goals for success
Worksheet #: 1 Activity Title: Setting SMART Goals

Objectives: A. This activity allows students to identify the TOP 3 goals that they want to achieve
in life.
B. By the end of the activity, the students will be able to answer the question. “Is my
goal SMART enough?”
Instructions: 1. Answer the following question briefly.
a.) What are the Top 3 things that you want to achieve in life this year?
b.) What would you like to create or contribute into this world?
c.) What are the things that you need to learn to fulfill your dreams?
d.) How are you going to handle the anticipated challenges along the way towards
achieving those dreams?
e.) With those dreams in mind, how can you make that difference as a student?
f.) If you were to write a story that narrates your life goals, what would the title
2. Check the situation that applies to you
(Answer the never have I ever list)
3. Among the TOP 3 goals you listed, identify the one which fits the SMART criteria.
(Write it inside the goal net)

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ASK YOURSELF: (briefly write down your answer)

a.) What are the Top 3 things that you want to achieve in life this year?
 Be part of the Dean’s list
 Maintain a healthy relationship with everyone
 Don’t let failure get the best of myself

b.) What would you like to create or contribute into this world?
 In all honesty I’d like to contribute and serve the Filipino people through government
but there are limitations to what I can do or reach and to be more frank the Filipino
people deserve so much more than what we’re experiencing in today’s time as a Legal
Management student and hopefully a future lawyer I’d like to help those in need and
make life better for the majority.

c.) What are the things that you need to learn to fulfill your dreams?
 I think I would need to learn the value of knowing your limits in certain situations and
learn to choose the battles that I can face rather than tumble down and try and force
something when I’m clearly not ready.

d.) How are you going to handle the anticipated challenges along the way towards achieving those
 My thoughts on this with regards to the challenges I’d know will come is prepare as
much as I can but failure in return wouldn’t stop me from striving what I would love to
do because sometimes failure is needed for us to learn what we can do better in our

e.) With those dreams in mind, how can you make that difference as a student?
 As a student I can do my part by doing the little things and let my mind speak for itself
and do the work as the service for the people isn’t limited to positions of power.

f.) If you were to write a story that narrates your life goals, what would the title be?
 The dream for tomorrow

NEVER HAVE I EVER: (put a check before the number on the statement that applies to you)

_____1. Never have I ever felt so lost in my life.

_____2. Never have I ever thought life is not worth living.
_____3. Never have I ever came in late for a class/meeting.
_____4. Never have I ever skipped class.
_____5. Never have I ever failed in my exams.
_____6. Never have I ever got angry at someone.
_____7. Never have I ever mistreated someone.
_____8. Never have I ever felt something/someone is missing in my life.

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_____9. Never have I ever called someone for help.
_____10. Never have I ever planned for something in my life.

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Learning Unit: Topic: Managing and caring for the self:

Setting goals for success
Worksheet #: 1 Activity Title: Setting SMART Goals

(Score 0 if element is Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Score
Shows some thinking and Content indicates original Content indicates synthesis of
reasoning but most ideas are thinking and develops ideas with ideas, in-depth analysis and
(For questions which
underdeveloped and unoriginal. sufficient and firm evidence. evidences original thought and
requires brief but
support for the topic.
comprehensive answers)
(1-4 pts) (5-7 pts) (8-10 pts)
Writing lacks logical organization. Writing is coherent and logically Writing shows high degree of
Organization It shows some coherence but organized with transitions used attention to logic and reasoning
(For questions which ideas lack unity. Serious errors. between ideas and paragraphs to of points. Unity clearly leads the
requires brief but create coherence. Overall unity reader to the conclusion and stirs
comprehensive answers) of ideas is present. thought regarding the topic.
(1-4 pts) (5-7 pts) (8-10 pts)
Identify TOP 3 Goals in Student identified only 1 goal Student identified only 2 goals Student clearly identified all 3 goals
life (1-2 pts) (3-4 pts) (5 pts)
Specified only 1 to 2 SMART criteria
Specified 3 to 4 SMART criteria to Specified all 5 SMART criteria to the
Specify SMART criteria in to the goal
the goal goal
relation to 1 chosen goal (1-2 pts)
(3-4 pts) (5 pts)


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