Bracing Connection Work Point PDF
Bracing Connection Work Point PDF
Bracing Connection Work Point PDF
If you’ve ever asked yourself “why?” about something related to structural steel design or construction, Modern
Steel Construction’s monthly Steel Interchange column is for you! Send your questions or comments to [email protected].
No. Table J2.4 is not related to any specific material grade, but There are no restrictions on where connections are placed along
rather to the quench effect of thick material on small welds. the depth of the beam in the AISC Specification or Manual.
This effect is the same for all grades of steel covered in the AISC However, there are provisions in the Specification requiring
Specification. See the Specification Commentary Section J2.4 for torsional restraint at the supports. When you consider the
discussion of the basis of this table. importance of this in the erected condition, especially before the
Kurt Gustafson, S.E., P.E. slab is placed, you can begin to see that this is the origin of the
half-depth connection “requirement” in the Manual.
Shape Surface Area Often, due to such factors as cope depths, the connection will
Where can I find information to calculate the surface area of be placed lower and perhaps in the lower half of the beam. This
a 30-ft-long W24×68? usually is not a problem. However, if the copes are large, and/or
the connection is less than half depth, the beam lateral bracing
Appendix A of AISC Design Guide 19 provides the surface area in condition should be considered. In the completed condition with
ft2/ft. Assuming that you have what the table calls “Case B,” which the slab in place, this is less of a concern.
is the entire surface area of both flanges and web, the surface area A connection near the top of the beam will provide more
= (6.77 ft2/ft)(30 ft) = 203 ft2. The table also lists surface areas stability during erection than one near the bottom, but both
assuming that the shape is boxed-in or if the outside of one flange arrangements are allowed. It is common practice to place the
is not included. This publication is a free download for AISC connection as close to the top of the beam as is practical, keeping
members at in mind some allowance for shop standardization.
Brad Davis, Ph.D., S.E. Larry S. Muir, P.E.
steel interchange
Vibration Problem AISC Seismic Design Manual Table 4.2
I am experiencing vibration problems in a steel-framed Section 9.3a of the AISC Seismic Provisions references AISC
floor. I see in Design Guide 11 that the fundamental natural Specification Section J10.6 for the panel-zone shear yielding
frequency is related to the deflection. If I camber the steel strength, which has Ω = 1.5 for ASD. Table 4.2 in the AISC
beam, the deflection would be less. In the calculations for Seismic Design Manual provides a design aid for Special
frequency, what deflection should I use? Is camber going to Moment Frames (SMF) that includes panel-zone shear
help with vibration? parameters. However, the table only lists f = 1.0, which is for
LRFD. Are these tables only good for LRFD or can they be
The deflection of a cambered member is no less than one that used for both LRFD and ASD?
is not cambered. The only difference is that deflection in a
cambered beam will tend to straighten the beam. So from Because only the value of f is shown, the tabulated values are
a vibration standpoint cambering a beam does not typically intended for use with LRFD. For a more detailed description of
ameliorate the problem. the table values please refer to page 4-77 in the AISC Seismic Design
The following equation may make this more obvious. The Manual. However, since f = 1.0 in the specific case you questioned,
natural frequency of a simply supported beam is really it is easy to adjust these values on your own for ASD. To do so,
you can either compare the table values to Ω times your ASD
p EI
fn = required shear strength, or divide the tabular values of Rv by Ω for
2 mL4
comparison with your ASD required shear strength.
where m is the mass per unit length along the beam. This is Heath Mitchell, P.E.
Equation 3.1 in AISC Design Guide 11 except substituting m
for w/g. That the subsequent equations are written in terms of HSS Dimensional Tolerances
deflection, Δ, can be confusing, but dynamic properties are simply a What is the tolerance for outside dimensions of an ASTM
function of stiffness and mass. The use of Δ is a measure of stiffness A500 HSS7½×3½×3⁄16?
in this case.
Amanuel Gebremeskel, P.E. ASTM A500 Section 11.1.2 and Table 3 covers “Permissible
Variations in Dimension.” This information is summarized in Table
Instantaneous Center of Rotation 1-27 of the 13th edition AISC Steel Construction Manual. For this
Is there a formula for determining coefficient C for case, the permissible over/under variation is given as:
eccentrically loaded bolt groups? Where can I find it? Large Flat Dimension 0.01 x 7½ in. = 0.075 in.
Small Flat Dimension 1.5 x Large Flat = 0.113 in.
There is not a formula to determine the C value. However, the Heath Mitchell, P.E.
procedure is provided on page 7-6 of the 13th edition AISC Steel
Construction Manual, under the heading “Instantaneous Center of
Rotation Method.” The procedure is somewhat complex—and
iterative. You must first guess a location for the instantaneous center
of rotation, then use statics to check your guess. If your guess was
incorrect, then you take another guess, and repeat the process.
Usually this is accomplished using a computer program, though it is
possible to solve for C manually, albeit with several iterations.
Larry S. Muir, P.E.
The complete collection of Steel Interchange questions and answers is available online.
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Prequalified Connection capability. Visit Steel Interchange online at
Is there a prequalified moment connection with a welded Kurt Gustafson is the director of technical assistance and Amanuel Gebremeskel is
flange and bolted web available in ANSI/AISC 358-05? a senior engineer in AISC’s Steel Solutions Center. Larry Muir, Brad Davis and Heath
Mitchell are consultants to AISC.
FEMA 350 includes a Welded Unreinforced Flange – Bolted
Steel Interchange is a forum to exchange useful and practical professional ideas and
Web (WUF-B) Connection. I do not see this connection information on all phases of steel building and bridge construction. Opinions and
included in ANSI/AISC 358-05 or Supplement No. 1. suggestions are welcome on any subject covered in this magazine.
The opinions expressed in Steel Interchange do not necessarily represent an official
position of the American Institute of Steel Construction and have not been reviewed. It is
The WUF-B connection is not listed in ANSI/AISC 358-05. This recognized that the design of structures is within the scope and expertise of a competent
connection was included in FEMA 350, but only for Ordinary licensed structural engineer, architect or other licensed professional for the application of
principles to a particular structure.
Moment Frame (OMF) applications. ANSI/AISC 358 is a standard
If you have a question or problem that your fellow readers might help you solve, please
of prequalified moment connection for Special and Intermediate forward it to us. At the same time, feel free to respond to any of the questions that you
Moment Frames (SMF and IMF). The AISC Seismic Provisions have read here. Contact Steel Interchange via AISC’s Steel Solutions Center: